The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 31, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, December 31, 1933
No, 240
I) '
Tri - State Terror Bandit is
Wounded and Captured;
Gang Broken Up
Several Other Arrests are
Made in Raid; Police
Trail Fugitive i
SHAWNEE, Okla., Dec. 30 ()
The "trl-state terror," Wilbur Underbill-;
killer, bank robber, ma
chine runner and prison breaker
lay in a - dylnt ' condition to
night, his body almost riddled
by police ballets, and law en
forcement agencies checked off
another same on the dwindling
list of southwestern bad men still
at large.
"I don't think I can live." he
told his bride, a pretty brnnette
whom he married at Coalgate,
Okla., several weeks ago.
Hospital physicians expressed
belief the outlaw would not lire,
and officers voiced amazement
that Underhill had been able to
escape from a house where he
was trapped and wounded in a
gunfight early today.
- .Bleeding from more than half
a dozen, wounds and scantily clad,
Underhill ran from the house
under a hail of lead and took
refuge in a furniture store.
Four hoars later he was found
hiding in a bed in the rear of
the store. He surrendered with
out a fight, although still armed
with a pistol.
Underhill was a leader of the
break of eleven convicts from
the Kansas penitentiary Memorial
day and. is under indictment for
the machine gun, killing of four
officers and Frank Nash, federal
convict; at Kansas City last June.
R. H. Colvin, department of
justice , agent from Oklahoma
City, and other officers trailed
Underhill to the house.
: Captured in a raid were a man
tentatively identified as Raymond
Roe, alias Ralph Rowe; a Sem
inole beauty parlor operator, Eva
Mae " Nichols, and Underbill's
wife, the former Hazel Hudson.
President Roosevelt today approv
ed a code to govern the vast re-
tail food and grocery trade.
It was the 182nd code of fair
competition to be approved by the
chief executive, and first of those
originally consigned to the farm
administration and then returned
to NRA when the agricultural
unit disagreed.
' With its signature by the presir
dent, NRA closed down until af
ter New Tear's, leaving nearly 50
other odes at the White House
ready 'for the chief's signature
when he can give time to study
them. Two hundred and fifty
more were being perfected after
hearings, and 40 additional hear
ings were docketed for the first
part of next month.
Hugh S. Johnson, NRA head,
went to South Carolina for a brief
vacation with Bernard Baruch.
Almost every other recovery of
ficial left the city for' new year
'relaxation after the long grind or
six months spent codifying indus
try. License Issuance
Short; Deadline
Midnight Tonight
A total of 66,939 motor vehicle
licenses for the year 1934 had
been Issued up to Friday night, as
against 78,425 licenses during a
corresponding period last June,
the state department announced.
Approximately 11,485 less licenses
.were Issued in December than in
June, i
A tabulation prepared late Sat
urday indicated that 3000 seta of
license plate were sold over the
counter in the Salem office yester
day. Thousands of license appli
cations were In the malls and
thousands of additional licenses
have been sold 4n Portland. ; -n
State police early Monday will
begin enforcement of the license
law. ... :
Astoria is Lost
To State Learn
'mhm)ti r Ttae. So (JPi
Oregon has lost another lnd-
mark, this ume n
Astoria, presented by a New York
newspaper, to the , lite of Wash
. i in of the DLner re-
celved here shows photo of
7. ; ... . lafstrf ; VMntlT
christened at . Bremerton, and
caption says the erulser was
named tor the Washington city
'.Li. a it a mm from John
Jacob Astory fur trader." The re
sident here Insist Astoria is still
on the Oreccn side of the Colum-
, ; bi river.
WITH every.rising of the sun
Think of your life as just begun.
The Past has cancelled and buried deep
All yesterdays. There let them sleep.
Concern youjself with but Today
Grasp it, and teach it to obey
Your will and plan. Since time began '
Today has been the friend of man.
You and Today! A soul sublime
And, the great heritage of time.
With God himself to bind the twain,
Go forth, brave heart! Attain! Attain!'
Output to Increase as High
As 837 Per Cent; Many
Factories to Rise
MOSCOW. Dec. 30. (JP) De
tail3)f a new industrial five-year
plan which in four years would
triple the production of 1932 and
under which soviet Russia would
be made essentially self-sufficing
were announced today to the so
viet people.
The project, so vast that in
comparison Russia's role in pre
war industry seems insignificant
and the first five - year scheme
ended in 1932 as dwarfed, includes
provisions and for the completion
or beginning of 447 giant enter
prises and for the annual produc
tion of goods worth $51,000,000,
000 at nominal values.
It would allow for an. increase
as high as 837 per cent in the
1937 output as against' that of
The extent of new building is
seen in proposals to complete
present undertakings and start
new ones. These include 178 new
coal mines; 11 iron mills, seven
of which have been started; 93
oil cracking and 46 refining
plants; two copper works; four
aluminum plants, two of which
were begun under the first plan:
15 cotton mills, 18 knitting mills.
11 silk milks, and 21 shoe manu
(By the Associated Press)
Generally rising temperatures
gave promise that extreme weath
er would not interfere with plans
of New Year's eve celebrants.
Aftei a plunge to six below in
New York city yesterday the mer
cury rapidly rose above the sero
mark and appeared headed for
more seasonable figures. It reach
ed 14 above late in the day and
weather bureau officials said
merry makers would have rain,
not cold, o fear by Sunday night.
An upward trend also brought
welcome relief to upstate New
York and New England, where
the mercury had fallen as much
as SO below. The minus sixty
was reported at Wanakena N. Y.,
while temperatures of 55 below
at Lancaster, X. H., and 4 5 be
low at Lake Placid were recorded
before tha upswing.
More moderate temperatures
prevailed in the south and west..
The close of the week saw the
death total from weather well
over the 100 mark. Ten names
were added yesterday to the toll
in New England, bringing thi
total fatalities there since Tues
day's bllzsard to 35.
Building Picks up Late in
Year; Prospect is Bright
Following a slow start, building
operations in Salem have gathered
momentum during 1933, resulting
In fire of the past seven months
being above the same months of
1932, according to the records, of
City Building Inspector E. C.
Bushnell. The upward trend in the
last four months has been broken
only in December, when the slight
decrease could be attributed to un
favorable weather.
Prospects for the building in
dustry in Salem for 1934 are
bright, according to Mr. Bushnsll,
who predicts the rise of several
Industrial structures,, and some
sizeable business buildings. Al
though a shortage exists in mod
ern residences, Mr. Bushnell does
not believe home building on a
large scale will be resumed until
1935 at least.
. While building permit values
for 1933 are 10.9 per cent below
those for 1932, the decrease re
reals an easing off in the acute
descent of the previous three
years. The drop In 1932 was 37
per cent from the 1931 total, 1931
was 38 per cent below 1930, and
1930 was (1 per cent below 1929.
During the past year 556 build
ing permits have been Issued. To
tal construction costs : entailed
Freight Car Transients to
Be Curbed Also; Sent
To Federal Camp
AU hitch - hiking and freight
car transients early in the new
year are to be stopped at state
lines and sent to permanent con
centration camps unless they can
show valid reason for continuing
to some specific desination, R. R.
"Bob" Boardman, local transient
relief supervisor, last night said
he was informed. This will mean,
he stated, that comparatively few
transients will thereafter come to
Hotel de Minto here for meals and
a "flop" and then only those who
carry passes authorizing them to
be "on the road."
Boardman declared he expected
"the government to shut down
pretty tight on transients."
Foreseeing this action, trans
ient men generally are heading
for California, Boardman said.
He was of the opinion the num
ber remaining in Oregon when the
federal order goes Into effect
would be much smaller than in
recent months.
OF BUS is n
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. (tf5)
A gratifying jump in deposits,
more assets and a higher total of
loans were reported for the na
tional banks of the country to
night by the treasury.
While officials made ready to
put the federal deposit insurance
system in operation three days
hence, they announced figures
compiled from the bank call of
October 26 and said that as com
pared with the last such tabula
tion on June 30 virtually all items
changed in the first direction.
Between those two dates, depos
its increased $281,013,000 to
reach a total of $17,055,208,000.
Assets rose from $20,860,000,000
to $21,198,649,000. Loans and dis
counts were $140,965,000 higher,
the total being $8,257,937,000.
Jhe figures were on a basis of
057 banks operating unrestrict
edly October 25 compared with
4902 June 30.
Transients Get
Special Dinner
Hotel de Minto's overnight vi
sitors, provided with bounteous
Thanksgiving and Christmas din
ners, will be well taken care of
New Year's day as well. A special
turkey dinner will be served Mon
day afternoon there with the des
sert course to be pie donated by
local" bakeries. The turkeys have
been contributed by Steusloff's
have been $182,107.49 as against
$204,384.87 in 1932, .
A notable feature of the statis
tics is that just as many building
permits are being issued now as
during 1929 when $1,359,175
worth of construction was initiat
ed. That year 548 permits were
issued, 548 la 1930, 576 in 1931,
702 in 1932 and the 556 in 1933.
Part of the decreases in build
ing expenditures is accounted for
by lower costs of materials which
before the coming of the NRA
codes were estimated variously to
be from 20 to 40 per cent below
boom years.
Month by month building per
mit figures for 1932 and 1933
compare as follows:
Month 1033 1032
January. I 7,147.00 $ 8,360.00
February. 13,280.50 14.274.25
March .. 12,871.50 10.849.05
April ... 15,427.00 '43,734.50
May.... 9,611.90 16,727.07
June.... 14,611.00 10,340.00
Jnly 34,842.39 27,872.00
August.. 27.047.10 33,274.00
SeptemVr 15,185.10 11,660.00
October . 14,178.00 11.635.00
November 9,305.00 5.685.00
December 8,691.00 9,974.00
Total .$182,107.49 $284,3S4.87
Legal Liquor After 13-Year
Drought to Mark Event
In Many of States
Close of 1933 is Marked by
Firm Stock Market and
General Optimism.
(By the Associated Press)
New gaiety appears in celebra
tions of the approaching new year
which will reach their climax to
night Legal liquor is In the glasses in
many states, back after 13 years
of banishment. Representative
business men express confidence.
Markets show quiet strength. Ho
tel and restaur an preservations for
New Years parttel pile to the ca
pacity mark.
At the Waldorf-Astoria in New
York, the crush led to the open
ing of a champagne terrace, where
champagne only will be served.
Chicago hotels were prepared for
capacity business.
At hotels and night clubs ofthe
big cities from coast to coast, pop-
pine corks and clinking glasses
were manifestations of what prom
ised to be the gayest and wet
test national party held in ob
servation of such an occasion in
many a year.
On the Pacific coast, sport fans
moved on Pasadena and San Fran
cisco for football games tomorrow
which pit Stanford against Col urn
bia and East against West all-
The young folks in the house
hold of President Roosevelt held a
big holiday party last night at the
White House whose stately walls
echoed the music of a dance or
Yesterday, the last day of the
old year for the nation's markets,
recorded what many hoped was a
good omen. Curb and stock prices
closed firm. Bonds showed quiet
strength. Grain prices advanced
A. W. Robertson, chairman of
the Westinghouse Electric &
Manufacturing company, said
"The future is beginning to take
a more reassuring form than it
had a few months ago."
Alfred E. Smith, celebrating his
60th birthday anniversary, ob
served: "There's been a decided
improvement in the last month.
And I'm looking forward to a still
better rise beginning with the
new year."
JudKe L. G. Lewelling of Al
bany announced yesterday that he
would be in Salem promptly
Tuesday morning to hear further
arguments in the case of City of
Klamath Falls against State Li
quor commission. The suit, insti-
cated here during the last 10
days, involves the constitutional
lty of the so-called Knox liquor
control act.
When the case first was argued
last Thursday, Judge Lewelling
refused to give the plaintiff
temporary injunction restraining
the liquor commission from func
Tuesday will be heard further
arguments on the state's demur
rer in whieh it seeks to throw out
the Klamath Falls Injunction
George Neuner, couns 1 for the
commission, Is expected back
from Southern California in time
to represent the defendant, along
with Jay Bo erman, Portland at
torney. who appeared for the
state last Thursday. Elton Wat
kins is appearing as special coun
sel for Kla.iath Falls.
Salem hankers said yesterday
that services charges which they
expected to be effective Tuesday,
January 2, would be withheld
pending approval of Hugh S,
Johnson, NRA administrator.
Johnson on Friday night threw
crimp into bankers' plans
throughout the state and nation
when he denied that he had ap-
provea vne service cnarges me
bankers planned to levy. At the
same time he dismissed a deputy
administrator who presumably
had approved the fees the bank
ers planned to impose.
When Informed of Johnson's
refusal to approve the charges,
Jake Fuhrer, representing the
Marion County Bankers associa
tion, immediately communicated
with Theodore Kramer, state 'se
cretary of the Oregon Bankers
group. Kramer said he had heard
nothing about the situation ex
cept what he had learned in th
news . accounts." He - - "promised
Fuhrer to advise, him immediate
ly when he received official word.
roclamation of March
Amended; Non-Members
Affected by Order
Deposit Insurance Will Be
Effective Tuesday in
Qualified Banks
President Roosevelt, in a procla
mation tonight, returned to the
state banking authorities sole su
pervision of the non-member
banking structure.
He amended 'proclamations Is
sued last March whereby all
banks were brought under super
vision of the administration
when the banking emergency was
The prohibitions in the pre
vious regulations pertaining to
the holding of gold, hoarding,
and dealing In foreign exchange,
were continued in tonight's or
der. Inasmuch as the treasury has
acted on all requests for licens
ing member banks of the federal
reserve system, and as the fed-
eraal deposit insurance corpora
tion likewise has acted on all ap
plications to it for membership,
it was deemed appropriate, the
proclamation said, that the bank
ing authority in each state should
exercise the sole responsibility
for banking institutions not mem
bers of the federal reserve sys
tem. -
The deposit insurance system
insuring deposits up to $2500
becomes operative on Tuesday,
and state banks which have
qualified will then come under
the central control of the feder
al deposit Insurance .' corporation
along with national banks and
state members of the federal re
serve system. All applications of
state non-member banks have
been acted upon as well as those
of member Institutions."
MIAMI, Fla., Dec. 30 (JF
Back to earth after spending
nearly 10 days in the skies, Fran
ces Marsalis and Helen Richey
tonight laid claim to a new wom
an's refueling endurance flight
record of nine days, 21 hours and
4Z minutes.
Almost exhausted, they brought
their oil-spattered plane down to
a perfect landing at the muni
cipal airport at 10:45 a.m., today
after battling frequent rain
squalls and choppy winds.
The women, happy but sbowincr
fatigue, ended their arduous ven
ture aloft just as a huge black
cloud opened up with a downpour
that drenched the cheering spec
tators, who rushed out to greet
In establishing a new record
of 237 hours and 42 minutes.
the fliers exceedei by 41 hours
and 37 minutes the old mark of
eight days, four hours and five
minutes set by Mrs. Marsalis and
Louise Thaden at Valley Stream,
L. I., August 22, 1932.
The national re-employment
agency here has received orders
to send no more men to civil
works projects because Marion
county's quota already has been
exceeded, Manager E. T. Barnes
announced last night. He Bald
there were 25 men more than
the quota of 1411 employed on
these projects.
Closing down for the present
of CWA re-employment leaves
3950 men and women on the reg
istration lists of the agency. To
tal registration, Including per
sons now placed, reached S3 SO
last night.
Yesterday's CWA payroll was
approximately $23,500, Adminis
trator Glenn C. Niles reported.
Late Sports
MISSOULA, Mont., Dec. 30 (A1)
j Jimmy Brown arched a high one
which bounced off the rim of the
hoop and fell into the hands of an
Idaho giant in the final seconds
of tonight's basketball game be
tween Montana and Idaho, the
miss enabling the Vandals to car
ry off a 29-to-27 decision from the
SEATTLE, Dec. 30. (JP) The
University of Washington basket
ball team tonight defeated Union
Oil of Portland 37 to 3 S in a fast,
closely fought, overtime game.
SPOKANE, Dec 30 (Wash
ington State college easily defeat
ed the Gonzaga university hoop
sters here tonight, 47 to 23.
Optimism is
As Salem
OPTIMISTIC statements concerning the city's outlook for 1934 were
made here yesterday by civic leaders. Their viewpoint, coupled
with those of the majority of persons interviewed off the record
by The Statesman, pointed to a substantially, improved 12 months
ahead for the citizens of this community. The statements follow:
WILLIAM P. ELLIS, president chamber of commerce:
"Having successfully adjusted itself to the new order of
business and the new economic plan of NBA, and having In a
sense arrived n major operation following a prolonged Illness,
Salem business and industry is showing substantial improvement.
. It is entering the new year with a feeling of optimism and with a
well-grounded hope that the increased activity of recent months
may continue la even greater volume throughout the ensuing
MRS CLIFTON MUDD. president Salem Woman's club:
"As we pass through the lingering hours of the old year and be
gin the new, let us pray that the spirit of the angel's song, "Peace on
Earth, Good Will Toward Men" may become so pregnant to all the
vast family of humanity that war will cease from the world forever.
May we ever remember what life is for and may our vision of duty
in 1934 be clear and our purpose steadfast."
DOUGLAS McKAY, Salem's mayor:
"I don't feel alarmed over the ultimate outcome of the city's
finances for with an assessed valuation of 917,000,000 the city
has bat f 1,700,000 of debt, a proportion of ten to one. ... At the
present time we are faced with the fact of an overdraft at the
hanks 180,000 in warrants that we can not redeem. . . . Strict
est economy in all departments is demanded and will be enforced
daring 1034 to reduce this debt. ... Daring the past year we
have done well in paying off $83,000 of oar general obligation
bond debt and the first of the year we will refund an old 00,000
term bond issue with a serial issue to be paid off at the rate of
$3000 a year. This is a step forward.
"We were at first highly pleased to get the f 1,500,000 allot
ment from PWA; but we have been keenly disappointed because
we have been unable to use it. I hope and believe we can get
condemnation proceedings through and the water project started
in 1034."
J. N. CHAMBERS, chairman Marion county relief committee and
civil works board:
"I am inclined to believe conditions are beginning to ease up a
little. People are getting back' to work, naturally stimulating other
lines of business and creating more employment. I wouldn't be sur
prised to find 1933 to have been the real bottom of the relief need.
After the first of March the load should begin to lighten up. If every
thing mores as Indicated, we shouldn't need much relief next Septem
ber. If the CWA is extended to tide us over till PWA gets to working,
we should get by to a period of increasing, steady employment. The
demand for all types of merchandise is here."
Ri NEW m
Watch Night Parties, Many
Private Gatherings on
Holiday are Listed
Watch night church services,
scores of private parties and fami
ly reunions were scheduled for
Salem and its environs today and
tomorrow as 1933 dies and a new
year is ushered in.
At midnight whistles will blow
and bells wil ring in the manner
traditional for welcoming the new
Business leaders generally ex
pressed satisfaction: yesterday at
the upturn observed in business.
For most persons, the prevailing
mood was one of optimism. The
feeling expressed was that times
could not be more acute than
were experienced early in 1933
and that 1934 was certain to see
added improvement from the last
portion of, the old year.
All business houses except res
taurants and confectionaries will
be closed on the holiday tomorrow
as will city, county and state of
fices along with schools. The lat
ter will reopen Tuesday after a
week's vacation.
Miles Company
Gets Permit to
Alter Its Plant
The Miles Linen Mill company
Saturday took out a building per
mit for altering its plan on Fair
ground road at a cost of $2000.
The Job will consist of building an
addition at one corner of the main
The last permit to be issued
In 1933 went to John Nathman
yesterday afternoon for a $300
alteration job at 270 North Com
mercial street.
Relief Education Project
To Start; Funds Provided
Allocation of $200 for relief
educational projects in Salem in
January was announced yesterday.
Immediately T. T. Mackenzie, di
rector of vocational education, be
gan plans of organizing the work
with the view of getting it under
way late next week or the fore
part of the following week.
The allocation comes from a
$5000 civil works allocation made
the entire state. More funds will
be forthcoming from month to
month if the educational project
proves satisfactory.
Its aim will be to afford tem
porary work for some Instructors
who are in need and it will seek
to afford short units of vocational
and general education to unem
ployed persons with the view of
aiding them to obtain positions.
, Mackenzie said' yesterday that
he wished unemployed teachers,
mechanics, engineers, salesmen,
nurses, professional: people or
craftsmen capable of teaching, to
register with him at Salem high
school Tuesday. From these regis
trants Mackenzie aims to choose
from four to eight teachers for
the January courses. These win
Views 193U
sum ai
Battle Near Border Deemed
Final Flareup; Order
Restored, Claimed
A communique from the president
tonight said 40 radical rebels had
been killed and more than 30
wounded in a battle last night
between loyal Argentine troops
and more than 300 rebels who
crossed Into Cottientes province,
Argentina, from Brazil.
While the government claimed
normal conditions had returned to
the country today, last night's
battle apparently was a final
flareup in an abortive revolution
for which President Justo blamed
the radical party.
The presidential communique
added that the Cottiente revolt-
ers. among whom it said were
numerous Brazilians, we e well
armed with rifles and machine
After clashing with border
forces, they attacked the town of
Paso de Los Llbres but were re
pulsed by troops from the 11th
Argentine infantry, the communi
que said. The battle lasted an
bpur and a half.
A smaller group of rebels was
reported to have captured the
border town of Santotome in the
same . province, and loyal, troops
were said to be preparing to re
capture the position.
Onions May Have
Judges in Tears
PORTLAND, Dec. 30. (JP)
Even the judges may weep at their
own decisions at-the -Pacific In
ternational Livestock exposition
here next year. For the first time
in the United States an Interna
tional onion show will be held, in
connection with the exposition.
be offered at the high -school at
night, will run three days of the
week and will be for two hours
a class. The, teachers - Mackenzie
certifies must be shown to be
worthy of relief although they
need not be on relief rolls.
Mackenzie said yesterday that
already 40 individuals had made
preliminary applications to him.
i. As soon as the "faculty" is se
lected, tentatively, Mackenzie wUI
have a mass meeting of all pros
pective students, will ascertain
the courses the majority wish to
take and will arrange instruction
The administration of the $5,
009 state grant Is centered in the
state superintendent of publie in
struction who will cooperate with
the .various relief agencies and
school authorities lu the state.
O. D. Adams, executive officer of
the state board for vocational edu
cation, will be state director of
CWA educational projects. Salem's
work will be under the - general
supervision of George W. Hug.
city superintendent of schools, and
Mr, Mackenzie, vocational educa
tion director. - 1 -
President Begins Writing
Message to Congress as
Study of U. S. Problems
Is Completed
Budget, Restoring Pay of
Federal Employes Some
Of Issues; Gold Control
Move Anticipated
President Roosevelt completed his
survey of national affairs today
and began writing his messages to
The budget again consumed the
almost complete attention of the
president as he worked at his desk
in the White House and denied
himself to callers.
There was ho Intimation tonight
of the total of expenditures which
the administration plans for the
new year.
Late in the day he- received a
report on living costs In the capi
tal which will determine how '
much, if any, of the pay cut for
government employes will be re
commended tor restoration.
Congressional leaders have been
suggesting a restoration of from
five per cent to the whole 15 per
ent reduction that was made. Mr.
Roosevelt has indicated at least a
part of this cut would be re
turned. The president after talks with.
Director Douglas of the budget.
Acting Secretary Morgenthau of
the treasury and Governor Black
of the federal reserve board, em
ployed his own counsel In prepar
ing his messages.
Speculation continued that there
would be some new? move in the
involved gold control - commodity
dollar monetary program before
congress meets next Wednesday
but Mr. Roosevelt carefully with
held indication of his intention in
this direction.
In all likelihood, he will send
his message on the state of the
Union to congress on the opening
day but even that was not -certain.
His budget message, outlin
ing his fiscal policies for the gov
ernment, which he will stress in
the coming session, will be deliv
ered either the second or third
day of the session.
Kenney Elected
Chieoi SP&S
VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. 30
(JP) W. P. Kenney, president of
the Great Northern Railway, was
elected president of the Spokane,
Portland Seattle railway at the
annual meeting of the stockhold
ers and board of trustees here to
day. The election was in accord
ance with a plan adopted a year
ago whereby the president of the
Great Northern railway alternates
with the president of the North
ern Paeific railway as president
cf the S. P. & 3. railway.
World News at
O lance
(By the Associated Press)
SHAWNEE, Okla. Wilbur Un
derhill, southwestern desperado,
captured and seriously wounded
by posse.
banks- report gain in deposits,
more assets, and higher loan to
tal. WASHINGTON Speaker
Rainey sees bo silver remonetiza
tion law unless Roosevelt ap
ST. JOSEi'H, Mo. Grand jury
rotes' 11 secret indictments in
connection with lynching of ae
signs retail food and grocery
code affecting 480,000 stores.
MIAMI, Fla, - Women endur
ance fliers land after nearly 10
days in air. '
DENVER Tuberculosis patient
aaks to die In lethal gas chain-,
ber in place ' of condemned '
JEFFERSON CITT, Mo.-Pre-stdent
Roosevelt Indirectly asks
legislature to guard against re-'
tura of saloon in liquor bill.
BUCHAREST Martial law de
clared after -bomb explodes near
body-Sot slain premier in railroad
station. ;
BRUSSELS . London - boo nd
plane collides wita wirelesr-Py -Ion;
1C killed.
MOSCOW New industrial plati
in four years would triple 1932
production and make Soviets vlr- y
tnalljr self-r "fticlnr "sv
V. r