F7T r Vy The OREGON STATES31AK, Salem.' Oregon,. Thursday Morningv December 21 1 33 PAGE SEVRN QUICK ? E1EGU3.TS i i I 'I t i i nirrrri i riTnrn r rPTn c, uw. kajli nrMirmrnn ii.u run uuMl i h ,1. t I 1 11 r r i ( t i ' V 1 t I; i Statesman 1 " Classified Ads Call 9101 CUMlftoA AdvwtMag Single latirtiov tr tlst.ltt Three tssertlaas for Six Insertions per Ua..le On Bomtk per ttee.-8t.w KlalmiB chins II Copr or. this page m tested bb4 t:3e the ven lag before pnbllUoa tar elase-neatloB. Con r eel red after this Um will I ran under tie feetd i Too Lets to Classify. . t fitatesinan bo flBUCUt rpommblttty tit errors nUel say yur la sdrertlsemests llaned la Its eolaaiu. tad la cum where this paper to at fault will rtrrtot UaC part ot aa AlrertlMBitat ta which the typographical mlsUke ocean.' Th Stttuasa riSflrrss Us right to reject objee tienal advertto. IT far ther reeerres is rig! to classify aH slrsrUslas 6 der the proper Vast nes tles. tfSuesestioDs tf from Salem jP fir M-U- . ij - TBT-.S IMlHiOT Metropolitan The finest selection of toys, candle, deconrtlona, tree Hgit Beta, alfta, at the Metropolitan Christmas sale, X4 y. Lioerty. 1 - Eoff Electric ELECTRICAL glfta are praetfcal gtfta For Her sandwich toe iters, kitchen docks, Ulxmattera, waahina; meeMnei. waffle lroaa, percolator vacuum cleaoerm For Him radio, (as low aa HM). alarm clock, desk lamp. SS7 Court Cooke & Short UNDERWOOD TIP1C WRITERS Xtw aad naad SE& OUR aw taadal PORTABLE at S4S.00. Uaed machtnes all makear low prices. S31 Court Street Tel. 1584. Shafer's Leather Store BUT leather goods from a leather stores. 170 a Cora l. BILLFOLDS, rursare, brief cases at surprisingly low prices. 170 S. ComT. BICTCLES" 12 50 CP See our completo display of new and rebuilt bicycles. Harry W. Scott baaasv SXS; bafra isritsi Woclpcrt & Less TAKZ7IXT i re'sjwwsr tba Caaat CtBX err. Curat at irty fita. - WKTJLEB. HARDWARE FXSRX ware, cntlssT!, electric as rriaaon. kaady kttcbea tools Cor tBa hauiwlfe. aet Coart. OSCAR SKKLSON CIGARS, epeav pip seta, ne for bfm. Hair avW and teas fas; ttoaw IS & CbsoX - j- iltle r OJsonv Florist;:;':, GTVK flowers far Chrfstnsaa, ar send ay wire. TeL T1CC Bishop's ARROW shirt at tlAS axe IF rra e a mas oe'bsr ywall flsst tk kea eatactioa U Bilg Ui;H. Cow ismkiL - ..j THS LARGEST setectloa t fina aecVwear la fiatenk - Smart Shop" SCARFS, ennbregaa. klowsra era, pajamas, . keaMes r dy-le war isaka really practical gins far RcasonabJy priced, of coaraeu- ; The Statesman ; A -aubecriptlas) ta The Oregoir Statea mu ts a gift SIS daya the year. - Remember frfcrid with a subscrip tion to The Etateamam. HELP WANTEL -FEMALE Salesladies wanted for well-known cosmetics, 115 Nebraska. Tel. 874S. SALESMEN WANTED Agents wasted. Best deal la Salem, men or women. - 147 8- Commercial. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Good milk route with truck,- $425. Write Box 374, Statesman. Christmas trees, fruit and nut trees. FrulUand Nursery, 24S Center St A. J. MatbJs. For Christmas registered ,female collie, I mootha old. Carter C Cole, Route S, Box 73. j i. 'i IXII-II..IUU. n i ii ui niinnm -r-t.-ii- - Fresh cut Christmas tree. All kinds, 10c up. 177S N. Front Embroidery and needlework reason onable. Mra LaForge. S2S N. High. . MsiBMasassakaaeaMaa)eBisaaeMAssasaaaasasMa Saw gumming and sharpening mile E. Four Comer Tel 42S0. Wood range, f 10. Combination ba chelor's beater. Excellent condition. TeL 20F3. - . Cora fed turkeys, lira 15c, dreaaed 18c. TeL (294. : ' - -. sMwVVwwwVVwVVVwVVVVwiaSwwVV Valve Trombone King make cheap for quick aala. 7 Sa, Suauner St Juvenile bicycle, , cheap. .4T 8. Choice Boas and Clarreau Dears. 15 C bunhel box, S for IL00. Gravenataln apples. BOc bex, S boxes fLSi. Bring boxes. Pure apple cider fresh daily,, 25c gal Puritan, Cider Works, West Salem, - ' ' -i.-iorinr.nnrirui f - ir TiT" . SplUber., Baldwin, Northern Spy, Jonathan, Greening, 20o to Stc Wat auta Mr Wright 4 mi Wallace roud..- i-, - j ir PoUtoea. .SO. .75. 1.00. J. V. Lehr- Baa, R. , aoar Hasel Qreen achooL : p ncft Ft FOR SALEMisceDaneous fTttrlal-m a Iiml 15a ind tin. 1SB State- Street. FOR SALE One aorrell saddle mar, gen tie for children. Cheap. Rout t. Bos 172. Badem. TeL I1K1. Christmas tree But and be satle- flad at 457 Court St. 10c and up. WANTED Ikliscellxneoaa Wood ranee, beater, chean for eaab. TeL 29 F3. WANTED Male, yellow kitten. Write Box ITS, care Statesman. MISCELLANEOUS Haircut 1Sc-20q. SIS & WlnUr. Free. Wa pick up dead worthleaa tteraea, cow sheep. TL 4S. DresOTaklng. S07 N. Capitol, Apt 8. ROOM AND BOARD Board-room. 595 Court TeL SS7S. &K. steam beat near P. O. E4S2. Rooia and board, 84 wk. TeL 731S. ELIZABETH LAWSON announces the opening' of the Dr. Cartwright home at 754 Ferry street to particular people desiring a home and meals. Meals will also be served to others by telephoning in advance ta Mra. - Lawson at 70SS. Once her guest, yon will be eertarn TO return. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Fhsa mod. S R. turn, apt Beat else. refrigeration. Garage, TeL S154. Mod. heated apt, 218 N. 14th St Htd. apt. $10. 181 S. Church. Will have beautiful apt Jan. 1st Electric refrig. and store. Steam heat over stuffed turn. Nothing nicer. 825, All kinds of rental a 629 Court TeL sen. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and anfura. housea R. A, Forkner. 1810 X. Cottage TeL 8031 Snappy feunc turn. tS4 Madiaon. " -- -- -- - -i -i-i i-in.rL-ij-Ln-nj- H. P. Grant rents furnished and cnxum. houses. 180 N. CommerclaL Sosne of best houses In town furn. anfura., lees money. Torrena 6181. FOR SALE Real Estate mm ii"iiif'vfcssesfVerBrsnjnrsis) BUT HOME FOR CHRISTMAS 8100 down, balance 312 per mo. Price $1080.00. Buy thU nice home, snodera, except basement, pared street Better tarry. DANDY 5-R, MODERN 2-ewce bedrooms, basement, furnace, pared street. AH clear; only 325.00.00. A real snap. Gire terms. SEE J AS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 132 South High THE GIFE SUPREME A home for the family, large or small cash or terms. Call MRS. EL LIS. I will help you In your selection. CHILDS r MILLER, REALTORS 344. State Street TeL 8708. THE SEASON'S BEST BUT Is a 7 room modern home in Sa lem's best residential district has larce living room with fireplace, din ing room, kitchen, plumbing on Orst floor, four airy rooms and Bleeping mm rsnn near, jror sale 1-3 frraa , , CHILDS A MTrrww rtMunrm 344- State Sttcet TeL C70X i Tha safest sanistisist of all is a WTTtl Mf 111 ll amrtnra nn irnnA real eataue. Iirreatani SEB US for 7 14 gtta gti M Tel. fi70 8 KNAP CLOSE EC RESIDENCE1 I aeasBarai xree imbi nlastor.l jaWi ftasl ci sat basement fur- waw bal asa per mo. "to 11 w. itus i A SEAL BUY. IsTE!mnirii vnw u ' SEE IK, H. GRABKNHORST tc CO.. - REALTORS 18 B. TJbertr St. TeL 8468. tlvrvTuanim imo. Win buy a good 64 acres with ; awiailinT ycuoa ereiiard, timber. mtat, located near Lib erty. WORTH MOKB MONEY. SEE W. H. GRABEXHORST & CO 184 Sowth Liberty Street EXCHANGE Real Estate FW outatasdaag- haqrs la real estate, aee tea, SV apeetaiiae exchangea IL C SaiSLDS rmemt lWx Tel. 8902. FOR". SALE FARMS S l-S A 3 at traea Salem, 4 room boose, amB barn, cklcken house, fenced, electric Bghta, 11200. 3100 28 A. about .3 aal. trom Newberg. J" bSdga; feaced. 32500. 500 down! XAl A. S. ml from Salem, large noaae, bars, chicken house. Trade for larsjer tanav . SO A. 4 rat N. W. of Albany, 180 In cultivation, 20 A. timber and pas ture. 4 room house, barn, fenced, or chard, 2 springs, 340 per A Trade for house in Salem or small acreage. MELVIN JOHNSON. 275 "State St. Business Oppartunities f BUSINESS fiPPfinnivrTv Gaa station, nice home, and 1-A. ground, in dandy location. Price- 33500. This is -a real buy. SEE J AS. D SEARS, REALTOR 133 South High t MONEY TO LOAN Automolbi&e atid . Chattel Loans 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest pos sible rates. . GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st NatX Bank Bldg. Phone SS83 Licensed y State Are You Short of Cash? Borrow 3100-3150-3200 or MORS from ust Repay In from 1 to 20 months, ao coealng to your present Income. Coma inl . . . Write I . . . Fhonat BENETIC1A to LOAN , , fiOCTETY Or SALEM Member ot NBA Room lit. New Bltgn Bldg. tnd floor LICENSED No. fl-133 by STATE fit SUta St Tat. 3740 ; $ Christmas Money $ To salaried men and women. It wew'8. be long now shop early. No payments due until next year. -STATE LOAN CO. ?-."" , 212 Orecoe Bid. TeL T7SS -v Wa No. S-188. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY fain8aWaaiBaaJaaBa Dreaaed turkeys wanted. Tel, X8SF2, Lee's Hatchery. Interesting Facts MM Saw a couple atteadiag the wrestling match Tuesday ere&ing with a babr not oyer six raontaa old. Of coarse the baby got geared bat all the parenta did waa to more back a little. The smoke was a thick one could almost eat it. -O ' We stopped at McDowell's mar ket and took a geese at the weight of a fine looking beet they hare hanging la the window. We think oar gnes will be as close as the fellow who gaeaaed the weight of a 23 pound turkey to be 67 pounds. O . This rata almost makes as think we were back in Alaska. The rain fall in southeastern Alaska Is from 100 fo- 300 Inches a year. -O The first Incandescent light was nsed 52 years ago today. FOR SALE WOOD Phone Tracy's, 3338 tor dry wood. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal TeL S000 Salem Fuel Ca, Trade e Corug. Ash. fir and oak. Tel 8843. Second growth and oak. 1S7F3. Phone Call 4SF14. AR wood. Smith A Rubens, All kinds dry wood. Tel 4413. Dry fir and oak. TeL 9789. Second growth and old fir wood. Prompt delivery. Fred E. WeTla WOOD SAWING Wood aawmg, dial 7800 er 5734. LOST AND FOUND . WWIKWWMMWWWWWwmMyW LOST Bill fold, money and val uable papers. Reward. A. T. Hllde- brand. 131 X. High. - FOR SALE USED CARS JUST ANOTHER BARGAIN AT Borrego's Car Market 1S29 Ford Sedan, with only 25.000 miles a clean job . atis 240 N. Liberty Tel 3833. QUALITY RECONDITIONED Used Cars 1932 Chevrolet Sport Roadster, Just like new . .. , . .. 3450.00 193. Oldsmobile Patrka Sedan. In perfect condition only 699.00 1930 Ford Tudor Sedan, Karl Keen trunk, hot water heater, new paint 290.00 1929 Graham-Paige 4-door se dan u. 250.00 We have several NEW 1933 Fly mouth DeLuxe 4 door sedan, air wheel equipped, that we win sell at a substantial discount Don't pass this opportunity up. Terms Trade W. L. Anderson, Inc. DeSoto-Plymouth Distributors 360 Marion St TeL 7703 Salem, Ore. Ford V8' Deluxe Sedan Run less than 4000 miles dark fac tory finish fn perfect condition mo. hair upholstering, shows absolutely no wear tires cannot be told from new To be so'd at the low price of 3545.00. 333 Center Tel. 3189 430 N. Com'L McKay Chevrolet Co. CHICKEN RECEIPTS UGNT JIT PORTLMD ' PORTLAND. Den 20. Tn general very light receipts of lire Chickens were shown alone: tha wholesale way; Demand waa good but. not heavy enough to force any material betterment in prices. There was a Bhortage if dress ed ducks at the moment with the price nominally 15-16c pound bat geese were in supply and a trifle weaker in spots-around 12 - 14 centa, according to quality. With the exception 'of poor staff in the beef division, country killed meats were showing a rath er favorable tone considering the approaching holiday with prices well maintained. Poor beef was weak. Nut markets active for walnuts which were scarce. Local cauliflower shipping was held firm but with small volume and limited offerings. Onion market was nominally firm at the country with growers holding. Potatoes continued slow sale here and In the country. HEAVY iff FALLS JEFFERSON, Dec. 20. The continued rain storm of Sunday is causing the Santlam river to rise again. At 9 o'clock Monday morning the river had raised 1:52 feet, bringing it np to the 9:5 foot mark. It continued to rise all day and by three o'clock it had reach ed the 10-foot mark. - Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jones." Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jones and daugh ter Geraldlne attended the fun eral services for W. E. Wads worth, Sunday afternoon at the funeral home at Harrisbnrg. Mr. Wadsworth was the father-in-law of Mr and Mrs. J. T. Jones's daughter. Mrs. Gladys Wads worth. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mason and family of Salem were guests at the home of Lloyd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George C Mason Sun day. On their way home, they met with an accident, When they reached the Terhune hUL they SMI RISING IS Business Directory Carda in this directory run m a sftOBthly basts only. Rate: f 1.00 per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek, 275 South Commercial BICYCLES New and nsed. Tints. Repairing. HARRY W. BCOTT. 147 8. Com'l St BROOMS AND BRUSHES Oregon Blind School TeL 4073. Fuller Brush Man Telephone 3681. CATERING Burt Crary, the calerec Pa. 8783. Holda Helps Hostei TeL 8948. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Kerthneaa . CHINESE MEDICINE Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. (now ta former location). Hours Tues day and Friday, 10 :80 a. m. to p. m. ISO N. CommerclaL CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. BCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor, 288 N. High. Tel. Rea 8578. FLORISTS CUT tlowera, wedding bouquets fun era wreaths, decorations. C F. Brett haunt, florist. 877 court. Tsl 8904. ALL Muds of floral work Lots Fler- Ist 18th tc Market TeL 9592 INSURANCE 1S9 K. High Tel 494T COFFEY-SMITH, gen. Ins, TeL STT1 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY 381 S. Hid) Tel 9138 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and 8erviee Tejej hone 3188 1884 Broadway MATTRESSES Mattrassas trom factory to noma. Cot tea mattraaa, 40 lb. 14.50. Renovators aod fumlgatora. Ruga cleaned. Capital Bedding Co. Tel 4089. S030 Ii. CapitoL New mattress made ta order, aid re made; carpet cleaning, atxlngt fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug k Mat tress Factory. S. 13th 4k Wilbur. Tel 8441. Otto F. wicker. Est 1911, MUSIC STORES GEO. a WI LL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, aheat music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and aewlog machines, 48S State Street. Satem. PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician L. G. Airman, M. D. Homeopathlst Office and residence 607 Center St Phone 8832. Treats both acute and chronic diseases. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint Si Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. 315 8. Commercial Tele- RADIO SERVICE MOORE A SKEWIS TeL 5189 250 N. High. Central Radio Service. Tel 7893. Guaranteed repairs. 695 N. High. REAL ESTATE BECKE as HENDRICKS, TeL 4947. SOCOLOFSKT ft SON 304-8 First N'at'l Rk. Bldg Tel. T807. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All .kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, books, logan heoka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 383 Chemefceta. Tel. 4774. R R Fleming. TAXIDERMIST E. E. Wlggl n s, 1 mL N Pac Hwy. TRANSFER FOR local or I distant transfer storage, call 313L Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 328 Stat St TeL 777S. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Geurjalea TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Men. sold, rented, repaired. Underwood Agents, Cooke Short 891 Court Tel. 8884. WELL DRILLING R. A Wast, SO years experience, RFD T, Box 903. TeL 110FS. saw a car coming, and in passing, the car occupied by two people from Seattle, skidded, and the bumper of the Seattle car caught the wheel of the Mason car, turn ing the car completely around, and badly damaging it. No one waa injured. v eMa-aa-aaM---aiaaa--aa -aaa-iaw COO BOY BURIED MILL CITY, Dee. 20. The body ct James jOaJrle waa shij ped to Cove, ' Ore., for burial Thursday. Oajrle, who was a worker in the CCO camp -was brought to the Mill City hos pital suffering with appendicitis. An emergency operation was per formed but Oajvle did not hare the strength to rally. Funeral services,.- ere held la Oregon City and the body taken from there to Core) totj burial. SiLLlTTOHCE liUHIt IRKS Flf,t EM Stayton Has Sixth Lowest School on Per Pupil Cost Basis, Report STAYTON. Dec. 30. While the attendance at the P. T. A. meeting Monday night waa the smallest daring the season, the program was one of the most outstanding. Mrs. H. Champ, president, presided. Prof. Tobfe gave a brief talk on excerpts from the last state school regis ter. He brought out that out of 274 high schools in the state, Stayton was among 18 to rank sixth with the lowest cost per pupil. This was below 370 and for the year 1932-33. Mrs. Victor Phelss. chairman of the committee which Is to pre sent early next year a Play for the benefit of the organization. annouced that instead of giving two short- plays as had been formerly planned, the play casts voted to give one three - act play, combining the casts. "Lis ten to Leon" is Its title, and parts will be assigned immedi ately. Mr. Phelps, principal ot the grade' school, spoke of the 4-H club work which Is soon to be taken up here. Miss Doris Neir- eiter will take charge of the hand work and Mr. Phelns will ask for volunteers to take charge of the sewing in division 1 and 2 He stated that 13S boys signed up to take camp cookery, but so far no one has been named to conduct this department Other program numbers in cluded piano selections by Quin tln Gehlen: readings by Mrs. W. D. Roberts: solo by Mrs. Gwen- eth Mlelke, accompanied by Mrs. Victor Phelns: reading. Mrs. W. H. Lyman: talk on cRizenshin by Miss Helen Patton; visitation to grade school, gay with holiday attire. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed In the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, her duly verified final account, as the ad ministratrix of the estate of So phia J. McCready, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tues day, the 9th day of January, 1934, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the Coun ty Court House at Salem. In Ma rion County, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, thi3 7th day of December, 1933. ELDA McGRATH, Administratrix of the Estate of Sophia J. McCready, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon. D. 7-14-21-28 J. 4. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUXTr OF MARION Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the Estate of Bernard M. Smith, also known as B. M, Smith, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Marion County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, with proper vouchers with in six months from the date of this notice, to the administrator. Walter T. Smith, Route 1, Au rora, Oregon. Date of first publication: Decem ber 14. 1933. Date of last publication: January 11 1933. WALTER T. SMITH. Administra tor of the Estate of Bernard M. Smith, also known as B. M. Smith, Deceased. F. LEO SMITH, Attorney. D-14-21-28-J-4-11. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned Bryan Gor don has been, by an order ot the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County, duly ap pointed Administrator of the es tate of James C. Gordon, deceas ed; and that Letters of Adminis tration have been issued to him. AH persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified and with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned Ad ministrator at 707 First National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication of this Notice; said first publication being made this 14th day of De cember, 1933. BRYAN GORDON, Administrator. CUSTER E. ROSS Attorney for the Estate. D-14-21-28-J-4-11. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State ot Ore gon, for the County of Marion, his duly verified final account, as the administrator of the estate of Dors Mae Townsend, deceased, and that said Conrt has fixed Tuesday, the 23 rd day of January, 1934, at the hour of tea o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion County, tregon, as the place for 'hearing said final ac count and an objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 21st day of December, 1928. -J.IL. IV TOWNSEND, Administrator ot the Ea tate of Dora Mae I Town send, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, f Attorney for Administrator, - - Salem, Oregon, D. 21-28 J. 4-11-11. - E CHICAGO. Dee. 20. UP) Wheat collapsed 3 centa today and corn 2 cents in a whirl ot liquidat ing sales that followed sharp breaks in securities and in British exchange. The .tumble of prices plunged wheat to the lowest level since October 20 and corn, since Novem ber 1. Bearish aspects of the gov ernment crop report issued yes terday at Washington had a contributing- bearish effect togeth er with apparently unwarranted fears that official domestic win ter wheat acreage figures late this afternoon would also be construed as bearish. Wheat closed unsteady at about the day's low point, 24-34. tin der yesterday's finish, corn 2H 2 down, oats off. Today's closing quotations: Wheat December 71 ; May 81-94; July 80-. Corn December 41; May 47-48; July 49. Oats December 31; May 35; July 33-33. Genera! Markets PRODUCTS KZCHAKQB PORTLAND. Ore, Dee. 20. (AP) Predoee exchange, eat prices : Sutter Extras 17c, standards 16c, prime lint lOe, firsts 15c Eggs Fresh extras 23c, fresh medium 19c Portland Grain PORTLAND, Or., Dee. 20. (AP) Wheat upea iiiga low Lion May -73 72 llhi 71 DaeaaVer 68 60 67 67 Cash: Big Bead bluestem 60; dark hard winter 12 pc 71; 11 pet 64; soft warts, wtstera white, hard winter, north ern spring, western red 66. Oats Ho. 2 white 022.50. Cere No. 9 yellow 821.75. Millrsa Standard 9 14.00. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., Dee. 20. (AP) Batter Prints, extras 18c, standards 17 o pound. Butterfat Portland delivery: A grade 14c; farmer's door delivery Il-12e pound. Sweet eraaaa Se higher. Erie Paeifie poultry" producers' sell lac, pries: Fresh extra specials 25c, ex tras 28e, standards 20e, mediums 19e daien. Buying price by wholesalers: Fresh extras 20e. firsts 12e, medium 14c, undergrade 12e, pullets 12e dosen. Cheeae 92 score, Oregon triplets 9e; leaf lOe pound. Brokers will pay He bt lew quotations. Milk Contract price, 4 per cent Portland delivery. 81.70 cwt.; B grade cream, 87 c pound. Coaatry meats Selling price to re tailers: Conatry-ktlled bogs, best botch era, under 150 pounds 6-7e; vealexa 90-100 pound 7e pound, light and thin 6-6e; heavy calves 4c pound; lambs 10 He pound; yearlinea 4-5c pound; heavy ewea Se pound; medium cowa 3-5c; eanner cowa 2-3c pound; bulls 4c pound. afohsir Buying price, 1933 clip, 15c poand. Casesra bark Buying price, 1933 peel 2e pound. Hops 1933 clusters 25-33e ponnd. Liva poultry Portland delivery, buy ing prices: Colored fowls, 4 to 6 pounds 10c, over 6 pounds 10c; spring pullets, 2 to 2 pounds lie; roasters, over 8 pounds He; Leghorn fowls, over 3 pounds 9e, under 3 pounds 9e; broilers, 1 to 2 pounds 12e, 2 pounda and op 10c; etags 6c: roosters 5e. Pekin ducks 10c: colored ducke 7e; reels Se ponnd. Turkeys No. 1, 10-12c pound. Oniona Yakima f 1.10-1.25 ;-Oregon $1.60-1.75 cental. Potatoes Loral white and red $1 t.05; Yakima $1.25-1.35; Deschutes 81.301.40 cental. Wool 1933 clip, nominal; Willam ette valley 22-25e pound; eastern Oreron 16-21e pound; southern Idaho 16-20e pound. Hay Buying price from producer: Alfalfa No. 1. new crop $16-16.50; vetch 815; Willamette valley timothy $15: eastern Oregon timothy $17.50; oats $13 :oo. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Dee. 20. (AP) Cattle Receipts 50, calves 25; slow. Steers, common and medium $2.50 5.50; heifers, common and medium $2.25, 4.50; rows, common and medium $2.25 3.25; low cutter and cutter $1-2.2J: bulls, cutter and medium $1.75-2.7o: veslers, good and choice $5-6; cull, com mon and medium $2.50-5; calves, good and choice $4-5; common and medium $2-4. Hogs Recelpta 400; fully steady. Lightweight, good and choice $3.35-4; medium weight, good and choice $3.60 4; heavyweight, good and choice $3.25 3.75: peeking sows, medium and good $2.33-3.25; feeder A stocker pigs, good and choice $2.50-3. Sheep Receipts 100; steady. I.ambt. good and choice $5.25-6: me dium $2.75-5.25: yearling wethers $3.75 4.50; ewes $1-2. Stocks and Bonds (Copyright. 1913. Standard Rtatittlrs Co.) December 20 STOCK AVERAGES Today 87.4 Previous day 89.0 Week ago 02.7 Year ago 51.1 3 yeara ago 119.7 High 1933 102.1 Low 1933 42.8 41.1 63.3 41.6 65.1 4X3 69.0 26.6 89.8 76.0 77.4 80.9 54.1 03.3 157.S 122.3 58.0 113.7 96.9 23.5 61.5 43.9 BOND AVERAGES Today Drevious day Week ago Year ago 3 yeare ago -High 1983 Low 1983 71.3 72.1 76.7 73.3 73.6 74.8 67.0 95.4 83.5 63.6 71.8 71.9 71.9 78.1 63.0 59.4 86.1 102.0 77.1 S4.0T 58.3 57.0 77.2 77.9 81.4 98.0 88.5 74.1 MRS, SMART IN HOSPITAL KINGWOOD, Dec. 20 Mrs. J. P. Smart returned home Friday noon from a Salem hospital where she had been two weeks follow ing a major operation. She ts con valeaclng satisfactorily. Her daughter Miss Margaret Smart, a student at Santa Ana, Junior college, Santa Ana, Calif., reach ed home the same day. HEPBUTN STILL GONE STAYTON, Dec. 29. Deputy Sheriff :iewell Williams was In town 1-onday, having been called by relatlTes to look into the mysterious disappearance of Al Hepburn which occurred here s few weeks ago. Nothing has been seen- or heard ef the aged man since that time. NAME CWA REGISTRAR SILVERTON, -Dec. 20. R. B, McLaughlin has been appoint ed registrar of the Silverton branch of the county CWA re employment agency. Mr. Mc Laughlin - has his headquarters ia the Odd Fellows building on Jlrit street. ran B Br iii .-...aaBtaaaataBBaae-. a Gnedv U raw 4 awbtv. co-op pool prior, SI .52 per hundred, Sarplas f 1.15. IHIlk baaed aa eead aosAli eeUvrtal sTaratW ) Iributor price $2.10. Batterfat Top lSc, Prist 17c, cnbes 10c. Vrltte paid ta- arewera bv Selsta kayera December 30 (The prism bete. ssvna by a leeal grocer, are iadieative ef the daily market bet are not geereaeeed by The gaetesmsal rtOlT AST VKBTAXLXS Breeeell Reeeborg .73 Cm berries, bbL 2. OS PsBtpkiaa, dee. - .40 410 M Italisa BreeeeH, 4eg H Panaips. bea lag , .50 Turnips, be lag , ,80 Sat-beges, lug be .50 Brussels sprout t. lug .65 toed egg plant , , , .05 Cabbage, ewt. j .90 te 1.15 Green peppers, California, lb. .15 Oaieas. das. baaekes .18 Potatoes, local .75 te 1.00 Yakima , , ..90 and 1.40 Dnehntn -1.10 and 1.45 Letts ee Oaliioraia. drv n-V J.40 te 1.50 .2.23 to 2.75 .0 1.13 .60 cauienua, tees Ooioas, Yakima, set, LabUh Celery, dot. ,, Assies 'frags .78 .75 ftn ..J as Jonathans Rna C .at a fcr, Oranges, vals-clss. fsaey 8.00 te S.SO PUvre peek 1.7S ta 2.25 Navels, erate 8.50 Place pack . 2.50 to 2.75 Jananesa. hnnll. . 1 Kit Beeta, local, dos. " 20 Tnrnipa. looal Jos. , Carrots, local, doi. Spiaaeh, local erst a Bananas, lb. ea stock Beads .25 .50 .63 . .06 . 5 5.50 Lemons Limes, trash Avaeedes, erate L00 -S.2S Squash. DaaUk, dos. .15 Hubbard aquaah .75 to 1.00 Tomatoes. California pack. Ins, 1.40 He House on California, ease Emporer grapes i Sweet potatoes, lb .OS Pears, be. G0 and .50 Grapefruit Florids - no Grapefruit, California 2.50 uvri 103S fnl. .23 te .40 25 te .35 1983 cluster, lb. snrrs Filberts, lb. 12 1; to .16 .20 Walnuts, lb. J2 to Sarins Prices BOOS Extras Mediums .15 .12 .09 ao .08 - .06 - JO .10 .oe J" .16 ...5.23 Pullet a POULTS T Colored hen Medina keas . Light seas Leghorn fryers Colored fryers Dressed tarkeys. No. 1 torn a! Dressed turkeys, top. hens . ICBAT Spring lsmbs, top uor. too to 200 lbs. 300 to 228 lbs. 925 te 250 lbs. 130 to 160 lbs. So"! -- Steers - Cowa -3.85 a. 45 ta 8.60 -.2.95 te 3.43 S.10 to 8.35 2.25 to 2J5 .03 to .04 H .01 to .03 .02 .03 Bulls Dressed veaL tep ureasea bogs .06 flBlTR SKl, RAW Wheat, western red .87 White, No. 1 .59 Barley, fead No. 1, ton .14.00 Oats, feed, ton no Barley, malting, ton in on Oats, milling, ton . 18. 00 Her. ho Tin Drift. Oat and vetch, ton Alfalfa, valley, first cut. -12.00 -14.00 mover say -J3.Q0 WOOL Medium Coarse . Mohair .23 .28 SIRS. NELSOX BETTER WOODBURN. Dec. 20. The friends of Mrs. Henry Nelson will be happy to know that she is in satisfactory condition. She Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER .m 12 ' 14 ZZZtWLZZWLl 22 777 2- 7y ai 25 H " 30 31 777 32 777 33 3 1 II 1 II 11 : 1I1-I. f 15 fe . Hi : m sa sy. m 77 so I I I VA I I I l - l HORIZONTAL 1 nourished 4 undermines 8 competent 12 hail I . 13 matches 15 unite in action 17 man's name 18 by 19 mental image 20 native of Scotland 21 of each an equal quantity 22 Nickname 23 raised platform, 24 scheme 25 paid publicity 28 fall in drops .7 rent 28 alliance 80 idle 82 ripped 32 Egyptian sun god J5 inland sen of Russia 85 bargain 17 beak of a ' bird 88 occupying a central position t feminine . 40 prima donna 41 like 42 mountains in Turkes tan ( 43 observes 44 pedigree 47 sooner than 48 town on the Aegean 49 famous Scottish religious reformer (0 color. Herewith is the solution te yes terday's Puzzle. -- . " IMS. I UEtSESilU i PORTLAND, Dec. 20. JP) Demand tor butter has Increased se rapidly daring the last few; days that there is no; longer any, material sarplas ia fresh churn-,' ing. Prices were practically staedy at the late slight improvement from the extreme lew point. The public was buying twov pounds ot batter now where it bought only one pound when prices were higher. This is a big influence in maintaining values. Disappointment in the trade regarding the unwillingness of the government to purchase on the open market, but en bids, waa freely expressed by the trade. Increasing trading volume was suggested in the local egg market with quality goods setting at prices established by the co-ops; or within a cent ot them. Much so-called extras were lower. IT KIEV, ABOUTFLAXDUTLOnK A thorough study on the flax industry as it has already bee a developed in Salem and the valley has been concluded here within the past few days by W. J. Hart. Washington, D. C, and he will shortly be en route east to tell his findings to the cooperative divi sion of the farm credit adminis tration in the national capital. Hart's survey, was in connec tion with the Lipman applica tion for a $3,500,000 loan to de velop the flax industry in the Willamette valley. The Lipman application has been approved by the president and is now before the board for final approval or rejection, so the outcome may binge entirely upon what Hart re ports upon his return. While here, Hart held confer ences with L. C. McLeod, manager of the Salem Linen mills and with H. R. Crawford, president of the Miles Linen plant. Hart also in spected a flax mill at Vancouver. Wash., and conferred at length with flax experts at Oregon State college. . - - Harris Doesn't Want Buckeroo Presidency MOLALLA. Dec. 20. Gilbert Harris of Portland, recently elect ed president of the Molalla Buck eroo association, has writtea George Overjorde. secretary, ot the association, informing him that he wishes to resign as presi dent. No action has been taken on the resignation. YOUXG PLAYER HOME NORTH HOWELL, Dec. 20. Alan Wiesner, who has been playing with the Portland Civie theatre in the presentation of A Christmas Carol," at the Taylar Street theatre in Portland, dur ing the past week, is at home for the holidays. underwent a major operation in a Salem hospital Saturday morn ing:. VERTICAL 1 cereal 2 eluded - S cancelled 4 discover at a dis tance 5 lava 6 headlong rush 7 island off west coast of Asia Minor 8 everything 9 have exist ence 10 plains 11 property 14 illuminated 16 note of the ' scale 20 embark 21 man. rtams 23 strong low cart or wagon . x 24 Latin ; a American f laborer j 26 eiri'stoy 27 Italian , coins 28 dressed 29 unit of weight ia , India 80 injury tl- ascended V ; 53 look up to . 54 fegraaW f 8S--pproach i game -i . stealthay. 87 saltpeter ; 39 highest vf t tone in u . .... aeala' ' ?f- 40 make- ;1 'm r bronze ia ' ?' Boman sr. : tiqaity , , 43 Greek per-I j -soni&catioC ef night, 45 - ncgativ ,.T . 4-deoart J it I 1 (j v. A i v- J