The OREGON STATESMAN. galea, Oregon; Sunday Morning, December 17, 1933 PAGE THIRTEEN "- if V I i. i. I. Spcietv Jessib .Stfkij; Society Editor Eugene Group . to Present Concert Tbe Eugena Gleemeir, well known la tha Pacific northwest tor their oatsUndinr choral con certs, will appear ia Salem Janu ary 18 tor 4i. benefit performance -at the armory. L The Salem Rotary club, assist- ed by tbe Klwanians and Lions, is sponsoring' tb arent, proceeds from - which will go to the- Boy Scout council of the Cascade area. Final arrangements for tbe ccn eert were made Friday afternoon v.itb a delegation Irom Eugene met with Salem clubmen for luncheon ai the Spa. Those from the south were John Stark Ev ans, director of the Gleemen, Al ' ' ton G. Baker. Gerald Smith and - Dr. Charles Hunt, Dr. B. F. Pound, BUI Phillips. Vttlls ClaTk, B. A. Newman and Lyle Bartholomew represented the Salem groups.- I Tbei Gleemen will be remem bered front their appearance here last year, and are reputed to be the- flneef male chorus on the Pa cific coast. George Bfehop. baritone soloist, U taking Advanced degree work ' at tbe University, of Oregon and has been a soloist in on of the Eoxeno chnrcbes far the past two years. He has also done solo -pork In radio and with numerous oratorio societies. His personal ity and sincerity have won bim a legion of admirers wherever he has sun p. Don Era. tenor soloist, is a law student at the University of Ore gon and has been doing solo work with the school of music and the Gieeman for a number of years. L His voice t high, clear and per fectly trained. .John Stark Evans, a member of the faculty of tbe school et music at the University of Oregon, is exceedingly popular as a director of choral groups including tbe Gleemen and as an organist. . Silverton Hills Mr. and Mrs. George Benson were hosts to a erouD f Crieaia ThardT aizTht In fiomer f Kaoriea Beaaaa, the occasiom beint iu tirtadatr aoai Tersarjc '-. :v--r Invited' wer-e &ara3d$M- "Fry, Lois Alexander, Ethel Fetestsaav Louise S&ecbfU'i Derotky Bcatscm, Elmer Peterson, Brace Afesaaiav Roy C&rsleneen, Sober Stark, Fred BarteefT. Lyl fistdtt. Bictreal itrs. Lester lft Gleemen to Appear in Salem ' . . , 1 --"s r -l,1; V I; id I Vocal Concert to be Given Tonight Tonight at S p. m. a Christmas concert onder the direction of Mrs. WiWam 'H. Fischer win be given, in the H. L. Rueeker res idence. William. B. Fischer will accompany all ihe numbers. , A Teceptlon.will follow tba pro gram witn Mrs. WiUlam Hros. Mrs. C. Krrft of Dallas and Mrs. H; L. Rnecker asslstlnf abont the rooms. Reservations may be tnade-i by; calling Mrs, : Fischer., i , Those I taking part are a trio; Mrs. Fischer, soprano; Mrs. Mar garet Hortwlg, messo soprano; and Mrs. Hilda Fohlfs, contralto; and a quartet: Mrs. Fischer, so prano;, Miss . Rohlfs, alto: . Rev. H. W.; Gross,- tenor; and Mrs. William King, basso. . The program is as follows: It Came Upon the Midnight Clear . Willi b. Joy to tho World - : Handel o Hark the Herald Angela Sins -Mendelseohn "4 i! V'r J '' I i '0 V I f St 1 - t V Top left. John Stark Evans, director and right, George Bisk- op, baritone, lower left, Don Eva. tenor, and right. Cora Moore, accompanist for the Eugene Gleemen who wUl ap pear in a benefit concert at the Salem Armory Friday night, January 19. rellotrinr th regular business Tuesdar for Lea Augelea. Calif.. 1 moetiae, a Cbxiatiaas ptam where- sne wlir sad Oiriat was with her mother and other Tela tires. --Miss Doria GoodeH win as sist at the Black Bird Inn during Mrt.: Haana's absence. ; JeiXecBon lk Deeesaber mmetinzi of the Pist NoM Grand dub ,wae .- beM TbstrsdaT 3ter- asMOX Sa tk Iedg reems of gne 04l FeQows ball. Beoersi3ou 3st tb Ainlng veost were in keeping wttk the Christinas seaevaV with Baskets ef holly, and fhsv taMe ted a large wrewth formrsg as centerpiece,, with red tapers errberaid. yreaeated t acl dtinc ChiiatsBas presented including Christ inas songs and readings by Miss Addie IJbby, Miss Frances Coin, and Mr. Maude Blackwell. A tab- SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, December IS - Willamette Shrine Xa. 2. White Shrine of Jerusa lem, Christmas ceremonial at Masonic temple. 8 p. m. Sigma Xu Delphians, public library, 2 p. m. Topic. "Religious and . Political Development of the Renals ance". Children's division. S. S. teachers guild. :30 pot luck supper at Presbyterian church. Members to bring small gifts. J. TJ. G. club. Neighbors of Woodcraft, at home Mrs. Dorothy Walker, 1937 Warner street, in evening. i- Alpha Chi Omega alumnae club, home Miss Dor othea Steusloff, 8 p. m. Women's council, work meeting, 2 p. m. at Open Door Mission, North Commercial. History Section, Salem Arts League, at home Mrs. J. N. Clifford, 7:30 p. m, t Tuesday, December 19 ' American War Mothers, business meeting. S p. m. at American Lutheran church. Alpha Phi Alpha .alumnae meeting, home Miss Dor . othy Eastridge, Id 69 Leslie, 8 p. m. W. C. T. U. Christmas program and contributions for Children's Farm home, 2 p. m., in hall. Laurel Social Hour club Christmas dinner at home ; Mrs. Glenn Adams.. 1p.m. Sooth, circle. First Christian church, a, home Mrs. Mauk, 105 N, 17th. Covered dish luncheon at noon. Wednesday, December SO W. F. M. S. of Leslie Memorial church, at home , Mrs. S. M. Laws, lf a State street Past Matron's association, 7:30 o'clock dinner and Christmas party, home Mrs. J. E. Godfrey. Sweet Briar club, Christmas party and 1 o'clock luncheon, home Mrs. O. D. Adams, Wallace Road. Thursday, December SI Merry Minders club, p. m. at home Mrs. Fred Scharf. lean, Th Hery FaaBstly wae -pat 4st vf Bevoul. SBflBabsn. Dinner w served art 4 sTdeck, then the seanoxnliy deomtad Christmas tree was enjoyed, ana tQa were wstsfsstea. r Members present iocluled th e Misses Trances Goin. Adffie XH or, Xuca and Flora Tbaanaa, amd MesdaoMS zza Hart, Lea Walla, K. W. Curl, Grace Thurston, G. w. iianpnrT, Chaa. AlcKee, Maada Black wH, K. M. Thanston, ran smith, Hmgn xsryeov and arrs. Chas. Heyt f Bflwertoau SUyton Miamd Mrs. Ctary Fair entertalaeslaX tae E. JL Bell home on Thursday ighl, Tor Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Osmcaav Mr aad. airs. cen, Mr. a& JIts. WilBa Brown, Mr. and Mrs. film EtaeS, lt. ana Mrs. Adams &n&Jffr..and Mrs. Joe Pounds, of Salem. Thta group have been 'meetine everv two weeks at alternate homes for an evening of bridge. On Thurs day night Mrs. Fair, and Willis Brown had high scores. . independence Wednesday night at a delightful bridge party at her home. Miss Oma Belle Em mons announced her coming mar riage on uecemoer 24. to w w McBee of Eugene,, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Keller In Battle uruuuu, wasnmgton. ... uuesis at the party were: Miss es woiier, TKartln, Donaldson. wxMeiu, uearasiey. Hen. kle, Meedaraes Hutchinson, Heath, Nelson, Bolt. Thompson, Barnum uuciuua ana A.eeney, Trio II a. Luther Cradle Sons b. As Each Happy Christmas Ltolm Roecker-1U Jesu Bambino.: .... Pietro Ton Mlsa Rohlfa The MoraingStara Eons Together Miss Kohlfs Mrs. King"" - . V. a, Stllle Nacht O du Frohllche Kun Bing-et and Seit Froh Trio VII Piano solo : . Selected William H. Fischer a. The King- Cometh - Mark. b.' Jesus ot Nazareth Gounod Mrs. Fischer a. Break Thou Forth Earth's Mighty nouna .. Kessel b. Wlrile by My SheeD Junm Quartet Leslie P. T. A. Plans Program Monday The Parent Teachers association of Leslie school will meet, Fonday at 8 o'clock. Miss Gretchen Krae- mer is coaching the third annual presentation of the "Pageant of the. Nativity" sung by the Leslie vested choir of 42 voices. The orchestra will play two numbers, "Christmas Chimes" by weiat,na-erBtaae"-'3r Holmes. nans Taylor win givf a, reading. Grandma's Christmas". , A sextette eampbsed f Jewell Mi&ier, Pauline Barryi. Shir lee Thomas. Ansa Stse BraAenhorst. Doraj Taylor !&uhv3Biort wlU srasr Hera A Torch Jeanette. aatena. a yreach. caraL Tba public is invtteoV Startan - l7onrnlfanBtin: Dr M. AJBeaachamp on Ida "birthday Mjs, Baaartianta imrfted in a frwp-1 sacpebsi Itim Thursday ass3BX,t uTwy awna Tdr. and Mrs, TF. H. Jtaberts Bx. and Mrs. Ern- at Saah Dr. aad Mrs. Korinek, Dr.-and? Mxsv. Pin tier, Mr. and Mrs. Cm As. Seauchamp, Mr. and Mrs. tL P. Keibert, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mha and Mrs. Ellen Rey uOiti -Bridge was played with Mr. and Mrs. John having high score. Refreshments and music were also enjoyed. The History section of - the Sa lem Arts League will meet Mon day night at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Clif ford. The group is studying R. J. Hendricks' new book, "Bethel and Aurora". Anyone interested in at tending the meeting may call Mrs. Clifford.. Evans Valley Mrs. Maude Mc Mlllen of Bremerton, Washington, has arrived here to spend the hol idays with her sister, Mrs. W. E. Hope. Mrs. McMillen told ot the flooded conditions around Tacoma and Seattle, Dalein?TetK Gimel Has Tea Friday s Daleth Teth Gimel Entertained with -its annual Christmas tea at tha home of Mrs. C P. Bishop Friday afternoon between the hours of 3:30 and 5:10 o'clock. Wires of the trustees and pro fessors of Willamette university and members -of tha three sorori ties were. Invited. Ynletlde decorations were used. tha tea table being centered with poinsettlas and holly. In the receiving . Una were Miss Veva Garrett, Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Mrs. F. M. Erickson, Dean Olive M. Dahl and Mrs. Roy Lockenonr. Presiding at the nrns were Mrs. D. H. Schnltse. Mrs; W. C. Jones, Mrs. Cecil Monk and Miss Marion Morange. Serving were the Misa- es Anna Mae TJnrath. Laura Ad- kisson, Roberta Johnson, Doris Sullivan., Margarite Clark, R u t h West,. Lncile Brainard, Jane Fisher, Martha Warren, Dorothy WilletSr Helen Peterson and Shir ley Seigner. A program was given with num bers by a vocal trio, tbe Misses Gwen Gallaher, Helen Benner and Clara Wright accompanied at the piano by Miss Barbara- Barbam; a piano duet by Miss: Anna Mae TJn rath and Miss Margaret Hower ton; a reading by Miss Joy Rood; and numbers by a string trio con sisting of the Misses Hortense Taylor, Virginia Clark and Clara Wright Miss Olga Janik was in general charge of the affair. Mrs. Henry Lee Fetes Music Pupils Mrs. Henry Lee entertained her pupils at her residence Friday night. After a program of mnslc. gifts were exchanged and refresh ments served, Mrs. Lee being as sisted by Mrs. Tiffany and Mrs. McCracken. Those present were Emma May and Lena Belle Atkins, Ruth Saf fron, Sylvia Slater, Rose Gilbson, Ruth Walker, Mark Jane Brabec, Betty Viesco, Betty Beck, Betty Burdette, Margaret Ann Blight Dorothea Graham, Bernlce Wads worth, Violet Meyers, Jackie Woodfield, Gertrude Reasoner, John McCracken, Mary Ann Owen, Jean Carkin, Billy Johnson, Lillian Jensen, Edith Heise, Jane Dennison, Anita Haines and Patsy Lee. Rotarians Entertain Boy Scouts Sixty Boy Scouts and Rotarians and their wives enjoyed the pro gram and Christmas party given Friday night at the Leslie Junior high school. Dr. B. F. Pound pre sided; " The scouts gave a flag cere monial and a first aid skit was presented by four boys, Tommy Rilea. John Van Osdel, Ed Mc- Wain and Bill Phillips, Jr. Frank Valasic gave some piano accord ian soos and the singing of Or- ville Beardsley accompanied by Russell Beardsley was especially enjoyed. Women ot Rotary served the re freshments and gifts were present ed" to the scouts. The men's chorus of the Salem Elks club under the direction of R. H. Robinson bas been warkdng conscientio nsly the past few months in preparation for tha big charity show to be glvea next week, and has reached a stage of high perfection in tbe several numbers they will sing. They are singing both classical and popular numbers, the popular songs aetaff original arrangements by Clareaae Wenger and Donald Aiiisoa. Miss Dorothy Kloepping, Jn-aier on the Oregon State college camp us in Corvallis. is spending the Christmas holidays at tha heme of her father, II. H. KloppJ& 1 sits. Court street. She was student at Willamette university during her freshman year. Mrs. Soohia Svkes. .chanlaln of the U. 8.' Grant circle, No. 5, La. dies of the G.- A. . IL, has been ap pointed assistant national corre sponding secretary Tot the order by, Mrs. Sarah J. Ehrman, nation al president, " Mrs. Sykes was president, ol, the, J. G. Thompson circle at Angola, N. T when Mrs. Ehrmann; was department presi dent of the state of iew York. ," - LaArcaCliib Entertained Friday fTtllE LA ARCA CLUB was en 'L; tertalned Friday laight with - Mrs. Mable McCoy of Eugene, and Mrs. Ernest Barker of Salem, as Joint hostesses . Christmas, decorations prevail ed and bridge was in play, high scores going to ,' Mrs, Carl An dresen, . Mrs. George Clinton and. Dr. Marian FolHs. Gifts were ex changed about a- beaatifully dec orated tree. Refreshments were served late Bidden were Jdrs. Frank Rock, Dr. Marian Follis, Mrs. George Clinton, Mrs. Earl Andresen, Mrs. T. N. Andresen, Mrs. Paul Sicke, Mrs. Mem Pearce, Mrs. A. A. Gueffroy, Mrs. Margaret Mont gomery, Mrs. R. C. Kriesel, Mrs., Joy Turner Moses and hostesses, Mrs. McCoy and Mrs. Barker. Eteri Class Entertains Married Group The Eteri class of the First Baptist church- entertained the married people's class with a gay Christmas party at tbe church Friday night. The spacious room was decorated with fir boughs, and in one corner stood a bril liantly lighted tree, laden with gifts, which were later distribut ed by old Santa among the guests. After the business meeting and an interesting period of music and devotions, led by Milton Dierks and Marvin Roth, the group was turned over to the socal commit tee who provided games and re freshments in keeping with tbe holiday season. There were 73 members and friends in attend ance. Rickreali Mrs. Chester Gillam entertained members of the Thursday Afternoon club at her home Thursday. The rooms were gay with Christmas decorations. and cards were the main feature of the afternoon. At the tea hour refreshments were served to Mrs. Clara Wait, Mrs. Clara Robbins, Mrs. Jennie Hewitt, Mrs. Mayda Nelson, Mrs. Ilia Price, Miss Mildred Baker, Miss Edith Hezeltine and Miss Doris GoodeH. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Clara Robbins. e The American War Mothers will meet at the American Luth eran church at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Addie Mills fe chairman assisted by Mrs. Jennie Erixon, Mrs. Mettie Schramm. Mrs. Lorena Eyerly, Mrs. Ida C. Traglio and Mrs. Agnes M. Bobb. Members : are asked to bring Christmas offerings. The Women's Council will meet at tbe Open Door Mission on N. Commercial at 2 p. m. Monday af ternoon. It will be a work meet ing. Toys given to this nreaniza- tbm are reDatred fev th mfta, man's class of Che high schaai. an wfU be giea tsv jkeedr cfcEdV 'Discriminating Given Shop Here Alwayt" ; Leather Gook: Yrdley and other ,pop - ular sift seta, perfumes, and many other small gifts for men and women. : QUI DiTlENEEIKlEy ;. CENTRAL PHARMACY 410 State St, Tel. 9123 CHRISTMAS SALE M v $16.95 and AT70(S J $19.95 Value LVaV m $24.95 Value, . im DEC. 20 MT.' ANGEL, Dec. 16. Patrons of the Mt. Angel Cooperative creamery will again hold their an nual meetlsg and dinner at St. Mary's auditorium on December 23. The meeting will open at 10:20 a. m. - The program will include mov- ren not already provided for at a Christmas party Saturday. tng. pictures, musicsl and tocal numbers : besides, the" : followiag speeches? , "Address of Weteome, R. J. Bernlng. president; Re marks," Ed Overlsnd, director; "Increase of Butter- Censamptioa and Control ot Production." J. D. Mick le, state dairy and food com missioner; and "Present Day Eco nomic Cosdltions, Roy Hewitt, asststaat attorney generaL . The following officer were-1-eated by tha Mt. Angel Farmers Union: Stanley Dnda,- president; Albert Diehl, vice-president; Fred Schwab, conductor: Charles Bochsler, door keeper; and Frank Hettwer,' 8eiary-treasarer. The quarterly meeting for the Marion County Farmers Union will be-held at tba MC Angel aa- WELL-CHOSEN For Everyone If It't Suggestions Yea Want, See Out Winious Drugs Court at Liberty Phone 3444 PRE -HOLIDAY AIL TOO MUCH MERCHANDISE NOT ENOUGH MONEY! We are stocked with Diamonds, Watches, and all Mnds of Birth Stone Rings, which we are sacrificing at 30 to 60 saving. Every article in the store reduced." Bel ore You Buy ... COMPARE OUR PRICES 173 N. Liberty St. $19.95 and $24.95 Values Silky Ions or short haired furs, wool crd nub crepes, fn black and colors. Other models, some sport styles, greatly, reduced for the holidays. Women's and Misses' coats. AH Women's Raincoats reduced to . ..:.$L95 All Children's RaincoaU reduced to . $1.69 s A 275 N. Liberty St. - Salem, Oregon Phone 8774 Features for AQsS' First-of-he-Week Shoppers at the Greater SHIPLEY Store SHOE DEPARTMENT SEMI-ANNUAL SALE SUEDE TIES Black suede ties. Cuban heels, for dressy street wear. Regular $5.00 values. During Semi -Annual Sale days $295 SUEDE OXFORDS Brown uede oxfords. These former ly sold at $5.50. A very popular number among the browns. Sale price s395 EVENING SANDALS Black sandals, popular for evening wear. One JJB95 of the regular $5.00.values, now - v " PUMPS Pumps in kid leather, Cuban heels. Very dressy and serviceable. Special s395 BROGUES Brown grain leather brogue oxfords. One of the feature models.. All sport oxfords on sale r - . . '$95 SHOP EARLY THIS WEEK Greater SHIPLEY Store