The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, ? Oregon, Saturday Morning, December 16, 1933 - PAGE SEVEN J Eggs Falter. . Price" Eel V w I t t i ' J. " j ' r I i I -J e . 4' ' BSSJSetSS I S II mi ' I 1 Ml V Statesman " Classified Ada Call 9101 ; CUmlTtod Advertista ' Single Insertion per lie. It Three Insertion pr tin ......... If Six Insertions pes Un. .It On month par ltn.-ll-et-lClnttnam ctr Copy for tal Hit eepUd until 4:3 th Ins bfor pabUcsltoa Cot classification. Copy re ceived etter this tint will be iu ander th headtn Too Lat to CUuplty. The SUtesuaan aesame m Onaactal rwponnbntty toT-'orrors' ap pear tn adTertiseniut pto Usbed la Its columns, aad la cum wttrt this paper Ss it liiU V1 reprint tkat part ot aa adTnisint ta which too typographical mistake ocean. Th Statesman rseerve tat right to reject objee ttonal advertising. It far ther reserves th right to classify all adwtlaiag aa der the proper classifica tion. ' Suggestions from Salem Merchant Metropolitan The finest selection of toys, eandles, decoration, tree light sets, gifts, at the Metropolitan Christmas sale. 148 K. Liberty. Eoff Electric . ELECTRICAL" gifts are practical gifts. For Hep sandwich toasters, kitchen docks; Mlxinasters, washing machines, waffle Irons, percolators, vacuum cleaners. For Him radio (as low as 814.JS), alarm clock, desk lamp. 837 Coort. Cooke & Short UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS New and used. SEE OCR new model PORTABLE at $45.00. Used machines all makes, low prices. : E31 Court Street' TeL 1584. Shafer's Leather Store BUT leather goods from a leather store. 170 & Com'L C"' BILLFOLDS, luggage, brief eases at surprtotaglyjow prices. ; 8. Com'L BICTCLES $12.0 UP See our complete display of new and rebuilt bicycles. Harry W. Scott 000m0mm sess -swas Q. W. Johnson & Co. Ties 4 sc. boxes: broadcloth shirts, boxes. $1.49; hat free with each suit Woolpert & Legs:, Drugs TARDLET sets for men and women are among the tinest gilts. COSMETICS, . shaving sets, station ery. Court at Liberty Sta WELLEH HARDWARE PTREX ware, cutlery, electric ep pllances, handy kitchen tools for the housewife. 45 S court i ftSCAR S NELSON ' CIGAR3, pipes, pipe nets, novelties for him. Half price and less for short Urns. 169 S. Com L 8trWUVTlVVVV's-r'i"i - Olson, Florist GIVE flowers for Christmas., send by wire. TeL 7148. Bishop's ARROW shirts at $L$5 are real IF IT a lor a man or ooy you una the best selection at Bishop's, 11$ N. " CommerclaL " THE LARGEST selection of men S fine neckwear In Salem. , Smart Shop SCARFS, umbrellaa blouses, sweat ers, pajamas, besides ready-to-wear make really practical gifts forewomen. Reasonably priced, of course. . The Statesman - A subscription to The Oregon States. -C man Is a gift 218 days of the year. Remember a friend with a subscrip tion to The Statesman. ; SALESMEN WANTED Agents wanted. Best deal In Salem, mm or womn -1T 9 CommerclaL FOR SALE -Miscellaneous ELIZABETH LAWSON announces the opening of the Dr. Cartwright bom at 754 Ferry street to particular people desiring a home and meal a ileal i will also be served to others by telephoning In advance to Mra Lawsoa at 7995. Once her guest you will be tertaln to return. 66e ewt kraut cabbage, 1162 & 13th. , r v ; RADIO FOR SALE 1147 Majestte Console, repossessed. Balance due, $42.50. Terms, $6 down. S3 monthly. Ste Mr. Janz, Will's Mu sic Store. . nArumi n mii n.i trip nnnnr - r - n - -m r - r Embroidery and needlework reason onabia. Mra LaForge, 225 N. High. - USED FURNITURE BARGAINS ' 4 pc ivory bedroom suite $25 Automatic Monarch Elec Range 4S Automatic Monarch Gas Range $9 Mohair Dav. ft Chair (used S mo.) 45 9x12 Axm. Rug, (Used S mo.) 16 St Clair all-cast Wood Range 45 Opal Range, enamel trim , . .. . ,- 85 S-nc Walnut Bedroom Suite. 879 . new, used 8 weeks SI - FIDLER FURNITURE . 255 N. Commercial - TeL ' 8425; Saw gumming and sharpetilng . mile a Four Corners. TeL 4280. Ladles' and men's 2nd hand shoes, .rroairad.' and ' for sale. Low prices. Shoe repairing. Halt soling, ladles, 60c to 75c men's lio t il AAaier neeis, tie to Sao. Jacob Voght, 9 SO S.. Com'L 2 small bicycles, boys and girls. like new cheap. 147 H. oora'L - Bicycle for sale, 6ES N. High. - FRESH cut Christmas - trees, all kinds. Paul Cree, 177$ North Front Street. - ; i - j Wood range,. $10. Combination ba ehelofs heater. Excellent condition. TeL 20F3. FOR SALE5Il3ceIianeous Boltxber.. - Baldwin. Northern Spy, Jonathan, Greening. 26c ,t toe. Wal nuts. Mr. wrtt&L '4 nu. wuwoi TOud. frutt and not trees. See Frultland Nur-ery before buying, sale yard be tween Commercial and Front on Cen ter Si. A. J. Mathla. Insoected holly wreaths and sprays. Inspection tags tarnished. 1860 X. Summer St Tel. 9314. Haircut. 20c, 1(14 N. Com'L WANTE1 Miscellantoiw Wood range, heater, cheap tor cash. TeL 20PS. MISCELLANEOUS Haircuts- 15e-20c SOS & Winter. Free. We pick np dead worthless hemes, eows. sheep. TeL 4W. ROOM AND BOARD Bear-room. 695 Court. TeL 6.678. KiR, steam heat, near P. 0. 1412. Pleaaant rooms best of meals one larce room down stairs. TeL 448. Room and board. 4 wt Tel. 7813. Board, room, laundry, 1 mo. Mra A. Varnes. M4 & 28nd- FOR RENT APARTMENTS Fine mod. S R. turn, apt Beat, else. retriseratton. Garage. Tel. bin. Apt, overstuffed turn. 658 Center. fjsasseaSeseNsesSMeiSNssetsessssesrssa Apt. $5-19, 11 S. Church. Furnished heated apts. 444 a High. Mod, heated apt., 210 N. 14th St FOR RENTHOUSES Furn. and unfurn. houses. R. A. rorkner. 1C10 N. Cottage. TeL SOSL FURXISHED two and three room cottages, with garage, by the day. weak or month. CHERRY CITX COTTAGES 2 4 SO Fairground Road FOR RENT Close in unfurnished residence. 8 rooms, bath, closets, garage and wood shed; Price $10 per month. GUILDS MILT.KK. Realtors 844 State Street TeL 6708. 1440 Ferry Street, modern house. 8 bedrooms, $15.60. 898 N. 17th street, 4 bedrooms. 2 stoves, well lurais&ed, pi ano, on bus line, garden. $20.00. 4 room house south of town, well, chick en house, $s.uo. P. It BELL, 225 Oregon Bldg. TeL 8903 and 2427 FOR RENT Larfe home comDletelr furnished. 4 blocks from city's center. OVner out of town, low rent to reliable parties. Suitable for board and room. REALTY CENTER 142 &. High Tel. 8114. Snappy 8 B. bung. turn. 955 Madison. FOR, SALE Real Estate 70 A. 4 miles .to Marion, sJl clear land. Jarg barn, stanchions for 10 cows, small house, well, irrigation ditch, $30.00 per acre. 3 A. 1ft miles to Salem, good well. garage, chicken bouse, woodshed, a room bouse, elec. lights. Take light car. - MEL YIN JOHNSON, 278 State Street FOR SALE Belcrest lots, at very low price. Uood location. A. W. Win- slow, 1085 Madison St SPECIAL One of Salem's finest homes. 7 large cheerful rooms, well arranged for sub rentals, 1 block from state house. Of fered for less than half price. $3500. Call MRS. ELLIS with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors ' 341 State Street TeL 6708. FOR SALE BUT NOW. PRICES ADVANCING. NEW SUBURBAN HOJIE a coxy lit tle bungalow on Pacific highway, north, A. In fruit and berries. Priced to sell quick. Small down payment TRADE 4 A. improved just outside of Salem, north. Wants larger acreage. REALTY CENTER 142 S. High TeL 8114. CLOSE IN RKSIDENCR Five rooms all plastered, modern with basement, furnace, corner lot paved st Only five blks. out Price szavo. down, baL $30. per mo. A ! v iy.- vr.iit value. BEE W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 184 & Liberty Street EXCHANGE Real Estate For outstanding buys In real estate. see us. We specialise In exchanges. h. c SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. ' TeL 8902. FOR SALE FARMS FARM BARGAIN 70 acres 12 miles from Salem. Only i.Alt L. win o t.n.,. AWV iwi uuita osici u am mvwib mv uv in Salem, equal value. CHILDS ft MILLER, Realtors S44 State Street TeL 6708. A REAL FARM BARGAIN 140 A.' Improved farm on paved road 19 miles from Salem. 160 A. In culti vation. Bat pasture and timber. Can be bought for less than $50.00 per a pre or will take small acreage or city home in traae. RE ALT T CENTER 142 a High Ter. 8114. FARM BARGAIN Good 64 acre farm with buildings located on main Pacific highway, north of Salem. Price $5900. $2700 cash, baL terms, A REAL BUI. 184 a Liberty St TeL 6488. 2S8-ACRES $9000.00 Can't beat this. It Is a forced sale. Good house, barn, garage, . and etc 18 4-A. cult, about 10 miles of Salem. $Zs00 down. 18-ACRES $3000 5-R. house, battv. electricity, barn. 20X49, poultry bouse. 3 hi miles or Sa lem, on pavement A real buy. JAS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 132 South High ACREAGE FOR SALE ACREAGE WHT WAITt LOOK AT THIS! 1 acre walnuts and filberts with wonderful 6 room strictly modern home, mile. from Salem city limits. Act quickly, it's a buy at $3000. Small payment will handle. f v... . RE ALT T CENTER 143 a, High , : -v - TeL 1114. WANTED REAL ESTATE $a1wahaeBf"hSshsksaaaw W k VT -at m V- v tiArrta kaarns1t acreage, near Salem. 1906 N. Summer Street . Bnsihesa. Opportunities .' GAS STATION DWELLING 'TDandr location ' with one acre. ground priced to eelL See my agent JAS. IX SEA1UJ, III 8. High St Interesting Fact People past 45 who -weigh 20 per cent more than the aTefage hare a death rate greater by one halt than the average tor their age. It they hare a 40 per cent overweight, the rate Is. almost doable that ot the average. -O Before taking any drug In an attempt to redace one's .weight, a I physician should be consulted. O- Some time ago we mentioned something In our column about a wife of a Salem business man buy-1 xng a coat in roruano. we ara not mention any names but eTl- i dently the shoe tit sereral Salem ladies for merchants have been I i accused of giring us the informa tion. O Nine counties of Oregon bare a hop acreage of 17,597 acres. Mar ion ana voik. county nare i3,u6b acres. In 1919 there were 8000 acres of hops grown in Oregon. 1933 I nearly 20,000 acres. O One-seventh ot the world's hops are raised in Oregon. Fifty-two I per cent of the Pacific coast crop is also grown in our state. r " Herb Stiff advertised an auto - mobile to trade tor a lot. Some Gntenrisinsr real estate ladr tried I . , ' ,,;,., t,, i to close the deal with a lot at Bel- crest Park. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to 28 months to sepay at lowest pos sible rates. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st NatX Bank Bldg. Phone SSSS Licensed by Stats - ' - --- - -i-r- -i- - i-iiirrywiopr.'rvyirvJV'WAJ Are You Short of Cash? SfrSrJiVf'Ts-rS oal Repay In from 1 to SB months, ao - cording to your present income. Come In! . . . Write I . . . 'Phone I BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF SALEM Member of NRA Room II). New Biigh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED No. S-12Z by STATE sis atate st TeL MONET TO LOAN on farm, city or acreage properties. Must be the best or security. . CHILD 8 & MILLER. Mtge. Loans 844 State Street TeL 6708. FOR SALE WOOD ... . . - 1 nn.-i Phone Tracy's. 8886 for dry wood. GUARANTEED DRY wood ooai TaL 8000 Salem Fuel Co. Trad CotUga. Ash, flr and oak. Tel 6648. Second growth and oak. Phone 137F3. Call 4SF14. All wood. Smith 4k Rubens. "-" 1 li 1 "1 'iru'jn.TLrurLnji Ail kinds dry wood. TeL 4418. - Dry old fir, ash. TeL 8673. 2nd growth, oak and Dry fir and oak. TeL 9769. Second growth and old fir wood. Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells. rMrVVVVVVwVVVVVwVVwVwVwwVVV 4 ft oak, $5 cord. Tel-7983. LOST AND FOUND LOST 2 small mules. Last seen at I Lake Lablsh, near Ore. elec. trestle. Reward. Schroeder, K. 8, Bt Zoo. FOR SALE USED CARS 1925 Sport Touring, good condition, cheap. Box 369 care statesman. 19SS FORD MODEL B - Commercial pickup. Just a peach of a Job, See It at . Borrego's Car Warket 240 No. Liberty TeL 8688. JUST ANOTHER BARGAIN AT I O M o .to UUl i tJiU s iyawi irvvs. I . . ... . 1929 Ford Sedan, with only 25,000 miles a clean job $195. 240 N. Liberty TeL 8688. McKay's Used Cars CHEVROLET GIVES MORE 1927 Nash Roadster 65.00 1928 Chevrolet Coach, as is 95.00 1928 Hupmobile Coupe 245.00 1929 Nash Cabriolet . 285.00 1929 Reo Sport Coupe 275.00 1931 Ford DeLuxe Phaeton . 295.00 Truck Specials 1926 Reo, 1 Ton 150.00 176.00 885.00 425.00 1929 Chevrolet 1931 Chev. 131" duals 1931 Chev. 131" duals We buy, sell and trade used cars according to the prices in the new fvjaUtOmObU0 333 Center TeL S189 4J0 n'. ComT Douglas McKay Chevrolet Company. NOTICE NOTICE IS JTEREBY" GIVEN that the partnership lately sub - sisting between W. M. Woods and W. H. Stelser, under, the firm name and style of Stelser Woods, was on the 1st day of December, 1133, dissolved by mu tual consent, and - that the busi ness in the ' future will be car ried on by W. H. Stelser alone. Any atnd all claims of creditors J which has characterised the on against t h r partnership andor j ion price since the first of-tat v v se,r,rfIU4; ,1 Z pendence. Oregon, or to Walter I Fuhrer, 602 Guardian . Building, j?aim. nrppnti nn or Wore cember 20, 1933. Dated thia 1st day of Decern ber. 1133. WALTER FUHRER Attorney for Partnership I - of Stelier ft Woods. Dec MMMI. Business 1 Directory 1 - Cards in this directory ran osi a monthly basis oaly. Itatet f 1.00 per line) per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panefc, 276 South Commercial. BICYCLES New and need. Ttres, Repairing. HARKT W. SCOTT. 147 a Com'! Bt BROOMS AND BRUSHES Oregon Blind- School. Tel. 4072. Fuller Brush Man Telephone 386L CATERING Burt crary. the caterer. Ph. 718. Hulda Helps Hosts es. TeL 8048. CHUINET SWEEP I Telephone 4 4 SO. R. EL Northnese. 1 CHINESE MEDICINE Chen - Lara Chinese - Medicine Co. (now In former location). Honrs Tues- day and Friday. 10:80 a, m. to f p. m. 180 N. Commercial. CHIROPRACTORS EfcpK,?Uro,ract,r - 258 N. High. TeL Rea 8672. H. Liresay, Alton Hopkins, Ro FLORISTS bert Hall, Harold Liresay. Robert - Barton. Ernest Llvesav. Emerson CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fun- I era! wreaths, decorations. lbaupt florist. 877 CoJrt TeL IX) 4. ALL kinds ef Coral work. Lots Fler- I w.i.V m ti I ' INSURANCE RCCKE A HENDRICKS 18$ R. High TeL 4841 COFFET-PtlTH, gen, lna. Tel. 3411. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRI THIS WEIDER LAUND&T 281 & High TeL 8128 CAPITAL CTTT LAUNDRT First In Quality and Service Telephone 8108 1284 Broadway MATTRESSES li.ti - -.- a hAtM. rvit. toa um. to lb. $8.6, Rfuovators 1 fumlgatora Rugs cleaned. Cmpltell 1 Biding Ox TeL 4069. 8030 NT CapUoi. j rue weaving. Salem Fluff Rug it Mat- tress Factory, & 12th 4t WUbur. TeL 844 1. Otte F. Zwicker. Est 111. MUSIC STORES I GEO; C WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music and olano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 482 btate Stn Salem. - PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician I O. Altman, M. D. Homeopathlat. urxice ana resiaence eei wonw a. Phone 6832. Treats both acute and chronto dl sea sea i PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint ft Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING TOR STATIONERY. eard& niB.nk' lets, programs, books or any kind of nrintinc call The Statesman Printing Department 216 8. Commercial, Tele- ghonelOl RADIO SERVICE MOORE ft SEEWIS TeL S189 250 N. High. Central Radio Service. Tel 7993. Guaranteed repairs. 696 N. High. REAL ESTATE BECKE ft HENDRICKS, TeL 494T. RfWlLOFSKT ft SON 204-8 First-Naft. Bk. Bldg. TeL T607.1ttnna. in Tiew of the short sup STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. , Stoves ror sale, reouut ana repairea. u kin nf waven srira fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, hooks, logan heoka "K.T':.'! "SZ vK. ! 5-''" -i, o -ir7 l,nennri. tcu TAXIDERMIST I b. e. wiggins. 1 mi n. pao. Hwy. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. call S12L Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks; to Portland daily. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 226 BUte Bt Tel. 17T3. uistriDUung tor- warding and storage our-specialty. Get our rates. - TYPEWRITERS car I TYPEWRITERS Adding stch. sold. rented, repaired. Underwood Agents. Cooke a snort sal court ret, esse. WELL DRILLING R. A. West 20 years experlenoe, BJTD T, HOT 108. TeL 110FS. ILabuh OniOXIS Go To $1.25; Raise ft! Rapid Since Dec. 1 g LABISH CENTER, Dec. 15, Continuing - the. steady' climb moath, yesterday ftnothef ten cent raise was 1 experienced, bringing I? !1?Jr- np 128 ureu. aiiau ttga uu. auuurais rift. I check could not be secured as to th number of eaTloads released - 1 b7 Jo vers Indications are that a -: I large volume of sales were made. ' I : Thia bring the total raise , in f price since December 1, up to I hundred, anofationa being 80c on November SO. CIIU SCHOOL UPIOGMII WOODBTJRN, Dec. 15 A number of church organisations and schools ara planning special Christmasprograms for the com tag week. The pupils, of St. Bene dict's school will rive a Christmas program Sunday, December 17, at z p.m. m st. Luke's hall. The program is: harmonica sold by senior and Junior boys; recita tion by first grade boys: song by primary boys;, recitation by Jun ior boys; song and dance number by a junior group; candy cane drill by Junior boys; cowboy song by senior boys. Harry and Otto Kudna playing guitar accompani ments; dance by junior girls; song by small girls; and a. Christmas moralitr playlet, and tableau. "The "Waif." In the play are Ger trude AJcher, Cornelius Donnelly. Joan Beck. Virginia Meek, Cecilia Hammelman, Rosie Aplin, Ema Halter, Margory Smith, Helen Bronee, Anna Kust and Kathaleen Donnelly. Accompanists are Joan Beck, Kathaleen Donnelly and Ro bert. Miller. I me aiemoaisc cuurcn is pre- J sentlng a Christmas, pageant call ed "Light." Music and lighting ef fects are being worked out by George Landon and Wayne Live say. Music will b furnished by a quartet and a chorus of children, Those in the cast are Pauline LtTeay, Mrs. Herman Stone, J. J T,-m. Wlllma Doss. Beatrice The business staff is: Mrs. Ham mond. Joyce Woodtm, Pauline Liveaay. George Landon, Mrs. S E. Brune, J. H. Livesay, Emerson Jones and Wayne Liveaay. BUT STOCKS IH NEW YORK. Dec. 15. UF) Re ports of rising trade volume fail ed to hold out much indncement to stocks today. Volume was light I mnA h, irmrVpt was fairly steady nntu afternoon when a dribble ot .. . . , j offerings found buyers scarce and the net result was an average net point. Dollars declined, rallied. then eased again. American Telephone dropped under 114 tor a net loss ot 1 on a continuation Of the Offerings which followed the communica tion merger proposal. American Can, Du Pont, Union Carbide and Western Union were off about as much. New York Central, U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, American Smelting, U. S. Smelting and Case yielded fractions to around a point. Sereral rails improved for a 1 thim eased Armour of II I leU. easeiQ- Armour 01 11 Unois Preferred rose 2H net. American Woolen Preferred more than cancelled Thursday's rise. Sales totaled 1,173,382 shares, the week's smallest Tolume. Wool Scarcity Keeps Price Up Though Lull On BOSTON, Dec. 15. UP) The Commercial Bulletin will say of the wool market tomorrow The wool market continues to mark time this week. Sales hare possibly been smaller than in the two preceding weeks, when little over a million pounds weekly were sold. Prices, nevertheless, keep very firm for all descrip- plies of wool in sight. I I"9 foreign markets also keep very urm witn gooa clearances 1 continuing to be effected in the i nHmarv markets and nrioM ra I yrlmar" maraeia ana prices ra I ther against the buyer. Radi P rogram SATTTBDAT. Doc ember IS KOW POBTLAHD 620 Kc. 7:00 Edward MaeHugh,' NBO, 7:15 Morning Parade, NBC. 8:00 Organ concert KBC 9:15 Ceekiar sehoeL 9 . -80 National Farm and Home hour. 10 : woman's alagssias, &BV. 11:20 Prlendly Chat i 11:48 Educational Health talk. 55 Orchestra. 6:45 Jamboree. NBC. 7:00 Saturday Kight Daseiag Party, wnu. vf :15 Happy Tunes, KEC :00 Shanchal Davs. 10:00 Jim Taft and His orehesirs. 11:00 Tad riorite's orchestra. NBC. 11:80 Slumber hear, KBO. KKX POBTLAJTD liSO Xe. 7:15 Band saosle. S:00 Orchestra. 8:80 Soloist :00 Croseats From the Leg, KBO. :45 Better Enrliah. 1000 Loe and Fooad. 10:15 Masieal Gemft 11:80 Concert Echoes, KBO. 12:00 Weather report 12:15 Wastera Agriculture, KBO. 1:45 Clasieal sofoUt. 9:00 World Bookman. t :0S Symphony hear. 8 :J5 Ted Weemt erehestra. . 8:80 IastmmeBtal soloist 4:00 Rss-elombo; S:18 Aesop's Fables, KBO. , '8:55 Turkey Talk eentest 10:15 Charles Hart KBO. -, - 10:80 Opportunity hoar. 11:80 EnUrUiasrs. - .-.9?- s - - . -ahaaMaManea .- "- ' , ; XOAO COBVAIXIS 550 Ks. T:80 Morning Keditatiosa, led by el- lese z. w. u. a, :O0 Arouad the Campus. -10:00 Journal Jsniors. - 45e I is :oo Pans beer. at I i dies. i s;is-?- w""" HUH D ROP ELSQWE PORTLAND. Oct, 18. VPi Failure- of the local egg market to show an open sharp cut tor the day was no fault ot outside Tal lies which continued to snow snarpiy lower ngures. Price cutting In the trade here is so. general as to make quota . , - 7 7-" tlons practically 1 to 2c dozen low estaoiisnea iigures sutnougai tli. - nwiiM inniMiliMul no I change for the day. Receipts eontinaed to pile up la most positions. Market for butter showed a badly depressed tone. The sharp dAPlinM In other markets toceth-t er with additional heavy acenmu-1 latkn8 of fresh churning here, I roato1 n rtmrlrn on tna nart oft holders to shade. It appeared the big killer who cut Ws prices on live Poetry yes-1 hciua wfo $ 8.1 1110 yiciiMtu4ouu was scarcely gauged by supply and demand. Others were offering around 9c lb. for light and me dium hens. General Markets PORTLAN'O, Ore., Dee. 15. (AP) Produce exchsars. net nrteet: Batter Extras lihkc, sundsrds 18c, prims firsts 17 He, firsts 17e. Eggs Fresh extrst 3C tresa meamais sue. Portland Grain POBTLAXD, Ore., Dec. 15. (AP) Wheat Open Elra Low Clots Msy .12 73 73 72 Deeember 68 68 68 68 Cash: Big Bend blueatem 70; dark hard winter 12 pet 72. 11 pet 69; soft white, western red, hard winter, northern spring, western red 67. Oats Xo. 8 white $22.50. Cora No. 2K yellow $22.50. Millrnn Standard $14.00. Portland Produce POBTLAXD, Ore., Dee. 15. (API Batter Prints, sxtrss 21 e, sUndards 21e poaad. Baiterf at Portland delivery: A grade 17-18e;srmer's door delivery 15e pound. Sweet eream ee mgner. Eggs Parff is poultry produce ra" sell ine nrtea: Fresh extra sseeiais 26s. ex tras 24e, standards 20c, mediums 20e dos- efl. EuTinc price by wkoiessiers: yresB extras 21e, firsts 17e, msdiumi 15e, aa dergnda 12e pallets 12s dosea. Cheese OS score, Oreroa triplets 10c; loaf He poaad. Brokers will psy He below onststlons. Milk Contract price per cent, Portland delivsry $1.70 ewt; B grade cream -87Vss pound. Country meats Selling price te re tailers: Country - killed hors. best batch ers, under 150 poands 6tt-7e; vealerx, 00 to 100 pounds 7o pound, light and thin 3-6e ponad; heavy calves 4o pound; lambs 10-lle pooad; yesrlings -5o lb.; heavy ewes 8e pound; medium cows 8 5e pooad: eanner cows 8-8e pound; bolli 4e pound. .r,b.I" Bu5'11,, prle,s "M e"p' ! Caicara bark Buyiag pries: 1033 n..l 2Ua Bound. Moo a iv3 clusters zs-oae pouno. Live Doultrv Portland delivery, bay ing prices: Colored fowls 4 to 6 pounds 10c. ever 0 pounds loe; spring puuere, 3 to 2 poands lie; rossters, over y neunds lie: Leghorn fowls, ovct 84 nnnaoa Se. under nounds 9e: broil' mm 1 U tn 3 wiundi lie 2 sounds and no 10c: stars 6e: roosters 6c Pekia dueks 10c; colored ducks Te; geess 8c pound. Turkeys No. 1, 1012c pound. Onions Tskima, $1-1.10; Orsgea $1.60-1.75 cental. Potato LiOcai wnite ana re a i 05 cental: Yakifa 81.23-1.85; Dee- ehntea S1.8S-1.40 cental. Wool 1988 clip, nominal: Willam ette valley 23-35o pound; eastern Ore gon 16-2 le pooad; southern Idaho 16-20e PH?- . . . . . Hay Buying price irom producer; Alfslfs.N. t, new crop 616-18.80; vetch $15; WUlamette valley timothy $15; eastern Oregon timothy $17.50; oats $15 ton. Portland Livestock POSTLAXTX Or., Dee. 13. (API- Cattle Receipts 100, calves 60; active. Steer, good, common and medium 82.75-8.75; heifers, common sad me dium 82.50-4.50: -cows, common sad me-1 dium 82.25-3.25; low cutter snd cutter I 81-2.35; bulls, cutter ami medium si.7s- 2.75; vesters, good see choice ss-e; euu. common and medium 82.50-5 : calves, good snd choice 64-5; common and dmisis 82-4. Hors Beeeints 700: rally stesay. Lichtweicht rood and choice 83.25- S.85: medium weight seed and choice 83.50-8.85; heavy weight, good and choice 13.15-8.60; packing sows, medium ana rood 82.25-8.10: feeder stoeker pigs. good end ehoice 82.25-2.75. Sheen Keceiots coo: firm. Lambs, good and choice 35.25-6; ma- 1 dinm S3.75-5.25 ; yearling wethers 88.75- 4.50; ewes 81-3. Stocks and Bonds (Copyright 1938, Standard Statistics Co.) DeeentDer i STOCK AVXiAOES Today S1.8 42.8 67.5 80.0 Preyious day . vs.s a.T oj.i oi. Week age . 92.7 - 42.7 65.4 80.2 Tear ago 68.S 27.7 91.8 66.0 Svearssro H7.0 88.7 151.4 118.6 High 1933 . Low 1983 . 102.1 . 42.3 68.0 113.7 94.9 23.5 61.6 43.9 BOKD AVERAGES Todsy - 7L8 79.2 78.0 T4.8 Previoasday 71.9 78.5 78.0 T4.5 Week ago 71.7 72.0 77.4 78.7 Tear ago 62.7 60.7 810 68.1 Syearsafo i 84.8 97.8 97.1 98.1 High 1983 ' - - 77.1 84.9 88.5 88.5 Lew 1933 58.8 67.0 74.1 63.6 American Legion Plans for Second Series of Dances ' DALLAS, Dec 15. A second series of American Legion dances will be started Saturday at the Woodburn halL The first series ot four proved to be a big success with crowds increasing at each dance. At the last legion meeting, the members decided to continue the dances as long aa they proved popular,, in the belief that some entertainment of this sort was necessary here. ' . Music for the dances is provided by the Midnight Sons dance band which proved so popular at the Haunted Mill at Rickreall a tew winters ago.- -. At the meeting Thursday night Commander Iran E. Warner ap pointed tour new members, for the dance committee to assist .the three original members. The dance committee as It stands now Is com posed of Fred Thomas, George L. Cooper, 8. E. Archibald," Tracy Savery, Carl Bales, Robert 8. Ereasoa and William Blackley. Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, co-op pool price, g ijjj per hsmdred. ; : - Snrplns flJB, (JQlk tstB sesal-sseaiklr SatUrfisl average.) l)tstribtor price $2.10. . Bntterfat Top 17c, print 20Hc, cubes SZHe. PrUta paid te gxewets y Bslesi fcsytrs Deeestser IS (Ths prices bslae. sesvaed by a teeal J pesee. as iadiestive ef the daOy swrset oe-JtataM at pmiM4 iyTh satesmsa) rsua us innuus sjrsceeu, ttoseoorg 1 .,, ... .7S Craaberrles. bbL -8.6S IPMspklss. das. 0 JM .SO e J ., .80 0 .63 Ueltaa Broccoli, nig Parsnips, box lua Taraips, bee leg ' aatsbacas. lug besr Brssseis sanata, lag ' Local plant JDS ewt. . -0 te 1.15 g!.p?"!il'rai' lb l Potatoes, local .75 te 1.00- Takima SO-sad 1.40 I Ceiitoraia. dry pack 1.40 u tJrL. aJa Lsbisb . T .1.15 Celery, dos. . .60 . .78 . .75 Applet sung Jonathans Spits -50 sad .63 Rome Beaaty .63 Oranges. Yalaaeias, fsaey n 8.50 riaee p" ' T te S.2S Ksvels, erats , ta Jaoaaeu. boadla . 1.5A Beets. ioeaL doe. .15 Turains. local des. .S5 Carrot, local, dos JS I Bpinsea. local, erats .65 BsBsass. la. ea stock . .05 Hands Lsmoas -5.50 J .00 J.25 Limes, fresh . Avaeadoa, crate Sqasah, Danish, dot. as Hubbard Squash .75 te 1.00 Tomatoes, Cslilornia peek, lag, 1.0 not uonse " California, ease 2.25 1.80 .OS -60 and .SO 4.00 .2.50 Emporer grapes 8wee potatoes, lb . rears, ba. Grspefrnit. Florida Grapefruit, California BOPS 1088 faggles .25 te .40 25 to .85 1033 cluster, lb. sTTJTS Filberts, fb. 12H te 12 te .IS .20 Wslantsv lb. Soytnc Prices a oca Extras Mediants .. Standards Palletr POULTS? Panetl Old roosters -Colored Sens Median hens Light hens Leghorn fryers - Colored fryers Dressed tsrkeys, Ko. 1 toms Dressed turkeys, topi hens ICBAT Sprag Iambs, too Hog. 160 te 200 lbs. ZOO te 22S lbs. 223 to J50 lbe. ISO te 160 lbs. 8.45 to 8.80 2.95 to 8.45 8.10 te 8.85 2.85 to S.8S .0b te JO .01 te J2 .0 .66 Sows 1 Steers Cows Bolls Dressed veal, top uressea Bogs 06 H GUAM AxTli HAY Wheat western red .87 .58 .14.00 .14.00 .18.00 .18.00 White, Ho. 1 Barley, feed Ko. 1, ton uats, ieei, toa Barley, malting, toa Oats, milling, toa - Bay. buying prteas Oats sad vetch, torn J2.00 Alfalfa, valley, first cot 14JM Clover say . J2.00 WOOI. Medium JS . J8 Course . I Mohair RICKREALL, Dec 15. Otis Wait is critically ill at his home hero and a special nurse Is in at tendance. .1 .13 .13 , .0 .11 J04 ,., JO , .68 1 .06 .10 ,,,,,, JO 15 .15 8.25 S.85 Gross-Word Puzzle Bj EUGENE SHEFFER j- r" T" T" T" s- V, . i e t 77p Te 11 7o vi vr777TT j Hi HORIZONTAL 1 products of the field 6 common mechanical device 11 one of the United 88 fails te . keep 40 sense organ 41 supposed hypnotic force 42 strips 44 towards 45 narrate States 47 blockades 12 rugged cliff 9 Jt J S- 14 lively 16 having - branches 18 Egyptian sun god 19 moves back and forth II Italian river - 22 egga 24 ceases 25 eookinsT implement "28ragrant 1 v : ointment " ef the ancients 28 bring to -. court ' 29 obligatloa ' 80 reclines 81 South ' Americas T country 82 scrutinize 88 border 85 Join closely 57 existed w -ansa 51 flies aloft 52 Uke exception Vertical 2 track worn by a wheel Herewith Is Pnni. terdays Puzzle. Cssyrlght. 1913. - - v ----- asMrurS5 if Biurs, mi prices mi CHICAGO, Dec 15. tipy Sud den buying orders from govern ment sponsored sources jerked the wheat market upward late to day after a renewal of liquidating, i sales had pulled prices down hard. On the down swing of values. - wheat went to around the lowest ' point reached since the Washing ton administration started its gold-buying program. Bearish sentiment was expressed in some quarters- as a result of word the administration gold purchase pol icy would be continued Indefinite ly. Statements by Secretary Wal lace ot the department of agricul ture, advocating Increased - fed eral regulation of grain exchanges were ' also construed by many traders as bearish. Wheat closed nervous, -l above yesterday's finish, corn un changed to lower, oats un changed to & off. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: Dec, 83; May, 854-; July, r Corn: Dec., 44; May, 51- July, 53-53. Oats: Dec., 34; May, 37: July, 35. First Indoor Shoot For Riflers is Held MOLALLA, Dec 15. The first winter indoor shoot for the local chapter of the National Rifle association was Tuesday night in the regular practice room behind the Henriksen store. Harry Frazer is president and Don Allen is secretary. , I . 1 A shed to house the new fire truck is being built behind the city hall. This truck is to be used tor out-of-town calls only. Road Matters Before Business Men's Club INDEPENDENCE, Dec. 15 A general discussion on road prob lems, public works, and unem ployment held the interest of those at the commercial clab meeting Tuesday night. The com mittees reported after which the usual business was handled. The regular date was postponed be cause of the Christmas holidays and the next meeting will be held January 9. Farmers9 Grain Warehouse liberty at Trade Sts. GRAIN DEALERS 100 lb. sack Ck. Corn . k . . . . . 100 lb. sack 21 Egg Producer 80 lb. sack 18 $1.10 . $1.75 . $1.00 ....40c Dairy Feed 60 lb. sack Bran 8 American ReTolo tionary - patrios 4 makes , smooth 8 single pieces of 8 grate harshly 7 stomach ' of animals 8 male sheep 9 ths self I 1& member of the I nobility- - 13 flower 15 procession of persona - on none '- baek J'S 17 -spoon- shaped V' 20 sauce mads ; of whit onions and melted butter Itf 23 melodies 25 eonp with thicxeninr 27-lair 29 molBture appearinf ' the solution to yev eT" CZ ; 82 took a on punts -: solemn cats 83 wanderers 84 muddled t 85 wast j? J matter 4i' .88 measure of capacity la 1 the metria .-system 89 eet of steps fot passin " over a wall 42 prima ' donna ' - 48 joint - --.' ' 48 sound -made by the pigeon; 48 African antelopoj gtag fasmm trsdimla, las,