PAClf EOTJIt UiwM'gKMwi,vft,,u ut Q5EG0N STATESMAN, galea,' Oreym, Sater&iy KcrafctyDftcs! 16, 1933 P? 4-, The AU-American Salute NAVE'S GIRL" t By JOAN CLAYTON "No Favor Sways Us; No Fear Shall Aw$n : " From First Statesman, March 28, 1851 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. Charles A. Spragtjb Sheldon F. Sackstt . Member of the Associated Press Th Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to ti us tor publica tion of all new dispatches credited te It or not otherwise credited la this paper. ADVERTISING . :, Portland RepresenUt3rs Gordon B. Bell. Portland, Ore. Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant, Griffith Branson, Inc, Chicago. New York. Detroit, Boston, Atlanta Entered at the Potto ff ice at Salem, Oregon, as Second-date If after. Published every morning except Monday. Business tee, 215 S. Conmtreial Street. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: lfsQ Subscription Rates, In Advance. Within Oregon Dally and Bandar. 1 Mo. 68 cents; I Mo $1.21; C Mo. 1 year .Q. Elsewhere to cents per Mo. or $50d for t year to advance. By City Carrier: S cents a month; J 5. 00 a year tn advance. Far Copy S cents. On trains and News Stands S cants. The Banner of Demagogy UNDER the heading "Shameful" the Medford Mail-Tribune runs the following editorial : Will wonders never cease! The Portland Journal justifying Its opposition to the new sales tax, accuses the proponents of ' such a tax as being enemies of the public schools. Says the Journal: ' v " ! "And so the Oregon schools are left to starve for this year. It is a situation to be widely regretted. The schools are the bul wark of self government. The classrooms and the teachers in charge are the fortresses of liberty. They are the safeguard of the nation. How unfortunate that in Oregon the schools are to be sacrificed for a year in order to soak ths public with a sales tax!" '' Now in all seriousness can anyone best that? This new sales tax was passed SOLELY TO SAVE THE SCHOOLS, all the revenue from it will GO to the schools. It was advocated by parent-teachers associations, by county school administrations ,by ' school boards. One of Its strongest supporters was our own su- perintendent of schools, E. H. Hedrick, who is not only one of the most competent educators In the state, but certainly has the cause of the public school system more closely at heart, than any other resident of Southern Oregon. And YET the Journal would accuse HIM, and thousands of citizens like him with being an enemy of the public schools, a j traitor in the ranks of education seeking to tear down what the Journal says is the very "bulwark of self government," How unfortunate INDEED! This measure was passed by the legislature, if allowed to become law. its revenues will be turned over to the schools in 90 days, that is by March. The completion of the school year will then be certain not only here but everywhere else in the state. But the Journal and its supporters, have instituted a refer endum against the measure, they Jasist upon holding it up for a popular vote, preventing the schools from receiving this Borely needed aid, until May or June and M they can play their po litical cards successfully, not even THEN. And now this Journal, this newspaper doing everything it CAN to defeat school aid has the inexpressible GALL to claim it is the friend and protector of the public school system, and those who are trying,' in the only practical way it can be done, to prevent disaster to the schools, are its enemies! - What can be done with a newspaper like that! I Why, of course you can do nothing with a paper like - that : nor with demagogues who constantly play upon public passions. These are the same disciples who put a halo around Julius the First and canonized him as the "savior of Oregon", who promised the people electricity without cost to the tax payers, and peddled more bunk which the voters lapped up. Now they turn on the governor and rend him limb from limb. The one thing the demagogues and demagogic papers have succeeded in doing j is to make it almost impossible for the government units in Oregon to function. They would pile v all the taxes on the wealthy classes, who in Oregon are non existent. Senators Burke and Zimmerman propose a capital - levy. That is about what the real estate tax has become, only -' instead of taking off a portion of a man's property it confis cates the whole of it in many cases. If people who own real property cannot or will not pay their property taxes now, how can they be expected to pay a capital levy? We are not "hot" for a sales tax; but the fanners who fight the proposed sales tax are a plain bunch of suckers; be cause the weight of it will fall on city people and the method of distribution favors the country areas. The reason farm or ganizations fight it is because their leaders have sold out to ; organized labor, which is always shrewd and always selfish. We suppose though the farmers will rally and vote down the sales tax, letting the burden still rest on their land, while the -city people who would do most of the paying get to laugh up their sleeves. Reply to Fair Questions Mr. Editor: I am a regular reader of The Statesman. Your editorials are - often very Interesting and worthy of careful thought. Your ed ' itorial of this morning on "Are Banks Down?" is a question sure ly for anxious thought. Your strictures on The Present Policy of our Government suggest the Question many are asking. What would yon do, if you were president? The money power has had their way in the financial policies of the government for 12 years. The crash came whUe they were still in the thrones of . power. What do they suggest? What can be done to get ns out of this quagmire that our president is not doing? What would - ; our hard money men do in this emergency? I am a republican, voted for Hoover and ardently desired his election. j ROBERT SMYLIE, m " 1394 S. Commercial Street. OUR correspondent confuses bankers guilty of moral and business delinquency in the late 'new era" with "hard money men". There is no such identity. Mr. Morgan was first to come out with a pontifical blessing of the president for going off the gold standard. The most aggressive advo catesof the commodity dollar have been the "committee of the nation", a group of "big business men". The most stren uous advocates of adhering to sound money have been econ omists with a broad understanding of the history of experi ments with money. . . ; . . , ' - Mr. Smylie falls into 'the error of many others in as suming that because men like Instill; and Wiggin have proved false leaders that such failure justifies support of a weird monetary policy espoused bjr the president Their bad eth ics or poor judgment is without relation to the matter of a commodity dollar. - - ; Our correspondent clashes himself as a retired Metb odist minister; so we presume his income is either in the v form of a pension from his church or proceeds from invest ments. If inflation comes as it has inso many countries which - have thought they too could "take nip" and quit, then his fixed income would be wholly inadequate to provide him with necessary subsistence. In ,Germany it finally took 60 miHard of marks to mail a letter. We do not want Mr. Smylie and others like him, wage earners, civil employes on fixed In come, to be suddenly rendered destitute through uncontrolled Inflation. . W.y'- :"';'-' ; v .-: ,, The general poUey of the government should be direct, ed, in our humble opinion, toward restoring confidence which - will in turn release the productive energies of 125 million people; and the first step in rebuilding confidence is to es tablish certainty with respect to the circulating medium. The cycle of depression has passed its hadir, long ago. What will defeat recovery is reckless government financing, destruc tion of the public credit and inflation which will ruin the cir culating meaiiun. Editor-Manager if anafitng Ldvtor -. - ; V' A SHORT TIME ago. Chicago gave as a scare. Several cases of "amebic dysentery were discovered and we had a right to worry. Many were taken sick and many of Its vic tims died. The ameba of dysentery Is probably the most important Intestinal para site found In the United States. It does not belong here. Persona who have been to the tropics may contract this un comfortable dis ease and bring the ameba back Dr. Copeland to this country. Even though they have recovered from the Illness and even If they do do not actually have dysentery, thty may be "carriers" and, if they are food handlers, pollute the food and water that will be partaken by well persons. A Series Disease) Dysentery must not be confused witbT simple -diarrhea. The latter is annoying but Is easily checked, If the former takes the amebic form it is more serious. Be careful of the food you eat and the water you drink. Be sure that it is prepared in a clean, sanitary place where only healthy people and those free from germs are employed. Many Infectious diseases may be carried to you an a tray of half-cooked food. It Is better for you to wait an hour before you eat, than to go into a place of doubtful cleanliness. Amebic dysentery is characterized by very loose bowels, blood, fever and generally severe vomiting. The pa tient remains weak and usually loses sleep and weight The best thing to do If yon think one of your family has dysentery is to call in the family physician. If a doctor is not available, it is best to give the patient a thorough clean ing put. An enema will help consid erably and help nature to rid the patient of the ameba. Spread by "Carriers" We are never quite safe from the carriers of disease. Typhoid fever, diphtheria and amebic dysentery are three ailments that are traced to such persons. ' . Health officials are on the outlook lor such persons, but It takes clever detective work to locate some of them. I knew of a case where the wife of an employe on the water shed of a targe city was found to le a typhoid fever carrier. Her discovery was due to the remarkable work of a hearth Inspector. . I - Clfalrnrss and thorough cooking of the food, guard against the dan ger of Infection.' When these are guaranteed, we may eat in safety. -Awar te Healtk Qaeriee - ' i '-. - P. C O, What causes one to clear the throat frequently? . A. This may be due to nasal ca tarrh. Send self -addressed, stamped envelop for further particulars and repeat yonr question. . , (Copyright, 1933, X. T. f. Inc.) Church Gets Holiday Gift For All Walk UNION, Dec 15. The Pres byterian church li . taking ' on Christmas decorations by a com plete renanerinc of the church and Sunday school room. John Leek is in enarge or me paper hanging. Part of th grade on the east eTrd of KflUa bridge gave . way sometime Tuesday. .Torch warn ing lights were burning Tuesday night.- -. Blackberry vines ara beinr ent and burned along the roads here oy. a crew or mea under Super visor W. Owre. Health I By Royal a Copeland, MJ). s " ' -J Bits for Breakfast By R. J. HENDRICKS The Golden Rule and the diamond Rule, . to banish- selfishness and selfseeking and make all men honest neighbors: S The other day, in the Christ mas rush at the Salem postoffice, a Japanese student at Willamette was overheard by the writer In friendly dispute with a busy win dow clerk. m "What was the occasion for the dispute?" the average reader will inquire a pertinent question. V -s Well, the student from our neighbor. land across the Pacific had made a purchase of postage stamps, no doubt to send holiday greetings to his people, for the spirit of the yuletide (sixth last word In Webster's Unabridged) is universal and timeless the germ of goodwill that will save the hu man race and bring permanent world peace, if anything ever does. a And the Japanese student found that in making change he had re ceived 28 cents too much. The dispute was over that fact. The alien In a foreign land did not wish to hare the clerk loss that sum, when be figured up his re turns in the evening, and he was very clear on the point He KNEW he had 28 cents that belonged to the clerk. He succeeded in con vincing the clerk of the fact and went away satisfied. He was hon estas honest as the family of his Mikado, which makes official Japan the most honest in the world V . And which makes "big bus iness" In Japan the most honest found anywhere; such as that owning steamship and telephone lines, etc., etc., Including insur ance companies. Why? Because the family of the Mikado owns an interest in nearly all great prop erties of the kind, and so does the government Itself. S S This Is not so true of the small merchant class. In some parts of that class, the opposite has been true, thpugh what we call chisel ing or cheating is being gradually rooted out there. S V S Well, the writer, after over hearing the dispute described, drove his auto down town down State street. Twice he offered to give right of way to a woman driver, in a California car. She re fused to take it, in. .each case. - e Many Oregon women drivers would have done the same. How many? How many California women, either, for that matter? Or how many Oregon or Califor nia men, either? v v v .There are many women who claim the privilege of the sex, and since all men are not so gallant as to grant it, even when It may be done without risk of a colli sion, the , cof uslon is ' accountable for many clashes, of course some of them disastrous, even tn th Lpolnt of loss of life or maiming of ooay. ' , ' v s : " ' The two incidents one right after, the other, occasioned pleas ant, memories. No one should be given credit for honesty, even In small affairs. All persons ought to be honest, as "a matter of coarse, But how many Americans would be so meticulous in cor recting a-brother' mistake, t even that of a member of a different race? No one should take advan tage of sex gallantry to knowing ly disregard a traffic rule, mada for. the safety of all In fact no JS one should consciously disobey a plain .traffic rule for any cause. U m No one, In fact, should' disobey the Golden Rule. As Matthew 7:12 puts it, "All things whatso ever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." That has tor nearly 2000 years been called the Golden Rule. And there is a complementary rule only a few years younger that is alike enjoined and of nec essity required for the perfect regulation of a complex society under any form of government. It la found in Romans 12:10 and reads: "Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly lore; in honor preferring one another." That is what the writer is pleas ed to call the Diamond Rule. It is necessary. If there is to be har mony between official and private citizen, or foreman or superinten dent and worker of a lower rank. It is required if there is to be har monious functioning of anv in. stitutlon as much so as the func tioning of each part of a healthy Doay. Is - The key word is preferring. Some one must be preferred, else orderly government, business or industry fails and confusion and decay results. Complete obedience to both the Golden Rule and the Diamond Rule, the writer has proven by United States court record, t. sulted in one generation, in the case or the Keil colony, of Bethel and Nineveh in Missouri and An. rora in Oregon, in banishing self- isnness ana selfseeking from hu man nature an accomni tubman unique in the history of the world for so long a time with as great a body of people, if not with any sized collection of human beings. "m "m W Practiced universally, all mn WOnld be honest BAirhhnrs .snA there would be ushered in per manent Peace on earth 7?nnBt neighbors? Who is a neighbor? The implications of tn una given by the Founder of rnri. tianlty in the Parable of th r.nn Samaritan Is that he may live In japan, or China, or India or Af rica, or in an Eakimn trin hollow log, or beneath a palm tree uaaer ine equator and that his blood stream mav con ma nnrfn skin white or black or red or yel- iow or brown, or any of the in ner weens. It has been SO written for near. ly twenty centuries, and nrotand. ed to be Relieved by mounting mmions nnaer the whole course of the shining sun but never pracucea, oy many, for long. Some readers win say, never at all. The Japanese student in an alien and more or less unsympa thetic land, to on the way, wheth er he be Christian, Shinto, Budd hist or. Just plain human being with the seeming of a gentleman. H S These rainy day thoughts, sug gested by the two pleasant inci dents in the space of a short quar ter of an hour in th.e writer's dally rounds in Salem, Oregon, are given for what they are Worth in this yuletide season. SILVERTON. Dec IS Santa Clans will be at Silverton from a to 4 p.m. Saturday afternoon. San ta Clans has come to Silverton each year prior to Christmas and all of the boys and girls from the country as well as from the citr are looking forward to seeing him. - STKOPSISh ; 4 Pretty, yeemg Titxkla' Warren uwiHinfly aeeepla the attentions of UfH McGee, a neketeer, fearing bis wrath showia ska refuse. Ose night, B2I to shec by a rival gangster wail with Patricia. Patricia nms hsess ta terrec. Her stopmether, fearing a scandal, pats her eat. Patricia Is t ereed te make her Hring bv Blavimer aresasimiil bridge. 1st- raised by the girrs bosaty and skUL Jiflaa EaTerkolt, the Mage expert, retiree her hto partner. She seer te saa paiauai waere no i introduces her as his niece. Pat lsj indigmait utfl Haver kelt explains i he was taiakiag of her repeiUtkm. Patricia is secretly la leva with Clark Tracy, the) polo player, hot Clark is engaged to Martha March, society gtrL Pat tret saet Clark and bis fiancee when she Wed in at bridge (for if ty cents aa bear) at wealthy Mrs. 8yeefs heme. Pat was living with her stepmother at the time. Meeting Pat again at Haver belt's, Clark dees sot recognize her. He breaks an appointment to teach Pat te drive her new car and goes en a trip with his laneee'a family. Noting her altoappeiatntent. Haver holt questions Pat, bat she denies that she loves Clark. Pat concen trates on bridge to forget. Then comes the bridge tournament spon sored by Reuben Blair, Haverbelt's bitter enemy. Clark to present. He to distressed by Patricia's coolness to wards him. The contest to on. Haver belt and Pat play with machine-like precision and perfection, and win. Next morning, they are deluged with congratulatory telegrams and busi ness offers. CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN "What are we going to do about these? she asked, glancing at the telegrams. s "Waste baskets were invented for such utaff," replied Julian so promptly that the girl was discon certed. In her mind she had been planning dignified little acknowl edgments. "Just ignore the whole of it," he went on. "There was only one decent offer in the lot" T guess I didnt see that one." "I separated it from the junk. Here it to," said Julian, rescuing the proper envelope and tapping it against his palm. "It's from Jar retfs, the big department store. They're planning a tournament for their customers. They want you to run ft." "Mel" "Tea, you," he smiled. "X think yon'd better accept Six Friday afternoons, though you can prob ably duck out on a couple of them. They'll pay you for your trouble." "How much?" demanded Patri cia, expecting some vast sum. "Twenty-fire dollars an after noon," Haverholt told Her. "That means a hundred and fifty for the series. They'll give you tons of swell publicity, paid ads in all the news papers, circulars mailed oat to their customers, they'll give you an ele gant send-off on your dizzy light to fame." "Then yon think I had better ac cept?" T most certainly do." "All right," said the girl obedi ently. "I wilL" She bent her bright head over the remainder of the messages. She hardly admitted to herself that she was searching for some word from Clark. Apparently everyone in the world had sent congratulations, everyone except Clark. At the end of fire minutes, Patricia folded the last sheet of yellow paper, thrust it into its envelope, looked up and said: "Is this all?" "Were yon looking for something special, my dear?" The man was watching her closely. "Why no," she informed him coolly. "1 was just wondering." "Maybe this to what you want," said Haverholt with equal coolness. Beaching into the pocket of his dressing gown he pulled out a crumpled sheet of paper, handed It fiEireomifS SCHOLASTIC ILLS HUBBARD, Dec. 15 The local high school students who took high honors which include I's In aU subjects, and citizenship, and no tardy marks in the past six weeks period wert Betty Brown, senior, six l's; Marjorie Wolfer, Leah Kromling, seniors, and Gwy neth Schols, junior, five l's; Dor othy McKay, senior, four l's. Those who won honors which re quires three l's, were Lucille Zeh ner, senior; Marion McKenzie, junior; Junior Higgenbotham, sophomore; and Gordon Bo Je, freshman. ' .' Marie Schatc is recovering from an attack of scarlet fever at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Pul ley. Child Clinic Held Seventeen children seven in fants, nine pro-school and one school child were examined by Dr. Burke at the clinic held at the Pythian hall Wednesday. Nine im munizations tor diphtheria were finished and four began ; i there were tour smallpox vaccinations. The health committee consisting of Mrs. Waldo 'Brown, Mrs. George Grimps, Mrs. John Friend, and Mrs. George Knight enter tained the examining physician. Dr. , Burke, and the nurse. Miss Nova Lyndes at a luncheon at the health center at noon. The next clinic wttl be held in May. - ; MONTGOMERY ILL ; 1 MEHAMA, Dec. 15 Roger Montgomery ! to in - the Stayton hospital and Reginald Goodell to taking care of his place. The na ture of his illness was not known, bat he-has heen in ill health tor some time. . - ., - "Maybe this to what you want," over. It was a telegram addressed to both of them. Patricia spread the paper flat, read: "Congratulations to two Z X t a t bridge players. Hoping to see you both next week at Belmont Clark." The girl raised her eyes. "Why didn't you show this io me?" she asked lerelly. "I did show it to you." "Not until I asked." "Perhaps," he shrugged, "I want ed to hear you ask." "Why?" Thawing his elbows open the table, the man suddenly became in tent and serious. There was now a certain inflexible quality about him, troubling and disturbing. "If I were you, Patricia," he said deliberately, "I would put Clark Tracy out of my mind this minute." The girl went scarlet "He isnt in my mind," she said quickly, defensively. "TouTl never in this world pan it off," he told ber, ignoring the pro test. "Clark Tracy to not for you and the sooner yon acknowledge it the better. It's not because of Martha either," he remarked and continued decisively, "You're pretty enough and clever enough to dis pose of Marthe'a claims in short order. After yon'd laid ytAir groundwork and got your campaign under way, Clark probably would n't remember there was a Marthe March. Don't bother getting high minded," he said sharply, as Pat ricia, horrified, attempted to inter rupt. Tre never yet met a woman who wasn't utterly unscrupulous where the prior rights of other, wo men were concerned. I dont blame yon for it If s your nature, child." The girl was furious. "You dont know as much shoot women as yon think yon do," she said seething with anger. "Pro bad years of experience, darling. Ah, those were the years!" "Stop it, stop' this minute," she stormed at him. "Ton may know women bat you dont know me. I like Clark Tracy. Well, what if I do? I've met his fiancee; I like her too. I suppose I hare a right to like them if I want to. Too you're try ing to make something out of noth ing. Fm sure I cant guess why you take the trouble." Poshing back the telegrams she rose from the table and stalked to ward the door, half expecting that Haverholt would can. He main tained a baffling silence. She hesi tated at the threshold. Still he said Farmers Union News MONMOUTH. Dec. 15 Satur day, Dec. 16, the Polk county Po mona grange and the nine subor dinate granges of this county will meet in Monmouth to hold a un ion Installation of their officers which total more than 100. A program and dinner, at noon, will be additional features. BETHEL, Dec. 15. J. A Saun ders of Mlnot, North Dakota, will be the speaker at a special meet ing of the Farmers Union at Beth el school house, fire miles east of Salem on State street. Monday night, Dec. 18, at 8 o'clock. Members of all surrounding lo cals are invited, as this Is to be Mr. Saunders only meeting in this part of the valley. He has a great message of conditions In North Dakota, and what the Farmers Union has done for them. He has a proposition regarding their members baying fruit from mem bers here. . DAYTON, Dec. 15. The Day ton Business Men's association will sponsor the annual Christ mas tree and street decoration it was. decided early this week. C. L, Chrlstenson nnder the di rection of R. , Johnson, wfU erect a Christmas tree to be elec trically lighted. A program will be held at De marays hall, Thursday, Decem ber. 21, and win consist of the Dayton- anion high school Girls' BBS HI Will SPBA IE TREE Glee club singing Christmas car I &y said Haverholt, with equal coolness. nothing. She could not resist I backward glance. The man wai smoking, staring meditatively ai' the ceiling. "Can you give me one single rea son why I shouldn't like Clarl Tracy?" Patricia flung ever haughty shoulder. "I can give you one very good reason." said Haverholt slowly. Un willingly she turned. He 1 e e k e i straight into her eyes. "Has H ever occurred to you what Clark would think if he discovered that yea wars not my niece?" Patricia walked to the breakfast table and sat down. She joined her hands beneath a strained whits face. "You arent going to tall him, are you?" she whispered. There was a silence in the pre-' dsely ordered breakfast room. Pat ricia sat strained and motionless. Julian Haverholt ground out his cigarette. "I dont need to tell Clark any thing," he said sharply. "If you persist in tailing in love with him yon wUl tell him the truth your self. And he wont like the truth I" Patricia faced him bravely. "The truth is not so terrible," she said. "I have done nothing wrong, rm not afraid.". "Save your defence for Clark," suggested Haverholt, not nngently. "Whatever yon say I will say: your story will be mine. But I very much doubt that you can success fully gild the facts." He hesitated, added, "Clark Tracy simply to not constituted ' to understand or te sympathize with the peculiar psy chology of the adventuress." "Are you inferring that I ass as adventuress ?" "I am merely trying to force yqi to see your situation from Clark'i standpoint That young man isn't living in the present century where the question of women to con cerned." "I suppose yon are," put in Pat ricia bitterly. "X am. It I loved a woman I wouldnt giro a damn for her past or for her future. I would be too bury with ber present. Clark is dif ferent After ah," he reminded her, T bars known the subject of our discussion longer than yoo hare." The girl could not confute him. She listened, every fibre of her be ing in silent protest, as Julian eon tinned his light, mocking olsseetion of the other man. Be CoatimK) ! as restore Syatfiesta, Is. ols follow ed by an operetta "San ta In Blunderland," presented bj 0 Dayton grade students under the direction of Miss Lena Stil well, grades superintendent Miss Gwendolyn Foss Is director of the girls' glee club. There will bo candy and nuts for the chil dren. TURNER, Dec. 15. The Turn er grade pupils are presenting a cantata, "The Christmas Toys Make Up." Friday night, Decem ber 22, at 8 o'clock, at the school auditorium. The-public Is In vited. A HOME For Those Who v Have Suffered a7Loss Here, la an atmosphere of peace and quietude, famfles who have lost a loved one may find so lace in a difficult time. Our first thought to for their comfortTand con venience while here. W. T. Rigdon . and Son I ! 4 ...