The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 16, 1933, Page 1, Image 1

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    f -
. 'f i,Oold, Uiowers , ,or snor
f : flnrriet -today and Bunday;
Max. Temp Friday' 42 MIb;
1. rlTer 5,4 feet, rala Ji
J Inch. Soatheast -wind..." "
Average .
Not. 33 ;
.Net paid, daily, Sunday, 723 2
Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, December 16, 1933
No. 221
Well Founded Report Says
. Kerr4 Will End Service
.-" About June, 1934-
Probe of Morse to be Mere
' Gesture; Harmony Held
Current Objective
---An armistice has been called ln
' the Held of higher education In
Oregon If one tan fully acredit re-
-. ports seeping Out to the- news
. front In the last fortnight. Nor is
this cessation ol hostilities the
t calm before a neir battle, anthori
ties declare. ':
- ' ' Rather the yarlona factions in
the flareup of six weeks past are
reported to be In substantial
agreement on these points:
, 1. Dr. W. J. Kerr iriU termin
ate his terrice! as .chancellor of
higher education on or about June
SO. 1934.
2. No extensive Inrestlgatlon
will be made by the state board of.
education Into affairs at Eugene.
J. A casual checkup of Dean
Wayne B. Morse may be made
meanwhile and his wrists slapped,
: His remoTal froin the Eugene tac
" nlty Is not contemplated.
; 4. Quietly th8 board win at once
start the quest for an out-of-state
man as chancellor, his services to
begin the school year of 1984-35.
6. There will be public com?
mendatlon by the hoard In dne
time of the work ' of Dr. Kerr. In
no sense will. his retirement be
. held an ouster.
. Governor JuUqs L, Meier will
, be in no hurry to appoint a suc
cessor to Roscoe Uelson, resigned
board member. v
' 7. During the armistice period
disgruntled Eugene townsmen and
faculty members will keep silent
and. work for a successful school
year,193S-34. . ';
Confirmation is JPot '
Possible at Present
These conclusLon-ar e not . the
result of gn esses, but neither can
they be confirmed by statements
-from board members. Following
' the lead of Vice-Chairman Willard
Marks,, board of higher education
.- members are keeping mum and
trying to keep the higher educa
tional controversy out of the press.
Nor has Chancellor W. J. Kerr
made any public statement on his
position since his declaration that
he would not resign under fire. It
Is certain he has not ratified the
: proposed armtlstlce by submitting
a written resignation.-.'
' But the verified facta remain
that the armistice above outlined
. Is in effect. One notes how qniet
higher educational affairs were,
kept in the special session. There
- was not a peep- on the floor of
either house about them. No bills
dealing with the vexing higher
educational ,. system were intro
dueed. '
- While .investigation of Dean
Morse, as ordered by the board, is
still the order of Te day, George
Macleod, who heads the investl
. gating committee, has been In no
harry to pnsh the matter through.
It Is definitely establlsed that Eu
gene faculty members have been
consulted' and that their respon
sible leaders have agreed that all
would be Quiet on the Eugene see-
tor if new deal would result by
next school year -
No one,: having witnessed the
shuttlecock affairs of the board of
- higher education,' can predict la
December what the group will do
. In May. The peace-at-any-price
negotiations may by then be
thrown to the winds. Dr. Kerr has
' hundreds of friends urging him to
stand by the ship until be is re
moved as. captain; a situation Ms
- snDDortera think will never oecnr.
Dut all patties in the higher edu-
. cation 1 mlxup are in essential
nrreement ; that constant, - open,
bitter warfare hurts the entire
" higher educational system. Thus
the armistice and stalemate now
effective.- :.
. irLLWRiGirr silled . i
, V BEND, Ore., Dec.; 15. . (P)
BJalmar Hill, 43, a Portland mill-
. wright, , was .fatally injured., last
.'night when -his automobile orer
turned on The Dalles-California
highway south of here.
to anusTJiAS
Four M il l ion Placed
On Jobs Under Civil
Works Plan.: Claimed
Goal Reached Declares
hollowing orate Reports; Cheese "and
Lard Purchase for Needy Planned
today by the civil works
to give employment to 4,000,000 persons on public projects.
Harry L. Hopkins, the
the goal had been reached through the day-and-night co
operation of state and local boards and their associates.
Will Leave Santo Domingo
This Morning; Havana
Stop Not Certain
Republic, .Dec 15. (A) Col. and
Mrs. Lindbergh, 900 miles from
the United States, were entertain
ed tonight by H. P. Arthur Scho-
enfeld, the United States minis
ter, and planned to leave at 7
m. tomorrow en what will
probably be the last leg of their
homeward Journey.
They arrived-In their hydro-
monoplane at 10:45 a. m. from
San Juan, P. R., 300 miles away
after a two-hour flight.
Mr. and Mrs. Schoenfeld greet
ed them at San Pedro de Marcois.
the Pan-American airways har
bor, and brought them into the
capital where they called on
President Trujillo at the palace.
It was considered likely the
would make their flight to Miami
by way of Havana. Whether they
would land in Cuba was not Indi
cated, but the regular airways
route across the Caribbean in
cludes stop at the Cuban cap
San Pedro is on the southern
coast of this republic. They alight
ed there because-of the good air
port and facilities.
The Lindberghs took off from
the harbor at San Juan at 8:50
m. (E. S. T.) They were the
guests overnight of Acting-Gov
ernor Benjamin J. Horton and
Mrs. Horton upon arriving from
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad.
BOISE, Idaho., Dec. 15. (JPi
Guy Fitch Phelps. 62, of Wash
ington, D. C., author and lecturer.
died here today at the home of
his sister, Mrs. Frank Colthorp.
Author of a number of novels,
serials and books of poetry, Phelps
had a reputation extending not
only through literary circles' In
America but to France. In Paris
after he had served with Ameri
can troops In the world war, he
was lecturer on classical exhibits
In the Louvre museum.
Born In Coyville, Kan., he came
with his parents to Idaho, grow
ing up In mining camps and on
cattle ranches.
He is survived by five children.
Gene, Savilla, Joyce and Kathleen
of Salem, Ore., and Naomi of New
York; two brothers, Eugene - C.
Phelps of Mountain Home, . and
Wayne U. Phelps of Tillamook,
ore., and his sister here,
Funeral arrangements have not
been made.
Late Sports
CORVALLIS,. Dec 15. ftp)
The Oregon State college basket
ball team had little trouble in de
feating Multnomah "club of , Port
land, 44 to 22; In their first game
this season here tonight.
The .Orangemen, with tour
lettermen in Jthe starting lineup,
led, 26 to 6, at half, time, and
held' a 20-polnt lead most of the
way through the game despite a
rally by the visitors at the start
of the second half.
- - PORTLAND, . Dec. 15. UP) .
Displaying some ' of the best
hockey seen by Portland fans In
years - the Portland Buckaroos de
feated the Vancouver Lions, S to
1, in their northwest- professional
hockey league game at the. coli
seum here tonight. - ; -
NEW YORK, Dec 15. WP)
Tony Cansonerl, New Pork's light
weight . Idot, kept" his ; winning
streak- intact tonight as he gate
Cleto Local elll, European cham
pion, a fierce J : beating In ' 10
rounds, but try as he would, he
couldn't put away jLhe gamest
little foreigner the faithful have
cheered in a long, long time. .
Tony. won an easy decision, but
all the cheers of a erowd of 1000
went to Cleto, lantern.. Jawed,
hawk faced warrior from the land
of Cansoneii's antecedents, mak
Administrator Hopkins
(AP) Success was claimed
administration in ite effort
administrator, told . reporters
His statement, Hopkins ex
plained, was based on telephone
reports rxom state leaders con
cerning the ambitions effort
which started a month ago. To
morrow was the deadline set.
It also was made known that
the federal surplus relief corpor
ation, which Hopkins heads,
plans to spend approximately
$3,000,000 for cheese and an nrt-
determined amount for lard lor
distribution to the needy unem
ployed. Butter purchases are al
so contemplated.
Families still on relief rolls
were estimated by Hopkins at
1,600,000, but he said the exact
number would not be known un
til state administrators report In
Hopkins said he could give no
definite employment figures eith
er for individual states or for
the country as a whole.
The drought areas In the west
and the tier of states along the
northern section of the country
were permitted to exceed their
quotas on the theory that wea
ther conditions would prevent
them from carrying on work as
steadily as farther south.
Plans for the employment pro
gram provided for taking . Z,-
000,000 men off relief rolls and
2.000,000 from the United States
unemployment service lists.
Cooperation in Wagner Law
Not Necessary Now is
Meier's Attitude
Three measures were vetoed
yesterday by Governor Meier,
none of which was considered a
major enactment of the special
Disapproval was given house
bill 102, by the unemployment
committee, providing foe the co
operation of the state with the
federal government in the estab
lishment of employment offices.
"The Wagner bill; which Is the
federal act referred to in this
measure, provides that In the con
duct of the employment offices
established thereunder SO per
cent of the financial support shall
come from state or local sources,
the federal government providing
the remainder. The Wagner bill
is so drawn that the state is not
required to provide for coopera
tion until the first regular legis
lative session after June 6? 1933,
the governor said In his veto mes
sage. "While I am entirely in sympa
thy . with the provisions of the
Wagner bill, I feel that the pres
ent need is being met by the na
tional re-employment service
without cost to the state and that
acceptance of the terms of the
Wagner bill can be deferred un
til the next regular legislative ses
sion. -.- - '
Senate bill 65, by the banking
committee, to regular the garnish
ment of banks and trust compan-
- (Turn to page 2, cot 2) -
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At left, an aerial view' cnhflWbite River Valley, Washington (left),
. which was Jnnndntcd when a severe storm sent the river rushing
from Its banks; The town of Kenton, Wash, in the background, was
tit the path of the flood. The new S300.000 Longacrea race track
r la shown almost completely submerged. Thousands of acre of farm
-land and homes were under
Effective at Once, Stores
May Not Be Opened Till ;
V New Year Starts r
All Bills Signed or Turned
Over to Hoss Excepting
Three Given Veto
All bills which passed at the
special session had , received the
governor's signature or had been
passed to the secretary of state
without signature by last night
save three measures which Gover
nor Meier vetoed.
The Knox liquor control meas
ure became effective at once yes
terday when signed. It gives the
state complete control over all
phases of the liquor business In
Oregon. While the state liquor
commission has already been
named, it was -considered unlike
ly yesterday that it would be
ready to put the measure Into
effect before the turn of the
Governor Meier affixed his
signature to an accompanying li
quor bill, b7 Beckman, imposing
a privilege tax on the manufac
ture and distribution of bever
ages of not more than 14 per
cent alcoholic content. The tax
amounts to 62 cents a barrel on
beer up to four per cent by
weight, to $1 a barrel on beer
over four per cent, and 25 cents
a gallon for wine. .
- The sales or privilege tax bill
received favorable consideration
by the governor. This law pro
vides for a 1 per cent gross
tax on all retail sales of personal
property and utility services. All
revenues derived from this act
will go Into a fund for the relief
of the public schools. Officials
declared that the operation of
this law would return to the state
approximately f 4,600,000 a year.
The act will remain in operation
for a Period of two years. The
bill was introduced br Renresen
tative McPhilllps and was one tt
the most controversial Issues of
the special legislative session.
The governor also signed
house bill 14, by Abrams, author
(Turn to page 2, col. 1)
Governor Meier Friday night
announced the appointment of the
three members of the so-called
Btate milk control committee, cre
ated by an act of the special leg
islative session.
Members of the commission are
E. G. Harlan of Eugene, repre
senting the first congressional
district: Burge Mason of Klamath
Falls, of the second congression
al district, nd O. M. Plummer,
Portland of the third congression
al district. Plummer has been
manager of the Pacifle Interna
tional livestock exposition for
many years.
The commission has authority
to fix milk prices, regulate the
milk Industry, and provide me
thods for disposing of surplus
The measure was introduced
bv Senator Ireland of Washing
ton county and' later was sent to
the senate agricultural committee
which conducted a number of
public hearings. The bill was op
nosed by the chain stores and
several groups of Independent dla-
distrlbutors. -
water in westers Washington v. J
Youth Arrested
In Lynch Probe
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Hero or slayer. Just as yon look
at ft. This la Anthony Cataldl,
who . has declared be led the
mob that Ijnched Jack Holmes
and Thomas Thurmond, kldnap-er-sayers
of Brooke Hart at
San JToee, CaL Cetaldl, arrested
In the lynching cae, has been
promised pardon by Governor
Rolph If be Is convicted.
Norblad One of Speakers at
Christening Today in
Bremerton Yard
BREMERTON, Wash., Dec. 16.
JPi The 10,000 - ton cruiser
Astoria, newest addition to Uncle
Sam's fighting forces, got her first
taste of salt water today when the
giant building dock at the Puget
Sound navy yard started filling in
preparation for tbeahip'i chris
tening tomorrow. '
2- Closed; before JinfflcUnt water
enters the dock to float the ves
sel, the valves will be reopened at
2 p. m. tomorrow and the big
fighting craft wilHlft herself from
the supporting blocks. At the
ship floats free, Miss Leila C. Mc
Kay of Portland, Ore., will chris
ten her with the first bottle of
champagne to crash against the
bow of a United States battleship
in more than 13 years.
Miss McKay, sponsor of the
(Turn to page 2, col. 4)
OLYMPIA, Wash., Dec. 16. (JP)
Following a two hour argu
ment tonight senate liberals lost
In an attempt to amend the
Steele liquor control bill, to allow
the sale of 22 per cent drinks by
the glass In hotels, restaurants,
clubs and on trains, boats and
Only 10 votes were cast for the
amendment, redrafted for the
liquor control committee and pre
sented by Senator Garrett (D
Pierce). Opponents mustered SI
Meanwhile, in the house liquor
control committee, another at
tempt was made to postpone con
sideration of the tame measure,
but after more than hour of fili
bustering. Chairman J. T. Ledger-
wood, (D., Garfield), managed to
maneuver the bit linto a position
ior reaoang.
At the right fa a scene on flooded Lincoln avenue,' in Tacoma, Wash.
Huadreds of families were rendered homeless, bridges were swept
away aitd property loss reached nearly 4, OOO ,000 after six days of
imprecedeBted rata cowpled with sttddenly meltinir snew la the Cas
cade Udvntains: Many Tacoma
sections of the city were under six
No Trace of Mob as Sheriff
Answers Summons to
Take Body Away
Youth of 20 Charged With
Attack on Girl of 11
Is Not Indicted
COLUMBIA, Tenn Dec. 15. Upt
The body of Cord Cheek, 20
year old negro whom the. grand
Jury refused to indict after his ar
rest for an attempted attack on an
11-year old girl, was found bang
ing from the limb of a tree near
here tonight. .
Sheriff Claude Godwin said the
lynching was "handled In a very
quiet manner" and that "no one
knew anything about it."
The sheriff said he received an
anonymous telephone call that he
could find a "dead negro at the
forks of the road" In the Glen
dale section of the county and to
"come and get him."
When Sheriff Godwin arrived
the negro apparently had been
dead only a short time, the offi
cers said, but there was no trace
of those responsible for his death.
The alleged attempted attack
on the child occurred In the Glen
dale section about a month ago.
Cheek was arrested and taken
first to Pulaski and then to Nash
ville for safe keeping.
But the Maury county grand
Jury Wednesday refused to return
an Indictment, Sheriff Godwin
said, and orders were sent to
Nashville to release' Cheek.
Clearing Charge on Checks
Mainly Considered
Sixty bankers from Clackamas,
Polk -and Marlon counties gath
ered at the Marion hotel here Fri
day night to hear, provisions of
the pending NRA code for bankers
explained. Joseph Keber of Mt.
Angel, president of the Marlon
County Bankers' association, pre
sided. The principal speaker was John
Ferguson of the First National
bank of Marshfield. He explained
the operations of a check clearing
charge made by Coos county banks
for the last eight months. A sim
ilar charge Is to be made by all
Oregon banks beginning January
(Turn to page 2, coL 1)
Auto Tax Moneys
Allotted County
For Road Upkeep
Marion county yesterday was
sent 151,697 from the state, the
sum constituting Its share of the
second halt of 1933 receipts un
der the state motor vehicle act.
By law passed at the 1233 ses
sion. 11,800,000 of state high
way funds are apportioned se
annually to the counties Yes
terday's remittance constituted
the second payment of the Tear
to this county. The moneys go
into the county road fund and
provide much relief for real prop
erty la the maintenance and con
struction of county roads.
homes were inundated and whole
feet of water as result of overriew
M Fayiiients Siriill
Light Snowfall
Failsr to Deter
Holiday Buying
viiirrles of snow which melted
when they struck ground yester
day afternoon In Salem did not
deter 'a brisk Christmas ; trade
which prevailed . throughout the
downtown district. Considerable
was experienced. The weather was
sharp hat the thermometer stood
several Several degrees above
freezing. A possibility of snow
was Indicated in weather reports.
The slight storm brought great
activity among the squirrels In
Willson park which were busy
throughout the afternoon taking
stacks or leaves to trees. Caretak
ers have helped these statehouse
pets by constructing several wooa
en houses which are lodged in
numerous trees M about the park
McKay Welcomes; Dubach
Is Principal Sueaker at
Opening Banquet
Appealing to 90 high school
youths from various parts oi
Oregon gathered in tne uuwng
room of the First Presbyterian
church last night for a banquet
meeting, to be not too quicx
to condemn and overthrow Am
erican institutions. Mayor Doug
las McKay welcomed the Willam
ette Valley Older Boys' confer
ence to Salem, and was enthusi
astically received.
The ' address of the evening.
give by TJ. G. Dubach, dean ot
(Turn to page z, col j
Fred Kiddle
Is Governor
Early Today
Fred E. Kiddle, state senator
from LaGrande, Is acting gover-
. .
nor of Oregon toaay ana unui
Julius L. Meier returns from Cali
fornia for which he left by train
last night Under the Oregon law,
as soon as Governor Meier crosses
the sUte line at Klamath Falls
at 7 a.m. today, Mr. Kiddle, pre
sident of the senate, becomes act
ing governor.
Mr. Kiddle is in LaGranae to
day but expected to return to
Salem tomorrow to serve during
the absence of Governor Meier
who will be in San Francisco un
til after Christmas. Mrs. Meier
accompanied the governor on his
Earl Snell, speaker of the
house, left Friday night for his
home at Arlington, lie will not
return- to Salem until the house
Journal is ready for his signature.
TOKYO. Dec 16. (Saturday)
(p) Hiroshi Saito, Japanese
minister to the Ketnerianas, nas
been selected as the new ambas
sador to Washington, the Associat
ed Press learned today.
Saito is the present Japanese
minister to the Netherlands and
4 former Japanese consul general
in New York. He would succeed
ex-Ambassador Katsujl Debuchi,
who has Just returned to Tokyo
following upon bis resignation at
Washington. .r ' :';
Salto's name had been promin
ently mentioned, in the Japanese
press as the government's likely
choice for the post,, but no con
firmation had proceeded from of
ficial sources. - ;
BUI Permitting1
Sub-Par Sale of
Bonds is Signed
' The Abrams bill permitting eit-
ies to sell their bonds for. less
than 95 per cent ofjpar ralue was
signed by Governor Julius tL Me
ier yesterday.' Such sales must be
confined to bonds used to buy ex
isting "utility plans .where federal
moneys tor improving the plant
can be obtained. - v - . . .
? The new law, while not .desig
nating Salem specifically, is so re
stricted it .is thought few 'cities
other than Salem can utilise the
enactment which goes' out of ef
fect in 1SJ.
-Liocai Danes in tne main op
posed the bill, holding It would
weaken the . market for Salem's
till 1
ion to Insist
ginal Amounts
, - : y L:
France Defaults Again
And Claims Status
Much Changed
Finland Only Debtor
To Pay in Full;
Tokens Given
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. () ,
Despite the collection of only $8,
895,123 of the 6152.000,000 due.
today on war debt payments, the
United States was said authorita
tively not to have changed Its at
titude that full repayment of the
loans should be made.
It was made known in highest
quarters that the position of this
administration had not altered in
the slightest and that it still con
sidered war debs and German
reparations to be entirely separ
ate questions.
This explanation was given af
ter France, one of the defaulting
nations, had informed the United
States in a note that it considered
the Hoover moratorium and the
Lausanne agreement had brought
about changes that necessitated
new arrangements before war debt
payments could be resumed.
President Roosevelt was said to
hold the view that the United
States was not in any way bound
by the Lausanne agreement, by
which European nations agreed
on reductions in German repara
tions contingent on a scaling down
of American debt payments. The'
United States did not sign that
Belgium, another defaulting
country, as well as France, linked
reparations with war debts and
contended they were unable to pay
more until Germany made repara
tions payments to them.
The treasury announced to-
night the receipt of 28,89 5,123 .
in paymehts'from six nations.'"
All payments were made at tne
New York Federal Reserve bank
except in the case of Lithuania
which paid at the treasury. The
amounts: Great Britain, 67,500.
000; Italy, 61,000,000; Finland.'
6229,623; Czechoslovakia, 6150,
000; Latvia, 68500; Lithuania,
Finland's payment, the only in-,
stallment in full, consisted of
6209,000 of 6 per cent treasury
bonds which were accepted at par,
61567.50 accrued interest there
on and cash of 619,055.50.
More Men Given
CWA Jobs Here;
Payroll is High
One hundred more men
throughout- the county were as
signed to work yesterday on CWA
projects by the Marion county
reemployment office, 250 Court
street The men will work on pro
jects approved by state CWA,
headquarters Wednesday. More,
men will be placed today and by
the fore part of next week 2400
men are expected to be on CWA
projects throughout the county.
The payroll for CWA workers
today will exceed 610,000. (Work
ers will be paid tor all time put
in up to Thursday night of this
World News at
: a Glance
(By the -Associated Press)
Domestic: i. ' r. '
WASHINGTON. Treasury de-'
partment asks congress to ease
tax burden on small Income earn-"
ef and to plug loopholes Open to
wealthy." sJ'J'sirL '
WASHINGTON. Import on eta'
for French wines ., increased:; as"
France reciprocates on American
products; , government opens new
drive against ram runners.
moves to simplify federal-state tax
setup on national basis. . ' "
NEW HAVEN.' Yale econom
ists call for speedy return to tree
gold - standard, foresee "disas
trous results from present mone
tary policy. -yv?r ' "
WASHINGTON. Civil works
administration says it has attained
goal oy putting 4,000,000 to work.
, i CHICAGO. "Torch, slaying;
climaxes quarrel over a woman.
; MEM PHIS-Ex-Eenator ..James
A. Reed of Missouri, honeymoon
ing with the former Mrs. Nell O.
Donnelly, assails , the "new deal?
NEW. YORKrfGary Cooper: ot
the films marries Sandra Shaw, of
ParkV avenue and the films. ': . r
: WASHINGTON. Federal Lbank
deposits insurance lawready for
operation January 1 ; president
asks Indulgence of congress dur
ing trial period.
3 Foreign:
: PARIS. France, Poland and
three Little Entente nations agree
to unite against German rearms-
ing hit Am&sJtan debut.