1 - fhe OREGON' STATESMAN, Salem Oregon, Friday Morning, December 15; 1933 PAGE FIVE c 1 S- i , t ... j - i,' -.it;- . ! t v - J i : " ; i A i-i - , -'. f . V. : ' Id' t i uV a ' . . A F r . V': - ' A I; : L: I : t ; "" ! - t i i V 4 1 : ' . I J v ;: ? i . "I il -! f : ! y - . ,H f - V : ; - I i. : ,! . y f . .t ! I ' 17 f t ,. ; i i A j. ij ' : " r: -', , H I !' I vli;: , ' I" i : .. t . f I - . 'I . i : w v: t f I-?- ' "Bike MUum- hMt,n. ' fcoone,ftfte' 'two; tfled Wrt lt elty twllce 'lieiadqoartera ts terday stating tliat the had paid for damagea,- amounting: la to a bicycle which her automobile ran Into Wednesday. Isaae Trost, tfaa rider: td ni Other mishaps reported yea- .eruay xaroirea Alfred Dam, 1008 -1 South 12th street, and P. M. . Alley, 2 North 21st, it Chema keU and llti: Lloyd Daly, Port land," and E. J.! Mank, 01 North 14th, :at;Hlgh and; Coortr . ! Basaar 1 p. nu Friday 3&Yarkej dinner, a:30, lrst M.-B. church. 4 Honor Court Comity Follow ing a Doara or reriew held last nighf. a court of honor far Bar ' Bcouta of Cascade area will be ceid at the courthouse here next Wednesday night A large num- v bee of boys is expected to be pres--ent to receire promotions and awards. :l Broadcloth shirts boxed 91.49. G. . w. johnson . Co. . . , - - Estate Aimr&iMrit Tha l&ta Elizabeth Shelley left an estate - rained at S3S75 according to an appraisal filed In probate court nere yesterday. Pearl A. Ling is administratrix. The bulk of the estate la in- real property here. Dahlen At the residence, 950 North 17th street, Ole C. Dahlen. Sur TiTed by widow, Augusta, and the following children: Alice, Irene, Walter and Alrin. all of Salem, : .and Victor of Montana. Prayer : eerrlces wlllbe held Friday. Dec. 15 at 1:30 p. m. at the chapel of t W. T Rigdon and Son, with fun- era! serrices at 'St. John's Luther an church at 2 o'clock, with Rev. H. Gross officiating.. Interrent in Lee Mission: cemetery. Yates John William Yates, on Rt. 4, Box 120A Wednesday! night. Dec. 13, at the age of "74! years. Sur TiTed by widow. Martha A.: son Willard of Milwaukie; two daugh ters, Mrs. t Lora Greenfield of Portland and Miss Ethel Yates of 'Billings, Mont.; sister, Margaret Harrison of Wisconsin and four grandchildren. Funeral services, baturaay, z p. m. from Terwilli ger Funeral Home, 770 Chemeke ta street. Rev. B. Earle" Parker officiating. On Rt, 1. Brooks, Ignasio al- dez. ared 22. Survived hv an nn. j cle, Trifon Alziar, of San Luis Obispo. Mass at 8 a. m. Friday. December 15. "at St. Joaonh'a r. thollc church. Funeral announce ments later from .the W. T. Rig- uon ana ton mortuary. ... r O I -o Births I Layman - To fr Any? fa Earl Layman of 1115 Jefferson, an eight nound hov Rnhcrt r.a roy, Thursday, December 14, at me uungaiow hospital. CHARLIE CHAN Chinese Medicine , Company dEALTH HERBS or kidney, bladder. S. B. Pong stomach, catarrh, constipation, glands. - Every Ail menf Disorder 122 N. Commercimal St Over Salem Hardware Store Dally 9 to I 6; Sunday 9 to 12 Consultation Free Isac Fast's , Furniture Auction Today1, 1 :30 P. M. 441 S.High . i ; Owners! Goinr East and Everything Goes, Without Reserve Consisting of Bridge Beach range . and beater, 6-ft. ex. - table, 10 diners, leather seats; 3 oak chairs, plain; 2 bedroom chain, 3 large oak rockers, leather seats; 1 oak library table, 1 three Inch brass bed, foil size; 1. steel spring and cotton mat tress, 1 j2 bed with box spring; mattress; 1 7Hx9 linoleum I rug; 1 0x12 fluff rug, lot of small rugs, 1, vlctrola and-records, 1 Do mestic D.H. sewing machine, 2 gdod dressers, 1 Automat ic electric washer, 1 leather duofohL' jl K. iable, 1 Per. rection 2-burner oil stove, home-canned fruit kitchen utensils, dishes ' and other things too numerous to men tion. Terms, cash. F.N.WOQDRY Auctioneer, Phone 3-1-1-0 HOSPITAL BEDS : TO RENT Obituary i a d. J jr. $rfi - V 1 W SSi " - Cull 3910, Used Furniture - Department . w.'..Vi Norths nigh J. Doneya! Go East Dr. & Q. Doney, president of Willamette nnirerslty accompanied by Mn. Doney, .left here Wednesday for a trip to the east, during: which ne wui y.sit Ala two song and at tend threa educational - conven Uons. He will also spend some time visiting In and about Colum bus, Ohio. Dr. Doner'a son Rn h is in the advertising business la yaicago, wnue Paul Doney Is pro cessor or. nrUB. at - Dickimion college, Carlisle, Pa. Dr. Doney will attend the. conventions of the University . Senate, the Associa tion of Methouist Episcopal col leges, and American . Association of colleges. He will return to the campus Januf- 20. - - Hear Teddy tdnight at the First Christian church. He's different Devers Goee East J. M. Dev- ers, attorney for the sUte high way f commission, will leave to night for Washington where he will confer with Senator McNary and officials of the federal public works administration, in connec tion with the five bridges which it is proposed to construct on the Oregon Coast highway. The loan application and bridge plans - al ready have been approved by the Oregon public works administra tor and have been in Washington for more than two weeks. Stamp Club Meets The Salem Stamp society will hold a meetlnr tonight at 7:30 at the Y.M.C.A. The nominating committee ap pointed at the last meetlnar will report on their selection of offi cers for the coming year and a large attendance of collectors from Salem and nearby points is expected. As usual, the meeting is open to all those Interested in stamp or cover collecting. Holly and holly wreaths for sale. O. W. Bean. 593 Center. Tel. 4506. Scoots Invited. Portland An invitation to first class Boy Scouts in Salem and vicinity to partici pate In the annual winter camp at Mazama lodge on Mt. Hood held by the Portland scout council has been received here by F. Howard Zinser, district commissioner. The camp will run from December 26 to 30 and will cost each boy 1 4 plus 11 transportation from Port land to the lodge and return. Dinners at the Marion are unex celled. Payments Promised - Two motorists who pleaded guilty in municipal court yesterday to charges of speeding were released on promise to pay Sa fines with in 10 days. Theye were Ernest Edward Lendras of Corvallis and GHn Edward Truitt, Turner route two. Merle Phillips of West Sa lem, who also admitted speeding, paid a $2.50 penalty. Realtors Meet Today Salem realtors will meet at The Spa to day noon to discuss matters per taining to the business here. -a. ROOSTER- r&M Or UAi - UW trsU ANY CAKt rtw ' action UkesPU In the heat oi the oven. 5l STbeaUn I 5 whiws, . nilK 8 efit WBJM, - I I I III or A PRODUCT af Scout Election Tonight Annu al lection ot officera is tha chief business scheduled for th meet ing of Cascade e o n n e 1 1, Boy Scouts, ' at the chamber of com merce tonight at S o'clock. Instal lation ceremonies will be conduct ed at the annual meeting to be held next month. Irl 8. McSherry has .served as president the past year. -.. ' ' .. Spa hand-rolled chocolates In color- arrangement of striking beau ty. A gift delight , Report, Roll Call The Red Cross roll call committee for Mar ion county will meet "at Cole's cafe today noon to hear reports en success of the 1933 drive, said to have been better than .last year's. Jadge George Rossman of th iinrant court chairman oi Willamette chapter 'of the Red Cross, win preside. ........... Holly and holly wreaths for sale. O. W. Bean, S9S Center. Tel. 4506. Store Room Altered The SUte street store room which formerly housed the White House and lat er the Bohemian restaurants is being remodeled for occupancy by two business firms. The new ten nants will be the Gwynn barber shop now located on Court street and the Ulrich realty office now conducted across the street Jedge Assigned - Chief Jus tice Rand 'of the sute supreme court yesterday-assigned Circuit Judge McColloeh of Baker county to hold court . in Multnomah county, beginning January 2. The assignment was made because of the congested condition of the Multnomah county circuit court docket at the present time. Salem's newest and most modern eating establishment The Coffee shop. In connection with the Marion hotel. Property Sold - Returns of 12659. S100 less t&an tne total Judgment were reported by the sheriff's office yesterday on an execution sale held for the state bonus commission which recently sued Ralph LeRoy Hook and others. Sues on Mortgage Suit to foreclose a 23000 mortgage on farm property executed In 1927, was started here yesterday by lva B. Busby who named A. F. Weleter and others as defendants Plaintiff claims no Interest has been paid since 1931. Tickets for concert ot Miss Win if red Byrd and Portland , Sym phony orchestra, Tues. evening, Dec. 19th, on sale at Will's Music Store. Meyers 111 Milton L. Meyers, chairman of the 1933 Red Cross roll call, is confined to his bed at his residence, 1055 Court street, with a minor ailment He has been ill since Monday. Says Not Gnilty Wesley Smith pleaded not guilty to morals char ges lodged against him, and will be given a hearing in Justice court Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. He is still In the county Jail, WHY Wt u: - WRQW sow OUTMAlor,t r SI t ir--flE'-.nsn UT YOU ui" - " - in so weu-bUanceu : eVen Bghtaess. .usuany only Ribbon wx ..n cinnamon y4 teaspoon y icastnnn. yt teaspoon macai U teaspoon nuttnegr iAUblespoonsmolass . finalVCUt tiffly beaten lll - lJ'rtrw OF GENERAL FOODS Ccnsng Events I December 15-17 Older Boys conference, T. U. C A. December 17 Presen tation of 'Messiah," armory, December IsW-Clfy conn . cU meet, city hall 7:30 p-m. December 20 Boy Scon court of honor at court house. . December 22 Salem high vs. Alumni, basketball. . December 27 Willamette vs. Oregon State, basketball. Hearing Date Set ' Hearing of the complaint 'filed against the Ewen Transportation company, with relation to the refund of moneys collected on C. O. D. ship ments, adjustment of claims and failure to make payment of fees, has been set for December 28 in an order Issued by Charles M. Thomas, state utilities commis sioner. The hearing will be con ducted in Salem with Herbert Hauser, state superintendent of transportation,' presiding. Lunch, sandwiches, beer. Drop in to the Hof Brau, In connection with the Marlon hotel. Was Known Here Mrs. Dor othea Thompson ot Vancouver, Wash., who was killed In an auto mobile accident near Vancouver about 10 o'elock Saturday night was the daughter of R. W. Mc Intyre ot Salem. Mrs. Thompson was the wife of an army officer. Funeral services were held in Vancouver Tuesday with burial in the U. S. army cemetery there. Support .Money Granted Per mella A. Simmons was granted $20 a month support money yes terday from her husband, Ira Sim mons, against who she recently tiled suit Judge L. G. Lewelllng signed the order which also al lowed plaintiff 17.50 as Initial court costs. Auction sale furniture today, 1:30 p. m. 441 S. High. Will Probated The will of the late Andrew Albert Henry was admitted to probate here Thurs day. His heirs are to receive $3, 000 in real property and 9100 in personal holdings. Executors of the will are to be T. H. Duckett and W. R. Winslow. Cooked food and rummage sale Sat, Dec. 16th, 142 S. High. Estate Probated The estate of the late Mary E. Richardson who died here in July, was admitted to probate Thursday in the county court here. She left real property which has an estimated valuation of 250. Milton E. Richardson is to serve as administrator. Federal Farm Loan Applications Should Be Filed with E. K. Piasecld Ladd & Bush Bank Building SALEM, OREGON cinnamon thm times. Cream , THEDOOBLE-ACTING BAKING POWDER an Four In Se-LyellW. McEl murry, who says Washington res ident don't JbATe to .beware ot driving four In the front seat be cause there Is no law. against ft there, was haled into Justice court yesterday for violating an Oregon Uwlo Ihis effect Ho admitted rui and was fined 1 and costs. Commitment was Issued but he paid the fine at the sheriff's of fice. Free A $5 hat with each suit G. W. Johnson A Co. ' Judgment Awarded A Judg ment ot 696 to which 109 attor ney's tees are to be added, was granted the United States Rnb- ber company here yesterday against V. D. Leek. George D. KImsey, named as co-defendant with Leek In the original suit, was absolved of liability. The lndsr ment followed a supreme court decision on the case. Ties 49c, boxed. G. W. Johnson. Mrs. Pettit in Hosoltal Mrs. Wayne A. Pettit, who fell 111 re cently, was taken to Salem Gener al hospital yesterday, where she will remain for several days. Her condition was described last night as not serious. Hospital attend ants sam sne was "resting easily Eena Company Sues The Eena company filed an amended com plaint here yesterday against Mrs. Gilbert Ballantine and C. A. Han sen seeking to collect a note for $250 now past due. The note was purchased by the company from the Ladd A Bush bank. Dance Sat nlte, Mellow Moon. Boots Grant's band, 35c $611 to Widow An estate rai ned at $6111 after costs are paid goes to Eva Schafer, widow ot the late John Schafer, - according to a final account filed Thursday in probate court by N. M. Lauby, administrator. Dance tonite & Tues. U-Park, lfc. Store Gets Judgment A Judg ment for $480 and costs was awarded in circuit court here yes terday to Henry Jennings and Sons, Portland . furniture store, against Walter L. and Isabel Mc DougaL Denial FYIaA A nr1 Aanlal was filed here yesterday by plain tiff in the case of John L. Gatliff against M. B. Kenyon. Defendant (B B (B LIQUID, TABLETS, SALVE, NOSE DROPS Checks Colds first day, Headaches or Neuralgia In 30 minutes, Maralia in 8 days. Fine Laxative and Tonic Most Speedy Remedies Known Phone 4018 We tKmmammmmmmmmmmmemmtmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmBmmmm HB Coffee Powdered SUGAR 3 Gem MARGARINE Hoody's Peanut Butter Bring Tour Extra CHEESE nib. Hflc Kiddles WhitelQng Corn Meal, 9-lb. sack Calumet, lb. can Rolled Oats, . 94b. sack :: 85c Sperrys Pancake, 4-lb. sack : 29c Toilet Tissue, Ambassador, 3 rolls 10c Dr. Ross's Dog Food, 4 cans 29c Minced Clams, Royal Chef, can -10c Camay Toilet Soap, 3 bars 14c Complexion Cloth Free FRESH Grapefruit Med. Size 4 9c Cranberries Westerns 2 m 19 c Service - AT THE Pure 4 . Fresh Rendered 3 Pounds f2J(3 filed hie answer earlier this week. The case la in the circuit court Dance with your friends, MeUow jaoon, eau uie. Boots Grant's 10 piece band. 4 - : . Traffic WlAla.HAn it rtlJ nolds was fined $1 and cosU in Justice court yesterday tor pass- Commitment was issued. BENNETT VISITS HERB graduate who la now employed in vm-mmm w - we smiumue' IWU eW tending-George Washington uni versity in Washington, D. C, was a Salem vtaitA luh nnruassn sir ari n n a r si nett, whose parents live at Ma- iuu, w i dock to wasnington lomeumi i in January, . 294 N. Commercial 4 Kitchen Queen Flour, hard wheat 49s, -j 07 f. 0. b. store ..... . 101 Fresh Extra Eggs, 10 doi. IOC Fresh Medium Eggs, OA 2 dos LVC 8tate Inspected Eggs Bockwood'a Cocoa, ,4 j 2-lb, box ..... If C Calumet, g 1 lb. can OC Sugar, jj 10 lbs. 4jC f. o. b. Store - Sack $4.59 Purex, -jl quart bottle 1 1 C Kerr's Rolled Oats, n Q No. 10 OOC Whole Wheat Flour, Qf No. 10 bag OOC Fine or Coarse OC Graham, No. 10 .... wuC FEED DEPARTMENT Hodgen Brewster Laywell Egg Mash, 1 70 100 lbs l.lO Mix. Bran and Mill u.53c Run, 70 lb. bags Our Prices Are Deliver $1.00 Orders or Over O lb. tins 77 4.b.i.M07c or Brown lbs. 2(k Nut 4. 2gc (Limit) Bulk 2 lbs. Container Good Prise with Me -25c granulated J G FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Potatoes Taklma No. I E0 lb. sacks 45c PIGGLY WIGGLY MARKET - Satisfaction Swift's Premium Choice Steer HAMG -Small Size Half or Whole GTEAttG Swiss, Loin or T-Bone u' T CHICAGO, Dec 14. (3) The major leagues today to ted to adopt .a uniform basebalL live lier than the one used the past tew. years In -the National league and patterned almost exactly along the specifications of , the American league sphere, i The new ball will make its de but in next' spring's training camns. A campaign .will be start ed at once to get all minor lea Deliyeries Phone 3527 N.B.C. Crackers, 3 -lb. box, plain or Q( salted OVC Mince Meat, - A per pound 1UC Curve Cut Macaroni, lAa 4 lbs IjC 1 , . . Leelk Iodised Salt, Two 2-lb. pkgs. .... AJv Apples, a real buy In a high grade faced and CQM filled 3C Pineapple, broken . OQ, slices, m, 2 for .. VC XMAS CANDIES Radio Mix, OC 2 lbs. s-3C Chocolate Drops, 1 r lb ioC Monster Gum Drops if?. lb 13C Royal Mix -if lb IOC ioc r..u ... 18c Mill Ron, 60c SOs Hodgen Brewster Egg Pro ducer, the mash i n with the kick All f.o.b. Store FLOUR Golden Bells Hardwheat Every Sack Guaranteed 49 lb. sack (Limit 1 Sack) 245 N. Commercial Armour's Veribest i?iiniisiiiL 5 cans 236 (Limit) Winner Brand r.a Aire ikies Ctn. Myrtle COFFEE 15c Large Fancy Italian PRUNES 3. 9c No. 2 cans Eichelman'i Cut Green BEANS 3 fr S5Q No. S cans Red Ring Lima. . BEANS 3fo, 2S3 Bed Mexican, Small or Large White BEANS il 21c 39c w LEAGUES i nen o m a mm Candy and Nuts Plain Mixed or Broken Mix, Old Fashion ed Chocolates, Gum , . O OKn Drops, all Li lbs. Ols Brazil Nuts, Soft Shell Almonds An New Crop Nuts 2 a 25 c - 2 n. 33c Onions 7 lbs. 10c Celery Hearts each4c Oranges Extra Sweet and Juicy 2 dot 25c Beef i Slild Core PICNICS , Fine for Baking QQ lb. lb. gues to use the same balL-ThtW Paelfle coast league ; already has " roted to adopt It -i The decision was made by the club owners ot both leagues In' their Joint meeting. The prest.' aents oj the two circuits. Will John Heydler of the National, I were empowered to meet with the) baseball manufacturers and iiicMi out the ball they like Their ds' dsion will be absolute. I , Bring the ! Question to Experts Dawn-mist or moon-fflow for Aunt Emma? Oh well, we wouldn't know. But, if It's something for him, we are a regu lar Drain trust. . Here's Just a Few of the Answers it's Shirts Ask for the new Campbell shirts with the specially jt designed low ff -neckband. fji Shirts ff 05c to S3 m Scarf carrsi The new Aillr rrprwa oro outstanding this year, in1 cnecks, figures and Per sfans. Scarfs - $1 to $3 Suspenders See those first that have his initial emboss ed on them. New. Smart. Individual. (P. S. Suspen ders can be had In beauti ful tooled boxes.) Suspenders 50c to $1.93 it's G! oves Ask for the new stamped leathers. They are the last word. (by Stetson) Gloves f 1 to S3 Pajamas The newest ones have a sateen trim in contrasting colors. And are they smart! (by Horner) Pajamas 1.25 to 93 Ti les Only experts can pick ties for men . . . we're poit rraduates In the art. (Fashion Cralt) 85c to f 1 UKt Sox lArf j jli dia- 'jfVk Imonds are 7new tor Junior suaa new juns- x tor dad. (by Monlto) ' Sox 1 W S it's Anything to Wear - See Our Windows (Every Article Priced) DONT MISS our "gift idea display. Forty bust gestions of gifts or men E mmons Incorporated '' " ZGState1 . W. Xmmons Alex JoBeg I I A I 7 v it's it's ; .JV - -