OufrPai?ke'd 3lB0 - in ltd h : . .1" " .1:!" .: GIG Hi Kay Mills and Willamette Freshmen Starti Season , With Close Victories Salem's ciric 'basketball pro gram started off with a load base Thursday night -when all six of the Major league teams exhibited their wares before a crowd of 200 t the ParTlsh gymnasium. The opening series of the game was marked, as had been predicted, by a 'red-hot contest ! between Pade's and - Parker's, who carried their kitball diamond : riralry oVer to the maple court f without losing any of It on the way. Pade's won. 31 to 30, after the core had been tied four times in the last four "minutes of their tight battle. It was 26-26. 27-27. 29-29, 30-30 as the seconds ticked away and a free throw turned the tide In Pade's faror when there were only a few seconds left. ' Pade's had ' taken - a six-point lead in the first half as Scales ted the ball in lightning fashion, to Bone and Steelhammer; but Par ker's began coming to the front when ' Sachtler took the floor In the second half and tightened up the defense, stopping his old high school team mate Bone and help ing to corral Steelhammer who tied with Goodfellow, his center opponent, for high point honor. All three games Thursday nistt were well played and reavmbW close. The Willamette Fre'J'Tfceii defeated the Valley Motor V-S out: fit-34 to 25 by proTiig better balanced In the scoring depart ment Mosher and Morley. of last year's Salem high team, led tfce freshmen In scoring. Lemmon of Valley Motor was high point men of the game. Kay Mills defeated the Willam ette Cardinals 25 to"l9. Pickens leading the winners fn icoring. This also was a well-played same with tighter defense .revaiiii;s than in either-of the earlier con tests. The; Minor league season wm start next Tuesday night in the T. M. C. A. gymnasium. Square Deal Radio vs. Kay Mills at 7 o'clock. Teachers vs. Pay'n t'akit at 8, Oregon Paper vs. Western Paper at 9, is the schedule. Summaries of Thursday night's games: ' I W.Frosh (34) (25) Valley Motor Goebel F....13 l Alley!'.. F.f...ll Griffith T...nn . r. : 1 Speck .UIBUUWU I Mosher 11. Harvey 2 . . Whipple 4. Morley 8.. ,G warn , G ...... . Hendrie ,S Gleason .S Pade's (31) (SO) Parker s Bone 7 F.; 9 Burrell Scales 7 . .F. . . . - . Magee ' Steelhammer 10C. .10 Goodfellow Kitchen 3 . . .G 3 Cranor Thomas 4 G . ; 3 Marr Schmidt S 1 Sachtler Kay Mills (23) Pickens 11. . . (19) Cardinal F. . . . ..6 Eckman Matthews z. Wilson 3. . . Perrine 8 . . Hobbs 3. . . . ..F.... Pemberton . .C . . . . 6 -McKerrcrw .G.. Grannis ,G 3 Dean S 4 McCann Referee, Harold Hauk. Pre-Season Tournament Opens Today ; PERRYDALE. Dei. 14 . The first rre-season leagde basketball tournament to be played by six . Polk county B league teams at Rickreall beginning Friday will be the first pre-season hoop tour ney In Oregon's ! history. The schools participating are Bethel. Grand ? Ronde, Rickreall, Falls City, Airlle and Perrydale. Drawings held -In Dallas last " week bring opening round classes between Bethel and Rickreall and Perrydale . and Falls City Friday afternoon and the other , two teams in the evening. Winners of the first two games will meet Friday night also to de termine one of the finalists. The winner of the Grand Ronde clash drew a bye to the final round which : i will be played Saturday " night The. preliminary to the tournament championship will be a single consolation ( game played - between picked teams from the losers in first and second rounds '...of play.; -- -:-'- .., i ' Falls City with a team of vet v! erans j. back from a last year's championship quintet is tbe favor lte to cope the' affair, with Coach Walter Beck's five from j Air lie, a rangy bunch of smart kids, press . lng the . little lumber! ag town's - midget wonders.' Grande Ronde, I Perrydale, Bethel,' and Rickreall, all handicapped by the loss of vet- . - erans ; from - last ; year, j are un known : - quantities -although Grande Ronde gave Airlie a close 18-15 battle In their , opening tilt , last Friday. .- :, - i Perrydale staged a ! surprise - Tictory over Rickreall, pulling out wun j a 3 B-i 4 win while Falls City's; slippery outfit played tag .- wim jeinei to trounce them thor oughly 39-g. r ,; J;. Handball Meet i: Teams composed of Suing and Zobet. and 'Marshall : and - Speer iook a flying start la the hand ball tournament" which opened this week at tha fit VI t n a Thursday night, when they defeat ed Chambers n Rnkin anil Marsters f and Lynch respectively Bearcats to Pky3eayersL-!ii Again in Grid Opener Next Fall; Sche dules are Full Willamette university's , foot-, ball team wlll open its season as usual against Oregon State at Corvallis September 22, 1934, Coach "Spec" Keene announced Thursday night Willamette has also negotiated for a game with University of Oregon but without result so far. , Keene will today attend ' the Northwest conference meeting In Portland. Aside from the drawing of basketball and spring sports schedules as well as the football schedule for- next fall, the con ference officials will consider the application of Whitworth college, Spokane, for admission to mem bership. - Whitworth : may be put on probation for a year as Albany college was a few years ago. Dean F. M. Erickson. Willam ette's faculty representative, also will attend. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 14. (JP) Oregon State college and the Mention that something or other is for a "good cause" and yon encounter danger that it will be accepted as one in which the public Is expected to "shell oat" without adequate return. However there is a good cause involved in the "smokeless smo . ker" offered tonight In the Wil lamette university gymnasium by the Bine Key fraternity but the patron will get considerably more than his moneys' worth. O Characterizing this amateur wrestling and boxing show as a "smoker" also involves the dan ger that it is for men only, which is far from the case; in fact the announcement that came to us in dicates that it is one university sports event in which "fussing" will be permitted and is .even en couraged and the special invita tion to the gentler sex also In cludes that portion of the general public. Tbe special inducement con sists of a bargain price for couples of 25 cents; general ad mission is 15 cents per indi vidual and that's a foolishly low charge for .five wrestling and five boxing bouts of serious merit in addition to a novelty contest between a boxer and a wrestler, and several comedy at tractions. The show will start at 8:15. The wrestling bouts, involving Willamette. Salem high and Y. M. C. A. frrapplers. Include: Joe Hershherger vs. ureg anc. 120 pounds. Max Bigby vs. Don Hendrie, 138 pounds. Darrell Newhouse vs. Tatsura Yada, heavyweight. Eugene Smith vs. Pat Hogue, 175 pounds. Bob . Dunkin vs. Frey, 175 pounds. The mixed boxing -wrestling bout will bo between Morley. box er, and Max Bigby. wrestler, and the boxing bouts are: Jack Connors vs. Bob agt, heavyweight. Joe cott vs. Roy Ferris, 160 pounds. - Talbot Bennett vs. Bill Jones, 150 pounds. John Welch vs. Fred Hastings, 155 pounds.. Manville Petteys vs. Bill Noel, 175 pounds. As for the good cause, it's the Willamette student loan fund, and we're sure that a lot of the boys and girls will be need of loans pretty soon, and what's more, deserve -'em. O TtT-nwutn? about the scene of the .jaaaM entertainment Thursday afternoon, it appeared to us that things weren't going bo we the. Bearcat varsity .basketball team, and we couldn't tell exactly why. Quite a lot of good material there but the outtit4hat was sup posed to be the varsity didn't seem to be clicking yet Maybe It wfll before long. We'Ulet you in on a little secret, though Johnny Oravec, the football hero of most every body around here. Is surpris ingly good hoopster. He didn t turn out last year, but he Is fast. Haver and above all, as coot oa the floor as he is when dodging half a dozen tackier on the gridiron. H may be han dicapped a bit In the matter of size bat vre expect to see him in action In some of the games. Stayton's Town Team Winner in High Hoop Tilt STAVTON. Ti' 14 RtaTton high school lost its first game of the season to the Stayton town team by a score of 20 to IS. It was a nard fought contest with the high school taking the lead and with the score tied at to f at the half. The town team forged ahead In the final quarter to win. Stayton high school will play Scio on the local floor Friday, December 15. - ' . '- Summary: '. 1 5. Stayton T. T. Stayton Bu S. ware I F gKeyes J?,ma 5 p 1 D- Crabtree Shelton 2 ... .f .. - Darby ....... .G ..... ieffier smith J ...... o .4 Boyer 'CW" -eagerwooa 2 S . . . . J Calavan University of San Francisco will meet at Corvallis next year in the opening game : of their respective football schedules, September 28, U. S. F. officials announced to day. The game will be played at night. .; . .'..'v.:-' y-V-,- The two teams played here in the season ust completed, Oregon State winning a close and exciting contest, 12 to 7. 'y - - ' Another follow-up of the recent Pacific Coast conference meeting here was the announcement today that Olympic club definitely will place a football team In the field next season. Failure of the' Uni versity of California to schedule tha.club had east some doubt con cerning the latter's competition In 1934. " - . . EUGENE, Dec 14. (ff) The University of Oregon football team will meet jGonzaga univer sity oir Hay ward field September 22, 1934, Hugh Rossman, gradu ate manager, announced on his return here Thursday from - the coast conference meet at San Francisco. The game, not previously scheduled, swells the Webfoot slate to nine major tilts. Including five conference games, an inter sectional clash with Utah, another with Lonisianna State, and-the annual Thanksgiving day battle against St. Mary's at San Francisco. POLLY AND HER PALS I THINK IT ASILLV IDEA OF SAKTS J TO TURN US IhTTDTOyS haa a ti" H M a a I VbNT MICKEY MOUSE RMED "TO THE TEETH, MICKEY AND. DPPV CONfTiMUE. THEIR SEARCH FOR THE ROBBERS ! THIMBLE THEATRE J ( AGREE WITH CARRTE. I WWAT TrtS ) 1 LIKE 1HIS ROOM Si flOM WO I'M 1 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY 1 SMV LrTTLE-TOMMV IS GEE. TVS J HE VJAS NEVER SlCK- 4 ikj the. CMAe.rrv hospttal y -tooch-wAN' fl 1 1 1 AMD "TCJUAV IS VI5TTIWG "CWV A 1HOPEVOU Zj I " H NTM-PRAVIN'TFIWD r- K) W IMD HIM 111 L. I HIM BETTER " 1 1 GETTIU' ALOWG i I HE'3 A ' 1 f TOOTS AND CASPER i WISH YOU'D FCRAET ABOUT MY MOVIE JOB AND QUIT CRYINZs, SOPHIE'. HONEST I DO I'VE iOT YOU AND YOU HAVE ME AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS - Young Dick Glendon Victim Of Accidental Shot, Examiner Avers CATHAM, Mass., Dec. 14. (JP) The victim of a gunshot wound which a medical examiner said was accidental. Richard J. "Rich" Glendon, 37, Columbia university crew coach, was found dead today on Castle Cove road, not far from the beach here. Glendon was1 the son of "Old Dick" Glendon, famous navy crew coach. . All night bis father, his broth er, Hubert, assistant crew coach at Columbia, and friends searched for Glendon. He left his South Chatham home yesterday to go hunting and was last seen In the vicinity of Eel pond. . The search took on new rigor and a posse was formed after the elder Glendon told, police of find ing in his son's room a letter, the contents of which were not di vulged. Police Chief Everett Eldrege quoted the father as say ing: "He's done it. We've got to keep looking now until we find him." ,Dr. C. H. Keene, medical ex aminer, said that regardless of the letter, his report would be one of accldential death. The body was found near a fence by a police 3 DNLESS ITS POOR K1TT. . SH& DONT ENOOyiM SIT MOBUDU TO 41 - - Starring Popeye VACANtT rvwe rr; 1 UJNATS shhhhh! ,?)7fftl fe J$1hIWM lTY LISTEN !,VtA yJULL T-M LJ-tj GCT oIr - Uu ' "T lP i I IE ' Ke, I (8$sn V Ml lift I I CANT FORGET- I CANT! HOW CAN I FORGET IT'S MY FAULT THAT YOU DIDN'T LAND A "TWO-YEAR JOB 4ooa,i? A, WEEK? ( I CAME BETWEEN YOU AND A FORTUKE.. P. A man. A charge of gunshot lodged in. the right side - and abdomen. Dr. Keene said the. weapon might have been discharged as Glendon climbed the fence. ; ' : Glendon 'assisted his father at Annapolis from 1919 until' 1923. when on the retirement of "Old Dick,'! the son assumed the head coaehahlp. . . - The Nary crew of 192S, under "Rich' coaching, ton the Poughkeepslee regatta, and plac ed Glendon among the outstand ing crew mentors. . . Columbia called Tilm in 1926 and there he - turned out crews that held high rank. His 1927 and 1929 crews were champions. - Wolves Lose to Bear Hoopsters In a fast basketball game the, Bears defeated the Wolves 9 to 3 in the Animal league at-Parrish Thursday noon. Bears -, Wolves LeBoaef 6 ... .F. ... . 2 Medley Nelson ...... .F.... Arbuckle Walters 2 C 1 Nadromick Siewart G Osborn Parker G . . . . . Sweigert McRae 1 .S.... Battalion . Referee, Hoffert; umpire, Ma son. WYNNE KENTUCKY COACH -LEXINGTON, Ky., Dec. 14. JP) Chet -Wynne, at present head football coach at Alabama Poly technic Institute, will direct the University, of Kentucky Wildcat football teams In 1934, '35 and '36 Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, chair man of the Kentucky athletic council announced here today. Sweet SEEM TO BE IT MUCH.' Kitten on "Killing Two Birds ( UNLESS ITS POOR KITT. 4 ft 4 4 SHE'S BEEN OVR EMJDIN' IT.' J I I (lOO MAhT N IP1-lA 4 . SHE DONTSEEM TO BE A THATS HER TROUBLE.' r-J VsUXrMICE'J I . 1 Q wise ii rr ii 1 au a uct 1 11 1 - w . 1 11 - v 1 rM.i..miieoc 1 r S j ig After Visiting Hours HE WVS NEVER SlCK--UNTIL LAST A40NTHME. GOT A TERRIBLE COCO POR AWEEKXW4S J AFRAID HE WA5 GO0J6 I TO IE Getting it Ml t IS! Meets Robin Reed Tuesday Night; "Middleweight Crown at Stake Salem1 oacmore Is to be the scene' of a world championship wrestling match, according to tbe promise of Herb Owen, match maker. Next Tuesday sight Gus Kallio, recognised as the middle weight champion, will -risk his title here,. with Robin Reed, pres ent holder of the 14S-poand belt, furnishing the threat. ' . Kallio . ; has held the middle weight crown for approximately ten ; years and it is, of course, more than highly probable that he will carry It away with him Tuesday night However, he either will not outclass Reed, or else Salem fans will see that ac complished for the first- time. Reed has lost a few mighty few matches in Salem but he never has beea out of the running. . Kallio defeated Henry Jones in straight falls here last year, Mickey McGutre, missing from the cards here for several weeks, will return Tuesday night to meet "Tiny" Simmons In a bout which Owen promises, will be full of action. Don Sugal will oppose Klem Kusek, probably the tough est opponent he has encountered Meats the Keys With One Stone' Y JEE,ZERO-.THAT POOR ARS. 6ETSW6U. Off His Chest I CAN'T LET SOPHIE CONTINUE TO BROOD AND BROOD I LOVE HER TOO ,MUCH FOR THAT--- r9 E.TTIM ATOUGW BREAK - BCIKI' rr-'i; ' lSOUTOPtAM6ER, J f - POOR AWTSO 8AOBUT WHEN A ) -w MEXL BE (Cf GLOR.YOSK.V-f I POOR. WIDOWS ONLy KID GETS j V ., nVi J AJQuJ X'M GLAD SICCAN'5HEAINTSOTNO V l I ALL OifP t DOCTORS -THEH TF3 J? ft' frf r V ir S . T. 1 I'M ONNA CONFESS THE WHOLE TWIN AND EASE Liero iLjiiLm ; T ... .... i , I - to date. Kusek did not . appear at nil best la his first -visit to; a lem, i because ; he was i suffering from a: coia.- mo na recur ercu how, Owen declares.;'! J : TO AUTRE TODAY SCIO, Dec. 14. fr- Friday after noon the Scio grade : boys and girls will meet the Stayton. bas ketball teams in return games at Stayton. In the games player here the Scio girls defeated the Stay- ton team, 27-11, and the Scio bori won. 30-13. : '-' ' - The probable line-ups for the games will be: Girls,' forwards, Evelyn Palon and" Lillian Hole chek; jump center, Marie . Mor gan; side C en ted, Bessie Holchek; guards. Natalie' PhiUIps" and Flor ence Dennison; substitutes, Ruth Hannah, Juanlce Thayer. JSvelyn Katsel. Georgianna Nadvornik and Agnes Becieka. Boys, for wards. Bob Kalini and -Chod" . r . .' . . 1a HI1..n guards, Joe Padula and - Harry S lattery: substitutes, Jack Yeag- er, Richard Kendle, Johnny Bec ieka, Harold McDonald and Lo ll oy Montgomery. : Both teams are coaoched by E. P. Caldwell, seventh - and .eighth grade teacher. : Games for these teams may be scheduled with Jefferson, Leban on, Madison of Albany, Turner, Aumsvllle and Mill City. In the evening of tbe same day the high school boys will play the Stayton team at Stayton. This By CLEANLV YES, I'VE SOME.PRINCIPLE'. MY CONSCIENCE IS BOTHER1NA MEi -1 AOT INTO THIS AND I'LL TAKE THE CONSEQUENCES! I'M 60IN& TO TELL HER , RiZiHT NOW.THIS VERY - MlMUTE . - tu at 1 iAAe akiiu 1 n r- -1 TO XT A Kv SALARY I game is of particular interest hete Xor . M. . ;?.PK Beal.-present coach at Stayton coached at. Scio the last twor years, Coach Kelt ner will pltk. his isurting Une-u from the following: Don MacDon ald. Marley Sims, Elvln Gallegly. - - ..... . m. , j m.u Keith jaiuer, ' .eauon v;u ard Quarry. - Don DaTenport and Howard Trolllnger. Todd, who baa bad ankle, may be unable to play In the game, p'- - -. ," Perrydale Gets Win in Contest With Bethel 5 . PERRYDALE, Dee. , 1 4. Pf r rydale defeated. Bethel high school here Tuesday night to the tune.. of .20 to If In a basketball, game. It, was, a rough game- with lots 3t . fouling. FoBter.) referee All of Falls City basketball team, and' Coach Dale Ickes scouted tbe game.'-;". ' . -. . Perrydale second town team, beat ; Amity town - team - 3 2 to 7 the same night. Andy Tan Otten refereed. . , MT, ANGEL, Dec. 14. Mt. Angel normal basketball team will open Its hoop season next Wednesday at S o'clock by play ing the Academy.. high school team on the home floor. This game, Mr. Wachter, coach., an nounces; will be more In the na ture of a practice game. The schedule of games has not been completed, but the first game with an outside team will take place early in January. By CLIFF STERRETT By WALT DISNEY By SEGAR DARREL McCLURE By kJIMMY MURPHY OPHIE WILL ' ET THE SHOCK OP H2R 1 -LIFE ' WHEN SHE - HEARS COL, . HOOFER'S - CONFESSION . TOMORROW HJT9 SMALL . oy scores oi si-47 and 63-12. i wereree, D. Shelton.. - ,- - i tywJww. tat, Cmm Imm tiflm wmwj 4