The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 15, 1933, Page 10, Image 10

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HAYESVILLE, Dec. 14. The
community Christmas tree and
program which was to have been
held December Zl at the Hayes
Till school has been cancelled
'due. to the current; epidemic of
"whooping- cough.'.'" Although the
epidemic is on the wane the Ma
rlon County Health center thought
It advisable not. to hold a public
gathering with the possibility or
spreading It. i-' )
'. However, there -will be a short
Christmas program at the school
.Friday afternoon and a Christmas
tree.-At that time- the treat which
was to have been given at the com
munity tree will he distributed to
the children so their disappolnt
- bent will not be so great. ; The
parents are also Invited to at
tend the exercises. " . . '
- A new scholar entered school
Wednesday, raising the number in
the advanced room to 45, and the
total la the school to 80. Everett
Mennenhall, whose parents, "Hit.
and Mrs. ' Charles : Mennenhall,
moved from G e r v a i s into the
h o u s e formerly occupied by L.
Green, entered the seventh grade.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMelleon are
moving Into the house they " re
cently bought from j: Frank Gar
land. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Greig
will move Immediately into the
bouse McMelleon's are vacating.
MT. JLNGEL. Dec. 14 Sunday.
December 17, the Mt. Angel Col
lege dramatic club, under the di
rection of Rev. Alcuin Heibel. O.
S. B. and Alexander Scharbach.
will present the three act drama.
Hls Father's Son" at the audi
torium, at 8 p. m. and the matinee
at 2 p. m.
"His Father's Son" is a timely
play concerned with a modern
problem and dealing with the he
roic self-sacrifice of a son. The
characters are all men. James
Kelner plays the part of Douglas
Doyle, the chief character, Alex
Williams, that of Mr. Doyle and
Ralph Schwab portrays Ed Hart
well. Other important characters
are taken by Hubert Saalfeld, Jo
seph' Donnelly, Elmer Bauman,
Joseph' Schaef ferSv John Murphy,
Patrick Dooley and Gilbert Mi
chael. , .
Mt Angel college and seminary
orchestra, conducted by 'Alexan
der Scharbach, M. A. C. alumnus
and graduate of Notre Dame, will
open the program and play se
lections between the acts. This is
the orchestra's first formal pres
entation this season. '
Christmas holidays for both Mt.
' Angel normal and the academy
will commence Thursday, Novem
ber 21st.
Convention Reports
Feature Class Meet
! S1LVERTON, Dec. 14. The
men's bible cUbs of the Christian
church held a banquet in the so-
j eial rooms of the church Tuesday
night at 6:45 o'clock and at this
time reports of the convention
recently held at McM Inn villa were
given by Rev. W. O. Livingston,
Linn Neal, L. R. Sawyer,' Henry
Williams and J. J. Johnson all
delegates from Silrerton.
Rev. Livingstone Is teacher of
. the class r Dan Geiser is president,
and J. J. Johnson is secretary.
The committee in charge of the
' meeting was J. W. Jordan, Emil
Oeder and Frank M. Powell.
A rtxrr nn
free Delivery
" Young Tender
- - . Sugar Cured
1551 if?lti - Beef Short Ribs "
JCiVVifll JJQIJJJJ Half or Whole
' , 'j--- . (. . . - .
Best Grade lb AH Cuts
f 'Hanger Safe
3ib,.2(3 ib. . y. 3ib,. ag(5
We Close at 8 pjn,
The Ride's on
,- i
Convicted of income tax evasion and sentenced to 10 years in prison
and a fine of 180,000, Irving Wexler, better known as Waxey Gordon,
erstwhile beer baron, is shown outside New York Federal Court as he
climbed aboard the "Black Maria" for a free ride to the House of
Detention pending a decision on which Federal prison is to be his
future home.
West Salem News
WEST SALEM. Dec. 14 Ap
pointments of .city marshal!, at
torney, water superintendent, po
lice, auditor and members of the
water board will be made at the
next regular meeting of the city
council, which will be January 2,
because the Monday preceding Is
a legal holiday.
Sunday evening, Dec. 17, there
will be special choir music pro
gram at the Ford Memorial
church, and solos by Mrs. Roy
Barker of Summit and Miss Ruth
Bedford. 'This will be pre Christ
mas music and will be followed by
preaching by Rev. Kimball K.
Clark, pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Peterson
have moved to North Plains near
Banks where he is employed, in a
logging camp. His sister, Miss
Rachel Peterson, of Los Angeles,
is making a visit at the home of
another sister. Mrs. Mark Hoff
man of Piedmont.
Several Locate Here
Among the many newcomers in
West Salem' are the N. C. Garri
sons with their little son, Gerald
of Lyons, who are occupying the
Gerth residence and Mrs. Arie Ri
der and little sons, Lee and Larry
from Salem, who have moved into
the residence Just vacated by the
Weathers family, who have mov
ed to the Horst Bros, ranch near
Mrs. J. E. Thomas will submit
to a delicate eye operation at the
Deaconess hospital in Salem next
week. Cataracts are to be re
moved. Robert Clark has had a print
ing press installed in the Greene
building and is open for business
in Job printing. This gives West
Salem two printing offices.
Colorndoans Visit
Here from Denver, Colorado,
are Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Thomp
son, who are guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Mitch
ael. cousins. The visitors are look
ing for a location and spend
some time lr and about Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson of
Newport visited at the home of
cer s
- 4 Trips Daily to Any Part of the Ciiy
Saturdaj Nlht
Uncle Sam
his brother. Ray Anderson, part
of this week.
Basketball practice has begun
in earnest in the higher grades
here and Mr. Thomas is coaching
the boys In the sport. No first and
second teams have as yet been
selected and all are working hard
for places on the school team.
Small Plants
Pack Prunes
For Yuletid?
LIBERTY, Dec. 4. Prune
packing activity at the R.C. Jory
plant has lately included special
Christmas packages for holiday
trade in addition to-the regular
25 pound packs. Prunes are put
out In small sizes, five and 10
pound wooden boxes which are
ideal for mailing. The choicest
package is the fancy grade fruit,
faced in boxes lined with lace pap
er and cellophane.
The plant has been quite active
this fall in processing and pack
ing, mainly Italians, some date
prunes and Nobels. It has also
undergone some improvements,
another sorting belt has been add
ed and additional storage space
is now under construction. Mr.
Jory runs the plant under NBA,
employs 10 to 20 people in busy
days. This means quite a sizeable
payroll for a country community.
Ed Dencer is also putting out
fruit in large and several small,
one to three pound, packages and
bricks. He handles his own crop' of
Italians in his small home outfit.
Mrs. Frank Hrubetx who has
put up Christmas boxes of a var
iety of fruits and nuts for the
past four years is supplying only
her old customers -this year. She
has been doing the work at her
Packages such as have been
mentioned, when sent as Christ
mas gifts do much to win friends
and create demand for Oregon
: Dial 8686
OREGON -STATES31AN,' Salem, 1 - uregon, Friday Morning,
pnn nv
uUulL I
SILVERTON, Dec. 14. Mrs.
Lewis Hall was made president
of. Trinity Dorcas society at its
annual meeting held Tuesday
night Other officers elected were
vice-president, Mrs. H. E. John
son; secretary, Ora Larson; as
sistant secretary, Marie Buness;
treasurer, Mrs. L. M. Larson; as
sistant treasurer, Mrs. C. Enne
voldsen; penny march secretary,
Mrs. L. G. McDonald.
Hostesses were Mrs. C. Enne-
roldsen and Mrs. Arthur Gotten
berg, and the society met at the
home of the former. Mrs. Hans
Jensen and Mrs. Martin Hatte
berg will be hostesses at the Jan
uary meeting. Present Tuesday
night' were Mrs. L. M. Larson,
Mrs. Richard Larson, Ora Larson,
Mrs. Hans Jensen, . Mrs. Martin
111 111 1 1 - 11111 1 11 1 -JLW - -ILL! MHH.IIH Jllll ..I... I. ... I I II. .1.1. I I II ., .4- .,
n tTr tinZfn -
- "...
if i 1 1 i i
Ws& IFi?Masr aondl
Large 25c Package
Ener-G Cereal
with each large package of
Tiny Tots Cereal at
TEIIM! Ymm large package
Purity or
Our Mother's
large cans
Baker's Premium
49 lb. tack
Hatteberg, Mrs. Henry Torrend,
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel. Torvend,
Mrs. Adolph Haugen Marie Bun
ess, Vivian Buness, Rev. and Mrs.
C. L. Foss, Mr. and Mrs. Amos
Corhousev Mrs. H. E. Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. Alt O. Nelson, Mrs.
Carl Haugen, Mrs. O. Lee, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Johnson, Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Olsen and Marie Tingel
stad. -
Scio School Gets
Repairs as Result
Of Aid by CWA
SCIO, Dec. 14. Seven men
are now employed on repair work
at the schoolhouse. At present
they are plastering and calsomin
lng the science room and laying
a new concrete' floor' in the girls'
basement. The -work Is a part of
the CWA program and may also
include a new roof, painting and
other improvements.
Fire Chief ROtfrglHH$
PAK Stringless IBEM:
No. 2 cans
"Home Perfected"
December IS,' 1933 -
AURORA, Dec. 14. The hon
or roll for the first four grades in
the Aurora school Is as follows:
First grade, Frances Fay Criswell,
Hsrvey Parrott, James Garmer,
Shirley Prink, - Junior Kreiger,
Norman " Patten, : Maxine Marsh,
Irene Stoner, Charles . Gooding,
Richard Hass, Jeanne Cole. Sec
ond grade, Joan Gilbreath, Wllma
March, Ronald Mohnnlng, Donald
Mandevllle; Third grade, Mary
Lou DuRette, Leland. Stoner.
Fourth grade, Lola waiters, Char
les Miller and Charicia Hamblett.
. Miss . Evadue .Hurst, primary
teacher -in the - grade : school. Is
absent from her room this week
on ' account of - illness.- Miss Bar
qaist of Salem, ts substituting for
' The Aurora grade school bas
ketball team - defeated the Mt.
Creme Oil To''et
3 bars 11c
And 1 Beautiful
Glass FREE!
Del Maiz
"5T 2 pounds -
ips lb.
''i rV:'.:r-- SPERRY .......1. 1 ' .
vt mm - - ' . - - .. i i 1
The new package
Cake Floiir-
. Large pks.
Angel team in a regular league
gam -Friday afternoon, by a
scora of 1 3 to 3, Tola la the. sec
ond victory for Aurora as they de
feated Woodburn the previous
week." Members of the team are
Homer Oliver. Donalds Oliter;
Gordon ' Logan, Diek.Tomlln,
Frederick Schneider and substi
tutes, James Gothrup and Carl
Snyder.- . r
, - " ii ' i f I I . - T.T..
Paper is Revived
For High School ;
WOODBURN, Dec. 14 For the
first 'time In two years the Wood
burn high school newspaper, the
"Wireless," will make Its appear
ance 'Monday,' The school paper
has been, revived after its publi
cation had been suspended because
of lack of funds. Elizabeth Hunt
has , been made editor - In .- chief.
Robert Bonney Is business man
ager; Louise Moedlng, assistant
editor; Fleta Phillips, advertising
manager. Reporters are: Esther
3-Food Drink
Chocolate Malt Flavor
Large 20 oz. jar
6 box
2 lb. tin
2 lbs.
No 2 cans
- - - Ec
: k America Farorite
SEA Pound Tins
lAline, Barbara Espy, Muriel Beck-
man, Frances Sexton, Dorothy,
Dentel, Jean Beets, Vivian Cowan,
Howard Kellow, Bonney Lou
Pfafflnger, Ruth Heusser, Vernice
Bents, Ruth Hanson, M a r J o r,y
J o n e.s, Leslie Er far and Russell
Gulss. Faculty advisorsare , Miss ,
Helen Allen and Superintendent
B, W. Dunn. " t- --- -'
Mrs. L. H. Meyer, who underwent
a major double operation at the
Sllvertoa hospital Wednesday
morning, : was reported Thursday
morning as getting along .very:
well. She was able to peak with
members of her family Thursday
morning. j
Experienced Watchmaker and
Jeweler - I Also Make and
- Repair- VIollas -
423 Court SU Salem, Ore.
anneal &&
and Beans
1 . v.
large cans
- 23
-O, p!q. 5c