The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 14, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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UacDowell Club
Concert to . Be
At Grand
Tonight" at. 8; SO o'clock the
UacDowell club -will present -a
choral concert at the Grand the
atre with Miss Clara Eness, pian
ist, as guest soloist.
Miss Lena Belle Tartar Is di
recting the chorus and Miss Mar
garet Simms and Miss Hortense
Taylor are featured vocal and vlo
lin artists respectively, " Iu- addi
tion to Miss Eness. ' T
.A reception will follow the con
cert at the Roberts studio on
North Summer, to which friends
and patrons of the MacDowell club
are invited. - .v
Tne program u as ronows: - i
XyaipH ii 8ajaTrfs .Farvell-Harria
Art Vana " Opai 13 !JT....BrtB
Fidelia (Italia Euctrtlt Opaa 44
. raaaa
Ob Grt Lorn Hill. ,
Cnwlar the Bar
Tk Jolly Koer
Hobrtoa Deik
Xalc Ckorm
A eapella: -Ta
Mickt Hu a Tfcoaaaad Rye . Ro(r
Tha Two Clock Rot-era
Wlta seeompaaiacat : -
X LTt Li( MaBa-Zacea-Sprotf
Tha fcatMrat Borodin
-lit coBHiam . .mi
Patoaaiaa is E Major Liait
Clara Enei
Part Two
l. Bow a Ro E'er Blooming
Praetoriva Manney
S Shrplwrda' Story : Oirkiacoa
Mr. WiUiaa Fiorher. soprano ; Maria
- Fatten, aaeiao-sopraao, Bad eawmbla
ft Sailor'f Cariitaui. Opaa 48
, Cnamiaada
lira. Septra gtanr, aopraso,
aad eenbl
O Holr Niffht (Cantiqae da Koel)
Margaret Simian, mrno-oprno;
HortCBM Taylor. Tiolia obligate
Celtic Hymn BobertOB
(Oatgaiar of the Boat from "Bea
triea," Joseph Sheridan I-tFaaa)
Wail Br M7 Sheep, 17th Century Hymn
'. , bit. Joagat
eho Quartette : Beraice Rickman. Mr.
- H. 3. Hjort, Earl Potter, Earl Seal
Carol of the Ruaiiaa Childrea arr. Ganl
Aad the Glory ef the Lord, "The Mea-
aiah" 1- Haadel
Combined Cbnraaea
0 0 0
Chemeketa Tryouts
Are Tonight
-Tryouts for the play,-"Heart
Exchange." will be held tonight
In the Nelson auditorium at 7
p. m. by Cbemeketaa Players Inc.
Anyone interested in trying out.
for one of the 12 roles is invited
' to do so.
The play will open January 8.
Clifford Hurt, who recently scor
ed a hit as the father of the new-
lyweds in "Manhattan Honey
moon," will direct the production.
" . , PATTERN 1625
. Home frocks arn no longer any
thing like those worn a few years
aeo the -mode demands models
' that are attractive, ' as well as
neat,? practical and : comfortable.
and in' which one may easily greet
unexpected visitors. This model is
simply divine! Notice ' that the
yoke and sleeves are cut in one.
handy pockets are present, and
.the waistline Is adjustable to ev
ery typ of figure. Ruffing and
buttons make a dainty trim. So
J few parts to put together they
; spell success to even the most in
.. experienced sewer! , We , know
you'll use this pattern again and
again! -.
Pattern 1625 is available in
sizes 14. 16, 18, 20. 32, 34, Jt.
' 3 8; 40, 4 2 and 4 4. Size 1 6 takes
3 4 yards 26 inch fabric IUns-
uaiea siep-Dy-etep sewing ; in-'
structlons included.
. Sd liftaea eaatt (16c) ta colas at
tear (oalaa artferrad) fat this Aaa
duas psttara. Wrfto plainly naai,
aattMas sod style aaabss. Bo sura to
. Taa winter adltloa f tit aase
adasM pattern ook - win ' fcalp you
fa stoaayv Ordor raw espy todayl
rites of catalog sad ysttsn toftthoz,
wsaty-flvo esata
AddraM ardors' ss Too brfa
ftafceaataa Patters DesortattBt, - sis
Boats Oostatoseial stzoot. Soteaa. Maks .
aoaiaary aatlaaaiaa. Toot order U1
proojpUj atUdod to.
: Order eortomarHy ars rille4 ttats
i fonf ,day lro tas ' tst tsestvad by
. Tas 8tataaias. .
- fkmmft ftp 1
-If j
? lift ; 5" I
NeWs and Club
Jessie Steele,
, V Thursday, December H
Business GliTs class. First M. E. church, Christina" ;
-. dinner, at home Mies Grace Robertson, 1598 Conrt street '
-at 6:30 p. m. M' '
Pratum community club meeting at schoolhouse. ::
O. N. 8. club, fireplace room of Jason Lee church,
potluck supper, 6:30 p. m. '
Thursday club at home Mrs. C. K. Spaulding, 965,
Court street. 2:30 p. m. .
Willing Workers and Loyal Women Bible classes, ;
of First Christian church, Joint meeting, at home Mrs. N. .
.; J. Reaaoner. 656 N. High, 2 p. m. ; t
Maccabee Thimble club at home Mrs. Lyda Coralt, .
'.y 422 N. 23rd, 2 p. m. Election of officers.
, - - Friday, December 15 ,
y .? Sigma i-Tau Mother's meeting, chapter house, aft-erooonvs;,-
... , t ;--:; ' 4.' ..-. -
. K.; Qattarlan Women's-alliance luncheon at home :Mra
. udiu Thayer. 155 N. GapitoL . - : '
''r " Englewood Woman's chib, at home Mrs. Watson
" TowBend.'X185 NJ 19th, 2 p.m. .1
. - Meok trial program. Calvary Baptist church, 7:30':
Km. Public Invited. ' , - - ; . "
Hal Hibbard auxiliary, annual Christmas party,
. home Mrs. Leroy Hewlett, 615 N. Summer, 2 p. m.
Thimble club, Neighbors of Woodcraft, home Mrs.
June Wallace. All day meeting, potluck luncheon at
Saturday, Decerrber 16
Executive board meeting, B. P. W. club at 5 p. m..
Masonic temple. Regular dinner meeting 6:30 p. m.
A.A.U.W. luncheon meeting, Masonic temple, 1 p. m.
Mrs. Richard Scholx, dean of women at Reed college,
In the Valley
Social Realm
Brush Creek. A family re
union will be enjoyed at the Jen
sen home here Christmas. Miss
Thea Jensen and Miss Alice Jen
sen will return for the holidays
from California, according to word
received this week.
Word had previously been re
ceived that Mrs. John Isaacson,
would return from Montana and
Reuben Jensen of Astoria would
also be present. Miss Thea Jensen
has been at Paso Robles for two
years and Miss Alice Jensen Join
ed her there last June. Reuben
Jensen teaches at the Astoria high
school and Mrs. Isaacson makes
her home in Montana. Other mem
bers of the family to be present
include Hans Jensen of Silverton
and Mrs. Marie Buness, Alfred
Jensen and Mrs. Anna K. Jensen
of Brush Creek.
Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. G. I.
Barr were the inspiration of a
farewell surprise party at their
home- Tuesday night. The Barrs
will leave Thursday for California
to spend the winter with their
son aud his family, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Barr. Present Tuesday
night were Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Larson, Merle Larson, Harold Lar
son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dumler, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Alfred and Luella Dumler.
Silverton. Mrs. L. G. McDon
ald entertained at dinner for her
daughter, Barbara Jean, on her
eighth birthday anniversary. A
color scheme of white and pink
flowers was used in floral decora
tions as well as in cakes and ices.
Present were Barbara Jean Mc
Donald, Almira Ha u gen, Beverly
and Cora Lee Conrad and Evelyn
Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Larson were hosts at-their 35th
wedding anniversary and Mr. Lar
son's, 59th birthday anniversary at
a family dinner at their home on
Cowing street. Mr. and Mrs. Lar
son were married at Tescott, Kan.,
and came to Silverton in June of
Dayton Mrs. Herman Louis
entertained . 12 . members of the
Kroweldeen club at her home
with a 7:30 o'clock desert lunch
eon after which bridge was the
pastime. The next meeting will
be the Christmas party and ex
change of gifts at the Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Matches home.
o o
Shaw. Mrs. John Stuhr was
honored on her birthday when
the following gathered to sur
prise her: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Haf-
ner and family, Mrs. Jessie Boie-
nigmer, Mrs. Ellen Krusel, Mr.
and Mrs; Klien and Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Stuhr. Mrs. Clifford
Stuhr and Mrs. Klien served a late
The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Heisler will b
pieasea to learn of. the birth of a
son to the covjpie Monday, Decem
ber 11, in Seattle. Mrs. Heisler
was Miss Ellen Jean Moody be-
iore ner marriage. Botn voune
people attended Willamette uni
versity where Mrs. Heisler was
affiliated with Alpha Phi Alpha.
The children's division of the
sunaay school teachers' guild will
nave a potluck snnner at 6:30
o clock Monday night at the Pres
byterian church. Members are
asked to bring small gifts for the
ennstmas tree. : '
Glasses Increase Workers
Don't endanger your job by
wearing glasses that are no
longer of any benefit to yon.
you're changed since you
first wore them, you know.
A thorough examination at
our office may result in an
astonishingly, big change In
your capacity for working
. and earning. . "
:sa m- ;
Society Editor
Christmas Dinner at
A pretty affair of tonight will
be the annual Christmas dinner
riven by the Business Girls S. S.
class. Miss Grace Robertson has
opened her home for the event and
the guest rooma will abound in
Yuletide decorations, lncludiaog a
lighted Christmas tree about
which the guests will exchange
gifts during the evening. The din
ing table will be centered with
red carnations . guarded - by red
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Lockenour
and Mrs. J. N. Robertson will be
additional guests. Club members
Include the Misses Grace Allen,
Augusta Breithaupt, Edith Bureh,
Violet Hoover, Lydia Hunt, Alta
Kershner, Clara Miller, Edna Mill
er, Minnie Miller, Elsie Miller,
Phebe McAdams, Ruth Mc Adams,
Myrtle Reeves, Josephine Shade.
Mable Savage, Bessie Smith, Vel
leda O h m a r t, Elizabeth Stock-
hausen, Izora Templeton and hos
tess, Grace Robertson.
Alpha Phi Club Elects
New Officers
The Alpha Phi Alpha mothers'
club named officers for the com
ing year at its meeting Tuesday
at the chapter house. The after
noon was spent informally and
the hostesses, Mrs. J. D. Odell
and Mrs. S. Del Smith, served tea.
Mrs. J. D. Foley Is the new
president, Mrs. Ray Yocum, vice-
president, Mrs. Charles McElhin-
ney, secretary-treasurer.
Present were Mrs. George
Pearce, Mrs. James Taylor, Mrs
William E. Kirk, Mrs.- E. C. Cross,
Mrs. John B. Ulrich, Mrs. C. F.
Breithaupt, Mrs. S. Del Smith,
Mrs. J. D. Foley, Mrs. J. D. Odell,
Mrs. Charles B. Galloway, Mrs.
Charles McElhlnney, Mrs.. Ray
Yocum and Mrs. Ruth Reed.
Mrs. Yard Hughes opened her
home to the Etokta club Tuesday
afternoon. Mrs. Emma Minten
presented a paper on Belgium and
Mrs. Emil Carlson gave some
whistling solos.
Tea was ' served 'late - by the
hostesses, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Clif
ford Burgess and Mrs. A. F. Wal
Present were Mrs. Mark Wald,
Mrs. P. E. Graber. Mrs. J. P. Pem-
berton, Mrs. Mason Bishop, Mrs.
J. H. Johnson; Miss Gertrude Sav
age, Mrs. J. Vinton Scott, Mrs. H.
G. Carl. Mrs. S. B. Gillette, Mrs.
H. W. Elgin, Mrs. E. J. Donnell,
Mrs. Richard Erickson, Mrs. Emil
Carlson, Mrs. Emma Minten, Mrs.
C. Burgess, Mrs. A. F. Waller,
Mrs. A. W. Lane, Jr., and the
hostess, Mrs. Yard Hughes.
Few Days Only!
WO! Purchase One of These
For Mea, Women.
' Childrea .
U to i -karat Klmberly
gems, matchless tor their
- dazzling brilliancy; . Stand
add and an other tests.
Handsomely engraved -!
simulated white gold, hard
. ly distinguishable from plat
inum. Including a complete
assortment of birthstone ind
wedding rings. . --'. f ..s-
Mall Orders Include 8c
Show Slaw try Piece ef String
... FlTtST: FLOOR , ; :
Medics Auxiliary
Enjoys Buffet
; Supper
The Ladles Medical: auxiliary
was entertained with a buffet sup-
oer at the home -of -lira.. Laban
Steevee Tuesday night with MrsJ
Carl .Emmons assisting hoe teas
A lighted Christmas tree and
holly made guest rooms attractive
and red-tapers and white chrys
anthemum's were on the serving
table. -
During the evening Mrs. C.
A. Downs read a paper on "Sur
gery - Before .. the Discovery of
Anesthesia" and Mrs. Emmons re
lated the biographies of John and
William Hunter. Sewing for the
Salem General hospital was done.
Present ' were Mrs. VW. W.
Baum, MrsC O. E. Bellinger' Mrsv
Prince Byrd, Mrs. Roy Byra. Mrs.
Li O, Clement, Mrs. YAi Douglas,.
Mrs. C. A. Downs. : Mrs.' JI. C
Flndley, Mrs. V. E. Hoekett, Mrs.
Dick Ross, Mrs.- W. W. Looney,
Mrs. Jy O. Matthls, Mrs. B. A.
Myres, Mrs. Phil Newmyer, Mrs.
J. R. Pemberton. Mrs.' I. N. Sand
ers, Mrs. H. K. Stock well, Mrs.
R. M. Walts, Mrs. R. L. Wood,
Mrs. Hugh Dowd.. Mrs. J. N.
Smith, Mrs. Odell, Mrs. Nellie
Rowland. Greene, Mrs. A. B. Ad-
kinson of Gervais, Mrs. Carl Em
mons and hostess, Mrs. Laban
W.C.T.U. to Present
The Salem W. C. T. TJ. will hold
their a n n n a I Children's Farm I
Home program at their hall, Com
mercial and Ferry street, Tues
day, December 19th, at 2 p. m.
Friends are invited to come
and ' bring their Christmas gifts.
These may be practical things
such as handkerchiefs, beads, ties,
hose, toilet articles, or tea towels,
bath towels, napkins, rugs, bed
spreads, pillows and cases, etc.
A good Christmas program will
be given and sewing is planned.
Any offering to contribute to the
Christmas cheer of the children
will be gladly received and , all
gifts left at the hall any time will
be taken to the home at Corvallis
before Christmas day.
o o o
Kensington Club to
Be Entertained
Mrs. Harry Mohr will be host
ess to members of the Kensington
club this afternoon. Sewing and
visiting will be the diversions and
tea will be served late.
Special guests include Mrs. Lar
ry Flag,' Mrs. George Alderln,
Mrs. M. C. Chapman and Mrs.
W. V. Johnson. Members are Mrs.
Otto J. Wilson, Mrs. I. M. Dough
ton, Mrs. Frank Power, Mrs. Her
bert Hauser, Mrs. George M.
King, Mrs. Albert C. Smith, Mrs.
C. 8. Pratt, Mrs. T. S. Roberts,
Mrs. F. S. Anunsen, Mrs. A. A.
Keene, Mrs. Charles Hudkins and
hostess, Mrs. Harry Mohr.
Buffet Dinner Given
At Sackett Home
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Sackett
entertained with a delightful buf
fet supper Tuesday night in their
residence on West Lincoln street.
The evening was spent at con
Bidden were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Kiddle, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snell,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Owen, Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton V. Bernhard,
Miss Gertrude Bernhard, Mr. and
Mrs. William Elnzig. and hOBts,
Mr.' and Mrs. Sackett.
it. w ft ': i:
Writers Section Has i
Charge of Meet ; , J -
'Poetry ' predominated .In the
program p r e s e n t e d by " the
Writer's section of the Balem Arts
league at .the December meeting
of the league held. at the audi
torium of the Salem Public li
brary Tuesday night. A short bus
iness session preceded the general
assembly, during which two books
"Sunset Trails" and "Trends of
Thought in Modern Philosophy
by Santyana, were i presented to
the city library as the gift of the
arts leagne. . . -
Members of the Writer's sec-
tion offering original work Tues
day night were Mrs. Rath Fargo,
Mrs. Edna Daily, Mrs. Yocum,
Professor W, E. Lawrence of Cor
vallis, ' Mrs. Blanche .Jones, Dr.
F. G. Franklin, Perry Reigelman,
Mrs. F. G. Franklin, Mrs. John
Clifford. .Mrs. J. C. Nelson, Pro
fessor Morton E. Peck of Willam
ette : university, Mrs. Julia Lytle,
and Mrs. Jessie Singleton,' leader.
Dr. Franklin read an article
concerning his trip to the Orient:
Mrs". Singleton contributed a short
story; and Mrs. FraakHa .a trib
ute to the memory of Basel Ball,'
Oregon poeU ,' ' -
- . m-i y .;. i
' - . . - ! :..-
Elks Tourney Prizes
Winners of the first evening's
play In the Elks contract bridge
tournament have been announced.
Duplicate hands were played Mon
day night and will continue each
Monday for seven more weeks,
with the exception of Christmas
and New Year's.
First place, north and south,
went to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hus
ton, 168 points; second place,
Mr. and Mrs. Max Gunter, 153
points; third place, Mr. and Mrs.
Ereel Kay, 153 points.
First place, east and west, went
to Earl Fisher and Karl Corey,
156 points; second place, Mrs.
Prince Byrd and Mrs. Frederick
Lamport, 148 points; third
place, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Camp
bell. 144 points
Winners of first places may ob
tain their prizes at the Commer
cial book store.
A master score board which
will carry scores from each suc
ceeding tournament is on display
at the Elks club. Reservations for
next Monday night's play which
begins promptly at 8 o'clock may
be made with Mrs. Carl Arm
0 0 0
Chemeketa Play Being
After the splendid success of
Manhattan Honeymoon", consid
erable interest is being manifest
in the next production of Cheme
keta Players Inc
The play is a biblical drama
entitled "The Rock," and will
open December 19 in the Nelson
The drama is in three acts and
shows the character development
of Simon Peter. Mary P. Hamlin
is the author. Savilla Phelps, play
ing the role of Adina, has appear
ed in Salem high school and Wil
lamette university productions.
Ruth versteeg as Mary Magdala
has formerly played with the Tay
lor Street players in Portland and
has also appeared in university
productions here. Norrls Kemp
has the role of Simon Peter and
is well-known to Salem audiences.
Bula Jane Graham is the di
o o
Friday Club Will
Fete Husbands
Members of the Friday bridge
club and their husbands will be
entertained Saturday night at the
home of Mrs. Elmer Daue, with
jric Butler wand Mrs, Fred
e Sauce Cake
A Betty Crocker cake
containing pure home
ingredients. Made by
' Master Bakers. :
it; !t it ii
Quilt in Two
i i , in mm I - I ' ' 'II I
r& "to&P prw tjr 7JI.
The Snowball Qutlt U one. ef
those restful designs that Is not
only most simple to do, but re
sults In a Quaint quilt tnat is un
usually attractive. The block is
made , of but two -pattern pieces
that are alternated in two ma
terials, thus making this quilt es
pecially practical pick-up work.
It .is very lovely made in white
and a print in which there is a
touch of white.
Pattern 446 comes to you with
complete, simple instructions for
Delano as assistant hostesses.
Guests are bidden for dinner
and an evening of contract. Sea
sonal decorations will prevail.
0 0 0
Miss Lovina Bauman returned
Tuesday from a three weeks' va
cation in southern California. .
Seek Decision
On Ownership
Of Oats, Wheat
Asking the court to determine
the interest of respective parties
to 1592 bushels of oats and 125
bushels of wheat, John and Mary
A. Stuhr yesterday filed their an
swer in circuit court here to the
complaint recently tiled by Ger
trude J. M. Page. Defendants
claim that 1242 bushels of the
oats were paid to the Prudential
Insurance Company of America on
representation by the 1 a 1 1 e r ' s
agents that the company was en
titled to a year's rent on the farm
the Stuhrs were occupying. They
allege the company said the pay
ment of. 350 bushels of oats In ad
dition and 125 bushels of wheat
would satisfy its claim for a year's
. Defendants contend they did
not know that plaintiff had any
interest in the farm, thinking a.
foreclosure action brought by the
Prudential had wiped out such
claim. The court is asked to di
vide the oats and wheat fairly be
tween the plaintiff in the pending
case and the insurance company.
Other Merchandise
May Seem Better
Pa ttern Pieces
cutting, sewing and finishing, to
gether with yardage- charts oia
gram of quilt to help arrange the
blocks for single and double bed
size, and a diagram of block which
serves as a guide for placing the
patches and suggests contrasting
The Statesman Needlecraft Dept. I
The Greatest
We Have Ever Ofletid.'
See Our Ad
On Page 3
Shoe Store
Grass in the adjoining field always seems more
alluring. The same is true with merchandise
offered some place else, but in the long run
you can usually get better qualities at more
economical prices right in ' your own home
town. Keep this in mind while doing your
Christmas shopping. The money you spend in
Salem stays here and contributes to general
: prosperity.
. Money banked at this Branch of the
United States National also stays in the
community where it is available for
every legitimate need. v
Resources Over 80 Million Dollars
Salem Branch
United Stotefl National
of Portland
Head OStcttPordand, Oregon ;
If you want to utilize this convenient service
mail coupon lor descriptive Booklet. ,
Name' " " ' ' - ' ' -:"-
. Activities of tho county health
nurses cover a wide range of pre
ventive and. 'corrective activities.
Among their duties are the firing
of tuberculin ;tests and the vis
iting of tubercular patients.
Money -watch 'flcibm e s from
Christmas eears 1ft 4ioed to coun
ty funds io JiaV rW salaries of
these nurses and-to finance their
health actiTiJ. -
There . are r five nurses now
working with1 the . Marion county
health nrrff JIIss 1 Grace Taylor.
Miss f -Margaret McAlpin, Mrs.
Irma Le Rich elss.. J uanlU John
son and Miss Nova Lyhdea.
Miss Taylor:- Miss - McAlpin and
Miss JohnsoArtrktltt Salem and
outlying tiittficta. In. LeRIche
has the territory aWmftd SUTer
ton, Silver TWA nd' JMt AngeU
and MI ynaes "the . ,Teffersoa
and Mill 'Cttf districts -1 i th
outh, and Woodburn and Aurora
to the north. ; ;
f hildrcn's Colds
V- Yield quicker to
double action of
- f :
V. -
I ii