The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 02, 1933, Page 8, Image 8

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The UKEGPN STATESMAN. Saleia, Oregon, Saturday Morning, Deceaptr z, 1333 - r
- - . - - - - 1 " i - - I ' - - - - - ; . ' -' - ' ' I . mm L mm 4akek I fl 4 5
ror Many r amines in nayes
l viliej'Four Generations
; :M Settlers ;
Thanksgiving was celebrated in a
number of homes with family
gatherings, - v : cs
- v Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stettler, Sr.;
had aa their guests Mr. and Mrs.
.William Sehaffer and. Robert, Mr,
and Mrs.: Frank Olson and son
Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stett
ler Jr. . and Harold. Mr.- and Mrs.
Carl Stettler and Betty, Mr., and
Mrs. - Lauren Stettler, Mr. and
Mrs. Kmmett Molraritr and Pat
sy, Ann,- John Stettler and Albert
Stettler. -( .... . ;r ,V,
. There., were . font generations
represented , at i' the .dinner, , Mr,
. and Mrs. Fred. Stettler, Sr were
the rreat rrandDarents. Mr. and
Mrs.'- Frank Olson the; grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Mol
arity, the parents, and little three
weeks old Patsy 'Ann, the Im
portant fourth generation.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Denny had
their children' home to help
brighten the day. The following
were y i ccui . ta oo iu wuu,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McMillUtf
and children . Frederick, Donald
and Kathleen of Corvallis, Mrs.
Tom Anders and daughter Elisa
beth of Mill City, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Armstrong of Baker, and
Miss Pauline Denny.
Mrs. Clarence Greig entertain
ed her guests at the home of her
mother-in-law, Mrs. David Greig.
Plates were set for Mr. and Mrs.
DaTid Greig and children Joy and
Vernon,' Mrs. Carrie Sneed and
daughter Leota and Loretta of
Salem, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gunther
and Roberta of Portland, and Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Greig.
The following enjoyed Thanks
giving with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
" Aadresen: Mr. sjid Mrs. P. N. An
dresen. Mrs. Rose Lucas, Clar
ence Andresen, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Collins, - Edwin Bostwick. Edgar
Rembnsch, Paul and Jerry Andre
Sen. L
RICKREALL, Dec. 1 A num
ber of local men donated a day's
work In graveling a parking strip
In front of the grade school. The
Tel was donated by William
Middleton and Joe West gave the
use of his two trucks and Al Ca
dle the use of his own. This has
been a dangerous spot during the
dismissal hour of grade school
and a number of accidents has
been narrowly avoided by both
pupils and car operators on ac
count' of this narrow strip when
busses are picking np the stu
dents. Thanksgiving guests at the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hill
were Mr. and Mrs. John Vaughan;
Mr. and Mrs. John Swan. Blanche,
Estill, Ronald. Billy, Jerry Lee of
Mm City, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Vaughan, Laura and Hazel of Mill
City; Almon HilL
Second of Dinner
Series to Be Held
Dec. 1 1 at Gervais
GERVAIS, Dee. 1. Plans for
the 'second dinner n the winter
series being given by the two
adult classes of the Presbyterian
Sunday school are under way and
promise that this will equal at
least the one given In November
br the Fidelia class.
' The Bible class which is spon
soring this dinner, met Monday
night at the home of Mrs. S. D.
Manning and set the date for De
cember 11. Guitar music will be
featured during the -dinner and a
program will follow. The hours
for serving are from C to 8.; The
general public Is invited.
KINGWOOD, Dec 1. Mrs. S.
A. LaBaut with Mr. and Mrs.
Nereis La Rant of Salem, has re
turn from a motor trip to Oak
land to see Mrs. LaRaut's sister
Mrs.' OlUe Smith, who Is seriously
UL The partyalso visited other
"relatives at Garden Valley, (and
Rev, and Mrs. Harrv Neat at Rn-
gene. en. the homeward journey t
urs. Meat is a oaugnter ox Mrs.
8. A. LaRaut, u
TttpjrnwAT.T. i . ..
' Mrs. Ernest Munch and son Er
; nest Jr., of Portland ' came Wed
nesday evening to spend Thanks
giving with his sister, Mrs. Mary
, tfurcn. Their other son, MeMn
a student at O. S. C. came down
inursaay. l
' . r
- - r . - - - - -
, Mrs; Leo Fry, twin sons, Herbert
Leonard and Richard, of Port-
una, n. Ai crowder and son of
Salem, were vlsitRr tfi hnm.
of Mrs. Jennie, Dempsey Thurs-
KOSEDALB, Dec. 1. H't
school children under the direc-
t tioh Of th laantta, ui.. r
Bostrack, gave a pleasing Thanks
tlrtng program at the meeting of
the .community club Wednesday
Bight. ' - v
. Mrs." Lesta Bates was elected
ecrewry 01 me CIUD.
Gets U. Post
Francis B. Sayre, Harvard law pro
fessor and son-in-law of former
President Wilson, who was recently
appointed as -new Assistant Secre
tary of State by President Roose
velt. When appointed, Sayre held
post of Commissioner of Correction
i rit Kraut nr Massachusetts.
HUBBARD. Dec 1. Mrs.
Duncan and Miss Friend's pupils
had a joint Thanksgiving pro
gram and Mr. Wilson Joint
Mrs. Fry's room with a program
celebrating Thanksgiving which
consisted of songs, plays, readings
and tableaux.
Dr. and Mrs. Schoor and Mil
dred and Edward, Jr., had for
their guests Thanksgiving their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wolf-
er, and Stanley, Marjorle and
Harold Wolfer. The Stauffer clan
bad Thanksgiving dinner at the
home of Mr. . and Mrs. . Elmer
Stauffer. Covers were placed for
Mrs. Christina Stauffer, Mr. and
Mrs. Julius Stauffer, Mrs. Ida
Garland, Mr. and Mrs. John Stauf
fer and Eddie Stauffer, Doris,
Rob, Norman and Betty Stauffer,
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stauffer.
Rev. and Mrs. W. I. Orr accom
panied by little Jean spent
Thanksgiving at Corvallis with
the tatter's relatives.
Fruitland Pupils
Select Officers;
Social Is Success
FRUITLAND, Dec. 1. The
Fruitland school student body
held its bi-monthly elections with
the following being installed:
President, Albert Runner: vice-
president, Howard Kaffun; sec
retary - treasurer, Milton Bres-
sler. Officers completing their
term are: Roy Gerig, president;
Robert Runner, vice - president;
Lois Lyman, secretary, and How
ard' Kaffun, treasurer.
The pie social held in the
schoolhouse Friday evening was
decidedly successful socially to
those in attendance and finan
cially to the school treasurey.
JIIBffi 111
West Salem News
WEST SALEM, Dec. 1. At
the meeting of the Sunday school
board held recently, Mrs. Clar
ence A. Guderian was elected.
pianist for the first of the Sun
day school hour, taking the place
of Miss Helen Goeser, who has
moved away. Plans for the
Christmas program were also
formulated. Miss Catharine" Ap
plewhite was elected first vice-
president, and Miss Josephine
Tandy, second vice - president at
the cabinet meeting of the Ep
wortlv league.
Guests arriving at the home of
Mr. athd Mrs. Clarence R. Brown
Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs.
L F. Tatum of Sheridan,' parents
of " Mrs. Brown. Together with
their guests the Brown, family
left early Thursday morning for
Dallas, where - they were all
Thanksgiving day guests at the
A. W, Brown home, dining with
Mr. Brown's parents and the
family of his brother.
" New Caamery Manager
H. M. Schubert, the new man
ager of the Cleary . -- Hillman
company, arrived 'here and took
over, his duties this week. Mr,
Schubert, who. has resided in .Sa
lem before, has moved to Salem
to. make his home, and togeth
er with his family, he vacationed
over, the Thanksgiving holidays
at the coist, visiting at Clover-
dale. For the past six months
he his been with the Cleary
Hillman company at their Ever
ett. Wash., plant. The cannery.
which employed 250 to Sou. la
the : packing season,' working in
several shifts,; la busily labeling
and, shipping out goods every day
now. -
Complimenting the 14th wed
ding anniversary, of Attorney and
Mrs, Elmer D. Cook, one evening
recently, a group of friends sur
prised them. In a' mock wedding
ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Cook
were attended by - Leonard Jo-
bansen as bride's maid and Fred
Gibson, best ? man, with Mayor
Guy Cv Kewgent officiating as
clergyman. Jack , Gosser sang, f I
Love You Truly," and Mrs. New
gent played Lohengrin's .wedding
march. Those present ' Included
Mr. and Mrs. Cook, guest-hosts,
and their family, Mr. and Mrs.
William L. La Due. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert PaUlson, Mr. and Mrs.
Assault and Battery Case
Against Cushing Grows
: Out of Gathering
a Tbanksrlvina- reunion," at
which Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cush
ing of Portland , were -guests 01
honor, ended in a fight and the
subsequent filing of . an assault
and battery, complaint against
Cushing in the justice court here.
-.. Thi-reunion, was - arranged : by,
Mrs. Rose Phernetton, mother of
Mrs. Cushing.
rusbH r and one of the men in
the family were said to have en-
gaged In an argument- wmcn
er developed istoa fistic encount
m un i Phernetton Intervened
with the result that she suffered
a blackened eye. .Cashing received
an injury. of the annT-. : ,? V-J '-i
Cushing pleaded guilty in the,
Justice court yesterday and , was
fined 25 and costs." He was said
to b a neohew of Leo Jenkins,
police eoiflmissioner of Portland.
Henry Jones and George F. Big
nett pleaded guilty. In . Justice
court Friday to burglary at the
P. D. MacCarthy hopyard near
Oroville. The pair stole tents valu
ed at $25 each from, the hip yard
early in the month and were ap
prehended Thursday night by Sa
lem pollee. They were bound over
to. the grand jury and f aling to
post 1500 bail apiece were lodged
in the county jaiL -' '
Two motor transportation act
cases were considered yesterday.
Frank M. Waldorf was dismissed
and Clyde .C. Madsen took 24
hours to enter a plea. He was re
leased on his own recognizance.
Mrs. Gilbert Ballantlne pleaded
not guilty to writing a check
without Sufficient funds and the
case was set for December 15 at
11 a. m. She posted 5Q bail un
dertaking. Glen T. Norton paid a fine' of
$7.50 and costs for having an Im
proper license. E. J. Wiser plead
ed guilty to having no head lights
and failed to pay a fine of I and
costs. Committments were Issued
for the above case and that of
Rex Bauer for a similar amount,
accused of driving with defective
ROSEDALE, Dec. 1. Nearly
every seat was taken at the first
service of the Thanksgiving reviv
al at the Rosedale Friends churc'h,
situated seven miles south of Sa
lem. Rev. Herman Smith, pastor
of the Nazarene church of Ridge
field, Wash.( took as his opening
theme: "Th'e Judge; Christ or
You?" Mr. Smith will speak each
night at 7:30 o'clock and Sunday
at 11 a. m. anil 8 p. m.
At the 11 o'clock service Sun
day he plans to speak on "Three
Aspects of Salvation." The young
men's quartet of First Friends
church of Portland, composed of
Messrs. Hadlej', Coffin, Cole and
Dlcus, will be in charge of the
Milo Clifton Ross, pastor of the
Rosedale congregation, announces
the close of the series of meet
ings Sunday eveping, Mr. Smith
The girls Sunday school class
recently made some booklets to
send to : Helen Cammack for use
In her school work at La Pas, Bol
Fred Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Gosser, Mr. and Mrs. Guy C.
Newgent, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Lacey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P.
Wells, Mrs. Hettie SImpklns and
Leonard Johansen.
Turkey day was celebrated in
the good old fashioned way at
the F. Marlon Moore home with
a family reunion, Including Mr
and Mrs. Moore, parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Moore, Mrs. J. A,
Huston, Orville, Claude and
Ernest Moore. Mr. and Mrs. S.
D. Way entertained Thanksgiv
ing day Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A.
Woods, Mr. and Mrs. C.-F. Way.
with , their children, -Mary, Clar
ence and Glenn of Portland, Mrs.
verdon Butler and son LeRoy.
The three visiting families are
son and daughters of the Ways
Mr. and Mrs. Milton K. Turn
er with Mrs. Turner's - father.
George W. Smith and their son
Milton, all from San Diego, are
guests at the V. A. Smith home
here. Turner, who Is chief phar
macist mate in the U. S. navy,
will leave December 28 for China.
and ; his family expects to join
nim at the end of the year, to
live for the following year, which'
will complete Turner's 20 years
continuous service in the navy
During this year Mrs Turner,
son Milton and her father will
make their home with their
brother and ' son, V. A. Smith.
Turner Is now on a leave of ab
sence until December 28.
Annual election of officers for
the Boy Scouts of the West Salem
troop was held this week with
Alvln Richardson, chosen senior
patrol leader. Richardson was
made a life scout at the recent
regular meeting of the court of
honor. Harvey Griffin was elect
ed scribe. Winston Gosser, quar
termaster, Bob Langhoff, Ray
mond Griffin and Eugene Krebs,
patrol leaders.
, Lou Deranleau left this week
for Us Angeles to winter with
a daughter. Each winter, he goes
south to make his - home with
this daughter, coming to his
home here in the summers.
Mayor and Mrs. Guy C New
gent are hosts to Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Rodgers and their daugh
ters Lucille and Virginia of Port
land, .. cousins, ' this week, taking
tneir guests to the C: P. Rod
gen "home- for Thanksgiving day,
mm mi
I ft
Pat Malone,' Irish evangelist' from
HlaneapoUs,: who -Will open m
lday revival series Tuesday;
December 5, at 7: SO o'clock at
the 4 Gospel ' tabernacle, "653
Ferry. '
School at Jefferson to Re
open Monday After Short
arge number or patrons ana
friends attended the Thanksgiv
ing program presented by students
of the high and grade school Wed
nesday afternoon. The program
Song, by school; reading, Rich
ard Van Winkle; song, seventh
and eighth grade girls; reading.
Lucille Pratt; playlet, seventn
and eighth . grades; song, third
and fourth grades; reading, Dav
id Jordan; song by first and sec
ond grades; reading by. Lucille
Barnes: song, fifth and sixth
boys; reading by -Royal Winters;
song by glee club; playlet by fifth
and sixth grades; song by third
and fourth grade pupils; .exercise.
primary . pupils; reading, Jean
Mary Redmond; -song by fifth and
sixth grades; reading, Shirley Ro
land; song, .high school girls;
reading, Charles Brown; song,
seventh and eighth boys.
Teachers who spent Thanksgiv
ing out of town: Miss Frances
Chambers who spent the day with
her mother in Portland; Miss
Margaret St, Clair who spent the
Thanksgiving vacation with her
parents at Gresham, and Miss
Frances Pierce spent the day in
Portland and then on to Kalama,
Wash., where she will spend the
rest of the time with her father.
They will all return for the re
opening of school again Monday
KEIZER, Dec. 1. The Reiser
school observed Thanksgiving
Wednesday with an appropriate
program given during the regu
lar assembly period: Reading,
Vera Merk; song by third, fourth.
fifth and sixth grades; "Pocahon
tas," a play by Vera Merk. Henry
Doner, Walter Bliven, Lois Rulif-
son. Clifford Weathers, Itus Har
ris, Ane Saito, Tsuchis Sal to,
Myrtle Harold and Pearl Brant-
ner; readings, Eileen Holden and
Arleen Frogley; play, "The First
Thanksgiving," by Sylvia Clag
gett, Marjorle Melovidoff, Thomas
Brantner and Milton Savage.
Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. W
E. Savage, Mrs. Albert Mlnturn
and a Japanese boy of seven
years, Julius Numata, a cripple,
whom Mrs. Mlnturn Is tutoring.
Julius is in a cast from his waist
down on account of tuberculosis
of the hip, and cannot attend
Prize Ears Corn
Displayed Turkey
. Day for Popcorn
A. R. and Glenn Southwlck had
on display at the' neighborhood
dinner Thursday In the basement
of the Popcorn school the win
ning ears of corn entered by
them at the recent Independence
corn show. A total of 820 In
prises was won by the Messrs
Southwlck. A. R. took the first
prise for the best 20 ears and
second prise for the best 10 ears
Glenn, was awarded the first
prise for the best 26 ears, first
prize lor tne best single ear and
the sweepstakes prize, a five dol
lar cake, which was shared
Thursday with the dinner guests
For . a nnmber of years the
South wicks have planted the best
kernels from the best ears and
their product has thus attained a
high degree of perfection. They
plucked this year from their acre
age an ear measuring 12 inches
in length.
Study and Writing,
, Honors Are Listed
SHAW, Dec 1. The honor
roll for the second month includes
Hazel Blocher, - Anna -Blocker,
Earl Blocher; Elrln Shatto, Pear
Dorothy Stuhr and .Ruth Wll
Hams.' Those who were awarded
Palmer pins were Floyd Jones
Paul Blocher, Fred Montgomery.
Ruth Williams, Hazel Blocher.
Laura Schmid Bernard Schmld,
Elvln Shatto, Johnny Shamberger
ana Anna Blocker. .
? nine. 13
Parent-Teacher Unit at Ger
vais Will Meet Monday
" Pbr Business
. GERVAIS, Dec.-1. The high
school student body play, "The
Nervous Miss Niles," Is to be pre
sented at the auditorium Wednes
day night, December 13,- by a
strong cast. Rehearsals are being
held twice weekly and Indications
are that It will-measure up to
the usual high standard of for
mer student body-plays. -
Tne community. 6oo cjud par
ty held at the auditorium Tues
day night drew an; attendance of
40 and netted, another- neat, sum
for the eurtaln fund. Prises for,
high 1 scores , went ; to :, Sirs.; C. ,B.
Ellsworth and IT V. Mc Adoo , and
for low scores td Mrs.. A.' B. Mint
aker and -Allan Nuaom. MrsA.
Nlbler, Mrs. M.. D Hennlng and
Miss Sophie Nibjer were hostesses
for the social hour. Mrs. Joe
Bcbeible, Miss' Kitty 'Smith and
Mrs. P. W.-Seely are hostesses
for the meeting December 12.
P.T.A. on Monday
A potluck supper will precede
the monthly meeting of. the Par
ent-Teacher association to be held
at the auditorium Monday night,
December 4, beginning at 7
o'clock. Business ..of Importance Is
to come up at this time and a full
attendance Is requested by the
president, John P. , Buchanan.
A daughter. Myrtle Rutn, was
born Friday, November 24, to
Mr. and Mrs: C. O. Wright. She
died Monday evening. Funeral
services were held at the home
Tuesday afternoon and burial was
at the Masonic cemetery. The par
ents and several- brothers and sis
ters survive.
RICKEY. Dec. 1. Greenery,
pumpkins "and seasonable .flowers
formed the decorations of tne
stage, the booths and the school
room for the Thanksgiving enter
tainment which was put on by the
pupils under the direction of the
teachers, Mrs. Minnie Jockel and
Miss Helen Dumbeck. - -
The costume of Virginia Caroth
ers made entirely of paper leaves,
corn leaves and tassels was es
pecially unique. Just 111.85 was
realized from the food sales.
The program included songs.
plays and stories, with Individual
numbers by Bobbie Mahst, Mar
garet Spllde, Bruce Flscus, Aug
ust Mahst, Douglas Flood, Ver
non Shelton, .Laura Crahb, Eve
lyn Scott Raymond Beard, Inez
and Ilota Miller, Delores Wases,
Paul Bahsen, Jack Horner and
Harvey McElroy.
Breakfast Will
Honor Sacristan
For St. Paul's
Miss Virginia Nowlen, Court
apartments, will celebrate on Sun
day, the 20th anniversary other
work as sacristan In St Paul's
Episcopal church. Her duties in
clude preparing the altar for the
services, caring for the altar lin
ens and vestments, the candles.
the sacred vessels, the elements,
and arranging the flowers. She
has been doing this work faith
fully for 20 years. Miss Nowlen
will entertain about 30 friends at
breakfast in the parish house aft
er the 7:30 a. m. service Sunday
morning. She will be the honor
guest at the rectory at dinner the
same day, guest of the rector and
Mrs. George H. Swift who have
also Invited a few friends.
New Minister
For Adventists
Opening Labors
Rev. Thompson of Seattle to
day conducts his first services as
pastor of the Seventh. Day Adven
tist church here, Fifth and Gaines
street. Rev. . Thompson succeeds
LRer. D. R. Schierman, who ac
cepted a call to Portland Taber
nacle church after serving here
two years. Rev. and Mrs. Thomp
son are now located here on Jet
ferson street. "
Life in Siam is
Topic oh Sunday
At the Presbyterian church
Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock.
Rev. John S. Holladay will tell the
story of his life In Siam, where
he-has lived for, the past five
, What wonld yon do with a sick
man, in need of an emergency op
eration, 80 miles from the nearest
hospital, 40 miles beyond the end
of the nearest road, and more
than six. miles from the nearest
village? Mr. Holladay will tell
what was done in Siam.
Girs Groups to
Sponsor Vespers
World Wide Guilds, youn g wo
men's organizations, of the Cal
vary Baptist church will sponsor
reaper services at the church at
7:15 o'clock tomorrow night. The
regular evening services Including
the sermon by Rev. W. Earl Coch
ran and special music by the
chorus choir will follow at S p. mv
- Young people's organizations
will meet at C:15 instead of the
usual 8:30 hour to accommodate
this slight change in schedule.
Ferry -sad lltk strMta. L O. WeftoB.
ptitor. Bund? ichool, S:4S . wL, C A.
Wilion, nptrtntaiideat Cbarek sarrieas.
11 a. m.; avDjaet: "ruruKMrs oi iaa
Diriaa Uatwa.' ETaaraliatia aarvtea al
7:45 B. m.: aaMect: "Peraoaal IJbartr
ud Ptraoaal Bilvatioa." 8paial maiil
Bomaera. ; Toans Vaepla'a aerviea, S:SO
p. bl, HarrU Bales, apaakarw Bibla atady
at 7:45 p. aa Taraday. Prayer meeting
at J:S0 p-.Bi., Wednetday DaTottonal
aarvicaa, 1:45 p at. Thaiaday. :
rmsT cHMsniir
Hicb'aad Center Itrecti. Ovy L. Drill,
miniater, rcaidanca, 605 Union atraet.
Chorek aehool, 8:80 a.' mi each Lard's
day norBinc. Werahio. 10:45 a. D. bwrd'a
aoDDar aad aaraoa by Enacaiiaa Laaritt.
Iounc people i meetinf t a:sv p., an
ial nxetia- will aoatiaaa throagh next
Virion end Ksvth IJhartr stracta. Brit-
toa Xoea, minliter. Bible aehool, S:!
a. bW Fred Broar;'-aapeiiutaadaBt, Kor
iiig worthier, eerson: "Ceayeraion, Wha
ia-.Itt"' Junior, intermediate aad aeniof
R-TP.' 0. a S'.SO p.:m. Prayer meeting
belere taa aTeamg aamea at o:o p. m.
Orchestra prelade, T J.0 p. at. Eyealng
worihlp at 7:30. lermon: "Tha Pawa of
a new pay for tna Jew." tspeetar aaotia
by - the choir at both, aarrieca. ' Prayer
aeatiBg .aad bible attidy. Wedaeaday,
1:10 p. B.
Thirteenth and Center atreeta. Ber.
Retcher Galloway, pastor. Sanday chool.
9:45 a. m., Jr. M. utwiuar, mporinwn
lent. Morning worahtp, 11 a. in.: "Christ,
ha Great Pais-Over.' N. X. P. 8. gToapc,
S:80 p. m; Evening aarylca. 7:30 p. m.t
"The Remedy tor the World' a IUa." A
ladiea' quartet will aing.
Cenltot and Marion atreeta. "W. & Lien.
kaaaxper, pa tor, Sanday gebool. 10 a. m.
John Denny, tnpexintendent. Oanaan aerv
ire, 10 a, aa.f aabjeeti VLa U Walk
Honeetly." An advent sermon. Engliah
aerrieaa. 11 o'elaek: tnbieet: "Tha True
Way ol UleW rspeeiai bum, anmem;
"Pr,i. Lt TTe fiinr Unto tha Lord."
by 'William W. Price. AU church day for
nmmhr with lunch at noon. At 1:30
meetings of Conaittory. Women's Mis
sionary society and Sanday school board.
rBobszssrvs spmrruAxisT
Kervieea held at Kelion halL Decern
! s. at a n. m. Boeakar. Ber. U. K.
Krinr. Topic: "Atonamenu nmtn
by Mra. 8chwedel and other. Circle from
S to T:80 p. m. Circles also Manday and
Taaadar, December 4 aad 5, at tha reti
deaea ar Mr. and Mra. Stoddard, 1420
North 4th atraet..
rrasr cojtobxoatiovax
renter and Liberty streets. J. B, Eira-
onda, alaiaUr. Sanday school, S:45 a. m.
WnrniM. waranin. li a. m. : eermon:
Tha cnarca aa a Aayeniura At i
Dr. 8. B. Laughlin, professor of agrl
eultnral aeoaomica at Willamatta nnl-
yersity, will diaeus.the qaeaUoa "What
Shall WrM Wltn tna aamcu iiw
ert" Thia ia the fonrth topic in tna
seminar aa "Some Problems lor
New Deal."
rrrp.naO'PHTCi.T. XJSnABT
fWia . fnrty-eixht Boaih Commaretal
street. 8tady elassea- ia eosmie concioot-
nM. Each Wednesday, 7:u p. m., open
-l... ..Ine 'Tha Master Key" aa a
teat book conducted by Mra. Holt. Each
Bnnday. 7:80 p. m, elaaa open to sTe
d oeenlt Students only, using "Tha
KabaU" as a text bonlr.
Market and Winter streets. V. H.
P; ,.. 1430 Korth Winter, phone 4688.
Sanday achoal. S:45 a. Emory Goode.
nnavintaBjant. RenBIHI tonic : CoBaO-
.tin " Gvnlnr topic: "Ttiinri of
Greatest Valne. T. P. M. 8. meet at :0
8nnday night. Prajer and praise seryiea.
Thursday. 7:30 p. ma.
W. Barl Cochraa, pastor. Graded ehnreli
a'ehnal. 0:40 a. B- Mra. W. A. Barkns,
saperintendent. Morning preaching aerr
lee, 10:50 a apbject: "Why the
Church." Anthem by chorus choir. Young
people's service, 0:15 p. m. worm wiae
OniM ynr serviee. 7:15 P. m. : sermoa
8 p. m. Special music by chorus choir,
South Commercial and Myere streets,
a. Darlow Johnson, pastor. 848 East
Vyen re.t Church school. 9:45 a.
V. M. Saekett, auperintendeat. Special
thank offering service U the Women's
Home Missionary society at 11 a. m. Ad
drets by Mrs. Ruth Ij. Reed, conference
t Anthem. "Immortal Praiie,
(Ashford). Mr. Roswell Wright will sing
"Lord Make Ma Strong." Learuee at
8:80. restore aorvica at tha 7:30 hour
with Vn Raidla Orr Dunbar a rnest
speaker. Mid-week prayer and atody hour
Tkarsday. 7:13 p. m. unoir reneanai.
Thuraday, 8:15 p. m.
Held every Sunday in tha Salem Wo
man' clubhouse. Suaday school, 10 a. m.
Preaehinr service. 11:45 a, m- 460 Korth
Cottage street.
nineteenth and Ereyman streets. J. H.
Briscoe, castor. Sunday school, 0:45
a. m- H. D. Anderson, auperintendeat.
Preaehinr. 11 a. m.; aabjeeti "Tha Di
vine Chriat. Junior and senior B. r. e.
TJ S:30 p. m. Preaching, 7:30 p. as.:
mMaet "To Rod Call Men to Mln
iitrvt" Special musie both services, E.
D. Lindburg, director.
fl. A. If. A. 008PEZ. TABBBBAOLB
Six fifty-fiva Perry atreet. W. H. Cald
wall, naatnr. 8andav school. 9:45 a. m.
Granvel Sheets, superintendent. Morning
worth iu. 11 a. m.: theme: "Severn Ea-
aantiala for Revival." Toana people'
meeting, S:80 p. m. Evaning evangelistia
aerviea, 7:80 p. m. Pat Malone, noted
Irish evan relist of Minneapolis, will begin
a aeries of revival service from Decem
ber 5. continuing to December 17, every
evening at 7:80, with three services each
Sanday included. Tha minister af Al
liana churehea ia Oregon will hold their
regular monthly meeting at tha tabernacle
Tuesday night. They will have part ia
the opening revival aemea.
Winter and Chemeketa atreeta. Grover
OL Birtehet. D. IX. pastor. Church school.
9:80 a. m, directed by Ralph Scott, sup-
erimteadaBt. Morning worahtp, 11 a. m.
Sermon: "Whoaeever Believeth, the Same
Shall ha Saved." Anthem t "Bear My
Prayer," (Ark hangelsky). Solo by Mra.
Jame Teed "O'er tha Hills at Bethle-
hem," (Shefly). a E. societies, :80
p. mm. Evening praise, 7:30, eamdaeted by
tha ladiea of tha Missionary society.
saai. Sia'm. Mr. Holladay wUl sail of life.
custom and Christian, warm: ia Bias. An
them, "Hear My Prayer."
Xighteenth aad Btsi streets. Jterr.
Amos . Mlnneasa. Sonday school, B :80
a. m. Mrs. Amoa K. MinnamaB, super
intendent. 6armaa, 9:80 a. at.; subject:
"Jeremlah'a Deaeriptioa af Aha Haw
Covenaat." EagUah, 11 a. m.! subject:
"I Will b Tour God aad Ta Shall be
Mr People." Practice , with Suaday
Bchaal for Chrfetaias sarricac, S p, m.
Lather laagua. 7 p. m bamiaaaa aoaaioav
Lawaard Zasnaaw, leader. Chareh eouscil
maetiag Taaadar, 7:80 p. at.
- Highland a venae and Chareh street. T.
Clio Brown, pastor. Bible aehaol, 10
a. at-Laatar DeLepp, auperiateadent.
Morning worship. 11 a. sr. Tha monthly
meeting at tha minlstery and ovsrsight at
S p. ma. Intermediate 0. E. at S:80 p.
with Praaeia Taraer aa leader. The tv
aageUstia service at 7:80. Prayer meeting
Thuraday, - 7:80 , p. ... Bk, with busiaesa
meatiag following. . .
Winter aad Jaffersoa atreeta. Suaday
aehool, 9:45 a. ua. Service at 11; aermoa
by miaistart "Ting tha Baada of Christ
by Umbaaef. Musis by tba their. Ep
wartk leafne. 8:S0 p. km. Svtatsr aerviea.
7:80, Eleanor Henderson, eoloist,
V wTrrwwwAT.Tj wwAarirtfr.Twar, ,
yoha J. Radia, pastor. Suaday school,
10 .a. bl, ; Mrs. Adams. supariBUadeat.
Chareh aerviea, 11 a. mm, v .
-1, t " ' .: ' ,
rntsT chtjkch or god
J Hood aad North CotUga streets. O. T.
KaaL pastor. 1591 Broadway, pboaa 8717.
8uaday aehaoL 10 a. at, Lyla Xjsox. sun
enatendent. Sermoa 11. a. na. ; topic :
"Compaaaiaa." No evening aery ices aa
ffewn,,?f fUU! 7m,B paopla't eonven.
tioa at Waodbura, Week-day aerviea. Wad
aaaday, 7:80 p. sa.
, , r iTJTHBRAH -
' Missouri' Srnod. Sixteenth aad A
streets. Ear. H. W. Gross, paitor.
lih communion aerviea at 9:45 av ma.:
preparatory aerviea at 9 :15. Hp Garaaaa
aarvicaa Sunday school, J I, a, .
- - . TRVTH
Tlva fifty-six' TJaioa-street. T. Oordoa.
Flemlnr,-pastor. 8uadafS' p. s - J
ture, tbiak aa Thaaa TWBgs.M-lPhiI.
4-8-9.) All aervicea Uld by 1". Gordod
flevauag. . fZJt- -' "
Vifteenth and Mill Streets. 0 Bandar
school, 10, v sW elaaaea for alt. Preach-
tag at a p. am., ay Aaroa umsoa. m. ktbi
f Gospel cartoon wiU be ahowa at 7 :S0.
BibU atady elaaa, . Taeaday. 1 J. ma.. II-
lustra Ud bible talk for Toaug lout at
T:4S Toeaday,"-.' -; ' 1 " .
CheaMkasa mad Liberty straata. Suaday
school, 8:45. aad 11 a. as. Services, 11
a.'m. aad'S p. m.' Subject leaaea aermoa;
'God th vaiy cwtaa.anev vaaator.- a
timonv meeUnc Wedaeaday. p. a. Bead
tag roaat ia Maaoaid tempi cpea II a., su.
to S'.su p. at, except eaneaya ana mmn-
rasT ipnoTWATi raoix c
Of ' Pf yehie Research ia Pythlaa . halL
248 Coauaerclal, at 3. p.. as,, circle- from
8:80 till p. m. Topie, "Aspects or Bpir
ituaUsm." Anna Lee Sayder, blind psy
chic, wiU Sing.
B. Earla - Parker, vaator. ' Ployd S.
Bailey, director of religion education.
Robert M. Gatke. superintendent af
church school. Church school, 9:45 a. as.
PuMie warship, II a. bl. "Holy Com-
atanisn." Eowarth Isarnea and rorum.
6:80 p. m. Evening worship, 7:30 p. mm.
Goapel song eervtee. Uriel gospel sermon.
Kineteeath aad Farrr -'atreeta. H. &
Stover, minister. The church aehaol aseeta
at 10 a. m., U. u. iiams, auperanieaueni.
Morning worship, 11 a. m. Bermoa of
Rev. Lewis White of Portland. Evening
service. 7:30. Sermon "Can Wa Believe
in God'a Care" Tha choir in the minis
try of musie morning and evening. Young
people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. The Fel
lowship of Prayer 'Wednesday night at
Chemeketa and North Cottage. Services
will be held December 10, 17th and 24th
at 11 a. m. Yin ting mimatera irom
Portland will preach. Chareh school 10
a. au. Miles McKay, aoperintendent. Mrs.
Walter A. Deaton, erranut.
Chareh and Chemeketa atreeta.- George
H. Swift, rector. Holy commaatoa, 7:30
an. Holy Eucharist and aermoa, al a. at.
Chareh school, 9:45 a. n.
roxs kxmoxlu; -
West Salem. K. K. Clark, pastor,
Church aehooL 9 :45 a. m. Evworth league.
S:S0 a. m. Event nr warship. 7:30. This
Service will be devoted to bible unnaay,
Special masie by the choir, Morning
service. Oak Grove, 11 a. at.
Cottara aad Shipping street. C. T,
Ritrtnra. minister. Bibla study. 10 a SB.
Preaching at 11; topie: "Thankfulnese
aad Unthankfalne. Communion fol
lowing aermoa. Evening bible staay at
7 :30. Bona eraeUee. Tuesday aad Friday
evening at 7:bu.
Four twenty 8tte street. Sunday scbaol
at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11. cvaa
Kliatle aerviea at 8 a. m. Mid-week erv
ice. Tuesday and Tharsday night. Tonag
people a aarviea Baturaay aignt.
Four thirty-three aad one-half Berry
atreet. Robert L. Taylor, Eugene. George
M. Thorp, s distant pastor, 433 rerry
street, nhone 6130. Sible school a p.
Katnrdav and Bundar. Seraaaaa. Saturday
and Sunday at S and 7 p. mm. Spiritual
Gifts. Meetings Wedaeaday and Thuraday
at 7:45 p jn.
Korth Summer and Marion streets.
Emory W. Pettieord, Di D, minister. Sun
day school, 9:45 a. an., li. L. Thornton,
superintendent Morning worship at 11
a. m- or ran arelude and offertory by Mra.
Ethel Poling Phelps. Sermon: "Treasure
aad Pearls." Christina Endeavor vesper
service at 8:80 p. m. Evangelistic aerviea
at 7 :30 p. so. Song aerviea led by Linden
Leaner. Sermon: "Tha Character mad
Peregatlvea af Christ." Bibla atady and
prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p.
Church street, between Chemeketa aad
Center. Rev. P. W. Erikaea, pastor. Sua
day bibla aeaool, a. a. .raeger, sapenn
tendent. Morainr aervlce. 11 a.
"Causes That Contribute ta Quench tha
Flame." Anthem by tha choir, directed
by William MeGilchrtat. Luther league,
devotional, 6:30 p. as. Kveaiag worahip
aad song, 7:30 p. aa. Masie by tha youag
people' a choir, directed by Joha Schmidt.
Seventeenth and Coarth atreeta. Bogh
N. McCallum. pastor. Bibla achool. 9:45
a. m. Morning worahip mad Lard' sup
per at 11 a. m. Male eoartet from a
gena Bibla college will aing. Chrietiaa
Endeavor at 6:15 p.: m, three aoeietiea.
Evening services, 7 :30 p. av, Eugeaa
Bibla college depuUtioa ta charge. Rev.
Linden Leavitt will be tha speaker and
tha mala ouartet wDl aiar. Wedaeaday
Bight ia Court Street sight at the Teddy
licavitt revival at te nrst vnnstiaa
South Commercial aad Washington
atreeta. cnarlea U. uaworta. paster, gna.
day school. 10 a. ma., Mr. Bertha Ha
worth, superintendent. Horning worship,
11 svam. ''Tha Uses ef Adversity." C. X.
meetinr. 6:80 p. at., topic: "Caases and
Cure of Poverty." Evening worahip. 7:30
p. m. Thursday, 8:80 p. ms church night
supper followed by monthly business
meeting. ,
North Cat tar and D atreeta. G.
Rataca, eaiaister. Suaday school. S:45
a. an. Sans ' Schiraaaa, auperintendeat.
Short EagKsh aarviea follewiag iaa San
day school. . Regular aervtea at 11:10
a. as. Serasoa topie: "The Last pow
er." Choir song. Tha Lard's supper after
tha asornlng service. Evening -aervW-e at
n. as.; topie:. "Watea ' Call." Bi
r. r. u. Defore the aerviea. at S:S
Helen Wenkelntaa, preaideat. Reralar
atia-weea prayer aerviea at 8 p. au. Wed-
On teveatytwo Ifarioa atreet. Mrs.
If. -R. Backkea, paatar. A- mission with
a aoworfal aseaaaaa. Serviaee aa foliar:
Taeaday, 7:80 p. bl, prayer maeetiag.
rrtday, s aad T:S0 -p. at, prayer aad
bibla atady. Suaday, a p. av, Br?, Cald.
well ot tha Alliance taberaacle.
Bibla Sehaot superinteadent. lira. Tito
Minister, N. J. Reaaoaor, 5S Korth Bigh
ssrees, immbb. DiDio achool, a, a.
hforniag worahip, eaateriag n round tha
Lord'a supper, 11 a. am. Sermon theme:
"Tha Command Absolute." ChrisUan Xa
deaver at 7 p. am,
no sirs alb rassst '
Vila Clifton Basav paitor Sunday school
at 10 a. m T. D. Trick, aoperiaUadaat.
Rev. Haraaaa Smith. , Ridgef ioM, Waah
apaaka at 11 a. at. aa "Three Aspecta of
Salvation" Chriatiaa Radeavor hour, T
P. am. Tha Thsaksgiving revival is cea
eladed witk tha S a'elock service. Musie
la eharga at tha Toaag Man's aaartat af
Firat IVieada ehureh af Portland. Prayer
aad monthly business meeting, Thursday
Bight, - , . --..r
An address by Dr. S. B Iusrhlin, professor of agri
cultural economics at Willamette University.
" ' ; y - ' . ... . .
: First Congregational Church
Center & Liberty , -
Evangelist Cross to Address
.a ''''. ssf " a tS
Youths at wooaaDurn
f This Evening
wnnriBTTHJv'. Dec.' 1. ' Young
people rom all over the state of
Oregon are1 in -wpoaDarn mis
reek end for- the annual state
nennia'a convention for the
Church ot.God. , The services be
gin at jo jav m. eacn. aay. ne
main -theme of this year's session
Is "An Unchanging . Christ in a
Changing World."
-. The ' convention committee is
mala tin of Miss Lottie , rrank-
Un of Central Point. Miss Ruth
Schaef er of ; Eugene, and - Hev.
Walter Shrock of Huhoard. Rev.
Shrock has charge of reglsti'ation.
Mrs. Ethel Shrock is attending to
the music, and Miss Hazel .Shrock
lodging;- -C.; t'.-v-.. , v y"
iranw4intfe-. aerrtMS ; hsr Hev.
Myrle Cross who has beea n
ducting the decision serrices at
the local churcht are teatBrea at
the 'convention. ; -
The convention opened Friday
morning with Rev.; C W. 'Haten
extending the welcome, response
by Lottie FTanklln ' and address
by C. K. Chapman.- At the con
ference hour, 'discussions were
led br Mrs. C D. Hatch. Walter
Shrockk Mrs. Irene Bnekels, Mrs.
George Neal, Mrs. Mande By ers,
Milo Chapman and Mrs. Lois My
rlck. . Evangelist Cross preached
the closing service Friday, and
will preach Saturday at 8 o'clock
and Sunday at 7: SO.
Beuaqaet is Today
At thia rnnferenea hour at 1:30
o'clock Saturday, leaders will be
Maurinda Schaef er, Mr. and Mrs.
Hanson, Mrs. E. H. Ahrendt, and
at -z : 4 S Ruth Schaef er will eon-
duct the program. The dlnner
bananet will be held af 5:30
o'clock Saturday Rev. Cross will
preach Sunday at 11 a. m., and
U. G. Clark Win have'thef 2 o'clock
service. ; '
Miss Lillian Garnjobst of the
Leslie M. E. church of Salem will
bring the Special musie at. the
Salem Heights community church
service Sanday evening at 7:30.
Miss Garnjobst - Is well - known
In Salem music circles. Mrs.
Wheelddn will accompany on the
piano. -
The ferrices at the community
hall Snnday night are growing
both in . interest and attendance,
states th . pastor. Rev. Dean Ver
mllllon el Salem. Last Sunday
evening, in ft combined meeting
with the. Rosedale Friends church
there were well over 100 pres
ent. Ordinarily the services aver
age In attendance between CO and
70. At each, service, after the
special music and congregational
singing, the pastor brings an
evangelistic message.
These meetings are lnter-de-nominational
and, everyone In tna
community is cordially invited to
them. The young people's meet
ing Is at :30 In charge of Mrs.
Dean Vermillion, while the regu
lar evening service Is at 7:30,
every Sunday night. Sunday
school Is at 10 a. m.
Christmas Seal
Message Slated
At Leslie M. E.
Christmas seals, little messen
gers of health and good will, will
be featured at Leslie Memorial
church, S. Commercial and Myers,
at the 7:30 o'clock hour Sunday
evening. Mrs. Saldie Orr Dunbar
of Portland will speak on "Con
serving our Greatest Asset" Mrs.
Dunbar is a speaker of unusual
ability and brings a message of
Interest to all who value the
health of family and community.
Special musical features ar
ranged for this service are a vocal
solo, "Good Will to Men
(O'Hara), by Miss Eleanor Moore
and a violin solo by . Mr. Heme
Downs. Dr. V. A. Douglas will
sneak on "Health in Our County".
The county health nurses will at
tend. In uniform. Those Interested.
in the gospel ot good health, are .
invited. - -
First Baptist
Marion & N. Liberty Sts.
11 a. m. "CoriYersion,
. What Is It?
7:30p. m-"The Dawn
. of a New Day for the
Jew x
Orchestra prelude 7:10 p.m.
Special Musie by the Choir at
Both Services.