V) f V r. 11 A PULL : QUICK i CIEGULTO : Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101- . OlwUM dTrtIatg Single Insertion per Unt.lOa Three lnsarttoae per Um .............. 2Se Bl Insertions per Uaa..8t)f On mont px ltu..l.l Ulnlmum chart ... 88s ;" Copy tor thU page ; aa eepted tmttt tr3 tas ewso ln before publleaUon tot eWaetrleatloa. C a j : sw tarred ettr UU Ume will be ma- ander tha fceadtas Too Lata to- Oaaattf . -The aa financial raapoaaiblUty tor errora wca maj ap pear far adverTJssmenta pne llebtd ia tta eolaiaaav aaft la ease waera tola papar la at fruit wt' reprint that part at aa adfwrt eat ta which i te typographical aalstaka oeeara. Th Suteitnaa retervsa the ' right to re J act objee Uoaal advertising. It far taer reserves the- right ta classify all advertising ta 4a? tha proper eUsslfiea ttoa. - t SALESMEN WANTED Agents wanted. Bett deal In Salem, men or women. 147 S. uommerciax. SITUATIONS WANKED Experienced woman dishwasher and kitchen help wants position tn res taurant or hotel 1570 Mission St TeU 5:88. EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE Good farm near Salem for oil sta tion or other investments in or near Eureka, or Santa Rosa, California. uttiLUS m MII.I.KK. Realtors S44 gtato Street TeL 70t.t LIVESTOCK and POULTRY - ' -"j"in ini rir iutrxri-ri FOR SALE tS lata. TeL 1SSFX Barred Rock pul- Inte resting: Facts - 4i was ad- I Business Directory Cards ia this directory run oa a monthly basis only. Rates S 1.00 per line per month. MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to It months to repay at io treat pos slbls rates. CFCTBAT. iUSLASCSS CORP. ' A- local corseratlon 1st Natl. Bask Bide. Paeoe KSi Licensed iy Stat MONET TO LOAN on farm, city or tirrna m properties. Must bs the best of -security. CHILD8 A MILLER, Mtg. Loans 844 Stats- Street Tel (708. & Cash Money $ To salaried men and women no se curtty needed. All loans confidential. STATE LOAN CO. SIS Oreson Bldg. TeL 7788 - Lie No. B-165. - . - - ryipnrwwxrirm The Monroe doctrine opted 110 years ago today. O .) The machinery to make auto mobiles is considerable more lm portant and also more expensive than the automobiles. O- - Government debts owed to the United States Jane 1. 1933J amounted to 811.794. 964,847. O The first newspaper was issued April 24, 1704. O The Statesman Is now In It 83rd year. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek, 178 South Commercial. BICYCLES New and nsed. Tires, Repairing. HARRX W. SCOTT. 14V 8. Cowl Bt BROOMS AND BRUSHES Oregon Blind School, get 4672. CATERING Burt Crary. ta caUraf. Ph. 4758. Huld Help) Host' TeL 6948. Are You Short of Cash? Borrow flQO-f 150-$20t or MORE from us! Repay In from 1 to So months, ac cording to our present Income. Come taff- . Write t . . . 'Phone I BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY OF SALEM 'Member of NRA Room 119, New BHgh Blag. 2nd floor LICENSED NO, S-l-Z by STATE ell State St. TeL 8 7 6 FOR SALEWOOD te Part worker. time werk by widow. Good Bessie Crabtree. N. list. FOR S ALB aiisceGaneoos Old papers 10 a bundle. Btatestnan office. . Saw cnninilns: and sharpealsa Biilo EL Four Corners. TeL 4I0. FOR SALE Spark comhtnation gas -and coal cook store, lik new; bed dveirport ; electrla refrtcerator like new. TeL Ti. FOR SALE Fully equipped carase and rep. chop established more than ten rears. Writ Box !L, The SUtes Spitxki Baldwin; Northern Spy, Jonathan, Greening, .2Sc to .5Sc. Wal nuts. Mrs. Wright, 4H mL Wallace road, Fruit and nut tress. See Frultiand Kurjery before buy In r. sales yard be tween Commercial and Front" on Cen ter St. A. J. Mathia. Kraut cabbaxa SOc cwUHSS S. 13th, Wood ranxe. tl. heater iU. Good condition. TeL SeF. . Haircut, 20c, 161 ZCCom'L FOR. SALE 1159.00 Crosley cab. Inet radio for 37.$0. 240 N. Liberty. TeL J88. I'jnbroidery and needlework reason- onable. Mrs. LAiotT. n itign. ACME AUTO a TRUCK Wreckers. Generators, armatures and starters. TTsmI narta for atltoa and trucks. 430 s Commercial. h block south of i-ntr companr. WANTED Sliscellaneona Wood range and heater. TeL 20FS. WANTED Gas pump and Unit be reasonable, Tel. 1354. tank. MISCELLANEOUS Walnut dining room Itt N. Commercial. set. Inquire Haircuts 15e-20c MS S. Winter. tfcjiiii iiii.' ii - i . Free. Wa rick up desd worthless horses, cows, eheep. TeL 43tt. R0031 AND BOARD Board-room. S9S Court. TeL " aSjsrssasstsBn'sssiisaassa"as B. A R.. stea-w heat, near P. O. 34- Phone Tracy's, SOS for dry - - --1 1 sTl i1tLfPl JVXJ-TLa GUARANTEED DRT swuI-m! TaL tOCt Salem Fuel Cn. Trad a Cot tea. Ash, fir and oak, Tel M4S, Oak wood for sals. TeL 3(18. Second 1S7F3. growth and oak. Phone Can 4SF14. All wood. Smtth A Rubens. Watch Sunday's, Statesmaa tor Christmas suggestions. Only 1) shopping days left counting- to day. , Radi rrogram SATOSSAT, December 9 SOW POBILAsD 630 K T:00 Edwsrd MmeHnsh, KBO. 7:15 Morniag Parade, NBC. 7:30 Roatld Bock. 8:13 Croitcuts, NBC 0:15 Cooking sehooL 9:30 National Farm and Home a our. 10:30 Woman's Mtiin, SBC. 11 :35 Friendly Chit. 5:05 Orchestra. 7 :00 Saturday Kignt Dsoclnt Party, - KEG. 8:15 Hsppy Tunei. KBC. 0 :00 Shanghai, Days, :80 Book Chst. 10:00 Charles Hart, NBO. 10:80 Bin Hoenlight, NBC. 11:00 Sid Lippmaa's erehettra, KBO. 11:30 Slumber hour, KBO. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Kortrmess. CHINESE MEDICINE Chan Lam Chines j Medlcln Co. fnnw in former location). Hours Tn day and Friday, 10:31 a. m. to t p. m. 180 N. commercial. i CHIROPRACTORS DR. a L. 8COTT. PSC Chiropractor. ti -N. High. Tel. Res B71. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fon ral wreath a. decorationa a F. Brett hsupt. florist, ill Court TeL IM4. ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Flex let, ltth a MarKet. Tel. tali INSURANCE B6CKS 131 N. High HENDRICKS TeL 4I4T COFFET-SMITH. gen. Ina TeL 843S. LAUNDRIES An kinds dry wood. TeL 441. Dry old fir. ash. TeL 3S73. 2nd growth, oak and Dry ftr and oak. TeL 9709. WOOD SAWING Wood sawing. Tel. T80. LOST AND FOUND LOST Alpha XI Delta sorority ptn between Elaioore and Senator hoteL Engrared "L. Sha." Return to State -man Reward; FOR SALE USED CARS FOR RENT APARTMENTS Frn mod, R- furn. apt Heat, alsa nfriavfatton.' Garare. Tsk ilii. R. turn, snt. TeL 8840, FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. and unforn. houses. R. A. Forknerv Uli N. Cettaga, TeL 3081. S rooms 88. TeL 7204. KXX rOBTLAlTO 1180 7:15 Eand mnsie. 8 :00 Orcheitrs. 8:4V Ben Salvia ereheatrs. 0 :t3 Talks tTsder Asspices KKA. HBO. 9:a5 Bettor Eagnsa. lf)rD2 iBitrnmaaUl Soloist. 10:15 Waring' I PenasylTsnisai, 11:30 Coaeart Echoes, NBO. LS:eO Weather report. 12 :06 Edna riaeher. NBO. 13:15 Western Agneoltnre. NBO 1:15 Hawaiian Serensdere. 1:30 Melody Mixers, NBO. 3:00 World Bookman. 8:00 Walts Tim. 8:45 Victor Salon, orchestra, 4:00 Rnss Colombo. 4:30 Lee Reitman't orchestra. 8:15 Aesop' Fables, NBO. 8:80 Hollywood on the Air, NBO. o-ao Carefree CsrnlTsI, KBC 10:00 Charles Hart, NBC. KOAO COKVAIXIS 550 Ke. 7-30 Morning Meditations, led by eel legs T. M. C. A. a.nn lad tka Pmiaoni. 11:80 American Legion orgaa racltaL 13:00 Farm hour. 4:80 Aeolian Echoes. 6:45 Term hour. Warns Bride Of Old John Barleycorn Marrvtnz a man to reform him" was the Intriguing subject of a talk to the Salem Ad club yesterday noon by Robert O. Not son. staff representatlTe of the Nash fire passenger sedan. Courtesy I Oreaonlan at the legislature. Not- son likened the wedding of tne state and "John Barleycorn" who ia newly dressed In a good suit, a boiled shirt, silk topper, spats and boots and whose respectability Is now asserted, to the girl who marries a -man to reform him. The point he made was one he Bald Marian Miller made to a girl who was taking on such a mate. who was adTised that if she fail ed to reform her man she could take special care not to be drag ged down to his lerel. The state, Notson. counseled, should watch out. If the marriage isn't a suc cess, not to be brought low with political corruption. The Salem Ad club plans to so licit funds for the annual holiday street decorations. You Can't Afford to Miss These Buys 21383 Pontine 5-Pasa. Sedans, priced to seu. 11923 Gardner Touring. 11939 Willys Knight Sedan. 11928 Bulck Sedan. I 1930 Ford Coupe tn A-l shape, new tires 11920 Olds Coupe. 1 Cheap Overland Sedan. These) cars are priced to sen. O.J.Wilson Bu Ick Oldsmoblle Pon tlao Sales and Service THE NEW SALEM LACNDRX THE WKIDER LAUXDRX 2C3 B. High TeL 8111 CAPITAL CTTT LAUNDRY First In Quality and Sanrica Telephone- 3103 1334 Brosdwsy MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Cot ton mattress. 30 lb. 88.80. Renovators snd fornicators. Rugs cleaned. Capitol Baddlar co. TeL sen. w. wp- New mattress mad to order, ld r- nrads; carpet cleaning, stains : ftaff rug wearing- Salem Fluff Rug A Mat tress f actory, b. isin m wudut. i. 8441. Otto r. 'Zwlcner. K-nt. MUSIC STORES GEO. a WILL Pianos, radios, sewing marhtnna sheet masio sad PtanO StU- oles. Repairing radios, : pnonograpns and sewing macnines. s suit oireat. Salem. . 1 25 to 35 Cents Paid Upon Clusters With Fuggles Running Bit Higher Oregon hop prices remained un changed the past week, with from three to four thousand bales sold at prices ranging from 25 to 35 cents on clusters and higher on fuggles. About 40.000 pounds of the 1934 crop were contracted at 30 cents per pound, net to the grow er. Market News Serrice reports. commenting further: The market tone in Oregon was being strengthened by the moder ate current offerings by growers. many of whom were not offering their remaining stocks for sale, or were asking prices abore cur rent bids, particularly those with best quality hops. Washington hop markets were only moderately actlre during the week, but prices remained steady. Around 248" baler of new .crop cluster; choice, brought JO to 82 cents, net to the grower, In Yak ima, while 13S bales of toggles netted 40 cents in the Puyallnp valley. California markets were feat ured by some Increase in activity, with sales of about 1,300 bales made at prices ranging from 24 to 35 cents. Domestic users or hops were still securing their requirements from earlier contracts, since only scattered Inquiries were received from middlewestern and eastern interests. An increased interest in older hops was noted In the So noma district with a bid of 16c for 500 bales of the 1928-1929 crops being received but not ac cepted by growers. Trade esti mates of the California 1933 crop have been revised upward in most cases with the final outturn gen erally placed at around 57,000 bales. Of this amount, growers were reported as still owning around 20,600 bales. At Dec. 1 last year, California growers own ed 7,917 bales of the current crop, while holdings at the cor responding date a year previous amounted to 9,511 bales. Of this year's holdings, approximately 9,000 bales are being beld hy So noma growers, 2,100 bales by Mendocino and 9,500 bales by Sacramento hop producers. Stocks of older growths still owned by California growers amount to 6, 006 bales, consisting of 1,901 bales of the 19 23 crops. Wh6ni rr Crop Outlook Good RICES PLUNGE AS E one CHICAGO. Dee. 1. (Jf) Plung ing headlong downward at the last today, wheat ended at the bottom-most point reached. Copious rains were reported tailing in Kansas and Nebraska affording relief from prolonged drought which has apparently re duced the condition of winter wheat to almost the low record of last year. Contributing' to wheat price weakness was a break in Liverpool quotations owing to cheap offerings' from Argentina. Today's closing quotations: Wheat: Dee., 83 7-8S; May, 86-86; July, 85-86. Corn: Dee.. 44; May, 50 !i- 51; July, 52-. Oats: Dec, May, 35- 35; July, 34. Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 mtlk. co-op pool price, 91.53 per hundred, Sarplaa $1.15. (Mils a4 seal steataly attsrtat averag.) Distributor price 92.10. , Bsttorfa t Top SOe. prinU 23tfc cubes 23HC. ONIOfi PRICE GOES FIVE GEftTS HIGHER General Markets FtODUCB EXCHA5QX POSTLAKD, Ore, ee. 1. (A?) Prodae exchange, set prices: Butter- extras 23c, standards 21 Ha. prime firsts .u-sje, itrsn imt. z.(gt. iresa extras 25-20, Ima meaitnas 2 1-22 c Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, Dec. 1. (AP) Wneat Open High Lew Close May 74 74 74 74 December 704 70 60 60 Cash Eig Bead blueatem 72 He dark hard winter 12 per cent 7 He, 11 per cent 71e; soft white, westers white, hard winter, northern ijrinr, westers red 69 he. Oats Xo. 2 wLite 2S. Corn No. 8E yellow $22. Millmn Standard 14. Portland Produce Prices paid te gravers 6 galea layers - jTeeesaser a (The pries salsa, sappned y a seesl rrr. at U ai astir c u aaiiy aasraai bat at gsratd by The Stetesajsa) CXU1T -ajrjf lassrasuu Craaherziea, bbL , ,,, , ... rnrakit. asa. 0 J9 JS9 I tali a re tali, lag , ranaina bx tarn TazmlpSk hex tor Braaaal sprasts, lag . Lseal egg plsat mmmm can sate, ewt. .60 0 .0 .-SO fereen neppeis, JaeaL low , Oirio-Ba. dea., Vase he Pata. local lalaoraia. Xi fr t US as Osaons, Walla Walla, cwt. tMafe. .TS t 1AQ M te OtS jue t 3j)0 . 1.60 1.2 5 Celery,, alas. tingt . Jensthsns Sphs JS .TS , .75 , .65 . .63 Orsages. VaJradaS. taacy S.00 t S.5 Ptoes- pack ' t 3.39 Kavels. crsta . .. , 3.75 Beets, local, AK -IS Turnips, local 4ea, S Carrots, local. s .IS Same Eesaty Spinach, local, crat Banaaac, lb. o stack Hands ' Lemons ,. . Limes, fresh ATseadot ant Sen ash, DaaUb, dot, . Hubbard sqnssh Tomatoes, local, lag Hot Hons CsMbit. lb. JO ta .50 .OS 5.73 i no JUS m BUDGET 0 PHYSICIAN If you are looking for a Good Used Car Be sur and see these. 193! Nash Royal standard sedan 10S0 Reo five passenger sedan car Nash four door coups with trunk Franklin four passenger sport sedan International pick up These cars are priced to sell, snd any reasonable offer will be accepted. CO. INC. Homeopathic Physician L. Q. Altman. M. D. Homeopathist. I nfflei and residence SOT Center St. Phone hill. Treats both acuta and chronlo diseases j PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint a Roofing.' 474 Ferry. 1 334 IS APPROVED PATTERNS Capital City Pattern Shop WM. PREHX, 145 N. Fourth Street PRINTING FOR STATIOKERT. card. books or any Dh- leta. nroa-rama. books or any kind or Knting, call The Statesman Printing partment. SIS a Commercial. Tl- RADIO SERVICE Central Radio Service. Tel T8t Guaranteed repairs. 60S ;W. High. REAL ESTATE BECKS a HEKDRICga. TeL 44T. W. H. ORABENBOBST Ctt 184 3. Liberty St. I TeL 8488. SOCOLOFS t a aoM 804-8 lrs WafL Bk. Bldg. Tel. T80T. 8580. JAKES H. MAD EN SS0 N. High St TeL Nash Automobiles Intematienat Motor Trucks Repossessed Cars From 815 to 8500. Some real good buys at Borregos Car Mkt. 840 North Liberty TeL 8888. FOR RENT t room furnished bouse and garage. TaL 798. -i hi inn i " " - T,rttfrl home. 881 N. ISth. Opea ' rtinday t to 4. Kmma Mumhy Brown. FOR- RENT Furnished bungalow In Oak ; Vl Court. Adults nly. Inqulra 1 MUlSt. Capitol .Hotel under nw nnage . Purniabsd rooms and apart- . ments. - : - FOR SALE Real' EstaU 8 A. 7 mL from Salem, 4 room bouse, ' electric llgbts. Darn, ienc, : oer ei.ww.-u- .n . ia i mt.navad road north, small rousei-cssC good soIL IU7S. 1300 - A.' mL from Salem, on pared road, S room house, 01 ,t" ,,.. jf ,n' mnmm frtllt. 82350. , (L a l L Tmm Salem on paved road, 6 room house, bath, ,"- i electric lights, oak floors, 3500. J00 MELVTM JOHNSON. 178 Stats Street Just forget you troubles until after f m...k.i..iMi com In and sea t .,. .i,t. that hnmi. .Whether it- IS I city, suburban or farm, our list ?compIU.- , - rf.ra- , n Tllrto- . - TeL 890. ! A beautiful tract, deep rich black I uit .11 tn iwmL , nw 4 mom bouse : ZZau-a m. Just a few miles aiuE nvnii w j.-w . t . a fttmt Street . -. rm Phow You the Best Buy in Valley. ; EXCHANGE -Real Estate raiifbrn! for Salem or suburban. A BeaL Gen. DeL. SaletS, CTtrT"T T. Have good T room nous In North Salem near grade and Junior spools .-- tr.9 hnm in a. 8alem or Will accept lot tn good location as part of ur?S2 yi TT.t.lCB.CfiaaUors Deluxe Paige sedan in tin condi tion to trade H. L. Stiff. Used Cars N-A-D-A Used Cars JVlust Be Sold Now 1818 PACKARD SEDAN New paint, new tires , 1980 DODOK 8 SEDAN New paint, rubber S 1930 CHEVROLET COUPE SEE this now 19S0 PLYMODTH COUP New paint, economy 192S OLDS COACH Ready now - 1927 BUICK SEDAN $195 . 225 . U3 .2,5 .195 . 145 U. S. Attorney 1928 GRAHAM PAIGE 4-pasa. cotip 195 1928 BUICK SEDAN 225 15 other cars to choose from, 8100 or mm. Bonesteele Sales and Service Inc. Tel. 4444 Chemelceta St Liberty H I T HEflE IS PROPOSED Ed Schonke, president of the Salem Retail Grocers association has called a meeting of all gro cers in tbe city for next Monday night at. the chamber of com merce, ' S p. m. ' A representatjTe from the poul try department of Oregon State college will explain the adrant- ages of a central egg market for Salem dealers. If enongh stores favor the idea, a central market! will b established soonv The central storage plant would supply all grocers In the city with eers. - Advantages of this system would be that tho farmer would receive the fall market price daily. with 'payment In cash, and that tha consumer would hare tha aa- saranca of purchasing canaiea esrrs. nrooerlr araded aad abso lutely fresh.' S 1 5 SEWING MACHINES 8 wins machines cleaned and repair. j ed. Work yiisntnteed. PhcmeM1 STOVESj ! STOVES and store repairing. Store ; for sal, rebuilt and repaired. All I kinds of woven wir fence, fancy and plain, bop bassets, nooks, jogan nos. Salem Fence and Stover worm in ! Chemeketa, TeL 47T4, R. B. Fleminf. TAXLDERAIIST E. E. Wiggins, 1 ml N. Psq Hwy. 1 TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage. ! call S1SL, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to r oruana aaiiy. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 826 Stat St. TeL 7772. Distributing, for warding and store g our specially. net our rate. I DALLAS, Dec. 1. The Polk county bndget for 19S4 was ap proved at a public hearing here today with very few changes. This session today was the first in several years at which there has not been heated discussions regarding tha proposed budget aad a strong effort made to make radical changes In It. The sum to be raised by direct taxation next year will be tSs- 159.17 which Is 15105 less tnan the estimate made by tha- budget committee. A sum of 8)4250 for care of state Institution patients and another amount of $1000 for warrant indebtedness on equip ment was taken from tha budget The salary of the district attor ney's stenographer was increased from 1855 to $900 to conform with the Increases in department offices in ether counties. The meeting was attended by a much smaller crowd than was expected and lasted only from 10 a. m. to shortly after noon. Ira C. Powell of Independence pre sided aad Earle Richardson acted as secretary. An effort was made to cross out an item of 818,000 for the old age pension bat the motion was losL Tha item was passed with the provision that In case of legislative action. It would be Included In tha. budget. - The only fireworks of the ses sion were verbal clashes between R. W. Hogg ot Eola, W. T. Hoff man of Independence, and County Judge O. O. Hawkinsv Hogg and Hoffman objected to items con cerning care of poor and emer gency funds bat the amounts were voted In. PORTLAND, Ore, Dee. 1. (AP) natter fnmi, extras 21c, standards 2 Sc. Butterfat Portland deli Terr: A grade ii-zjc tanner a door aeUvery 19 pound. oweei erase oe nigner. Kgf Pscifie pon 1 try producers' tell ing price: fresh extra specials 28c ex- tias 26c, standards 21c, mediums 22c, pallets lSe do sea. Buying price by whole salers: rresa extras Z4e, xirsts IBe, i dmms 15c, undergrade 10c, pullets lOe dosen. Cheese 02 score, Oregon triplets llfte; loaf 1214c pound. Erokars will pay He bole Cfnotatioss. Milk Contract priea. 4 per east Portland delivery 1.70 ewt.; B grade cream oTe ponao. country meets selling price to re tailers: Oswtry killed hags, best batch ers, under 150 posnds 6-6 He; vealer. 00 te 100 pounds V-7 poand; light and thin 4-6 poand; heavy calves 4a pound; Iambs 9-10e pound; yearlings 4-5e pound; beavy ewes 2e pound; medium cow 2 5e pound; eeuasr cows l-2 pound; bulls 8tt-4e pound. -Uhair Buying pric. 1933 clip 15e pound. . Csacara bark Buying pries, 1988 peel 2e. Bops 1833, Z5-35e pound. Live poultry Portland delivery, buy ing prices: Colored fowls, 4 to 6 pounds lOe; ever 6 pounds 10c; spring pullets 2 to 3 pounds lOe; roasters, over SH pounds lOo; Leghorn fowls, over 8 pounds 9c, under iVt pounds 9e; broilers to a pounds lie. 1 pounds and up 10e; stags 6e: roosters Sc. PeJda ducks lOe; colored ducks 7c; geese 8e pound. Turkeys Ko. 1. 10-12 poand. Onions Tskims S5e; Oregon 81-1.15 cental. Potatoes Local white snd red 1.10 1.15 cental; Yakima 81.85. 1.40 ; Des chutes 81.40-1.50. Wool 1933 Clip, nominal: Willam ette valley 23-25e pound; eastern Ore gon 16-21e pound; southern Idaho 16 20c pout 4. Hay Baying priee from producer: Alfalfa Ke. 1 new crop 81610-50; vetch 815; Willamette valley timothy 815; eastern Oregon timothy 817.50; oats 15 ton. Lady Finger rrapet , Emporer grapes Sweet potatoes, lb fears, bu. Grapefruit. Florida Grapefruit. Florida 1933 forrle 1933 cluster, lb. Filbert, lb. Walauts, lb. as .1.00 .40 .2.90 . .03 .1.75 -1.15 .03 PORTLAND, Dec. 1. (fiy Weakness la the egg trade con tinued to be reflected in practic- , ally all markets along tbe coast. Price cutting was general with so much mixture In quality of so- called fresh stock that wholesale and retailers alike were bewil dered. Prices dropped at the close ot the day's trade. Market on butter was showine a weaker reeling wun soma augni recessions Indicated in. the price on the open market. Until it Is ascertained what the government Is solas to do the trade here is expected to rule erratic. Considerable v easiness was re flected ia the general cheese trade of the country although thaa far Tillamook has been able to up hold its values generally. Chicken supplies appeared about cleaned up. The public pur chased chickens when small tur key could not be found. Prices in this line appear fully steady. Trade In the country killed meat market is of quite nominal character. Considerable stock was carried over the holiday. Includ ing practically all lines. Buying price on onions has been advanced c per hundred pounds at Willamette valley primary markets at 80c, sacks and twine furnished by the buyer. Business was confined generally to oriental shipments with a sprinkling to California. HOPS .60 and .50 4.00 8.40 KTOS .25 to .9 25 to .85 .12 H .12 y, Ertrs Medium Standsrds Pullets - aaea Baying Prices .16 .20 30 CETiTS OFFERED nun obi Pallets Old rooxxu Colored hens Medium bens Light hens Leghorn fryers , Colored- fryers Dressed tarksys. tie. 1 - 44 te Of AT Sorinr lambs, ton , , Hogs, 160 to 200 lbs. 200 to 325 lbs. 925 to 250 lbs ISO te 100 lbs. Sows Steers Cows Bulls Treseed veal, top Dressed nogs e-AXS avu BAi Wheat, western red , White. No. 1 Jl .16 -.16 .11 Jl j .10 .08 .06 .10 .10 .16 son 4.00 S.60 to 8.75 S.10 to S.60 8.25 to 8.50 2.50 to 8.00 Ja im .04 .01 t .09 .OS .06 .07 LABISH CENTER, Dec. 1. The post - Thanksgiving raise In the onion market anticipated by many growers became a reality Friday morning when at least one buyer was In the field of fering 90 cents a hundred. Last Saturday buyers wr taking op tions at 89 cents and a aumuer of carload sales were made at that price. The 90 cents level Is ten cents under last season s peak when only a few carloads brought ode dollar. Barley, feed Ko. 1, toa Oats, feed, toa Barley, malting K. L toa , Oats, milling, ton Hay. boytag priest Ostt and vetch, ton Alfalfa. veUty. first ent Ciover bay . Medium Caurs . Mohair . WOOL .58 .59 .15.00 .15.00 JtO.OO .19,00 J2.00 .14.00 -12.00 .25 .28 .23 Portland Livestock POBTLAKD, Ore, Dee. 1. (AP) Cattle Keeeipta 100. calves CO; about steady. Steers, common and medium, 32.75 5.25; heifers, common aad medium, 82.25 4.50: cows, common and- medium, 82.25 8.0O; low cutter ana cotter, fi.zo-z.xs; bulls, cutter snd medium, 81.75 - 2.75 ; veslers, good and choice, 85.50-6.50; can. common aad medium, 62.50-S.60; calves, good and choice, 84.00-5.50; common and medium, 2.00-4.00; Hogs Receipts 900; 15-25 lower. LIrhtwelrht. rood and choice 38.35- d; medium weight, good and choice 83.60-4; heavyweight, good and sholce j 63.15-8.75; packing tows, medium aad good $2.50-8.25; feeder and ttocker pigs good aad ahoice, st.oo-s.au. Sheep Receipt 700; steady. Iambs, good sad choice. 65.00-8.75; msdlsm, $3.508.00; yearllag wethers, $3.75-4.53: ewta 75e-2.00. Stocks and Bonds Copyight, 19IS, Standard Statistics C0 December 1 STOCK AVEaAOXa Tnda 00.9 40.1 66.1 T6.7 ! Prevtoutday au.v Week ago , - 91.8 40.9 66.S 79.5 j v... va.s saa 118.1 T4 s year at 1,1 iow. " ' HUtb 193S 102.1 56.0 11S.T 43.S Law 1938 42.8 2S.S 61.5 43.S ' anvn AVsVBAOBg i Today 10.3 69.0 TS.4 Tl.S rrerioni Gay io oo.o c. WMktn , 70.o e.i - Tsar age 8. 60.S 5i.a es.t 3 years are 89.4 102.8 09.8 96.9 TTtjrh isas 77.1 84.9 S8.S 85 Lew 191 ,,, DOB oi.v is. 75-7; valley Ko. 1 77-80. Mohair: Oregon, 40-43. Domes tie graded: first combing, 60-62; sec ond combing, 60-55; third comb ing, 45-50; fourth combing, 40 45; good carding 40-45; first kid, 75-78; second kid, 65-68. Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER i'Ma m r it w ri" "" s"I;lrIlii.li"l.. ""Bf - as? jill l 1 um i WA i i l Shares Loll in Quiet Mart as Bonds Improve NEW YORK, Dec. 1. (ay Stocks loitered through quiet market today while foreign ex changes reacted and government bonds enjoyed mild improvement. Turnover 1 equities was only 817,507 shares. TJ. S. Steel improved a major fraction net. Allied Chemical du plicated its 193S hli. Du Pont. Standard Oil of New iersey, TJ. S. Smelting, Socony-Vacjium, Amer ican Can and TJ. S. Snjeltlng were more or less active at higher prices. Rails averaged a shade higher. . Martin i Ckmioy, well-known New fork , attorney, who - has been named by President Roosevelt to succeed George Z. Medalid . aa United States District Attorney for tha Southern District of New York. Conboy served as counsel for the then Governor Eoosevelt d iae tha 1932 hearings that cli maxi id ia resignatioa of Mayor Walker. " TYPEWRITERS TTPEWRITERS Adding afch. said. ranted, repaired, undnrwaoa Agents, Cook It Short, 6St Court. Tel. 6584. WELL DRIXLLNG R. A. West, 86 years iperinca, ZUTD t. tsox am. tci. iinre. - Consolidation of : Routes Expected Postofflca authorities here have received no word aa to what the recommendation of Inspector w. F. . Case, Portland and Tacoma, will be in regard to the consolida tion and extension of rural routes oat of Salem. Case spent some time at the local office last, week investigating possibilities of such changes which would 'be made as an economy measure, Services Today For John Wirt, Lacomb Citizen LACOMB. Dec. 1 Mr. John Wirt, 5.0 years , old, a prominent citizen of Lacomb, was suddenly stricken by paralysis, last night ! while doing his chorea. Death fol lowed In a few hours. Funeral services will be held Saturday at the Lacomb Baptist j church. Mr. Wirt is survived by his widow and four children, Ce cil, Russel Raymond and Veltna. WOOL BUSINESS IS LIGHT: IDT Eli BOSTON, Dec. 1. (JP) The comJ mercial bulletin will say of the wool market tomorrow: "There has been rather less business consummated In wool this past week than In tha two preceding weeks but prices have been firmly maintained and the market Is distinctly against the buyer. Demand still favors the worsted wools but more Interest is developing in woolen descriptions. "Foreian markets are generally Grown on Pasture Crm on the bMis week agv. - "Mora business Is reported In the piece goods and .clothing mar kets during the past week or ten days.'' " Moair is rather . slow with prices steadily maintained." The bulletin will print tha fol lowing quotations: . Scoured basis: Oregon, fine and F. 1C staple 84-86; fine and F. M. fr. comb- eate them would be too expensive. I ing 80-83; tine and F. M. clothing Slugs Destroying 35-Acre Rye Field PARKERSVTLLE, Dec. 1. Sings have eaten about half of a 35 acre field of rye on the Rich ard Harrisoa farrd here. Mr. Harrison and W. B. Brown drove to Corvallis recently to get information on the control ot tha sings bat were told that it was caused, from planting on pasture land and that methods to eradl- HOR1ZONTAL 1100,000 rupees 4 expense 8 unadulter ated 12 Japanese statesman 13 -above 14 again 15 writing Implement 16 measure 'out 17 baseball team 18 former Russian ruler 20 teacher 22 only this - and nothing more 24 statistics ia condensed - form 20 accurate 28 rlided ... 82 title of respect. 33 appraised 85 Greek letter 86 one of a class or anchorites 88 impede by estoppel 5 40 debut. 48 sea eagles 48- wanderer . 46 feminine name 48 melody 49 winged i , parts 51 covering for the head 54 grain -steeped ia wter 5& -hard seed of cereal grass 56 sesame 67 on tha shel tered side 53 units of weight 59 wfly . VERTICAL 1 edge of a wound 2 consumed - .8 opposite 4 etate of in sensibility 6 manifest 6 place 7 shudder 11 wide menthed pitcher 19 dry? saidaf wines 21 cut off tha final syllable 22 ludgepodge 23 egress 3 25 common flower -- . . . 8 yielded gold SAj, oa or-ycuiwKuiu 29 defames 9 least whole 80 Engliala ft number public 10 city In , scheol C Nevada 81 ehort f I aieepti Herewith is tha solution to yes- 84 allure -4 !.- T 1. 1 O ...!.... terday's Puxxl a. II V riWil tM.jA . M i r fsl-Yjrilr-U-ir9 IMS. I 87 eeclesias- - tkal rep re- ; sentatrve 89 Japanese - eopper coin 41 desire eagerly 43--incamatioa of Vishnu 44-inland sea - in Russia ' 45- -river ia - Africa 47-lalii.:;'f;: KV game at v cards 52 be anweU x 53 perform diliaentlw 4 n . : S44 Rtat. St. Tat S781