1. ! " 11 " " M ' -ill- -m, r m v .. . . L i t mw -ev v w m - THEY PULL i i - - - r T " Statescui n ' f i Classified AdP-' Call 9101 - GbuiifM AdTWtktM X 81ngla Insertion pet uaeilee Threw Uwrtioaa f Unt .....8e Six l&MUlloma pr Use.. Sic Ob mcraU ff Um..1. Minim am charge ...-.-lie ' Copy tor Ui peg cepLed until 8:18 Un evea lag before pmblleaUo. Cot CUMlflWtiOB, C i f re catved itw uu om win be, ma ender the aeadlag Too- Late- to. ClusUy. i : The BUtoaman assumes an financial - rwpaasisiuty tor ' error whleh , may ap pear la advertisements jo ltahed to- lis eolamaa, and la cues where tola paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement ta which the typographical a&latake occara. The Statesman reserves the right to rajaet objee tlonal advertising. . It - tar taer reserves the ' right to classify all advertising an 4w . the proper elasaifiee tloa. & . . u i '-4- m m: v jm . . .w . . ., . . W a- 17 . If Ail A J- aua -a.w WANTED R fi ned Christian worn an tor motherless bom away Xrom Sa lent Must - be capable ana unencum bered. Good home, small salary. Stat references, ' salary expected, ago aad plioos no. Writ Box JSC. Statesman. SALESMEN WANTED Agents wanted. Beat deal In Salem, men or . woman. 14 T S. Commercial. WANTED Three salea ladiea for direct -selling. Good seller. 702 X Church St- alter I, evenings. , , IfiUlnt territory thoroughly estab lished. One of the best in Oregon. Box 37, care Stetes-naay ' -- 'I SITUATIONS WANTED TTANTXr-Ho-ieek-eptaxv Clean, capsJsVe aaA acoajomlcal . Miss , Boss berry. 3 N. XJberty. Nurse cares for kiddies, your home, reasonable. b&4 N. Liberty, side door. Widow wants work, 20c hour. TeL S17. FOR SALE MisceCaiieoas Old papers 10 a bundle. Statesman office. Saw guminlng and sharpentna aalle B. Four Cernera Tel. 4110. For sale: 4000 bx. applea Come get a bargain. RL S. Box 102. Spltsber Baldwin, Northern Spy, Jonathan greening, .25 to .50c Wheat, sheep fertiliser. Mm. Wright. 4& mL .Wallace road. RADIO FOR SALE $2 28.00. Nine tub Zenith automatic BaL doe $22.40, terms S.0O down; 15.00 month. See Mr. Janx, Wills Musia store. Fruit and nut trees. See Frultlgad Nnrsery before- buying, sales yard De tween Commercial and Front on Cen ter SL A. J. Mathls. ' Tor PyrolL supply, call S212. Apples, 25s up. 2312 S. Cottage. Ceok stove $5.00, beater $2.00, ex cellent condition. TeL 20F2. $0 square shingles No. 2 at $2.00 sq. RL 2, Box 161 A. at EoU. Alfalfa, e5L bay,. 912. delivered. TeL 1 TRADE Miscellaneous . t . i a a. M :Rrinr on Tour apples in trade for barber work at Preecotfs accommoda tion barber shop, 1004 Oak St. -Hair rrax tSc. shav 15c. WANTED Miscellaneoris WANTED Best bicycle rfll buy. 1059 N. lth. fit cash MISCELLANEOUS t Haircuts 15e-20c. 202 8. Winter. aaijijTj'u"VXrLru-unju "iini"'' a . Free. W pick up dead worthless horses, cows, sheep. TeL 48t. : FOR. RENT ROOMS ; a2psaaisaaajeaaaaaaksSaSaa aea saeswsna Pleasant room, tics lit Tet 4j1saaTiaew,aeaajsasaaa,a Furnace-heated bedroom for rent, reasonable. 1253 Court or TeL ?? Well heated room, private bath. TeL 4:82. 248 J. Summer. easaaea1aasaeaeBkassaVae11 large unfurn. room, close non-smokera 605 N. High. in tor ROOM AND BOARD Board-room, (95 Court. TeL 1 171. Heated rooms, also good board near itate house. 492 N. Summer. , . .'' Room and board 21 8 month $17 for 2 In room. Garage $1 mo. TeL 7212. FOR RENT APARTMENTS- Fine mod. 2 B- torn. apL HeL aUq, refrigeraUon. Garage. TeL 8154. , Roomy" room turn. apL with gar age. 1222 "Xr SL ApL and rooms. 042 Union. 0vi.rii n-,-iir OLYMPIC 720 N. Lib. Fum. mod ern 2 rm. apL -- Furn. 2 R. apt. avalUble Dec 2rd, q indora apartiwnta TeL BtSf. FOR RENT HOUSES : . tttii-tv "and unfurn, - houses. Torrens .with Grant. First floor Masonic Bldg, : TeL 1L ' . mnd. house. Dortlr furn. $12. Beautiful location, garden and chickea yard. Tet . . . First month rnt free newly decor ated. S4 s. lata. T R house, partly furn. Lights and water included, $20 Joo, 190 N. Com- merclaL TeL 017 f. FOR RENT Small t R. boos. CaQ .a 20 N. 19th. -' - " ' -' . .- - saii TiiUiJli"" " Modern g-reen famished bouse, Ifet- 1 vln Johnson. TeL7s. - u . .: Two and three room furnished cot tages with garage ay tne aayt wee, or month. Cherry- City Cottages Jttf : Fairground Road. - - TOR RENT Good R. furnlahea home. 8 large lota, 10 fruit trees, ftao .location on bus Une near schools. Lease to good parry ror year. v" tli.-. - ! I i ' ' . ',. , . IJ . t FOR RENTHOUSES Punt, j and ; -ufarn. bouse R. A. Forkner. 1110 N: Cottage. TeL SOIL Partly turn, small house, 2430 Lea. ' FOR RENT Fnrnlabed - bunzalow In Oak TlUa Court. Adulta only. Inquire m Mill SL Capitol Hotel under new manage ment. Fnrnlsned rooms and apart- menta WANTED TO RENT Hare soma very choice tenants 1 wanting nooses -famished and untur-1 niaiied. i yon nara anrtrrmg to remi,i SEE E. E. RAr.I.TXQER. S2 Court tel. 1T. ' FOR SALE Real EsUt ACRE SNAP Priced at halt Talus, ! pet Well worth Uv per A. Rich, dark; loam so!L creek bottom, all -cultivated. Ne btri dinca but bas extra cooa nuua- bur site. Wett located, rwar town. Has a good free irrigating ditch with run ning water -which la worth $100 to place. 8KB - BBCHTEL or THOMASON ' ,- 241 State .Street Choice river frontage with fire acres of. ground. New modern lour- room house., electricity, basement, and bath. Glassed In porch serosa entire front facing river. . Double garage, family fruit and. berrlea All In cultivation. Circumstances makes it' necessary to sacrifice ttria attractive home at 23500. Will take small house at edge of city with some around. 1)4 acres with river frontage all In bearinx Royal Anne cherries and ran- cjuette walnuts with variety of family fruit aad berries. Five room house not completed with electricity available. Price $1500 ; will take city lot with snack on it. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 1 Court Street EXCHANGE Real Estate Want to trade for eastern Oregon? IX you do, sea me right away. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. Tel. 8902. FOR SALE FARMS FARM BARGAINS J Owner ill. ssust sell his fine farm tract!- price for quick sale. Ask ua I about it. CHILDS k MILLER. Realtors 244 State Street Tet 2701 ACREAGE SAT :nL from Salem, 4 room house, barn, fenced, some fruit, good sou. sze down. 20 A 4 mL from Salem, 11 A In cultivation, baL timber, fenced, old bldg. $2500. . H A, 4 room plastered bungalow, V th, lights, basement, fireplace, on paved road, 12350.. $250 down. MELYTN JOHNSON. 275 State Street Business Opportunities Gas station and dandv 4-R. bnusn. basement, furnace, electric lights and pump. ft-A. good corner, only 22500; a. snap. . i MOVING PICTURE THEATRE l4cated In cood cftv. dolnr nod . . -. ousiness at a bargain. Take aome iraos. suns J AS. D. SEARS, REALTOR 122 South High MY! WHAT BARllAIXS CH -acres close to Salem, fine loam soiL ATI to profitable fruit and buries and nuta Dandy home, lights, and wa ter system priced at a price that will surprise r you. . --S A. STOCKED AH sandy loam, runnfnr watr. X- timber, 4-R. house, barn, silo. 10 cows. mm, nog, oanay ieam, za ion nay. mui, ui lur fuvf a own. jajs. u. biAKJS, REALTOR 132 South High Street MONEY TO LOAN , - -tj-vxjxnj jssxjij. Automobile and Chattel Loans 1 to 20 months to repay at lowest pos- miutm raiea. GENERAL iflNANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Nat L Rank Bldg. . Phon 8353 Ldcensed by State - i Jri-slVlprifMsirtsTji l - $ Cash Money S To salaried men and women no se curity neeaea aq 4oana confldentiaL STATE LOAN CO, 212 Oregon Bldg. TeL 77!3 Lie. No. S-185. Are You Short of Cash? Borrow $100-2120-1200 or .MORE from us! Repay in from 1 to 20 montha ac- coraing to your present income. come in ! . . . Write I . . . 'Phone! BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY ' OF SALEM Member of NRA Room 119. New Bligh Bid. 2nd floor NO. S-132 bv STATU is mate St. TeL 2740 LOANS WANTED - - , I, irxoj-JxrirM''i nnn MONEY WANTED for several real estate loana Amounts 9300 to 91000 7 InL semi-annually. Best of secur ity. CHILDS A MILLER, Mtge. Loans 34 State Street Tel. 708. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Tvr&ym wanted at one. TeL 1J3F2. r .. a-c-j an tuttuiitry. FOR SALEWOOD A-l Wood reasonable, alwt nm-ii.r ie z. Phon Tracy' a, 3988 for dry wood. GUARANTEED DRY wood coal r.L 5008 Salem Fuel Co. Trade a uoftage. : i-MV Ash, fir and oak. Tel 5442. Oak wood for sale. TeL 34$. Second growth and oak. Phone 137F2. Call 42F14. All wood. Smith & Rubens. a4-aaiSbeanssJMfcNwe For dry fir, oak call 2789. -s-a-a--a.-- - -a -w-Jw1f---lf-u-u AH kinds dry wood. TeL. 4118. 'wwwiiMmM r. Dry old fir, 2nd growth, oak and asn. tsl as;. , , Large aeeond growth fir, 94.25 cord. TeL 4508-or 4518. foot. LOSTjAND TOUND ' LOST WaTiet oa Com.L SL Sat Re wara, tsuuut wiison, kl b, vox izo. - LOOT Between Salem' and Detroit I paper sack containing wool shirt blue work shirt, underwear and towel R-1 waj2LJHa2LJwook!jOre FOR SALE USED CARS 986 deposit en new- Dodge or Ply mouth, for sal fur 925. Address Boa 251, care sutasmaa, mm a Interesting tracts A gaaollne pnm: is being per fected that will dtopenaa gaioliaa when coins are dropped in a Blot. Q New moon tonight o- There are 105 active eases of T. B. In Marlon connty. a The Red Cross are now provid ing glasses for children la need I of them who cannot afford to pay. - 0 - .. 10,500 men will receive work within the next few days . under the civil works program. O Harry Scott tells as that w should always say Harry W. Scott when we talk about aim as there are several Harry Scott's la Sa lem and he claims the others no kin of his. Almost as bad as Smith he claims. a A five dollar gold piece is now only worth $4.88. We hear that the water company in Portland got stuck for tho 12c Sure hope onr water company here don't get stuck too much. O Saturday will be a big day In Salem. A city wide dollar day. Most of Salem merchants are co operating to make this a big day in Salem. Read the ads in today's paper, also watch Saturday's pa per lor special dollar day ads. O Harry Levy, 0f the Midget mar ket gava us as his reason for get ting his ad copy in late that he had been working on the relief employment committee, He says that there is a shortage of wheel barrows throughout the country. FOR SALE USED CARS You Can't Afford to Miss These Buys 3 1333 Pontlae S-Pasa Sedans, priced id aeu. 1 1022 Gardner Touring. 11030 Willys Knight Sedan. 11328 Buick Sedan, 11930 Ford Coupe In A-1 shape, new urea. 11922 Olds Coupe. 1 Cheap Overland Sedan. Ttese cars are priced to sea, O. J. Wilson Buick Oldsmobile Pontlae Sales and Service No Apologies to Offer On This Class of Merchandise 1927 Chevrolet Sedan with only. 20,000 - muea 1921 Challenger Sedan. 20.000. isas unevroiet Truck with dump body. iii v;nevro;et Truck UK. a. BORREGQ 3 CAR MARITR-r 240 N. Liberty SL TeL 222. Radio Program Friday, aTevesiser 24 XOW PorUana 20 Sc. - 7 :00 Tony Cabooch, KBC. 7:15 Orgsa concert, KBC 7:50 Bona Id Bock. 8:00 Old Memory Box, KBC. 9:85 Organ concert, NBC. 0 :45 Cookinr School. 10:80 WomaiPa Maraxhia, KBO. 11:45 Idneational Health talka "' 12:15 Farm and Bom hoar, NBC iz:a u. at. fiiaatr. 1:15 Bhythmia Serenade, KBO. 2:45 Mark Daniela, baritone. 8:05 Waldof-Astoria orchestra, KBC, 8 :20 Priendly Chat. 4:45 Piano Pais, NBO. 6:00 BalUdettea. KBO. 6:00 Phil Harrit, HBO. 7:00 Pint Klgbter, KBC. 8:00 Amo 'n' Aady, KBC. :45-PortUnd Cleaning Works. 9:50 Orchestra. 10:20 Cole McElroy'i orcheitra. 10:45 Archie Loveland s orchestra. 11:00 Sid Lippman's oreheitrs, KBC. 11:8Q-12:00 Bal Tabsria orchestra, KBC. KEX Portland 1180 Sc. 7:20 Henderson's orchestra. 8:00 Four Square CathedraL 8:80 Victor 8alon orchestra. 0:20 Tad Weem't orchestra. 0:45 Organ concert. KBO. 10:02 Arion Trio, NBC. 10:15 Instrumental Soloist 10:30 Orchestra. 11:00 Olympian Quartet 11:15 Food Talk. 11:30 Boaald Back. 11:45 Weather report 11:45 Friday Steeplechase, NBC. 12:20 Cobwebs ssd Nuts. 1:30 Mary and Her Priendly Garden. 2:00 World Bookman. 2 :05 Symphony Hoar. ,. 8:00 Classical Soloist '. 8:45 Betty Boop frolic, NBC 4:00 Danes Manters. NBC. 4:40 Criamaa and Oliphant ' " ' 8:30 Portland Union Bible Classes. 0:15 Cstholie Trsta Society. 9:35 Piano. : 0:45 Jimmy Rlchardaons Soorta Talk. 10:00 Melody Train, NBC. 10:30 Out of the East, NBO. . KOAC Corvallls 660 Xe. 7:30 Morning Meditations led by Bev. Fred R. Morrow. 8:00 Morning concert 9 :00 Home Economics Observer. 10:00 The Parade of Melodies, 11 :S0 American Leirlea organ recital. 12:00 Nooa Farm Hour. 1:00 Rflyth-Melodies. 8:00 Aa Yoa Liks It with Anthony Eower. 2 :45 Campaa' reporter. 2:00 Dr. Lento T. Dennis, field worker ta parent education. Amerieaa Home Economies association. 3:0-British Isles Travelog. 4:30-4:85 Farm market reports, 6:45 Farm hour. 7:45 Science News of the Week.' :lP-iloapaT ef th Crossroads. - NEW- YORK, Not. 23. (ff) Financial marteta were domlnat ed almost wholly today by the na tional currency- controversy "and prices generally - renected hopes or rears of a stabilized dollar. Steel stocks showed net gains of fractions . to around 2 Points. with the resistance being led by lu)(u) STOCK HUGE OFF; Business Directory Card fa this directory ran oa a monthly basis only. Rate: 91.00 per linto per month. AUTO BRAKES Mike Panek, 17i South CommerclaL BICYCLES New and used. Tires, Repairing.. HARRT W. SCOTT. 14T 8. Com'l St BROOMS AND BRUSHES Oregon BMnfl SchooL TeL 4072. CATERING Burt Crary, the caterer. Ph. 0758. Hulda Helps Hostesses. TeL 8942. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Northnesa CHINESE MEDICINE Dr. ' Chan , Lam Chinese Medicine Co. (now in former location). Hours Tues day and Friday. 10 :20 a. m. to p. m. 180 N. Commercial. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor. 258 N. High. TeL Ra 8571. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fun eral wreatha decorations. C F. Brelt- haupL florlsL 77 Court, tsl sioo. ALL kinds ef floral work. Lata Fler- Irt, lth Market Tel. 0592 INSURANCE BECKS a HENDRICKS TaL 4917 121 N, High .. COFFEY-SMITH, gen. Ina Tel. 8498. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 22 a High TeL 9135 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service Telephone 2165 . 1204 Broadway MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to horn. Cot ton mattress, 50 lb. le.oe. Kenovators and fumlgatora Rugs cleaned. Capttol Bedding Co. Tel. 4049. SV3 n. tapitot. New mattress mad te order, eld' re made; carpet cleaning, sizing: fluff rug weaving. tMiem iun ttug at aaac tress Factory, a 12th A Wilbur. TeL 8441. Otto F. Zwicker. Est 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. G. WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet musia and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing tnachlnea 422 Stat Street, Salem. PHYSICIAN Homeopathic Physician L, a Altman. ' M. D. HomeopathlsL Office and residence 107 Center SL Phone- 8(33. Treats both acute and chronic dlsessea PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint St Roofing. 474 Ferry. PATTERNS Capital City Pattern Shop WM. PREHN, 2145 N. Fourth Street PRINTING FOB STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, programs, booka or any kind of printing, call Tbe statesman Minting Department 215 & CommerciaL Tele- RADIO SERVICE Central Radio Service. Tet , T291 Ouaranteed repairs. 896 N. High. REAL ESTATE BECKE A. HENDRICKS, TaL 494T. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 114 -a Liberty SL TeL 2469. SOCOLOFSKT ft SON 804-5 First- Nafl.-Bk. Bldg. Tel. 7807. SEWING MACHINES Sewing machines cleaned and repair ed. Work guaranteed. Phone 8889. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kinds ef woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop basket a hooka logan booka Salem : Fence and Stove Works, 2(2 Chemeketa, Tel. 4774. R. B. FlenMn. TAXIDERMIST E. E. Wiggins, 1 mL N. Pac. Hwy. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer storage, call 313 U Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. 226 State St TeL 7772. Distributing, for warding and storage onr specialty. Oet otir rates. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Mch. sold, I rented, repaired. Underwood Agents. JKKe Knort. 6S1 Court TeL i&84. WELL DRILLING R. A Wast, 89 years experience, RFD T, Bog 202. TeL 1HF5. x TJ. o. Dieei, ttemienem ana wa - tiohaL rnnmnUAitaA .( mA uvuv....y, u some uuiiues emerged with email jalna and American, Telephone was only slightly lower on the day. U. S. Industrial Alcohol, "Na- ai. V'i fAiitee. . ' - - ," '. -a- : uonsj juisuuers. American Jom - ... iti.i e.vs. n - 4 American tSmeltlnt;, Case, Ameri WClbUU.OlUIUUl,' H11-ILL LIID. UUinK. can Can and . Allied Chemical dropped 1 to ) points1 net. The larerage for 10" selected stocks was oft 1 points. Trans fers totaled only 1,373,365 shares. REGULTS L.Cronemiller To Tell of Fires, Credit Luncheon Lynn P. Cronemlller, state for ester, will address the- Salem Re tail Credit luncheon fathering this noon, his subject to be the disas trous forest fires which swept through Washington and Tilla mook counties lata last summer. Projects to- salvage as much-, as possible of the timber will be de scribed and pictures - of the' con flagration wUl be exhibited. Prof; William Jonas of. Willam ette university will gtra five- minute talk on why Marion coun ty should atd the county health association by buying Christmas aealar;-.' . . f'i'-- - v. , !-. The association meets in the banquet halt of the Masonic tem ple. . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT n . . OP EXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been' duly ap pointed by the .Connty Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marlon, as Executor of the last will and testament and estate Of Ada R. Simpson Fellows, de ceased, and that he has duly quali- iiea as such Executor: all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby noti fied, to present tbe same, duly ver ified, to me, at the office of Ron ald C. Glover, my attorney. 20 S Oregon Building, Salem ' Marion County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, this 27th day of October, 1935. ULYSSES P. SIMPSON, Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Ada B. Simpson Fel lows, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney .for Exetutor, Salem, Oregon. O. 27, N. S-10-17-24. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned' have filed In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, .for the County, of Marion, theli duly verified final account, as executors of the last will and testament and estate of Mary Maurer Boggs, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 5th day of December, 1933. at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the Coun ty Court House, at Salem, in Mar ion County, Oregon, as the place tor hearing said final account and an ejections mereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon,' tins 3rd day of November, 1933. KATHARINE R. MAURER and EZRA MAURER. Executors of the last will and testament and Estate of Mary Maurer Boggs, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executors, Salem, Oregon. N. 3-1 0-1 7-2 4-D. 1 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OP EXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that tbe undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Margaret A. Duncan, de ceased, and has duly qualified as such Executor; all , persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the under signed, at the office of Ladd & Bush Trust ; Company, Salem, Oregon, Within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 10th day of November, 1933. . LADD & BUSH TRUST COMPANY, -Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Mar 'garet A. Dunean, deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executor, Salem, Oregon. N. 10-17-24-D. 1-8. . EXECUTOR'S FIRST NOTICE To whom it may concern: No tice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the County Court for Marion County, Oregon, duly entered of record this day, the un dersigned, the FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of Portland, Oregon, (Sa lem Branch), has this day been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament and Estate Of Jacob Fiedler, deceased, and has duly qualified as such executor. Ail persons naving claims a gainst said estate are hereby notified to present the same with p rover vouchers' ow7erification attached. to the undersigned Executor with in six months from the date of this notice, Dated this 19th day of October, 1933. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of Portland, Oregon, (Sa lem Branch). EXECUTOR of Estate of Jacob Fiedler, .Deceased. CAREY F. MARTIN 413 Masonic Temple Building, Salem, Oregon, Attorney for Estate. O. 20-27, N. 2-10-17. , ' Stocks and Bonds (Copyright, 102, Standard Statistics C.) novemser zs . . 8T0CX AVESAOZS Teday ,.-, 90.T 40.2 . S5.0 T9.9 Previews day . 02.6 41.0 OS .2 TS.S wv & . oo a Aft a jta - ea 1 Year sg 2. 26A 88 j 64.4 I S years sg 1J2.4 103.T X72.S 135.0 . ,oaa- imi k, a tut aa a J Lev mbs -., 42.S 2i. sls 42.9 UttzZ&riosl" ul I "'8 i3i -io3.i 68.0113.7 96.9 - - - ui, 1 , . 4fsW P4V tl,V BO2T0 AVXBAOEg V 1 : . I joosy . o . . . 60 A 65.2 , 75,4 T9.I - I Week ago tt'.i -s!a 7s till I .. . - J v V mm m mm M MM m IT. ea.e -es.!- 8i.s "sj S years age High 1292 Low 1838 . 99 -1S4.S - M.S 98.2 II A 64.9 89.9' 92.9 52.2 67.0 7d.l 62.8 es.e es.o ss.e eo.s 90.1 104.4 99.7 98.1 Yea sea S years age . High 1988 Lew 1839 77.1 64.9 88A 98.6 69.8 67.9 f tU 89.6 GB PRICE SLASHES. iSalero Markets rJQT ETJDED. STflTED PORTLAND; Ore- Not. tl. (JPt Hop prices here today advanced to the highest level since the open ing of the seHint; teason for-the tSS crop.'1 - One lot was reported sold at 41 1 cents a " pound, one - cent ' above yesterdays quotation. The deal 1 involved about 100 bales of f ag gies, -understood to . have .been bought for European accounts. PORTLAND. NoY. 23 V- General slashing or egg prices on lha amu mirVrf whloh finally I forced local co-ops to loosen their I : r . . . .. . .. .i price hy at least le dozen was not) tftrrnlnatnH hv anrh artlnn In '. fact open i declines in. the I price only served to stimulate de- l continued witn sales or rresn cut as much as 2c dosen below estab lished values. While most of the severe cutting was reported by small operators and chiefly near by country stores, it has become practically impossible to force more than a nominal volume of sales at the extreme values uut-state operators were re ported as slashing values gener ally which again upsets the local trade. Mafket for butter was showing artificial character with contin ued government buying. Much stuff was being pulled out of stor age, taking away more than nor mal volume of fresh sales. Prices were unchanged. Prices were being generaUy held here with chicken receipts Of small volume. Onlr the f act . - I that turkeys Were, so cheap keeps luia uisraei sroia suowiug Detier-1 luent, Shipments of packers' pork from outside points which has caused more or. less price shading here, finally resulted in a lower price in country killed. Packers were also bearish In the veal market and were bring lng in huge stocks on contract which were reported selling to re- r a Mara -AmAwkal , JA a s-ae srwuio US. UUtA IUUQUT -."led Stuff. Market An niiaUfv n-nntt- lrtii - -J a " . . . - -- bvwu.sj aaa ea tamos was snowing a fairly well Stabilized Price, a dim holnrl thA nm rvn k..t o . irv Blttll, ij. . , . . vaij iiuiueu receipts were snown. General Markets raoDven zzchahob PORTLAND. Ore., Kov. 28. (AP) Produce exchange; net prices: Batter extras lie, standard IlHc, prime firsts ?uc, ursts 19 c Eggs, fresh extras zoe, tresa medinou Zde. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 22. (AP) Wheat Opea High Low Close Slay T75 7S 78 73 December 70 70, 68 68 U Cash! Big. Bead bines tern 71; dark hard winter 12 pet 74, .11 pet 71; sett white, western white, hard winter, north ern spring, western ree sv. Oats No. a- white 822.50. Cora Ke. 2E yellow $21.79. Millron Standard f14.00. PortlancLProduce PORTLAND. Ore- Xov. 22. I API Batter Prints, extras 24c aUndaida 23e poaad. , .Eutterfat Portland delivery: A grade 21c. Farmer's door delivery 19e poud. oweet cream o ntgaer. E8g Pacltio poultry prodneers' selling price: Fresh extra specials 80c, extras zee, sianasroe. X3C, ssediams 24c, pallets 17e doien. Baying price hy whole salers: .Tresa extras- z7e dosea, firsts ate, asediuas 18c, undergrade 12c,. pal lets 12e. Cheese 92 score. Oreson triolets Utte; loaf 12 He pound. Brokers will pay 4 below quotations. -tilk Contract price, 4 per cent Portland delivery 81.70 ewt; B grade cream 87 H pound. .Country meats Selling price to re tailers: Country - killed hoes, beat butch ers, under 150 pounds 6tt-7e: vealars. vu to iuv pouaaa 7-1 He pound; light aad mi ruo ingm; aeary calves ae poaaa; lambs 9-10e pound; yearlings 4-5e pound; heavy ewes 2-8e pound; medium cows 2 5e pound; csnner cows l-2e pound; balls - pouno. Mohair Buying price, 1933 clip lie pound. - 4 Cascara bark Buying price, 1933 P 2e. Hops . NomiaV 1233, 28-41e poaaa. Live poultry Portland delivery, hav ing prices: Colored fowls, 4 to 6 pounds lOe; over 6 pounds 10c; spring, pullets 2 to 34 pounds 10. ; roasters, over 8 pounds 10c; Leghorn fowls,- ever 8H pounds 8a, under 3 V, pounds 8c; broilers 'a i pounds ize. a pounds aad bp 10c; stars 6c;. roosters 6c Pekim dacks 10c; colored ducks 7s; geese 8 pound. Turkeys Ne. 1 10-12o pound. Onions Yskinia 85c; Oregon 91-L15 cental. Totitoes Loral white and red 81.10. 1.15 cenul: Yskima Sl.S 5-1.40: Dea- ehntes 9L40-1.50. . Wool 1938 clip, nominal: Willam ette valley 23-25e pound; eastern Ore gon ltXle ponnd; southern Idaho 16- 20e pound.; Hay Baying price from prodaeer: Alfalfa No. 1, new crop 816-16.50: vetch 815; Willamette valley timothy 815: eastern Oregon timothy 817.50; oats 1S ton. Portland Livestock I PORTLAND, Ore. Nov. 22. (AP) Uattle Keeeipts SO, calves 90; steady. Steers, common and medium 8. .50-5 ; heifers, eomaroa and medium S2-4.2S : eowa, common and-medium 92.25-2; lew cutter aad cutter 91.25-2.25; balls, cut ter and medium f 1.50-2.50; vealers, good and choice 65-50-6.50; call, common aad medium 22.50-5.50 ; calves, good and ehoiee 84-6.50; commea aad medium 83- 4. Hor '-Receipts 250: steady to weak. LightweighL good sad ehoiee 92.66 4.50; medium weight, good and choice S3.9O-4.60; heavyweight good and choice 23.50-4; -peeking' tows, medium - ssd good 32.75-8.50; feeder ft stock er pigs, stood snd choice 22.26-2.75. Sheep Receipts 600: nominally stesdr. Lambs, good and choice 83.25-3.75; me dlnm 83.50-6;. yearliag wethers 93.76- 4.50; wjs 758-12. r 58s, 60s, Finer Wool Grades Sell BOSTON, Nor: 23. m (U. 8." Dept. Agr.) ' The fairly ac tive trade tn domestic wools la taottly or Is, - eos and liner grades bat' Include also some, of th lower qualities. Strictly comb ing 66s. 4 blood territory wools brlnr Tt-80 cent6 scoured basis, wbne in,mtr x Mood itrictry combing territory wools have brought 1 Tlft f cents. Strictly eomblnf Ohio fleeces of similar ' Grade IS raw 4 milk co-op pool- price; flJKS pes bandred. Surplas fl.15. (all Ik eased ea - sem! moatkty eMerfa avevaseU -t sf Distributor price $2.10.1 , Butterfa t Top 20c, print ssHcv cubes 23 He ,' Prices paid le- growers ly Salem bsyers . - Sentuaber 22- " rThe-prieee beion. SaspRed fcy e ieeal freeet. are inlleativ ef the daily market as ate not gaarsateea ay Tbe Btataeaan) - Mill m tmm mim a w .s."- e as eroana- w - n. - ' " ?jj grapes, lag I , ,, , , , . JO ru: Psmpkint. dos. basket .25 .40 .50 M AS AO AO JO .00 J'" SweeiL lag """l"-.."! Tnroips. Hint Ratsbscsa lor box. Bia aiHronta. lag .09 . .00 te LIS J07 ,' .78 te' LOO . 43 te .05 .2.50 te 2.00 LOO L25 i .70, Oreea peooers looal. lb. Oaloss. dos.. bancs Pststoes. local ' Lttttee. local , . CsUfornis. leed Onioae, Walla Walls L Celery, dee. - Apple .-Kings . Jon&thaaa .75 .00 L33 Spits Peaaeck ' .an Oranges, Valencia, faaey l.OO te S.50 Place pack L75 te 2.25 Beets, loeaL doe. - .15 Taraips. local dox. .25 Carrots, local, dos .IS Spinach, local, crate JO to .78 Banana a. lb. ea ateek Heads .05 . OSVi ueiaeas s nn Limes, - fresh Avseadee, erate . J.2S . .15 l.fH) - .35 Bqaasa, DanUk, dos. Ha board squash Tomatoes, local hie .2!f lh .02 I tw. lug 1.25 , 1.00 .08 ..60 aad .SO I Emporer cranes 1 potstnes. lh Grapef rolL Flcrida ..4.00 Grapefruit, California 8.7S BOFB 1933 fufglee .80 to .40 .SO to .85 1033 clusters, lb JTOTa Filberts, fh. .12 to .18 .20 Walnata, lb. 12 to EQGS Saying Prices Extras Standards ' Mediants - .25 22 !20 POOXJTBT I Pallets .11 . .10 .08 .00 .10 .10 .10 0il IMItiri Old I Colored hem 1 Mtdium betti s T I L a I a-IKUh C109UB Leghora fryers Colored fryers mikii, .n. I .14 to I r , I aaa Spring lamba too 5.00 . 4.25 3.85 to 4.00 Hogs. 100 te 200 lbs. 200 te 225 lbs. 225 te 250 lbs. 180 to 160 lb. ..8.85 to 8.05, .8.50 to 8.75 -2-.50 to 8.0O .08 te .04 .01 te .02 Sews , 8teers Cows I Balls Dressed veal, top u tessea aog" obaxji airu Wheat, western red White. Ko. 1 . Barley, feed Ke. 1, toa .15.00 oats. teed, toa .15.00 1.00 -10.00 Barley, malting No. L toa Oats, milling, toa ,- Mar. bavins prlees Ost sad vetch, toa .12.00 Alfalfa, valley, first .14.00 viover kay . .12.00 root, Median .25 Course . Mohair . .28 .21 HTTTS Filberts, lb. .1214 to .12 to .16 .20 Walnuts, lb. qualities have sold at 41-42 cents In the grease for 66s, blood and at 31 cents for 48s, 60s, blood. .00 BAT .61 .81 Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER tTi l bi n ia YSmX i' I11 "Mrs r-y- aa ! " 777. it sh '777 35 se 91 so HORIZONTAL 1 ray ' ,6 winnows 9 astern - ; 12 one of the Great Lakes 13 egress 14 contend 15 gather for v preserva tion 17 river In 51 dispatched 52 winged 'pert, 53 like 5S God-making 59 aeriform fluid ;-. . 60 aale of the (jt4 deer , 62 addition to tne formal end of a , : composition Italy a a 1 1 .l-bioftb.- . cuckoo. - 6r-funeral. pfle family t 55 stretch, 21 persons - . . 4sctos8 ' - Under protection Herewith ia 23 treatise terjJayXTimle.; 27 neuter ' pronoun 28 Greek epie poet-- s"-' 9-past;K:;' 31 the strarf -?f t4 printer's m measnye -15 harbor -8S myself " ' t still- ? ' 4 - 'Vdeaasn''et 42 peels I- , 44 exdama- ' tlOtt -' -v aweb-footed ; - blrda ; '. 48 wife of ATba8 : 1132. 20ag UDKLn Oil GRAIN 'BE 1 f.. ?Hi CHICAGO, No. 22. UPti-U$ by active selling, to stop losses. wheat underwent a maximum fall of 3 cents a bushel todays and rye 44 cents. Other grains suf fered a steep tumble. Lack of confidence owing to nn- eertaintles of the monetary oat- look was the chief motive ascrib ed for selling of grains and for curtailment of buying interest. Downswings carried the wheat market to below the price which prevailed when tbe United States government started its goid-Dny- ing program October 25. Wheat closed nervous at almost the day's bottom, S -3 cents under, yesterday's finish, corn 2-3 down, oats 1 cents off. -Today's closing quotations: . Wheat December 24-84 H: May B7-, July 84-?. Corn December 42 May 50-; July S2-. Oat December 32-; May 3-U; July 36. iBKEIHB LABISH CENTER, Nor. 23. The onion market has been slight ly more active the past two weeks with the entrance of more buyer into the local field. Sales have been quite numerous during the period with 75c a hundred, sacks and twine furnished, being the prevailing price level, although there have been rumors of sales at "better than 75c." The bulk of all trade handled so far has been by A. F. Hayes, manager of the Hayes farms, who entered the buying field early in the fall. The price was maintained at the 75c level largely through i his efforts. Practically all onions bought have been for export purposes. and consequently they hate been graded to run from one and a half to two and three-quarter in I cues, and have been inspected ac cording to U. S. government re quirements. In contrast with last year when price quotations were at growers storage house, this year the on ions must be delivered at Brooks. rotato Undertone Saggy; Offerings Of Onions Rise PORTLAND, Nov. 23. (jP) Po tato market undertone was saggy, with more or less price shading k, wkAl.a.lM f.. . W prices continuing somewhat under the f. o. b. levels generally quoted at the source. 'Onions continued about steady with a slight increase In Oregon offerings. Root vegetables were In better call, prices stationary. I Cauliflower and celery were steady. VERTICAL 1 entreat 2 historical - period 3 ventilate 4 threatens 5 week-day 6 chopping tool 7 pinch 8 place com pactly 9 avoids 10 locate . - 11 spreads' for drying 1 16aide dish '. 20 chief products 22 three-toed sloth 23 plural pronoun 24 the Eternal " City - -25 part at 2 - no bp ' 8 the self SO species of etonecrop 32 augury 13 not so ..much 36 high : moantait,4- ei tncusuu v- t procedure the aolution ta wea. AO beat v t , ; . 43 Egyptlea sun goa 45 la vary f i l 47- reiecanj'L 48 Sa?dXaV . rian ' narrativa - 49 erclama--'?: - j' despair 1 .50 clasp for door ii gni 1 nanaj 57 fern mine name - . , 58 tin re- " - 61 suffix: teininsUi