The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 22, 1933, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning November 22, 1933
r' S
If Building Program Goes
Through; . Perrydale
Hostess to Group
PERRYDALE, Not. 21. Reso
lution nrgins the legislative as
sembly to give favorable consider
ation' to the proposed Increased
facilities for tba tubercular hos
pital It the legislature applies tor
TWA funds tor: new ' state build
ings, " was adopted .by the Polk
County Federation ot Rural Wom
en's clubs, -for which group the
trrydale Good Will club was
hostess Saturday. Mrs. A. E. Ut
ley presided ; over ;tae - morning
business session. iv --
. Reports from the various clubs
preseat showed that a- great deal
of woravis aone oy inese ciuds in
the care of needy famillles and
other needs in. their districts. Miss
Gillls, county health nurse, pare a
talk on ' her duties and "children
who had received medical care.
At noon a covered dish dinner
was serred in the auditorium un
der direction of Mrs. H. J. Elliott,
Mrs. William Stapleton and Mrs.
Lawrence McKee. The auditorium
was beautifully decorated wUh
1AI gey mi tsutsjouivuvo vi a woo s a
.and laurel. Small tables were dec
orated; with low bouquets ot fall
flowers A hundred women were
-.erred. The display 'of the Ellen
dale and Zena cheer baskets was
held, in the early .afternoon.
Past nresldentsot the.federa-
11 s . -1 . iu ma wi J
with Mrs Blodgettf presiding ' In
place of Mrs. Walker, the first
president of the ..clubs, and - the
only past president not present.
Mrs. Utley introduced Mrs. Mar
tin, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Fawk and
Mrs. Blodgett, all past presidents,
and each was presented with a
loTely corsage. Mrs. Fawk re
sponded for the group. The first
number on the program " was an
accordion selection by Mrs. Cal
breth ot Monmouth. Mrs. Saldie
Orr Dunbar gave a fine talk. Mrs.
Utley sang two numbers "and Mrs.
Glen Wilcox of Willamiua gave
two readings.
Mrs. Caldrich, chairman ot the
Federation ot Women's Clubs In
Washington, D. C., gave a talk on
motion pictures and their effects
on the child. As a closing number
Mrs. Calbreth played.
STAYTON, NOT. .21. At the
regular meeting of. the Stayton
grange, Saturday, sew officers
were elected, as follows: Master,
L.;S. Lambert; overseer, Andrew
Fery; lecturer, Mrs. Elizabeth
Crabtree; steward, Jack Richards;
assistant steward, F. E. Gallo
way; lady assistant steward, Mrs.
Amelia'' Tan Ermen ; treasurer,
Ceo. Scott; secretary, " Mrs. Ethel
Hurt; chaplain, Mrs. Ida Nipple;
gate keeper,., E. C. Nipple; Pa
mona, Mrs. Galloway; Ceres, Mrs.
Pearl Heater1; ' Flora, Mrs. Lena
Silhavy"; executive ' committee,
George Sandner .and Hugh Hurt
The new officers will be in
stalled at the next meeting-, De
cember 16. Several other granges
have been invited to attend for
Joint Installation. Mrs. Ellen G.
Lambert and her efficient staff
will pat on the Installation work.
LIBERTY, Not. il The Red
Hills grange home economics club
will meet Thursday with Mrs. F.
E. Wilson at Belcrest. Potluck
lunch will be served. Members
should come prepared for quilting
and sewing.
MACLEAY, Not. 21. The so
cial evening for grangers and in
vited friends held Saturday night
was well attended and an enjoy
able time reported.
. The program included piano du
ets by Viola. and George Tooker;
clarinet solos by Richard John
son, accompanied by Mrs. Arthur
Johnson; and. several numbers by
the social committee and members
ot their families. Ed Tooker,
Martin, Bill McGee, Mrs. M. M.
Magee, Margaret and Hazel Ma
gee, Harry Malin, Jr., and Har
ry Phillips.
Strange Birds Seen Among
Many Tarrying for Rest
On Way South
HAYESVILLE, Nor. 21. Mrs.
W. Hughey returned recently from
"The Century of Progress", where
she exhibited her Chinese Peking
ese dor. The dog received several
prises at the - Oregon state fair,
where several silver cups were of
fered as prises.
At the world fair, the dog also
received two prizes. There were
1230 dogs -exhibited at the fair.
Of these, 135 were la the Chinese
Pekingese class. But Instead ot of-:
fering silver caps, the prises at
the world fair consisted ot a pair
of silk hose, and a box ot flea
powder. However, the glory of
competition wai there, where the
finest dogs ot different countries
were- exhibited.
Many Birds'. Gather
With the coming of colder wea
ther and snow In the mountains,
the birds have been migrating in
greater' numbers. Around bird
baths may be seen quite a variety,
and some, whose names are not
known locally. There Is a pair of
birds, of a bright blue color, sim
ilar to a blue Jay, but more the
shape and size of a robin. Gold
finches are still here In small
numbers. The most noticeable
event Is the flocks of meadow
larks. Sunday there was as great
a commotion outside as one hears
on a beautiful sunny spring day.
On investigating, about 30 mea
dow larks wero Been in the trees,,
singing as gayly as only meadow
larks can sing.
They rest about a half hour and
continue on their journey.
Heavy Sked
Outlined for
F. F. Youths
The mothers are to be honor
mi no f a at o nrAffvem tri ttt r (ho
nhnnl Thiirdaw VnnmV. 99 or WOODBURN, NOV. ZI. TOO
2:30. The sixth grade will give activity schedule for the Wood-
a play, "The Flag Raisin? at RIv- uul" culc' V1 "lul T. 1
erboro." It is of interest they ' America has been outlined
wrote their own parts. The sec- 'or the next few months. The
ond grade under direction of interesting schedule of the club s
Miss Helen Ralph, will give a activities is:
nia "Thftnkaptvimr in iha Wsn Hold initiation for green
House." The program will Include hands", December 15. Glenn Bar-
a number of songs appropriate to , wajoe
thx Thantiruii .nn Koenig, committee. Father and
Mnniia ftmnnn 11 w. mat son banquet December 16. Phil
with 'Clifton Clemens at his home ber Hunt, Bill Robert, Howard
to organize a 4-H cluh. Offlrr euow. rariy ior nome econom
elected were: Marvin Van Cleave,
president; Melvin Lehrman, vice
president; Waldo Gilbert, secre
tary. Another meeting is called
for Friday afternoon. The recent
ly organized 4-H Sewing club In
GERVAIS, Not. 21. Word
was received here Tuesday morn
ing of the death at Hillsboro of
Mrs. Elizabeth Maurer, 34. Mrs.
Manrer had been a resident of
Gervals about 20 years and be
fore coming to Gervals had re
sided at Mt. Angel for about the
same length of time. She went to
live with her daughter in the
spring of this year.
She Is survived by two sons
and two daughters, the sons ltv-
at Hillsboro and the other at I iSand Practices at
Vancouver, Wash.
The funeral will be held from
the Catholic church In Vancouver
Thursday morning. Mrs. Maurer
sold her property in Gervals just
recently to Mr. . and Mrs. Carl
Rents, who now occupy it
ics club, date uncertain. Hugh
Boyle, Artie Sklller, George Ra-
cette. Put on radio program over
KOAC, January 28. Hubert See-
lyf Lyman Seely, Philbert Hunt..
initiation ior Future f armer
two divisions, under leadership of degree, February 10. Torlet Nel-
buii, uuuert siaunei, nuuvu
Seely. Enter F. F. A. oratorical
Mrs. Julius Slattum, will meet
Friday afternoon at the home of
Miss Genverie Synder. The first
division is known as the "Happy
Club," second, "Busy Bees.'
contest, date uneertain. Howard
Kellow, Glenn Barstad, Robert
Koenig. Enter sectional contests,
date uncertain. Howard Kellow,
Glenn Barstad, Robert Koenig. At
tend state F. F. A. convention and
weekend, April 27, 28, 29. Wil
bert Homann, Philbert Hunt, Bill
Fobert. Summer trip or outing,
Mt. Angel Started;
7th Club Organized June 15. Teddy Landsem, Jack
The community club will meet
Friday at 8 o'clock, .The pro-
gram will be furnished by . other
community clubs with Luther
Chapinv president of county, In
charge, Mrs. JVV. Lehman is
chairman of the refreshment ten
mittee. . - . . ..
1 , TTi ' -, i
' WEST SALEM, Not. - 2 l.t A
good attendance: was present at
the November meeting; of" the
Community, club Monday night.
The committee for the card party
gay a. financial Teport." Fred
Gibson was named to take charge
of a similar affair for the month
of December
. Nominations for officials for
next year's election .were : . For
-president, Fred Gibson; tor sec
retary treasurer, Etumett A. Dick
son (for membership oa the-eie-cutlre
committee, Dr. Arthur Gof
frier, William L. La Due, Elmer
D. Cook,' Robert' Psttison and
George Chapman.
The Hollywood Theatre Rang
er's boys' band gave a group of
diversified musical numbers. Dr.
Henry Morris had charge of the
entertainment from the Klwanls
club, sponsored by the Salem
chamber ot commerce. Mrs. J.
W. Minkiewitz presented a pleas
ing group of vocal selections, ac
companied by Mrs. Hal Hose at
the piano, and Rot. George Swift
gave an Interesting travelogue of
a tour enjoyed last summer,
Funeral services will be held here
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
for Geraldlne Frances Crockett,
31, who died Monday in a Salem
hospital following an illness re
sulting from spinal injuries suf
fered In an automobile accident
three years ago. Dr. H. Charles
Dunsmore will officiate at the
rites at the Keeney funeral
home, and Interment will be in
the I.O.O.F. cemetery.
Geraldlne Crockett, wife of
William Crockett, was born in
Rigglns, Idaho, January 9, 1902.
She lived in the Hopville district
near here at time of the accident.
Besides the husband, she leaves
four sons: William Jr., Chester,
George and Gerald; two sisters,
Mrs. J. S. Burtch of Bakersfield,
Calif., and Mrs. Pearl Jolly of
Salem, and two brothers, Claude
Griffin and Dick Edwards of
Grass Valley.
WOODBURN, Not. 21. A se
ries of evangelistic services which
are appealing to many people in
this district is being held each
evening at 7:30 In the Woodburn
Church of God. Rev. Myrle V.
Cross of Redwood City, California,
is conducting the services. Each
evening 15 minutes Is devoted to
showing of religious pictures.
Good crowds are attending.
i mam
AUBURN, Not. 21. The Au
burn Community club had an ex
cellent meeting at the school-
house Friday evening. A large
crowd attended and a. good pro
gram' vai offered. 1 The r officers
were elested as follows: Presi
dent, Mrs Don , Smith;- vice-president,
Mrs. L. B. McClendon, and
secretary-treasurer,'"' Mrs. Clifford
Feller. T he following program
was presented : Thanksgiving
drill by members of the primary
room; . Hawaiian ' guitar numbers
bjr Jean Rodgers, reading. "The
Wedding"; by Jean Hawkins, piano
solo by Susanna Hawkins,, song;
by members of the primary room,
reading by Ernest Stewart," Pa
geant, "America the Beautiful,",
with Eloise Hawkins singing , the
solo part, ; Hawaiian guitar and
piano duet by Jean Rodgers and
June Armstrongs Mr. McClendon,
principal, spoke a tew words of
appreciation to the patrons of. the
community. Pumpkin pie and
cider was served to all present.
The 4-H Sunset Sewing club
ntet at Mrs. M. Taylor's home
Friday afternoon. This is the
first meeting of this group. Far
Sherman, is president, Mary
Hershfelt. vice-president, and Bet
ty Edwards, secretary. Patching.
was the topic of this meeting with
Instructions given by Mrs. Taylor,
the advisor of this club. The next
regular meeting will be at the
same place, Friday, December 1,
Mrs. Ben H. Hawkins enter
tained a group of young people
at the family home Friday eve
ning. They first attended the pro
gram given at the community
club meeting and then came to
the Hawkins home to celebrate
Leslie Vaughfs birthday. Several
nice presents were - received by
the young man. A delicious sup
per was served, the centerpiece
being a large birthday cake with
candles. Those present were the
honored guest, Leslie Vaught, Mr.
and Mrs. Del bert Daniels, Berna-
dine Wheeler, Leo Reed, Jean
Hawkins, Eloise Hawkins, Susan
na Hawkins and Mr. and Mrs.Ben
H. Hawkins.
Miss Margaret Bernardlni was
hostess for a shower honoring
Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell Wednesday
afternoon. Those present were
Mrs. Stawell, Mrs. Stewart Johns,
Mrs. John St Claire, Mrs. Leo
Sutter. Mrs. William Fisher, Mrs
Carl Krehblel, Mrs. Mysta Hen
dricks, Mrs. Merle Holman, Mrs
Roy Hammer, and the hostess.
Miss Bernardlni. Refreshments
were served at the close of the
Farmers-; Union
J: ;NcVS .
Shank is Winner in
Mill Concern Contest
HUBBARD, Nov. 21. F. M,
Shank, field man for Albers Bros
Milling company, won the 325
prize for being top man in the
Portland organization in the pul
let growers' contest recently spon
sored by that organization. He
also won third place of all the
other field men of the entire Pa
cific coast.
MARION, Not. 21- The Farm
ers'. Union local met in regular
session Friday night with a good
attendance. A legislative commit
tee consisting "of Hanley Libby,
James Colgan, and James Wilson,
was appointed.. ' A social hoar and
program was enjoyed. ; .
1 ,
TURNER, - Not. -21.- Turner
high' school is putting on a car
nival Friday night. The classes
of. the high school, are sponsoring
various booths for "eats and en
tertainment; and music will be
furnished by the school orchestra.
composed of Varnel Denhem, Al
bert Jensen, Kenneth Barber, .Eu
gene Harrison, Lester Bones,
under the direction of Mrs.- Em fly
Santen and Miss Katheryn Barker.
The program opens at 7:30
o'clock with music by the orches
tra i . musical reading by Margaret
Gilstrap, assisted by Mable Schil-
ferer, Mildred Bones, Eulalie Nel
son, Lois " Gunning, Genevieve
Larson, Charlotte Parr and Gen
eva Barber; ewe numbers .by the
Girl s' o horns;' pantomime.
Caught in- the - Act,"' Everett
Hansen, Emma. Parr, . Ruth Mc
Coy; acrobatic number by Inez
Erway and Jean Perry; tap danc-
ing, Inez Erway; two duet num
bers by Anna and Edra Johnson;
"The Fatal Quest," a short play,
by Robert Mitchell, Jean Snyder,'
Richard Holt, Eloise Mellis, Har
lan Bones, Rachel Garner; Girls'
chorus, skit, "The Boss of the
King," Marjorie Pickard, Claris
sa Clark, Melvin Holt. Rachel
Garner Bertha Elser.
A .double header -basketball
game will be played starting at
s:i& o'clock.
KEIZER, Not. 1 1 The honor
roll, pupils neither absent or tar
dy for the first quarter of the
school year, are:
First arade--Emie : Fnrukawa,
Violet Hamilton, Edwin McCalL
Kay Salto, Jimmy Shawver, Dob
Sub, Dale-Varbet." Wesley Weibe.
Second grade Arleen: Frogley,
Wayne Kunze, Jerry Oldenburg.
Rose Suda andMaxtel Shannon. .-
Third, grade Shirley. Addison,
Delphi Gottenburg, Junior Hud
eon, Jimmy Muckridge, Lawrence
Nelson. Martha Salto. Milton SaT
age, Harry Smith. Jannette Strat
ton, Roy Suda; Iran Sugal and
Raymond Weathers. Fourth grade
Melvin Dombusch, Guy, Jonas
Marjorie McFee, ' Thomas ' Sugaf,
Henry Sugal, Nina Varbel and Al
ton Fearmiae, Peter Hauser. Lois
Pierce, May -Oye, Mary Sugal,
Donald McCall, Howard' Larklns.
Allen Stratton. Betty Jean Smith
and Howard Boock.
' SIxth-.gra4e: Andry .Hamilton,
Helen; Wilson, Maxlne Varbel, Ar
thur ; BliTen, , Thomas, Brantner, -Irene
' Hamlltonr - MeWin Larkins, '
Florence Nelson, Nebulehl Far
ukawa, jacjc ancinoje, aa err
that Ftttgerald. S e t e n t h and
eighth grades. Pearl Brantner,
Myrtle Harold, Marjorie Melorid
off, i Lois Rulifson, Anne . Salto.
Tsuchl Salto, Kathryn Shawyer
Clifford Weathersr Itus , Haifris,
Margaret AddUon. Walter BUTen,
VUma Brandon. Sylvia Claggett,
Albert Evans, Zillaa FrogIey,Eil
een Hotden, Evelyn Melson, Mil
ton Smith; John Sugal, Lorraine
Sun. Robert Unrut, Thalia Varbel,
Willard Weathers and. Marjorie
Miller. New pupils are OllTe-Jory,
Vivian Carrow, Armond C arrow,
Annie Tbiessen and Francis Thies
n. . - : , . . ,
STATTON. Nor. ' 21.- At the
Oregon ProdueU dinner last week,
final cheek shows' 16 & persons at
tended. Grant Murphy, president
otthe chamber ot commerce, was
among the speakers. His name
was omitted from the prerleui
story.-, 1
Brown Recovering
From Operation at
Home in Silverton
SILVERTON, Not. 21 P. L.
Brown who underwent a major
operation a few weeks ago is re
ported as convalescing very well
at his home on McClalne street.
Mr. Brown is manager of the In-
terruban Telephone company at
Arthur Dahl, who suffered se
verely from bronchial pneumonia
following an automobile accident
in which he received broken ribs.
is able to be down town a portion
of each day. Mr. Dahl has not as
yet fully regained his strength but
is improving and will be able to
return to his duties as chief of po
lice within a few days.
LYONS, Nov. 21. Mr. and Mrs.
Aldred Martin and son Rolland
left for Albany Friday, where they
will reside. Mr. Martin has se
cured employment as bookkeeper
with the C. C. C.
I ff'lllill
Now Open
Come in and see the
large selection of toys
for boys and toys for
girls Santa Claus has
on display in our base
ment. v
The Most Interesting Place
in Town
Ward s-Co.
275 N. Liberty
Phone 8774
Hill, Steve Bauman.
Summer meeting. July 10. Mr.
Attend hog marketing at Port
land union stockyards in August.
Men Give Program
At Brush Creek as
I Big Crowd Attends
! BRUSH CREEK, Not. 21.
Brush Creek residents turned out
In full force Friday night to wit
ness the program put on by the
' men of the community. Plans
were also discussed during the
business meeting for a' junior
Booster club for the young - peo
ple, with meetings to be held on
the first-Friday -of the - month.
Jo definite action was taken on
this .however. . .
t: Program numbers Friday tffgnt
Included skits: 'The Two Dutch
men,' by Dan Hlllman and Fred
tCrng;! the.MTwo Jews," by Alvin
Xru .and Charles Knels: the
MT. ANGEL, Nov. 21. Plans
and hopes for a Mt. Angel Jun
ior band took actual shape Mon
day when the 23 candidates.
armed with instruments, met for Jack Hill, Wllbert Homann, Bill
the first practice hour. John ooert.
Steckleln, director of the regular Fulfill requirements for Key-
M. A. band, is conducting the stone chapter. Officers, president,
band assisted by Elmer Hittner. I vice president.
They will practice every Monday, Take part In community and co-
Wednesday and Friday from operatiye wor.
12:30 to 1:30 p. m., in the music
room nf fit. XKarw'm aohnnl
j "
To date there are 23 members. lilOir IJrcranized
A V J1 . . I
v uui nuu iuree Kiris irom ue
6tn, 7th and 8th grades and first
year high.
A Handwork 4-H club was or
ganised in the Cth grade of St.
Mary's public school Monday. This
is the 7 th 4-H club In tile sehool
this year and shown an increase
ot two more thai were carried
last year. Miss Florence Walker,
sixth grade teacher, is club lead
er. The members are: Cletus An
t A oliliiXkC vllC5lCiliClUd all . . Xi,.. . ,v I..
the time and TU teU tlie K 4 V r .
" world;. they're milder!" .J:s
K '"ir
V, ;; -:v,
) J" x ': n
1 x$!mmmmmm V
I :r-.-Z,4qfxgi:i-tx.;... N-K-sJw::s;s5:.i '.
."o;Olicsteiiield Wtr
For West Salem;
Program Planned
nen, Jeno. Bean, Joseph Bell. Ed-
Two Darkies." John Gonlerud wara Buchhelt, Paul Fennlmore,
r.nifvicr xrar rwi,iinni juauoean rost, 'leresa Germs.
3Ttl TTi-mr nA lAhir T.anitarhaV I -i.uiccil uiues XlBipnine UOOiey.
Songs by -the men's' ; chorus and Robert Griesenauer. LoretU Has-
iiT the Brush Creek school bovs: lin Jrence sassier, Marcena
itccordian solo Mr. Hniman; bar- "aBin. ene iiettwer, kiu
w ... - . " . .. 1 Rlimnart Iron. M.hl T) n
KOIUCS. SOlO, t.yie -HJUg; VlOIin I V Y S I Onndsr momfn? with n nna-ant
lolOT Miles OtUway. - ' "Joseph Schaecher and Jose- fTJrS V iJKJKK
WEST SALEM, Not. 21. -A
mixed choir has been formed and
Is meeting Thursday evening for
rehearsals at the home of Miss
Roberta Peterson, director, at
Edgewater Court. All who sing
and care to join the choir are
Invited to do so.
Miss Barbara Lee Whipple, who
spent the week end with home
folks in Portland, returned here
the first of the week.
A Thanksgiving program will
be featured at the Sunday school
or tne Ford Memorial church.
lI HUNTED all day
long . . and just knocked
'em cdld.
MI smoke Chesterfields all
the time and Til tell the
world ..they're milder!"
phine Schatfers.
Shadow Social Given
For School: Benefit
AIRLIE, Not." 21. -A shadow
oelal given by the school was
well attended. A pie went with
each shadow sold. An extremely
good, program 'was put on by Re-
oeaan Guitar and Mandolin studio
from Salem. Joe Staats acted as
auctioneer. Proceeds amounted
SILVERTON, Not. 21. An
inouncements at the Methodist
; church Sunday indicate a full an
tumn for members. Special events
scheduled for this congregation
include a five-reel motion picture
to 129.60 which will go toward to be given at 7:30 o'clock Sun-
scnool equipment. - day nlgnt. Not. 26: a pageant:
- Mr. and Mrs. Miles Branch at- I "Wait a Minute," to be given Sun-
by Carol Snyder, Opal Thurman,
Wayne Snyder and Richard Kel
so; recitations and readings : by
Robert Guderian, Mary Jeanne
Otey. Emma Holllnsrsbead and
Of Pall Af f ai'rt I Jack Gosser; song by members ot
numbers by Miss Grant's class.
I Methodist Group
Has Big Calendar
Three-Way Realty
Deal Consummated I
SILVERTON, Not. 21. One of
the largest real estate deals con
tended the Hon Growers meetlna- day night. October 3. and . ta- 1 ? "?v,i
Saturday., . dal morning serrlce. Decern 10 .Qt"IvWrBi!7.ll"c7
b3r!!.b.0Lw!: . . way one whereby Mr. and Mrs. C.
C: J. n rk I T. I a. Hanoe acquired tne Cage prop-
woiuic vrr wuiiuar I uuuii. ert, on Thjrd .nd jCTBeT greets.
;To Talk Wednesday r"V0?a SSLfTi- ibe XI
I gations in the annual ThantrnrtT. 1 cn... c.i.. vi.i . -. .v.
wit m jfcuiv i -o ivco n aaiuaa will ra naia i uavtvAffa aI . tt . a.
efiM nnetiAM Tl.1 I AVI- ' I rM wa VU.O ftUb Ma9 UiUUO JSUUiV VU
r::V' ' , r ru" I- rZz? lfle rV8V?n cnurc11 west Main street. The deal was
SJZ&ZZtt Wfc " 7 W0T " at 1 comleted Thursday.
Silverton Wednesday night at the . ' tti atmroc ctr
. Vfusr0 waicii IOUOWS I ULSAKE IS SUCCESS I lfmiwriru vtmw . w .-k .
uiuuci. inn JieulllUlBl I DiLiVKI IIN. VI n. I T . -V t nl ' -
- 1 ,lWMilUVU
;K .f , ff thft. Ubercu n,ht Prol an exceptional- on display at the Bush bank Iri
i'SftiS wlnf TerT- y aoccessful affair. Approximate- Salem. three specimen, .totaling In
yue io auena cne program. - iy Z75 were served. Ah wtrht thru
; ' TTiisT tmnn Mrtmxrva wfnf .Worked rt,cle fo1' 0Mces; the largest weighing one
8lrSII5.fRS?V3ES a.- fca M,E. pound 4flTe ounces. They ere
ma m mi :'r" Yri. "HH1 i "e society oi tne winter Banana Tarlety.
and Mrs. Edward Young are an- which sponsored. Assisting - Mrs. I 1 1
nclng the birth of an eight- Strand as chairman of various . "WILL VISIT MOTHER "
nnu wb oern jsaiuraay at the groups were Mrs. H. BaUangmd. TALBOT Not. 21. Mrs. Jl
fv , ' T h I s 1 I Mrs. o. Samdahl, Mrs. Carl Thor- D. Farr left the last of the week
a.reVxhild and the tint kildsoa, Mrs. iTer Moen. Mis. Oa- for , Blaln. Wash..
5.V ' - 4"Jr"8 cr OJ toey.JIw. A..Haxrar-mother, Mrs. MarrKaller an ex-
the cigarette thats MILDER the. cigarette that tasteS;BETTER
: 7 e- ; ; - -y . -. -v, . iienaea Tisit.