The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 14, 1933, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday filarningr, November 14, 1933
r .- w. - ."',"-"-t- 'jfe:- -; , 4.
Slit Will Cooperate by Edu
cational Campaign in
- Silverton Homes
- SILVERTON, Not. 13. Pre-
Umlnarv plans for lb Cnnstmas
Seal Mia are being pushed for
ward at Silvertoa by Mrs. R.E.
Kleinsorge, . chairman of the lo-
itf driT. : Mrs. -.Kleinsorge, re
ports splendid cooperation from
tU .whom be baa approached.
The school will hold an "ednea-
f donal campaign", on the. Christ
- nag Seal subject the week prior
to ' the opening of" the 8ale . at
iflTCTtooL. v c:
-," School children will not' be
isked to" sell the seals this year
ot are being taught their pur-
ose and benefits and are asked
bring this knowledge into their
' somes. Mrs. William Ferrln ana
Mrs. H. W. Preston' will care for
the sale campaign in the outly
ing districts.
Workers selected by Mrs. Klein
org to contact daring the sea
son, are Mrs. M. C woodward.
Mrs. W. L. McGInnis,Mrs. H. R.
Irish, - Mrs. Robert Goets, Mrs.
Harold Davis, Mrs. James Man
.. ninr, Mrs. Ed Clvens, Miss Billie
'Johnson,. Mrs. ' Frank MUlikan,
Mrs. Fred Baker, Mrs. Charles
Reynolds, ? Mrs. W. C. Larson,
Miss. Muriel Bentson,, Miss. Gladys
Fletcher, Miss Elenaor Jane BaJ
laatjne and Mrs. Ej E. Taylor.
On December 9, the closing
night of the sale at Silrerton
the committee members will sell
the stamps in the stores of Sil
verton. Mrs. J. A. Worley, county
chairman, appointed Mrs. Klein
sorge as local chairman of the
work. Last year Mrs. Klein-
sorge was in charge of the Red
- Cross drive.
. Not. 1?. The next Parent
Teacherj meeting; will be held
Thursday night, November 16. at
the Greenwood scboolbouee. Mrs.
Al VernonIrs. Kate Young and
Mrs. Dale Wilson are the refresh
ment committee. The program is
being prepared by Mrs. Bewley,
Mrs. Mackar and Mrs. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Jewell and
son, Albert Jewell, accompanied
by Mrs. Jewell's father, William
Davis, all of Grants Pass, are here
t on an extended visit with a niece,
Mrs. Dale Wilson. Other visitors
at the Wilson home last week
were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wells and
two children, Lonella and Gene,
who are taking a house in Mon
mouth for the winter.
Miss Ruth Ellen Jenkins, pri
mary teacher at Valsetz, visited
school one day, coming over from
Monmouth with the student teach,
ers. i
A daughter, .Shirley Ann, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. Kaser, near
McNary station, recently.
Shelburn Folk
Join Farm Union
At Riverview
SHELBURN, Nov. 13 A num
ber from the Shelburn commun
ity Joined the Riverview Farm
ers' union Saturday night. Fifty
two new families joined.
A number from here attended
. the funeral of Mrs. John Kpuba
of Scio. She will be remem
bered in this community as Mrs.
John Shlndler. Mr. Shlndler died
in 1924. Nine children survive
her: ' Mrs. Jesse Hildreth, Scio;
, Mrs. A. L. Ferrel, LosAngeles,
.- California; Joe Shlndler, Toledo,
Ore.; Mrs Joe Bores, Ross, North
Dakota; Frank Shlndler, Scio;
; Charfes Shlndler, Philippine Isl
ands'; Mrs. Henry Stratton, Al-
hany,; Ore.; Jdrs.. Carl Peinert,
- Toledo, Ohio, and Mrs. Lawrence
Mitchell, Covington, Ky.
Mf. Ollie Morgan is reported
. making satisfactory recovery fol
lowing a major operation at the
Albany General hospital last Sat
urday nornlng.
. I Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lord cele
; Crated their-golden wedding an
niversary October 30. The fam
ily resides a few miles east of
. town.' . '- .. . : : i . . : ;
" Mr. "Johnson, brother of Mrs.
Delmer. Chnrchill, is making bis
homo with the Churchill family
while" Mr,' Churchill Is employed
s . by. the Southern Pacific railroad.
" , Tour First Grade :
Students on Honor
Roll at Perrydale
' PERRYDALE, Nov. lS.i-Honor
students In the primary room for
Si ILf Past are Peggy Houk,
Maxtne Morrison, Kenneth Jensen
and Elsie Wirfs; There has been
- i 109 per cent attendance In this
' 2m ntI1 lat week when Elsie
Wirfs waa taken ill with appendi
citis. The blackboards have all
teen resisted in this room, much
! to the pleasure of pupils and
- teacher, Miss McMillan.
jAaeem bly each Friday, afternoon
something new for Perrydale
tehool children, impromptu pro
tram numbers by the children as
Well as prepared numbers are pre
tented. Parents who care to attend
We invited. i
Annutice Program L
Is Given by Pupils
- . AMITY, Not, 13. An Armis
, ace day program was presented
tor the high school student body
friday afternoon, with Jlmmlo
Tompkins acting as chairman,
falks and readings were given by
reorre Penrose. LriM
ft, Leila Shields and Oral, Da
dson, and musical numbers by
fleo Odom, the boys and girls'
Ilea clubs and Gertrude ConuelL
iccontpanlsts ware Miss Ccanell
- and Jlmmla Tcmpklnii.
i ....
Former Czar at Nazi Ceremony .
If , '
- "
An indication of the spread of Nazi influence is presented in this picture,
showing: former Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria (right), holding swastika
emblem as he chatted with Mayor Fiehler of Munich during the cere
monies attendant upon the laying of the cornerstone for the new Munich
Art Galery. Chancellor Adolph Hitler officiated at the ceremonies.
New Residents
At Hazel Green
From Nebraska
Mr. Park and family have moved
to Frank Zielinski's house oppos
ite the school boose that was
the home of the late . August
Ziellnikl. Mr. Park's family con
sist of Mrs. Park, son Kenneth
in fourth grade of school, and
a son age five. The Park fam
ily are from western Nebraska,
being In Oregon a month, guests
of Mrs. Park's sister, Mrs. Or
ville Luckey and family of Hub
bard. Mr. Park will work this
winter for. Mr. Zielinski.
The Women's Missionarcy so
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Not many smokers have seen a fine tobacco plant in foil
bloom, so we show you this picture. Only a few of these
fine plants are permitted to flower and to produce
seed. These carefully selected seeds reproduce the follow
ing year the "Cream of the Crop' for your Lucty
Strike, for tobacco must be grown from seed each year. This
careful breeding of fine tobaccos explains why Tnrtfo main
tain the same fine, uniform (juality from year to year so
round and firm and folly packed tree from loose cads.
ALWilYS tkejest tolitecos
ALWAYS tietftesf vottmansAtp
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ciety bad a most interesting
meeting at the home of Mrs.
Lester Van Cleave. iMrs. Robert
Massie was leader.; Mrs. . J.
Wortman will be leader for the
meeting in December.; Mrs. Rob
ert Massie and Mrs. G. G. Looney
were hostesses at the Looney
home. The society will exchange
books for the reading contest
with the Salem society.
TURNER, Not. 13. Mrs.
Frances Whitehead, president of
the Willing porkers' club, an
nounces a meeting Tuesday night
November 14 at the schoolhouse
to plan for the student hot
lunches which service will begin
after Thanksgiving.
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; GATES," Not. 13. The Im
provement club met Thursday af
ternoon at the dab room for the
regular monthly meeting. At' the
business meeting It waa voted to
hire a woman as scrap maker for
the school soup kitchen by ask
ing for bids, Mrs. Ruby Winters,
who has made the soup for the
cast two years: Is "now postmis
tress and unable to do the work.
It was also decided to answer
roll call for December by a pound
party, each member to bring a
pound of something ' to be' used
in .the sonp, making. The vege
tables will be donated by the dif
ferent members either from the
gardens pr what they have can
ned for the purpose during the
summer., Tilmon ' Rains has do
nated half a beef which the com
mittee expect to get canned this
week.' Mrs. Lenn "Young, Mrs." Er
vin Lawson and Mrs. 'E. .V Col
lins are on ' the soup " committee
for this year. .
As further funds will 'be need
ed before the winter ' Is over. It
was voted to hold some sort of a
money-making party combining a
social time with a profitable one.
Mrs. Clarence " Johnson was ap
pointed chairman of a committee
to farther the plans.
Mrs. E. L. Davis gave an In
teresting report on the recent
Woman's club convention held at
Jefferson. Norris Thomas, school
board member, gave a short talk
of encouragement to the clab wo
men and concerning financial sta
tus of the schools. The four so
cial hostesses- were Mrs. C. D.
Johnson, Mrs. G. B. Heath, Mrs.
Jewel Meyers and-Mrs. Ervln
Lawson. . -
Gervais to Vote
On New School
Building Dec. 4
GERVAIS, Nov. 13. Special
election will be held here Decem-b-
4 to vote DDon the nroDosal
to build a new high school build
ing. This decision was reached at
a meeting of patrons of high
school district No. 1 Satnrdav
nig' - at the auditorium. A large
number of parents from the out
lying districts attended.
Frank H. Struble. Salem archi
tect, was present to explain plans
for the building, which will be
constructed from PWA funds, if
obtainable. Judges for the elec
tion will be Richard Harrison and
Lilly Wadsworth and clerks will
be Emil Cramer and Mrs. E. B.
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Election of new officers for the
coming year at the regular meet
ing of North Howell grange Fri
day night' resulted:
Master, M.-A. Dunn ; oTerseer,
Raymond Paulson; lecturer, Mar
tha -Vinton; steward, v. Van
BrocUln; assistant steward, M. A.
Aspinwall; chaplain. Mrs. ; Anna
Dunn; Secretary-treasurer, Helen
Wlesner; gatekeeper, Harley Od-
-die; ceres, : Ida May Summers;
Pomona, Caroline Bump; Flora,
Ellen Minton; L: A. S., Caroline
Aspinwall; executive committee,
Tom -Bump, Ellis Stevens, K. D.
Coomler; home economics, Daisy
Bump, chairman; agricultural, V.
Van Brocklln, and musician, Cath
erine Bump.
CHEMAWA, Nov. 13. The
grange held a short business ses
sion and social night Thursday In
the grange hall. The home econ
omics committee, Mrs. H. W. Bow
den, chairman, had charge of the
lecturer's hour and put on a clev
er, lively pageant, after which
games and stunts were enjoyed.
The next meeting will be held on
November 23, when election of
officers wil be the real business.
The H. E. club will meet with
Mrs. John Zielinski, December .
A silver tea wHI be held at the
home of Mrs. Walter Oldenburg,
Wednesday, November 15, with
Mrs. Harry Oldenburg and Mrs.
Walter Oldenburg hostesses. Pn
e'eeds will be for the benefit of
the grange.
Union Hill grange will meet Fri
day night for its regular monthly
business session. Election of
grange officers will be the chief
business. Six - thirty o'clock din
ner will be served. '
A social evening of cards and
dancing was enjoyed at the grange
hall Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Fox and Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Krenz were in charge, and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Peters and Mr.
and Mrs. Winnie Tate served re
freshments. About 50 were pres
ent. TURNER, Nov. 13. Surprise
grange, No. 33, Saturday elected
these of leers:
Ulvin Denyer, master; Bert
Peebles, overseer; Mrs. Birdie
Denyer, lecturer; Mrs. T. T. Palm
er, steward; Raymond Titus, as
sistant steward; Anna Farris,
chaplain; Thomas Little, treasur
er; Mrs. T. T. Palmer, secretary;
Fred Mitchell, gate-keeper; Agnes
White, ceres; Jessie Wilson,
Flora; Rase Webb, Pomona; Mrs.
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Fred Mitchell, assistant steward.
Executive committee, George Fer
ris, Harvey Wilson, Lawrence D.
Roberti. . ' 1 - '
LIBERTY, , Not. 13. " 4 The
The) Marlon county council of IS
granges will meet here in the com
munity hall Wednesday at 8 p. m.
Mr. Hobart, master of Silverton
grange. Is president of the coun
cil and will preside. All grange
officers are council members but
the meeting is open to all grang
ers. 'Several important matters
will come up tor discussion. "
Tomplcins Will Attend
Conference on Farms
DAYTON,. Nov. IS. Morton
Tompkins will leave Wednesday to
represent the Oregon state grange
at the conference In Spokane on
Thursday to . discuss government
problems as they effect agricul
ture. State officials, congressmen,
bankers and other leader
the fohr northwest states will at
tend. "
HUBBARD .Nov is a ,.
vest home party was held at the
juemoaisi cnorch Friday night
complimentlnr Rt nt nr,, tit
L Orr. Community singing and
social conversation were the di
versions of the evening.
Wards Riverside 100
Pure Pennsylvania Oil
Natural wax baa bee removed, llamafol petroleum jellies have
been taken out at 50 degrees below aero. Riverside Oil is refined
from the finest, most expensive Pennsylvania crude out of the
top price Bradford. District.
During the past 60 days Wards have sold over 200 car
loads of, highest quality lubricating oil a,t savings J
1295,000.00 to ewr customera.
X y Pi
275 N. Liberty
mm ciiosoj
TURNER, Not. IS The Chris
tian church hers has extended a
tentative call to Rev. Norris J.
Reasoner of Salem and be1 has ac
cepted subject to final action of
the congregation. C, '
He, will remain in Salem for the
present, except for weekends- when
he will occupy part of the par
sonage, where the church's care
taker, Joe Holt, is living also.'
Seven members were added to
the church roll the past month.
Including four Sundays at the
close of ReT. Reasoner's sermon.
The ' women . Of the church are
planning; to hold a bazaar early in
December -and - the Endeavor Is
planning a membership . contest
soon. -
Birthday Party
Honor Husband
ROBERTS. Not. 13. Mrs.
Leonard Zielke gave a surprise
birthday party in honor of her
husband Monday night. The eve
ning was spent with three tables
of sot. First prise went to Mrs.
Depend on War
roe at uv o n
You noccT oil to stand coW as
we os hoot Positive Lubrica
tion in sovwro winter tompero
twos at highest motor hoots.
Save Half
o n
Yes! Even
Checks and
Wards low price!
This marvelous
group is a close
up of the Wall
Street picture.
Successful busi
ness men are
wearing them.
And Wards went
right to the hub
of the. business
world to get
them for youl
fine woolens, su
p e r bly tailored.
Rayon lined to
keep their shape.
Favorite single
breasted models.
New blues, grays
and browns.
Exira Mileage! Trade In!
Any Main Talcm loTmJtGmmuiPartPaymMt For
RIVERSIDE Y.ti&jwm.x
4 Wards by test find that River,
isidea wear less in cold weather-
give you practically Free Mile,
age. You getat little or no cost
for, ell winier the extra protec
tion of Riverside's Latex-dipped
cords that remove blowout cause,
and Riverside's safe, skid-resist
ing tread for ice and snow.
- T t - , www UUULy
Rapheal BetteneonrL Thoso la-,
vtted were honor guest. Leonard
Zielke, Mr. and , Mrs. Carl Hey
den, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bress
ler, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jung
wlrth, Mr. and Mrs Rapheal Bet
tenconrt, t Mr. ' and Mrs. ;. Forest
Edwards, Miss Bern ice Zielke,
Mr. - and Mrs. G. -' F. y Jongwirth
and the host, Mrs. Leonard Zielke.
Mrs. Roy Rice, Mrs. E. A.
Goodrich, Mrs. Albert Blanken
ship entertained the women of
the G. T. club at the Roy Rico
home. After, the business meet
ing a contest, was held with first
prize going to Mrs. Joe Ring
wald. In two weeks Mrs. For
est Edwards, Mrs. G. F. Jung
wirth and Mrs. Rapheal Betten
court will entertain at the' Ed
wards' home.
! Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilliam whe
have been visiting at the. home
of her brother and sister-in-law,
Kr. aad Mrs. George Hifegins,
have returned to their home In
Medford. ' ;
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clymer who
have Leen visiting at the home
of his brothers, Ed and Lyn
Clymer,, left for their , home fa
Chicago, 111.
KEIZER, Not. 13. Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Poole of Klamath
Falls are visiting relatives and
friends here where they formerly
lived. i
Hot Water Heater
Deflects heat -where -ranted.
Plenty of heat! Fits all cars.
Easy to C 7C
install ipDslD
Winter Kins; Battery
Guaranteed 18 months. 13-21
plates for all cars. CM QC
13 plates. Robber w'XatJO
case with old
Radiator Glycerine
Treated to resist seepage and
corrosion. Lasts all j or
winter. 2-gal can ... vlssCD
Riverside Greases (5-lb.ACans)
Cup Grease 75c lb.
Transmission Grease ...75c lb.
Pressure Grease. .'TOc lb.
Sturdy ! Holds 200 pounds!
Special Card
Table Value
No " jigW in
this table. It
will support
200 pounds.
Top is water
proof, stain
proof 4 burn
Here, at Ward's Low Pace!
Radiator Ant i
Freeze Alcohol
89 si.
, fvft prif
' Dependable alcohol
without offensive
odor. Manufactured
under covernment
formula. Complete
lj denatured. Also
in 1 and 2 f al cans.
Riverside Da Luxe
or Power Grip
WwjGsmbIs tathfcctaV
'J i
t ,