... ' i V- ; , -BUY NOW! , " ' It's "wise and smart ' to bay f now. Prices ". have ad ' vanced, will go higher. 400 business. mm arge action ' by consumers, -v. r . THE WEATHER ! Fog today nd Wedne day, no change la tempera ture; Max. Temp. Monday 44, Min. 80, river -.8 foot, southwest wind. r V.i :. r FOUNDED j 1851 EIGHTY-THIR0 YEAR Salem Oregon, Tuesday Morningy November 14, 1933 No. 199 1 T X 4 if". t t t ,: .nirais ;v CHALLENGE ON laniciiDjiiiiiiiiicMT U IUIIIII1IIUIII.I1 I Arthur Henderson to Resign Ms Parley President if Deadlock Continues Vote" of Censure is Snowed Under Though Labor and Liberals Combine - LONDON, Not. 13. (ff) Ar thur. Henderson .in a personal message read, to the . House of Commons tonight threatened to quit, as president of the "world disarmament conference unless governments change their "atti tude" regarding arms. The announcement came as a sensation and as a climax to a debate on disarmament in which the British government's policy at Genera was severely criticized. Sir Stafford Cripps, labor party colleague of Henderson, wound up the debate for the opposition and read the veteran peace work er's message. "I have not decided to resign," it said, "but" the present situa tion is most unsatisfactory. "Unless there is a change In the present situation I cannot continue as president of the con ference. No results are likely to be achieved by the attitude adopt ed by delegations at a recent meeting, and it is useless for me to remain here for months unless the attitude changes." A vote of censure moved by the labor party on the grounds that the government's disarma ment course did not represent the will of the people, as expressed in recent elections, was defeated 409 to 64. David Lloyd George's indepen dent liberals voted with the labor ltes. Samuel's liberals abstained. The government took the stand today that it Is up to Germany to make a move to save the peace of Europe. . rr.' - - Prime Minister 'ajgjwx ; Mc Donald e o n f i x, ni ed before the House of Commons that Britain is marking time, but. warned she is ready to point a finger of blame at any country responsible for a breakdown in peace , ef forts. IS SOLD MS. If PORTLAND, Nov. 13. JP) The sale of 111,000 pounds of Oregon butter to. the United States army in Manila was an nounced here today by the Inter state Associated creameries. The association said the sale will re move one-tenth of the state's but ter surplus. The transaction eame as ft cli max to a straggle launched last week to prevent the army from purchasing Australia butter. G. A. Brown, manager of the Interstate Associated creameries appealed to Governor Julius L. Meier and Congressman. C H. Martin CD., Ore.) when it -was re ported 'Australian producers were low bidders on the contract to .furnish the army 70,000 pounds of butter. : , Governor Meier and Congress man Martin wired to the secretary of war and the quartermaster gen eral asking that Oregon produc ers be given the contract, explain ing the' state was laced with a surplus" of more than ; 1,000,009 pounds of butter. - ' v - "Subsequently, the "Australian bid was rejected and the' con-i tract, giTen jto the Interstate As sociated creameries,' was increas ed from 70.000 to 111,000 pounds; valued at about $25,000. - The hatter will be moved - to Manila - within the next two months. , .... T PORTLAND, Ore.. Nor. IS. (ff) The stand that more tax funds should be apportioned to the coun ties was taken again by Oregon State county Judges and commis sioners at the opening of their 28th annual convention here to day. The convention comes to, close Wednesday. The organisa tion took a similar stand at last year's convention. Attend' the convention are 25 county judges and 55 county com missioners. . . 1 County clerks and recorders of Oregon also opened their annual meeting here today, their 21st. : One of their objectives, they de cided" today. will be to have the new. law regarding chattel mort gage recording tees amended so that the counties will receive just vpay. for their work, . "'.. 'The legislative committee,- It was expected.. will draft a bill to amend the statute. The committee consists of TJ. G. Boyer of Sa lem, A." J. Moore of Corvallls and W. B. DlHard of Eugene, cournr officials :1EIT1P01MID Education Board Will Hold Sp App om I f XT Marks Indicates Call is Planned but Date Not ' Definite ; Governor Narrows List , of . -, Pcjejsibilitito Few, Word z -t! PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 13. XAP)A special meeting of the Oregon state, board of higher education will prob ably be held within-the next few days, Willard Marks of Al bany, acting president, disclosed here today. Marks said he expected there wouW a meeting of the board soon, but added no formal summons has yet been sent to members CITY WIBS POINT. - irauiraiTi Demurrer Upheld, Opening Way for New Appeal to High State Court Jndge L. G. Lewelllng late yes terday sustained a demurrer filed by the city of Salem to the answer of the Oregon-Washington Water Service company in the case in volving the proposed purchase and construction of a water system here. Thexourt thus laid the basis for a new appeal of the case to the state supreme court. That body, earlier this year, sustained the validity of the proposed bond is sue on the points raised in the city's appeal. It then remanded the litigation back to the -court here to be tried on its full merits. The water company proceeded to answer the city's complaint previously the company had only demurred to the complaint and carried its point, thus forcing the appeal of the city which the latter won. It the supreme court now sus tains the demurrer of the city, which was yesterday sustained by Judge Levelling, litigation in the Oregon courts would be at an end. It is presumed the water com pany might seek to revive its pending case in . federal court. Usually the federal courts refuse to take Jurisdiction on a ca3o which primarily concerns a state law. Amateurs Blow Brewery's Safe PORTLAND, Nov. 13. (JP) The safe at the Blitz - Weinhard brewery here was "blown" today by what police detectives describ ed a3 amateur safe crackers. The intruders used too much explo sive, the officers said, causing con siderable damage to the office, and apparently were so surprised they fled, leaving behind them about $3000 in cash. The money was found under the overturned safe. SPOKANE BID LOW PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 13. (fPi Joslin & McAlister of Spokane, with a bid of ?9,004, were found to be low when bids were opened In the Portland district office of the army engineers today on con struction of about one mile of road at the site of the $31,000, 000 power and navigation dam across the Columbia river at Bonneville. INQUEST SET TODAY PORTLAND. Nov. 13. UP) Fu neral services fof two of the four men .who were killed when a fmnTinrt niana crashed in the hills near Portland in a densefog Thursday night were held nere today. . nr. Robert C. Coffey of Port land, widely known for his or iginal work in surgery, was nunea t tha same hour that final serv ices were being held for Alfred W. Davis of Seattle, airplane puoi who was at -the controls of the plane when it crashed. Services were nem yesteraay ior Herman Conn of Poruana, ana Knit of Arthnr A. Tr os tier of Chicago and New .York was cre mated ana ine asnee ini " York for final rites. They were the other two who met death in the fallen plane. An inquest wui oe nem tomor row to determine the facta in con nection with the tragedy. Coroner R. N. Erwin said. ' ' MERCURY HITS TO nmin XTnr. 13: !P While the .i.iiihi f afmroaehinff winter myywiw.. .. wm r.a Tnanifestlac itself in other paxia .... Bend enjoyed its third consecuUre uaj . vt D a "o " - - The sun crossed aaobstrueted over a cloudless Sky. TUO wmperaiun rose to 70 degrees.: ? : ' -,.: STORIES HELD FALSE pnnTT.ANDi Nov. 1$. (JPl Re ports that the. carcasses of scores of elk -were left lying in we aium Af eastern Orecon during the re cent three-day open season, and .v. ra wanted, were found investigation to he greatly . ex ecial Meeting; ected imenitLxp vuo a aaie nas not seen sec Dr. W. J. Kerr, state chancel lor of higher education, is on his way to Chicago to attend meet ings of the Association of Land 'Grant Colleges and the Associa tion of University Presidents. His resignation was demanded last week by Dean Wayne L. Morse of the University of Oregon law Bchool after Nelson announced his resignation. Appointment of a successor to Roscoe C. Nelson on the board of higher education appeared likely within a very short time, according to advices from the governor's office here Monday. While no specific names were mentioned, Governor Meier let it be known that he had giTen care ful consideration to a number of possible appointees and had nar rowed the list of men considered down to a small group. While the position is reputed to be a hard, unsatisfactory one, a number of men in Oregon would welcome the appointment, the governor's office stated. An early meeting of the board of higher education after the ap pointment is announced, is looked for. Willard Marks, vice-chairman of the board, has conferred with the governor concerning a new board member, it became known Monday. Next to Last Round Tonight With Interest Gaining As Climax Nears Interest will heighten, in The Statesman contract bridge tour ney at the Marlon hotel tonight as the play goes into the seventh and next to last round and scores count heavily toward the city champion ship. Even larger crowds of play ers will be attracted to the tour nament room tonight, it is expect ed, since a number of state legis lators, filtering in for the special session next week, have signified their intention of entering the last minute competitions. Under the direction of Mrs. Wil liam H. Quinn, Culbertson associ ate, the beginners' class in con tract will again be held at 2 o'clock and the advanced class at 3:30 at the Marion this afternoon. As each class is a unit in itself, opportunity still exists for present and would-be bridge fans to learn the rules and ways of the game from a skilled player and Instruc tor. Who will win the generous grand prizes of the tournament is (Turn to Page 2, CoL 6) . BRIDGE TOIIY IS mm it c LOSE Plane Victims Buried It's Spring at Bend Elk Slaughter Denied Church Leaders Sued. aggerated, state game commission ers declared at their meeting here todsy. .' .Althmirh atnr1fa ttt bow til slaughtered elk were left lying on the ground In Union, Wallowa, Baker and Umatilla counties, were rfTen to the nress. the commis sioners said, not one case of wan ton slaying was reported to the authorities. ' The commissioners added that "wild stories regarding the whole sale slaughter of domestic cattle Anrinr the onen season are. with out foundation in fact. A thorough investigation has failed to reveal a single case of the killing of do mestic livestock - during the elk hunting season. MEMBER ASKS $30,000 PORTLAND, Nov. 13. (Ja cob Kreiger, a member of the Ev angelical Congregational Brethren church (German) filed an action In circuit court here today seek ing $50,000 damages from the Rev. Conrad J. Wagner, whose re moval l nastor of tha church is also being sought in circuit court f Henry Dillman ana jscod Aiaier, I Weber and Jacob Behm. t : Kreiger set forth in hW com plaint that : tha defendants eon ntruf ma.Hr Ion aW aeainst him be cause he believed the pastorate of . . at . the Rev. Wagner was nor, 10 tae best interests of the congregation. He 'said that on November the defendants .caused other members to vote for his ex:communicatlon without, giving . him. notice and while he was at home ill. He asked 125,000 damages, to his reputation and $25oa punitive damages, RECREATIONAL : PROGRHIlt BE URGED HERE Federal "Funds for Needed Materials Allowed in New Setup, Report Committee to Present Plan For 12 Tennis Courts, -Two Pools, Stated An extensive public recreation building program for Salem Is to be ! urged on the Marion county relief- committee by the Salem recreational promotion commit tee. It became known yesterday, v Included in this program .would be the construction of six tennis courts in the south and six ten nis courts in the north of Salem. Two swimming pools, one for the south and one for the north part of town, are also contemplated. Funds would be provided by the newly allotted $400,000,000 emergency works appropriation which Is to be expended through out the 48 states in the next three months. Of this fund, up to 30 per cent can go for ma terials. Administration of the work is to be through the stats and ccunty relief committees. When Major George Braden of Pasadena was here last month be urged such a program for Salem. Braden is western representative of the National Playground as sociation. He pointed out to -local recreational leaders that similar projects were being undertaken in many cities throughout the United States. He also showed how vital recreational' facilities were in the new scheme of shorter working days and more recreational hours. A group of local people found merit In ills suggestions but felt thjere would be difficulty in ef fectuating them because of lack of funds for material. Now with labor and materials both to be afforded under the winter relief plan, the recreational program seems on Its way to being accom plished. The local committee, headed by Dr. B. P. Pound, chairman, will meet Friday noon to consider the program it will propose as a Sa lem relief project. Other mem bers of the committee are Doug las McKay, Robert Boardman, Harold Hauk, Curnee Flesher, T. M. Hicks, S. B. Laughlin, Jake Fuhrer and Grace Walgamott. (MEH, KILLED PEORIA, 111.. Nov. 13. OP) Cornered in a barber shop, Rus sell Hughes, 35, was shot and killed today by police who sought to question him about bank rob beries, counterfeiting, and the $400,000 kidnaping syndicate, headed by "Handsome Jack" Klutas. Alfred Jenkins, a bystander, and Police Detective Robert Moran incurred wounds that phy sicians said might prove fatal as Hughes huddled behind a barber chair and blazed away with pis tols in both bands until he fell with seven bullet wounds. Detective Fred Montgomery recognized Hughes, long a pal of Klutas, as he drove past the bar ber shop in a squad car with. De tectives Moran and Jay Dusen berry. Hughes was lounging in the shop doorway. Three underlings in Klutas' band of college bred kidnapers, described by authorities as the smartest that ever operated, have been, arrested, and . charged at Chicago with twlee kidnaping James Hackett, wealthy gambler, who was one of a dozen of the gang's victims. E Capital. Post No. t, American Legion, will have charge of fun eral services Wednesday, Novem ber 15, at 2 p. m. at the Clough Barrick mortuary for James (Sunny Jim) Medley, 45, who died ' in the Portland Veterans' hospital Sunday afternoon. Ten days previously he had under gone an - operation and ,. friends here had been informed that little hope was held for his re covery. t - - . -; Medley, negro connected -with a shoe shining e o n e e r n here, transferred his Legion member ship front a Portland post when he moved to Salem 10, years ago. He was property manager, for the local drum corps and accompan ied that organisation on its re cent trip to Chicago. t i . He is survived, by his mother and one sister, both Portland residents. Interment will be in the 'Legion ; elide, at City Yiew eem etery. , Zj-'.,! . -,. o cue i ff MS Kidnaped Youth Widely Sought "'JW'..-.r .'. rx. E2S UrutiKC Mart, wealthy Kan Jose,' Cal., youth, kidnaped when he went to a darkened parking lot to get his automo bile. The kidnaper phoned the father of the boy, Alex Hart, de partment store owner, demand ing 40,000 ransom. Central Press photo. ISED to inns Parents Issue Request as Fourth Day Passes With No Word About Son SAN JOSE, Calif., Nov. 13. (JP) An appeal to the kidnapers of Brooke L. Hart to establish con tact for negotiations of a ransom payment was issued by the miss ing youth's father and mother from their home here tonight. The anneal, which followed an other day of. fruitless search by police and federal authorities for young Hart, read: "To the kidnapers or Brooke u. Hart, we are anxious for the re turn of our son, Brooke. We de sire to negotiate for his return personally or through the inter mediary who might be selected. (Turn to Page Z, Col. 4) VTfift. Rnain. Nov. 13. (JPi Colonel and Mrs. Charles A- 'Lind bergh tonight slept aboara tneir seaplane jnoored in the Minho riv er not far from the place wnere they were forced to land by bad weather conditions on a -flight to Portugal. nffiHais of the .nearby town oi Valencia ; do Minho were their hpsts at a dinnerearller this even ing. ' : : The Americans, who started fmm Rsntono. Bnain. this morning and decided to cut short the Jour ney because of rain and tog, pian nd to continue to Lisbon early Tuesday if weather permits. 1 They were escorted to the vai nrlft da Minho' town hall where an Impromptu dinner had been prepared in their honor. A num ber of officials from the Spanish town of Calderaa De Tut and of ficials of the Spanish' and Portu gese navies also attended. Late Sports - PORTLAND, Ore., Not. 1$. (JP) Bulldog Jackson, 180, of Kiam ath Falls defeated Rob Roy, 158, of Jackson, Mich., two. falls out of three, in the main event on ' to night's wrestling program .here. ' Jackson took the first fall in It minutes with a hammerlock. lost the second to. Roy, who ap plied a body press in t minutes', then won the deciding fall in' 10 minutes with an airplane apis.' r Robin Reed, 157, Reedsport, Ore., won the semi-windup from Dorry. Detton, 156, Salt Lake City, two falls out of, three. . Mickey McGuIre, 157, West Sa lem, won. the ' preliminary on a fonl from Red Fenton, 100, Los Angeles, after each had taken a F, v. '. v I " V i : ."v I I I " " 1 11 1 V ' - v 4 i .. i - -? - - r t - 1 v r- g i .i 4 I "it I trrf-ii "jr- 'al Lion SLEEP SEAPLANE liis Government Concentrates On Getting Money Into Hands of Jobless Railroad and Home Loans Get Attention From U. S. Agencies . WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. While " continuing to hike , the price of gold in accordance with a previously announced effort to raise commodity prices, the ad ministration today turned inten sively to an endeavor to pump money into the hands of the un employed. In line with the president's avowed determination to place 2,- 000.000 men now on work relief on 'regular work at regular wages" by November 16, with an other 2,000,000 unemployed to be absorbed as Boon as possible, ad ministration officials announced several new moves. The bureau of public roads in vited state highway commissions to list immediately at least six projects for each of the 3,000 counties in the country on which maintenance expenditures of not more than $5,000 might be made immediately. The projects would be financed in the proportion of 65 per cent.rellef funds and 35 per cent federal aid funds to the states. It was said that' $90,000,- 000 would be spent for such work. The Reconstruction corporation reduced the Interest on loans to railroads from five per cent to four per cent for the year that began November 1, with the un derstanding that the railroads would use the saving "plus sub stantial additional funds" to em ploy new men during the winter. There was no official estimate of the saving by the reduction of in terest, but unofficial estimated placed it at a little less than $4,- 000.000. The newiy reorganized Home Owners Loan corporation an nounced plans it said were In tended to clear up $903,000,000 in mortgages in the closed banks of 10 states and put cash into the hands of depositors in the closed banks. Under the plans, the cor poration would exchange its bonds for the mortgages and the former might be used as collateral for loans from the R. F. C. At 80 per cent of their value. Freeing mon ey for quick payment to deposit ors was described as the purpose behind the move. Few school teachers In Marion county are experiencing difficulty in cashing their warrants, the county school superintendent's of fice here reports. The majority of the districts have little or no war rant debt. Those that do hare been able to cash their warrants with banks in the county, provid ed the banks were satisfied war rants had not been issued In ex cess of taxes levied and provid ed the districts were making rea sonable efforts to curtail their costs. In no instances In this county are schools. known to be in danger of closing-because of outstanding, uneashable warrants. The annual report of the coun ty school superintendent, made as of June 30, 1933, shows that the total outstanding school war rant debts has increased only a small percentage over a year ago. Federal Road For Oregon A complete list of Oregon pro jects contemplated under the fed eral work relief program announc ed in Washington by Thomas H. MacDonald, chief engineer for the bureau of public roads, was be ing prepared Monday by R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer, and other state highway depart ment officials. Baldock said the proposed program would be com pleted today. Baldock estimated that Oregon might receive as much as $2,000, 000 of the emergency road appro priation; At -.Washington later Monday it was Stated that $90, 000,000 would he set aside for this work. On the basis of popu lation, Oregon's quota would be about $800,000. It was understood by the Washington news releases that this sum would be in addi tion to the $400,000,009 civil works relief program announced late last week. . Baldock estimated that 608 men could he employed In emergency road work in Marlon county and a total of 0500 employed In the en tire state. . - . ' SCHOOL win uu. Order! Willllacli Nazi Propaganda Hearing Will be Launched Today WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. Preparations for inquiry into al leged nazl activities m the United States were completed today by Chairman Dickstein of the house immigration committee. After a conference at the White House, the New York democrat told newspapermen that hearings would be opened tomorrow before the Immigration committee but that much of its investigation would be conducted behind closed doors. Aides to the chief execntlre add ed there was nothing to Indicate whether Mr. Roosevelt approved or aisapprovea oi wicusieia move. L Ellis and Cooley Find Drive Getting Results; Urge Public's Support The Salem Buy Now campaign, though still in its infancy, is al ready developing another strong right arm for the national move to recovery through buying now. Merchants generally reported an unexpected heavy business Sat urday, part of which was attrib uted to the Buy Now endeavor. One merchant reported a record on sales. At one clothing store, three men win bought outfits Sat urday declared they had not in tended to buy at this time, but that they thought they'd "do their bit to help Buy Now sue ceed". And women have a lot of power in putting the campaign over and giving Jobs to men and women both locally and throughout the nation, William P. Ellis, NRA gen eral for Salem, declared yester day. His remarks were heartily seconded by Ralph Cooley, chair man for the NRA Buy Now 30-day campaign. "It is probably true, as ha often been stated, that women control or influence between 80 and 85 per cent of all buying," said Cooley. "Just at, present, the most important duty before the people of this country is to step up the retail business. And It is being stepped up. A sustained, in tensive buying effort between now and the end of the year, will do more to put people to work and keep them there than anything else I can think of.". "Men and women farsighted enough to lay money ahead when the depression started are the ones who can help most in this campaign," Mr. Ellis declared. "If such persons will take their savings or part of them and boy wisely something 1 they need in their home or business, they will contribute a vital bit to making Buy Now achieve Its goal," Mr. Ellis continued. WOOL GROWERS MEET LAKEVIEW, Ore., Nov. 13. The Oregon Wool Growers' as sociation opened its 37th annual convention here today with about 100 delegates present from all parts of the state. F. A. Phillips of Baker, . president of the associa- tlon, presided. Work Plan is Prepared The program will include grad ing and surfacing .of streets and roads by hand methods, widening curves, laying drain tile in gut ters, fencing right-of-ways, sur facing and resurfacing highways with local materials, eliminating brush and trees along the road sides and construction of foot paths.' .Baldock telegraphed federal of ficials Monday that ' actual con struction operations in Oregon could begin shortly after Novem ber 20, provided definite alloca tion, of funds was announced by thatxtime. Ha further stressed the fact that the Oregon highway commission was . familiar with hand work methods of road con struction, and that any work un dertaken here would be pushed to speeay completion. . .The federal program provides that construction operations . in Oregon shall he under the super vision of the state highway com mission. The list of 'Oregon projects wui be sent . to MacDonald im mediately upon completion, Bal dock declared. v BUY NOW 3 BOOSTING BUSINESS ermits Dallas CourtSooi Lumber Firm Doein't Attack Code. Asks Interpretation Officials Assert NRA Not Aimed to Put Men Off Jobs PORTLAND, Nov. 13. () Interpretations of the NRA lum ber code by the West Coast Lum bermen's association as tbe ad ministrative agency will be test ed in federal court here In an ac tion filed by the Willamette Val ley Lumber company of Dallas, Ore., which demands an injunc tion prohibiting- the administra tion from imposing a working limitation of 120 hours a month. The company was granted a temporary restraining order en abling it to Continue operating pending settlement of the suit. Hearing on the action is expected to start next Monday afternoon as code cases have precedence over others In federal court. The suit was directed at mem bers of the committee on produc tion of the West Coast Logging & Lumber industry, members of the board of trustees of the West Coast Lumbermen's association, and Carl C. Donaugh, as United State3 attorney. The complaint argued that the national industrial recovery aet and the lumber code "do not em power the defendants to restrict the operation of said plaintiff's sawmill in such a way as to de prive said plaintiff of the value of his plant . . or to require said plantiff to operate ... In an uneconomic manner." The brief requested that United States Attorney DOnaugh 1 re strained from instituting, action against the Willamette Valley Lumber company. The lumber company since Feb ruary, 1931, has operated on two 4 8-hour-weck shifts, employing about 350 men. Under the code the lumber administration cut hours of operation to 120 hours. The company filed the action through W. Lair Thompson, Port land attorney. Thompson said tbe company "in instituting the pres ent suit, is in no way attacking the lumber code which has al ways had its strong support. 'The suit is entirely based on inter pretations of the several sections of the code made by the West Coast Lumbermen's association aa the administrative agency. "The primary position of the Willamette Valley Lumber com pany, a denial of which bca forced them to court, is that tbe national recovery act was enact ed by congress to increase em ployment and not to put people out of work. . . . The immediate result of the order of the ad ministrator will be to put upward, of 400 men on the idle list, and the permanent result will be to put upward of 250 men out of employment." The chamber of commerce at Dallas, It was learned, has urged business firms of the town to re move their , blue ; eagles in silent protest should court action and an appeal to President Roosevelt fall. The complaint explained that the lumber company has a con tract with the, M0untain', States Power company Jt or .delivery of nogged. fuel and pulp and chips. ixurn to Fage z, Col. I) World News at a Oiance (By the Associated Press) Domestic: v Washington. f-Woodin "heartily in sympathy" -with F. D. R. pol icies as gold is boosted again. Chicago. Wallace f orsees sweeping farm land readjust ments. New York. Alfred B. Smith described White House visit to morrow as "social." Washington. Russian recog nition likely within four days. New Orleans. ; - Investigator attacks senate election committee in sensational hearing on contest involving Huey Long's candidate. Harrisburg. Pinchot proposes state liquor store sales. i Foreign s London. - Henderson threat ens to quit as arms conference president "u n less participants change their "attitude." . Berlin, p- A massing of feder ated states predicted as Hitler's first move In newly elected reich tag.. ' "- Vigo, Spain. Forced, down by fog, Lindberghs' spend night la plane. ." -; Havana, Normal conditions la capital as military: tribunal weighs fate of 14 rebels. ' Rome. - Far reaching industrV al eontrol contemplated by Mum oliai. - . . . . vr,yt