The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 12, 1933, Page 7, Image 7

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    fK OREgO STATESMAN, Salen Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 12, 1933
Mrs. Thayer to Fete
.A. A. U.W.
Members of A. A. U. W. will be
- guests at the home ot Mrs. Clau
dius Thayer, 255 North Capitol
street, Saturday, November-18,
for a 2:30 o'clock meeting.
A one-act , play, 'Rosalind,' by
J. M. Barrie, based on Shake
apeare's "As You Like It.M will
be .presented with the following
cast: Rosalind, Genevieve-Thayer;
Dame Quickly. Bernlce Rickman;
Charles, Don Poujade.
. Miss Lillian Scott, accompanied
by Miss Frances Virginia Melton,
twill sing a group of songs in keep
ling with the Shakespearean sub
ject. .
t .TV.
Mrs. Taylor Honored
Qn Birthday
";' Mrs. Josephine Taylor's ninety
aecond birthday was the inspira
tion of a .delightful surprise giv
4en her Friday tvenlng hy the Pier
ian class of the First Methodist
'church. The house was decorated
with flowers sent In honor ot the
day by her many friends,
i During theevening games were
played and refreshments were
erred. A beautiful birthday cake
.with ninety-three blazing candles
was the centerpiece for the table.
.Card Benefit Affair
Of Thursday
t A Harvest festival and card
party lor the benefit of the Sis
jters ot the Holy Names will be
sponsored by. the Daughters of
Elizabeth at Sacred Heart Aca
Viemy on Thursday attemoon and
evening November 16. Play will
begin at 2 p. m. and at 8 p. m.
t The public is invited. Those in
harge are Mrs. B. Niemeyer, Mrs.
M. Dimeler, Mrs. Frank Davey
ad Mrs. Frank Alley.
V j:
? Aurora. Marking the birthday
anciversary of Edward Green, a t
group ot friends surprised him at
him home "Robinwood"' Sunday
evening, with a no-host supper.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Powers and
little daughters, timed their ar
rival from Denver, Colo., for the
occasion. In the group were Ed
ward Green, Mrs. Frances Green,
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Powers, Mr.
and Mrs. E. G. Robinson, Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Strickland.-Mrs.
E. E. Bradt Mrs. U.
Eiler6 and Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Miss Vida Forster was hostess
to a, group ot the young set Fri
day night. Ping pong and dancing
were eajoyed followed by refresh
ments. Bidden were the Misses
Jessie Stover, Marlon Braidy, Vir
ginia Goldie, Vonda Forster, A1-'
berta " Hecklnger, Grace "WoHtli
and Helen Markham.
Mrs. Dan Fry, Sr., and Mrs.
KitUe Graver will entertain tbe
Priscilla club and their families
Tuesday night with a 6 o'clock
dinner. The affair Is in celebra
. tion of the birthday ot the club.
Miss Margaret Bell and Miss
Doris Drager are weekend guests
of Miss Helen Engel in Portland.
They motored up to attend the
Oregon - Oregon State football
Salem friends of Virgil Holley
will be interested to know that
he Is among the dancers In "Foot
light Parade" now showing at the
. Elslnore.
SILVERTON, Nov. 11. Twenty-five
persons hare registered at
the SHverton branch of the Mar
loa County Federal Reemploy
ment agency, according to an
nouncements made by L. F. Tal
bot, local manager.
an un
You can still
. own this '
Order It NOW for
Immediate delivery.
6 other types.
Price Ranges from
$00.00 to $00.00.
Monday , November IS
Delta Phi mother's club at borne of Mrs. Rose Bab
tock, 631 S. Commercial st, 1 o'clock luncheon.
International problems club to be organized at
Y. M. C. A, 7:30 p. m. Mrs. C. A, Kella, leader.
i Tuesday, November lb
' j Chi Delta chapter, Delphian meet with Mrs. Brady,
Royal Court apts., 9 a.m.
Beta Chi mother's club, chapter house, 1:30 p. m.
luncheon. .
Junior Guild, St. Paul's Episcopal church, 12 o'clock
no host covered dfeh luncheon at borne ot Mrs. Homer
Smith, Sr., 675 N. Summer. -
Wednesday, November 15
West Central Circle, First Methodist church, at
home Mrs. Ronald Glover, 635 N. Commercial St.
Executive board. A. A. U. W., 8 p. m., home Mrs.
Frank Spears. 1309 Chemeketa.
Thursday, November 16
U. S. Grant circle No. 5, Ladles of G. A. R., at
home Mrs. Lena S. Taylor, 1795 Fairgrounds road. -
Friday, November 17
Talk at Y. M. C. A., 8 p. m. by C. W. Noble on re
cent tour of China. Music. Public invited.
Fog Nothing
To Frolicky
Fall Bloom
Shrubs and flowers in the Brush
Creek district, thumbing their
noses at seasons and shrugging
their Ehoulders at Mr. Weather
man's blanket of dampish fog,
are frolicking into bloom with
the advance of the month of No
vember. : A Japanese quince shrub,
which at more sedate moments,
blooms in March, is at present
gayly flaunting Ted j blossoms In
the Althea Meyer garden. Vio-
lets 'are in bloom in almost ev
eryons garden, ana roses, wmcn
are supposedly at rest In No
vember, are producing extra fine
blooms. Even a wisteria vine
was seen to come out with a
small lavender raceme, while cos
mos, marigolds and stocks are
reported "doing better" now than
in their regular summer sea
Only the slowly falling leaves
and the low-hanging fog of the
past week give Indication of au
tumn at Brush Creek.
Falls Off Ladder,
Lands in Hospital
JEFFERSON". Nov. 11. Ed
Hahn. who makes his home with
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Looney,
is in the Deaconess hospital in
Salem suffering with a fractured
pelvic bone. The ladder on which
he was standing, picking pears,
slipped, throwing him several feet
to the ground. He will have
to remain in tbe hospital about
two months.
Mrs. George Epley of Sheri
dan is spending a- few days of
this week with her mother and
brother, Mrs. Mary Bilyeu and
Glenn Bilyeu.
The Past Matrons club ' met
Thursday afternoon in the lodge
rooms ot the Masonic hall with
eight members present. Miss
Margaret Wall was a special
special guest. Following the bus
iness Toutine, and social hour, a
pot luck lunch was served.
Mr.- and Mrs. Leo Mars are
enjoying a Tisit with their son,
Leo Mars, who arrived from Cal
ifornia the first of the week.
At a quiet ceremony Monday,
Nevember 6, at the parsonage of
the Episcopal church, Miss Alice
Kosanka and Jack Tyson, both of
Jefferson, were married. Mr. Ty
son lived in Jefferson for the
past year and is proprietor of the
pool hall and confectionery, form-
at namo
" !
erly owned by E. L. Barnes. Mrs.
Tyson has been employed at the
Goln fruit farm for some time
before coming here from her
home in Independence. They are
making their home in the Norris
Looney house in the north part
of town.
School Board Has
Garage Built For
Use of Teachers
school board has had a garage
built on the Parkersville school
grounds for the teachers use dur
ing the school year.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller
wera hosts t for a weddiag dance
Monday night, in the Parrish hall
at Gervals, for their many friends.
Mrs. Joseph Doran, Mrs. John
Deitrlch, Anton Hauptman and
family were in Portland Thurs
day to attend the funeral services
for their neice. Miss Mary Haupt
man. Miss Hauptman was killed
in an automobile accident near
Oregon City, Saturday night.
Raspberry Vines
Mix Up Calendar
MEHAMA, Nov. 11. The sec
ond crop of red raspberries from
one patch is ripening on the Wil
son place. Not on the same old
vines, of course, but the new
shoots which are supposed to
bear, next year are loaded with
greeji and ripe berries and blos
Raymond Branch has been
called to rork with several men
around Lyons, on the road above
Detroit. They will be working at
"Big Meadows." Those going
from Lyons are Sytil Lyons and
Bob Trask.
Armistice Program
Is Given by Pupils
KEIZER, Nov. 11. The Keixer
school held an Armistice day pro
gram Friday: Singing, "Amer
ica.'; "The Call," Helen Wilson;
"The Answer," David Saucy; Mrs.
L. J. PeaTmine, who spent two
years In Russia in Red Cross
work at the close of the World
war. gave the address "The
Meaning of Armistice Day"; song
by school, "The Star Spangled
Banner." Mrs. Eva Kelso was
is charge.
SILVERTON, Not. 11 The
Parent - Teachers' membership
drive began Thursday morning
with Mrs. Martin Hannah in
charge. Mrs. Hannan was recently
made president ot the P. T. A. to
till the vacancy left by the resig
nation ot Mrs. Earl Adams who ia
ill. Mrs. E. R. Ekman was made
vice president to fill Mrs. Han
nan's former office. Assisting
Mrs. Hannan, in the drive are Mrs.
A. W. Simmons, Mrs. Robert Go-
ets and Mrs. C. E. Higginbotham.
i The money raised through the
campaign Is to be used tor the
milk fund through which milk is
fed to undernourished school chil
dren. The association hopes to be
able to supply approximately $10
worthof milk each month for this
purposee. The milk is ted during
school hours under the super
vision of the teachers. .
Youth Injured at
Football Reported
To be Recovering
AMITY, Not. 11. Grover Giesy
is aoie to be about and come
to school again with the aid of
crutches. He was hurt last sum
mer in an automobile accident
when a car in which he was rid
ing collided with another.
Arnold Kraitz, Amity high
school's star tackle. Is suffering
a broken rib which he received
during the Independence game,
November 3. Arnold felt a pain
in his side during the third pe
riod but did not realize his in
jury till upon an examination
after l ie game.
. . . can not be restored
Don't Gamble
your vision
Have your eyes examined and correctly fitted
444 State St.
Frames Fitted
We Have Our Own GrinOiag 11
, v m-
fin's (gjcnxnxil
West Salem NewTiTOl'BL
I ; -J CflD AflDQ DKDiCD
WEST SALEM. Nor. 11. A
large crowd attended the school
benefit held in the community
hall Thursday evening, enjoying
the fine- plays, readings and mu
sical numbers. All rooms and
most of the children appeared. in
the diversified entertainment The
proceed were to be used for pur
chase ot supplementary books and
materials to facilitate the work ot
the school. ' .
Mrs. Daye Hughs is spending
the week end in Portland wita
relatives, while there her daugh
ter and son-in-law will come from
Seattle, to visit them and the
daughter, Mrs. Claude Nash and
little daughter, Patty Ann, will re
turn with Mrs. Hughs to her home
here for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Garrison
have traded their home here for
a place in Fall City and they and
their large family of children will
move there to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Richardson
visited for a number of. days this
week at the home of the E. B.
Medleys at Cascade Summit. Both
families are connected with the
Southern Pacific and hare worked
together In the past.
A group of Boy Scouts are plan
ning to enter the Lee Eyerley air
plane making contest. In order to
compete, at least eight of the boys
must make model airplanes and
Thomas Tandy, Alvin Richardson,
Dean Thompson and Eugene
Krebs are already signed up for
the competition and others will
do so. In this affair tbe two or
three winners adjudged having the
best models will be given a 12.50
ride in a passenger plane. Tbe
regular weekly meeting night of
the West Salem troop has been
been changed from Tuesday eve
ning to Monday to avoid conflict
ing dates.
TeL 5523
Repairing Dene
ant and Can Give Quick Service
Mrs. Robert Pattlsan will open
her home to the Ladies Aid so
ciety who are sponsoring a Silver
Tea Wednesday . afternoon. As
sisting hostesses include Mes
dames Nicholas Brinkley, Frank
Wells, Glenn Davenport and I.
Wilfred Thomas. This is the regu
lar monthly social affair tor the
ladies and all ladles interested are
invited to attend.
Former Resident
Of North Howell
Severely Injured
Friends of the R. H. Drake fam
ily hare been sorry to learn ot
Mr. Drake's severe accident In a
shingle myi near Taft where bis-
arm was severed by a saw. The
Drake family formerly lived in
North Howell where they were
prominent in community affairs.
Mrs. Florence Steward who
passed away last week in Sa
lem, was also a former resi
dent of North Howell on the
Hartley and Craig ranch. Mrs
Steward is survived by her hus
band, John, and daughter, Vida,
wno nave many friends in our
SILVERTON, Nor. 11. Martin
Redding, examiner of operators
and" chauffeurs, will be at the
city hall Monday, Nov. 13, be
tween tbe hoars of 9 a. m. and
5 p. m.
Look at your
hair ...
else does!
We are Proud of the Fact
That 6 of Our Students "HT4
Passed the Recent State
Examinations with Flying
Special Rates for Short
Competent, accredited teachers with years of experience,
are responsible for the success of our students in the recent
examinations. You, too, can be just as successful.
See Mrs. Gordon for details of course
Oregon School ot Beauty Culture
218 North Liberty
All Day
Every hour between 10 and 4 we will give away with- -jS
out any obligation of any kmd FOUR PAIRS women's
silk hose. Remember, four pairs every hour. We want
every woman in Salem to know about this great sale.
uti miiu. iHimLii
MONMOUTH, Nor, IS, tn-
neral serviees were held yester
day at the local Christian church
for Mrs. Archie Parker. S, who
died Wednesday at her home
after an illness of several week.
Mrs. Parker had been a resi
dent of Monmonth for 31 years
and had many friends here. Mr.
Parker served as postmaster of
Monmouth for eight years dar
ing the Wilson administration,
and was a mail carrier on the
old star route between Monmouth,
Independence and Salem tor
many years. He was later ap
pointed as first rural carrier out
of Independence; and after leav
ing the Monmouth postofflce he
served as rural carrier on Route
No. 1, Monmouth, until retired
fn Jnly, 1932, after having been
in the postal and civil service for
a total of 30 years.
- A daaghter, Grace, is the wife
of Dr. Victor .P. Morris of the
University faculty. For several
years she was a critic teacher in
the training schools at Independ
ence and Monmouth, and later
was made head of the depart
ment of history of the Normal
school. Mrs. Parker was a life
long member of the Christian
church. Rev. W. A. Elkins of
ficiated at the services, which
were directed by the Keener Fu
neral Home o t Independence.
Mrs. F. E. Chambers was in
charge of the music. Bearers
J 7- ft "
St, Salem, Ore.
were: Roy Bier ce, Robert Fish- ,
back. John Bnllock. H. H. Park
er James Rlddell and W. IL
Graham. . Burial was la th
Knights ot Pythias cemetery at
Monmouth, i
MILL CITY, Not. 11. Satnr
dar evening, Nov. 18, Santiam
Tent No. , and Hive of th
Maccabees will entertain at least
45 members of Tents No. 1 and
101 and Hives of Portland. ,The
meeting which will commence at
nine o'clock will be an open one.
The championship military drill
team and the Initiatory drill
team of Tent No. 1, and the La
dies' Patrol team ot Rosarian
Hive will participate ia the pro
gram for the evening.
Santiam Tent add Hive havo
41 members at present and are
taking a large class of new mem
bers in on Thursday evening of
next week.
Thief Butchers Calf
Belonging to Girl
Clues are being sought for tbe
thieves who stole and butchered
a 15-months Jersey heifer belong
ing to Wilma Hope, daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hope. The
heifer was taken from the Hope
pasture across to the Jack Fox
pasture where it was butchered.
-I rf
Time Only!
Phone 6800
II cm LO G
: "iff
TeL 911S
347 Court St.