The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 12, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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' j PAGE SIX'"' ' ' ' : The -OREGON STATESMAN, Salenu Oregon, Sunday Morning. November 12'193S ISK VTK f
j .. . -- , - r,- .... , ; , n ; y- , ; C nni rV . - " ; JESSIE STEELE
Sunday jociety, Clubs and Music Pai of The Statesman I ..S 1
& . . . r-r-i . ' i 1 - , - -w w ' ' -TV
M iss Aldrich Speaker
At Saturday Session
Woman's Club
CORING the motion picture
i t 5 .iimi that it orovides
V A WO w -w S . . - m
lie wants, Maude Aldrieh, chairman of motion pictures for
the District of Columbia federation of woman's clubs spoke
ua . Goi-m Wnman'n elub at its regular meeting yester-
day afternoon, in spite oi ine
University Set
Plans Fall
' i - AVltft the end of exams coming
'""lasUweek, Willamette university
! groups hate-planned numerous in
: formal affairs for the coming
Members of Beta Chi sorority
will act as hostess at a Sunday
night supper tonight, while Delta
Phi wiU entertain for a group of
: friends at a charmingly informal
fireside supper.
Aloha Phi. Alpha sorority will
be guests of the Kappa Gamma
Rho fraternity at dinner Monday
An after-football frolic has been
- planned by the Sigma Tan frater
' ' nlty for i Friday night following
the Willamette-Albany college
game. Frank Haley is chrdrman of
the affair. Sigma Tau members
will also invite special guests for
the dinner hour next SundajK Don
Egr and Francis Crouch are In
. charge.
FoUowing the Willamette
Southern Oregon game. Alpha PsI.
Delta fraternity members were;
hosts at an enjoyable Informal
party Friday nighty Mr. and Mrs.
James Nutter were chaperones.
Included among the guests were
Miss Beatrice Hartung, Miss Na
omi Hewitt, Miss Ruth Chapman.
Miss Ruth Chaney, Miss Sylvia
DuBois, Miss Faith Sherburne.
Miss Marguerite Filsinger, Miss
Esther Gibbard, Miss Jeryme Up
ston, Miss Wtnnifred Gardiner,
Miss Helen Carlson, Miss Edythe
Glaiser. Miss Phyllis Dennison.
Miss Marjorie Wunder, Miss Hel
- en Keudall, Miss Marlon Beasely,
and Miss Jean Eastridge.
Hosts were . Gus Moore, Miles
Woodworth, Edward Frantt, Don
Erickson. Steve Anderson, Plercy
Sweet, Donell Saunders, Kenneth
Manning, Dean Cadle, Bill Mac
' Adam. Carl Felter. Forest Robin-
son, Lnman Ney, James Burdette,
Malcolm Jones, Elver Rohdy, and
Alfred Pietila.
History Section Holds
The history section of the Sa
lem Arts league met at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clifford
last Monday evening- for the reg
ular .semimonthly meeting. This
was an unusually interesting and
entertaining meeting, and was
marked by a new feature, a 6
o'clock SHpper.
Special guests were Mrs. H. R.
Looney, Mrs. Carolyn Parker and
Jnage Charles H. Carey. Menv
6en present were Mr. and Mrs
R. J. Hendricks, Miss Julia K.
Webster, Miss Grace Gilliam.
Miss Luella Baker, Mrs. Carrie
Roland, Miss . Gertrude Savage,
. Mrs Emma Minton, Mrs. Juanita
Paulas, and the hosts, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford.
Epeclally clever and appropri
ate place cards were used in seat
lug the guests and the dinner
was a very jolly affair. After the
' meeting the regular program was
carried out. The section is at
present reading a n d discussing
the new book by Robert J. Hen
dricks, "Bethel and Aurora," re
cently off the press Mrs. Hen
dricks, who, with her family, was
a former member of the Aurora
community, eonmoutea some
Terr interesting and valuable
data. She brought to the meet
ing several old aocuments per
taining to the colony, among
them being the original construe
tion ot the Anrora colony, writ
ten by hand and in the German
language. Judge Carey contrib
uted several valuable bits of in
formation to the general discus
V. F. W. Auxiliary
Flans Meet Monday
The auxiliary to Post MSI, V.
-P W., will hold a regular meet
ing Monday night at 8 o'clock in
the woman's clubhouse. Instal
lation ot officers by Mrs. Cecile
Hardy state department president
rrofr Portland, and her degree
team, will occupy most of the ev
nrag. All eligible members for
the auxiliary are invited to at
tend. ;, ' - ... '- .
New officers are as follows ?
President, Mrs. Cnarks Low; sen
ior vice president, Mrs. Webb
Morrman; junior rice president,
Mr. Henry Fourler; chaplain
Mrs. William Rush; treasurer!
M.r I2ftwr I: tuard, Mrs.
Efti. Wetfel; trustee. Mrs. C.
rioer; eonduetreaa, Miss Martha
. Secretary, Mrs. Harry Sim; mu
sician. Mrs. Milton Turner' pa
triotic Instructor, Mrs. Bryan Con
ley; historian, Mrs., Newall Wil
liams; color bearers, Mrs. Ward
wolf, Mrs. Roy Betser, Mrs. Ora
Pettit and Mrs. Roy Remington.
The Toung people'i Pornm of
the ; First Methodist church Is
v sponsoring a country fair, Satur
day, November 25, in the cnurcS
v - annex..
industry for the hs-pocrisy
for the public what the pub-
noiway uiuau c ,
attentive audience
Aldrich's plaint mat motion pic
tures In this country are growing
progressively worse
Good, clean pictures properly
advertised, she said, are drawing
big box office receipts, but pro
ducers still persist in making
"cheap" films, which in other
countries are accepted as truly
portraying American standards,
She decried the influence wield
ed by the picture industry hinder-
in an International understand
ing and nrged that the Salem club
members and their circle of
friends and acquaintances stand
back of certain measures for &
nation-wide federal board ot re
view which may be brought up at
the next congress. Will Hays and
the cooperation he represents she
said had done practically nothing.
Six states, the women were told,
have boards of censorship, but
pictures which cannot be shown in
those states are spread broadcast
over others. Portland's board of
Censors, she said, cuts Immoral or
vulgar scenes from pictures and
the pictures are shown In Portland
minus those scenes, while in Sa
lem the unexpurgated edition of
the film may be shown.
Bemice Hanson, member of the
Portland junior symphony orches
tra, played a series of semi-classic
violin numbers, in what was ac
claimed by her appreciative audi
ence a "charming and skilled fa
shion." Recognizing the patriotic sig
nificance of the day music and
decorative motif were arranged
around that central theme. A plea
for cooperation in the work of
the Red Cross coupled wlth-an ex
planation of that work and meth
ods involved was given. Mrs. C. C.
Geer, music chairman, presented
her report.
Missionary Society
Has Meet
The Women's Missionary soci
ety of the First Baptist church
met Friday afternoon in tne
church parlors for their regular
monthly meeting. Mrs. Mary Bol
ton led the devotional. Th pro
gram subject, "Work Among For
eign Speaking People", was in
charge of Mrs, Mattie Clark, as
sisted by Mrs. J. P. Blessing, Miss
Emma Graham, Mrs. Susia Par-
menter and Mrs. Dora Robins.
Hostesses for the meeting were
Mrs. C. H. McCullah, Mrs. Floyd
White, Mrs. Floyd Miller, Mrs.
George Hutchason, and Mrs. F. A.
Starkey. . Tea was served by the
hostesses following the program.
Those present for the afternoon
were Mrs. E. J. Ayers Mrs. Jen
nie Brownell, Mrs. J. P. Blessing,
Mrs. Mary Bolton, Mrs. U H. Bar
nett, Mrs. C. W. Cabeen, Mrs. Mat
tie Clark, Mrs. T. A. Erixon, Mrs.
Frank Hoyt, Mrs. Joseph Graner,
Mrs. Emma Graham, Mrs. Lettie
Graham, Mrs. George Hutchason,
Mrs. A. A. Harms, Mrs. C. H. Mc
Cullah, Mrs. W. L. McLaren, Mrs.
E. A. McAdams, Mrs. R. L. Meek
er, Mrs. T. C. Mackey, Mrs. Floyd
Miller, Mrs. W. H. Morley, Mrs.
Susie Parmenter, Mrs. L. G. Pres
cott, Mrs. Sarah M. Powers, Mrs.
Dora Robins, Mrs. Britton Ross,
Mrs. Marvin Roth, Mrs. Carl Ram
seyer, Mrs. Earl Race, Mrs. Mark
Skiff, Mrs. F. A. Starkey, Mrs.
Kate White, Mrs. Floyd White,
Mrs. George Wyatt, Mrs. G. E.
Westinghouse, and Mrs. Robert
Four Aces Club Meets
At Rice Home
Miss Dorothy Rice was hostess
to members of the Four Aces
Bridge club Friday night. Contract
was enjoyed followed by a late
supper. Autumn flowers were ar
ranged about the rooms.
Miss Charlotte Eyre and Miss
Phyllis Keith won honors at cards.
At the supper hour Miss Rice was
assisted by her mother.
Those In attendance were the
Misses Lucile Kelty, honor guest,
Charlotte Eyre, Margaret Beck,
Theo Beck, Ila Mills, Sedonla
Keith, Phyllis Keith. Lucile Kelty
and hostess. Miss Rice.
The next meeting will be held
at the home ot Misses Sedonla and
Phyllis Keith.
MacDowell Club Tea
To Be Nov. 1 8
.The Salem MacDowell club will
sponsor a bridge tea Saturday, No
vember IS, la the Woman's club-;
house on North Cottage street.
Elaborate plans are being made
and the affair promises to be most
There will be a program as well-
as bridge. Several tables have been
reserved already and further res
ervations may be- made before
Thursday with either Mrs. W. S.
Levens, 64 8 S, or Mrs. Richard
Krelsel, S4S0.
Salem friends are Interested in
the announcement of the birth of
a daughter, Barbara Joyce, to Mr.
and Mrs. Bertram Miller of BelL
Calif., Tuesday, November 7. Mr.
MlUer Is the son ot Rer. and Mrs,
Carl F. Miller of Newberg, form
erly vastors of the South Salem
Friends church, and is a rrtdu-
ft"! I , Slavonic Alliance Delegate KS" i 'hWlkSgiVinQ Promises
An Interesting affair of Thurs
day sight in the Castllli&n hall
of the Nelson building will be the
dance recital sponsored by Wil
liam F. Christensen and a group
of advanced dancing students
from Portland.
The recital begins at S o'clock
aad will last about an hour. The
public is Invited.
Numbers will include' an Hun
garian gypsy ballet performed in
a settiag ot a native village with
a gypsy fortune teller reading fu
tures of the villagers wtth cards.
Thirteen , dancers. Including Mr.
Christensen take part in this. Oth
er numbers will be given by a pro
fessional class, an advanced tap
duet and an advanced tap ensem
ble. Miss Sheridan
Wedded on
Mis3 Mary Sheridan was wed
ded to Frank F. Robinson at a
simple but impressive ceremony
Friday night at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William P. Sheridan.
Rev. Earl Cochran performed
the ring ceremony in front- of
beautiful floral altar of pink and
white chrysanthemums. Only
close friends and members of the
families were present.
The bride was gowned , in ra
jah crepe of ashes of redes! color
trimmed in rhlnestone buttons
and worn with brilliant acces
sories. Her bouquet was white
chrysanthemums and pink carna
tions Miss Margaret Townsend,
maid of honor, ' wore a powder
blue frock cut along formal lines
and a corsage.
Bill Sheridan, Jr.. brother ot
the bride, acted as best man for
Mr. Robinson.
Mrs. Nick Brinkley sang "I
Love You Truly," and Mrs. F.
L. Rose played the wedding
Mrs. Sheridan presided at the
serving table after the ceremony
during an informal reception.
For her going-away ensemble
Mrs. -Robinson wore a smart
black suit with white accessories.
The e o u p 1 e left for a short
honeymoon in Portland, after
which they will be at home at
555 N. Liberty.
Mrs. Robinson is a graduate
of Salem high school and the
C a p 1 1 a 1 -Business college. Mr.
Robinson was educated in a Chi
cago school ot engineering.
Miss Maddison Honor
Miss Lea t ha Maddison, bride-elect,
was honored with a miscel
laneous shower Friday night by
members of her sewing club. Mrs.
W. A. Cumminga opened her home
f o r the affair with Mrs. Fred
Swanson as assistant hostess.
The gifts were brought to the
honor guest in a tiny wagon dec
orated la pink and white and cov
ered with an umbrella. White
chrysanthemums and pink and
white tapers were used at the
refreshment hour.
Special , guests were Miss Lela
Ford. Miss Zerla Hill and Mrs.
Nellie McAllister, who are visit
Mrs. Cummings. Members bidden
to aonor miss Maddison were
Mrs. Clifford Taylor, Mrs. Damon
Fleener, Mrs. Fred Drager, Mrs.
Daisy Mclntyre, Mrs. William
Heseman, Mrs. R. G. Henderson,
Mrs. e. m. Hammer, Mrs. Jo
Maddison. Mrs. Haven Gallagher,
Mrs. Wilda Bowling, Mrs. Carl
Engstrom, Mrs. George Viesko.
and hostesses, Mrs. Cummings and
Mrs. Swanson.
Delta Phi Alums Meet
At Hartungs
Delta Phi alumnae of Salem
were entertained at the home of
Miss Beatrice Hartung Thursday
night. The group decided to meet
on tne first Thursday ot each
Miss Bertha Babcock assisted
the hostess during the Informal
hour that followed the business
meeting. Plans were made for a
Christmas party for all alumna
of the vicinity at the home of Mrs.
Mildred Colcord. .
Present were the Misses Lilllaa
Scott, Cynthia Delano, Phyllis
uenison, Betty-Mae Hartung, Syl
via DuBois, Marian Bretz, Mil
dred Wampler, Lois Barker. MIU
rured Miner. Alvls Love. Ann
Lanxe, viola Crozler, Mrs. Oscar
White , and hostesses, Miss Hart
ung and Miss Babcock.
Miss Crozier to Fete
Bridge Club
Miss Viola Croiier will be host
ess to members ot her bridge club
Friday afternoon. Miss Cynthia
ueiano win assist her. -
Guests will be Miss Grace Eliza
beth Holman, Miss Josephine Mo-
uiicanst, . Miss . iris Jorgenaon,
miss uasei jonnson. Hiss Betty.
Mae Hartung, Miss Ruth Chap
man, miss Yelma May, Miss Mil
dred Miller, Miss Fern Harris,
Miss Elizabeth Looney and Miss
uyntAia JJeiaoo.
The Woman's Relief corps will
sponsor a benefit 500 party Tues
day arternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock
in Miner's hall.
- push wave
Ringlet Ends
Complete V
Caatle Permanent Wavers Co.
aOT Kst XatHlawk Bld SS
ii -? if
. f ..: . . . t
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- ffc- - . V.-4 jilt J
- "! v.. a - ' j- I k - i s
I TTLJl-.f ft
mJL3tok iit0?Jtmm
Miss Irene Pershing in native Russian costume who wel
comed visiting delegates to tht first, ptate convention ,pf
the Slavonic associatidn of CatthHiih) which was tela in
San Francisco Armistice day. The Slavonic Alliance is
made up of American-Jugo
Polish and, Ukrainian societies with a membership of
Mrs. J. D. Clark Entertains Bethel
Dorcas Club Members Wednesday
Rickreall Ladies Aid Meets for Business Ses
sion at Home of Mrs. Jennie Dempsey
Sublimity. A pretty wedding i
was solemnized at the St. Boniface
church Wednesday morning at 9
o'clock when Miss Grace Knapke,
daughter of Mrs. Jessie Boldig-
heimer, became the bride of Nich
olas Klein of Shaw.
The bride was lovely In a floor
length pink satin gown made in
princess style and long veil edged
with wide lace. She carried yel
low and white chrysanthemums.
Miss Dorothy Halfman was brides
maid and wore a dress of blue
crepe trimmed in pink and car
ried rosebuds and pompom chrys
anthemums. Jonn Steckleln of
Mt. Angel was best man.
The young couple will-live with
the bride's mother, Mrs. Boldig-
heimer, on her farm northwest ot
Following the ceremony a din
ner was given at the home ot
the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Klein of Shaw. Among those
present were Mrs. Jessie Boldig-
heimer. Father Frank Sherbrlsg
of Sublimity, Father Mnltz ot
Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. George Biele
meier ot Mt. Angel, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Knapke, Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Bartsos of Salem, Mr. and
Mrs. Halfman of Sublimity, Mrs.
Martin of Salem, Mrs. Gregory of
Salem, Miss Sophie Haselbacher
of Hazel Green, Miss Cecelia Klein
of Shaw, Miss Dorothy Halfman
of Sublimity, Miss Catherine Klein
of Salem, James Klein of Shaw,
John Steckleln of Mt. Angel, Jos
eph Halfman of Sublimity and R.
Gregory of Salem.
Following the dinner a wed
ding dance was given at Union
Kingwood. Annual election
of officers of the. Book and Thim
ble club was held Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs. C. H.
Templeton this being the first
meeting following the summer
vacation. Mrs. Charles Schwartz,
retiring vice president, automatic
ally became president, succeeding
Mrs. Say Ferguson. Mrs. Tem
pleton was chosen vice president,
Mrs. Waldo Blxel was re-elected
treasurer and Mrs. Fred Kublrf
succeeds Mrs. A. L. Applewhite as
secretary. Mrs. Applewhite will be
hostess for the Thanksgiving
meeting when plana will be com
pleted for the winter's activities.
for relief work, and for the. an
nual Christmas party of the or
ganization. All standing commit
tees will also be appointed at this
time. A special guest was Mrs.
Ronald Craven.
Stayton. Another benefit
bridge party was given by the
Women's club, Wednesday night.
with Mesdames W. Brown F. Hot
tlnger, G. Fair and W. V-Adams
as hostesses. There were 10 ta
bles in play. Mrs. Dane M. John
and Dr. Adams had high score.
During the evening the east for
the high school play the "Blue
Bag" -gave some skits, from the
play which they Are to present at
the H. S. auditorium Thursday
ana Friday nlgnta.
. - -
Lyons. A surprise party was
given for Mrs. Donald Brotherton
at her home Tuesday afternoo
la honor of her birthday.
Shampoo and Finger Ware
NOTE: Tbl Work Doee by
Expert Operators
Oregon Beauty Shop
- j 42SU7-8 Oregea Bldg.
Phone S734 -
Slav, Czechoslovak, Russian,
Bethel. Mrs. J. D. Clark en
tertained the Bethel Dorcas club
at her home on Court street on
Wednesday. Chrysanth e m u m s
were used in decorating the guest
At tne luncheon covers were
placed tor nineteen members, in
cluding Mrs. Harry Young of Mil-
waukie. formerly of Salem, and
h r e e guests. Mrs. Fredrika
Kirscher, Mrs. O. E. Mikesell and
Mrs. George Hain.
The work for the day was quilt
ing. At the business session Mrs.
C. Spranger, the new presi
dent, took up her duties. Mrs,
Gladys Eoff gave a report of the
Federation meeting at Jefferson
It was decided that the members
will sew for th Red Cross at their
own homes next week. Shirts and
sheets, ready to make, will be giv
en out at the home of Mrs. Cass
A. Nichols on Tuesday.
I December an all-day Christ
mas meeting will be held with
Mrs. E. E. Matten and Mrs. J. G
RickrealL The Rickreall La
dies' Aid met at the home of Mrs,
Jennie Dempsey, Wednesday aft
ernoon : tar a business meeting.
Permission had been given the aid
by the School board to use one of
the basement rooms of the grade
school for a banquet room and
this wiU be fixed up Immediately
to be in readiness by November
19 when a church rally is to be
held here.
Orchard Heights. The month
ly meeting of the local Women's
club Thursday afternoon opened
with devotions led by Mrs. John
Simmons. The meeting was held
at the home of Mrs. Adrian With
ers with Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Fred
Wilson, and Mrs. George Wilson
as assistant hostesses. The club
voted to follow their usual cus
tom of filling a charity box for
Christmas. In addition to 29
members, five special guests, Mrs,
K. K. Clarke of West Salem, Miss
Maxine Y a t e s of Catblamet
Wash., Mrs. J. Sexton, Mrs. Ray
Barker and Mrs. Ervln Simmons
enjoyed an afternoon of contests
and visiting. Mrs. R. W. Clarke
will be hostess for the Christmas
Kingwood. Mrs. Warren B,
Baker will entertain over the week
end Mrs. A. F. Marriott and
daughters, Colleen and Nan, of
Portland. The Marriotts are form
er Salem residents.
Miss Myrta Olson returned
Thursday to her home at Bend
following a week's visit at the C
A. Guderian home. Miss Olson
had spent several weeks in the
valley, coming here from Dallas
where she was the guest of other
Stayton. Miss Loralne Spae
who expects to leave Saturday to
make her home la Albany was the
inspiration XOf a large party at
the W. A. Inglis home with Miss
Linore Inglis as hostess. v The eve
ning was spnt playing fames,
first prize going to vera Burmes
ter and Delpha Brenner, while
MarvU Lacey and Rex Shelton re
ceived the consolation.
Lovely in its simplicity was the
wedding of Miss Claudia Town-
send, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
Claude W. Townsend, and Bern
ard Coon, son ot Mr. and Mrs.
William Coon.
The ceremony was solemnized
at the home ot the brlde'a par
ents Saturday evening at 4 o'clock.
Rer. W. C. Kantner reading the
impressive service In the presence
of friends and relatives of the
Miss Bessie St. Clair aeted as
maid,' of honor and Mr. Herbert
Townsend, brother, of the bride,
aeted as best man.
Rer. W. C. Kantner officiated at
the wedding of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Claude W. Town
send, 29 years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Coon will make
their home at the Fisher apart
ments. Nuptials to be
Said Monday
Night "
A wedding of great interest in
Salem society is that of Miss
Madolyn McKillop to Charles E.
Bier, which will take place at 8
o'clock Monday night in the horn
of the bride's parents, Mr. ad
Mrs. A. B. McKillop.
Dr. W. C. Kantner will perform
the ring ceremony.
.The bride will be gowned In a
lepg brown satin frock made with
ruffles and a jacket of tne same
material. She will carry rose
buds in pastel shades. Miss Max
ine McKillop will be her sister's
attendant and will wear brown
crepe with a matching jacket and
a corsage of roses.
Ray Busick will act as best man
for Mr. Bier.
An informal reception will be
held following the ceremony. Mrs.
Ray Busick and Mrs. Clara Pat
terson will preside at the serv
ing table which will be centered
with the wedding cake. Chrysan
themums will be placed about the
Assisting with the serving, will
be Miss Helen Wiedmer, Miss Hel
en Larsen and Miss June Speer.
Assisting in receiving the guests
will be Miss Dorothy Shafer, Miss
Mary Jane Adams and Miss Dolly
Th couple will leave for a short
wedding trip, after which they will
make their home at the Doma
galla apartments after November
25. For her traveling ensemble
Miss McKillop has chosen a black
satin suit with black accessories.
Miss McKllloj) is a graduate ot
Salem schools and Mr. Bier, son
of Mrs. L. G. Bier, was educated
in Salem and Arizona. He is con
nected with the Warner Bros, the
Miss Smith Entertains
On Friday
Miss Helen Smith entertained
informally Friday night on her
birthday anniversary. Singing and
games were the diversions of the
The refreshment table was at
tr. ctive with a centerpiece of yel
low chrysanthemums guarded by
lighted yellow tapers. Mrs. T. M.
Smith; mother ot the hostess, and
Mrs. J. B. Thomas served. Mrs,
John Robins assisted about the
rooms. .
Bidden were the Misses Eliza
bc'-h Brown, Mary Anne Schnider,
Olive Feathers. Genevieve Bellin
ger, Dorothy Finkblner. Gertrude
Schnider; Helen Smith and Mrs.
Charles Bent, Mrs. John Robins
Mrs. J. B. Thomas, Mrs. A. II
Schnider, Mrs. T. M. Smith and
hostess, Miss Helen Smith..
B. P. W. Sewing Club
The sewing club of B. P. W.
met at the home ot Mrs. Wlnni
fred Herrlck Friday night. Miss
Clara Witt was assisting hostess.
A potlnck supper was enjoyed
rouowed by an evening of sew
ing. The next meeting will be
hem December 8, with Mrs. Lil
lian Cad well and Miss Edith
Burch as hostesses.
Mr. Harry Mills,
expert barber, who for
many years has operated
beauty shops In Salem, la
now with DuBois Barber
Shop in the basement of
Masonic Bldg. Mr. Mills
will welcome his friends
and .customers and your
patronage will be appre
ciated. Remember the Location
Barber Shop
Masonic Bldg. Downstairs
Aunts, uncles and grandparents
wfll Appreciate photo
graphs of the children
for Christmas.
Bring them to see us be
fore the Christmas rush.
Gunnell & Robb
Ffione 6372 ; 020 State Sti
Host 0
Social Events ,
THANKSGIVING weekend, always one of the high points,
of the winter social season in Salem, promises to be un
usually gay this year. Aside from tne amau lmor xiuxu,
Gatherings and impromptu auairs nonoruisevu w-
lege students, the social caiengar wiu ntucuuw
dances, numerous bridge parties, showers for brides-elect, a
wedding and a debutante formal
banquet, . ,
One of the largest informal
dances of the year will be given
at Hazel Green Thanksgiving eve.
Hosts for, the occasion will be the
Salem Gamma Pi chapter and
the Portland Delta chapter of Sig--ma
Gamma Pi: Approximately 200
couples will attend, including
members of the younger set of
both Salem and Portland.
Carl Collins la general chair
man, assisted by Robert Goodfel
low, Perry Buren and Ray Suing.
Mrs White's senior ballet class
will act as hostesses at their an
nual informal dance at Castillian
hall Thanksgiving night. Patrons
and patronesses for the affair are
Dr. and Mrs. Burton Myers, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Myers, Mr. and
Mrs. James Teed, Mr. and Mrs.
Leon GFeason and Mr. aad Mrs.
F. G. Delano.
Miss Cynthia Delano, general
chairman, has announced the fol
lowing committees: decorations,
Miss Mary Jano Lau, Miss Delores
Mills, and Miss Viola -Crotler;
tickets, Miss Roberta Varley.
Miss Frances Marie Kupper has
announced the date of her wed
dinj to Donald E. Woodry as No
vember 30. The couple are well-
known in Salem.
Mrs. Wilson Hostess
To Club
Mrs. Delbert Wilson entertained
the Knot-A-Care club Thursday
afternoon with a delightful in
formal affair.
Sewing occupied the afternoon
and refreshments were served
Mrs. William Thomas will en
tertain the group next.
Present were Mrs. Elton Birch,
Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Mrs. Carroll
Robinson, Mrs. Judson Bressler,
Miss Shirley Jean Wilson and
hostess Mrs. Delbert Wilson.
The Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society of Leslie Memorial
church will meet Wednesday aft
ernoon at the home of Mrs. John
Bertelson. Mrs. C. F. French will
lead the devotions and Mrs. Emma
Whealdon the mission study. Re
views for "Friend" will be given
by Mrs. E. A. Rhoten. Assisting
hostesses will be Mrs. Adeline
Henderson, Mrs. G. A. Nye and
Mrs. B. E. Otjen.
WW tudor MWm
tnnityf lovely Sflvcmare of superior quality a complete
service for six at more that 28. below evenloday'a prices.
Gnaraatced for 35 years. Your choice of smart modern
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Watches . Diamonds . "7
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We offer to all of our old a sreU as new cus
tomers the courtesy of a divided charge ac-
count extending: to you, your own t e r m
within reason.
R. C.
Successors to Burnett Bros. EsUblisHcdV more tL'
third of a century. . . "
" v 457'state St. ' :
f Deliqhtful
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- -mm- tt l
LVl iss m. nisei
Married at
U p.m.
a! pretty wedding Saturday aft
ernoon at 4 p. m. united Miss
Marie Hlsel, daughter ot Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Hisel, and Harold Pierce,
son of Mrs. Charles M. Tierce.
The ceremony was performed
in the First Christian parsonage
by Rev. Guy L. Drill. Only mem
bers of the families were pres
ent. The bride was-lovely In a tip
toe length frock of pale pink
georgette. She wore a corsage
The couple were unattended.
Following the -ceremony an in
formal buffet luncheon was bld
at the home of the bride's par
ents. Mrs. Hisel and Mrs. Pierce
presided at the serving table.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce left for
a short wedding trip arter the re
ception. For her going away en
semble the bride wore a blue suit
with matching accessories.' They
will be at home next week at 59 o
Union avenue.
Mrs. Pierce attended Aumsvillo
high school and Mr. Pierce Sa
lem high school. Numerous af
fairs are being planned in their
honor for the coming week.
Stayton. Mrs. Herman Darlcy
(Jean Ficklin) was given a mis
cellaneous shower at the home of
Mrs. Kenton Thompson, Wednes
day night. Joint hostesses were
Misses Alma Tonkin and Georgia
Hunt. The evening was spent
playing bridge and high scor
prize went to Miss Lola Tyscr
whtle the consolation went to Miss
Germalne Smith.
"What Shall I Give
will solve your gift problems
simply and effectively
As a Bonus to Early Shop
pers We are GlTlng an Extra
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tfer for a Docen Portraits
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