The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 12, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Ssaday Morning, November lg 1933
' Hoc a 1 News Briefs
Armistice Mishaps Sewce Only
one automobile" mishap
ported ; to "c city police yesterday.
Thle inTolTed cars driven by W1K
Ham - E.; Crockett, Independence,
and Edgar Morris, 275 South 19th
street, and iraa not indicated as
serious. Other mishaps, occurring
Friday and reported.- yesterday,
were: JE. Frixse.-97tt North
1 5th, and an un Identified man,
live miles' northwest? ot Wood
burn: R-Z. Greep. 150 Nebras
ka, and Mrs. It,&rJgfcX; 895 Cap
itol, at' 195 Fatrfe; .adMary
Lois Driggs. 109 Nftrtlf Commer
cial, and an unidentified motorist,
at SUte and High. i -
Girls look! 121.95 swagger suits
$13.90. The Style Shop, 18 w.
Liberty., - "
. Exhibit Planned In recogni
tion ot national hook week, an ex
hibit of books tor high school
readers is being planned by Alta
Kershner," Salem :high school li
brarian. The exhibit will be ar
ranred in the office of R. W. Ta-
venner, assistant principal,, if car-
nentrv work began there Friaay
is completed in time for its place;
ment Monday morning. A new
;door Is being constructed between
'Tavenner's office and the main of
fice room. , '. ... ; '
Bring your fur repair work to the
Capital Fur Shop. 184 N. Liberty.
Experienced furriers. Reasonable
prices. Estimates gladly given.
World Traveler Talks C. W
Noble, widely traveled Salem man
who has recently returned from a
trip through the orient, will tell
of ' his experiences climbing Mt.
Tai Shan. Chinese sacred moun
tain., at the lobby program in the
. city T. M. C. A. building next Fri
day night. ; .
Bring your fur repair1 work to the
CaBital Fur Shop. 184 N. Liberty
Experienced furriers. Reasonable
prices. Estimates gladly glTen.
r : n
In Portland. Nov. 7. Margaret
A. Duncan, widow of late Judge
J. M. Duncan of Linn county.
Former resident of 2372 State
street. Leaves one son, Leroy. N.
Walter of Lolita. Calif.; three sis
ters, Mary Brown of Peoria, 111.,
Susan Terwilliger of Champayne,
III., Arizona Campbell of Indiana;
three brothers, D. Bussard and
Martin Bussard of Albany, and M
L. Bussard of Milwaukie. Serv
ices Monday, Nov. 13, at 1:30 p.
m. from W. T. Rlgdon and Son's,
Rev. Grover Cv Britchet officiating.
Dr. B. H. White
No Charge for Consultation
Night and Day Calls
Osteopathic Physic Ian and
. ;Sargeoo
Office: 255 North Capitol St.
Telephone 5036, Salem, Oregon
Without OMntloa r Lam of Tl
Hill Chamber Speaker Speak
ers at the Salem chamber of com
merce luncheon Monday noon will
be Earl Hill of Cushman, repre
sentative in the state legislature
from Lane county and president of
the Pacific Coast Highway associa
tion, and Ed W. Miller of Marsh-
field, secretary of the association.
They probably will be accompan
ied by other representatives of the
association, which has for its ob
ject the development of scenic at
tractions and the completion of
bridges on the Coast highway.
Just received, a full line of 1934
General Electric radios, table and
console models. Eoff Electric Inc.
Recklessness Denied Rodney
Audeans. of Vancouver. Wash.
whom city police arrested Friday
on, charge of reckless driving Jn
the form of speeding across, an
Intersection, denied he was reck
less, when he appeared in muni
cipal court. Municipal Judge Poul-
sen changed the charge to speed
ing and continued the case for 30
days. Oudeans promised to re
turn and pay the required penalty
within that period.
See- the latest washing machine
out, the new Economaid. $64.60,
Eoff Electric, Inc., 347 Court.
Palmateer Guest O. E. "Mose"
Palmateer, district commander of
the American Legion, was back in
Salem yesterday after being in
Portland Friday night as guest at
the presentation of charters to
two newly organized Portland
posts. These were the Naval post
and the Rome, Italy, post.
Just received, a full line of At-
water Kent, table and console.
1934' model radios, Eoff Electric
In. -
Madley Doesn't Rally Reports
from 'the veterans' hospital at
Portland yesterday were that the
condition of James Madley, col
ored member of Capital post No.
9, American Legion, was very.
very low." Madley recently under
went a major operation there.
A hat free with any suit or over
coat sold during this sale. G. W.
Johnson & Co.
Builders to Talk Directors of
Salem chapter. Oregon Building
congress, will gather in the direct
ors'., room at the United States !
National bank building Monday i
night for their first November ses
hat free with any suit or over
coat 60ld during this sale. G. W.
Johnson & Co. '
Son to Rabes A boy, weighing
seven pounds, live ounces, was
born to Professor and Mrs. H. E.
Rahe last night at Salem General
hospital. The lad, the Rahes first
child, has been r?"ned Paul Edgar.
Used Frigidaire, $75. Eoff Elec
tric, Inc., 347 Court.
Vestal in Town Donald Vestal
of Ashland, former member of The
Statesman news stair. Is spending
the weekend in Salem.
Christianson Hell A man glv-
tb- the name of R. L. Christian-
son was held in Jail by city police
Dallas Considers Pulling
Down Blue Eagles in Pro
test of Mill Shutdown
Without OpritIok r Let of Tl
928 Orcfas Bid. Pfcon ISO
Shanghai Cafe
Chinese and American Dishes
3.2 Draught Beer
Saturday open 11 a.m. to S a.m.
- Sonday 1 1 a.m. to 1 a.m.
162 H N. Com'l - TeL 5747
Card Tables and
Chairs to Rent
Call CO 10. I'aed Furniture
151 North High
DALLAS, Nov. 11. A retalia
tory move at NRA is planned
here if the curtailment to 30
hours of the weekly operations
of the Willamette Valley Lumber
company Is not lifted by the West-
Coast Lumbermen s association.
The board of directors of the
chamber of commerce have voted
to recommend to all business
houses in Dallas the removal of
the Blue Eagle from their. win
dows as a silent protest against
the curtailment order.
One of the chamber directors
in discussing the resolution said
that firms without Blue Eagles
would nevertheless be expected
to comply with the contracts they
have signed with the president.
A two months' total shutdown
in the Dallas mill impends unless
relief comes from President
Roosevelt. -
For the past week the Willam
ette Valley mill has continued to
run two shifts five days a week
as it has for the past five years
because official word of the re
jection of the company's appeal
at Washington had not been received.
However report on the reject
ion of this appeal is expected
omentarlly from Washington or
I Seattle.
Dallas is pinning its hopes for
a recision of the West Coast au
thority's order on a personal ap
peal to President Roosevelt car
ried by Senator Charles L. Mc
Nary who goes east Wednesday.
. The Dallas mill Is naw employ
ing 350 men in Its planttkere And
ISO in its camp. A two months'
shutdown will put the woodsmen
out ot work for two months and
only 60 men will be kept at work
in the planing mill here.
. Under a one-shift operation the
mill would work 180 men in Dal
las and 80 In camps.
The ! linger interests which
control the mill claim 60 per
cent of their output competes
only with foreign, not national,
lumber production. They also as
sert that the balance of the pro
duction of the local mill is large
ly in specialized domestic lines
which the mill's operators have
developed and which do not com
pete with other manufacturers in
the north vest.
Coming Events -
November 10-1 a Oregon
conference of Gideons, First
Baptist church.
November 11 Salem
Grange No. 17, all day meet
ing. Miller's hall; open
meeting 1:80 o'clock.. --
November 11 American
Legion's Armistice day cele
bration. November 18 Red Cross
membership drive opens.
November 14 Bridge
tournament, Marion hotel,
8 p. m, auspices Oregon
November 14 Oregon
Track Owners and Farmers'
Protection association meet
ing, chamber of commerce.
November 10 Court
house, 2 p. m., public meet
ing on budget of non-high
school area.
November 28 Public
meeting on county budget at
South Found Poorest Sec
tion Visited; New York
Hates Inflation Move
last night for investigation. He
was taken Into custody in the Yew
Park district.
Mott and Wife Are
Back from 2 Weeks
In South ot State
- Following a two weeks'- trip
through the southern portion of
the district he represents In con
gress, Congressman James W.
Mott will be in his Salem office
Monday. Friday night he address
ed the Spencer Creek Farmers'
Union local and last night de
livered the Armistice day address
before the Sheridan post of the
American Legion.
Thursday he was in Marsh
field, speaking at the Klwanls
club luncheon there at noon. Sat
urday afternoon he and Mrs. Mott
attended the Oregon-Oregon State
game tin Portland. . H I 1
i-U-l i . t i u i u
"It's mighty grand to be in Sa
lem again, but the rest of the
country has a "world of interests
and scenery well worth the trip'
William H. Burghardt, Insurance
man, said upon return from a
trip which took him through" more
than 10,000 miles of-United States
and eastern Canadian country. Ac
companying him was-Wilson Mc-
Nary. They were gone eight weeks
Mr. Burghardt failed to find
Lthe entirely gloomy picture that
some tourists bring home. The
most prosperous looking country
he found was the thoroughly
painted, well-kept farm lands,
Kansas City to Hannibal, Mis
souri. The length of the New Eng
land states, too, the homes were
well kept, at least through the
towns and over the highways he
The south bore another picture,
the 'most forlorn and dire of the1
long journey. Southern homes,
both in town and country, are
sadly Ul-kept; and the spirit ot
southern people la "way down".
One southern merchant,- who a
few years ago netted 1 5,0 00 in
terest on his investment, consid
ered himself lucky to be getting
$1000. Cotton and peanut mar
kets were deplorably weak. Bit
terness against the president was
noted in the south, and in New
York City, the latter especially as
the inflation news was announced.
One of the first places of inter
est visited by Mr. Burkhardt was
his old home town, Lawrence, Mis
souri, where he went to school
and college, and which he had
seen but briefly once in 40 years.
Through Detroit, they crossed the
interstate bridge to find them
selves witnessing French people
plough their lands with oxen and
cows. Quebec and Toronto they
found fascinating.
Boston and 'Salem, Hassachus
setsr . brought particular delights
and many revered sites were vls-
Advancement Day ? -For
Missions Will
Be Observed 12th
3 ; - - ;
The primary department of the
Sunday school .has teen reorgan
ized and is meeting at the par
sonage, with Mrs. J. W. Wort
man and Miss Ruby Woodward
in charge.
The Women's Missionary soci
ety and Otterbeln Guild will ob
serve World's Mission Advance
ment day with program Sunday
at f p. m. Rev. Miss Leila
Luckey of Portland, former mis-'
sionary to New Mexico, will be
the speaker. -Miss Luekey will
give a report of national board r
meeting of Missionary Society of
United Brethren held at Canton,
Ohio, in May. The Golden Jub
ilee of Otterbein Guild was cele
brated at this time. An offer
ing will be taken for home and
foreign work.
ited, including the Olcott, Emer
son and Hawthorne homes. The
most beautiful spot in the whole
country is Chestnut street in Sa
lem, Mass., in Mr. Burghardt's
On the entire Journey. Burg
hardt experienced only two half
daya of rain. The trip in from the
south was made via the Grand
Canyon. They encountered many
people, especially in the south,
who look to Oregon as their next
1 H
iim Chajm Ynr Child's Life
If one or more of your chil
dren falls in an examination
or doemt come up to youx
expectaticms in school, it may
be your fault. An examination
will disclose the need for cor
rected vision if that is the
reason, and may save wear-.
tng glasses continuously later.
lilt' 111 )!
Dr. J. Vinton Scott
Office Phone - Home Phone
6064 8559
304-5 1st National Bank Bldg.
Salem, Oregon
Chinese Medicine
r kidney, bladder.
U. Fong stomach, catarrh.
constipation, glands.
Every Ailment Disorder
122 N. Commercimal St.
Over Salem Hardware Store
Daily 9 to 6; Sunday 9 to 12
Consultation Free
When r
Others V
X i n Ttnv- Jt
No matter with what you are
afflicted, our wonderful berb
treatment ,will (Positively relieve
skid dlseafceiJ ibtluenxa, diseases
ht iha thrbatJ heart, kidneys, livt
er, stomach, pues, asinma, enrou
1c cough, weakness, constipation,
dizziness, neuralgia, beaaacne,
appendicitis, rheumatism, arthri
tis, neuritis, blood poison, ca
tarrh, diphtheria, eczema, swollen
glands, tonsilitls, ear trouble,
lumbago, tumor, dropsy, female
complaints, nervousness; all dis
orders disappear without opera
H. 8. LOW, Directing Herbalist
473 S. Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon Phone 5758
Lady Attendant, Honrs 9 to 6 p.m.
Week Days; 9 to 12 Sundays.
Main Office, Oakland, Calif.
21 Years of Service
Buy a Genuine
jj HISTORY ,u2$
It's a pretty seri
ous thing to gam
ble with your
When you bring your Pre
scription to Schaefer's you
can be sure that every pre
caution is used to insure
complete accuracy in its
compounding. ' . .
Scnaeier s
Drag Store
Prescription 4
1S5 N. Commercial Dial 5197
The Original Yellow Front
Candy Special Store of Salem
ing - Storing -
Larmer Transfer & Storage
PHONE 3131
We Also Handle Fuel Oil Coal and Briquets and High
Grade Diesel Oil for Traetor Engines and Oil Burners
We are closing this store and will store any piano in this entire stock
with anyone who will buy later, as we want to stop our rent here.
Kimball Piano
Model Shown in Choice of Colors . . . Full Porcelain .
Speed Elements . . . Many New Features.
A new modern de
signed Monarch
Top makes an ex
cellent work table.
Oven automatic
and porcelain
lined. Finished in
beautiful two-tone
ivory porcelain.
This is a fine range
for the small kitchen.
4 Top
Clock Timer Extra
. s ,'
- Manufacturers of
Support Oregon Products
- - . - -
Specify "Salem Made" Paper for Your
' - Office Stationery
Used Grand
Like New
$1.50 A WEEK
Regular $850 value.
Never anything like v
this before. Only
$2.60 a week.
, A $750 piano will not be
" - here long. How much a
Q week would yon pay?
The large Monarch range shown at
the left, including clock timer, elec
tric light and condiment set is priced
considerably under regular list. This
model has been designated as the
1933 Christmas Campaign Model
Why not give your wife this fine
range for Christmas. Ask us about
the liberal terms under which this
range may be purchased.
Until December 24, 1933, purchasers of Monarch
Electric Ranges may have their, homes wired for
the range for only $10. This is not a cheap wir
ing job, but a regular $35 to $40 job, done by a
licensed electrician using the best materials.
I ' " ' I
V 'ta J.
Today's Low Range Prices and this Special Wiring Price make
it a real inducement for yoa i to buy your Monarch Range flow!
340 Court Street
'i ,