The OREGON STATESMAN. Satan. Oregon, Sunday Morning, November 12, 1933 PAGE TWO r. FIDDLER TUWiS TO - - y - , ;i'-,i. ; SPECTACULAR FILM Cagney, Blondell, :Keeler, Powell Head List of , Notable Stars Hailed as the most spectacular musical film yet to appear from the Warner Bros, studios, "Foot light Parade" opens today for a tire-day ran at the Elsinore the atre. - v " Four popular star", James rtriiT. Joan Blondell, Ruby H Packs Challenge of flaying Honors by Offer of $100 To Winner - IT eilD THE I . -:-'-' f m : - n at 5 lis it1-' i. ,-- 51 I I" t y. SILYERTON. Not. 11. Ben nett McGreevy of; Falls City Is on tie war path; According to a - letter received here this week by Fred Cavender, chief of the SI1 , Terton fire department. . . Mr. McGreevy writes that he ""'wm far from satisfied with the . outcome of th old fiddlers'- con test at the . firemen's , dance at the armory: oa October IS. in whiea he -was defeated. Be asks Mr. Carender to arrange another contest in some public place, and he promises to pay the charges for, an ."expert musician as , judge. : Mr. McGreeTy protested on the occasion of the October contest about the rules which he thought were unfair to him. and hid a jHHWg at "that Uue of $100 I-Ntjpiof against one or all of ,trtqg,i)artcipating in the event A. c nor us of the audience drowned out his protestations. MrrntfcGreevy als made it h Jear:-ia hU letter that if such .a'eMitest were arranired air pro ceeds are to go to tha Firemen's v Winaers of the flidllng con- test referred to by the Falls '.' City man were F. J. Henson of f-.SIlTerton-and Jason Lee ot Scotts : ' - Hills. Henson was on e-time win ' ner 'at' an old fiddlers contest staged at the Elsinore theatre f-at 'Salem. Stfll the Mystery ' Growa--on Liberty u Seepage of Gates LIBERTY. Not. 11. The gas well mystery is stiU unsolved. What was variously held as nat ional gas and as dynamite fumes In the Charles Krauger well is now thought to be gas seeping down from the gas storage tanks at Krauger's store. The R. C. Jory welLuiext door, lias also given troubled-through accumulations of gas. Jt could be dipped up and would burn at touch of a match. Krauger states there is no leak In his underground tanks and the gasoline probably seeps into the wells from gas leaking from the cars, parked around the store and Joup prune packing plant H-A How Owned Tneater TODAY ONLY! FIVE ACTS OF CIRCUIT VAUDEVILLE The Circuit Headllners "THE FOUR JOLLY WRANGLERS" Sam Mj lie "The Traffic Cop" The Four Beanett Sisters and Two Surprise Acts , And on the Screen Today, Monday and Tuesday FIRST SHOWING SALEM Ted Fio-RKb & His Band vLiri AND LAUHTattt I with MAST CARLISLE STJSTER CRABBE CHARLES STARRETT FLORENCE LAKE -AND ' TED FIO-RITO AND ENTERTAINERS DArJDD EVEN HIS WIFE COULDNT TELL THEM APART f jwsms Continuous Show Daily ' " - ! - -.i " .f-J--A. ....... . . f I v ' N -t ' '::'f:v-:::y'-x--!;..-.'!-. x r v : ,,':-A'-'",:v:c'C::. ! ; s - . ' .... Rcnald Colman and Elissa Landi in "The Masquerader," cur rent attraction at the Grand. COLLEGE HOII AT THE HOLLYWOOD It Is a crew race and not a football, match that brings The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" to a stirring climax af the Hollywood theatre today. So much for ori ginality! Then in addition to such pop ular young stdrs as Mary Carlisle and Buster Crabbe, Ted Fio-Rito and his famous St. Francis Hotel dance orchestra together with the Three Midshipmen and the Three Blue Keys plays an im portant part in the picture. Those who saw 'and heard Fio-Rito when he appeared in Salem last season will remember his incom parable music and entertainers. The plot centers around Vivian pretty co-ed and flirt who fastens her affections on Bob North. Like most of his Sigma Chi brothers, Bob secretly loves the charmer, but is girl shy. VI jrian fixes all that by staging a drowning scene, from which Bob emerges a hero and hopelessly in love. All goes well until North suspects Vivian of favoring a ri val and takes back bis fraternity pin. How a reconciliation is ef fected, and Bob strokes the crew to victory on homecoming day supplies action for the rest Of the story. AMITY FARMERS TALK "Tie AMITY, Ore.. Nov. 11. Top turkey prices axe being quoted at about IS cents but it was brought out at tha "Turkey Marketing" school at Hopewell Thursday night that some buyers are in the territory offering 20 cents, ac cording to Joe W. Jarvis, in structor ot vocational agriculture. Amity Union high school, who Is in charge of the evening school. Cost of producing turkeys was the main topic of discussion, cost reports being .presented from oth er districts and compared with the -sts to the growers in this territory. Some of the most im portant costs of growing turkeys are feed, the purchasing cost, marketing, equipment cost, build ing, pasture, overhead, and mis cellaneous costs. V With the increased ' price of mashes and other turkey feeds, the cost of producing a pound of turkeys has been Increased un til this year the grower should receive 30 per cent more for his turkeys OTer last year With this 4 mind the growers' price this year should be from 18 to 25 eeats per pound' ot ttis turkeys- at the farm. Next Monday night before the same group, there will be a group disenstiion en-the outlook: for tor keys and the present situation. H. E. Cosby, eitenafcn. special ist In ponltry, Oregon State col lege; will be present. rdiiHiiiii!!Baiiir,!iinffln m3 Also "Leave It to-Dad with Harry La agdoa CARTOON . H09GE-P0DGE FOX NEWS P. M. to 11 P, 11. ) The Call Board . . CAPITOL Today Double bill "Fury of the Jungle." and "AboTe the Clouds". Tuesday Jack Holt in "The ' Woman I Wtole'." ' H I m le Thursday Zane Grey's "To the Last Man". - HOLLYWOOD Today Mary Carlisle in "The Sweetheart of Sigma CM" with Ted Fio-Rito and his entertainers. Wednesday Arline Judd in A "Skyway". Friday Laurel and Hardy in "The Devil's Brother". ELSINORE Today Musical comedy, "Footlight Parade". Friday Joan Blondell in "Goodbye Again". GRAND Today Ronald Coleman in "The Masquerader' Friday Double bill "Cross fire" and "Blind Adven ture". STATE Today Victor McLaglen in "Laughing at Life". Tuesday Richard Halllbur- ton in "India Speaks". Friday Noah Beery in "Shanghaied Love". Couple Celebrate 51st Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mas sey celet rated their 51st wed ding anniTersary last Thursday evening when the members of their family gathered at their home. They were married near Brooks, Oregon, 51 years ago November 2, near where they hare resided since. Present were Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Massey, Don Massey, wife and son Boyd, Laurence Massey and wife, Eleaaor and Helen Massey, Kenneth Massey, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Massey, Wayne, Elwood, Ha tel and Dale Massey, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Massey and son Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Massey, and George Massey, Jr. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served, and a 4-reeI moving picture show of homo movies was given. NOW OPEN FOR FULL WEEK First Ban New Show Season HltsZ Salem's Greatest Show Value TODAY and MONDAY TWO FEATURES ssTvV - .! 1 lJ MM . ay" m ar u l - l a a a m - a sm"" Saturday .. Sunday Bargata How 8 to lt P. M. 15c Aay Seat sec Logee 30c Taeeday - Wedaesda Jack Holt in Woman r Stole Keeler and Dick Powell, head the long list of players. Fifteen. ieaa iniT featured players have im portant roles In support of the f Ti. while two hundred and fifty of the most talented and beauti ful girls In Hollywood wui iaae part in Taried choruses and dance numbers, which for noTelty. In genuity, and spectacular effects are said to surpass those in "4 2nd Street" and "Gold Diggers of 1922." Footlight Parade"! will bring together again two of the most popular players of the screen In the leading roles, James Cagney with Joan Blondell playing op posite him. Cagney, who began his stage career as a hoofer and songster, for the first time on the screen enacts a similar role in "Foot light Parade." His part is that of a musical comedy director who conceives the idea of turning mu sical comedies Into motion pic ture prologues. He both directs and dances in these prologues.' Joan Blondell, noted for her wise-cracking parts, plays the role of his sophisticated secretary, who believes that love is war in which anything Is fair, resorting to every kocrvil fsnVnlne jwile, o , hold the man she loves, and not even hesitating to stage hair pulling matches with her rivals. Ruby Keller and Dick Powell, who made such tremendous hits in "42nd Street" and "Gold Dig gers of 1933," are again teamed in "Footlight Parade" as the In genue and juvenile leads. Frank McHugh, Guy Kibbee and Ruth Donnelly form a com edy team that Is par excellence, while Claire Dodd plays the role of a gold digging Tamp. 'UUliGATiE' Victor McLaglen is hack again in what is probably his best pic ture since "What Price Glory?" It is "Laughing at Life." showing at the State theatre. ' There is no Edmund Lowe with him this time, but William Boyd, the Sergeant Quirt of the original stage version of "What Price Glory," serves ad mirably In his stead. Captain Easter la a soldier of fortune. A brilliant engineer, he passes up a career of rare prom ise, because his love of dangerous adventure makes it Impossible for him to resist the thrill of gun running, revolutions, and general lawlessness. The picture is fast and dramatic in its action; and its background Is both colorful and spectacular, being more or less all the strange and far places of the earth. From the Panama Cana Zone to Shanghai, from France daring the, Word War to the South Sea Islands, the picture rushes through a series of tensely dramatic situations to Its final smashing sequence, when, despite his promise to the- contrary, no one can doubt that the insatiable Captain will embark on another mad adventure. Tne cast, listed above, is one of the most unusual that has ever been offered In any picture. Wil liam Boyd, Regis Toomey, Roth Hall, Noah Beery, Conchita Mon- tengro, and Henry B. Walthall stand out most effectively la the more Important roles. mam Continuous Shows . Today 2 to 11 p. nJ - Monday to Friday Nights Only, 7 to 11 P. M. Balcoay Mala Floor :SC 2 20C . - r Logee SOe . 'Tlmreday, Friday, Saturday W - Zane Grey'a . . Ta the Lsst Maa SHOWING AT STATE mo , - ' , .... FV " - iy, ' ' Scene from "Footlight Parade," musical spectacle, now playing at the Elsinore theatre. IIP pi. " i t - Victor McLaglen and William Boyd as they appear in "Laughing at Life," now at the State. i ts ' - " Buster Crabbe and Mary Carlisle hare the leading roles in "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi," now at the Hollywood. ST. T 8ILVERT0N, Not. II i- St. Paul's parish school "will open a night school beginning NoTember 22 at "which courses la commercial and liberal arts subjects will be taught. The classes are open to all students not attending day schools and registration dates Now Playinj! ITS ALL ACTION AND ROMANCE! PAULS 1 WW mm m ! rs." :-;(t-: .igi&tj&VHir' I WmK Famous . is n PSl j r ( .. "-..-lb- I 1 I mm ' i - haTe been set for Not. 18, 19 and 20. Among the courses to be offer ed are bookkeeping, shorthand, commercial law commercial arithmetic, Americanisatlon, ciT ics, elocution, public speaking, dramatic work and elementary classes. Prior to coming to SUrerton the Rt. John Dunn, pastor of St. Paul's church, taught at St. Ste ven at Portland and at St, Mary's at Eugene. Educators of. Mount Angel are to assist in the super vision ef the commercial classes. ' T . j if' 1 : .i. X Wii J 1 Nature In the raw Is seldom mild. And it la in It raw state that yoa-see it la Columbia's Fhry of the Jungle", which opens at the Capitol theatre today on a -dou ble bllL There haTe been pictures with South Africa, Burma, Indo China and other outlandish places as lo cale: but the locale for this one provides a wilder and more thrill packed one than has hit the screens to date. Into this Tillage a white girl is precipitated, at the mercy of the brutes who lire there. One man shelters her and wins her for his own. Peggy Shannon is the girl, with Donald Cook the boy. She is mak ing a trip up-river with her bro ther on an exploration Journey, when the brother is stricken with fever, and must be taken from the boat. Cook is an escaped con vict, but he has a spark of de cency in him. He is a woman hater but he protect her from the rest. That insufficiently glorified nit FURY OFliLE HIOLFEaM BBBBMBSanSW 5 BIG DAYS STARTING TODAY The MieinaOT-.:':rO$ MUSICAL OF V ALL TIME JJ S-Y 20 Stars y? 300 Girls SiSiFftTN PLUS Cartoon - Newt ;500 t1 - ;good : , SEATS . Next Week !IaaWestiaTa 5o AaceT Ronald Colman la the famous dual roles of Tho M9q.uerader comes to jthe Grand theatre,. to day. - : rV4V) t ' ' la Its original jlay form, one of the moat successful melodramas tbe world has eer-seen was made out of the ftts&ago human story ot two men who. so closely, resem bled each other that neither .wife nor mistress could -be sure. Elissa Land!, .ho brought so much warmth and-Titality to The Sign of the Cross,'?. and Juliette Compton have the feminine leads with Colman's dual roles. David Torrence, HaHIweH Hobbes, Creighton Hale and Helen Jer ome Eddy are in the cast. Samuel Goldwyn has gives his production of the English melo drama a bright modern setting. The background for its human drama is the labor uprisings and the political crisis that Are the headlines of London today. How ard Estabrook adapted, the play to the screen; it is baied on John Hunter Booth's dramatization of tbe novel by Katherine Cecil Thurston. In his direction of "The Mas querader," Bichard Wallace has made it a successor to his Impres sive roster that. Includes auch no table megaphone achievements as "Seven Days' LeaTe, "Tomorrow and Tomorrow," "Shopworn An gel" and "The Right to Lore". Mclaughlin group elects ABIQUA, Not, 11. Recent election' Of officers at the Mc Laughlin P. T. A. resulted in Orrille Lee as president; B. P. Larson, vice president; and Cas per Oreross, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. O. G. Satrum and Mrs. San der Johnson were made tbe re freshment committee. Frits Dahl, James Sacrum and Mary Stalker will be in charge of the program on December 1. The club also plans to sponsor a shadow social during December. clan, the newsreel photographers, are being brought, splendidly to the public attention in a new mo tion picture called "Above the Clouds," which openj today at the Capitol as the second feature. Richard Cromwell, Columbia's youthful star, will be seen as the crankgrinder of this fast-moving action piece. Sharing the top honors with Cromwell are Robert Armstrong and Dorothy in the principal roles. 1 r.L 1 .JivBY, 25 c KSAircrrat