awCeraw-injiaaa3t The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Saturday Morning, November 11, 1933' PAGE THREE t ;4 4 - J v MIMHHMVmBRMWtaaHnM1BMMMaaHHMpHMMHwlBMasMMMHMl Local N ews Briefs -. ..... - Clemency 1 Urged - A large ! number :,ot telegrams, signed - by -officials and members of the In ternational Labor .Defense, arriv ed at the governor's office Fri day urging executive clemency for Theadore (Jordan, negro, wh"0 la uader death sentence for the slaying of F.T. Sullivan"; South ern Pacific Pullman conductor at . Klamath Falla In April, 1932. The supreme court Thursday' affirmed Jordan's conviction. He original ly was tried before Judge Dun can 'in the Klamath county elr . cult court. ' ' Armistice dance, - Mellow Moon. ' best yet,-5e -. J '.V: ; .Four Industrial Death There . were four fatiUtiea due to Indus trial accidents in' Oregon during the week ending November 3, ' ac cording to a report issued br the state Industrial accident commis sion7 Friday. The; victims includ ed Charles Kremmel, Harrisburg; O. C. Carlton, Astoria; James, P. Baker; Klamath Fall, ' and fta- mey Thompson,! Black Rock. There were 418 accidents report - ed to the conmission during the weeavV' ';ffi; vt-,--'' Draught beer, light, dark and Alt & Alt, .also hot' and cold sand' wiches' tonight at Kahle's Bohe- mian Club' BtE Parlor formerly vNo&lft Ark) one block north, of 4 ValI8y- Packing Co. on Pacific highway. ; ; 'v- ' - :. Steiwer in Of y -Senator Fred W.--Steiwer was In Salem yester day to confer with Senator Char , lea L. McNary. fThe Junior sen ator said he expected to return to Washington shortly . on pre- . , session, business. Senator and Mrs. Me Nary are expecting to leave: Salem next mid-week for ' Washington as the senator's da ties as republican leader require - that he be in the east a number . ' of .weeks before the regular sea sion of . congress convene. Here From Ashland Visitors In Salem yesterday were Rev. ' Sydney W. Hall; pastor of the ' Methodist church at Ashland, and Dr. Red ford, president of the V Southern Oregon Normal school. Both attendee! the game Friday night. Rev. Kail, a Kimball coK lege and Willamette university graduate, confessed be had a dl 1 vlded loyalty as he witnessed the ' football clash. , , Second growUi and 'old fir wood. Prompt delivery. Fred El Wells. Dentist. Visitor Dr. E. J. Qui senberry, of Corvallis stopped in Salem yesterday for a short visit with local friends. He was on-his way to' Portland tor an eyeful of the Oregon "civil war.'! Dr. Qui senberry has numerous friends in Salem. His ' wife will be' remem bered here as Leila Ruby, grad uate of Willamette university, Budweiser, Schllts and City Club b- r while it lasts, 10c per pint at the Bohemian Club Beer parlor. , j (One block ncrth of Valley Pack lng Co.) - ' '' Plaintiff Wins A divorce was granted here yesterday to Max Snelgrove from Anita Snelgrove, I defendant in the divorce suit he i brought. The wife is awarded $10 a - month - to support a minor 'child. Custody of the child dur ing the summer months is with the father. r"' . i- Only 1 day left to buy Franklins' "bulbs at Adanis Flower Shop. All stock will be planted after Nov. -12. Buy Now. j Seek License Application for . a marriage license was, filed in the county clerk's office Friday by George H. Lovett, Silverton, a - letter carrier, and Letha Bell GI1 " mour, 26V Silverton, route three, - a domestic. f "Girls" look! St 1.95 swagger suits , 113.90:. The Style Shop, 184 N. Liberty. " ," Guardian Nauru! F. E. Sylves- 4a woo nslmsvt VsvatArrtflV T1 TiTTi bate wurtai: guardian of Erik a v,. a Judged to be insane. Just received, sv. full line of At water . Kent, table and console, U34 model radios, Eoff Electric Inc. Granted $330 -A default de cree for $350 was awarded to . Herman E. Larky in circuit court Friday against Glenn McMillen. Used Frigidaire, 7B. Eoff Elec tric, Inc., 347 Court. Golna- to laklmji Dr. M. C. Findley and Willia Balderree will speni: the weekend in Yakima, where the docuor wui th home of Wa sa-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. ana lara. ueorgo u.. Balderree will visit his .sister. , . ii-Hn-'flf i34 Just received, a ft uener&s jwocmto --- j-r ,Z console models, Eoff Electric inc. ' . ...s1t ax The Ladles' -..T:-v ifainn War Veterans wUl meet 1 JBarJon park at 5:45 o'clockahis morning tor me pa raao. W Coming Events' November? 10-12 Orego-i conference of Gideons, First Baptist chwrch. j v November 11 Salem Grange No 17, ail day nieet Ing, HI 1 1 haU. pea meeting lt0 o'clos : 4 ' Novembei: itArnerfcan Legion's Armistice day cele bratioa. j' :--1:;" 1 November IS Rd Cross naemberabJp cU'lvo opens. - Sorenxber 14 BrMl tournament,!- Marion hotel, 8 p; nw aoipicrfs Oregon Statesman. : i' - . November 14 O r e C o n Truck Ovrmirs d Fanner Protection nssodaUon rocct lnjj, charnbtr of conlmerce. - ,No e tuber 16 0urt. house, a p. pnbUo lng oa bacEget. of non-hign " school area.i V ; ' . -' . Novemberf 28- P b lie meeting on county budget at courthouse. ; F Merer Appeal Taclay Ar gru me ats of attorneys in the suit brought by Fred Meyer, Inc., against Dorr E. Keasey and oth er members of the State, Welfare commission, involving employ ment of women in Portland stores after p. m., will be heard by the State Supreme court here next Tuesday. The plaintiff received a favorable verdict in the Multno mah county circuit court. Plaint iff alleged that the order of the State Welfare commission prohib iting women from working in stores after 6 p. m., was discrim inatory and unconstitutional. See the latest washing -machine out, the -new. Economaid, $64.50. EofI Electric, Inc., 347 Court Don't Worn- About Ickes The purported statement of Secretary Ickes, federal public works ad ministrator, that Oregon already has received 33 per cent more than Its proportional share of pub lic works funds, has not disturbed state highway department offi cials. Friday R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer, declared that the work of preparing details of the program to give employment to 20,000 additional men on state and county jobs, would be con tinued as rapidly as possible. Join the crowds, Mellow Moon dance, tonite, 25c. Forum to Start C. A. Sprague will speak on the subject, "The Liberal in an Age of Nationalism," at the First Congregational church, Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock, in .the first of a series of discussions on the general sub ject, "Problems of the New Deal." Oscar Olson will conduct a brief community songfest. . Miss Doris Clarke will sing. Mr. Sprague's speech will be followed by an open discussion. Justice George Ross man, of the state supreme court, is to be the presiding officer. O. S. C. and U. of O. Alumni, we have those big Mums for the game. Olson Florist. Gas Order Impends An order in the investigation of the rates, charges and practices of the Port land Gas & Coke company, which has been in progress for several weeks, will be handed down next Monday, Charles M. Thomas, state utility commissioner declared Frl dayy. The formal hearing recent ly was completed in Portland. Dance, free drinks, celebrate, Mel low Moon, tonite. Complaint Dismissed Com plaint of the Hosford Transporta tion company against the Union Pacific Stages, Inc., and Oregon Washington Railroad & Naviga tion company, Involving rates. has 'been dismissed by the ,-tate Utilities commission. The utility commissioner held that the rates in question- had expired and there was 'no reason to issue an order in the proceedings. Wall Paper Sale. Presnall Paint Store. 455 Court St . . . Linn Files Bill A bill for J3, 367.32 half of which is to be paid by Marion county has been filed with the Marion county court by Linn county for repairs on the bridge over the Santiam near Jef ferson at the county line. Mar ion's share is 11,683.66, half of the total cost of the work which wag done by Linn coupty. The two counties are dividing the work on inter-county bridges. A hat free with any suit or over coat sold during this sale. G. W. Johnson Si Co. Sterling in City Donald J. Sterling, managing editor of The Oregon Journal, was in Salem Friday afternoon for a conference with Senator Charles L. McNary. Public Library Closes The Sa lem Public library will be closed ! all day today In recognition of the Armistice celebration. A hat free with any -suit or over- ld during this sale Johnson & Go. - G. W. o "Y" ActiriUes Limited No gymnasium or swimming classes will be held today at the city T. M. C. A., but the lobbies will be open. Ill BOLL OUT BROOKS. Nov. 10 The honor roil for the first six weeks of scnooi memoes tne iouowmg pu - pus: eighth grade, Hattle Aspin wau, t-avone Harris, Aneia wood, 1 Robert Fitts, Sumie Ogura, Marie POBCn ana "anew jonnson. &ev - enth grade Daisy Potts, Nagoa INinomiya ana Junior Fortnerj r BradeRobert Bailey. Ivan McCoy, Dorothy McKnight and Carl Fitts; all in Principal Jeu- son's room In Miss Ethel Grant's room: Kreta Faa Ashbaugh, Loyal Sal ter, iiowara irescoii. Ariene itas- AT BPMS SCHOOL mussen and Marine McKnight; in clety will have charge of the Sun the fifth' grade; ElmerCutsinger, Uay night service at 7:30 o'clock Tomoito ismomiya, uertna ixom is, Jack Bosch, Glen Morloko. in the fourth grade; Ruth Sldebot - torn, Karuyl Tamlyasu, Ernie Mor ioka, Dolores Johnson, in the third grade. rupus in me primary roomun der the supervision of Miss Lou lse Anarus wno nave tneir namea on the honor roll are: first grade, Kenneth Reedv Toshlo Tomiyasu, Hisako KawaU, and Freddie Lee; second grade. Richard Ogura, Cleo Ramp and Mickie Mamitasua The "Joy Givers" elasa or tne Brooks Methodist Sunday school were "entertained in the church with a party, given by their teacn er, Mrs. William Senaf er. Contests with nrizes and games were feat ures of the afternoon. SCHOOL PLAY 17th n ipkhe ALL. Nov. 1 0. The idate of the high school play "The Blue Bag," has been cnanseo. w Friday, November 17, on account of ao many conflicting uatea. - ILL PLOWING GOES FAST ABOUT DAYTDIJ Silo Riling and Corn Husking Ends; Large Structure Collapses DAYTON, Nov. 10.A great deal of plowing and some seed ing Is being done. A few farmers here got their crop in early but the rule is that with silo fillins and other work to be done most farmers are later with their fall seeding. Since the rain of last week, followed by sunny days, the ground Is in prime condition for speed and many farmers are in the field as soon as it is light in the morning and work until dark -in the evening, taking very short time off for noon, every nossible means is being used to get seeding done while the weath er is ideal. - All earlv fall sown grain is thriving here. On farms where more corn was raised than heed ed for fillins: the silo husking is in progress and it is being dried in buildings with stoves lor neat. Those who have brooder houses are utilizing them in drying the corn for seed and feed. At the C. J. Countiss farm Monday in a few hours six men with three teams huskea -. ana cribbed two acres of corn. At the E. M. Alderman farm .where ap proximately 70 acres of cord is raised on contract for seed and feed, two men with a modern power picker, husked and hauled 15 tons at seven trips on a 14 by eight by one foot sixe trailer to their large dry house. Satur day and Wednesday 17 tons or about 107 bushels of the dried corn was shelled with such speed that it kept one experienced sack sewer busy to sew the sacks. Filled Silo Collapses The 12 by 32 feet tile silo on the Lvnn Gubser farm, filled with 90 tons of corn, last week col lapsed at 5:30 Tuesday morning and because of the particles of crushed tile in the ensilage the feed is a total loss. No explana tion can be given more than that the corn this season was very wet and heavy. MOLALLA, Nov. 10 The names of 22 high school students are on the honor roll for the first six weeks of school, ending No vember 3. They are: Seniors: Geraldine A v i s o n, Irene Avison, Rose Courter, Anna Lou Eyman. Douglas Marsden, Naomi Moshberger, Margaret Sly- ter and Gladys Burkholder. Juniors: Ruth Cordill. Lola Fluke, Cecilia Jell and Ida Rog ers. Sophomores: Margaret iiscnner, Rosalie Novak, Chester inronson, Elmer Switzer and Marvin Run- yan. Freshmen: Marie O'Connor, Vir- ginia Shaver, Ray Tresidder, Ken neth Wallace and Roger Thron- son. Those many straight ones are Geraldine Avison, Rose Courter, Margaret Slyter, Ida Rogers, El- mer Switzer, Rosalie Novak, v ir- NTS IKE SCHOLASTIC HONORS tZT7 T nSilverton Hills Luvaas to Speak Sunday Evening At League Meet SILVERTON, Nov. 10. The Rev. P. J. Luvaas of Eugene, will be the guest speaker at tne Sunday night meeting of Trinity Senior league. Miss vioieai tier- igstad will give a piano selection. Miss Lillian Block is chairman of the committee on arrange- ments. ' " The iunior league will meet Sunday night also in the church basement with Mrs. Henry Tor vend as advisor. Thomas Acheson To Give Sermon Sunday Morning Rev. Thomas Acheson, pastor of the Centenary Wilbur Meth odist church in Portland, will oreach at the thank offering ser- vices of the W. H. M. society at the First. Methodist church regu - llar services Sunday morning. Rev. - Acheson was pastor of Jason Lee church here about five years ago special music for the thank of uering wiU be arn Cameron MarshalL f erine wiU be arranged by Prof, Maude Aldrich Mission Speaker The Women's Missionary so- - 1 t the Presbyterian church. Miss j Maude Aldrich will be the guest 1 8Deaker. her topic appropriate to - 1 the occasion to be "The Hosts f That Go Forward." - i rr mm . - H0lineSS Meeting i . mjr tieSQaV 3t MaTlOn . , The regular monthly meeting of the Marion County Holiness asso ciation will be held : : in the Friends church at Marlon, Oregon, Tuesday, November 14. Preaching services will be held, at 10:30 a. hi. and 2:30 p.m. Bring lunch.: Shanghai Cafe p- Chinese and American Dishes 3.2 Draught Beer Saturday open 11 sum. to 3 a.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. iG&H S. Coin'l Tel. 5747 Leavitt to Open Local Campaign Sunday Evening Teddy W. Leavitt, state evan gelist for the Churches of Christ of Oregon, will begin a campaign of evangelistic meetings Sunday evening In the local First Chris tian church. High and Center streets, which ho expects to con tinue over -a period of many weeks. Evangelist Leavitt Is an Oregon 'man. He received bis education in the state and has spent many years In evangelistic work In the state. His . campaigns have been held in the largest and smallest centers in Oregon and he numbers his converts by the hundreds. He Is a unique, positive, tearless yet kindly preacher of the simple truth of the Gospel, states Rev. Hugh M. McCallum, pastor of the Court street Christian church. Harrisons Will Conduct Revival For Alliancers SILVERTON, Nov. 10. The first service of the evangelistic campaign to be conducted by the Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Harrison of Pasadena, California, in the Chris tlan and Missionary Alliance Tab ernacle at CO 6 North Second street will be at 11 o'clock Sunday, morn ing, announces the Rev. Harold Howard, pastor of the group. The evening service at 7: 45 will also be in charge of the Harrison and there will be services each evening thereafter except Monday. Aurora Minister To Present Work Of Luther Group Rev. A. F. Knorr, president of the Northwestern district Luther Leagues of the American' Luth eran church, the merger synoa formed of the former Ohio, Iowa and Buffalo synods. Will address the UeOOle Of Christ Evangelical t i,.k . k, services Sunday. He will present the work of the church and all of its organ izations, while the ' local pastor will exchange pulpits with him in Aurora and Macksburg- where he will present the work of the body to the congregations there. Vesper Service Features Peace Talk and Music t. rwl-ahim., mrA Possibility" will be the topic for discussion at the Vesper service of the First Evan ef Ileal church. Marion and Summer. Sunday af- ternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Rev. Leining, Jr., will be the prlnci- pal speaker of the hour and brief topic discussions will be given by C. E. members. Violin solos and duets to be given oy miss uarnara jane pow ers and Miss Harriet Rosalie Chambers of Monmouth, students of Roy Miller. Sunday School Is Reorganized SILVERTON HILLS, Nov. 10- The Silverton Hills Sunday school, which has always been so active in the Silverton Sundar school l district, has reorganized again with Harold Mills as superinten- dent. Other . officers chosen are Miss Ruth Alexander,, secretary;, Mrs. iiaroia Aims, treasurer; Mrs. John Tschantz, Mrs. V. V. Murray and William Mires as members of the board. - sunaay school will be conauct- ed each Sunday morning at tne Silverton Hills Community Hall - iai 10 o cioca. Church to Honor Great Reformer The Rev. J. M. Jensen, pastor of SL John's Lutheran church at Sil verton, will speak at the obser vance of the 450th anniversary of Martin Luther's birth at the Am- - erican Lutheran church here Sun- day night at 7:30 o'clock. The I young people s chorus, recently organised by John Schmidt, will - provide the musical program STUDEXTS TO PRR.CH HAYESVILLE, Nov. 10 Stu dents from the Theological sem- inary in Portland will conduct ser vices -at the Hayesvme cnurcn Sunday following the r e g u 1 ar church school session. CRANBERRIES... the Better Kind from Cape Cod 2 lbs. 25S rhls item was incorrectly prlo pd in oar Friday ad. - - - Upston's Grocery Commercial at State Card Tables and ', CHairs to Rent Call CO 10. Used Furniture Department .'' ISt Kbrth High . ZHOLBWOOB UMITJUt BKJBTH&BH 7t sad Nebraaka streets. Bar. SL. V, Wilton, paster. Sunday icaool S:45 a.- m. Moraine mu i 'cteea. world mu- iom A4Taacnwat-Day bierred ia both mcraiaf and vening terriM. Evening I worship 7:50 o'clock. Fegenat: "Build- in a Sw World Together With God." Yoiwg PeopU'a meeting ( :30 o'clock. Subject. "A Profroa (or Peace."- aw-. ui ChMo,. leader. O. s M. A. OOBPEX. TABESXACLB SSS Fort Kreet. W. H. Caldwell, pa tor. Phone 8993. Sunday aehool at 9:45 a. m. Mr. Graavel Sheet, superintendent. : Xornini wonhis at 11 o'clock. Com munion aerriee following. Young People's meeting at S:SO p. m. Evening eTangelia tie meeting at 7:30 o'clock. Prayer ser vice on Tuesday evening at T:S0 'clock.' Choir and orchestra practice en W eases-1 dor eveninr. Tonne People's cottage pray er meeting oa Thursday night. Serrity at Salem Inter-Church Seliet Misaioa Satur day sight. " ' FXESSTTEXIAW Winter and Chemeketa streets. Grover C. Birtchet, pastor. 9:80 a. m. church school directed by Ralph Scott, superin tendent. 11:00 a., m. morning worship. Subject, "The Mind et Christ end Peace and War." (Armistice aay meditation;. Anthem. "Be Maketh War to Cease" (Scott). Solo by Balph Seott, "Good Will to Men" (O'Hars). '6:S0 p.' m. C. . Societies. 7:80 p. m. evening praise. Ser rice conducted by the Women's Mission b Miss Is. "The "Seek ary society. Guest speaker will Maude Aldrich whose' subject Hosts Thst Co Forward.',' Anthem, "Seek To the Lord" (Roberts). . TOST EVANGELICAL Korth Summer at Marten street. Emory W. Petticord. r.D.. minister. Sunday school st 8:45 a. m. L. L. Thornton, su perintendent Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Organ prelude and offertory by Mrs. Ethel Poling Phelps. Sermon. The Gideons will be our guest speskere. Christian Endeavor vesper serviee at 8 :30 I p. m. Ersngeliitie service st 7:80 p. m. I tking service loiiowea wua sermon 07 im pastor on the Book of Revelation. Bible I study and prayer meeting at 7:80 p. Thursday night. TJNITAEIAH Korth Cottars and Chemeketa streets. Services Sundav 11 a. m. Bev. tteorff T, Pittinai. D.I), of Boston, will preach. Subject. "Kelicion in Crises." Church school members will attend church in stead of usual session. Mrs. Walter A. Denton, organist. SOUTH SALEM FKIENDS South Commercial at Washington street, Charles C. Haworth. pastor. Sundsy ser iees: 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. Bertha 31. Haworth. superintendent. 11:00 a. m. morning worship. The Gideons will speak and furnish soecisl musie 8:80 s. m. C. E. prayer meeting. The leaders win oe iron the Kosedaie v. s society, tney iurmu inc special music also. 7 :80 p. m. eve : .u hv Milo Roaa naa- ning worsh tor Bosedsle Friends church. The singing nd speeisl musie tn ensrge 01 ine nose- dsle Friends. Thursdsy 7 : p. m. meet inr, tor prsyer ana didio aiuuy. oaiuruay 10:80 a. m. quarterly meeting for wor ship, dinner at the church and meeting for business in the aiternoon. SXTJKEMINQ LOVE MTSSIOV New location, 172 Marion street. Home for unemDloved women, rrsyer service Fridsy 3 p. m. and 7 :au p. m. onnaay 8 p. m. Oren Buckbee, speaker. Snbject, "Gospel B: 8." Herulsr meetings 'lues- dsy and Friday 7:30 p. m. Sunday 3 p. m. SETOBMED. r.nitol and Marion streets. W. Q. Lien niibir Rand,, achool 10 a. m. John Denny, superintendent. The annual Home Mission Day wiU be ooserveo. uer- .A - Qn Klu., ' TVi m man ktticb aw - - Chriatian Relicion in its Eisenee a Mis sionsry Religion." English serves 11 a. m. ' Sharing is tne sudjccs oi me program DreDared for this service. This also is All Church Day for November. Lunch st noon. Consistory meeting at x:i p. Thank offering program by the Woman's Missionsry society at 2 o clock, epeciai music CALVAltT BAPTIST Sundsy services begin with a graded rhnreh achool at 9:40 a. m. Mrs. W. A. Barkus, superintendent. Morning worship at 10:50 o'clock. Subject, "The Greatest War Ever Fought." Anthem oy euorua choir. Young People's service at 8:80 n no. rjvenmr worsnip at w Knhiert. "wnai is a a air"ici SDecial music oy enorus cnoir. ( tr,iiti neetine. Tuesday loyalty Class socisl evening. Wednesdsy prsyer and prsise service. Thursdsy choir rehearsal. I W. Earl coenrsn, pastor. TEE CHTBCH Of CHXIST Tarner of Cotuce and Shipping streets. C. T. Spring, minister. Bible study at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Sermon topic. 'Tha Choice of Butn.'- communion 101- lowisg the sermon. Evening service at I 7:30 a'dock. 8inging class Friday eve- ning 7 :30 o clock. TTai VETHODIST SPISCOPAL V. v.rl. Parker, ositor. Floyd 8. Bel la Airt.rtnr of relicious education. Prof. Robert M. Gatke, superintendent church school. 9:45 a. at. church school. Classes tnr all ami. 11 a. B. Public Worship. Att- nnal thank offering W. H. M. 8. . Dr. Tkmiiii Aeheaon will soeak 7:80 p. m. soecial service. Tne rorum u cnarce. '6:30 p. m. r orum ana leagues. TCWTECOSTAX. ASSEMBLT Aia. KtftLa atraet. . Sundar school at 10 a. m. morning womuip h r . Evangelistic serviee st 8 p. m. jtidweea services Tuesday and Thursday nights. Young People's service Saturday night. WT.8T BAT.TM TOBS KEMOSXAX K. K. Clsrk. psstor. Church school o-ss a. m. EDworth Lesgue s:bu P. Evening worship 7 :30 o'clock. Armistice j Sundsy progrsm wui oe preaeoieu. oun- day morning service oumiui . - fmstST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN 18th and SUta streets. Bev. Amos E. nastar. Phone S73S. German services 9:30 a. m. Subject, "The Task the Lord Hss Appointed Unto His Church." English services 11 a. m. Sub- Jeet. "Some of the Objectives That God Church Must x,ver nin ' a P Knnrr of Aurora wiU occupy too pulpit at both of the services and present the wora OI me amcnaB wnw.n g,l,. aehool B:S0 a. m. Mrs. Ames E. Xinneman, supenntenaens. u " ' League 7 0. . Leonard .amsow, icaaer. Sunday School Rally With An Attendance Goal of 500 at the FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 13th & Center 9 :45 a. m. to 11 :30 a. m. A combined service , Evangelut I. C. Mathis Will Tell the Story of His Conversion ' The J. S. Frtesen Family "WIU Sing 7:30 p. ntw closing evangelistic message "The - Closed Door." Music by the large chorus choir The Liberal in an Age of Nationalism An address by C A. Sprague, editor of the "States man." The first of five sessions of a Seminar consider- ing - . ; ' .' ' . - ' , Some Problems for the New Deal ecH address followed by ifluestions and discussions from the floor. First Congregational Church, Center & Liberty ' Sunday evenings 7:30 to 9 ST. JOHH'S EVASaELIOAIi LUTOE2AX . Missouri Brnod. corner lets, and A. streeta. Bev, U. W. Cross, pastor. English sorriees at t :4S a. ns. German services at 11 a. av Sunday school at a. m. , FIRST CHTTKOH OF CEBI8T . - JCIEMTISI . Chemeketa and Ubertr streets. 8unday school 9:45 and 11 a. m. Services 11 a. m. and 8 . aw Subject lesson sermon, Mortals and lauaortals." Testimony meeting Wednesday 8 p. m. Beading room la Masonic temple open 11 a. m. to 5:80 p. as, except Sundays and holidays. XBIQHT ltZHOBIAX 19th and Tarry streets. H. C. Storer, miaisteb Church achoos at 10 a. m. C. C. Harris, superintendent Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon, "The Shepherd Heart of the Church." Keening serrico, Sennoa. "What Others are Saying." The ministry at musie morning and. evening. xouag -People's -meeting at : p, Monthly church night supper snd meet-i'dsy lag Wednesday evening at 0:45 o'clock.' 1 TOST BAPTIST ' Brittoa. Boss, minister. Bible school st- Or5 a. m. Fred Breer. snperintendent. The Gideon conventions of Oregon and Washington will meet in the First Bap tist church. Sunday services will be ia charge .of the Gideons. Brittoa Boss, pss tor, will bring the message st the mora; ing worship hour at 11 o clock. Her. Jack .Mih., of Po,?U;4.wiU U rsT? 1 'i.'-J?- ,:8.? P' JJt' lnm- P'i B' Ji ?i D- ' w. r" .?,r Inde at 7:10 p. organist.' At all Miss Minnie Miller. the serrices special m.a- kic by the Gideoa quartet and choir. AMEBICAH LUTHEBAH Church' street between Chemeketa and Center. Rev. P. W. Enksen. paster. Sun- day Bible ' school at 9 :45 a. m. A. A. Kruecar. suporintendent. -11 a. m. the jubilee service. Sermon, "A Worthy Con tribution," Anthem, "Abide with ai, directed by : Wm. MeGUchrist, Sr. Solo by Mrs. Zelda Van Dyke. MO p. m. fee- tire celebration or tae SSUtn anntrersary 0f Martin Luther's birth, November 10, 1483 The Bev. J. M. Jensen, psttor ol St. John's Lutheran church. SUrerton. wiU deliver the address. The Young Peo ple's chorus, directed by John Schmidt, will iMnvUft'l, annaifal nr,rr,m TthaO League at 6:80 p. m. Miss GUdys Edgsr leader of senior group f senior croup and Miss Hosella I Mason leader of intermediate group, C0UXT ITSXEt CHURCH Or CH2I8T 17th and Court streets. Hugh K. Mc Callum, pastor. 1744 Chemeketa street, phone 8104. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Classes for all. Harmon Gsrrett tells story of visit" to the "Little Brown inures in me wuawoou.-- morning wor- 1 snip sna i-ora-s tsupper at 11 a. n.. uuet by Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Miller. rJermon theme, "Bervice Without l-rom. writ- 1 tian Endeavor at 6:15 p. nu Three So-,ipP, anperintendeat. Morning worship eieties. Evening evangelistic serviee at I at n:oo a. m. The message, "The 7:80 o'clock when the Junior Sunshine I ifirhtv -flod" Tntmnediate C. E. at ehorn, wi" ,in- Sermon theme, "Hope- snip sinner as o:su p. m. at ine ounga low, and. a missionsry program. 8FIEITTTAUST CHTTECH OF DIVISE TBo TH 556 Union street. F. Gordon Fleming, ssster. Sunday 8 p. m. lecture. The Bible and Spiritualism." Messages win follow. Tuesdsy 8 p. m. lecture, "The Msster of Your Fate." Color resdings will follow. Fridsy 8 p. m. lecture, "The Se ance Boom." Messages will follow. TMMASTTEL BAPTIST Corner of Hasel and Academy streets. Bible school at 10 a. m. Mare Saucy, Sunday school superintendent. Preaching st 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Musie by the male quartet. Midweek praise and prayer meeting Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. FIRST CHRISTIAN1 Center and High streeta. Guy Tj. Drill, minister. Residence 605 Union street. ' Church school 9:80 a. m. Morning wor ship, including Lord's Supper and ser mon. 10:45 a. m. Young People s meet ings 6:30 p. m. Evening evangelistic ser vice 7:30 o'clock. Evangelist Teddy W. Leavitt will speak at both services. Ser- I vice esch evening el this week at 7:30 o'clock. K OSES ALE rXIESDS Vilo Clifton Ross, minister. 10 l a Sundav achool. T. D. Trick, superinten dent. Morning worship st 11 o'clock. The message is to be No. a of the Parable series, "The Psrsble of the Hidden Trea sure." 7 p. m. Christian Endeavor hour. Young people from the Highland Friends church will lead the discussion. At the 8 O'clock service T. Clio Brown, psstor of j Highland church, will speak. Ladies' Mis sionary society Wednesdsy sfternoon at the home of Mrs. T. V. met, Bible stuay and prayer Thursdsy 7:80 p. m. 7ASOH LEE afRafOHTAT. hf. S. Corner Jefferson and JJorth Winter streets. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. H. B. Carpenter, superintendent. 11 a. m. ser mon by the psstor, H. G. Humphrey. Sub ject, "Treating God as a Last ftesort." Special music by chorus cnoir. o:au p. m. Epworth League. 7:30 p. m. song ser vice followed by illustrated address oa "Home Mission Work ia the Hawaiisa Islands." EVANGELISTIC TABEKNACLE Ferry street at 13th. C. G. Wettoa, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 s. m. Char les A. Wilson, superintendent uffuren ser vice at 11 a. m. Subject. "The Blest Life or the life of Prayer." Special musical selection, "Get Along With C-od." Young People's service at 6:80 p. m. Evsnge limtie service at 7:45 p. m. Subject, "The Christian Way.' Bible, study Tuesday nirht at 7:45 o'clock. Prsyer meeting at -2:80 v m. Wednesday. Devotional ser vice at 7:45 p. m. Thursday. It's a Fact Clothes tailored by Mosh er are In every way equal to those made In many larger cities. Our fall woolens are here. And . . . THEY COST LESS! D. H. MOSHER 474 Court St. Tel. 5401 Sts. ' ' az. PAUva CHTJBca (episcopal) Charch- and Chemeketa - streets. Bev. Geo. H. Switt, rector. Holy , Communion 7 :30 a. as. Church school t :45 a. ns. Lyan F. CreMJniller, suparistendeat.- MornUz prayer and sennoa 11 a; m. , . . TEX GBACB GOSPEL HALL ' 15th and Mill, streets. Sandar -school st 10 a as. Ko meeting at 8 . m. owing so Gideoa convention., Oospe) meeting at ';: f fs ''Th,Ul tth PB0GBX8SITB 8PIBITVAXIST SUMrw.M- ill, Ii.ll ! aa- Topie, "Spiritual Knowledge Manifested Through the eewneo of Numbersi Spesk er. IPUer ox Portland. Ctrclee wiU be held from S to 7:80.7. at. by Bev. O. .rtag sad others. FXXAT CHTTECH. OF TEE KAZAKXITB : Thirteenth and Center streets, Kt. Fletcher Galloway, Pastor, doling day f Aha revival campaiga with- vangelist I. C Mathis. t:4S to ll:SO a. m 8ua- school rslly eembi ted with morning sernco. Jter. Jtatbie riU give the story nf his eonrersioa, 6:09 V. M4 H. Y. P. 8. froups 7 :S0 p. m Rer Uathis will speak irom the subject, Tha Cloeed Door.'' TEMPLE BAPTIST OHUBCH : Corner Nineteenth and Breyman street, J. H. Briscoe, pastor. Sunday school, t:4S a. m.. N. 1. Andersen, superintendent. Classes for all ages. Morning worship, 11 a. subject, "Will Ye Also Go a c rlJ to., good test. 6:30. A real treat in sk the. Young people. Preaching, 1 Way I food music, inspiring met safe. rJ. x. p. store for all 30. . Sub ject, "Be Sure Your Sin Will Had You Out." LESLIE MEMOBIAL CHTTBCH South Commercial at Myers, 8. Dar low Johnson, pastor, 848 E. Myers St. Ourch school, 9:45 a. nt,'V. M. Saekett, superintendent. Morning worship at 11. Anthem,. "God's Tomorrow" (wilson. Sermon, "Knowledge end the Kingdom." Epworth Leagues at 8:30. Leslie lesgue topie, -Our Attitude Toward Missions.'.' Leader, Miss Faith Priday. Asbury topie, "What Concerns. Us," led by Miss Carol Johnson. Happy evening hour at 7:30. Soar service. Special musie by the Gil berts. Sermon. " Shall Be Saved. Woman s Foreign Missionary society, Wednesday afternoon, at home of Mrs. John Bertelson. 110 LefeUe Tt. Charth school workers conference "."-7' 7J -""a. .- Mid-Week hour at 7:15 and choir, re hearsal at 8:15 Thursday evening. BOBEBTS ' Roberts Community church and. Sunday school, Laurence Buxdette, pastor. W. A. Carey, superintendent. Combined serv ice at 10 a. m. HIGHLAND FBIENDS Highland avenue at Church street. T CTio Er, , gttB(U servires: Bibl, achooL 10:00 a. m. Lester Da- 6:30 d preaching at 7:80 p. -. The Charles C. Haworth. pastor of South Sa lem rrlends with bis young people to conduct the C. E. The church prsyer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. AMTTT CHRISTIAN Bible school st 10:00 with Mrs. D. W. Daniels, superintendent, in chare,. Morning- worship st 11 :00 with D. W. Daniels presching on' the subject, "The Macedonian Call for Today." Evening evangelistic service at 8:00, A real song service and a message upon the theme, "The Pictures of God." CHURCH OF JE8TJ8 CHRIST OF UtTTER SAT SATNTS Church is held every Sunday in the Sslem Women's club, 460 N. Cottage street. Sundsy school stsrts st 10:00 a. m. Preaching services at 12:00 m. mil CHTTECH OF GOD Hood and North Cottage, G. T. Sea!, pastor, 1591 Broadway. Services, 11:00 a, m. and 7:30 p. m. Evangelist Cross preaches at both services. Msle quartet sings st evening services. Also the evsngelist sings a solo. Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Lvla Knor. superintendent. Young People's meeting, 6:30 p. m., Lyle Knox, leader. . revival continues au next week every evening; except Sunday. BICXBXALL EVAJfGELICAI. CHTTECH John J. Rudin, minister. Sundsy school. 10:00 a. m Mrs. Adams, sopenntenaent. Morning worship, 11 a, m. Song service led bv Miss Hsxeltine. - Sermon topic, "Grace and Faith." Belly Psy aext Sunday, fior. 19. . riiST CONOEEGATIOKAL Center and Liberty. J. R. Simonds. mln ister. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor ship, 11:00. Armistice Dsy sermon, Af ter Fifteen Years". At 7:30 C. A Sprsgue, editor of The Statesman will .r,..w aha thame. "Tha Liberal ia an Age of Nationalism". This is the first session of the seminar oa "Prob lems of the New Deal." Here's the A-B-C of, ' Q To AVOID Many Colds At that first nasal irritation or sneeze, use Vicks Nosa ft Throat Drops, the) new aid in prwventina colds. U these) uniqua LVopa in time and avoid many colds mntinly. TO IUILO RESISTANCE TO COIMi Follow tha aimpla ml of health that ara part of Vicks Plan for better Con trot of Colda. Tha Plan which baa been proved in thousands of clinical tests is fully explainod in each Vkka package. A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY A widow, or perhaps some friend, aay, be called upon to make the final arrangements for the funeral of some loved one. It is a comfort to know that here there is honest, conscientious service. Every detail receives careful attention. ' ' W. T. RIGDON & SON FUNERALS SINCE 1891 . , 11 OF SPECK) : SERVICES SU The third Sundar of the Silver Jubilee anniversary of the Churcl of the Naxarene is being ob serve d tomorrow in the 2004 churches of the denomination, at a day of prayer, with the slogan n.....t. V Tln(Aiia1 T 1 fa Also tomorrow is the closing daj of the evangelistic campaign be ing conducted here by Rev. I. ,C N Mathls of Hutchinson, Kans. Sunday night Rev. Mathls wlL give his closing message hen from the subject, "The Closed Door." The choir will sing. Next Sunday is World Mission ary Sunday in tho SUrer Jubilee celebration and Dr.s J. G. Morri son of Kansas City, general mis sionary secretary-treasurer of the denomination and editor of "The Other Sheep," will speak at the morning service here. Also Dr. J. E. Bates of Portland, district superintendent of the North Paci fic, district,-will be present aad have part in the service. Home Missions Observance Is Slated Sunday The annual Home mission day for the Reformed church, Capitol and Marion streets, will be ob served Sunday, -with German and English services at 10 and 11 o'clock, respectively .- AH church day for November will also be observed Sunday, with luncheon at noon, a consistory meeting and thank offering by the Woman's Missionary society in the afternoon. FBXB METHODIST CHURCH Corner Market snd Winter, M. H. Pitcher, psttor. 1230 X. Winter. Sermon topie, "Prsjer". Sundsy school, f:45 s.1 m., Emory Goode, superintendent. T. P. M. S. mefli at 6:30 Sundsy eve ning. Prsyer snd Praise service, Thors dsy. 7:30 p. m. No matter with what you are afflicted, our wonderful hero treatment will positively relieve skin diseases, influenza, diseases of the throat, heart, kidneys, liv er, stomach, piles, asthma, chron ic cough, weakness, consupauoir, dizziness, neuralgia, headache. appendicitis, rheumatism, artnri tls, neuritis, blood poison, ca tarrh, diphtheria, eczema, swouen glands, tonsllitls, ear trouble. lumbago, tumor, dropsy, female complaints, nervousness: all dis orders disappear without opera tion, j CONSULTATION FREE THE SING HERB CO. tt. S. LOW, Direct lag Herbalist 473 S. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon Phone 5758 Lady Attendant, Honrs 0 to 6 p.m. Week Days; 9 to 12 Sundays. Main Office, Oakland, Calif. 21 Years of Service To SHORTEN a Cold At bedtima, Just rub on Vicks VapoRub, tha tnodatn toathod of tntting colds. All night long, by timaUtion and inhaUtion, Vkka VapoRub brings 700 direct rtlief. When P Others s" Fail CM 'V