The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 10, 1933, Page 9, Image 9

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The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon: Friday Mominsr, November 10, 1933
ii t
' i
! 1
Isilvcrton - Program Leaves
. Afternoon Free for Big
- "A i Football .Tilt
SILVERTON;, Tfor. The lo
cal Legion post has prepared fall
day far Armistice celebration at
$ilvertoa and has left the after
noon Ire so that those- who will.
pna a large number hare Indi
cated their, intention to do somar
auena ine xootball same at Port
land.. . . - ...-.v-.i'; 't- :;- n.
iuo i i ooservaace ones
IwithT the parade which Is sched
uled to form at North Water ad
A streets and march along Water
etreet ,to the armory where thai Mr. ad; Mrs. O. F. Ferrons who
program till be held. At the.jjro-
Option Price Given
10 Years Ago Pcaf
, By Wood for Land
, DATTO Nov. ft A
deal ', was - made Hatarday
; whereby " lo Wood of
IJaytoo, became the owner
of the 40 acres of Willam
ette rirer -bottom land belonging-
to George I. Shel
barn of Unxravafe, that was
10 years ago leased and
sale option given.
At the expiration of the.
-lease Satwrdajr the pwr
chase was made at the
stipulated cash price agreed
wok at the execntion of
the -lease.
It m let to hops and
has r been a portion of tbe
l85acres oMt o iiWood
Trd awar Dayton.
gram the Dr. ! W. O. Uvinastone
.will offer the invocation and pro-
no a nee the benediction. Rot Hew
ltt, assistant to the attorney min
eral, will be the speaker at the
morning program. The Silverton
school band, directed by Calvin
Storey. , wlH play; Mrs. Edaon
Comstock will read "In Flanders'
Field;." Mrs. William P. Scarth
will sing, and Oliver Carpenter
win gire a groan of banio solos
i The annual pot luck- dinner of
ex-service men and women will h
held at noon at the armory and at
night a Memory Lane" dance-
will be the entertainment.
live-on the Bethany road.
RIVER VIEW, Not. t. The
Thursday Thimble clnb will give
lta annual harvest festival No
vember 15. The nsual refresh
ments will be omitted this year
and only candy and popcorn ball
will be sold; also a quilt will
be awarded. A good program is
being prepared..
The Alfred Schelman family
moved to Silverton Wednesday
to be near his work.
Men began to husk , the 35
acre-field of corn owned by A.
Nelson, Wednesday. Although the-
corn Is not as ripe as last, year,
it is excellent and has a heavy
A farewell party was given at
the Frank DeWall home Tues
day sight for Merriel Sage, who
t is leaving this week for his home
la Red Dear, Alta., , Canada. Mr.
Sage has been here at, the home
of his ancle, Frank DeWall for
tha past two years. About 20
attended. : .
Taxpayers Will Vote
On Building of Gym
HUBBARD, Not. t To answer
a popular demand the directors of
Hubbard Instructed the clerk to
post notices- for a school meeting
to be held at. the schoolhonse this
month when the taxpayers pres
ent will decide whether the dis
trict will hare a" gym for which
1400 worth of free labor has been
SILVPRTON, Not. , 4 Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Alfred (Gaynelle
Beckett) have moved Into their
home at S0( Sheridan street. The
house was formerly occupied by
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cross who
have moved to Portland.
AUMSVILLE, Nor. . The reg
ular community club meeting was
held at the schoolhopse Tuesday
night with the jnew .' president.
Bland Speer, presiding. They vot
ed to have Joint meetings with
the other community dubs.
Committees appointed were:
membership, Mrs. William Wins
low, Mrs. Frank Bowers,. Mrs. Su
sie Ransom and Mr. Charles Par
son; refreshment, Mrs. Charles
Martin and Mrs. Opal Fuson. This
was the first public appearance
of tbe newly organised orchestra
directed by Perry Spellbrlnk who
Is teacher ef the seventh and
eighth grades.
The members are: Selmer
Brown, Errol Kintr, Wayne Ran
som, -Herman and Francis Ruet
gers, Melvia Schuls, Miss Dorothy
Ascha, Miss Mabel Hollander, Miss
Charlotte Martin' and Miss Nera
Ham, pianist, ; and" Perry Spell-brink.-
7 ' '
A number of adjacent communi
ties are to give numbers at the
community club meeting Friday
night. Mrs. F. E. Way and Mrs.
Thomas Lovre'are arranging the
program and a large crowd is expected.
SCIO, Not. t. The proposal to
dissolve the Scid Parent -Teacher
association and form a community
club In lieu thereof Is to be the
special order of business at a reg
ular meeting to be held" Thursday
night, November If.
LIBERTY..N0V. 9 The Liberty
community club will meet Friday
evening, November 10, at 8 p. m.
The American Legion will put on
the- program in charge of Rufe
15 of 39 Students
: Examined at Clinic
Given No Demerits
HUBBARD, Not., Of the SI
children examined at the clinic
Wednesday, XI were from White,
I school and- two preschool, and
I I from Hubbard, 1 ? school and
one preschool. Seven from White
and eight front Habbard were
found to be without defect.
xne . examining physician was
Dr. Burke. He was assisted by the
nurse, Neva Lyndes, Mrs. Waldo
Brown, Mrs. George Knight and
Mrs. John Friend.
office ta the Woodbura city hall.
Two ' persons have I been ; work
lag. at . the local headquarter! -since
October It and, say they,,
will - stay- here registering . for
relief work as long aa there are
any here who want to sign ap.
120 Men in Northern
End Sign for Relief
WOODBURN, Not. 9. Over
120 men' from the Woodbura
district have already signed up
for federal relief work. It was
stated here Wednesday afternoon
by those in charge ef the branch
MEHAMA, No, f. The,
weekly Quitting day for the Will- 1
Ing Wcrkert was well - attended
Wednesday with 20 women turn
ing out! to help, with the rush ,
orders which are to be finished
before Christmas. Roll Lee is
quite ill at-the home of his sis
ter, Mrs. Dixon. . '
MONMOUTH, Not. . Mrs.
Q. H. Reynolds arrived in Mon
mouth -Saturday night having
driven a track, heavily loaded ,
with, household goods from Pao
nia, Colo. She was accompanied
hy her two young children and
made, the trip- to Join her hus
band who came here' In August
to find a location.
To Feed Legionnaires
: A poUuck dinner at noon fol
lowing the program in. "the morn-
fn&v will be en of the featarea of
the Armistice- day observance at
Silverton. The Legm Auxiliary.
yetted at its .November meeting, to
famish meat, potatoes and coffee
for the nooo-day dinner. .Others
attending, aad all ex-service men.
Legtonnairesv csd Auxiliary ment
lers are iarlbed are asked to fur
nish plea, cakes, salads, and sand
wiches. ' : - :
father affairs reported upon at
the Auxiliary meet ins: include:
- Mrs. Ernest Starr chairman of the
fchlld welfare work of the group,
reported that 1Z dresses had been
completed and sent to the veter
an's children Ti home. Mrs. George
; Towe, chairman of the sewing
committee, reported one quilt
completed, another .well,, under
..way and others planned for. The
Sewing ctnb will continue making
Qttilts f or charitable purposes dur
ing the winter. The unit also en-"
; dorsed the sale of Christmas seals
and voted to support the sale ma
terially. Mrs. R. E. Klelnaorge is
In charge of the local tuberculosis
seal sale.
' MONMOUTH. Nor. Crimson
O, dramatic club of the Oregon,
normal school has chosen three
playa for preseatatleat The Chi
nese Water Wheel' by Edna Hig
jgins Strachan, has this cast: di
rector, Dorothy Cansler. Main cast
Ben Adair. Lawrence Wismer,
Elizabeth Baler, Donni Connye,
.Valmere . BuDiav Stage manager,
Crest Houghton : property man
ager. Kathleen Fltzpatrkk; cos
fumes, Barbara Powers.
"Good Medicine." by Jack Ar
nold and Edwin Burke. Director,
Lucille Berney. Cast: Willard
Kewton, Helen Harris, Lucille
Berney, stage- manager, Orvllle
Johnson, property manager, Hel
ea Smith, costumes, Enola Fleet,
- "When Love - Grows Up," by
Constance Powell" Anderson. Di
rector, Gilbert Mack. Cast: John
Kirigin, Juata Johnson. Wlnnlfred.
Ebbert. stage snasager, Uargaret
McBeth, property manager, Kreta
Calaran, costumes, Elsie Rose.
Gertrude Doyle is ehaJrnane-of
the program committee; business
and publicity committee-Is com
posed of Leone Baker, Enola
Fleck, Hugh Edwards and Wln
nlfred Ebbert,
Leaves in Streets
' Topic at Meeting
! f Of Town's Fathers
1 . .11
f 'WOODBUKN, Not. 9. As
! late' aa f Wednesday' afternoon
Street Commissioner John Mair
f laid ha - haa- had no trouble at
i all about property owners putting
eilesr leaTee-- in the street, as
ta been tho practice for several
years past. Tuesday " night at a
meeting of the Woodburn coan-'
Veil It was decided that anyone
found 'guilty ? of putting -leaves
in the pubHe streets be subject
o arrest. :-wU,: .
Ray O. Glatt, member of the
chamber of commerce's commit
tee which hae charge of the plac
ing of the city's new sign, ois
cuBeed several aspects of the
ease with the council but no of
ficial action was taken,
v It "has been discovered that
the lots oa- Harrison street re
cently sold to .Ferdinand Bras
l ael by the city are actually coun
ty property, lUTlnavbeen bonht
come time ago. The city must .
either buy the. property from the
county and then settle the nego
tiation with. Brassel or let Bras
oel deal.dlrectlywith the county.
DAYTON,. NoTi . The
fourth - annual - dancing program
of Miss -- Catherine Laidlaw a
dancing students of Portland,
wa presented- at the Dayton
opera hous Friday night under
the auspices of - the- Dayton. Wo
man! ciTio- etabv The admission
netted approximately III for tho
Tpju broom toad. - -
' SILVBBTC tor. t. LlUle-thie-
- year - 1 Sylvia Ford
'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
ford or 15M Salem roa. "
a Salem hospital recoTering from
serious cparatlos- She' ia atill
repoxtad la a critical condition.
Tina 'b tha granddaochter, of
TUT C A ' r r C w 1 -1 . 1
1 n l jnv iiNuj wards make in purcnasing ror millions
right back into b h I I LR VA L U h b ! . J . .
Gilt Ccgs
fat r . j
50c ea.
Large Choice
Over a dozen
new styles!
Elack or
brown; in
smart fall
" f
ta y SOctdxa.
Accepted by
Zt UlAt
Ccpe Gloves
$1.29 pr.
Stir style el
eft rif nl-ia,
aaBned. Fear
bone length.
Black, brews.
Rubber GdosKes
89c pr.
Bntwe erhUA
Dance Sets
Silk Crepe!
Good quality, trimtued with
imported lace. Chemises, S 1.
4S .
f dftlft s
FaD cat, neatly
tailored. Fine
elatk Plaiaee
Mcns Pajamas
Aaeekea Paaaeia oottom
. flaaaea. Middy or coat style.
Fall cat.
Plaid CIcnkeH
kaewa aesvy
I C1x99 Sheefs
'Kaaaai SaMaaal
stmcK ap wane a
Uw. teagweaar
are atill
1 lit sal y
42x34, 23c ;
fJring Fcuicet
Fhte ssedera
Fm Thm Brtghtmr Sfafo mt IAtm -
Ncv Sheers Top
Off the Mode
Bright top pins
slim, dafrk skirt
prasnefy ssmarf
street drea. Son
day night frocks
take to the same
flififiiay cornliiTia
tloa exf coHtrasta.
Hke these
anil crcry typo of
beaaty, fit into
ererr wardrobe.
Thej-fme in aoBd
eaJera, Jblaek and
brown, too, if yon
prefer- them. In
4 Sparkling JVem Fashion t
Only a dollar far
gela er-sflvev saet
si Isrbtai or
mart briaamad
hats with cote veils
... bews ef velvet
. . . aaatal eraa
bkbm .... tacks.
Ia glorious evs
alag shades.
r 1 il
Fcikton-Farorad S&l
Flat OcchT
shades to wear
beneath coats.
White and pas
tels for lingerie
Ererr color
washable- 3S
inches wide.
A Ward Vdae
$595 CEasmi?
Specially Priced for November
$ I 95
Buy now and
Save! Attrac
tive ikcasiohai
Chair with
e raf wrtahJe
sag; seat. Dur
able upholstery.
Wear Dull Finish, Hi Twist
Mh (Kb
t y , '
Scnatt sheer dnf-
foaa or rtvrdiei.
service-weight. All
tbe new darker
shades lor winter
are here at Wards.
taupea. :
Oear, pore aSk with
pieot topa and
Tkay'n Priced Very tow
t - ff znJi
Vcrsn Elzrlxcts
S-wool pi a a
Pennine core
yam for added
stresgthl 4 lbs.
in weight! Sine
3284 inchea
with deep 3 ia.
Good-Lookmg! Priced Low!
Wool-filled Sateen
Covered Comforts
inches lo keep
you covered up
to your cars!
Weight 4H
pounds-. Bloc,
rose, green, hdio,
Complete with 3 Pillows I
Trtplo Studio Couch
Haa it aa a aaia he dev.
A double or twin beds C YoO1?
by aicht U rxeear or W J??.
WStk law S
rent covering.
aerspruif aaattrese.
aa dowe,
S3 monthly, plsJ
carrying charge-
High Style! Fine
Quality! Low Price!
New expensive looking fashion details! All the season's leading: styles and leathers I
We spared nothing to bring you the cream of the fashion crop! Every shoe in this
group represents the best value in quality and style we have ever been able to offer
you at this low price. Pumps! Ties! T-straps! Suede! Kid! Black. .
a pair
only ?l3)
Vdue for Boyd
Get the best for
boyt Black calf
with strong
Strong soles!
shape! Extra quality!
Blucber exfords or
high shoes. Goodyear
welt constrnction.
ea Bay et Words . . .Sore I
Gudify Lee-he!
lalew pries)
1 quality at
Wards! Herea a
black calf grain
leather oxford
with oak leather
sole, Buy Now!
Real Value m Every Step
Littb Qlth WcsJ
Clccft Winter
strap fordrasa
op" wear the
black calf t&
for school, i
-J Real rahsee.
164n. rOll King?
Tested ;
4 A M b? VareV
Bnreatt el Standards); '
Tested throurhotrtC
AH leather nudea
brown. . ell treated
chrome tanned leathV?
er uppers, soles
middle eoles.
AD MaOaalr! Prleed 50
Icm tbnsi fdmjm annrket!
2 IPn(E(BS
With mohair prices as high as. they are,
we canaot repeat this Ward valae. Both
pieces have comforUble high backs aad
roll arms. And the cashioas, backs sad
seats are spriag-filled. Carved feet.
Vclour Set
! J
as down, se
uoathly, phu
carryiasj chargo
275 N.Liberty
Phcns 8774
-'V i-"1