The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 10, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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    .The OREGON STATESMAN Salen ' Oregon, Friday Morning, November 10, 1933
1 1
f i
Local N
Cash Settlement Made Report
of a cash settlement with Robert
L. Stalling, a, minor, by. N. , T.
Warren, vu ) made In probate
court here this Week by Virginia
Dell Johnsrud, guardian. The
claim grew out of an auto acci
dent near Hubbard July 1.
Wall Paper Sale. Presnall Paint
Store. 4SS Court St .
Ask for License An applica
tion for a marriage license hus
been tiled at the county clerk's
office by Albert E. Stokx, 24, Ger
vals, a telegrapher, and Monica
Schwab, 2?, Sllverton, a hous-
IThv nhilrfrcn Hoarl
IIIIJ VllilUIWII itwwu
a Liquid laxative
i j
Claims Past Due Wages A
claim of $1560 for past due wages
and $148 for funds and goods ad
vanced, has been presented
against the' estate of the late
James Kinijon by .Moses Mid
daugh, who says he worked 312
days at IS a day and had not been
paid by Kinijon before the latter's
death. The claim was made - in
probate court here.
A hat free with any suit or ver
coat sold during this sale. G. W.
Johnson Co.
McKlnley Holds ' Reception
A large and. interested group of
parents and friends of McKinley
school pupile attended the recep
tion held at the school building
last night, where teachers dis
played the work of their students
In the rations classrooms as one
of the feetnres of American Edu
atlon week. " '
The temporary relief children get
from some synthetic, habit-forming
cathartic may cause bowel -strain,
and .even set-up irritation in the
kidneys. A properly prepared liquid
laxative brings a perfect movement.
There is no discomfort at the time
and no, weakness after. You don't
have to give the child "a double
dose a day or two later.
Can constipation be corrected in
children? "YesP say medical men.
"Yes!" say many mothers who have
followed this sensible medical advice:
1. Select a good liquid laxative. 2.
- Give the dose you find suited to the
system. 3. Gradually reduce the dose
until the bowels are moving regularly
, without aid.
An approved liquid laxative (one
that is widely used for children) is
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. The
mi!d laxative action of this excellent
reparation is the best form of help
or children and grown-ups, too.
The dose can be regulated for any
age or need.
Your druggist has Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup,Pepsm. Member N. R. A.
J. R. Stephens at a local hos
pital, Wednesday, No 9. aged 62,
years. Late resident of 2575 Ha
rd avenue. Salem. Survived by
widow, Margaret Stephens, Salem,
and two sons, Fred M. Stephens
of Portland and David Olson of
Salem. Services will be held from
the Christian church, North High
and Center streets, Friday, Nov.
10 at 2 p. m. with Rev. Guy Drill
officiating m 1 n 1 s t er. Interment
Belcrest Memorial park under di
rection of Clough-Barrick company.
Card Tables and
Chairs to Rent
Call 6I0, Used FurnJture
Department s
.151 North High
In Portland. Nov. 7. Margaret
A. Duncan, 72, widow of late
Judge J. M. Duncan of Linn coun
ty. Former resident of 2372 State
street. Leaves one son, Leroy N.
Walter of Lolita, Calif.; three sis
ters, Mary Brown of Peoria, 111.,
Susan Terwilliger of Champayne.
111.) Arzona Campbell of Indiana:
three brothers, D. Bussard and
Martin Bussard of Albany, and
M. L. Bussard of Milwaukie. Ser
vices Monday. Nov. 13, at 1:30
p. m. from W. T. Rigdon and
Son's.. Rev. Grover C. Birtchet officiating.
Baa nits Car Mrs. G. B. Zum
wait, 2145 Myrtle street, notified
city police yesterday that the Sa
lem Heights bus struck her car as
she was backing out from parking
near Commercial and Ferry
streets. No serious damage was
listed. Lawrence Barr, 185 North
14th street, reported his car was
struck while SO feet off the high
way near Eckerlin's beer garden
north of here. The other driver,
named Ella, averred Barr's ear
was on the road, Barr sT&ted. An
other mishap reported yesterday
Involved cars driven by tto N.
Hoppes, 495 North 21st, and F. H.
Jory, 23S0 West Nob Hill, at 12th
and MIL
Carnival Dance Hazel Green Fat
Crary Forfeits Ball Clifton
Crary, the man who was arrested
for being drunk when he appear
ed at city police headquarters
Wednesday night, forfeited 25
bail, according to a municipal
court record filed yesterday. Po
lice first gave Crary's name i
In honor of the American Le
gion, union barber shops will be
closed all day Saturday, Nov. 11.
Portlander Fined D. L. Haynes
of Portland, whom city police ar
rested October 28 for falling to
stop his car at a through street.
yesterday appeared in municipal
court here and pleaded guilty. He
paid the $2.50 penalty imposed
by Judge Mark Poulsen.
hat free with any suit or over
coat sold during this sale. G. W.
Johnson & Co.
Case Continued Preliminary
hearing on embezzlement charges
against James Moreland was set
over until Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock on motion of the district
attorney. The hearing will be be
fore Judge Hayden. Moreland is
accused of taking $50 from the
Raymond machine shops, where
he was employed.
Chinese Medicine
or kidney, bladder.
Fong stomach, catarrh,
constipation, glands.
Every Ailment Disorder
122 N. Commercimal St,
Over Salem Hardware Store
Daily 9 to 6: Sunday 9 to 12
Consultation Free
& B.
Russian X Remove a Corn 1 fever y
Mineral MViAxl stoys Instantly. Why nt I
take changes with unsci- lHermO- I
Oil -M . entlfie methods or with m I
f cutting corns? I meters I
GaL I Schaefer's Corn Remedy I 1
will remove your corn in 5 I I
A AO m daTS or money refunded. f mm H
I "U7 . - sold the Schaefer way, no M M Pi
Extra cure no pay. We will glad- M V H
Heavy- mall package to you JJ If fl I
Bring Your IV for 25c. S w I
Container ysS mmmmmJ
: Coming Events:
November -December MB
Salem Buy-Now campaign.
November 10 Willamette
vs. Southern Oregon, Nor
mal, bight football game,
- November 10-12-Orego
conference of Gideons, First
Baptist church.
November 11 Salem
Grange No. 17, all day: meet
ing, Miller's hall; open
meeting 1:80 o'clock. .
November 11 American
Legion's Armistice day cele
bration, y
November 18 Red Cross
membership drive opens.
November 18 Court
house, 2 p. m., public meet
ing on budget of ston-hlgh
school area. . '
Estate Evaluated The estate
of the late Lettle F. Deerlng has
real property .here valued at $3,'
000 and real property in Harney
county of undetermined value' ac
cor ding, to a report filed this week
in probate court by Andrew Koer-
ner, administrator.
Registrations are now being made
for the beginning class In short
hand next Monday at the Capital
Business college. Call, let us con
suit about a ranrsa. -
Hearing Scheduled Hearing to
determine whether the rates and
charges of Earl Rodman of Red
mond, operating as a contract mo
tor carrier, are fair and reason
able, will be held' here Thursday,
November 1, with Herbert Hau
ser, state superintendent of trans
portation, presiding.
Officer Takes Bailey Roy Bail
ey, arrested here recently on a
telegraphic warrant from Eureka,
Calif., left for that city yesterday
In custody of an officer. He is
charged with non-support.
Six Mea Wanted . T. Barnes,
manager of the federal reemploy
ment office .'hare, announced late
Thursday that he had work for six
men who "were, experienced driv
ers of caterpillars , with Letour-
neau scrapers auacnea iiegisira-
tlons now on tile at the office fail-J
ed to reveal, men with this -experience.
Any men .thus aualified axe
urged to report at the Court street
office today. The work they will
do is 200 miles' from Salem. The
men must have heavy cldthlng.a
raincoat and bedding and trans
portation to the job must be mu
tually arranged. Wages are to be
15 cents an hour for & 30-hour
week. Board and room will be
charged at $1:05 a day. '
Only 2 days left to buy Trank-f
Una' Bulbs at 'Adams . Flower
Shop All stock will be planted
after Nov, 12. Buy Now.
$1700 in Estate The es
tate of the late Margaret A. Dun
can 'hai assets of $17,600 accord
ing to preliminary papers filed
in probate Court Thursday. Ten
thousand dollars Is in personal
property and $7500 In real prop
erty. The Ladd AV Bush-Trust
company is executor of the de
ceased's will. There are 12 bene
O. S. C. and TJ. of O. Alumni,
we have those, big Mums for the
game. Olson Florist.
Executrix Named Martha
Batterman was named yesterday
as executrix of the will of the
late Hermina Rastenkranx who
died at the age of 80 years last
" Claims Negligence The f Ser
vice and Sales company, Joint de
fendant with E. A. Ersklne In an
auto damage case recently filed
by Walter L. Miller in circuit
court here, tiled its answer Thurs
day. The company 'claims Ersklne
was driving a Packard car owned
by the company 'trot was not an
agent of the company and there
fore the latter contends it is not
liable. It also contends plaintiff
was guilty of negligence in the ac
cident which occurred August 19.
Two Ask licensee Two cou
ples applied for marriage licenses
yesterday at the county elerk'a of
fice here. Warren Gaylord Hlg
glnbotham, 22, Hubbard, a farm
er, asked permission to wed Amy
Elizabeth Hershberger, 20, a
housekeeper. ' Keith Becker, 19.
route three, Sclo, a farmer, asked
permission to marry Geraldlne
Perry, 20, Scio, a housekeeper.'
$4870 in Estate The estate of
the late Gunhild Roseland has as
sets valued at $4370 according to
an appraisal filed in probate court
yesterday. C. B. Anderson is ex
ecutor of the wllL
Suit Settled A voluntary non
suit was granted in circuit court
here yesterday to the plaintiff in
the case of Donald J. Madison
against E. E. Ling and Marie H.
- Warrants Called Call for pay
ment of general fund warrants in
dorsed "not paid for want of
funds" between September 7 and
SO, was Issued Thursday by Ru
fus C. Holman, state treasurer.
The call Involves approximately
$49 (.558.44. this call was made
possible by the payment of $445,
000 of second half taxes for the
year 1933 by Multnomah county.
Yamhill county sent in $8573.
Executrix Resorts Rilla
Coates, executrix of the will of
the late D. Yanderbllt, reported
in probate court yesterday that
she had handled property which
had the appraised value 'of $3998:
Expenditures to date have been
Estate Valued The estate of
the late Harlan Carnahan has as
sets valued t $1299 according to
an appraisal filed Thursday In
probate court here. William Me
Carrall is administrator.
Junior Collectors Meet The
Junior division of the Salem
Stamp society will meet at 7:30
o'clock tonight at the T. M. C.
A. All boys Interested in the
hobby are invited to attend.
Second Degree
Murder Proven .
' ' i , ,
KANSAS CITY, Nov. t. (fl5)
Dr. Edgar L. Davis was found
guilty of second degree murder , '
by a-criminal court Jury here late
yesterday and sentenced to ten .
years in Missouri penitentiary for .
the fatal shooting of Paul Proc
tor, a minister s son,- in ' a down
town office building last Septem
ber. ;
ftkm Bar W
U bona, i
Uw P... Aik torn
Open the nostrils.
relieve Irritatkm by
HI sin Mentholatam
I nljit and morning- y
Do You Really Want
to Stop that Cough?
" " You can do it with a
SArcouple of doses of Bron
chuline' Emulsion with
gfp balf a bottle anyway. It's
S,ii no pleasant tasting sweet
sugary cough syrup but it's one
with a real kick. As a matter of
fact, it feels great going down.
a backing, racking cough almost
while you are swallowing it. Mon
ey back if it doesn't give you re
lief. Perry's Drug Store and all
other good druggists guarantee it.
When G
Others vk
No. matter with what you are
afflicted, our Wonderful herb .
treatment win positively relieve ,
skin diseases, influenza, diseases
of the throat, heart, kidneys, liv
er, stomach, piles, asthma, ehron- -Ic
cough, weakness, constipation,
dizziness, neuralgia, headache,
appendicitis, rheumatism, arthri
tis, neuritis, blood poison, ca
tarrh, diphtheria, eczema, swollen
glands, tonsilitls, ear trouble, -,
lumbago, tumor, dropsy, female
complaints nervousness; all dis
orders disappear without opera
IL S. LOW, Directing Herbalist
478 S. Commercial St.
Salem, Oregon Phone 5758
Lady Attendant, Honrs 9 to 8 pjn.
Week Days; 0 to 12 Sundays.
Main Office, Oakland, Calif.
21 Years of Service
Don't Bark Yow
Head Off!
Take Schaefer's
-Throat and
Lung Balsam
50Can $1.00
'Made in Salem
Our Offer Buy a bot
tle today; take as dir
ected. If not relieved,
return bottle and get
your money back. .
Z La
HI Price 50C
-r UligUtn- M- m. m -y.f Package
.tine Mmcral Oil Um
- I Heavy, 1 En?el-
size A 6T)fQ )
Xyvl Yon Bring J each
D mj RV Your Bottle yyj 8 for 25c
a risen"
Don't Coddle a Cold
Kill It With
Schaefer 'sDrugStore
the Original Yellow Front Drug , and-Candy Special
135 N. Commercial St Phone 5197
Yhen You Think Drags, Think Schaefer
I! L All I
HARDLY a Home without one . . . th
chair with the shaky leg that JJncle
Henry broke when he sat on it, back
in 1929. (He was heavier, then.) TheJ
whole family knows about it, but for
four years it has kept its place in thej
living room ... a dubious 'decoration,
a constant menace to the unsuspecting
And so throughout America
here, in the dining joom ... there, in
the bedroom or kitchen , . . an infirm
company of .tottery tables, spavined
sideboards, and shabby chiffoniers.
For the plain truth is that most of us,
under pressure of circumstance, hav
Just let our furniture go. And in those
four years it has gone a long way.
Sooner or later something will have
to be done about those wornout house
hold goods. And now is the great op
portunity. For furniture prices today
are lower than they are ever likely to
be again!
Consider the facts. Since 1 929 the
furniture manufacturers have had so
little demand for their products that
furniture has almost ceased to have
any basic value at all. ,Yet furniture
should, like everything else, have a
true basic value a value sufficient to
yield to its maker and his fellow work
men a fair amount to live upon.
It is one of the chief aims of the
NRA to restore value to the common
things of life . . . a mans labor . . . a
manufacturer's product ... a citizen's
property. 4The government is trying
to make everything worth' something
again. ,
Furniture is one of those things.
Under the NRA furniture code, all
labor values, all raw material values,
are going" up. Payrolls have advanced
57. Lumber 41. Uphostery fabrics
have advanced 48J. Therefore fur
niture must go up, too. Furniture is on
the way to regaining its rightful value
as a commodity.
This process is not yet complete. Re
tail prices on present stocks of furni
ture are still extremely low. Now is
the time to buyl
Statistics of the National Associa
tion of Furniture Manufacturers
show that production rose from
67 of normal capacity for the
week ended August 5 to 114
during the week ended September
2. August retail sales were uni
formly more successful than for
several late summer seasons.
This advertisement sponsored and paid lor By the Salem NRA Bay Now Committee. Copy of this advertisement famished by national
'P: " '" NRA headquarters 7 ;'