The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 10, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN; ?Salerai i Oregon, -Friday Homing, November 10, 1933
Society Mews and Club
F - d ay Concerts
To Begin at
. The first o a series of concerts
given erery Friday night In the
auditorium of th Y. M. C. A. will
be presented tonight at 8 o'clock.
Membert of the Philharmonic
Symphony orchestra will play. The
concerts are a ; regular feature
throughout the winter season and
are.' open to the public free of
The ' program is as follows:
. Philharmonic trio of Violin, cello,
piano; "Srefiska Folkerlse" by
Srendsen, - played br -Georgia
Childs, Kenneth. Robinson and
Doris Barnett.
Trumpet ' trio: "New England
Moon" by Blank, played by Rob-
- ert Teager, James Hoyer and
Ronald Adams.
. Cello solo, "Evening. Star" from
Tannhauser, ; played by Warren
Downs accompanied by Flayia
-Downs. Trio, Tlolin, flute, piano:
Traum-der-Sennerun" by Labit-
iaky, played by Kathleen Broer,
Marjorie Broer and Bert Broer.
- Violin solo. "Le Cor Dei Aloes"
by, Dancla, ; played by Maxine
uoodenough, accompanied' byEi
leen Goodenough. Cello solo, "Es-
- tullda," by. Parks, John Snell ac
companied, by, Doris Barnett.,
Philharmonic trio. "Minuet" by
' Haydn, played by Georgia Childs,
Kenneth Robinson and Doris Bar
nett. , .. ,
Mrs. Boise Hostess to
O. T. Club
.Mrs. R. P. Boise will entertain
members of the O. T.-club at a 1
o'clock ' luncheon this afternoon.
An Armistice day motif will pre
vail. Bridge will be in play fol
lowing: the luncheon hour.
: Special guests - will be Mrs.
. Frank Bensen, Mrs. Homer Smith,
Sr., and Mrs. Marjorie LeFurgy.
... Covers will be laid for the above
' guests and Mrs. U. G. Shipley,
Mrs., Seymour Jones, Mrs. Frank
- V Spencer, Mrs. E. C. Cross, Mrs.
Y T." B.-Kay.-Mrs. C-H. Robertson,
Mrs. George A. White. Mrs. H. B.
Thielsen, Mrs. Russell Catlln and
hostess, Mrs. R. P. Boise.
Dr. Miriam Griffin of Manila,
Philippine Islands, has been a
guest of Mrs. I. M. Scharff, 2037
Nebraska Are. .Dr. Griffin came
from Manila by way of. East and
South Afrka, South America and
- Europe; spending ten months In
these countries. She is spending
the winter with her brother,. Dr.
Laurence Griffin of Reed College,
Portland, and will return to Man
ila next summer.
Jessie Steele, Society Editor
Friday, November 10
Sketch class. Arts League, in fireplace room, public
library, 7:30 p. m. ,
Mothers' study group, First Congregational church,
at parsonage, 3 p. m. W. H. Quigley. speaker.
Sewing club, B P. W., 6:30 potluck supper at home
of Mrs. Winnifred Herrlck, 296 Richmond Ave. Brins
Woman's Missionary Society, FirBt Baptist hurch,
in church parlors, 2 p. m.
Barbara Frietchie tent No. 2, at Woman's club
house, 8 p. m.
Ladies of Salem Dakota club, at home Mrs. C. F.
Reilly. 43" S. Liberty, 2 p. m.
West side circle, Jason Lee church, at home Mrs.
L. C. Hockett, 1603 N. Commercial.
County W. C. T. U. Institute, 10 a. m. to. 4 p. m. in
hall on Commercial.
Sophomore party, Salem high school gymnasium,
7:3u p. m.
Three Links club. Odd Fellows hall, 2:30 p. m.
Queen Esther circle, Leslie M. E. church, 7:30 p. m.
Home of Mrs. Mason Bishop.
Salem Heights Woman's club, 2 p. m., clubhouse.
Concert at Y. M. C. A. 8 p. m. Open to public.
Coffee House Honored
On Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin
were hosts to members of the
Coflee House club, university lit
erary group, Wednesday night.
A program of creative work was
enjoyed after which refreshments
were served.
Mrs. Isabel Clifford assisted
the hostess with serving.
PrsFtit -were Darlow Johnson.
president of the group, Miss!
Madeline Schmidt, Miss Helen
Childs, Miss Alice Wiens, Miss
Betty Moffatt, Mrs. Virginia
Kaiser, Miss Nellie Perrine, Miss
Florence Zweifel, Miss Agnes
Corthell, Miss Marlon Minthorn,
Miss Louise Anderson, Kenneth
Oliver, Charles Cater and hosts,
Mr .and Mrs. F. G. Franklin.
Pythian Sisters Enjoy
Annual Affair
Centralia Temple No. 11, Pyth
ian Sisters held their annual roll
call meeting ' Wednesday night
Covers were placed for 40 at the
potluck supper preceding the
The address of the evening was
given by Rev. Earl Cochran, to
gether with a musical program.
Mrs. Wayne Greenwood and Cur
tis Ferguson presented an accor
dion and guitar duet, Miss Max
ine Ferguson sang a -solo accom
panied by. Mrs. Ray Ferguson,
and Curtis Ferguson presented
several guitar and vocal selec
tions, -i
Heights Woman's Club
To Meet
The Salem Heights Woman's
club meets this afternoon at 2
p. m. at the clubhouse for an In
teresting program. Mrs. Cleve
Bartlett is in charge of arrange
Mrs. Emma Whealdon will be
one of the speakers, having Just
returned from an extensive east
ern trip. Mrs. Mary McClure will
tell of her visit to the World's
fair and delegates will report on
the county federation meeting in
Jefferson recently.
Hostesses for the afternoon are
Mrs. Frances Wilson, Mrs. J.Mor
ris, Mrs. May Salsbury and Mrs.
A. M. Chapman.
Miss Morgali Hostess .
For Shower
Miss Dolly Morgali entertain
ed with a line party at the Elsl
nore theatre and shower .after
ward at her home Thursday
night In compliment to Miss
Madolyn McKillop, bride-elect.
Gifts were placed under a large
bright unbrella. Chrysanthemums
were arranged about the rooms.
A late luncheon was served ' by
the hostess.
Bidden were the guest of hon
or, Miss McKillop, Miss June
Speer, Miss Helen Larsen, Miss
Marguertte Harvey, Miss Alta
Johnson, Miss Lucille Rollow,
Mrs. Elaine Settlemeir and the
hostess, Miss Morgali. .
Vows Exchanged
Tonight at
A pretty home wedding tonight
will unite Miss Mary Sheridan and
Frank F. Robinson at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William P. Sheridan.
Rot. Earl Cochran will perform
the ceremony at 7 o'clock In the
presence of the Immediate fam
ilies and a few close friends.
Miss Margaret Townsend will
attend Miss Sheridan and Bill
Sheridan, Jr., brother of the bride.
will act as best man for Mr. Rob
inson. '
An informal reception will fol
low the ceremony with Miss Fran
ces Andersen and Miss Barbara
Elliott assisting Mrs. Sheridan
with serving.
The couple will make their
home in Salem.
Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. Dave
M. John entertained a group of
friend3 Friday night. In a clever
game, preceeding an evening of
bridge, V. A. Tuel won the prize.
In the bridge game Mrs. J. C.
Lindley and J. N. Fischer had
high score.
Miss Aldrich : Engaged
As Lecturerer " , ;- "
Miss Maude Aldrich, who will
be the principal speaker- at the
Saturday meeting of the Woman's
club,- la engaged in exceptionally
Interesting work. - Miss 'Aldrich
travels about orer the entire
United States giving : lectures on
the social and educational Yalues
of motion pictures. ;vs
. She la a member of the Nation
al Federated Motion Picture Coun
cil of America and has headquar
ters in Washington, D. C. al
though her home la near Portland.
The council she represents Is
made of leaders from various ser
vice organizations such as Parent
Teachers which make a united ef
fort to raise the standard of mo
tion pictures.
Miss Aldrich Is well-known in
Salem and throughout the state,
having lectured here before. She
will speak Saturday on the "Sub
ject of Motion Pictures". The
meeting is open tq anyone inter
Neighbors Woodcraft
Name Officers
Neighbors of Woodcraft, Silver
Bell circle No. 43, have elected
the following officers for the com
ing year:
Past Guardian Neighbor, Cora
Smith; Guardian Neighbor, Dr.
Edith Witzel; advisor, Delia June
Wallace; clerk, Jennie Shelton;
banker, Olive Hawk; managers.
Dr. Otly Lv 8cott, LewU Wallace
and R u i 11, Winihomb; Mar.
Pearl Barry; Atwporthy Walker;
I. S.,' Richard 8. Smith; O. 8.,
Dorthy McDowell; C. of C HalUe
Lynch; T. B., Fern S. Shelton;
Mus Agnes Havre; P, C, Jennie
Ferguson. . ' ' ' '
.". Mina Olmstead was recommend
ed as senior guardian.
Mrs. Yarnes Surprised
With Party
A group of friends and rela
tives surprised Mrs. S. J. Yates
in honor of her birthday Tues
day night. .
The evening was spent in
games and conversation, - follow
ed by a buflet supper.
Those who attended were Mr.
and Mrs. E. C. Bash n ell, Mr. and
Mrs. H. D. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs.
R. W.. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gib
bons, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Saunders, Mr. Lee Yates, Miss
Opal Yatea and Mr. S. J. Yates,
Wallace Road. The Sweet
Briar club spent a pleasant so
cial afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Glen Adams, Wednesday.
Mrs. Charles Glaze, newly elected
president, presided.
Additional Society
on page 6
Thursday Club Feted v
At Luncheon
Mrs. H. J. Bean entertained
members of the Thursday club at
lnneheon yesterday afternoon.
Yellow chrysanthemums and tall
yellow tapers provided the deco
rative note.
Mrs..C. P. Bishop and Mrs. A.
N. - Moores assisted the hostess.
The afternoon was spent informal
ly. Those bidden were Mrs. Percy
R. Kelly, Mrs. Frank Benson and
Mrs. Thomas A. McBride, special
guests; Mrs. John Albert, Mrs. E.
C. Cross, Mrs. Richard Cartwright,
Mrs. Russell Catlin, Mrs. M. M.
Cuslck, Mrs.- Alice H. Dodd of
Portland. Mrs. S. C. Dyer, Mrs. F.
A. Elliott, Mrs. R. B. Fleming,
Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, Mrs. W. E.
Kirk, Mrs. B. C. Miles, Mrs. Marie
Flint McCall, Mrs. George Pearce,
Mrs. R. P. Boise, Mrs. Frank
Snedecor, Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney,
Mrs. Charles A. Park, Mrs. Frank
Spencer, Mrs. A. N. Mooxes, Mrs.
Henry B. Thielsen, Mrs. William
Brown, and the hostesses Mrs. C.
P. Bishop, Mrs. A. N. M Cores and
Mrs. Henry J. Bean,
L. Forrett Surprised
On Birthday
L. Forrett was pleasantly sur
prised Wednesday night with a
buffet luncheon in celebration of
his birthday anniversary. A large
lighted birthday cake centered
the. serving table.
The evening was spent Inform-
ally:'- - - I " - - ,
Bidden were the honor guest, r.
L. Forrett, Mm. L. Forrett, Miss
Laura Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Davis, Mr. -and Mrs. K. J. Me
Gulre. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Sand-
era, 8. Fletcher and Mr. and Mrs.
Emrey Lebold.
Dinner Compliments
Miss Proctor
Miss LaVerne Proctor was hon-
ored on her. birthday anniversary
Wednesday night with si charming
Informal dinner given' by- Mrs.
Tom Dotty. Tall , red tapers , car
ried out the decorative note. I
Covers were placed for the hon
or guest. Miss Proctor. Mrs. E. W.
Otjen, Mn and Mrs. B. E. Otjen-,
Elizabeth Otjen, Beatrice 'Otjen.
Rennle Otjen, Orien Otjen, Daryl
Otjen, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Crusader Ware
The Perfect Cooking Utensil
Made of Allegheny Metal,
Chrome-Nickel Alloy
Cleans easily, never rusts or
corrodes, saves fuel expense,
wears indefinitely, impervious
to all food acids.
Rt 4, Bx 10, Dial 116, Tel 7SF5
Pacific Crusader Ware Co.
- i -
V 7 j
State and Commercial Sts.
Specials for Friday, Saturday, and Monday, November 10-11-13
WeGGOPim nil SF -V2Ga"on
Leslie, 8-Ib. bags 19c
Fast or Regular
9-lb. sacks
.'Mission - 4 O - - OCa
Broken, 2s sucans tOK
AmBass.!. ff OOa
dour : O rolls dOV
Chocolate BARS
Nestles - Q
3 varieties i bars tJU
Sunbrite Cleanser
. k fJcans 10c
I lObars 24c
Columbia Best, roasted from
finest coffees obtainable.
Del Monte
22 can
t2 3 cans
lib 28c
31bt. ..79c
4 lbs. ..99c
Prince Al- Q
bert, 2-oz. sm
12 cans
Bell, for every household
purpose. , (- QQ
49-lb. sacks . tP JL 00
2 Van Camp's ftt
large bottles iJs
Best .. 2.1bs. 25c
Buffalo Y box nK.
, O carton OL
3 lb. can 49C
Bonner Choice Thompson
Oranges, fine for
Jnlce, each
Grape Fruit . fT
Seedless. 4 for - X f
-Cauliflower, fine
heads, each
Celery Hearts, fresh
Cranberries, the better
kind from O 1 CT
Cape Cod
Cabbage, Extra
Quality, lb.
from Lake L&bish 7
8 Vegetable.
Obtain your fresh fruits and vegetables
from Pan Takit, Salem's Leading Produce
Sweet Spuds RibsTT()c
Smooth Jerseys w r 4v
fi?afes 4 lbs flgc
Flame Tokays
wmm 2 lbs 15c
Fresh Local -
(SES1U3ICT 7 :
Local Well Bleached, bunch
All Kinds at Reasonable Prices
Day, 1933
We pay trib
ute to this day
o f memories
and honor
hose who
made the
Great Sacri
Max-i-muM, Ig. pkg.
SYRUP, Max-i-muM
cane and maple, qt. jug
Large Pkg.
PUMPKIN, No. 2ft can
3 for
COFFEE, Airway
1 pound
BEANS, small white, good
cookers, 5 lbs. ;..
CIDER, fresh apple
in your container, gallon .
9-lb, sack
SALAD OIL, in your
container, qt.
25-oz. can
Vi -lb. green
RICE, Blue Rose
5 lbs.
elbow, 4 lbs.
Hours are spent by. our market experts every week examining, testing and finally
selecting the finest meats for your table. Quality is always the deciding factor . . .
never price. When a customer purchases a roast or any other item in a Pay'n Takit
market, our guarantee of goodness goes with it.
Eastern Sugar
Any Size Piece
QflSEBg IBggO Vc
Pure Ground Beef w.,&c
- 1 1 11 .i 1 - - I. -- ... 11 1. .i . -. - , -
I I EPsz!pQ M&& I I
335 South Commercial We Reserve the Right to
aOpen UntU 9 pjn. Daily limit Quantities
harmony soAPLa
Tff Standard ( 3 CaXlS
irCffl Qaality V " "JNjO 1 IJbby Tidbits f-l
Tomatoes ) 3C irauuciBa
i Buy Now
I Blue Seal Hardfeat f.mRAIS1NS &Ac
II II II Every Sack Guaranteed (P-j CQ II N CITRON PEEL
II II H 49-lb. sack B HI Lyons, fresh, lb.
I Pride of the West
ForAUPurpose QO 11 II
. 49-lb. sack tpXatJU OJ
- a-
Open Kettle Rendered
3,b, 25c
1 lb. Weiners
andr: ,
1 Quart Kraut
Both For ..
Grocery and Meat Prices Effective Friday Saturday and Monday, November 10, 11 and 13