The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 21, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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Third Round for
Golf Trophy
The third round of play for
the Captain's trophy took place
Friday morning at the Salem Golf
club, after which luncheon was
enjoyed at the club house.
A Mrs. O. 0. Locke and Mrs. J. II.
Garnjobst were winners In class
A. Ia class B, Mrs. J. N. Bishop
and Mrs. Max Flanery tied and
Mrs. Bob Savage held low score.
The final round will be played
next Friday. -
The day's prizes went to Mrs.
Ed Gillingham in class A 'and to
Mrs. Howard Hulsey in class B.
Special guests for golf and lun
cheon were Mrs. Laban Steeves
and Miss- Dorothy Watson. Mem
bers present Included Mrs. Joe
Adolph, Mrs. Fred Anunsen, Mrs.
Ed Baker, Mrs. Key Byrd, Mrs.
Prince Byrd, Mrs. Fred Bernard!.
Mrs. Kenneth Bell, Mrs. J. N.
Bishop, Mrs. W. E. Chandler, Mrs
Max Flaneryj Mrs. Ed Gilliisgham,
Mrs. J. H. Garnjobst, Mrs. W. A.
Johnson. Mrs. George King, Mrs.
R. I. MacLaughlin, Mrs. George
Johnson, Mrs. lie-ward Hulsey,
Mrs. A. S. Hassey, Mrs. Ralph
Jackson. Mrs. V. E. Kuha, Mrs.
Ercel Kay, Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mrs.
H. H. Olinger. Mrs. C. N. Need
ham, Mrs. Scott Page, Mrs. Fred
Rltner, Mrs. H. K. Stockwell. Mrs.
Graham Sharkey, Mrs. Ernest
Skelley, Mrs. Guy Vincent Smith,
Mrs. Bob Savage; Mrs. Roy Sim
mons, Mrs. Van Wleder, Mrs. Wil
liazi Watkins, Mrs. Harry Wled
mer and Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee.
International Club Has
M -
new mciuucis
International club on the Wil
lamette university campus has
seven new members this year but
will not open the club house in
the near future. Harriet Burdett,
Tom King, Nancy Moffatt, Doris
Sullivan and Suzie Fukuda ar
the new members.
The club now has a full mem
bership made up according to the
rules of the organization of a for
eign enrollment of 60 per cent and
an American membership of 40
per cent. Those on the waiting
list will be admitted as soon as
" tbe foreign enrollment is aug
mented. The group for the present Is
holding meetings every other Mon
day night at the home of Dr. A. A.
Vazakas. Last Monday Eugene
Smith gave a book review of "Em
inent Asians" by Upton Close, at
the second meeting of the fall.
Language majors will be guests
October 30. and Dr." Vazakas will
speak on European affairs.
Betty Moffatt is in charge of
"an affair to be given by Interna
tional club for the student body
some time in December, the date
set tentatively at the 8th.
The new note in fashions. Is
high nd wide!" The fflgh neck
line and wide sleeves are impor
tant things to note about the
model ; sketched today. Other
Btyle light you'll adore include
the pleat that lends animation
yet eeps the skirt sMm and
'trig battens that accent he- novel
seeming. You'll have great success
making itthe Instructor shows
every - detail and still greater
success wearing it!
itrn 1C3S is available in
sizes 12, 14, 19, 18 and 40. Size
18 takes 2 yards s.inca ia
bric and .7-8. yard 5? inch con
ar itaaft (iir nfwr far M I
Au iiiw IWtttn. Wft Siataty A
asaa, aasms sad styie bmmc
rv h aj rlntr atria.
tk arr-- fcttodc.
1M toUtw sa4 iv7. w,;
kott a -wt w-tr, gifts foe U
kUUttea Jaak sUaafts fssftiea tutaes
tkin m unc tk tacttu
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Mttanr tofBtMr, twenw-flvs ewt. -Aa4rM
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News and Club
3 Jessie Steele,
. -. -- - -
Society Models in Style Show
V" . vNli! til
I V v , f 5 1
Society women act as models to display tbe season's newest creations in
a New York fashion show. At right, Mrs. Nicholas Holmsen wears a
brown metallic evening gown, featuring a number of bow loops at the
shoulders. At left, Miss Betty Crosth waits, a leader of the younger set,
displays an evening ensemble in gold metal cloth with a sable bow.
Post-Nuptial Event Held to Honor
Mrs. John A Starker at Labish
Women's Clubs at Aurora, Hayesville and
Liberty Enjoy Fine Programs
Labish Center. Mrs. Harry
Lovre, Mrs. J, W. Burr and Mrs.
W. A. Starker were joint hostesses
for a post-nuptial shower honor
ing Mrs. John A. Starker (Rosa
lie Sundint of Salem Wednesday
afternoon at the attractive coun
try home of the Starkers. Miss
Sundin's marriage to Mr. Starker
was an event of early fall.
At the service hour the host
esses were assisted by Mrs. Joe
Rentz, Mrs. Tillie Isham and Mrs.
Harry Benuett.
The isroup included the honor
guest, Mrs. John Starker, her
mother, Mrs. John Sundln of Sa
lem, Mrs. Nicholas Kurth, Mrs.
Joe Rentz. Mrs. A. M. Boynton,
Mrs. A. F. Roniinger, Mrs. Cozad,
Ira Page, Emina Harris, Mrs.
Ajary Harris. Mrs. William Zlng
erTxre. H. M. Bibby. Mrs. H. E.
Boehmv Mrs. Clen Mahler, Mrs.
Tillie Ishata, Mrs. Kildahl, Mrs.
J. Fred Pugh. Mrs. Guy Dow,
Mrs. Arlo Pugh, Mrs. E. G. Horns
chuch, Mrs. K. S. Tontz, Mrs.
Clyde Leed, Mrs. E. J. Weinman,
Mrs. Frank Weinman. Mrs. W. F.
Klampe, Mrs. Kd Miller, Mrs. Ar- A
thur Miller, Mrs. W. It. Daugn
erty, Mrs. 0. 0. McClaughry, Em
ma MeClaugbry, France Klamoe,
Mrs. I. D. Bennett, Mrs. Harry
Bennett, Mrs. Harvey Aker, Mrs.
Dominic LaRota, Mrs. Alice Jef
ferson and the hostesses.
Independence A miscellan
eous shower was given at the
homo of Mrs. W. C. Bullis Wed
nesdav afternoon, complimenting
Mrs. Marshal Pengra. The shower
was sponsored by a women's sew
in k circle.
Those attending were Mrs,
Marshal Pengra, the honored
guest, Mrs. Ed Becken, Mrs. Bon
trager, Mrs. Gus Fisher, Mrs.
Fred Fisher, Mrs. Art Baker,
Mrs. Tom Ray. Mrs, O. E. Mar
tin, Mrs. Felir Wattenberger,
Mrs. Lionel Berry. Mrs. Willis
Scott, TIrs. Lee O'Kelley, Mrs.
Oren Lydia, Mrs. Joe Oberson,
Mrs. Carl Groth, Mrs. WInerd
Bullis, Mrs. Arthur Bullis of Hog
kins, Mrs. W.E. Ramey, Mrs.
Tom Hart, Mrs. May Hanna, Mrs.
Elmer Half, and Mrs. W. C. Bul
lis, the hostess. ;
The second meeting this ' fall
of the Stitch and Chatter club
was held Wednesday afternoon at
the heme of the president, Mrs.
Norman Baker.
The regalar meeting: of the
Methodist Boosters met at the
home of Mrs. C. G. Irvine Wed
nesday evening. Mrs. C. G. Irvine,
president,, presided over a busi
ness meeting. A v good many of
the Boosters were not present,
because of the W. C. T. U. con
vention in PortSd.
f 9 ?
.Hayesville. Mrs. Fred Wil
liams, assisted by Mrs. Alice
Beers, entertained the Hayesville
Woman's club at its regular meet
ing on Thursday.
President, Mrs. Claude Tal
madge, and Mrs. Roirlla McAfee
wil lact as delegates to the con
vention of tbe third district fed
eration at McMinnville, Tuesday.
A paper, "Prehistoric Oregon,"
was presented by Miss Ida Denny,
and current events by Mrs. A.
Mrs. Davey Willis, who recent
ly moved Into the community, be
came sv new member. Mrs. Lillian
ghaner was a fnest.
' '
Liberty. Tbe Liberty Women's
club met Thursday at tbe Harold
Lan home. Delegates, elected to
th county women's club federa
tioa meet were Mrs. Ed Jory, Mrs.
W. Fair and Mrs. Shattnck. Mrs.
Stacey wilt attend as a member
of the county child health eom
mittee Study topte for this meeting
was Scandinavia; .paper wore read
by Mrs. Ballantyne and Mrs. Fair.
t "i -S- J-"'.--mt I' A.-" '3L.i WSsTaV- Af'.-.-lf v
Society Editor
Aurora. The Aurora Woman's
club was honored Wednesday by
the presence of Mrs. G. L. Buland
of Portland. It was Switzerland
day in the club. Mrs. Buland Is
chairman of the international
peace committee of the state fed
eration, and in that capacity at
tended conferences in the eastern
states and in Honolulu. She was
a most enlightening and interest
ing speaker. Miss Anna Schlappi,
guest artist of Portland, gave two
pleasing vocal numbers, "My
Hero" and "Our Yesterdays." A
talk on Switzerland and a poem,
"The Love of the Alps," by John
Addington Symonds and a lesson
in'music by Mrs. John Kraus com
pleted the program.
Delegates who attended the
meeting of the Marion county fed
eration at Jefferson .were Mrs.
taurence Snyder, Mrs. A. L.
Strickland. Mrs. E. E. Bradtl, Mrs.
Kathan Manock and Mrs. J. W.
Sadler. They were accompanied by
the. Hubbard delegates, Mrs. Earl
Grim and Mrs. Coble deLespinasse
and by Mrs. Swigart of Eugene,
who Is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Woodburn. The Women's
Missionary society of the Wood
burn Presbyterian church held its
October meeting in the club rooms
of the chnrch Wednesday after
noon. In the absence of the presi
dent, Mrs. Olive Smith, vice-presi
dent, had charge. Devotions were
led by Mrs. Henry Layman. Mrs
Maupin had charge of the pro
gram. Hostesses . were Mrs. Bert
Byers anAMrs. Jane Mack.
North SSntiam Mrs. R. A
Hammer was hostess Wednesday
night for a 7 o'clock dinner par
ty complimenting her husband on
his birthday anniversary. Covers
were placed for the honor guest,
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Keithley and
children Mary Low and Betty Jo,
Erneeine Smiley, Waldo A.
Riches, Leu ore Hammer and he
Some formerly sold
at $19.75. All to go
for a special price
of ;
Special "Attention Given to Fittings
Because of the wonderful response to this special
event, we are extending it through Saturday and
224 N. High St.,
Delanos Honored
On Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Delano were
complimented on the occasion of
their 39 th wedding anniversary
with a delightful surprise dinner
Monday night. Bridge, was in play
later In the evening, high score
going to Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Olson.
Present to congratulate Mr. and
Mrs. Delano were Dr. and Mrs.
Burton Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. L.
JNT. Gleason, Mr. and Mrs.- E. A.
McElvaln. Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. James I.
.Teed, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. White,
Vrs- -M- T. Headrick, Dr. and Mrs.
u. is. uison, miss vioia urozer
and Miss Cynthia Delano.
O. N. S. Club Selects
New Officers
Mrs. Edith Green, Miss Lois
Reed and Miss Marie Westhoff
were joint hostesses at a meeting
of the O. N. S. club Thursday
night at the home of Mrs. Green.
New officers were elected as
follows: Miss Frances Graham,
president; Mrs. Sylvia Kraps, vice
president; Miss Elva Nlssen, secretary-treasurer;
and Miss Eva
Beatty, publicity.
Dr. J. Vinton Scott gave a very
interesting talk on China and
showed pictures he had taken dur
ing recent war maneuvers there.
Honor gnests for the evening
were Dr. and Mrs. Scott. Others
present were Miss Dorothy Taylor,
Miss Grace Allen, Mrs. Ermine
Fawk. Miss Sylvia PaulBon, Miss
Isabelle Bartlett, Miss Helen
Fletcher, Mrs. Florence Krob,
Miss Muriel Wilson. Mrs. Mildred
Samuelson. Miss Violet Rotzien,
Mrs.. Cecelia Mielke, Mrs. Sylvia
Kraps, Mrs. Elsa Thomas, Mrs.
Herma Pfister, Miss Elva Nissen.
Miss Frances Graham, Miss Sally
Dorner, and hostess, Mrs. Edith
Green, Miss Lois Reed and Mies
Marie Westhoff.
Circle of M. E. Church
Mrs. Walter WInslow and Mrs
Almira Hale were hostesses at the
Hale home Wednesday afternoon
to twenty-seven members and
guests of the West Central Circle
of the First Methodist church.
Mrs. J. L. McAdams, presided
at the business session which was
followed by a social hour. Re
freshments were served at small
tables centered with briught bou
quets of autumn flowers.
Dayton Rev. Claude T. Cook
and Miss Lillie S. Zimmerdahl
surprised their friends and rela
tiTes by quietly going to Vancou
ver, Washington to be married
October 14.
Rev. Mr. Cook is pastor of the
Dayton Methodist Episcopal
church, having been transferred
to the charge June 25, 1933. He
was previously pastor of the Clat-
skanie church. Mrs. Cook has been
a resident of Clatskanie all of her
life. She is a graduate of Clat-
nVantn hltrh . school and Mon
mouth Normal and lfas taught
school for Several Tears. The
couple are making their home at
Turner Honoring her hus
band's birthday anniversary, Mrs.
K. C. Bear entertained Inform-
lly Thursday night. Guests pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ro
berts. Mr and Mrs. D. S. Riches,
Prof, and Mrs. L. J. Uhrhammer,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Riches.
Dr. I. N. Sanders has returned
from a 10 - day vacation spent in
hunting and fishing in central
and eastern Oregon.
Our Regular $3 Wave $4-00
6 Finger Waves Given Free
with Each Wave
Best Solutions
Experienced Operators
Phono 6SCS 223 N. High
Opposite Senator Hotel
Senator Hotel Bldg.
Sises 14 to 44
Senator Hotel Bldg.
Cap and Gown Society
Visits O. S. C. ,v x
Member of cap and Gown, se
nior women's honorary society
at Willamette nniversitr. accom
panied by Dean Olive VL Dahl
tourneyed to Corrallls Friday to
confer with campus leaders at
the A. S. w. U.
President of the Willamette
Oregon State college and to study
honorary ' is Kathleen Skinner,
and Amelia Schrack ia secretary
treasurer. Other members are
Helen Chllds, Margaret Purvine
and ianet Well.
Cap and Gown was established
last year and elects to member
ship senior women who have been
outstanding in scholarship, leader
ship, service and character. After
a five-year period the organiza
tion hopes to become ' affiliated
with Mortar Board, . national
women's honorary.
Family Reunion Event
In i Portland
A happy reunion event of this
weekend will take place in Port
land at the home of - Mrs. Elsie
Miles Eisaman, when she and her
five children and daughter-in4aw
will gather for an informal fam
ily get-together. Mrs. Eisaman
is a former resident of Salem, hav
ing been employed on the Salem
police force.
Miles Eisaman and his bride
passed through Salem this week
en route from California to Port
land wheer they will make their
home. The couple were married
recently, Mrs. Elsaman's home be
ing in Linsey, Calif. She attended
the University of Southern Cali
fornia. They visited with Mr.
Elsaman's sister, Miss Conauelo
Eisaman who is employed at the
state house. .
Hayesville The new traveling
library has arrived at the school
with its supply of good reading
material. Anyone wishing to avail
themselves of the opportunity of
reading these books is welcome
to do so.
Roberts. The first meeting
for the G. T. club women tfill be
held at the home of Mrs. Alice
Coolidge next Thursday, with a
1 o'clock luncheon. Assisting host
esses will be Mrs. Flora Holley
and Mrs. Elsie Carpenter.
Talbot Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Austin were given a shower Tues
day night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Delmer Davidson. The Aus
tin family lost their home and
contents by fire recently. About
40 people attended the shower.
For afternoon tea or
bridge or informal
parties very versatile,
these stunning styles, and
very practical. They are
Anne Adams models,
easily made with Anne
Adams Patterns, and de
scribed in the
Vail and Winter Edittpn
ANNE ADAMS pattern booh
HERE is helpful guidance for all of your sewing and
fashion problems. The new Anne Adams Pattern
Book not only shows you the latest and smartest dresses for
day and evening wear, but also tells you what to wear to
football games, how to dress your hair for the new hats,
how to enlarge your wardrobe with blouses and skirts and
what to look for in the new fabrics. There are pages of Anne
Adams famous sub-deb models, slenderizing fashions,
lingerie, gift suggestions, and children's styles.
The smart new materials are now being shown in the
shops and you will want to take advantage of current fabric
prices, so order your Anne Adams book now. See the Pat
tern Feature of this newspaper, for ordering instructions.
Their Throne in Danger
',; )
Mci mm li mm
King Pfajadhipok and Queen Rambaibarni oi Siam, whose rule ia
threatened by a new rebellion blazing in their country. Reports from
Bangkok indicate the revolt is spreading, even part of the army and
navy having joined the movement to oust the present government.
Delta Phi to Entertain
Over Week End
Delta Phi sorority has planned
an active weekend socially, enter
taining tonight at dinner and tea
Juniors in the house wiU be
hostesses to an informal party at
the chapter house this evening.
Those attending will be the Mis
ses Pauline Moore, Peggy Haight,
Ruth Chapman, Alice Speck,
Frances Stewart, Gwendolyn Hunt
and their escorts.
Personal guests will be invited
for dinner at 1 o'clock Sunday af
ternoon and tfit an informal fire
side at 6:30 o'clock.
Congressman and Mrs. James
W. Mott will attend the Oregon
State-Southern California football
game in Portland this afternoon
as the guests of Chancellor Kerr.
Blue Key, service organization
on the Willamette campus, has an
nounced the election of seren new
members. They were formally in
itiated at a meeting of the group
Tuesday poon and are as follows
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Miles Woodworth, Loren Grannis,
George Cannady, Garfield Barnett,
Max Bigby, Reo Young, Joe
Hershberger and Ed Frantz. The
club now has a membership of
23 men.
The Classical club, made up of
Willamette university students of
Latin and Greek, will sponsor two
social events during the year, the
first to be held December 15. Miss
Anna Calaba is president of the
club and Professor William E.
Kirk advisor.
Rosedale. . Mrs. Lesta Bates
held a little birthday party Wed
nesday night in honor of her
daughter Barbara 'g birthday, also
for Mary 3VIason, who was leaving
with her parents Thursday for
HOPEWELL, Oct. 20. Mrs
Matt Isopera, who has been ill
with pneumonia for some time in
a Portland hospital, is reported
improving. Emil Hietala of Red
Lodge, Mont., is visiting in the
home of John Puntlo.
. .... -: :: "- -. -. !". - :. ' . ' -
Now Woodburn Has
To Decide on Placing:
Of Highway Pointer
-WOODBURN. Oct. 2 ft. Th
nepn sign ordered recently by the
chamber of commerce has arrived
Wednesday tt was on display In
the local bank's windows. Tht
name Woodburn Is the only word
on the sign. Below the name there
is an arrow pointing toward the
city. The sign appears the same
from either aide. r 4
As yet the exact place where
the sign will be placed is not de
cided, but it will be somewhere
near the Junction' of Young
street and the Pacific highway.
Dr. Mary Staples on
Return Journey South
Dr. Mary Staples who has spent
the summer here at her "farm
home and visited relatives and
friends at Salem and Portland,
started for Redwood; City, Calif..
Wednesday. Carl Booth accom
panied her as chauffeur. He ex
pects to visit with relatives be
fore returning home.
Mrs. Alonzo PhUlips and baby
Jack of San Pedro and her mother
Mrs. Alice Elwell of Clarkston,
Wash., were visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook re
cently. Planting of rye in Liberty
county, Georgia, this fall wUl ex
ceed that of last year by 50
per cent.
U the kind of a ceral that's good for every
oneevcrv daf .It's genuine Boudshment all
che way thru and coca only a serving
and giris 'fifty n
fflous Ranger Ace
Btcydes. Ask yottt
grocer foe details.
A CantoNoft-AJtas
Left-A-161)Sixes 12 to 40.
Ctnitr-A-1609. Sixes it to 40.
RtSkt-A-1613. Sixes 16 f 42.