The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Satnrday Morning, October 21, 1933 PAGE THREE I r f I ( I f 4 Local N ews Brief: AVtr Right Allowed The sec retary ot the interior Friday tele graphed C. E. Stricklln, state en gineer, thlt he had released one second toot of water from the Klamath river -which waa sought by the city of Chiloquin, Klamath county, for municipal purposes. The application originally -was filed with the state engineer but was denied because of an opinion by the attorney general holding; that the waters of Klamath river could be appropriated only by the federal government. The applica tion waa then sent to Washington. Second - growth . and old fir wood. ; Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells. Two Held Here Bob Keidatz. 124 High street, and M. R. Austin, route, 1, were arrested about 2:30 Friday morning, the former on a charge of reckless driving and the latter for driving while intoxicat ed. They were reported as racing eastward on Trade street at a high rate of speed when city po lice intervened. Annual. Bargain period. For a limited time The Oregon States man by mail to any address in Oregon Only S3.00 per year. -Mott to Speak Congressman James W. Mott has beeh Invited to Eugene to give the principal address at the first general meet ing ot the chamber there for the sew year. Mott will speak Monday night. October 23.. He will discuss the public works program. Rehearsal Today -A rehearsal will be held at the First M. E. church at 9:36 o'clock this morn ing ot all girls in the Girl Re serve play to be given next week. This includes the grades, Junior and senior high school groups. Subscribe sow. Renew cow. The Oregon Statesman one tull year by mail tor less than lc a day. 13.00 per year by mall only, to any, Oregon address. ""' Seek License Application for a marriage license was made to the county clerk Friday by Dallls P. Harris, 23, Jefferson, a farm er, and Jean Elisabeth Smith, 22, Jefferson, a housekeeper. Dance Sat. nlte Hazel Green. Reports Minor Mishap D. S McCarroIl of 2590 Maple avenue, reported a minor accident at Cen ter and Commercial streets Friday morning. His car collided with erne driven by John Fletsch. Press Entertained - General George A. White was host Thurs day night at his anual press din ner for members ot the Salem newspaper fraternity. The general entertained the members of the fourth estate at the Benson hotel in Portland. Local men to attend included A. L. LIndbeck, Dennis Landry, Clayton V. Bernhard, Harry N. Crain, C. K. Logan, Sheldon F. Sackett, Brigadier General Tom Rilea and Colonel Ray Olson. Model Beauty Parlor now open in new location over Pay 'n Takit store, Com'l and Court. Four Accidents Fatal There were four fatalities due to Indus trial accidents in Oregon during the week ending October 19. a report of the state industrial ac cident commission revealed. The victims included : Robert E. Hart lay, Oregon City; Lee Donahue, Perry G. Sheldon and John Gus tafson, all of Portland. There were 578 accidents reported to the , commission during the week. The Capital Business College of fice will be open again this eve ning for night school registra tions. Practical branches. Intensive work, skillful teachers, tuition re duced to the absolute minimum Call tonight. Gonley Named Home Gouley was yesterday named administra tor of the estate of Lydia L. Gouley, his mother, who died September 13. She left real prop erty which has an estimated value of 2000. Homer Gouley, 50, and his brother, Roemo Gouley, 45, are sole heirs. Small to Build Brazier Small obtained a permit Friday to alter a two-story dwelling at 95 South Church street. The estimated cost of the remodeling is $2979. The work is contracted by Carl Bahl- burg. W. R. C. will hold a -rummage and cooked food 6ale 337 Court St. Fri., Sat., 20th, 21st. Fletcher Fined George Alli son Fletcher of Portland, was fin ed 5 in City Recorder Poulsen's court Friday on a charge of speed ing. He was- given 10 days, in which to pay the fine. Has Guests Mrs. Myra L. Shank had as guests this week her daughter and daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. H. Bacon and Mrs. J. V. Shank of Albany. HIS TALKS Oil MS OF STATE TTiomas and Other Officials Criticized,. Legislative Issues Outlined Kelly's "Watch and Chain" WHO SIGNED NOTE ' IT ISSUE, COURT The case if A. A. Schramm, state superintendent of banks, against Albert Rieh to collect a $2000 promissory note will prob ably! o- to the Jury today. Rich Is former president of the defunct Scotts Mills bank. The case started in Judge McMahan's court yester day morning. Rich claims that he never signed the note, that it is a forg ery and that at the time the bank closed he was Indebted to it in no sum whatever. The defendant avers that $250.29 of money In his checking account was wrongfully trans ferred as a credit to the note. Also that he had 3364 on deposit in the bank when it closed. October 24 has been set as the date for trial of another suit by the state banking department against Rich, involving his alleged guaranty for payment of certain sums to reduce the amount for which the fixtures of the bank were carried on the books of the Institution. J. O. Dixon, cashier of the bank, was sent to the penitentiary sev eral months ago on plea of guilty to speculations charged in connec tion with its affairs. Army Admission Test Passed by 3 Salem Youths Word of the acceptance of three $alem youths by the fed eral army was brought to Salem yesterday by Sergeant Harry it. Stevenson on his return from a visit to the Portland recruiting offices. Stevenson is commander of the local substation. Peter Paquette, enlisted this month for air corps service, has been sent to March field, Cali fornia. Leonard Brown, 2386 Cherry avenue, has been stationed at Fort Missoula, Montana. Leslie' Olson is at Vancouver barracks awaiting formal accep tance, which Stevenson was as sured will be given this week. Federal Worker on Truck Laws is Here '. Fred Rasch, at one time con nected with the state utility com mission but now. on the research staff of Joseph Eastman, federal coordinator of transportation, ar4 rived here Friday to confer with Charles M. Thomas, state utility oxpmissioner, with rotation to motor transportation. Rasch is contacting all motor transporta tion regulatory bodies in the United States. Data gathered on the trip will be the basis of pos sible federal legislation haviBg to do with interstate motor transportation. Wilson Wants Big Sum for Hurts Out Of Wagon Mishap l Because h allegedly was per manently injured when a wagon in whlchhe was riding was struck by a car driven by Mrs. Horace W. Thielsen, James L. Wilson filed suit Friday in circuit court here for general damages of 315,000 from Mrs. Thielsen and her hus band who was riding with her. Thielsen also asks 150 for doc tor's payment, $300 for loss of his working time and $20 for damages to his wagon. - The accident occurred August 31, 1933, on the Hubbard to Broadacres road. Plaintiff asserts that the grass carelessness and negligence of the defendant caus ed the mishap. He asserts his left leg was severely injured and his ja wso cut that six stitches were needed from the doctor. Criticism of present state off! cials was blended with a concise outline of major issues before the forthcoming legislative session by Representative Carle Abrama of this county in an address Friday noon to the Salem ; Advertising club at the Gray Belle. . ' - -Abrama took Utilities Commis sioner Thomas to task for "set ting aside the law" and proceed ing to give truck men special fa vors for the next-60 days. Abrams at the same time said he thought existing truck legislation should be modified, but not by the exec utive department. The speaker said he hoped the recall of Governor Julius L. Meier would not prove successful be cause he thought such action would put a national stain -on the name of Oregon. He said the for ces against Meier were strong ana indicated the turmoil in the board of control and the governor's loose control of affairs would probably lead to his ouster were a recall put to vote. Abrams quoted Rufus C. Hol man, state treasurer, as stating that Oregon's finances were in splendid shape and declared Hol man said the deficit would be wiped out by January 1, 1935 if not six months sooner. Abrams said he felt some state relief im perative this winter but he set $5,000,000 as a maximum amount to be furnished. He indicated he favored either the so-called "Mar ion county" plan of an income tax-liquor tax method of raising the moneys or else the Issuance of state bonds. "It is a mistake for us to pay up all our debts in bad times and then to get into debt in good times," he averred. The speaker indicated some thing must be done for distressed school children and indicated that probably $1,000,000 would have to be advanced as a temporary loan to needy districts. Tax flelin quency and how to meet it pro vides a great problem to the leg islature, Abrams indicated. , He quoted Holman as stating that the drafting of private property was as necessary In hard times as the drafting of men for "cannon fod der" was In war times. Representative Abrams de clared the legislature through the county courts or through the county political organizations, should fill the existing six vacan cies in the state legislature. He said he was strongly opposed to such vacancies being filled by the governor. He said the special ses- sio was imperataive but indicat ed it should have been called be fore November 20. On the matter of liquor control, the Marion county representative said his mind was not fully made up. He declared there were points in favor of a licensing system as well as a system of state opera tion of hard liquor dispensaries. The idea of the state being direct ly in the liquor business, however, Abrams said was repulsive to him although he indicated such a plan might be adopted. r ! c I ' ' ' .v. , -y ' 4 , - v - S4 V o . ' ' feW-- , !t K 4 v. ' The watch is the husky D. S. Marshal Geers, nd the chain is the leash with which he is leadine George "Machine Gun" Kelly from Oklahoma City prison to the train that bore him to the Federal Penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where he begins serving a life term for the kidnaping of Charles Urschel, oil magnate. UNITY OF STATE IS BY SENATOR A plea for legislation in behalf of all the people of Oregon was made to Salem Ad club members Friday noon in a short, extem poraneous speech by Senaor Joe E. Dunne, roly-poly member of the upper house from Multnomah county. "If Oregon wants to get ahead she must act for all the state not the upstate or Multnomah county or for one clique," Dunne blurted out. "We've got to stop listening to men and groups who bring a ball bat and tell us what to do or else we'll have our heads thumped," he- declared. "We can't have a government by such ranteakerous people; the -legislature must have the guts o stop such browbeating." Dunne said he favored some modifications in the bus and truck legislation especially in the interests of eliminating the fil ing of a bond. He said he would never countenance any bus and truck law which did not make public liability Insurance incum bent on ;.ll operators. Dunne said his mind was not made up on the proper way to handle liquor in the state. ter for irrigation of its lands on lower Willow creek near Brogan. Faust, who subsequently suc ceeded the land company, pro posed to use the water on lands further up the stream. The state engineer held that to allow the change would result in an enlargement of the water right and cause injury to existing rights by depriving them of water they had enjoyed. Obituary : , BaUork . " tPA-JmrA X 'Bullock of Enzene passed away la Portland, October 19, 1933, agea 4i years. xi survived by three 7 children. La Monte Bullock, Jsanita Bullock, ri wTiMaswi t ftartha. - Anne O'Hara, Hollywood, and - the fol lowing brothera and eistersi Geo. Bullock, ; Oswego;-John' Bullock, MonmonthJ Mrs. IL E. Campbell, Portland; Mrs. H. H. Eccles, Car by." Funeral services at Hol ma ai Pace ; & Hanklna, Oregoa City Sunday, October. 22. Ipter menl at Oswno, .Oregon, Audit to Drag on Until February in A. Maizels Probe Not until next February, 1934. can the affairs of the state board of control, having to do with col lection of funds for insane care. be audited 'in a manner to deter mine fully the defalcation ot Albert Maizels. Otto Kubin, state auditor said Friday. Kubin said verification must be obtained through correspondence with many persons who paid money to the state to ascertain exactly whether the funds had been cor rectly accounted for. Maizels, who pleaded guilty last week to taking $2035 of the state's moneys, is now free on his own recognizance. He was ordered by Judge L. H. McMahan to report daily to Dis trict Attorney Trindle. Three Women Given Posts on Woodburn Playground Board i WOODBURN, Oct. 20. Mayor W. II. Broyles has appointed as members ot the board to help run the city's new park and play ground, Mrs. A. E. Austin, Mrs. F. W. Settlemeier, Miss Mary Scollard, J. J. Hall and H. M. Aug tin. All of those appointed are own ers of real estate in Woodburn. It was provided in the park res olution that only such persons should be members of the board. Bank Wins Out in Its Suit on Note . ! The Turner State bank won a verdict 'of $323.36 against Jesse E Parrish in a circuit court Jury verdict reported .Flday. The bank sued on a note signed by Parrish who set up a counter claim which was not allowed by the Jury. Attorney's fees of $75 in addition were allowed. Elsie M. Roth was foreman of the jury Judge L. H. McMahan granted the motion of plaintiff for a directed verdict. Let Us Prove It! Let us show you a sample of our work, as well as of our materials. You'll see then that yon can buy no better suit ; ANYWHERE. What's more, our tailoring SAVES YOU MONEY! D. H. Mosher 875 Court St. TeL 5401 Hage Case as Yet Complete Mystery No new developments in the Matthew Hage murder mystery at Sllverton had come to light yes terday, according to word from the sheriff's office. Officers went over the ground again yesterday. working on possible clues which came to light at the inquest Thurs day. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of murder in the death Shanghai Cafe Chinese and American Dishes 3.2 Draught Beer Saturday open 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. Sunday 1 1 a.m. to 1 a.m. tea H X. Com'l - Tel. 5747 Every Sat. 1 :30 P.M. FRWoourysHarket 1610 N. Summer St.- Mower, plow, cultivator, hand end eL . sheep shearing outfit, garden tools, large spray outfit with 2 lOO-gal tanks and gaa engine, trailer, electric range, A-l; gas range, oak table, 6 chain, large maagle, oak rock er, baby carriage, high chair, bed spring, mhttress, large chif fonier, library table, bookcase, writing desk, Croslcy radio, blankets and quilts, pillows, phonograph, large laws mower, hose, fruit jars and jelly classes, linen remnants,-apples and produce ot all kinds, dishes utensils, etc. More fur niture coming in. Cash Paid for Used Furniture PHONE 5110 Chamber Planning Many Programs in Rural Districts The chamber of commerce is Is suing a call for talent to assist in putting on the many programs over the county sponsored by the chamber. Any local talent Is urged to get in touch with the chamber. phone 5738, and such persons will be given opportunity to appear on occasional nrograms. Appearances which the chamber good-will visitors will make next week Include: Red Hills grange at Liberty, Tuesday night; com munity club at Parkersville school Thursday night: Sidney - Talbot So Alleges General White When Bid of 5.1 25 Best Offered; Accepted That world war .veterans' state aid commission securities have been deliberately misrepresented in the bond market for the pur pose of forcing a high Interest yield, was charged at ; Friday's meeting of the commission by Major General White. 1 The criticism followed the sale ot $ 100,000 of the commission's bonds to 8tone, Webster and Blod gett of Chicago; on the basis to yield the purchaser 6 per cent. No Oregon bids were received. fV "There has been a vicious and deliberate propaganda In the mar ket against these Oregon securi ties for the sole purpose ot forc ing an extortionate Inter eat yield.! White aald. "At our last meeting,, bids were made as high as 5:80 and at that time, we made it plain that all such bids would be rejected. The state's credit is basically sound and these securi ties are intrinslcly as sound an investment as government obliga tions. , "I feel that an effort has been make by manipulation and misrep resentation to depress these se curities, discourage investment, or eliminate competitive bidding and compel us to pay up as high as 6 per cent, which we're not going to do. If I didn't have the facts about this matter I wouldn't make the statement. When a Chi cago firm gave us a bid of 5.125 on a block of $200,000 of these state bonds recently, that firm was notified by competitors that it should have held out for a high er yield. The report waa even put out and widely circulated tnat me representative of the Chicago firm had been discharged by his com pany for making such a bid. As a matter of fact a bid of 5.125 is excessive considering the basic value of Oregon securities, which should command a bid of par for the 4.25 coupons or even less. We have no reason for en thusiasm over the bid today of 5.125. I think It is excessive. But it Is the best we can hope under the circumstances and it need be no secret that if it had been any higher the bids would have been thrown out, The veteran's commission. It was learned, has been aroused for some time over reports and ru mors in circulation in financial circles against Its securities and recently made an investigation through Its executive, Jerrold Owen, secretary. Owen reported at Friday's meeting that he found suspicion working against Oregon bonds during his inquiry in Chi cago and New York based on mis information and misleading prop- Coirdng Events October SO-21 Oregon High School Principals as sociation, boose of represen tatives, state capltol. October 84 Contract bridge day for Salem; clas hes 2 and 3:30 pv m. Marlon hotel, Mrs. William H. Qniu tournament t play 8 p. The Oregon States man, sponsor. Oct. 25 Federated com munity club meeting, cham ber of commerce, 8 p. m. " October 23 District meeting. Methodiat Brother hood, First M. K. church, C:SO p. m. . . October 24-27 Biennial convention Oregon P.T.A. October 28 Salem high school-Oregon City high, night football game. : October SO Taxpayers budget meeting of city coun cil, 7:30 p. nu, city hall. counteract this, and reported that he found eastern investors genu inely appreciative of this in formation. , -... Money derived from the sale of these securities will be used in re tiring bonds previously issued by the commission. LOCAL DELEGATION I.0T YET URGANfZED SUIT TO HIM The number of nickels found in the slot machine seized wheu Leila rivldson and Jack Camp bell were arrested for operating said machine will determine to large extent the decision which Judge Miller Hayden wiU hasd down in he case, testimony cf which he heard yesterday. 1 There was testimony indicating that 35 cents had been placed in the machine by Leila Davidson, not as play but rather Just to start the thing off. If Hayden finds more than the J 5 cents in nickels,, defense contention that, there was no play will go by the boards. Defendants further contended that the evidence' gave no hint of operation of he machine and attempted at the last minute to set up that the machine was hot found In a public place. . Campbell promised to produce the key this morning, and the slot machine contents will likely be viewed sometime today. Pormsn' TTninn. FrMav flifrht. and nottioi onmnrnnUv diih at Bethel, aerada. Mr. Owen carried with him Satnrdav nieht. 1 facts and records with which to No meeting of the Marlon coun ty legislative delegation In antici pation of the special session call ed for November 20, has as yet been called. It is not likely that any definite program - will be out-, lined for several days, or perhaps more than several days, the equi vocal state of matters to be dis posed of at the special session causing members to feel hestitant in expressing an opinion. On the subject of relief, Rep resentative Otto K. Paulus said yesterday: "Until It Is known how much money Is needed, with cer tain plans in project, we can only await developments. Both the gov ernor and the legislator are in a ticklish position. We are subject to censure if money needed is not appropriated, and we are pretty apt to get in bad with pub lic opinion it more money than is absolutely required is appropri ated. The Marion county delega tion will be conservative In expen ditures. It wil have to be convinc ed before agreeing to appropriate." Representative Paulus further stated that the Marion county delegation will be opposed to put ting any further burden on auto- owners. He believes there are con sistent and practical obstacles in the way of making an auto taxa tion law. The delegation at this time has no definite policy in view as to liquor control. Authority Granted To Sue for Youth Authority to prosecute a ciaf for damages owing the estate of the late Charles Wil lard Lake, 16, was granted Friday in pro bate court when Alvira Lake of Jefferson was named administra trix of the estate. The youth dd October 6 following an accident in which he was fatally Injured. The bicycle on which he was rid ing was allegedly hit by a motor truck swned by C. T. Griffin and Ray C. Miller, both of Roseburg. Flavor that can't be copied uWben you mn offered m abatitate for genuine KeUogg's, remember it is seldom in the spirit of 1 ja 99 Or BATTLE CBKEK K OF WATER RICH T UNALLOWED An application of Ben G. Faust for permission to change the point of diversion and place of use of a water right from East Camp creek and other tributaries of Burnt river, Malheur county, was de nied Friday by C. E. Stricklln, state engineer. The water right sought to be changed was originally a mining right, with priority date of 18 67, and Involved water - conveyed through the Eldorado ditch to the vicinity of Malheur City, where extensive mining operations were in progress at an early date. The Oregon Land company later ac quired the right and used the wa- (ft lb ENTIRE STOCK- 2 The HAMILTON SHOE CO When Others it Fail EM No matter with what you are afflicted, our wonderful herb treatment will positively relieve influenza, diseases ot the throat. heart, kidneys, liver, stomach. piles, asthma, chronic cough. weakness, constipation, dizziness. neuralgia, headache, appendicitis. rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis. blood poison, catarrh,, diphtheria. eczema, swollen glands, tonsilitis, ear trouble, lumbago, tumor, dropsy, female complaints, ner vousness; all disorders disappear without operation. CONSULTATION FREE THE SING HERB CO. H. S. LOW, Directing Herbalist 473 8. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon Phone 5758 tady Attendant Hours 9 to 0 p.m. Week Days; 9 to 12 Sundays. Slain Office, Oakland, Calif. 21 Years ot Service HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT Call C6I0,. Csed Furniture . Department. . 151 North High CORNER STATE AND HIGH STREET Black suede Broken Lots rumps & lies Browns, Blacks, I $5 and $6 values T.iu"of Oxfords & Sport Oxfords Brogues Regular $5.00 Black & Brown Now Black Kid The New BAGS Pumps & Ties PumpS-StrapS MOCCOS Black & Brown Brown Suede Smartest Sport Shoes . QUITTING BUSINESS r State and High Streets