The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 20, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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Chapter G, P. E. 0.
m Honored at J
: Luncheon
Mrs. W. V. Robinson presided
at a prettily appointed dessert
O of P. E. O. Thursday afternoon
of 21 flowers and gladioli were
placed about the gnest rooms. The
social committee was in charge of
arrangements. N
-. i . Tottoviag the business meeting
- Mrs. C A, Spragua gave a book
review of "Grass Root" by Young-
hEI Kang. .
Present were Mrs. D. X. Beeeh
ler, Mrs. F. E. Churchbill, Mrs.
E. R. Cooler, Mrs. Tinkhara Gil
bert, Mrs. H. P. Hughes,-Mj.
Gardner Knapp, Mrs G. W. Lafr
f ler. Mrs. S. W. Lange, Mrs, W. W.
Moore, Mrs. E. A. RObin, Mrs.
; ' A. A. Schramm. Mrs. S W Selee,
Mrs. W.-M. Smith Mrs. C. A.
Sprague, Mrs. F. J. Toote, Mrs. F.
D. Voight, Mrs. Martha Schmuck,
Mrs. O. C. Wolfe, Miss Annaoel
Tooxe, Miss Annora Welch and
. hostess, Mrs. W. V. Robinson.
Charity Sewing to Be
Done by Matrons
Four prominent young Salem
matrons met at the home of Mrs.
W. A. Pettit Thursday afternoon
and laid clans for a winter -pro-
gram of philanthropic sewing. The
ladies will meet every week to
make garments for city charities.
Mrs. Stephen Mergler will be host-
cs aivafc a ucouo;
Tea was serred late inr the af
ternoon by the hostess to Mrs.
Dennis Landry, Mrs. Stephen
Mergler and Mrg.Eugene Flesher.
SilvertOn. Mis Marie Dodge
of Independence, and Clifford E.
Lovett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cur
tis Lovett, were married at Van
couver, Wash., Saturday after
noon wita. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Brewn of Independence, and Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd West of Camas,
Wash., the attendants. Mrs. West
and Mrs. Brown ar sisters of the
mrm raw,
Mr. and Mrs. Lovett have re
turned to SUrerton and are living
at Z99 North First street.
r.2ar?iett and Gffpsei?y
265 N. Liberty
Never mind that . . just step to your phone
aid give us a jingle. Our service
and quality merchandise
will please you!
Grocery Dept.
Here's Quality at a
Bargain v
Fancy Large White
Glass Jar
LP cans 29c
Fine on Steaks
rhe big hole (whole)
kind, it's a Qr7
dandy. lb. O I C
Mgr. Grocery Department
Fancy and Extra Fancy
Kitchen Queen. Hard 'Wheat
49 sack ...!$le39
Red Chili
lbs. ...
Large White
Best Grade
4 ib 25c
White Wonder Laundry
IN ews and vlub
Jessie Steele,
Marion County Federation of Woman's claba at
Jefferson, registration 9: SO a. m., meetings 10 a. m.
Women's Alliance of Unitarian church luncheon,
Emerson room X p. m. Speaker, Mrs, C. W. Hayhurst
of Portland. Res. at J607 or 4881,
Neighbors of Woodcraft, 8 p. m. Fraternal temple.
Methodist churches of Salem tender a reception to
Dr. Loais Mag in and family at 8 p. m., First Methodist
church. Public invited.
- Hal Hlbbard auxiliary at home of Mrs. John Bertel
son, 110 Leffelle, 2 p.m.
Eiecutire board, of the Business and Professional
Women's club at the home of the president, Mrs. WinnK
fred R. Harriet at 7:30 p. m. -
St Paul's woman's auxiliary at home of Mrs. Sarah
DeLifle, 785 U. Church St. ; 80 p. m. '
Arts League sketch class, fireplace room public
library, 7:30 p. m. All Interested Invited to Join.
Thimble. club, Neighbors of Woodcraft, meeting fra
ternal temple, 2:30 p. m.
Spanish class, A. A. U. W., meets for organisation
In auditorium, public library, 7:30 p. m. Class free of
charge to all interested.
Gladys Hagan of North Howell is ;
Honored WithPre-Nuptial Shower
Hubbard Woman's Club Observes Guest
Day; Laurel Social -Club Meets
: Hubbard. Guest day was ob
served by the Woman's club at
the home of Mrs. Eugene Silke,
who was assisted by Mrs. E. P.
Rich, Mrs. Hugh Wells and Mrs.
Julius Stauffer. Delegates named
to attend the county convention
at Jefferson, October 20, w e f e
elected: Mrs. Eugene Silke, Mrs.
O. H. Boje, Mrs. GeSrge Grimps,
Sirs. Earl Grimm and Mrs. JS. P.
Rich. Mrs. A. F. da Lespinasso and
Mrs. Waldo F. Brown will also at
tend. A membership committee con
sisting of Mrs. 0. H. Boje, Mrs.
George Grimps and Mrs. Mignon
Kimes was appointed.
An interesting program was: a
paper, home influences, by Mrs.
Kenneth Grimm; reading, by Car-
Meat Dept.
are the foundation of any
meaL Whether you have
guests or just your own
family, it's, a joy to
know that oUr meat is
Iroing to be just right.
This market is known
for its
Meats of Quality and
Mgr. Meat Department
370 State St. .
Society Editor
men Scholl; an original poem, by
Mignon Kimes; a paper, ciric du
ties of clab women, by Mrs. A.
F. de Lespinasse. The second In
stallment oC the serial story ori
ginated by the members of -the
club was read. It was written by
Mrs. Eugene Silke.
Guests of the club were: Mrs,
Alice WeaTer, Miss Francis Wea
rer, Mrs. E. Chausse, Mrs. Frank
Grimps, Mrs. George Pardy, Mjs.
Elton McLaughlin, Miss Carmen
Scholl, Mrs. Alfred Moon, Mrs.
Grady Cantrell,. Mrs. Lottie Fry,
Mrs. Nellie Cornell, Miss Wanda
Elliot, Miss Francis Friend and
Mrs. Lorena Duncan.
North HoweU. Mrs. Lucile
Hasan and Mrs. Olga Beals com
plimented Miss Gladys Hagan
with a pre-nuptial shower Thurs
day afternoon at the Hagan home
in this community. Miss Hagan's
marriage to Bert Reveal of SilTer
ton will be an event of Sunday
at the home jf the bride's par
ents here.
Gerrais. Miss Gertrude Eakln
director of religious education at
the Chemawa Indian school, was
a guest at the meeting of the Pres
byterian Women's Missionary so
ciety Wednesday afternoon and
gave an interesting talk on tha
education of the Indian youth,
their lives while at the school ana
after leaving the institution. She
showed clearly the need of edu
cation and gave examples of its
bearing on their lives in later
Mrs. Edna Brown led the de
votional service and Mrs. H. L.
Grafioug the lesson study. During
the social hour Mrs. Irene and
Mrs. Susie Cutsforth served re
freshments. Mrs. Wm. Regele,
Mrs. John Bakkk and Miss Eakin
were guests.
. .
Kingwood. Mrs. J. A. Yan
tiss was hostess at the regular
meeting of teh Laurel Social Hour
club Tuesday afternoon with Mrs.
B. B. Flack, newly elected presi
dent, presiding. Mrs. C. E. Sharpe
who was elected secretary-treasurer
at the previous meeting resign
ed. Mrs. O. E. Vosburgh was
chosen to fill the vacancy. Mrs.
Karl R. Modley was appointed to
supervise educational and literary
programs -during the year.
The club .voted to hold their
semi - monthly meetings on the
first and third Tuesdays of each
month Instead of the second and
fourth as formerly. An invitation
was extended to members of the
club to attend a silver tea at the
horns of Mrs. Guy Newgent in
West Salem, Friday, October 20.
The afair will be sponsored by the
Ladles' Aid society of Ford Mem
orial church.
Mrs. Theodore Bernard wiil en
tertain the club Tuesday, Novem
ber 7 ather home at Brush Col
Phone 3813
Zontas to Honor
National Day
Nov. 8
Tha Salem Zonta club gathered
for luncheon Thursday noon at
tha Marion hotel. Dr. Helen
Pearce, president, gave a report
on tha district conference held re
cently in Portland,
.Tha club is making plans for
observance of national Zonta day
on November 8. Mrs. Bella Brown
la la charge of the arrangements.
Present for luncheon were Dr.
Helen Pearce, Mrs. Elizabeth Gil
laher. Miss Helen Yockey, Miss
Dorothy Pearce, Mrs Belle Brawn,
Mrs. Bobert Butler, Miss Hassel
Cook, Miss Nellie. Schwab, Mrs.
Mabel Brownell, Mrs. Ora Mcln
tyre and Miss Kathryn Gunne.ll.
Because of tha death of Mr. W.
T. Grler, tha Tord Memorial
church tea scheduled for Friday,
has been postponed until Thurs
day of next week. October 26. It
will be held on that date at the
home of Mrs. G. C. Newgent, 21
Kingwood street
This smart frock Is Just cut out
for you, if you must choose your
frocks carefully because you are
not slender! The coat silhouette is
a g a 14i smart, and here it adds
many of the details outstanding
in the new mode the rever that
falls so softlj-, the slender pointed
seamings, the unbelted waistline
and fetching Bleeves. Lovely In
one of the new crepes or satins,
trimmed with bengaline or con
trasting satin.
Pattern 1624 is available In
sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44.
Size 34 takes Z yards 39 inch
fabric and yard contrasting.
Illustrated step-by-step sewing in
structions included with this pat
tern. Send fifteen cents (15c) la coins
or (taupe (cola preferred) for tbis
Anna Ad ami pattern. Write plainly
nane, addrese and style number. S
nr to stats Use.
The smartest faU and winter styles,
the newest fabrics, hints en harmon
ious coif fares and Jewelry, how te
knit a smart sweater, gifts for the
kiddles, last minute fashion rushes
these are among the fascinating
Items in the new rail and Winter
dltton of the Anne Adams Patten
book. This book will help yoa tare
money. Order yoar Copy today! Price
of catalog, fifteen cents. Catalog- and
pattern together, twenty-fiTe cents.
Address orders to The Oregon
Statesman Patter Dept.. 23 West
I7ta street. Hew York city.
Fancy Medium
O large cans 10c
' Vegetable
4 ibs.-;
Fresh, Pur
4 ibs: 28c
6barsg ,.15C
bar I carton
Wailing iiiiiveii
Celebrated -
Bcio -The) golden weddinr an-
nlveraary of Mr. and Mrs. O. W.
Arnold, . pioneer rarmers living
near 8clo, was observed at their
home a few days ago.
Elder J, M. Jarnlgan, an early
day minister and Justice of the
peace at Scio. nerformed the mar.
riage ceremony for Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold at the home of the bride's
parent; Mr, 'and Mrs. George
Crabtree, at Marion on October
11, 1883. Among those who at
tended at that time and
present at the colden wnddinr
were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Arnold,
Anay Arnold, Alien Arnold and
Mrs. Ltnx carman. Mrs. Riley
Shelton of Scio. who as a tah no-
woman made the wedding gown
for Mrs. Arnold, celebrated her
golden wedding nearly a year ago.
All eight c&Udren of tha pion
eer couple were present for the
happy event: Ernest Arnold and
family, Seattle, Wash., NorvWi-
liams, Eugene, Benton Arnold and
family, Dolly 8wearlngen and!
family. Bertha Powell and famflr. i
Clinton Arnold and family, Reta
Stoddart and husband, Lonard
Arnold and wife. 1
Photographers Meet
Tuesday Night
The Salem Professional Photo.
graphers association met Tuesday,
night at the Trover etudio on
North Commercial street.
The national photographic code
after the third draft, will be sign
ed oy tne president this week. It
was made known. Plana for the
winter were dicsnssed.
The following members plan to
attend the Willamette Valley
Photographers association in Cor
vallls Saturday night: Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Trover, Miss Kath
ryn uunnell and "Cyn" Cronlse.
Faculty Women Meet
The Faculty Women's club met
Thursday afternoon at the Delta
Phi sorority for an Informal so
cial gathering. Sewing and risk
ing were enjoyed and tea was
served. Forty were In attendance.
Hostesses included Mrs. Lillian
R. Hagman, Mrs. E. T. Brown,
Mrs. Roy Lockenonr and Miss
Gale Carrey.
Gervais. The Past Matrons
club of Gervais chapter, O. E. S.
met Tuesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. C. T. Brixey. The
club is divided into two sections
and at this meeting teh south sec
tion was the hostess section. A
short business meeting was held
following the 1 o'clock luncheon.
Birthday anniversaries of Mrs.
Exclusive dealers
for famous White
Rotary. '
Electric Con
sole Model
Regular 8195,
Exclusive dealers
for Maytag and
Easy washers.
We sell and serv
ice all makes.
Model 22
Regular $112.50
Ui(D(Be tBtPOJT.
Tel. 6022 456 State St.
AAAAA si, e A ae A. A.
A large Selection of Used
Household Articles
6L ElGOGEaaIblle IPipiise!
Uw Parchment
Lamp Shades
Choice 95
And Many
Specially Priced This Week
Several Used Leather Covered
Dec! HDaveaipoF&s
as low
Come Early
Imperil ikies
471 Court Street Next to Main Store
Correct Opening
Lccd Important
'1 Statesmaa Tournament :
- " Condtctor ' : v
Mrs. William H. Quinn, States
man tournament conductor, today
emphasized tha Importance, of the
correct opening lead in discussing
the bidding and play of one of the
hands played In the tournament
here. This was No. IS hand In the
October 11 tournament round, and
was played with both sides vul
nerable. North
e A J 7 S i
West East
4SE3 A J 10 7 2
842 K10
A 7 e K 9 4
A10 8S2 J7J
Q J 10 6 5 t
The above hand was played at
three no-tram p by south. The se
lection of a correct opening lead
against an adverse contract
whether snit or no-trump Is one
of the most difficult and interest
ing "problems tor bridge players.
Each hand presents its own pe
culiar problems. The more knowl
edge a player has of bidding-, the
better chance he has of selecting
the correct opening lead. The in
formation gained through bidding
gives him a general idea of the
location! of the cards. Each bid Is
carefully weighed in an effort to
help him arrive at his decision.
In the above hand, played Tues
day, October 11, one table passed
the deal out; one north and south
pair played the hand at three dia
monds; several north-south teams
played a contract of three no
trump. Six teams made four no
trump because the opening lead
was a spade. One team was set one
trick at three no-trump because
east decided upon a small club as
the best lead to set the contract.
Ella Harper, Miss Verna Kepping-
er, Mrs. . Viola Henning and Mrs.
Toombs, a member who haa mov
e dto an eastern state, were hon
ored. TITS club voted to hold a I
benefit silver tea at the home of
Mrs. Romeo Gouley. November 10.
The remainder of the day was
spent quilting.
E. W. Hazard and daughter,
Miss Edith Hazard, are leaving
Saturday to spend a few days in
Seattle. The latter part of Novem
ber they will go to Texas to spend
the winter.
Exclusive dealers
for Grunow and
Crosley refriger
ators. We sell
four standard
Special price on
several new re- -frigerators
o f
standard makes.
$89.50 and Up
lUoed Iron Beds
Used Hoclicrc
Used Vanities
Other Items
for These
East,, before he leads, ahould
weigh the bidding. While the
spade, la the only, four-card suit.
It 'Is not good lead for two
reasons; first, because it. warns
north of the nnfavnrabla distribu
tion of that salt; second, because
it may result In tne loss or a erica
The kfnr-tnn of . hearts and the
king-nine of diamonds are too val
uable a position, back or tne
strong; hand, to justify opening
with either of these suits. By the
process of elimination small elab
offers the beet choice of a lead
that may defeat the contract
An amusing hand played by the
American bridge team which in
vaded England several years ago
famishes an illustration of the
havoc sometimes - wrought by a
logical opening lead: "
4. Q S 3
J 7
West -JIast
K J 8
Colonel duller, who challenged
the American team on the theory
that four brilliant players neededf
no system of bidding, bid two no-
trump on the west hand, and er
errane nassed. Theodore Lightne
in north position, felt that a lead
from nis rour-cara aumona ea-
ace would be unwise, and since
he held a sequence in dabs, pre
ferred -to lead that salt rather
than, from a single honor. His
partner held seven clubs neaaea
by the ace-king. After the seven
club tricks were taken, diamonds
were led and Buller naa. nnior-
Large pillow arm
Davenport and
Chair to match tJiiFetJV
4-piece ivory
Bedroom Set . .
DeLuxe Spring. ePlVeUW
1 99-coll Simmons deable-
j 7msnv-
Spring . . . .
1 large size Montag Range,
enamel trim, &9Q ft ft
looks like new. ?Oe7.UV
Many Odds and Ends in Cooking Utensils,
Frnit Jars, etc.
1 Portable Electric Sewing:
.255 N. Commercial
tS7 8. OonsmerciBl Tea, 4010
Tall Cans
UILOUEl oleo 3 .m.21c
Crown Best Patent CRBAll "
Sack ... , S1.79 CHEESE, lb. 10c
Kitchen Queen f qq LIFE BUOY
49-lb. sack JLeOe7 SOAP, bar 11 OC
Nu-Bora VHdte Wonder; .Preferred Stock
Granulated Soap Soap Jell-Powder
2 29c ioGi9c 3 10c
t XJcakesJLa7l All Flavors
Shredded Wheat AmaizoSyrup
fet Biscuit ' y golden L,29e
glUC pig. 108 can, golden 53c
I iy8 can, white 57c
Sanka Coffee Post Toasties Grapenut
pound 43c2 13 c A
; '. : XuC pkg.
We Reserve the Right to limit Quantities
A I? it'AKT'
tonately. unguarded Bi kin g-Jack
It diamonds-and . MrUghtner,
mad fonr diamond tricks. The
only tricks that Colonel Buller
took were the ace of spades and
the ace of hearts, -
Others MJ
Fail """-.riSD
No matter with what yoa are
. wanflMrfnl , nero
treatment will posiUvely relieve
infroenxa, diseases of the throat,
heart, kidneys, liver; stomach,
piles, asthma, chronic cough,
weakness, constipation, dixxmess,
aearalCia. headache, appendicitis,
rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis,
blood poison, catarrh, diphtheria,
eczema, swollen elands, toasiliiis,
ear trouble, lumbago, tomor,
dropsy, female? complaints, ner
vonsness; all disorder! .disappear
without operation.
B. s. LOW, Directing Herbalis
47S 8. Ownmercial St.
Salem, Oregon Kone 3758
Ldr AttestdaBt Hoars 0 to 6 P-m.
Week Days; 9 to 18 Setadays.
Haia Office, uaKiana, oiiu
81 Yeawsfot Since
S-piece Breakfast 7 PA
Set, reflniahed . . ipf eUU
1 24-in. aU cast "Mission B"
uSV...... $18.00
2 silk floss Mattresses, in
1 mahogany 7 CA
Library Table .. .
Radio ( Cft
TeL 8425
Tillman Quality Coffee
" A Sensational Value
X pound 24c x pounds 91c