SffilMGl BICYCLE B The Gall nil HIT BY AUTOS Board SILVERTON, Oct. 17. Plan ning for the Armistice - day pro gram was the principal feature of the business session of the local post of the American Legion Won day night In their club rooms at the armory. Kenneth Hansen, commander, appointed Dr. A. J. McCannet and C. J. Towe as pro cram e o m mltteeraen? Harry Inches end C E. Higglnbothara ia charge of the parade r and F. M re well. George .Towe. James Srarth and Larry Austin to super rise the lance plana for the eve ning. - 4 Reports were made of the pro- rrete of tha -employment bmreau recently pat Into action at Ceorge's Place, with several appli cants for Jobs registered. . A vocal . ouartet was organized and wm bold the firsts rehearsal Tuesday evening" at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. To wo. The Issuance of more scrip lor the benefit of those wno are paid in school-warrants was discussed in -reference to the petition dr eulated among the business houses by the teaching force of the schools, but no definite action was Toted. - - The members enjoyed a supper and -social hoar. -as guests of the axillary In- the social rooms fol lowing the business session. . TMflSPIW of citvs cut Taesday.-was pay up day in municipal court. Fines ranging irrm x ui m a w w w rro a v The flO fine was paid by N. K. Kiefer route, four truck driv er who was arrested "October H on Marion street near 12th on a charge of driving ' while Intoxi cated. The charge to which he eventually pleaded guilty was -reckless driving. - Morris Jones of Brooks pleaded guilty to speeding and paid a IS tine. The other penalties, list ed as forfeited bail, were: H. D. Jones and Lewis Rycraft, cutting corners, tl.BB each; Marshall Woodell, falling to gtveright of rsy. 1 2.50, and W. J. Bishop of West Salem, failing to stop, fl. Process Tax vn . Field Corn Due Soon, Is Word : That "processing and other saxes with . respect to Held , corn win probably JtK?come eitective about Noverabarl, 193! was the surprise received in the m-11 yes terday at -the Internal revenue offices here. The notice from the federal treasu department lists the proposed taxable corn pro ducts and group-proposed to be tax-free. However, the notifica tion Is purposely vsgue since the tax is stm In mid-air. - Should the- processing tax on field corn .become a reality in Kovember It will mark the fourth agricultural product to be so tax ed withlv the past few months. The tax waa placed first on wheat, second a cotton and only recently on tobacco, officials here aid yesterday. ' Lee HurUCarit Oppose Wallace PORTLAND, Oct, 17. The IB-round flgbt between Ah Wing Lee, Portland's Chinese llght--wight battler, and Billy Wallace f Cleveland, O.J scheduled for tonight, as called off today be cause' a groin injury, suffered by Lee in a sparring bout, bad not date for the match was not set. ? I 1 ' law Xban ELSIXORE Today Madge Evans In "Beauty for Sale." V Friday Key ., F r a n e 1 s in Mary Stevens, M.D." - - CAPITOL .Next Saturday and Sunday Donble bill, "The Wreck- er" and "Under the Tonto Rim." GRAND Today Janet Gaynor In "Paddy, the Next Best Thing.' . . HOLLYWOOD Today Arline Judge In "Sensation Hunters." Friday Betty Compton In "West of Singapore." STATE Today Mary J. Holmes Thursday Dorothy Burgess in "What Price Decency." Saturday Tom Tyler in The Honor of the Mount- ed." Saturday Midnight matinee Eddie Cantor in "Whoo- pee With an all - star cast, Metro- uoidwynJttayers new feature, "Beauty lor Sale," opens todsy at the Elslnore theatre as an adap tion of Talth Baldwin's sensation al tnagastne novel, "Beauty." The picture, directed by Rich ard Boleslavsky, is a racy modern story of three girls who follow dif ferent paths to desired happiness. They all woTk in the same beauty salon where intimate boudoir sec rets are, revealed within perfumed wills. It is here many hilarious situations develop. The drama in which the triangular love episode Is featured is enacted by Madge Evans, Alice Brady and Otto Kruger. Henker Files to Obtain Reports Of Doctors Exam Notice to Broduce the resort in a physical examination made by Dr. W. B. Morse and J. C. Evans on the person of Dale Henker has been filed in circuit court by Er nest T. Henker in his case against Jeannette Bl Fischer and Georgia Booth. Dale, son of the nlaintiff. was alleged to have been injured in an automobile driven by de fendants. In the case of J. R. Buck arainnt W. S. Mitchell an affidavit has been filed in circuit court by Buck lnfwhich he states he screed to sell a certain Ushtina: nlant to Mitchell, that Mitchell defaulted in bis payments and wrongfully re tains tae ugnt plant, it being al leged fa the affidavit, the de fendant wishes to convert it to his own use. Value of the nlant is placed at 2750. . Minor Matters Occupy Council Meet at Dallas DALTJIS- Oct 17. T n Stockwell and Dick Domoshofsky were granted a restaurant oever sge license at the- council meeting Mondar ni&ht. The license allow the serving of beer in the restau rant with, or without meals. The two men nlan to onen a restaurant and card room In the old Brown's confectionery location on Main street on November 1. Routine business wss transact ed at the council meeting with all members present. - HUNTER. IS FIXED SILBERTON OeL 17 Free man Gstchet was fined 25 In the office of Justice-of Peace Frank Alfred Monday for huntinc with out- a license. Mr. Gatchet'was picked up Sunday, by a game warden.- N. A. Davis, route nine, noti fied city police yesterday his bi cycle was struck by a truck driv en by a man named Bosler as he wss riding through the Inters ec- j tion of Silrerton and Portland roads. He was knocked to the pavement but not seriously In jured. The small daughter cf Earl Rlffgs was struck yesterday on South 12th street by a car driv en by Chester Robertson, route fire. Robertson said she ran in front of his car. Two other auto mishaps report ed were: William Propst, route four, and John William Schaller. 1935 Berry, at 12th and Hlnes: Lawrence Bernard!, 1371 North Commercial, and F. H. Begun, route five, at Fourth and Mar ket. STORK IS VISITOR SILVERTON. Oct- 17. A. danchter was born ta Mr. and Mrs. Ed Uhing of Mt. Angel, at the Sllverton hospital Tuesday morning. The baby weighed six pounas, i ounces, nr. and Mrs. Bert Bve are announcing tha hfrts of an eight pound, 10 ounce son uctooer . viae cough mo? ... All you've hoped for ia a Cough Drop-medicated with ingredieat,0fICltS VVapoRo Nate's Rhythm Artists Salem's Newest and Finest DANCE BAND in the Newly Redecorated Mellow Moon ' Ballroom Wednesday & Saturday Admission 25c PHIL PHELPS, Manager Better rictuss Meet Somas illlll - It 3b c CurHinooBS baow, 1 Pl. - 11 PJd. JOlULYVOOfJ, Tonite and Thursday ; Are. Dime Kites An Seats iia except I W Lores First Showing Salem tfs Hot! It's Fastt It's Sensational f ASUXC JUDGE I JP" ISTCJI FC3TCI I owui owui vcoa. Also Comedy, News and Cartoon Comedy TODAY AND TOMORROW Vw''"'L''j'M'""''''''''-l i if 4 if wpiuciNc cms by day 'vr- WORKING MEN at night! The surprise pie tar of the year! . Behind the scenes f a beauty par lor, living the laagh aad loves tmd tragedy mi the ) there! IfsssaMd. I n as tomorrow,. s faedoatlng as peep tluwugli dosed cttrtatast A i BIAXZNEE S5C MADGE EVANS ALICE BRADY. OTTO KRUGER VNA MEIKEL -MAT IOISOH PHILUW HOLMtS EVEXIXGS ' CfJ Jrv' - 500 SEATS . yJJ. Il'''''5' y- ENTj ME TUT A M mm 0 M 0 QUITTING BUSINESS EVERY PAIR SHOES TO BE r4jSl A mm to At Give Away Prices All Fall Shoes Bought On The Low Market Are Included suns THURSDAY I Store Closed AH Day Wednesday Marking Down "Right now is the time to pull up the corner of thai oV mattress and put some of those long pressed green-backs to work" They'll do doa ble duty at this closing i Jt Mfj ISDAY I Morn!? SAILED Pesk, Cash Begisterjit ting Stools, Shelrini. Foot Mirrors, WimW Fixtures, Safe, etc FREE! MOSE to the first 25 people an tering our store Thurs day wt'win glji pair ' SILK HOSIERY absolutely FREE PUMPS & TIES Brown Suede Black Suede Pumps&Ties $5. and $6 values Broken Lots Browns, Blacks High & low heels Values to $5.00 On Sport Oxfords Regular $5.00 Now OSos Too Rubbers ,Nev SmaU sizes WOCCOS Whfle they last Smartest Sport -i Shoes Brogue. to ... Black Kid BAGS - P,PS & Black and Brown Straps Black and Brown House SLppers- CS'0llof) CORNER STATE AND HIGH STREETS 9Q (go - -