The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 15, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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    Event Planned
At Masonic
MEMBEi'ft of A. A.U.W. and
college women ot Salem
and vicinity are invited to
attend an informal .reception at
the Masonic temple "Wednesday
night at 8 o'clock. Husbands and
. escorts of memoes and ' guests
are included in the invitation.
" Speaker ot the evening will be
SJ. Stevenson 8 m 1 1 h, professor
from the University ot Oregon,
who will talk Informally on The
' Limits o Gossip.; All who haTe
heard Professor Smith ' know
i hit in extefttkraallv entertain
ing speaker he Is and his ad?
dress is anticipated with a great
rtpnl nf Interest, i
,-. Mlsa Frances Virginie Melton
Is . arranging ; the musical program.-
Miss QW C I a r k i in
charge of refreshments with the
. ? following committee: Mies Lila
- Cation, Miss Isabel Childs, Miss
., Margaret Slmma, Miss Genevieve
' Thayer, Mis? - Pearl S w a n s o n,
Miss Helen' Baird, Miss . Ann
Boentje, Miss Gale Curry, Miss
A Mary Eyre, Miss Dorothea Steus
' loff. Mrs. VLgH Golden. Mrs.
George Rhoten, Mrs. Brace
Spaaldlng and Mrs. L. D. Walker.
Special guests who hate been
' : InTited 'include .Mrs. !, Virgil T.
Earl of Eugene, state president
; of the AA.U.W.; Dean, Kate W.
Jameson of Oorvallls," state vice
. president, and the following pres
idents of branches of the A. A.
U. W.:
Miss Melissa Hunter, Corval
. lis; Dean Violet Chessman, For
est Grove; Mrs. ; Walter Kropp,
Albany; Mn Wayne Morse, Eu
: gene; Mrs. John Plankington,
Portland. : ? "
Representing women's organi
zations In Salem I the following
- hare been bidden: Dr. Helen
,; Pearce, Zonta, club;. Mrs: Carolyn
' Jensen, Credit Women; Mrs.
Winifred He Tick, B.P. W.; Miss
Teresa Davis, Altrui,; M-s. Clif
ton Mudd, Salem Woman's club;
Mrs. A. F. Waller, Etokta; Mrs.
ElTia LaDuke, Salem Heights Wo
man's club; Mrs. Roy Hewitt,
Chapter AB of P.E.O.; Mrs. S.
, W. Lange, Chapter G of P.E.O.;
, Mrs. Freaerlck Deckebach and
i Mrs, R. M. Walts, Delphlans;
Mrs. C C. Doney, Faculty Women
: Of Willamette 1 nnlveraff'r and
Mrs. J. A. Jelderka Is chair
man of" th - hostess committee is made up of Mrs. Lynn
; Cronemiller, Miss Genevieve
, Thayer, Mrs. G. Ff Chambers,
i Mrs. E. U. Richards. Miss Helen
Louise Crosby and Mrs. George
Allen. The - standing committee
will be assisted or Miss "Mabel
; Robertson, Mrs. Clifford Brown,
Mrs. J. H. Lauterman and Mrs.
Harry Keeney.-
The Silver String Mandolin and
Guitar orchestra of the Salem
Court Street Christian church re
cently gave a thirty minute pro-
gra a: the Sheridan Christian
church. Men.bers of the orches
tra are Priscllla Meisinger; di
rector and inst.Tcor, Sarah Ten
nis, Verda Olmsted,. Edn. MeEl
hanney, EUa Smith, Jean Rod
: gers, Laura Grabbe, Albert Gar
; rett, Helen, JCcCallum, Hogh Mc-
wiiuio, rauiine iewis, "Patricia
v Meisinger, Hairy Badean. Ger
: trnde Badettu, Coryuon Boldgett,
r. Mrs. Hennl ..slon, Dorothy Mc
Cnlley StelU Culver, Jane Arm
strong, V a - e 1 McElroy,. George
; Meisinger and Muriel tirrett.
Monmouth. The first fall
. , meeting of Model Encampment
No. 3S Tuesday night, was well
r attended, with representatives
- from Portland Salem, McMinn
- Tille. Albany and Gerrais. Grand
Patriarch Joe Schwizer of Port
..' ' land was the mai j speaker, and
z. featured desirability of the Junior
, organization. Dancing and a lon
eheon concluded the evening,
lodge .idles Joining the group tor
a social hoar. '
. . . - Monday, October 16 ,
. Willamette shrine. No. 2, White Shrine of Jerusalem
Masonic temple, 8 p.m.
'Rebekahs meet at I. O. O. F. hall, 7:3 p. m. Cap
tains request all members of team present for practice.
Sigma Nu Delphlans, 2 p. m., Public library. Topic,
"Figures of the Italian Renaissance."
Tuesday, October 17
Mothers, of sophomore class at Salem high school,
room 2D. Election of officers. Both 10A and 10B in
vited. South circle. First Christian church, homecoming
at residence of Estella Gabber t, Hoyt street. Covered
dish luncheon at noon. -
Social meeting, American War Mothers, American
Lutheran church. 2 p. in. ...
Writers section. Arts League, at home of Prof, and
Mrs. M. E. Peck, 1652 Cojirt, 7:30 p. m.
Etkota club at home of Mrs, W. T. Grier, 2: 30 p. m.
, Wednesday, October 18
East Central circle, First M. E. church at home of
Mrs. A. A. Siewert, 388 N. Winter, 2:30 p. m.
W. F. M. S. of Leslie Memorial church at home of
Mrs. Mason Bishop. ; ; I
'Maccabees meeting and potluck supper. Woman's
club room, 8 p. m.
. . Waconda community club, home ot Mrs. Ellsworth
Hubbard, 2 miles east of Waconda station. AH day
. meeting. , '
Thursday, October 19
Priscilla club, 1 o'clock luncheon, home of Mrs. A
. L. Brown on South Commercial.
Faculty Women's club at Delta Phi sorority. 1610
Court SW 2:30 p. m. . .ltf
O. N. S. club at 345 S. Winter St. 'Election of offi
cers. Pictures on China. : ,
; Salem South District. Ladles Aid rally at Stayton
First Methodist church. Program. ' '
l . ' Friday, ' October 20 A
Marlon County Federation ot Woman's clubs at
Jefferson, registration 8:30 a. m., meetings 10 a. ja.
Shower Compliments '
Recent Bride
Mrs. " Clifford FeUer Margaret
Edwards) ; was honored with a
miscellaneous shower at the home
of Mrs. Lyle Rains Friday night.
Bridge was in play during the
evening. ; :
Guests, which were all members
ot the P. E. P. Teachers' club,
were Mrs. Feller, Mrs. Grace Sell
on,1 Mrs. Cecile Wiegand, Mrs. Or
ville Kennon, Miss Julia Query,
Miss Hilda Foster, MUa Dorothy
Dutton, Miss Mamie Bostrack, Mr.
and Mrs. L. D. McClendon and
Miss Joyce McClendon.
Shi'pleys Host
LE i ; will entertain mem
bers of the Merry-Go-Round
club Monday night with
a smartly appointed dinner at the
home of Mrs. J. E. Godfrey. Tel
low tapers in silver, candlesticks
and a floral centerpiece will
decorate the tajle.
The club will repair to the
Shipley residence on East Wash
ington street for 500 after din
ner. Members of the club are Mr.
and Mrs. John IL McNary, Mr.
and Mrs. Rollin K. Page, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank W. Spencer, Mr.
and Mrs. Max O. Bnren, Mr. and
Mrs. k. B. F miln :, Mr. and Mrs.
Reuben Boise, Mrs. T. B. Kay,
Mr. and Mrs. A.-N. Moore, Mr.
and' Mrs. William Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Thielsen, Dr. and Mrs.
C. H. Robert sot, Mrs. J. N.
Smith. Mrs. Russell Catlin, Mrs.
E. C. Cross, Frnk Lovell, Judge
and Mrs. John Rand and hosts,
Mr. and Mrs.. Shipley.
D. A. R. Plans Benefit
October 23
A benefit bridge tea at the Wo
man's clubhouse, Monday, October
23, is planned by Daughters of
the American Revolution. The soc
ial committee, headed by Mrs.
Claude X. miison, is in charge.
Proceeds from the benefit will
go to the scholarship loan fund.
Anyone not wishing to play cards
is invited for the program and
Reservations may be made with
Mrs. Ellison, 6686, or with Mrs.
H. G. Love, 8451.
Jefferson. The wedding of
Miss Iris Edith Norman of Albany
and Jesse Thomas of Jefferson
was solemnised Sunday, October
8, in the Albany Church of God,
with Rev. A. L. Green officiating.
Charles McKey of Portland sang
preceding the ceremony. The bride
was attended by Mrs. Gladys New
house of Portland. Elwin Greg
son of Lebanon was best man.
The bride, is the daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. II. A. Norman of
Albany and the . groom is the
nephew of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Vaughn of Jefferson, and a gradu
ate of Salem high school. They
will make their home on a farm
in the Parrish Gap neighborhood.
Raymond McClain of Jefferson
and Miss Fern Eddy -of Lebanon
were, united in marriage Thursday
afternoon at the office of Judge
E. E. Howell, who read the serv
ice. They immediately left for
Buell. They probably will make
their home in Jefferson.
Cloverdale. Mrs. T. White
head, Jr., f Turner, entertained
the W.C.T.U. at her home on
Wednesday. During the morning
hours a wool comfort was tied.
During the business meeting
the new president, Mrs. White
head, nad charge, and Mrs. Ivan
Hadley led the devotionals. Mrs.
Whitehead was elected as a dele
gate to attend the state W.C.T.U.
convention in Portland next
Two Brilliant Weddings Preformed
Saturday Night in Presence 1
Of Invited Guests
Miss Edwards Wedded to Roy Harland and Miss Weathers Bride of
Tom Burton at Impressive Ceremonies
became the bride of Roy Har
land at a simple but Impressive
church ceremony Saturday night
at 8 o'clock In the Knight Memor
ial church. Rev. H. C. Stover of
ficiated in a beautiful setting ot
greenery, palms and autumn
leaves. '
The bride was stunning in a
long white satin gown with puffed
short satin sleeves over wrist
length net. Sho carried a bridal
bouquet ot rosebuds and white
sweet peas. Miss Harriett Adams,
maid of honor, wore pale yellow
taffeta and Miss Caroyl Braden
and Miss Dorothy Eastridge,
bridesmaids, wore gold- taffeta.
The bride's attendants also car
ried colonial nosegays.
Hal Bolinger acted as best man
for Mr. Harland. Ushers were
Warren McMinnimee, Cecil Har
mon. Werner McCune andorvai
CMwATria I
The rested Philharmonic choir, I
of which the bride is a member.
sang before the ceremony and the
director, rrui. vauituvu luaisuan, i
sang "I Love You Truly".
A receDtion was held at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. B. E. Edwards, Miss
Mary Eyre Dresided"at the urns
and Mrs. F. E. Brown cut the
ices. Greeting guests at the door
were Mlsa Dorothy Harland and
Mrs. J. E. Long. Serving were
Miss Clara Wright, Miss Elizabeth
Clement, Miss Edith Findley. Miss
Gertrude Oehler, Miss Bertha
Babcock and Miss Ruth Schrelber.
The refreshment table was ex-
auisltely annotated with a center-
piece of yellow and white snap-
dr jons and yellow tapers in pew
ter candlesticks.
Miss Bernice
Ricnman ana
Miss Elizabeth Cleemnt gave
selections at the reception.
onowmg a snon noneymoon
Mr. and Mrs. Harland will be at
nome at zua ttreyman street,
For her going away ensemble the
bride wore an eel gray suit
trimmed in black fur with black
Mt. Angel A wedding of muchi
interest was solemnized In St.
Mary's church Saturday moraine
at 8 o'clock when Miss Evelyn
Clouse. dauehter of Mr. and Mrs J
Irvine Clouse became the bride
xt1 MrT Bn R1T; TatheI
St. Mary's choir sang the nup-
tin rifp-h mnsa Kfias Olarn Tfetr
sine HMiriAfl 'a At llf o rla finrl
Miss Helen Keber was oreanist.
Th hrld wnrA a fTAni- Uiurth
v 1
dress of white lace and a pale
pins: sasn ana a trailing tace bor-1
dered veil caueht un with oraneel
blossoms. Her bouquet was of
white carnations. She was nre-
ceded up the aisle by Miss Angela
Bean, maid of honor in nale yel-
low and Miss Mavbelle Clouse.
bridesmaid, who wore nlnV natin.
The groom was attended by his
brother. William Bean.
At noon -a wedding recepUon
was held at Scharbach" restAn-
rant The vnnn nnnla will m o Ira
their bom-) in Orprnn fMtv h
Mr. Bean is employed.
aaiem memDers oi me uraer
of the Amaranth, who motored to
Portland Thursday to attend the
iniiiaiion services ai nose tjouri,
inciuaea Mr. ana Mrs. wiuiam r.
TOl 1 1m. T - n-..-. TT. ill. I
, r7'"-"1"'
Buslck, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
t-rawiora, Mrs. yereii coosier,
iiusuej, cars. iaBae r..
Lester, Mr. and Mrs. Slentz, and
Mrs. awa wauiaway. Mr. sienis is the Ankeny grange hall for mem
royal patron of Rose Court and b-.. d their families.
among those initiated were Phyl -
lis May Tucker of Salem, and
Mayor Joe Carson of Portland.
' "
Mrs. Edith Green, Miss Marie
Westhoff and Miss Lois Reed will
be hostesses to the O. N. S. club
Tuesday night at 345 S. Winter
street. Followine the election of
officers Dr. J. Vinton Scott will
show pictures of, China. Everyone
who has ever attended any Ore
gon Normal school is cordially ln-
vited to attend.
The Nile club met for a 1
o'clock luncheon at the Masonic
temple Thursday afternoon. The
afternoon was spent in sewing for
crippled children. The club plans
to sponsor a benefit in the near
future to raise funds for their
philanthropic work. In charge of
the luncheon Thursday were Mrs.
C. A. Vibbert Mrs. John,Imlah
and Mrs. Joy Turner Moses.
North Howell ; Mrs. George
Sherman entertained for her little
son, Everett, last Saturday after
noon, the occasion being his sixth
Guests included June and Hugh
Baughman of this community, and
L.uciie and William Sherman of
Salem. Miss Lydla Willecke of Sa
lem, has also been a recent guest I
at the Sherman home-, having just
returned from a visit to the Chi
cago fair.
Donald Cutsforth and his nncle.
John McDonald, who is visiting
here from paynette. Wis., spent'
last week at the coast, where Mr.
McDonald had his first view of the !
. , m e
Mrs. W. T. Grier will be hostess
to the Stokta clnb Tuesday after
noon at 2:30 o'clck. Mrs. H. W.
Elkina and Mrs. E. J. Donnell will
assist, "Women of Russia" is the
topla and papers will be present
ed by Mrs. J. Ray Pemberton and
Miss Helen Scheibner
' Miss Helen Scheibmer, bride
elect of Austin Gardner, was com
plimented with a miscellaneous
shower at the borne of Mrs. Emma
Vesper - and Mrs. Marie Cardy
Friday afternoon.
The refreshment table was cen
tered -with a huge "bride's cake
topped with a wedding bell from
which streamers led to each gift.
The afternoon -was spent playing
cards after which a light luncheon
was served.
Bidden were Miss Scheibner,
honor guest, Mrs. E. W. Acklin,
Mrs. J. G. Stewart, Mrs. J. E. Hill,
Mrs. L. Page, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs.
J. Gardner, Mrs. R. Gardner, Mrs.
C. Bntte. Mrs. W. Gilllntts. Mrs. F,
scheibner, Miss Margaret Stewart,
T nt. nllKnn an f las Toon
inu, UVU UilUUh, wuu uiwa MWWU
Mothers to Have
Social Meeting
The American War Mothers will
hold a social meeting Tuesday at
the American Lutheran church at
2 p. m. Hostess will be Mrs. Mary
Ranch, Mrs. Cora Prime, Mrs. w.
B. Ldnasay, Mrs. Amanaa Mowes
Mrs. weme Meyers ana ir8
Jennie Martin.
Delegates to the state conven-
tion in Portland November 2 and
3, are Mrs. Minnie Humphreys
and Mrs. Myrtle Littlefield, with
alternates of Mrs. Mary B. Wat-
on and Mrs. Matilda Madon.
Farewell Party Given
r ri .
r or miss wii
Miss Mina Ott. who left Friday
to attend the world's fair in Chi
Cago, was complimented with a
dnner and theatre nartv Wednes
day night given by Miss Mabel
Alrick. Miss Ott will be gone two
weeks and on her return trip will
stoo over at New Orleans and
I cross the border Into Mexico.
Invited to bid Miss Ott a pleas
ant Journey were Miss Alice Mar-
tinson. Miss Velma Rominger,
Miss Dorothy Travis and hostess
Miss AiricK
Sigma Nu Delphlans
To Meet
The Sijcma Nu Delphlans will
meet Monday afternoon at 2
0 ClOCg in the DUD11C HDrary M un
a mm .i 1 A. Jl.
Cu8s "F1?ures cf the lt1,an Re"
Speakers will be Mrs. H. L.
Darby, Mrs. H. O. White. Mrs. J
C. Tryon, Mrs. George Rossman,
Mrs. G. S. Paxson, Mrs. Frederick
Deckebacn and Mrs. Kusseu cat
A discussion on the govern-
J ments of Russia, Germany and
"V wiu do iea oy Mrs. wayne
Henry, Mrs. wnnam Mernou ana
i Mrs. j. Vs. ferry
I .. w. n. f i
TaiDOl. Mrs. i!.va wmierman
tel entertained the Ankeny Worn-
i en b ciud aw ner uumo a uuiouaj
M n to tmwa vtm v. j
swlmon iin w t.' wa'h Mr
Su8ail Blckle and Ml8B Elleen
i Tnrn..
Mr HAorirA Marlatt w elated
president; Mrs. Eva Winterman-
UaI yire-nreldent .and Mrs. J.I
Karr, secreUry - treasury. Plans
were midn for the elnh'a annual
gunper t0 De fleid October 28 at
Jefferson. The Women's Mis
sionary society of the Evangelical
church held its first meeting at
the parsonage Thursday afternoon.
The president, Mrs. Carl Wacker-
barth, presiding. It was decided to
hold, the meetings every second
I Thursday afternoon. Plans were
discussed for the Foreign day pro
S1 November 19
A Message to Patrons
of The Spa
Our redecorating is completed. The inconvenience
caused you by this work is over. We appreciate the
patience you have shown. Come and see your old fav
orite dining; place in its new clean appearance. The
"Green Gate" room will delight you with its new
! "Fantastic" panels.
Of particular delight to ourselves is the new mod
ern daylight kitchen with its high funnel-shaped roof,
which instantly removes all odors and smoke. No taste
from one food can pass to another truly a "New
- Deal" for restaurant patrons. It is a source -of great
' personal pride to make this announcement to my
friends, old and new.
f ' F. G. MYERS
; to-Start Negotiations for Your
Christmas Photographs
Yon have more time than you will have during the
holiday rush, and so have we.
' Court & Commercial Sta.-
most beautiful
weddings ot th fall season
was performed Saturday night at
30 o'clock at the summer home
of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Lachmund,
when Miss Delia Weathers, dau
ghter of Mr, and Mrs Wiley Wea
thers, became the bride of Tom
Preceding the Impressive ring
service which, was read by the
bride's father, Kenneth Abbott
sang "At Dawning" ana O prom
ise Me". Mrs. Arthur Montgom
ery played the wedding inarch
and the selection "Meditation"
softly during the ceremony. .
Vows were exchanged before a
beautiful floral altar at one end
of the large living room. Baskets
filled with asters and marigolds
were on either side of the boweH
and tapers In two tall candelebra
furnished the only light.
The bride was exceedingly
smart in a gown of blue chiffon
velvet, tip toe length with a yoke
of silver beads. She carried a
shower bouquet of pink roses with
silver streamers, x
Mrs. Earl StrJpsbaugh attended
her sister as jnatron ot honor.
She wore a frock of blue crepe
with silver beading and carried
an arm bouquet of yellow chry
santhemums. Little Berthalene Strausbaugh,
niece of the bride, and Miss Dona
Starr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Starr, were flower girls.
They were gowned in pink taffeta,
tip toe length, and carried colon
ial nosegays.
Mr. Burton was attended by
his brother Vivien Burton. Eu
gene Weathers and Earl Straus
baugh acted as ushers.
Immediately after the ceremony
members of the bridal party re
ceived the guests Informally.
Miss Joy Greig and Miss Mary
St. Pierre served assisted by Miss
Helen Way, Miss Lenna May Matt-
son and Miss Helen Latham. Miss
Arna Babb was in charge of the
gift room. There were 175 guests
bidden to the wedding and re
ception. The young couple left for a
short wedding trip after the." re-
ception. Mrs. Burton wore for her
going away outfit a black and
white ensemble with matching ac
cessories. They will make their
home near Keizer.
Federation Will Meet
In Stayton
The Marion County Federation
of Woman's clubs will convene
at Jefferson, Friday morning.
Registration begins at 9:30 a. m.
and meetings at 10 a. m.
Mrs. Robert Terhnne, president
of the Jefferson Woman's club.
will give the address of welcome
and Mrs. W. W. Allen of Mill City,
will respond.
"Depression - Education" will
be the subject of an address by
Mrs. Zona Allen. David W. Hazen
of the Morning Oregonian, will be
the guest speaker of the day.
Jefferson The Jefferson Wom
an's club held its first fall meet
ing Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. A. B. Hinz, with
Mrs. J. G. Pate as assisting
Mrs. Robert Terhunexpresldent
of the club, presided over the busi
ness meeting, and announced oth
er officers as follows: Vice-president,
Mrs. J. G. Pate; secretary
treasnrer, Mrs. C. J. Thurston, as
sistant secretary, Mrs. Eugene
Finlay; historian, Mrs. David H.
Looney; reporter, Mrs. C. M.
Plans were made for the district
convention of the county Federa
tion ot Women's Clubs to be held
at the Christian church October
The Sons of Union Veterans and
their auxiliary announce that the
dinner planned for Monday night
at the V has been postponed indefinitely.
"NE of the
MISS Lena Belle Tartar,
director of the Amer
ican Legion auxiliary trio
and quartet, brought back
to Salem last week national
championships for both music
groups. Miss Tartar is direct'
or of music at Salem high
school and will resume her
duties Monday.
Benefit Bridge
To be Given
Oct. 19
THE board of the Y. W. C. A.
will sponsor a benefit bridge
B. Jarman Thursday afternoon
between the hours of 3 and 6
In the receiving line will be
Mrs. L. O. Clement, Mrs. C. S.
Hamilton, Mrs. John McNary,
Mrs. D. B. . a r m a n and Mrs.
Elizabeth Gallaher.
Assisting about the rooms will
be Mrs. W. T. Jenks. Mrs. D. B.
Hill, Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs.
Claude Glenn, Mrs. Rex Davis,
Mrs. Alice Meyers, Mrs. Kittie
Graber and Mrs. F. C. Elliott.
On the program will be vocal
selections by Miss Elizabeth Cle
ment and Miss Mary Elisabeth
Kells; puno soles by Miss Fla
via Donna ,nd Miss Charlotte
Hill; violin selections by Miss
Helen .Purvlne, and readings by
Miss: Beulah Graaam.
In charge of the tea table will
be Miss Dorothea Steusloff and
Mrs. Floyd Miller.
n ajj dD rp
' 'MaI in SsJcm Ly
Local Players Name
While the production staff of
Chemeketa Players, Inc.. tt not
yet fully 'complete, and oppor
tunity is still open for persons in
terested in the allied arts of the
theater, the personnel Indicates
a keen Interest in the work of
tie- group. Foremost in Inter
viewing and contacting experienc
ed persons has been Howard cross
chairman of the membership com
mittee. As a result, the produc
tion staff la declared to be excep
tionally experienced In play-pro
duction. Associated with Mr.
Cross on - the membership com
mittee are Gladys Hughey and
Catherine Rowe.
Mrs. E. J. Peterson is chair
man of the play-choosing com
mittee. Associated with, her are
Florion HubeU and Ward Horn.
Play-casting is in charge Of
Benlah Graham and the director,
Mrs. Wynne Grier Is chairman
of the extension department On
this committee are Ruth Versteeg,
Keith Wlddleton, Inez Reifsnyder
and Sue Ditto.
E. J. Peterson is chairman of
the finance committee and also
business manager. He has chosen
William Gablsdorf Jr., to act as
house manager and Wayne Fehler
as ticket manager.
Vernon Frahm is stage man
ager, Ed Faxrington property
manager, Robert Sturgis elec
trician, Welma Coursey costumer.
Mildred Cuddy, Salem beautician,
is in charge of make-up; Julia
Query, Salem girl who-sings oyer
the radio in Portland Saturday
nights,, has charge of music; art
andscene designing is in charge
of Mrs. Esther Ferguson, instruc
tor in art at the Parrish junior
high. Dances are in charge of
Mrs. Bertha Treadwell.
Reception to be Given
By Professor
William Wallace Graham, pro
fessor of violin, will receive in
formally this afternooji from 2 to
6 o'clock in his studios at 1103
and 1104 First National Band
Presiding at the tea table will
be Mrs. T. A. Livesley and Mrs.
John Roberts. Assisting about the
rooms will be Mrs. Mary Tal
madge Headrick, Miss Helen Pur
vlne, Miss Jeannette Scott, Miss
Lillian Graham and . Miss Jean
nette Smith.
The reception rooms will be
decorated with gladioli and zin
nias in bright autumn hues.
Wendell Robnson will sing dur
ing the afternoon and Miss Lois
Burton and Miss Margaret Won
derlick will present piano solos.
The- Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society ot Leslie Memorial
church will hold its monthly meet
ing at the home of Mrs. Mason
Bishop. Mrs. Emma Whealdon
will lead the devotions. A round
table discussion will be held. Mrs.
S. Darlow Johnson and Mrs. J.
Ulrich are assistant nostesses.
Exhibit Will
October 23
MRS. S. B. UAtuiuais nas
announced p 1 ft a s for an
. - - .4.Kt' A' fhm wnrlra
of iif. Melville Wire of Albany
to je held October 23 to -October
29 In the fireplace room of
the public library, under the aus
pices Of. the Salem Arts League.
Hours will be 2 to 5 o'clock in '
the afternoon and 7 to 9 o'clock
in the evening. -
Rev. Wire paints as bobby
and specialises! la landscapes.
Some of :is pictures were shown
In the a f Oregon exhibit given
by the Woman's club and the
Arts League a few years ago but
this will be the first Salem ex
hibit of his exclusive works.
Hostesses from the Arts League
will Dv In attendance every after
noon and evening at the exhibit
to answer quet- ion.
The Arts League laid plans
for a very active year at its
meeting Thursday aight at the
chamber of voimerce. All exhi
bits this year will feature Ore
gon artist-, and in the spring
the group, will sponsor an exhi
bit of the paLitings o.' Ralph Gil
bert, Salem artist. Mr. Gilbert Is
said to some of the most
distinctive landscapes ever paint
ed in Oregon.
The sketching class under the
direction of Mrs. Ella Hathaway
will introduce creative arts this
year. Soap sculpture will be ta
ken up and .netal art classes un
der the direction of Nellie Bow
land Greene will Ve sponsc ed.
If fire people so desire, the
Writer's section- of the league
will start a new section as their.
group Is limited to 20 active and
20 associate members. It is be
lieved that thef are plenty ot
writers in Salem to make up a
second group, Mrs. William For
dyce Far g o, frreide(nt of the
league, stated.
Receptions later in the year
will be giv-1 under the direc
tion of Mrr. Clitto-! Mudd, social
Queen Esther Group
Holds Meet
The Queen Esther group of Les
lie M. E. Church held its second
meeting under the advisorshlp
of Miss Carla Williams at the
home of Miss Mary Esther Pern
berton last week.
After a Bhort business meeting
a program of songs and skits was
Refreshments were served to
the Misses Beryl Grace, Carol
Johnson, Frances French, Janice
Murray, Eileen Lester, Roberta
Johnson, Lila Murray, Ruth
Grace, Shirley Laws, Carla Wil
iianms, Mary Esther Pemberton,
Ruth Ranger, and two guests.
B. Mips Ernilie Wodaege and Miss
O.irnipn Gueffroy.
1 if
nnnnccijiicBS e
Mrs. W. Mason Bishop.
! 1