jwa'-- 4 . PAGE THIRTEEN i i i H to- i.. E'ggitin&: ButterfaP. Mp The OREGON STATESM AN, Salem, Ore iron, Friday Monday. October 13, 1S33 P2JE.E M -'I 'I ' - e c r m t t i a i. k t ill- ! t- t -. aa. 11 1 ftl i V 6. ) v V 1 w 4' 0 7 n V V y V. 5 ' 8) . . . 1 .... 'J' . , .J . I, Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 ; CUssirWd Advertising; Single Insertion pet Iree.lOe Three Inaertloaa per Ua 2a Six laaartlcrui per Un-10e Oat month ttr l!ne..tL,0t Minimum ciargo ... Sit : Copy lor thia eepted until C : St th evaa lag teforo publication tor classification. Cop y .... re ceived after thia time will ran under tha heading Too Late to classify. - - The Statesman aa t-aaacUl responsibility for error whiea may ap pear la adverUiementa pat Itehed la Its ealanna. aaA In' tuu where tale paper la at fault will reprint that part at an adrift isearai la which- -the trvosrapaieal alrtke oecara. The Statesman rsurvea tat right - to : reject 1 objee tlo&al aarsrtisfn. Jti tar taer raaenrta tit rlxH to classify alt advertising aa- - de? tha proper tUaaalTJca- HELP ANTED MALE Wanted: two-eolWtora, aUo amateur enterU Inert. CaU 155 S. Ubertj. HELP . WANTED FEM ALE r:irl far ntwiral housswork. - Give are. ware and referenca. Boa IS9. Statasinsii ' TVaated: Reflaed ladr (or rerteral fiaiiMwork. " References reanlred. Boa TIS Statesman. . - - Katinnallv known companT baa aplendtd opportunity for a middle aced ' woman In Salem paylna I Ltt per hour Xersonal tnterriew desired. Box tit care Statesman. - . SITUATIONS WAN7TED Expk. Woman, 25o boor. TtL KIT. Touna man wishes day or airht work. fi sxlem. Box az care cuhcthwi. FOK SALE snsceHaaeoua . Old papers l&a a bundle. BUtesmaa ertice. . -S.V w .- -.r-- .-. v-h-. : - Saw rnmntlns and sharpenrne; mile 13. Four Comers. Tel. 411. Hair est 2ee. Ill & Commercial. FlaU rrapes, 2e In. -mfle north f Penitentiary four comers.. X. W. Kins. . " Grap& CaU CTen2n& TeJL 61 Fit. Anniea for nlckinc or wfll aaU large eaiMMMMejsejpkakeeajsiea or small quantities on tree, -tc a, w 192. Gw N. Thompson. Commercial dry tat Walnuts 815 per ton, filbert 7ar.tOivo?ta 8, Tel 54P4... .Finance company roust sell line piano for bameoK due of 8125. It Is nearly aew S50 piano, latest style, 812 State street. Open- evening until 9. , GRAPES for table. Juice and Jelly. Win. Stoddard, 1. mile on Wallace rtV Four -different varieties of apples. 5c Ton bring boxes. Hill Top Grocery North on River road, on TavtesT. WAJTED--MlscenAneons Hah cut 25a Joe's Barber NRA. 184 a Church Bt Shop. Wanted: Veal and heavy hoa;a. High est prices paid; Scballcr Meat Supply, 189 & 1ZU B tVe buy need clothing. TeL 8828 and I -.. will calL 824 w. wnerc. ,MM,VIM-iM'..lil. t Wanted, used furniture. Phone 4JS8. rested ' If. A. C belat for Ford-on ertop. -fast bo In aood eoadltlon and priced righ W. . -la-instur, TUla- wiook.1 wemn. i - MISCELLANEOUS ' Expert naircntttag. 20e and 15c. 86 J B. Winter. Cash paid ' for junk of all kinds. Phone 4358. . Nu Bone Corseta Call for appoint ment Mra, Ov H. Uttlefleld, ..Pbone 87. ; -- ' '" FOR RENT ROOMS akssasesveatassaaaaVaaAesB Sleeplnar room. 486 N. Liberty. ROOM AND BOARD Rflftrd-room. fumaee- heat. "Two tn room, 84.S8 week, g meala. .498 North Fumirter. ; FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pattoa Apartments, Down town dis trict; Can patton'a book -tore. Lovely 3-rnv arW h. w. beat elea refrig- garage, mono i. Nice furn. apta S90 TJalon. Furn. for 2 adults, 282 N. Summer. FOR RENT HOUSES Furn. - and unfurl- -house. - XL A. Forkner. 1819 N. Cottage, 'Jet SOIL - -.-.-y .- m -- -- -"--.- Furn. unfurn. i haases. Tirrens Grant, first floor Maaor-Io building- phone 818L FOR EXT Semi-modem 5-rooia housit, garage and wooduhed. 1 acre close In on Gar den road. Price 320 mo. rHiLS A MILLEB. Realtors 844 StJtta Rt. ' Phono 8798 FOR RENT - Ground floor office apace. Good lo cation, good window space. .143 Hieli. Tel. 8114. - - WANTED TO RENT ." Wanted : Board and room ta private family. G. 1L Burke, ie uawa? , Wanted to rent: Small bouse not trrer 88 irw. Rot. 831. Statesman. 7 F02 SALE Real Estate Modern 7-rmv house. 3 Iota 82760. Clear. Terms. Box 82 S care Statesman. aa FOR 8 ALB OH RENT Poultry t-nch. dose In. Call at 2378 Statu, For salet 8150 eiu!ty In good lot nd small house, aood location. liAUire FOR SALE Real Estatt GOOD BCT3 IN EMALL ACREAGE aero tract not far out on paved road, 4-room plastered bouse, electric nights, rood well., price only 880. Worth doable. " - . " Chutce S-aero tract closa In. I-i house, electric lights, rood well. Price vlvso, castt 56, bed. sio .per montn. per cent int. Immediate possession. Kew X-room ahlosted cot Use, nook. rood phimbtns, bulU-Ina, electric liaata, careae and : weodahed. drore weU. electric . pump, large IU7 pool, lawn, shruts and t lorn ere. 1 acre of good land net far out on pared road. race, sue, aan izeo. tuu. easr. CHILDS ft mu. Realtors S4 Stats St. rhone 70t Furn. or.unrurn. Modern. Close in. Tl N. 14th. tlSOa, (-foora furnished house. ment, larre lot, lota of fmK. Cloee to senooj. . SS150. a-roon bunralow. oak floors la Urine awd dmmc reoaas. baaemeat. farnacet done to baa and school, f 151 1 "... i ....... i VISAS l.un. t 1 throurhnnt. t.nf firm- place, sic law and shrubbery, close 1 down. mW flAAM I- lint... I,-!-.. I 99wwv. fiiwm xwiwu siyi noma, l beautiful nook, lot CerllS. fnilh. I J41.L.VIN JOHNSON t ITS Ftate Bt EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE - t KEWBERO for SALEM Nice S-afciw tract, blethly Improve A. mod era house, barn and eutbUsa. Own- er wants rood home la Salem. Place la wear, will pay difference for desir able property. Call eronc. . Owner Bare today to Inspect property. " witLUja t ain.i.hK. Kealtora 144 Ute St . . Phone 1708 Strictly modern house In N. Satem. to trade for suburban property, 6 to xr jw 4reseta anjgeue.to traae. K. C. SHIELDS. Oregon EuUdieg- TeL 8902 Apt. house with T furn. acta In Sea side for residence- n Salem. Compton, Rt. Bojc A. Jefferson. WANTED REAL ESTATE Wanted; Small bouse for cash. Call C404. - MONEY TO LOAN Automobile and chattel loans, 1 to S9 tniintha to repay at lowest possible rates. -... - . ... GENEBAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Kat1 Bank Bids. Phone 1553 ' v - Lseonsed by Stat Will a Loan -.. Help You? Ton can borrow up to 8308 from s ta ze nonrs or leas,- and take from 1 : to 3 eaeanni to repay. Come in . ... Write . . . or 'Phone BENEFICIAL LOAN - SO3IETT OF SALEM We do NRA our part Boom 119, w Mirh Bldr.. 2nd floor. LICENSED No. S-I2! by STATE BlSIStataSt. Tel 3748 Private money to loan on g-ood real estate. Chaa Hudklas, TeL 918X Room a, aniiera wore Bide;. LOANS WANTED MONET No safer investment than first MORTGAGE LOAN. 3 to i times value above amount of loan. In terest 7 semiannually. Examine se curity yourself. See us for highly se cured nrst mortgage real estate loana Bee CHILDS ft MILLER 244 State Street UVESTOCK asd POULTRY For Sale Fresh Jersey cow. Wm Wagner, Rt 8,x 189. Salem. FOR SALE: 1 erood mare, weiarht 1499, price 5.00. S. G. Sheets, Turner Oiegtm. t OR SALE WOOD AAf"a9Weaaejs)sle moom Tracy!. 19 gc for elry wood ' GUARANTEED DRT awl wm TaL 5099 Salem met Co. Trade ft ry fr, oak. Tel.97C9. Earbart Bros. Ash, fir and oak. Tel 5848.. w,aaeakeslaaaskea Oak woo4 f or sale. TeL 268S-- ekeWiipBa8aasbsa - - - At . l. I.il a a Dry wood, all kinda CaU 48F14, Smith ft Ruben. LOST AND FOUND Lost or stoles near State theatre : Rebuilt red 'bicycle with black fen dera Statesman carrier bag on the bike. Reward. Return or phpne The WANTED USED CARS Wanted, Good Used ' Cars we nave - nracucallx sold out our stock. If you have a ear to sell sea ua we buy, sell or eonslgn. BORREGOS CAR MKT. 848 No. Uberty. . TeL 3888 ss --)r V'lnnaanAaan O-rrrh for rnnaJt car. Tel. T22. m Auxiliary Singers Chamber Guests Monday ' The Monday . noon . luncheon program at the chamber of com merce is expested to be a rea. crowd getter, for the entertain ment will he the songs with which Salem's national champion Legion auxiliary singers earned a unani mous decision of - the Judges - at Chicago. !... Lena Bello Tartar, director o the trio and quartet, will also be an honored . gnest. The national champions are -Mildred Wyatt. Eernice Boue, Grace Zosei d zurlene Braun. " ; Special Session -For Washington Solons Possible . SEATTLE,." Oct, . 11--(AP) - Governor Martin said here today that while ho has not yet decided to call a, special session of 'the legislature ? to - consider liquor legislation. If one la .called It will meet November 15 or 20. -'V This would he the first such session since the one called by former Governor Hartley 1 g h years ago.v Tho meeting lasted the fall 68 days and aroused eontrd- Tersies which lasted throughon the Everett lumberman's term. Interesting Facts Seattle la 2 S 7 milea from i Sa lem. Medford I5 miles. ; - o Vancoaver B. C. Is 421 miles from . Salem,1 Spokane 428 - and Redding, California 4 37. O- It la 157 miles to Astoria tIA Portland 1(4 Tia Tillamook. Sea aide la 148 via Tillamook and 176' yia Portland and Astoria. IV. 1Z Were 120 wage j earners employed In the air trans-1 norUtlon business. In 19 3 S there taair WWB ' Carl Roth, Salem arlator, has orer 180 hours flylnr time to his credit. X- . w. . r : .... . . Today. Friday the 13th lacky day.- : Stocks and Bonds , 8TOCS AT23XGES October 11 (Copyrirnt. 108S 8Uaaard'8UtUt!ea Co.) .oo n so u . i - Iad'U RR's TTt's Total TSday .90.6 41.1 HI 11.3 Previous day 90.8 44.0 78.5 IU Week sto 81.8 44.4 fS.Tf 81.1 Tear ace u. SS.3 $. ' 85.1 64.8 S yean 183.7 10T.0 184.8 140.O Hich 1933 102.1 58.0 118.T 98.9 Txw 1983 41.8 SS.S IU 43.9 Hira 1838 , 108 1 58.0 118.7 96.9 LrOW 1B3S . 42.8 Z8.5 SI. J Hirh 19St . 72.8 89.8 111.0 78.9 LAwissa . 85.1 li.a ei.s sa.u S0KS ATXXAQXS 20 0 20 , 60 Xad'ls BS'i TJt's Total Today 78.S 1 5.0 .80.4 76.8 Prerioas say 78.8 74.4 80.1 T54 Week age . 7L3 78.3 78.9 75J Tear aso , 68.8 6S.1 82.3 70.8 S years see 02.S 107.S 99.8 100.0 tti-1. ion it 1 M.O 88.5 83.5 Lew 1983 , , ,. 58.3 57.0 74.1 63.0 I Higk 1973 77.1 84.9 88.5 83.5 Lew 1933 58.3 5T.0 74.1 03.8 Hlbl933 . 71.8 78.0 88.8 78.1 e 1932 S3.3 7. 79.9 S7. ram rridsy, October IS KOW Portias 880 XOe. T:00 Four Soatkerav Uinrera, HBO. 7:1 Oxtaa eeaeert, KBO. T:40 Thompson ft Oabera. ' ' 8:00 Old Memory Box. NBC. 9:15 The Widow sad AageL HBO. 9:30 Organ eeaeert KBO. 10:00 Cookinf sehool. 10:30 Womaa'r Hagaatne, NBC. - 11:15 Farm sad Home bear, KBO. 11:45 O. X. Phunaer. . 1:45 KBO progress. 8:05 Viennese ensemble, KBO. 8:25 Friendly Chat. 4:45 Edna rUeher, KBO. 5:05 Orehestra. 6 lOO-rfhlJ Harris. KBa 7:00 Tirrt Kig-ter, ABO. 8:00 Anos 'a' Aadv. KBO. 10:15 -Abmi Weeks' orchestra, KBO. 11:00 Sid Lfppman's orchestra, KBO. 11. 30-12:00 Eal Tsbaria orchestra. KBO. XOAO Corvauij 850 nils. 7 .J jnomini; jaeaitaiie-s we uj Kev. i-red k. Morrow. a :v9 asnusr eoaeers. 9 :00 Heme "Sffonomlca observer. 11:00 Better Health and Longer life. 12:00 Noon Farm boar. 2:00 As Toa Like It with Anthony Enwer. t 3:00 Keepinr Tonne Tore tier KataV- lie Kerehart and Betty Taompsoa. 8:43 Tarnt aoar. 8:15 Philosopher of the Crossroads. NOTICE OP BEARING OP OB JECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE - HEREBY" IS GIVEN that J. C. Chapman, as the duly appointed, qualified and acting administrator of the estate of ESTHER M. CHAPMAN, deceas ed, has rendered and presented tor settlement and tiled in the County -Court of the -State of Oregon for tho County of Marion a final account of bis administra tion of said estate, and that Tues day, the seventh flay or Novem ber, 1 9 S Sr, at - tho hour; or ten o'ciock id. me lorenoon ot sam day, at the courtroom of. said court, in the Marion county Courthouse In the City of Salem, County of Marion, State t Ore gon, have been fixed and appoint ed by said court s the time and the place for the. hearing of o&- fftnne tn eaif final aecAnnt and the settlement .thereof. - Dated .and first published the sixth day of October. 1933.. ' -T ' J. C Chapman, -as Ad . ' "s- minis trator ' of - the -Es- tate ; of ESTHER ! M. CHAPMAN, Deceased. 5 carson s carson; - . , Attorneys for Administrator. ; i O--13-20-2T N-J. Hiiiii mi m HAVANA -Oet- 12 (AP) -f Cuba'a political ship ,waa becalm ed tonight aa the island celebrated Columbus day the second halt of a double-barreled national hol iday. ; - Political faadera who ' have sought to steer a course, through turbulent seas to ' political : tran quility apparently welcomed tho opportunity to rest on their oars and survey ?the"Bituation. t J : A few of the mora determined leaders refused to bo stopped by the holiday of last Tuesday Grito de Tarav day- but even these few Radio froe a w OH COLUMBUS DAY dropped ncgotlationa and went to their "flncas country homes, to day. W , j e : Only I handful of employes were on defy at tho American em basey, and for tho first time in aaay .weele mbaadeir Wellea called oft tho daily press eonfer- Business Directdry Cards la this directory ran on monthly basta only. Rate:, f 1.00 per line per month. AUTO BRAKES Kike Panek, the brake and shimmy r doctor. 76 South Commercial Street. BICYCLES Kew and used. Tires. Repairing. HARRY W. SCOTT. 147 a Coin'l St brooms Land brushes Oregon Blind School, Tel. 4072. Fuller Brash Man. TeL. till. CATERING : Bnrt Crsxy. tha caterer. Ph. 1711. Hulda- Helps Honteeaes. Tel 94S : CIIDINEY SWEEP Teffphwwe- 4 1 89. R. E. Wortrineea. CHINESE MEDICINE When Others Fail Nature's herbs for every ID. H. & Low. noted Chinese herbalist 47S & I Commercial Street Salem, Oregon. Established since 1818 la Oakland. Calif. Consultation free. Telephone 4718. Hours 8 to 8. Sua. 18 to 11 M. Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Honrs Tuesday and Friday, 18 :S0 a. m. to 4 ?3Q p. m. 14S W. commercmi. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. 288 N. Hirh. TeL Kea &7Z. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fun eral wreaths, decoration C F. Brett- haupt florist 877 Court. TeL saw. ALL kinds of floral work. ta.t.X1t- GLASS Auto, and window sous Jrrtr ore. TeL tie. Wafter g. &omn, 88 Bre-et ntSUBAKCZ TTKN DRJ CTK 3 x3-.-3is- TeL 4847 I rnrinrr-SWrrH. ren. ins. Tel. 8812. LAUNDRIES TPtlS NEW SALaTM LATJNDRT TBH: imnj-L XAIIHPKI 283 -iia- TWLT1T51 . capital arrr atjndrt It finality amd Service ;TeVto rrS 12 Bwaffy TTRESS-S -r .liu. r. .l.i ! tmii rVif- XEom racrarr w ansne. wot turnieatora. Rura cleaned. Capitol gg y yxTltt Knamiantri a-. . ft ew1 inea OA4A XI 8P im pwwww - 24ew mattresa wte te order. iev re made: carpet edawamg, si sing; Xhjff cur weavina- flu lam Fluff Rus rea Factary. 8. 13th ft Wilbur. 441. Otto V. Y.weKtr. max. un. MUSIC STORES I . m-a ni, tl i Qytt. Repairing radios. land sewlna ma-hlnea. 411 i Mtieea. PliTSICIAN Horaeatmie Physician X' G. Altmaa. Hossaparfhlat. Office and lesdOanee 887 Center 8t JPhene 6832. Treat both acute and rhronlc disease1 PAINT AND ROOFING flulevn PWttrt ft Rooffasr. 78 Wwrrr. - FtNTXNG FOB sWATlO-EERT, mmramz' ststsbstt er aar kind uepartmenit, vusn-w phnhe 8101. - REAL ESTATE - J Becke ft - Hendricks, TeLS44t. w xx aRlRRtmnRST A: CO. 134 8L Liberty St TeL 848t SOCOLOFSKT ft SON J04-8 Wrst Nat'l. Bk. Bldsr. Tel STOVES I nrrmmst and atova renalrinc Stsvee kinda of woven wire fence, fancy- and plain, bop baskets, hooka, logaa hooka Salem Fence aid Stove Works. 888 Chemefceta. Tel. 4774. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER win looai ar distant transfer storage. leta, pvwAraraaa, voofca er axty nana stiMasi, uwouuuieu o-ui i, nemo printing, call Jfb i sutesman Prtnttag chamberlain, Betty Dotson, Ruth call till, Larmer Transfer Co.' Truckal te Peruana oaiiy. - ' rtPiTlL CITT Transfer Cos 228 State fit- TeL 7773. DiaUibUtlng, - for - warding and storage - our specialty. Get our rates.- - - - - 1 - " - TYPEWKiTEltS TV-PFCWRTTER3 Addlna . Mch. sold. rented, repaired, unaerweoa Agenus. Cooke ft Short 521 Court Tel. 6684. CTH01Ti-RING First class upholstering. Cuablons made and rebuilt Canvas work, Eu bank'a UDboIstery Shop with Sora- han Finish Shop. 454 Ferry St. WELL DRIUJNG aeaBNmB amaBf W aw R. A. West 39 years experience, RFl? 7. HQim. m linn. MaMMH M enca because. of lack of newav, Reported friction between the and tho navy, allegedly, ".;.-J. . . . ........ caoaed hy ueu, iruigencio ta g failure to promote a numper of taavr men, apparently had been I One might can tha suit bejng fitted 1 Savings and Loan Association rl??!7. T "ry"t- I .vioT President John Garner avJ bo held at the office ot tbo as aa rai in t- y a n re lint lira v uuuiuci iroueu ouw ; , ,. .;i,:.:;? ",, . j , v m "Annro-ImatelT one - fourth total cost of probation cases aris- cal CoUegaanoV presented to ing from misdemeanor. 51; -- apoug is spent eaioueneum mw 1 r-if" - v-h-st t-t tha lacketv populatibn, a survey has disclosed. t.HfL - 3: I.S.EIMK: TO PAST MISTAKES Statesmen are Advised to View, History Avoid : - rKriown Pitfans 1 BERLIN,' Oct. 12 (AP) Ventures jcarried too far Mpon uncharted courses" during strenu ous times always result in reac tions, and "sometimes a disaster," William E. Dodd, tha United States ambassador, said today. in a luncheon .speech before' the American chamber of commerce. The speech. In which he pointed out precepts which western civili sation mast follow If it hopes to lire, was considered of such sirnir lcance - the seini-olf ielal- WolfZ news agency announced It was supplying the full text to German morning newspapers. "May w not reasonably ex pect of the statesmen today," the ambassador asked; "sufficient knowledge of the past blunders to realize that It the western eirni tation 1s to surrire they must find a wif to aroid crime and the ter rific disasters of war. learn now to derelop in a friendly spirit tne resources of the undeveloped regions of tha world, lower, and not raise, the barriers, against the migration of surplus population. and facilitate, not defeat, the Interchange of surplus goods T "With these rational changes of International procedure, higher culture might easily be carried to the masses everywhere; without, these, another war and chaos. "In times of great stress men are apt to abandon too much of their past social devices and ven ture too tar upon uncharted courses. The eonsequenc always has been a reaction, and some times a disaster.' "It: would be no sin it the statesmen, learned enough history to realize that no system . imply ing the control of society by prir. ilegetL seekers ever ended. in. any other way than collapse. . -v 'The- wisest at all the JLmerl esat tesstea tealstea tt Ma (that the way to develop aav &al social awder was to Jewre every mu the utmost freedom of initla- lie. wand action and always to i or al, any man or group to -profiteer at the expense of others I .-. . v - - . rijim extras, -os aoseo, iun -a, . , . -fi . ..w. . I j, n. j j i. n- n. m me auisjWJt -aw tmt I Salem tiA ehOOl were completed I -. - . m, m . at 7 mat nient ior as zar as us ee- inlne portion. Ait fadeax8; kodyi la -eo eree wta it tram thaai IB a applicants listed to re ceive asacond hearing. Gtrla who made the most favor- aila 4rpressIon on the faculty yo-X-e will have a second chance Tuesday- euternoon to show their abilities. JTirat tryouts for boys x achedaled o be' held Thurs day. Selected toe second tryouts yes terday afternoon were: Irma Cola, Mildred Heckinger, Gertrude TJaXk. 1 Isabel McGllchrist, Betty Saa KcGahan, Rachel Bonell, Hel en. Wiedmer, Barbara Pearee, Edith Morehouse, Doris Donald- son. Katberlne Gies, Barbara Taylor, ' Dorothy Klhbe, Maxine McKilloiv Peggy Mlnkiewits, Naosni Alaep, Mildred Rickman, Jeaai Bartlett, Alice Chanfller, Shirlfgr Crenemiller, Dorothy Don- asetnv Buth Reasdr, Esther Cal- Iteos, Rnth Meyers, Jane Keith, - 1 sjcs uk, w csii tuegs, i a arflDew - s, Gwendolen Short, Nellie Pendegfaft; ClariceT Colbe, Tlor- ence Copley ana Jean Hoss. - . Namea are net listed: according to standing of applicants. . , I Educated Suit r st I 1 1 i . I ' . as an ;. ar-ait i0onrwii w,riin-ui ae we tha I on the campus or Texas Aecnnoioei- maims " DULL AT PRESHfT Reflecting the plentiful offer ings of lower priced mixed and! other varieties of hay from the Willamette valley, the alfalfa mar ket In the Portland territory was very I dull the , past weelc, states 41 A A a v m T S 1 f a a a m 1 the weekly alfalfa market review of the TJ. S. bureau of agriculaural economics. Of tha 22 cars of all hay received at Portland during the week, ending October 9, only seven were alfalfa, with small ad ditional receipts by truck. The dull demand for alfalfa. however, was offset by .the strong holding tendency and light offer ings by alfalfa producers, and prices hold about unchanged from those for the previous week. Al falfa hay comparable to TJ. S. No. was quoted at Portland !i at 81 6.50-17.50 per ton In carlots. The light current ' demand was principally from nearby dairy men, with rabbitrlej taking light amounts of the soft leafy type hay, Recent rains have revived pasturage over the coast areas considerably and the dairymen are utilizing pastures as much as pos' sible. and are using local torage I and hnm rrAwn fda ' to tha I greatest posafble 'extent, because of low returns from their pro ducts. . .Prevailing prices In the Yakima valley continue too high for move ment of their alfalfa to the Port land market, and the light receipts at this market are from the Wal lowa and Klamath Falls districts. General Markets PX0DTCZ CXCEAIGE PORTLAND, Ore- Oct.. H (AP) Prodyee exchance, net prieea: Batter Extras 20c standard! 19 He. prime firsts 19e, firsu 18c Ecra Fresh extras 28c, fresh nedinms 24e. , Portland Grain P0&TLAVD, Ore, Oct 12 (AP) Wheat fatorcs Opea Hick Low Cloaa May 75 75 75 75 J)aeaa-ar JOJt 79 70 T0 whs K. i r : aa T5e$. sk trnat wjaser per cent 70e. aesrr ai r; awn white, western era sprint 85an weateia TA30. Usts k. a mrtiitm aa-e Cora No. yellow gM. : Uilhn StaadaaA 837.5.58. Portland Produce POOTLAFBL as, Oct H (IP) BntUr PriauB, aaliaaa 33a, tlislaaJa 21 e noaad. J wi tlai If - Portland 4TTy: A trad lte." Farmer's daar delsrery 17e sand. Sweet cream set aitaai. Xaaa - XaerZle poaltry nndneen. saUtn-Wrlce: Preah extra spsehsl Sfie. ex tras 28e, Itandarda 23a, Si s -4c. pallets 17e doien. - ..-y , w, u.wt..v.B x I doxen. ..... I -I BmW irhdeta He Uf, l2a vaex aMaw pay e -ow woseataaaa. ' aDDt Cseiraul nrlea. 9er, eeat: Porfla8"8fTery gi.TO eytr Br grade cream 87e pooaa. , Coaatry meats Seillag. price to re- tellers: uoaatry xuiea aoge, oestjioxea. era. nnder 150 ponnds g-8e. Vesisrs 90 to 120 pounds se poona; Hgnt ana thia 4-8e; heavy ealeer 4e pound ; : aimbs, 10-10 a pound; yearlings 4-5 pound. Heavy eyes 3-8e ponnd. Medium cows 2-5e pound: csnner tews l ie pound. Bulls 4-4 s round. Mohair Bnyia price, 1939 cup, 15e pound. ' -"" Casesra bark Buying pnes ivis peel, 3e posad. Hops Komtaai; iaa, o-oe poena. Live poultry Portland -delivery: Baying prices: Colored fowls, 4 to 4 poaeda 12 e; over S panada lze; spring pallets;' 3 to 8 poaads 12c; roasters, over 3 poandsl2e; Leghorn fowls, ever 8 pounds 8e; under 8 pounds 7e: broilers, 1 to 9 pounds 14e; 8 pounds' and up lZe; stags se; roosters oc. i-eaung docks 10c; colored docks 9e; geese 8e nannd. -- Onions Tskims 1.25; Oregon 81.25-j L40 eentsL Potatoes Leeal white and red si.ia- 1.25 cental; Taklma 9L15-1.40; De schutes 8L40-1.65. Caataloapes Dillard. standard fl.13- 1.25; , Yakima, standards, -75-850 crate; The Dalles 81 crate. Wool: 1933 clip, nominal; Willam ette valley 83-25 pound; caatera Oaegoi 18-218 pound: sosthera Idaho le-zoe pound.. 7 ; . . . - . nay nuywg price zrvm. prwucer i Alfalfa, Ko. 1 aew crop 818-18.50; vetch 818; WUlametU valley timothy 1S; eastern Oregon timothy 817.50; eats 814 tea. - ----- Portland Livestock POBTLAKD. Ore-' Oct 13 ( AP) Cattle Receipts 100, calves 30; stesdy. ; . Rtaara. . enanman and median 32.50V t 4.75. Helferij- good, eemmoa and medium t nn.A ii. Tots eoaunon and metnrm $8.85-8 ; low cutter aad evtte 31-85- i XJtS. Bulls, good ano caoioe "r .-. t .nil eholea 88-7 : call, com mon and mediate 8- good and eboiee 14-5.50. common and mediom -1 .u mA mA.eheiee 85-5.T5: Till.. lfll..inT. UO mediuar weight good aad eboiee 84.90 k ?. ha-v-walrlia. rood and choice 84.50- 8.' Peeking sews, medium and good 88.80- 4.15. sHaugater pigs, goaa aaav. 33.60-4. Peeder ft eioeker pigs, 8od aad eboiee f .. " . - nMi Riata zoo: ae-ve, aieaur. T.... Mil and eholea 85-5.55 : Cm- I mea end medinm gs.ow-o. xsaruag --- an 820.80. Kwee. Tsea. REVIVES HORT SHOW roVAJLLIS. Oct 12. Reviv- Jing a popular, practice or many past years, the stuaenis w oru culture at Oregon State college have arranged to hold a -non Show" thia fall, and have selected tha homecoming" dates of October 2T-2S. Before this ahowwaa ois contlnned la favor, of an all-college exposition, it was widely at tended because or tne oeauiy u educational value of tho many ex hibits of frulti flowefs, vegetables'. nuts and processed xooaa. show will bo held thia year In am the least room of tho Memorial union, building. . : . ' ' . 1 : NoUco i The adjourned annual meeting of tha stockholders ot the. State , s - win as- 1 -ojj ot.t. e. fialam am aw ariAiB.Litj is . m v su i a-avaw a i i w Itlt at a T M. a j - Dated" this 11th day bt October, 1I3S "-""t ,' - - LEO N. CHILDS - - . Assistant Secretary. 0. 13-1 1. Salem Markets Grade U raw 4 mtlfc. co-op pool price, f 1.43 per hand red. . ,SurpIai f for ... (Milk ttwl ii send sieatbly entUrtat ararase.) Distributor price 8)1.70 ' Batterf atTop 17c, prints SO M c, cubes 22 t, ' - VrkW . te cro.. b, sia b. . i m j. October 12 (Tee prices below, sappded rroeer. srs indicative of the dail feeal lily n market bat are aot msraateed by The Statesmen) ratrrr ajrp vaoeTABusa Italiaa Breceoli. lnr 0 Parnipa, hex lr - .50 i Turaipi, box lac .50 Kntsbtgi. og box L .85 Erstiel spreatt. lor .1.25 leeal ecs r1" . Ceeat peaa. lb. i .09 Mm beans, lb, .. ,, - .... . 48 Cabbage, ewt 78 U 1.00 , Greea aeppera. leeaL lb. - na- Oatens. J v : Potatoes, local l.oO to 1.25 Lettaee, local - 65 to .95 California, ieed 3.00 to 8.40 .1.00 ta 1.25 Paget Boand Oalona. Walla Walla, svt. i.5 r 4.25 5 La biia ! Cehry. dot. i Apples JLian '. .75 .90 -L25 Jonathans Spitt . Peaseex- .75 Oranres. Taleneiaa. faaey 8.00 to 3.50 Place pack . . , 1.75 te 8.85 Beeta. local. 4 ox. . i . . J 5 Tpmittft nt. -SO Carrots, toil, doi .is Splaach, local, crate 50 te .75 Banana. ea stock .es .05 V Haads . I Oucuaiberi.. hothouse, bos 75 Caatsleupet, MeMinnrMt 1.25 IMllard .90 to i.io Lemoae " na Limes. freiB 1 ATaeadoa, ereta, Sqaaih. Daaiih. doa, Hsabard sqaash a.15 33 .1.00 a .20 . .60 . .75 ' - .10 . At .1.00 .1.00 .03 ft . .40 I Tomatoes, The Dalles Local. Bushel Peaches. TakJna. crate Cora, local, dos. ... Cassbaa. lb. Seedless grspei. log Tekay rrapes Sweet Potatoes, lb. HOPS 1933 farcies, lb. 1933 cluster- lb. .38 EQG8 Baying Prices Extras .25 .22 .21 Standard Mediants . P00T.TS1 Pnlleta . .18 . .o . .10 . JB8 - -! . ji . as 5.00 5.50 5.2 -5.00 Old Colored hens . llediotn beat . Light baas Leghora fryers ... , . Colored fryers - 3CBAT Spring lambs, top . Hort, top First eats ,, . Second euts- Steers .... . . Cows ..M u joa .01 -08 to to to .04 .03 U .02 Bulla Drested veal, top .07 Dressed bora .07 OSAXB AFD HAT Wheat western red , White, Ko. 1 , i r Barley, top, toa. .... , , .551 J7 .18.00 .17.00 J 9.00 Oats, leeo. ton Oats, milling, ton Hey. eoytae prices . Oat and vetch, toa .12.00 Alfalfa. vaUey. first sot .14.00 Clover bay , 2.00 WOOL Medium Coarse . Mohair .28 .33 .20 J1 CASCABA BABJC Green, lb. Dry. Ib. Japan's pack of red salmon this year totaled about 280,000 cases. a reduction o 100,009 cases from 1932. Randolph-Macon college at Ash' . . .r . fv .M- MAthodUt t ' - ; school In America. It was founded in 1830 Gross -Word Puzzle By EUGENE SBEFFERj ii:iii--iii , 2i ZZ" . - --- mT' 43 HH HORIZONTAL 1 enter of a wheel -4 aketches 9 tnineral spring 12 Greek letter 18 headed, bolt of metal . U tin reeep k tacle . ' 5 IJr received '. 35 cruel mon- Z archa 87 legends S3 on the she! . tered side ; 89 medicine in a little ball -40 one who stares .- ' 2 aelf- centered ' 45 historical . - period r 4 Greek, epic poem '--48 high priest . of Israel 48 seed - capsula 50 coppice Jiaoiy r incan ; - antelope k 19 dore iful ird 21 hunt . (23 driehten t - ' nddenly. , . ; 28 one who -U entertain! , 127 sheer . -8 printexa : i measure - 29 insect 80 secreting-. mwaaeaem fT ' . Herewith is tha solution to- yes terda y Puxile- t; ; v- the body . Sl-hief.lin- r. ' stecx 01 1 Indo-China 82 note of the a- muskal . '. scale - k 88 hair grow ing on tha " . - ehla . - : tl-liat of 7., - actora ' - i ewrda-L lilt IWABvQlrf III. vm m:& emu ...... . i - ....... Filbert and walnut productions in this section will be about equal this year, judging from the quan tities of filberts which - are com ing through tho North Pacific coop nut growers plant here. Man ager Fred Ewtng! indicated yes terday. This situation. If ft eomes to pass, has heretofore bees un heard of. Last year there were about five times as many walnuta, aa filberts handled at the plant. -. Grading at the co-op plant yes terday, and work daring tho day showed top sizes of filbert to be unusually heavy.' More than . 100 tons of filberts are .expected to coie through the plant this year. which is an- increase of 25 tone orer last year. The walnut pro-' ductlon is way down.j NEW eiE III EGG E PORTLAND, Oct. 12 (AP) - The new grade on eggs named here by the Pacific Co-ope by the addition of the "special extra" la stead of the oversize, practically -makes the entire coast trade uni form tn this regard. The new setup of grades was unexpected and the price changes, some of them being lowered, were not in line with the ideas of the trade. This lower price in spots practically eliminated the former advance while in general the trade considers the market firm ana ac-' tive for fresh goods.' " Trading In the butter market- was rather dull with practically' an entire absence . of speculative interest. Prices were unchanged for cubes during the late session but open market sales were occa sionally 4c lees. General steadiness was suggest ed in the market for live chickens with the exception ot poor light -hens. The latter were practically Impossible to move at the moment--except at ruinous figures. Trading in the country killed meat market was steady even for beef although no price improve ment waa suggested tor the latter. Veal and hogs were moving out well at recent advances. OTHER QUOTAS HE II STEADY The local egg market traveled backwards yesterday, to a one cent loss on extras, for which pro ducers now get 25 cents per dos en. Standards are. down to 22 cents and medium at 21 cents. Butterfat took the second drop in the week to top of 17 cents per pound. Prints are quoted at 20 cents and cubes at 22 cents. No other local changes were re corded. II etain with color VERTICAL 1 chop 2 member of ' a eertaio . -: Indian - : tribe - . tu-heavy gob 1 stance usedl to give sta bility -i urged for , ward 6 hoarfrost , 6 haill - ,7 plural jpro- noun , ( . 8 fiscal agent 9 scarcely BEM TUT TRADE IS H wm guflkient 10 cooking im. . plement 11 conjunction -15 prict ;; lo-Croliar;:; : 20 remain en ; the feet - . 21 map - ' 22 weet fluid 23 celestial i V - . bodies. 21 rent L. " ' 25 ejects -v--.' j 27 chool child's writ- ing? Irnple- V -meni- 3&--charactex r ' isttc-et -groupa ; . 81 matched ' 33 large bun .. die - . 84 binder part ', of tha Uz S3 laid level 'i . v with the ; . -, ground : Z -diacritical v mark -sed f in Spanish ( " 89 vegetablea -: 40 hiatus . 41 past - 42 drink in . 51 G1EI ' small quan . . titiea i :.r 43 wily 44 hasten t 47 4eholdl s - se laatans V 1 -