The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1933, Page 8, Image 8

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uiucK Mem aecona; rive
. Giants Recognition
: ; Of Sport Writers
Carl Owen Hubbell, celebrated
southpaw ( pitcher of. the world
champion Giant, who never so
mueb. as ' received a single rote
before tie contest, emerged to
day by offlclaa ballot of tbe ex
perts as the ? National league's
'most valuable player" for 1933.
' The rote was almost unanimous
for the Meeker, Okla., master of
the screwball, who scored 23 vic
tories during the league season,
including 10 shutouts, and twice
pithced - the ' Giants to triumph
over the Senators In thejworld
series without allowing a single
earned run in 20 innings.
Hubbell scored 77 points out of
a maximum possible total of SO
In the contest, decided by ballots
of a committee of eight members
of the Baseball Writers' Associa
tion of America and announced
by the chairman, Denman Thomp
son of the Washington Star. The
pitcher won by a decisive margin
over two outfield rivals, Chuck
Klein of the Phillies,, and Wally
Berger of the Braves, who finish
ed second and third with 48 and
44 points, respectively.
Six of the eight ballots marked
Hubbell's name at the top of the
list. The two others rated him
second and third. Points were on
the basis of 10 for first, nine for
second, and so cn.
X Manager Bill Terry of the
Giants received the other two
first-place designations but wound
np fourth in total points with 35,
-followed by Pepper Martin, third
base sensation of the Ca'dlnals,
: with 31.
Three other stars of the
Giants made the top-flight, with
Gus Mancnso sixth, Bionay nyan
ninth and Hal Schumacher
twelfth. Last year Terry and Mel
Ott were the only New Yorkers
on the list..
" The entire National league re
flected the writers' belief that
there was an unusually big turn
over In star talent. Seventeen of
the 27 players receiving actual
votes In the contest were not even
mentioned on the- 1932 list. Lon
Warneke, Cubs youg right-hander
and runner-up to Klein last
year, was named on only one bal
lot. Hubbell and Klein were the
only pert omen listed by every
member of the committee.
The complete results, Including
points, follow;- Carl Hubbell,
Giants 77; Chuck Klein, Phillies
41; Wally Berger, Braves 44;
Bill. Terry,' Giants 35; Pepper
Martin, Cardinals 31; Gus Man
cnso. Giants 24: Dlasy Dean, Car
dinals 23; Pie Traynor, Pirates
. 20; Blpndy Ryan, Giants 19; Al
Lopex, Dodgers 18; Ben Cantwell,
Braves 43; Hal Schumacher,
Giants 11; " Rabbit Maranvllle,
. Braves "11; - Guy Bush, Cubs 11:
Larry French, Pirates 10; Frank
Frisch, Cardinals 7; Jim Bottom
ley, Reds ; Joe Medwkk, Cardin
als, 5; -Gabby Hartnett, Cubs 6;
Ijiii Warneke. -.Cubs 4: Red Lu
cas, Reds 3; Dick Bartell, Phillies
3; Floyd Vanghan, Pirates 2;
Randy Moore, Braves 2; Virgil
Davis, Phillies 1 ; Chick Hafey,
"Red 1; Adolfo Luque, Giants 1.
.. , '
' . , . - - .. p
SZalerri Stntfl is "
Firkin Sales;
. W It CfcOi S kia
' First place among; 80 stores on
the Pacific coast In sales records
for Thursday and Friday of last
week is" the proud- claim of the
Salem Montgomery Ward store,
according' to word received;, from
the Oakland office - : - '
The local store sold 1 71 per
cent more goods than ; they - bad
budgeted for Thursday and Fri
day. Fall Ward , Week will end
October 14 and is a semi-annual
even'.. Barkley A. Newman Is
manager of the Salem' store. Ad
vertising for the sale was carried
exclusively t-. The OreBon States
r- -
1 1
' About 9 Methodist ministers
will rather . at the Jason Lee
church here Wednesday, October
25. a Salem district pastor's con
;ference. Dr. Bruce Baxter, dean
of religious education of the Uni-
versity ;. off Southern ; California.
Los Angeles.- will' speak at 2:30
o'clock on "Preaching In a Diffi
cult Year.' -
The .conference will open at
1:30. o'clock, the morning to be
' devoted to Informal discussion of
church problems. Dr. Louis Magln
district! superintendent, will pre
side. : . : - , -
DALLAS, Oct. 1 10 Marriage
licenses were Issued Satarday to
Bernard L Quiring, 23,. laborer.
of Dallas, - and Martha Neuf eld.
24, housekeeper, of Rickreall;
and to Artbar S. Wilson, 22, stu
" dent, and Barbara L. Muville, 18,
' student, both Of San Francisco.
Mrs. John. Turner - and daugh
ter Carolyn, who have leea m
r parents near Amity for several
' months, .are both able to be at
borne again. Porter; Watt, who
was operated on for acute appen
dicitis Saturday at a Salem hos
pital, - is ' doing nicely. -: "
New Golf Champion Shows Winning Way
k (Tvi2; fa yx-&
I i - f ; ?Ji rv-' 7 '
I I fVx- w; . - IT nr
1" ; -.J .; v S h S A JJ
l'l , h ' 111 W i I - -.- ,i i i
I h i If I '4 I -- f "J- -"fan J r is '
f, 4 if vl 1 j a r k X I X ?j przi vtT
- J A. I h :( I CSrY i
- rf' y
--t v .
Dukap& Stancs
How does he do it? What's his secret? Those are
questions Mr. and Mrs. Fan ask when a new star in
any sport appears in the sky. Here, George Dunlap,
of New York, new national amateur golf champion,
Billy Edwards Headlocks
Wilson Into Submission;
Flying Tackles Work Once
Two punishing headlocks of the
chiropractic variety were all that
Billy Edwards needed to gain two
out othree falls from George
Wilson the ex-University of Wash
ington gridster, in their scheduled
two tour wrestling match at the
armory last night.
The Kansas City bntcher boy
opened the fray by toppling Wil
son with a series of Jabs from tho
side of his right arm. Edwards
proved to be on his toes through
out the first frtme as he managed
to elude all of Wilson's Sonnen
berg and flying tackle threats.
Following a slugfest of-the wild
est nature, the headlock king took
the first fall in four minutes by
pinning his opponent with his pet
"chiropractic" headlock.
It took 45 seconds for George
Wilson to demonstrate to the sur
prised crowd his newly developed
sonnegnberg. with a series or
twelve flying tackles he knocked
Edwards from one side of the ring
to the other and finally pinned
him with a body press to even the
match np.
Wilson returned for the final
fall expecting to continue his leap
ing tactics, but Edwards met one
flying leap with a knee to the
pit of the stomach. In short order
A gathering of Salem sub-dis
trict Ladles' Aid society mem
bers of tho Methodist church. will
be held at Etaytoa Thursday, Oc
tober 19, starting with a 10:30
o'clock morning program and
continuing until late afternoon.
The complete program:
At 10:30 Devotio..s led by
Mrs. II. G. Humphrey, Salem:
10:45 Minutes, announcements
and appointment of committees;
11:00 'roll "call- and reports;
11:45 reading, Mrs. Addle Cur
tis, Sclem;. 11:55 acquaintance
hour arranged by Stay ton group;
12:15 It neb for which hostess
group will serve dessert and
Afternoon session: 1:15
songs led by Mrs. A. B. Evans;
l:30di ot!ons led by Dr. Lou
is Ma gin, district superintendent;
1:45 round tables on "la the
Ladles Aid Society Still a Neces-the
CSharkey pbwn:AnherRung:
5l? Ft? fot bo.eri? rfim tt of tte fistic ladder, but th
ilf!17 p, Jack Shriey slipping down anothex
TJhm..00? Tommy Longhran lett at Philadelphia, ;
hampMn lost the decision on pointa at the end of the fifteen-
- , , - round contest. ,
111 ;;1f in "7
IMIIIIMMM UIM.iW.U.Wowaiftfcawrr but
Top BackSvimg FiMrsHaTDRive HryGrerp
shows he has nothing: np his sleeve except a pair of
sturdy arms. But a glance at the champion's form
may be helpful in improving your game. Dunlap illus
trates how he gets that desired distance on his drives.
he applied his pet head hold to
the dazed Wilson and was award
ed the match after taking the fall
in six minutes. Except for a short
time in the second period, Ed
wards appeared to have every
thing his own way, and the final
result seemed to be never In
doubt. .
Buddy Edwards, nephew of the
headlock artist, battled George
Bennett of Tulsa 45 minutes for
a draw after each wrestler bad
taken a fall. Young Edwards hit
Bennett with everything but his
fist, but Bennett wouldn't be
downed even after part of the
match was staged outside of the
ling with the wrestlers and the
referee down on the floor. Ed
wards used a chiropractic head
lock to grab the first fall, and
Bennett won the second by virtue
of a freak hold. Edwards fell over
his back, and the Tulsan pinned
him with a body press. The time
of the fall "was eleven minutes.
Joe Gardiner won the prelim
inary from Sailor Jack of San
Francisco in the curtain raiser.
Pete Axtman and "Soldier Bob"
Anderson were scheduled to ap
pear, but a last minute substitu
tion was necessary. Larry Bennett
of Portland refereed all the
sity of the Church?" and "What
is the Most Important Work of
the Ladies' Aid Society In Our
Time?"; 3:30 special numbers
and reports, attendance awards.
Dr. Magin will deliver the clos
ing address, about 3:30 o'clock.
Mrs. J. W. Beckley of Salem Is
president of the group and will
preside. Mrs. H. IX Tobie, Stay-
ton Is Tice president, and Mrs.
Gordon Black, Salem, secretary.
Most oi Domestic
Wools are Quiet
BOSTON, Oct. 10 (AP)-i
(U. S. Dept.-Agr.) Most lines of
domestic wool are rather quiet.
Small quantities sell, occasionally
at firm prices' but no large tran
sactions are being closed. A fair
quantity of 64s and finer Ohio
and similar fleeces has been sold
this weuk. Strictly combing staple
of fine . Ohio Delaines have
brought up to 34 cents in the
grease for choice lots, the range
being 32-34 cents. French comb
ing a 4s and finer Ohio fleeces
hare been sold at 28-29 cents In
Have you noticed? But of
course you have, and it's super
fluous for us to point oui. that
the little' colleges are getting
places against the big ones in
football this season. Both Wil
lamette and Southern Oregon
Normal held Oregon Stare even
for three pelods, and lost only to
superior reserve strength. But
now comes little Columbia with
the biggest splurge of all. The
Webfeet, counting on a "breath
er" in which a lot of reserves
could get experience, were fought
to a standstill by the Portland
edition of the "Irish and it took
a 67-yard run for a touchdown in
the last five minutes of play to
beat them. Prink Callison had to
uncover his secret "prize pack
age," Maurice Van Vlelt, whom
he had hoped to spring unsus
pected on Washington, to make
that winning run.
Linfield dropped one of
those traditional big - score
games to Oregon, Paget Sonnd
to Washington State and Whit
man to Idaho, bnt you can't
prove anything by that either.
Sometimes the coaches for the
small colleges try to make
those games close, and some
times they look on them as
practice games, same as the
big 'fellows; and send in every
body. They try especially to
avoid injuries and refuse to
leave theL first stringers in
there after they become tired.
. Not much information came
out " of .' Eueene Saturday nle-ht
about- that 14-7 Oregon Tlctory
over Columbia, and the suspicion
was that Callbon used reserves
all afternoon, but the Eneene
sport writers declare to the con
trary. Tney say the absence of
Temple was a handicap to the
Webfeet and that Stew Milligan's
failure to fill Mark's shoes ne
cessitated the appearance of "Van
Vlelt. Murel Nehl. ex-Woodbnrn
high boy playing his last year for
uoiumoia, piayea "like a man
possessed" from - the ' opening
whistle to tLe final gun, to quote
a Eugene scribe; he kicked the
Irian out of danger' reneatedlv.
paved the way for his team's
touchdown with a 43-yard run
and tossed a pass for the score.
Bob Pickens who saw ih
game, . tells , as that Oregon
looked, rather lifeless, which la
not surprising a' week after the
, tough . game with Gonzaga and
week before the. big contest
With 'Washington; and her rajs
' also tbjit Oregon was penalised
heavily ' something werS lOO
' yards 'fv?..H' -, '3f'V
The little colleges will have
another big: weekend this week
with Willamette and Puget
Sound meeting at Tacoma Friday
night In the game that will have
a lot to do with, the Northwest
conference championship, Oregon
Normal and 1 Southern Oregon
Normal playing the same night in
Portland and Pacific clashing at
McMinaviiie Saturday.
Open House at
Bulb Farm Will
Be Held Sunday
The annual open house at the
Beacon 'bulb farm will be held
Sunday all day and evening, with
flower lovers Invited to view the
dahlia beds.. The dahlias are bet
ter than ever, with blooms and
color noticeably greater, J. W.
Baxter, owner, said.
v The . beds are all electrically
lighted and really offer a prettier
picture under the artificial light,
so many will prefer to make the
evening Inspection. Dahlias range
In height from two to eight feet.
The farm is four and a half miles
south on the highway, then east
a half mile.
Washington Picked
to Halt
Whitewash Jinx in Tilt
Saturday at Seattle
Eugene, Oct 10 (Special) The
struggle for gridiron supremacy
between the Universities of Ore
gon and Washington tlong the
classic of the northwest will be
renewed next Saturday when the
two elevens : .eet in the
ton sto-Cium at Seattle.
Washington will be fighting to
break a record of not having de
feated an Oregon team! for five
years, while the Lemon-Yellow
eleven will be out topreserve the
list of victories that is becoming
tradition vith them. :
Not since 1926 when! the Hus
kies won a 24 to 9 triumph has
a Washington team ccored on the
Webfeet. For four years the
Ducks won shutout victories. Last
fall the contest ended in a 0-0
tie. , i
This year Washington will en
ter the game a favorite! to upset
the Oregon "jinx." Sport ob
servers are unanimous In conced
ing the Huskies one of the great
est machines ever molded at Se
attle, uregon, while having a
strong first string eleven, will be
sadly lacking In reserves.
Early season injuries will de
prive the Webfeet of one. of their
star linesmen, with possibilities
of their leading backfield star
watching most of the game from
the bench. Erwin "Biff? Nilsson,
two-year veteran at right tackle
and by far the most consistent
linesman on the squad, suffered
a broken ligament in his knee in
the game' with Columbia univer
sity last Saturday and will not
appear against the Huskies.
Mark Temple, co-captain and
spark plug of the Webfoot back-
field, has not been in a suit since
the Jonzaga game two weeks ago
and chances of his being in first
class condition are slight. The re
mainder of the Oregon team will
be In A-l shape.
Cronin Signs Up
For Three Years
As Solons' Boss
(AP) The youngest pennant-
winning manager ever to appear
in the major league, Joseph Ed
ward Cronin, today scribbled his
name across a contract to pilot
the Washington Senators through
three mpre flag chases a,t an an
nual figure clubhouse wise men
guessed; was 125,000 or less.
Cronin 'most had a race with
THOSE Panthers are snarling
again! .From out the Smoky
City jangle Is heard the men
acing cry of the fierce feline of the
gridiron which is merely a round
about way of saying that Jock Suth
erland has a mighty swell team this
year at Pittsburgh University.'
Unless all indications axe -misleading,
the Panthers will make a
serious bid for national honors. The
loss of the All-American back, War
ren Tats" Heller, will be felt, of
course; and Dailey, Cuba and Tor
mey, all good linesmen, are also
SuTHEPiAjitfr-s. W I ;iVcV
-CANNy v 4 "" -'.
COACH OF Iff ; 1 - T V f
III ' ny ; : I - r .
..PITTS'-' .(I I., u W'.-1' f l -. ir ' I- J
BURCH ' V:. S. ' Ij rX 1- .,
2 ELEVEN ' 'VVsJssS: .'!' " ' '
World Series?
V4 f .
- 'js$4 A 'w -sas
The first Inning of the opening game of the world 'series produced a
hero in the person of Mel Ott, Giants right fielder. Here he is crossing
the plate after clouting a home run, scoring Moore.
Keene Shuffles Players to
Find Best Combination for
Puget Sound Battle Friday
The process of player - shifting,
normally an early - season pro
cedure tor teams which start with
easy games and gradually take on
their stronger opponents, is now
on full blast in the camp of the
Willamette Bearcats, having been
deferred to the two weeks per
iod following two difficult games
near the opening of the season.
. Coach "Spec" Keene and his as
sistants are devoting the more
strenuous portion of the present
search for the right personnel, to
the end positions where 10 candi
dates are being looked over; last
year's regulars, KaiBer and
Grtbble, head the list but they
are being given keen competition
by Versteeg, Clark, Petteys, Mc
Adam who has been moved from
tackle, Brandon, Ross, Steelham
mer and Bronk Williams.
Bob Vagt the big boy from
Tillamook, has been definitely
stationed at tackle, as one result
of this shuffling process. The
tackle quartet is now rather def
initely established as Weisser,
the hour glass to get lis first
three-year contract signed before
stepping Into his 27th year.
Panther's Claws
But what an aggregation of stars
will be in the Pitt lineup this sea
son! The fflustriousJoe CMuggsy")
Skladany, . All-American' in 193
will hold down the end position in
his inimitable fashion. In the back
field, such brilliant performers as
the left-handed Mika Sebastian, a
marvelous ball carrier. Bob Hogan
and Miller Munjas will bold the
spotlight, v!-- u- zrJiK: - -.
Sebastian ean do everything ex
pected of a backfield man' on the
gridiron. He can punt and pass; he
can catch passes and block and he
can certainly log that leather onion
.... - .gftsfe a-
First Hornet
y.v.-w- w -fry.-.-'''-?-..?
; ':: ':; .
- av
0 f
V' ':
McKerrow, Balkovic and Vagt.
Grannis, Tweed, Newhouse and
Hoyt look like the guards who
will divide honors, while Grannis
may occasionally move to center
where Connors and Bronk Wil
liams are the others to be called
on for duty.
In addition to the sextet of
backfield men who saw most of
the action in the first two games,
Oravec, Williams,. Olson, Frantx,
Cannady and Mills, four other
candidates are now coming to the
front; Stone who is developing
into a blocking back, Aden, Rhoda
and Pemberton. Pemberton is ex
pected to break into some of the
later games because of his ball
carrying ability, though he needs
more experience in' blocking and
defensive work.
A new candidate who registered
Tuesday is George Harrington,
former Medford high quarterback.
Cannady, injured last week, re
turned to practice Tuesday but
may not be able to play against
College of Puget, Sound Friday
night at Tacoma.
The squad will leave by. train
Friday morning. Coach Keene pas
not decided how many men he will
take. ''.
like nobody's business. Last fall
lie oeai out the brilliant Captain
Paul Reider for his job, and he was
the uUtanding back for Pitt in seT
eral of their big" games. d .
-That . eanny Scot, Coach Jock
J rt erWiron
atrategist, and the Pittsburgh elev
en figures to be one of the nation's
fwatest this season.: On Saturday
Sutherland sends his men against
one of the strongest Navy elevens
in recent years. This game ahould
provide a real test for the Sraokr
Ci'yspiranta, to national grid
OimtMM. 1MI, KiDt TwiaNt Sneiat sm,
Running airv Attacks Both
: Pff Active: Cochran to
ring Many Vets
d eieten -Saturday
saWm high-sana P. ' ?3rT
tield.r The Bend teamw.v.-." ,
trr out nlgnt iopio. - -----time!
bashree victories tucked
' . i. ii c lam will Ml
under its new wj .- - ,
engaging in .its rst iptenhoUs-
tic' competition - .
Word from Bend Is to the effect
that this team Is one of the
strongest ever developed in cen
tral Oregon, and that It is, dan
gerous to all departments: in
Strom, Cortett and Cundell Coach
M. A. Cochran and a trio of elu
sive ball carriers who hav already
hroken away for a number of long
touchdown runs this season, and
the team is equally effective in
Us aerial attack.
Reltan, the fourth member of
the regular-backfield. excels at
line plunging but has also per
formed outstandingly as a J pass
receiver. CundelJ has done most of
the throwing
Veterans in the Bend line,1 most
of whom the Salem players en
countered oi Bend's gridiron a
year ago when Bend won IS to 7,
are Marsden and Robinson, ends;
Spangler and Svetic, tackles; Gun
derso.i and , Qrinstend, guards,
and Collins, center.
raiiira pi
CORVALLIS. Oct. lb. (AP)
Determined to add the touchdown
punch that appeared lacking in
last Saturday's scoreless tie game
with Gonzaga at Portland, Ore
gon State practiced long and hard
here toda- in anticipation of the
game at San Francisco with the
University of San Francisco next
Long after dark tonight Coach
Lon Stiner worked his men up and
down Bell field under lights, put
ting Jhe varsity against the fresh
men in a passing scrimmage. Reg
ular scrimmage last night and
more of it tomorrow will complete
the heavy work 1 of preparing for
the fjnal non-conference game on.
the Orangemen's early season
The varsity showed marked Im
provement in its offensive pass
ln tonight, and the indications
were Oregon State would take fre
quently to the air In its onslaught
toward the San Francisco goal
line. The physical condition of the
men appeared good No new in
juries were reported.
Parrih Grid
Team Beaten
By Dallas B
DALLAS, Oct.. 10. Dallas nigh
school's "B" football teaml de
feated Parrish Junior high of Sa
lem 18 to 0 here this afternoon.
Ths light, inexperienced . team
from Salem put up a gallant fight
but the Dallas boys i scored one'
touchdown in each of the first
three periods. ;
Before the game was. three min
ntes old ' Dallas hustled the ball
down to Parrish's goal line, Ste
venson, taking, it over on an off
taekle play. In the second period
another! goalward march ended
with " Petrefpiongtng over from
the two-yard line. Petre had put
the hall in scoring position with
a 35-yatJ run.
In the third period Petre reeled
offranbth:r run of! 4 yards to
complete the scoring. The ball was
in Parrish territory-moat of the
game, but; th. Tisiting team ap
peared to Improve its defen? ire
wck, asthe contest "progressed.
Bank" debits ;f or the thrtee Sa
lem, institutions tor. last month
toiaieo. 3,7io,zS5. which fa over
a, million dollars or exactly. 1 1,
071,377 more than for September
IS ?2. These are Babson debits as
released here through the cham
ber of commerce. - ;, .vv -',
The September showing is
$;0I,704 lower than for Ahgust,
this year, -which- places last
month's bank debits third for so
far this year. July was largest,
with August second and Septem-
iu tow montn ior tnis
year was February with only $5.
74,76t showing.
The Decemeet forecast, as com
pared tor year ago, shows San
son Indicating a 25 per cent gain
in the talue ; of business for Sa
lem, i and the : f January forecast
against the '-It: months previous
goes up another tea points to 35
per cent '"gahuv----.- ,.':,"
'Eit,l-t H:wnntrjr.::tat6ry
payrolls d n r 1 a g. September . in
creased : more aharply than, did
factory employment in comparison
to August, with worker lncreas
Jng C.4 per cent and : payroll go
ing up ' ll.t per cent," Payrolls
hare increased; - 43 , per cent over
a year ago, and employment 37.1
Per cent over September, im