The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1933, Page 6, Image 6

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Pickell - Haggard
'i Nuptials in
A quiet but impressive church
ceremony this afternoon t 1: 00
' o'clock will unite ia marriage Miss
Tvonne Pickell f and Claude C.
Haggard. Vows will be exchanged
In the First Christian church In
Portland with Ret. Claud Neeley
officiating.;;, , .
' The bride will wear a becoming
i gown of yellow net oyer eggshell
taffeta, made with a taffeta cape.
She will carry a shower bouquet
of Talisman roses and bouvardia.
- The couple will be unattended,
only members of . the immediate
families being present.;
TTii tr1ri and rroom will leave
Immediately ?- after the ceremony
for a wedding trio to Seattle, Vic
toria And .Vancouver, B. C For
' her golnf ; away ensemble Miss
Pickell, h chosen; a brows salt
with brown accessories. The eou-
Jtple will "be at Home after October
Miss Pickell Is the" daughter of
r Mr and Mrs. W M. Pickell of
Salem and Mr. Haggard the son
of Mr. and Mrs.; J. C Haggard of
, North Bend. He is connected with
the Mountain States Power com-;
pany there.
Breakfast Club Hears
J. Murray
The Salem Credit Women's
Breakfast club heard J. S. Mur
ray, secretary of the state board
of. parole from the Oregon peni
tentiary, speak on finger print
ing Tuesday morning at their reg
ular breakfast meeting at the Mar
ion hoteL ... -
Mr. Murray has been connected
with the Oregon institution for
22 years and within the last two
years has made a collection of
fO.OOO finger prints.
Present Tuesday morning, be
sides the guest speaker were
Miss Laura Cheney, Miss Etta Sut
4er, Misi Sarah Chamberlain Miss
- Elra Allison. Miss May Seely, Miss
: Alice Matchey, Miss Krma Wilcox.
Miss Hasel Allison, Miss Ethel
Gibbons, . Miss' Gertrude Cheney,
Miss June-Dunn; Miss Doris Gee,
Miss Bessie Smith. Miss Elsie Hol
man, Miss Leah Suing, Miss Ruth
' Daugherty Miss Hope Bassett,
Mrs.- Carolyn Jensen, Mrs. Ella
1 Foster and Mrs. L. G. Weber. -
' Miss Daisy Harden will be host
ess to the sewing club of B. P. W.
Friday night at a potluck supper,
:30 p. m- in the Suudbure anart-
. merits. Miss Clara "Witt will asssit
" Members are asked to bring their
own table service. -
- ; -
- Miss Margaret Stevenson was
. . . . .
m Bueu over me weexena 10 at
tend the funeral services oP Theo
dore. Parker. She returned Mon
day to Seattle to resume her sta-
' dies In the graduate school of the
University of ' Washington. -
- We pay particular attention to
eotto&s for school, because the.
younger set like the neatness and
tipruceneas of fresh, crisp cottons,
and mothers-appreciate their aid
la keeping the family budget in
tow. This darling frock any girl
cocld ; make herself!' The - perky
aleeves, youthful collar and smart
Eeaml&ga' are perfect for a gay
print or, another smart idea
would be to-fashion the yoke.
" Pattern l t u available In
sizes 8, 10, 12, 14 and II. Site 10
takes 2 yards 3 S-Ineh fabric.
Illustrated step-by-step sewing in
structions Included with this pat
. tern:
' Sa4 fifttwa ocnU (15c) la coin
r lUapi (miss sifrrd) tyt this
Aaa Alias yittwa. Writs plaialy
we, adams and style aaattw. B
ari u . state at. f -
- The uautott fiUl and winter styles,
tie awtt fbrk, slots a ktmex
tons Mlffttrts sa4 Jtvfliy, kev ta
koi smart sweater, fUts for tks
kUlM, ust mlnsu faa&loa lluhca
Umm art s&teaf tb tMdBattB
tens U Vis new TaU Sad WlnUr
edttisa f tas Asm Adams attra
eeek. Tats Beak will fcalp yoa aarei
memrf. Order year copy today t Price
et eatalec flftma ecau. Catator aad
patter togtt&er, tweaty-tlve etata. .-
Addreas orders te - Tat Oiim
Cuteammti ratten Depts, tS - Wet
iTta stress, Vrv Tark ctty.
News and
Jessie Steele
Wednesday, October II . -
' 'Missionary soeiety of First Presbyterian church In
church parlors, 2:30 p. m. - ;. .
W.H.M.S. Jason Lee church at home of Mrs. C M,.
Roberts, SIB Shipping, 2:30 p. m. " , :
V T Group leaders. First M. E. foreign missionary so
ciety, 2: IS p, m.t church parlors. Candlelight serrice.
Salem sub-district rally. First M, E. church, 10 a: m.
F.O.E. social club, home of Mrs. Chas. Shaw, 5S5
Center. - - - .. -
Executive board A.A.U.W. at home of Miss Leila
Johnson, 8 p. m.
Sweet Briar elub, home of 'Mrs. M. C. Petteys on
Wallace road, 2 p." m.
Centralia temple No 11, Pythian Sisters at Knights
it Pythias hall. Initiation and refreshments.
Thursday, October 12
Woman's Relief Corps silver tea at home of Jessie
Crossan, 877 Oak, 2 p. m.
T Thursday afternoon club- at-home of Mrs. Paul Wal
lace, Wallace Orchards, 2:30 p; m. Mrs. C. A. Park and
Mrs. R. J. Hendricks, hostesses.'. " .
Lecture by Dr. Robert Jackson, Miller's ball, 370
Court street, 8 p. m. Sponsorship of Health club.
Pi Beta Phi alumnae club at home of Mrs. James R.
Humphrey, 8 p. m.
Woman's Benefit association at borne of Mrs. Ray
Smith, 2350 W. Nob Hill, 2 p. m.
Friday, October 13
Neighbors of Woodcraft, 8 p. m., fraternal temple.
Inspection of Barbara Frltchle Tent No. S by Mrs.
May Esberg, Woman's club house, 8 p. m.
Brush College community elub, 8 p. m. Business and
Sewing club, B. P. W. potluck supper with Miss Daisy
Haydeh at 205 Sundburg apartments. Bring table service.
Council of Church women; 10 a. m. to p. m. at First
Baptist church.
Mills College Alumnae
To Fete Council
Salem alumnae of Mills col
lege, Oakland, Calif., will enter
tain Dr. Aurelia Henry Rein
hardt, president of the college,
and a group of faculty and alum
nae representatives the latter
part of October with a dinner at
the New Salem hotel. Local plans
have - not yet been definitely
made for the affair. -
.The group make up a traveling
alumnae council whose objective
is to bring to alumnae and other
friends of Mills college at a dis
tance from the campus up to date
information concerning the col
lege, to " Interview students of
preparatory schools who have ex
pressed an interest in Mills and
to answer in person their ques
tions concerning the college, and
to discuss their, organizational
'Among Salem alumnae of. Mills
are Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Mrs.
Conrad W. Paulus; Mrs. Sheldon
F.'Sackett, Mrs. Frank H. Spears,
Mrs. Richard M. Stola and Mrs.
Walter T. Jenks.
e e . e
Mrs. T. B. Kay Hostess
On Tuesday
Mrs. T. B. Kay was hostess to
a beautifully appointed luncheon
complimenting members of the
Round-Up club at the home of
Mrs. J. E. Godfrey, Tuesday after
noon. The dining room was decorated
with brilliant autumn leaves and
the table was centered with a long
silver bcwl of marigolds and lav
ender phlox. Yellow tapers in sil
ver candlesticks were at either end.
Special guests ot the club were
Mrs. R. P. Boise, Mrs. Russell
Catlin, Mrs. R. B. Fleming and
Mrs. H. W. Huntington.
Contract was in play at Mrs.
Kay's home following the lun
cheon. Members of the club are Mrs. Jo
seph Albert, Mrs. Max Buren. Mrs.
Robert Downing, Mrs. John Grit
fith,, Mrs. Ed Hartley, Mrs. T. H.
Robertson, Mrs. John Rand, Mrs.
C. K. Spaulding, Mrs. Grace White
Mrs. Dan Smith and nostess, Mrs.
T. B. Kay.
"Hopewell 'Dorrls Bennette
of McMinnville and Matt Pumala
were Joined in marriare at
quiet wedding at the bride's
home Sunday night, October 8,
at C:3o o'clock. -Near relatlvM
and a 'few friends' were nrMPnt
The bride wore a beautiful
gowa of pink chiffon and carried
a bouquet of pink sweet nee .
The house was attraetlvely; decor
ated with - autumn leaves.
Alter a recaption the bride and
groom left for - the beaches.
They will make their home here.
Dorrls was much entertained be
fore her marriage.
Sublimity- Sunday evening a
surprise Farewell party was giv
en Mrs. Margaret Michels. who
is moving to Wasbongal, Wash.,
io maae ner Dome.
A large number of relatives
and friends attended: Mr. ajd
Mrs. John Dozler and Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Hendricks of West
Society Editor
Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Rauscher Sr., Mr. and Mrs, Guy
Butler and children John, George,
Mary and Eugene, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Becker and daughter Mary,
Mr. and Mrs. Hermen Hassler
and daughter Vera, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hassl. and small daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Kremer, Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Benedict and
daughter Lavonne, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Robl and daughter Tolan
da, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Michels
and daughter ..-Ernestine, Mrs. C.
J.- Ruettgers and sons Herman,
Francis, and daughter Bernke,
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred; Tost, Ro
bert Henry and Harold Wolf.
John Richard Michels and Mrs.
Margaret Michels. '
e e
Auxiliary of V.F. W.
Elects Officers
Officers for the ensuing year
were elected by the auxiliary of
Veteranr of Foreign Wars at their
regular meeting- Monday night
Mrs. Charles Low Is the new pres
ident; Mrs. Webb Morbam, senior
vice-president; Mrs. Henry Four
nier, junior vice-president: Mrs.
Lester Davis, treasurer; Mrs. Wil
liam H. Rush, chaplain. Miss Mar
tha Floer, conductress; Mrs. Effie
Wetxel, guard and Mrs. Christian
Fleur, trustee.
The department council meet
ing will be held next Saturday
night at the home of Miss Elsie
Lewis, 7 TO Chemeketa street, at
8 o'clock.
e e
Annual Guest Meeting
At M. E. Church
The annuel guest dav meetine-
bf the Foreign Missionary society
of the First M. E. church will be
held this afternoon In the church
parlors at 2:15 e'clock.7
On the reception committee aro
Mrs. R. K. Ohling, Mrs. H. M.
Durkheimer, Mrs. Hattie Lan
ther and Mrs Jane Evans.
Presiding at the urns during
the tea hour will be Mr. W. D.
Smith and Mrs. C. . Wilson a-
sisting about the rooms'" will be
Mrs. E. J. Swafford, Mrs. Arthur
Washburn, Mrs. G. H. Quigley
and Mrs. Lamb. ' - .
Mrs. S. P. Talkington had as
house guests Mrs. C..H. Monroe
and Miss Minnie Brurrer of Port
land last week.
e e .
Orchard Heights. First fall
meeting of Orchard Heights club
with Mrs. William Knower. Thurs
day, October 12. - r"
.7, Oregon School 6f Beauty Culture
Permanent Wave L
Including' Shampoo,' linger Ware and Haircut - Solution
Guaranteed Genuine - Regular Price, 83.00
Shampoo 25c Finder Wave 25c Marcel 25c
Hair Cut 25c Scalp Treatment 50c
Facials, Manicure 25c
218 N. Liberty St. Phone-6800
r?tt UeZCy MY DEAR...
say that Niee Girt Swears." Be that
as it may, no smart-looking1 girl wiggles!
This Vassarette Girdle is gentle ... but effec
tive. It will make your sleek fall clothes look that
much sleeker.-Gef the little slip-over Vassarette
Bandeau, too . . . they're partners in this better
figure business. ? . -
Girdles ? " ; Brassieres
...EXCLUSIVELY . AT : . - '
His: W. C. Jones
Hostess to
.. Mrs. ' William Conrad Jones
opened ber home to a charmingly
appointed no-host luncheon affair
tor the Junior Guild ot St Paul's
Episcopal chuch Tuesday after
noon. It was the first meeting of
the fall season. ;
Luncheon was served at small
tables, some of which were on the
porch. .Pink and lavender asters
In silver bowls centered the tables
and bouquets of sinnlas were
about the rooms. Covers were
placed for 31 guests,
s The Guild win be entertained
November 1,4 at the home ot Mrs.
Homer Smith, Sr.
Officers of the Junior Guild
are: Mrs. Homer Goulet, presi
dent; Mrs. Rose Babcock, secre
tary and Mrs. Allan Carson,-treasurer,
fiilharmonic Benefit
To be Today
The Philharmonic Orchestra as
sociation 'is sponsoring a benefit
bridge tea thia afternoon at -the
Woman's clubhouse at 2 o'clock.
The rooms will be beautifully
decorated with autumn leaves and
greenery. Auction and contract
bridge will be in play with prices
in each division. A door prso will
be. given those coming to tea at
4 o'clock. '
Music during the afternoon will
be furnished by a string trio of
Georgia Herrington, Doris Barnett
and Kenneth Robinson. Violin
duets by Jeanette Scott and Mary
T. Headrick will also be given.
The committee In. charge with
whom reservations may be made
includes Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Mrs.
D. B. Hill, Mrs. J. L. Rand, Mrs.
George Allen and Mrs. R. W.
Craig. Those taking tables are
asked to bring accessories.
Reservation have been made by
the following: Mrs. William Wal
ton, Mrs. C. W. Paulus, Mrs. D.
W. Eyre, Mrs. V. A. Douglas. Mrs.
Miles McKee, Mrs. Lyman Steed,
Mrs.. Homer Goulet. Mrs. Frank
Spears. Mrs. P. C. McDonald, Mrs.
C. A. Sprague, Mrs. J. F. Whittig,
Mrs.. Frank Bowexsox, Mrs. Ted
Chambers, Mrs. , William McGil
ehrist, Jr., Mrs. 17. G. Shipley. Mrs.
R. E. .Downing, Mrs. W. S. Levens,
Mrs. R. Woodrew, Mrs. T. A. Mc
Bride, Mrs. Percy Kelley, Mrs. C
H. Robertson, Sr., Mrs. Victor
Griggs, Mrs. C. C. Owens, Mrs.
Frank Prime, Mrs. W H. Lytle,
Mrs. Louis Lachmund, Mrs. Frank
Lamport, Mrs. H. Crain, Mrs. Al
lan Carson, Mrs. H. C. Stockwell,
Mrs. A S. Hussey, -Mrs. Fred
Stump, Mrs. George White, Mrs.
John Brophy and Miss Henriette
Delta Phi Mothers
Name Officers x
Mrs. L. O. Clement was hostess
to the Delta Phi Mothers club
Monday afternoon. The business
session was followed by tea.
Mrs. Gordon Black was elected
president of the club, Mrs. J. F.
Ulrich, vice-president, and Mrs. L.
M. TJnruh, secretary.
Present were Mrs. L. L. Laws,
Mrs. F. A. Well, Mrs. A. M. Chap
man, Mrs. Elizabeth Gallaher,
Mrs. AT C. Haag, Mrs. C. F. Gil
lette, Mrs. H. R. Worth,, Mrs.
Speck, Mrs. Gordon Black. Mrs. J.
F. TJlrich, Mrs. L. M.-TJnruh and
the hostess, Mrs. L. O. Clement.
Mrs. Winifred- B. Herrick, presi
dent of the Salem B. P. W. club,
spoke on her experiences at the
world's fair' this summer before
the Monmouth B. P.., W. club.
Monday night. Accompanlng her
6n the trip - were Miss Helen
Louise Crosby, Miss Edith Burch
and Miss May Cleveland. Miss
Agnes Campbell was in charge of
the' program.
e e e"
Sublimity Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Schumacher entertained Sunday
with a dinner in honor of Mil
dred Schumacher's 14th birthday.
There will be no Alpha PhLAM
pha mother's club meeting this
Ore ton, Wednesday MotiiHnfc October 11, 1933
Prize Pla
; Because Diana Rogge, author ot
-Modern Medley." wrote about
home life and the dramatic story
ot a - clubwoman who neglected
her family to chase alter newspa-
ner headlines and 4 radio broaa-
casts, she won the national play-
writing , contest conducted two
years ago by N, BryUlon ragin,
director ot "The Playshop," Johns
Hosklns university. It will be the
first production ot the Chemeketa
Players. ' : -
Director Fagln, in the Septem
ber, lg, number ot "The Author
and Journalist," commenting on
the contest, says: ;
The tact that the author found
It necessary to go to ancient
Greece and Rome, to mediaeval
England, to the Caucasus, to col
onial New England, and other dis
tant times and climes Indicates
that they were seeking the exotic
and the unusual and. possibly ne
glecting the dramatic stories that
were being lived about them, in
Iowa, Tennessee, in Montana and
Maine. They tried to write about
spectacular accomplishments and
monstrous villainy; they studied
"heroic" figures of history . and
forget to consider those of their
neighbors. : , '; ; ' fc
The idea ot the winning play
is uite simple, but It Is vital to
us today. In Its very unnsualness
lies Its vitality. And th charac
ters that this story molds are
keenly interesting to as, because
we are they."
Judges of the contest were Dir
ector Fagln, president of the old
est and best little theatre in Mary
land and dramatic critic ot the
most prominent and best newspa
per in Baltimore. "
"Modern Medley" was produced
by "The Playshop' and as a result
Diana Rogge has received national
recognition. Rehearsal of the sec
ond act of this play was .begun
Monday night in Nelson hall by
Perry Reigelman, director, who
has assembled an exceptionally
competent east.
For a Limited
Free Sample Copy
To The Oregon Statesman,
, Salem, Oregon
Please send me three Copies of
your paper without further obliga
tion. I want to acquaint myself with
your paper. -
s- . -
Small Slam in
Possible on
of Sunday
THE following explanation n
the bidding and play Is made
... . - lunnit nntAt hand
V . . w
-.vtoh nivoa!-d l-n . The Orecon
w iuvm - 4jr - . .
Statesman, page ten, Sunday, Oct.
g. , Next Sunday a third hand will
appear which will be carefully ex
plained by Mrs. wiuiam tu viama
at the classes and at the tourna
ment Tuesday, October 17.
A-A K 8
S9 3
. A J 5 4
Q 10 7 8 4
7 ' -
K Q 9 t
J 10 4
a-J i t 3
-7 f S 2
-K It
' - r
-A K Q J 10 8
4-10 l.
South bids 4 Hearts and North
f Hearts. . , , .
West opens with the King of
Diamonds which goes te Dammy'a
Ace. South trumps a low Dia
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Orwig will
be honored with a farewell recep
tion in the parlors of Leslie Mem
orial church tonight at 8:30
e e e
Wheatland. The Wheatland
social club has elected the follow
ing new officers: Mrs. Le Versa J.
Kirkwood .president; Mrs. Albert
Umbanhower, vice-president; Mrs.
A. Gilchrist, secretary-treasurer,
e e e
The Pi Beta Phi alumnae club
pet .
X jrr .
Hearts is h
mond with a Heart honor, and
plays the S - of Hearts, over-taking
with Dummy's to make the
much needed extra entry in
Dummy. Another Diamond -was
rutted with a Heart honor. : The
4 :of Heart plays to Dummy's
f. The last Diamond ruffed. A
small ' Club is discarded on the
second good Spade; and the third
Spade, ruffed. This leaves:, v.,-.
e-K 7
e-J 10 4
- . ' '
m - . -.
:4k -
Npw low Club Is led and a small
slam. is . made against any- dUtrt
butionv as an honor played by
West Is covered and it West
ducks, the eight spot is finessed.
will meet Thursday night at the
home of Mrs. James R. Humphrey
on Fairmont hill. All Pi Phis in
Salem and vicinity are Invited.
The Sweet Briar dub will meet
this afternoon at the home of Mrs.
M. C. Petteys on Wallace road at
2 p. m. Mrs. A. H. Bunn will be
Joint hostess.
SILVERTON, Oct. 10. - The
Silverton sticks Judging team se-
-v.M-,!wiy . i - -
iwvovwwr,.- -.. .
By the QocK- :
News When Ifs Fresh:
News la one of those comxnodities Hke a hoi waffle.
A few hotiri greatly effects iUpisi-Tlitts
reason inbniirie; papers the country, over, are sought
by rural readera. Their press dispatches are the
latest; their valley and city coverage encompass
those . late afternoon hours and the night period
which cannot be covered in earlier editions. ' Here
irf the Salem territory, The Statesman is building
consistently in the morning field because it is to
day's paper today!
Order Blank
Get This Out Ml Mall Witk Tee Cheek
The Oregon Statesman,
Salem, Oregon
( ) New Subscriber
( ) Old Subscriber -: -.y x.
Find enclosed $3.00 to cover my subscription
for one year to The Oregon Statesman. ,
Please find S
for Accident
( V Rcnewa.I!0!?C3r Nc
Iected for Pacifie International
Livestock Exposition from the Sil
verton Smith-Hughes department
pm; been announced by the, fa
structor. Warren f EJ Crabtreel as
Tom Miller, Clyde Parsons, Her
bert Jones with EdwarflBUjea is
alternate. -- f ''- ' -
' - - ! ' ' " ' I ' ' - '
Western Head oi
Recreation Body
Confers, : Meier
; -
; Major George W. Braden of
Pasadena,:tlIL, Western repre
senutlve ot the Ketional Recre
ation association, 'was In confer
ence with Governor Meier here
Monday In connection with , th
problem of . Increased leisure,
both voluntary" and enforeed. and ,
youth delinauency because ef
home conditions. ;
Braden said he wai giving par
tocular attention to recreation
projects for creating Jobs, exten
sion of rehabilitation ot recrea
tional properties.: and the devel
opment of new- projects- :
He said that rgince; iz up
wards of - tlsVMO.OOe of rsCTea
tlonat properties have beear de
veloped In the western cities and
during the " past summer more
than 54,000' additional children
attended recreational centers un
der skilled leadership. -
Aged Camp Worker
v Passes at Stayton
STAYTON. Oct 10. George
Bell, an aged man who had been
employed at the Gnthrle-McDou-gal
camp at Pamela creek above
Detroit, died Monday at 6:J0 p. m.
at the Stayton hospital. So far as
is known he had no relatives. The
body is at the Weddle mortuary
here. ; '
' ' "I
By Mail
One Full
Oregon Onl
-f -
Policy;' f.
Policy. -