X ) jTfo cnrr:o?r frrATrrrrTAicriTeH Orersa, rets? T.rHmir- Ccrastr c; issr PACT? IT 11EIST0IIE tiff Classes Popular, Second 6f , Tourney Rounds Expected To Draw Bigger Crowd Tickets for j contract " bridge classes and the tournament being . conducted by .The Oregon States ' man with Mrs. William II. Qnlnn. Culbertson bridge associate., went on sale Thursday at the Jlarlon hotel for th An-. Tuesday, October 1K Tickets may bo aecurea ior one aiternoon or renin or tor the, remaining eicu uaja. . . A classification tst Moh iuu - :ixal'i score made last Tuesday ' be arailahla ' ' this -thereafter at the hotel desk. The : sheet will not be posted but any player interested may determine exactly how he or aha rma The Otltlook- TAtrifav ra 4a -"T sjaey 4W4 , a larger attendance both at the classes aa vne tournament next .Tuesday,- Uniformly comment on " was excellent while 'many of the tournament it!M said thev were rnfn their friends next week. Each tour- nanenc - erenmg is ; complete in - itself, and If one seeks the rrand prizes, only -six need to be turned in, so failure to pim j ia me iirst round is no han- uicuy. . --- ' Any slayer wish ln eo a,. , - plicate boards a f hnma . day should call The Statesman and , make reservations. ;e Mrs. Quinn daily in this paper wi explain the , bidding and rplay of one of the uauua ai me last tournament : ; bifS!?1" The estate of If tl,U I" has "seU V f according to the final ae- ... vtuecnartt iee, adminietra Today's Menus by LOUISE BENtfJETT weaver ,. A umcneon uena (Serving Eight),, J ' - Chilled Fruit ' i "V - Creamed Chicken aid' Rice " Preserve Watermelon Kind- 1 Rolls Currant Jelly Stuffed Tomato Salad ? . Imperial Dessert " Salted Nats ; Coffee " Creamed Chicken and Rice 4. tablespoons butter or - chicken fat - tablespoons flour - , ' cup cream - - 1 cup chicken stock ' , 1 teaspoon salt U teaspoon paprika ; ' 2 tablespoons chopped green " Peppers 2 tablespoons chopped i plmlentos 2H caps diced cooked 2 eggs, beaten ' - Melt butter and mdA flnttr WhAit blended add cream, milk and stock and cook nntll thick creamy sauce forms. Stir constantly. Add rest of ingredients and cook two minutes; Pour orer mounds of hot buttered rice. Garnish with pars ley and serve at once, ' Bolls -1 cake compressed yeast ; 4 tablespoons lukewarm water , 1 teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons sugar 1 cup lukewarm milk 4 tablespoons fat, melted 2 eggs 454 cups flour ? rumble yeast and add water stand 6 minutes. Add salt sugar, milk fat. e;;a and 2 puds of ?lour. Beat 2 minutes. Add rest of jflour. c Mix . well. Pour into greased pan Or bowl. Cover with cloth and place in a moderate warn place (72 degrees) until dough has doubled in bulk. Roll outdough on floured board and tor. which" was, filed in probate court yesterday. caTolrroTSrXfri.SiriolS-fcU by side on greased pan. . Brush tops with melted better and let rise until doubled In sue. Bake IS minutes in moderate oven. Serve warm or cold. -- -J-:.' 7 vTlmpei-ial .Dessert- I U - S slices 'angel food - cake : 1 pint chocolate 1c$ cream ' ' 1 pint mint sherbet. Arrange cake on serviing plates and top with, chocolate Ice cream and then dJ sherbet. 'Serve at once with forks: ' ; .i;-4. Meals for Two Breakfast -Orange Juice . Corn Muffins - Egg Omelet , ."-rr i Coffee t'-a- . , LaBcheott : Cream of Tomato Soup : . 'Buttered Toast -' Ginger Cookies Peaches, Sliced :r -y ' - ' Tea . ' ' DJame ' - Macaroni and Cheese -: - . Buttered Spinach ; , v Bread P10 ,eHK Cucumber Salad r . Cottage Pudding - Lemon Sauce .Coffee v- 1 " Cora Bluffins (0) cup coomeal cup flour 3 teaspoona baking powder U teaspoon salt . 4 tablespoons sugar ' 1 egg , -. ! cup milk 1 tablespoon fat, melted Mix ingredients and beat well. Half fill greased muffin pans and bake 20 minutes in moderately slow oven. Macaroni and Cheese S tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons flour lis cups milk- y cup cheese, cut fine 2 tablespoons chopped " green peppers 1 teaspoon chopped onion teaspoon salt teaspoon paprika ' . 2 cups cooked macaroni v . Melt butter and add flour. When blended rdd milk and cook stantlyvAdd ch- nam and stir until it has melted. Add rest tf ingre. dients and pour into buttered bak ing dish. Bake 25 minutes in mod erate oven. i l cup flour , ; .2 .teaspoona baking powder teaspoon salt tablespoons sugar 1 egg , cup rnflk 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon ranilla Mix Ingredients and beat 1 min ute. Pour Into shallow greased pan and bake 20 minutes in moder ate oven. Serve fresh with lemon or any other fruit sauce.' Loses 41 lbs. in Redixts Hips, Bast laches GglyFat New Settle Creek tededef Metae4 5 Uttiis 1st SM . SrS Staf at atsM I Ifsf take sot tlsa f Boa Kara and tost 41 lbs.a smai. Rcdoced bust laches aad kips Inches, 1 feel aaa. LoU of ray firl frieada are now alar BoaXara." Mrs. Rosa Jordan, ai UeMna SL. Dstmlt. sftcUaan. Ban Cora, 1st Battla Creek Redodnf Treatment, take oW I at tha new S-steaa war. Tzlnla action: trtola aoeed. Take a littl BoaEara dally. Bat Mg meals of foods raa like, as explalaed la Bonaora packs. Via danceroas anif ia BoaXora. This tret sent builds kcattb wMla redudn- fat the quickest way. alaay say they took younger. Get BoaKora from drnnlst today. If not deUcated with rnick loss of fat. maaofae- turer refunds moaev ttskl foe this bottle. BoaKora U distriboted br Battla creea Drugs. Inc. At all dmrrists. Ko connecOon with aar other Battla Creek orsanwinoa On Sale for nil ; - r II I V v ri njirn , T a! -O I x V C 1L J.B. M COFFEE In the Convenient 4-lb. can for ... Golden Bells, a hardwheat floor guaranteed. 49 sack - 0H45 Phone 4018 Free Delivery $1.00 Orders or Over 245 N. Commercial Sweetened, Bulk Ib.pkff. 3c (5.0ETI7ESE M. J. B: Co Alladin l ib. tinsiU-HJi Poi?Ei & Beams Arfhour's No. 2Vs cans 2 for 17e RIaster Bleacher (Saturday only), quart . 10c MALI? BALCO, medium or light, Fine granulated limit io ib, 46c PEANUT BUTTER Fresh, in bulk in your con tainer, pound Eg Armour's (limit 6) can 5o 6-box carton (Winner) Carton 19g - E Canada Dry 28-oz. speical 22c 100 Pure Penn, seal ed cans, 2 gal. - $1.19 BAKING POWDER Royal 12 can 33c Grapenut Flakes O pkgs. 25c 4" Best Foods : Mayonnaise Pt Jar 24c Baker's COCOA 12 10c Mustard French's Jar"T 9c Sanka Coffee A health drink. lb. tin 43c Sunbrite Cleanser Tt cans 15c Kraft Cheese V2.29c Fig Bars Plain or Whole Wheat . 2 a :19c Sure Jell PEN JEL aw pkgs. 25c Dill Pickles Silver Bar 2 cans t for 25c Vermont Maid ! SYRUP 12 jug -1 q Each XIC COCOA Rockwood's 2-lb. car- -j Qn ton, each JLUKs Freim Fruits and V2QiClulS RUTABAGAS I or PARSNIPS 10c lbs. Local Burbanks 10 n. 13c Walla Walla Sweets 10 .,. 17c Sweet Potatoes Firm, Smooth , Solid Stock 4 a, 14c 0 7 QV2Q lb. Pure Beef - JHIoEaG)niu?fjei? S pounds 2 g Fancy Sugar Cured PICNICS -Swift's Quality; Ufa u 00 lb. Large, Meaty HI Dressed and Drawn for Baking or Fricassee lb. U. S. Inspected TPmG . New Pack SAUER KRAUT t S qt . 1 12 ' ' J. 11 J Cake nTTA7firt Flour ,VU VV liii per pkff. can 45 Lipt Yellow OH S Label Tea Vt lb. tin Puritan Malt Syrup Fels-Naptha Soap 2 ? 9c Warrenton Clams 15c 35c Snowdrift Shortening 6 79c v line, lviiig vjru.ii ajuap Royal Baking Powder Wesson Oil-Gallon 98c Dried cZ Prunes 2 P 15c f Taklma No. 2s , so ib. sack rr(p. pkg. can sWaU Walla Walla Tomato Juice 3 200 Ubby's ChiU Con Carne 3 25c 'Dainty Bits' Grapefruit 2 10c Maraschino Cherries bottle 5c Golden West Coffee 3 81c " - S & W Hot Sauce 2 cans 9c Super-Suds 2 pkgs. 15c Libby Sliced or Crushed Pineapple (2s) 2 cans 25c Dromedary Dixie-Mix for Fruit Cakes 39c pkg. r Clorox, 2 pt-bots. 15c Raymal Corn lie can Highway Brand Ripe Olives, tall cans 10c Libby's Asparagus (No. 2 size cans) 15c Clear-Water Tuna (Ks size) 2 cans 19c . Yellow Corn Meal, 9-pound bag 22c At Fred Meyer Grocery Dept. . 1 s Buy Tobacco i Now! Save the New Federal Tax 5c Van Dyck Cigars 7 for 25c Box 50 $1.75 $1 box of 10 Van- Dyck Bankers 69c 15c Garcia Perfects 5c ea. Box 25 $1.25 5c Massetto Flat Cigars 7 for 25c . Box of 50 $1.69 Made of Clear Havana -Tobacco $1.65 Smoking Value 50c Frank Briar Pipe and 16-oz. can of Prince Albert, Velvet or Half and Half for 95c 90c Geo. Washington or Union Leader Humidors 59c Cigarettes Camels, Chesterfields, Lucky Strikes, Old Golds , $1.00 carton of 200s Cigarette Cases latest modern styles 19c to 49c WI DO OUR PART Prices for Friday Thru Monday Candy Old Fashioned Peppermint Lozengers 2 lbs. 29c Extra Strong 1 pound Chocolate Cov ered Bridge Candy (Nuts, Raisins and Creams) 29c 25c Milk Chocolate Bars 8-oz. 2 for 25c Fred Meyer Chocolates Assorted, Hand Dipped Made in Oregon 2-lb. box 5541-lb. box 29c 10 -oz. pkg. Candy Sticks 10c pkg. Cabbage Large Solid Heads - Laat Chance . , 50 lbs. 29c Celery Hearts Well Bleached 1 Bunch 4c Melons Ice Creams Large Site' Each 5c Onions No. Is Dry aad Firm This Tear's Crop 10 lbs. 14c Fancy Sliced Bacon lOc At Grocery Dept. 5 3 1 1 1 - Remedies lb. Epson Salts 23c oz. Spts Camphor 19c lb. Flax seed 11c Pt. Rubbing Alcohol 11c Pt.-MUk Magnesia 15c Health Foods $1 Ovaltine 69c 1 lb. Bordens M. Milk 49c 1 lb. Supermalt 29c $1 Lacto Dextrin 89c 60c Thomp. Choc M3kl 36c Laxatives, 25c Feenamiht 11c 25c Carters Pills 15c 50c Cascaretts 33c , 50c N. R. Tablets 33c 75c Caroid & Bile 49c i $1 Guaranteed Fever Thermometers 69c Guar. Super-Service Rubber Gloves 19c Scott?Tissue Toilet Paper 3 rolls 19c 2-Quart Guar. Hot Water Bottles 29c 2-Quart Guar. Fountain Syringes 29c New Low Everyday Fred Meyer Price Squibb's Liquid Cfl. Petrolatum full pint 60-Watt G,E. Frosted Light Globes 10c 2-Ounce Ambrosia Dry Skin Cream 9c 35c Campana Skin Invigorator at 23c 16-Oz. Cliquot Ginger Ale 2 for 25c f 5-arTLaniV lt 4ryaV7 PiUs and Tablets 75c Cystex 63c 75c Doans Pills 49c 60c Alka Seltzer 39c $1 Three Bromides 69c 35c Bayers Aspirin 19c 10c Jergen's Wrapped Hand Soap 5c cake 15c Jergen's French Soap (box of 6) 39c 10c Jergen's Famous Oatmeal Soap 5c cake Jergen's Jumbo Bath Tablets 6 for 39c 10c Jergen's Cellophane Wrap 6 for 29c 3H oz. Woodbury's Facial Soap 9c 25c Pond s Complexion Soap 10c cake Unguentine Soap Formerly 25c -10c 10c Cakes of Palmolive Soap 5c each Inhalants 50c Arzen 29c 50c Vicks Drops 33c 50c Ess. Mistol 39c 25c Nose Drops 19c 50c Pineoleum 39c Razor Blades Tooth Paste Gillette 6s 26c BOe Iodent 29e Blue Gillette Ss 25c 50c Ipana 27e AutoStrop 5s 25c -50c Pepsodent 29c Probak 6s 25o 60c Straaska 25e Gem 6s 23c 60c Kolynoa 27c Cold Tablets 25c Stearns 19c 30c Bromo Quinine 15c 30c Hills Cascara 15c 100 Pure Aspirin 19c 25c Zerbst Caps 19c Remedies 85c Jad Salts 49c 85c Kruschen Salts 49c 60c Harvin Salts 49c 1.50 Citrocarbonates $1.15 1.25 Enos Salts 79c, Antiseptics 10c Vlcks 50c Pepsodent 37c 50c Lavorls 37c 60c Zonlte S7e $1 Llsterino 63o Shampoos ' 50c Woodbury's 26c ' 7 5e Fitch's S 9c 50c Wildroot 25c 60c Admlracloa 45c 60c PalmoUre 25c Tissues; 'Z Shaving Cream "St it r d j, capacious wicker baskets with ' folding handles. For marketing, outings, etc. (69c) Lotions 60c Italian Balm 83c , 60c Santiseptic '83c 60c Je'rgens 27c . 50c Chamberlains 27c 50c Hinds 31c 60c Frostllla 19o 35c Ingram's 23c . JSe Life Buoy 2 So 35e PalmoUre 25c 65c Barbasol 23c 2-lb. Wool Batts Pure virgin Oregon wool light, fluffy, springy fleece full 72x92 Inch size will not creep. 9Q Buy now say. ipiaasil Pace Powder SI Ambrosia 29c 50c Luxor 33c , 75c Dona. Rosa 69c ... 50c La Blanche 29c 50c Java Bice 29c Pace Creams 50c Squibbs 39e 50c Milkweed 29c 50c Woodburys 33c 50c Lady Esther 33c SI Ponds 59c Shaving Lotion 180 - moot Kleenex.: ,1-2'5JI?,aua8 S9c Cleansing Tissues, 1 pt, Wttdroot 29c . , . . . 50e Aqua Velm 89 Pastel sbade8-; Buy 60c PalmoUre 25e ' opply and sare. 65c Barbasol 29c , (15c pkg.) . Toiletries 60c Neet 39c 50c Non Spi 39c 50c Ever Dry 39c 60c iivans Depilatory 29c SI Ahgelus Lip Stick 63c Talcum 25c J & J Baby 17c' ; 25c Mennens 15c 0c BJveris Violet 19c 25c Colgates 19c 50c Fougere 29c if A- - .At Toiletry Dept. (No Mall Orders, No C. O. X'sr No Reservations, No Deliveries) CJGCQ T"TaaS 170 North Liberty St Between State and Court Streets " We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Tooth Brushes 50c Prophylactic S9c' 50c Tek-39c ' ; 60c West's Blue Box 23c SI Clean Between 49c 50c Dental Plate 29c . It frtHt Ttont (We meet . competitlre adver tised prices' for standard and nationally advertised - goods.) - fir.