PAGE SIXTEEN Friday Morning; October 6V 1933 B, ' Merer, A. i k' T'auxtn, Guy Johnston and; HL T, Taylor. " Mrs Mary 'if McMenomy, 17, died, at ; her home la Aberdeen, Wash, September 23. She-was daughter of Mr. and rMs. Young er Smelser and! ! was . born ; and reared la the Ecto commnnlty. She bad been CI 1 of cancer for some time, and bar sister, Mrs. Maud Piatt, t was "with her dur ing bar illness. Her husband and son, . Richard, anrrive; also her sisters; Mrs. Ahbif : Klphart of Show : The roles for the flower show are; Any Individual not profes sional , may participate;- all : ex hibitors shall furnish their own contain srs, 'wlth "i entries to be entered between 1 - and .' p. in. October. I, and left ontil 4 pi m. October 10. Bulbs will be award ed as prizes and sweepstakes for dahlias ttivislon will be a Miss Annie Lyle dahlia bulb. tin sec tion A, containers are not to be considered in the' Judging. Wednesday October 11. Friends are welcome from 1 to ( la the afternoon The 1 0 th. anniversary of the marriage of Mr. 'Arnold's brother, J. .1; Arnold of West Scio, . was commemorated Janu ary, 1111.. - . - In addition to the IT. farmers previously reported a having ap plied for wheat contracts, CY B. Brlgga, " emergency a a- e n t in charge, ropo rta the following names in the Scio Bock Ceek districts Huffman Brothers, A. Deer .Island,' Ore., and Mrs. Hand Piatt of Hoqniam, ? Wash-, and her brothers,-John, William and Jake ot.Sclo, and George, whose address ,1a unknown. - Mrs. McMenomy- was a! member of the Scio Baptist church, with which she -united many years ago. - n . i & , . RESEItTOIB INSTAIXEDl iSCIO,.Oct. S. The new city reservoir is now installed at a cost of about $149. The recep tacle which, it displaced served the city for 40 years.,. The new ; structure is expected to do equal- Iy aa weU "and , then ' It will j owe the city nothing,' is" the . 1 opinion generally expressed. ' , 4 To be Monday in . MAKE SURPRISE VISIT . f LYONS, Octl 8.. 'Charlea Abele and ton, Edward, vef Lea. Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. Loris . . Trask and two children of Al- -bany, arrived bere Monday night ; for. a surprit visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Swank. - INDEPENDENCE, 5. The" Independence Ga a club Will hold its annual fall flower show Monday f night, Ootober 9, and "Tuesday t afternoon. October 10, in the Woman's club build ing. - , SCIO, Oct. - 8. i The golden wedding anniversary of ' Mr. and Mrs." G. W. Arnold, venerable pioneers of the Sdo region, la to be observed at their homo on V e LJALKEH TALKS : HOPSTD CLUB V esnBnsnss , i it T- i r Floral JIMS HI i KOFMIIE i " - ? r J - mmmmmmmmm . ) Declares fcr Regulation; Jn 1 dustry Brought Oregon 11 . " Eight Millions MONMOCTH, 1 Oct. 5. Dean Walker of Independence,"; presi dent of the-Oregon Hop Grower' . association, and member t the lower house of state lerrlaUtare from this district, spoke to Men month and .Independence 14 on a here Tuesday at the weekly , luncheon, .presented the hop growers side of the repeal meat sure In a spirited and entertain ing manner. : . : : -While : he cannot, a? a --hop grower, desire to seethe sale of ' beer or any other malt product , decline, Mr. Walker is emphatl cally. in favor of regulated sales of liqnorj of no debancnery, and to prohfbit return of the saloon. Too high a Manor: tax is also not economically profitable.,, . , Asked Abont Prices r Since the hop harrest Is bring ing .Into the Willamette Talley about 48.000,000 this year, it is of course- an agricultural crop of 'firs; importance, SeTeral ques tions were': fired afc Mr.!; Walker ' , from various Lions as to the why of low prices paid- for picking this season. He replied that many growers are held to term con tracts of sal J at 14 to. 16 cents per pound: also that SI. 20 per hundred is the high record price paid for picking heretofore, which price Was slightly increas ed before the close of the pres , ent 'picking ' season. ' ' 1 ' ; On." the 5 economic situation of . the Mate he expressed hope that. no measures would become pre valent to encourage any one to lose his personal s ambition for self- ,ependence. " WOOLBURN, Oct. 5. The Woodhurn Garden club is to hold Its annual flower show Friday and Saturday, of this week in the Set tlemler building.- Prises for win ners in the children's displays hare been donated by local mer chants. President George Tlmm and Mrs. Frank Corey hare been named as a committee to arrange fora musical entertainment Fri day night.- y '-i '. Any person in the community may participate in the show. Oth er rules are that all Garden cloh. members regardless of officer are entitled to enter; all flowers must be grown in the- exhibitor's own garden and the exhibitor mast furnish his own containers; ex hibits must be entered by 10 o'clock Friday. : ,---:-- There Is a horticultural class containing ten classifications, and sections for rock plants, trees and foliage, fruit arrangements, minia ture gardens, and shadow box ar rangements. There will be on ex hibition a collection of interesting antiques and relics. i ; ;" County Gathering : Of Farmers Unions Slated Tomorrow . BETHEL, Oct. 5. The Mar lon county convention Of the. Fanners union will be held at Central Howell, on the Salem SUverton highway, Saturday, Oc tober. T. t V ' ; ." I ' ' ' - President Warren Gray of Mar lon, will preside.' Sidney-Talbot local, will lead the music. Max Cehlhar and-James Mott will be the speakers. Backet dinner at noon. The contention opens at It o'clock. - 'j - All :" Farmers nnlon members from other coanties are Invited to attend. - . Horse Spills Girls But. Injuries Minor ... LYONS, Oct 6. Miss Agnes fcenratfl and little Helen freak, small daughter of - Lawrence Trask," were both - quite : painf al ly cat , and braised : by falling from a -horse Monday .night. . They both were badly braised by falling on the gravel road, and Mtes Keurstil - caught on" a, barb wire which eut 'some deep gashes in he rhand and arm. Tags NRA Prices "'..V r .xier Eeercri former newspper t "a snd economist, of Brookland- ' I the Consumers Advisory Board. 3 u pictured at his desk in NRA 1 -atlqaarters, Washington. - His duty will be the study of price - . - - - raises. IP isnmous wesmMM New PrixxTts .Ward fuKNM Saraaia' fall pattens and color, U tab-faatl S6 mches. Buy dow tat Mr wash frocks! :v.Xfax Soap ;5Wrsfor29C Here it is, the soap that i fahs ea for H beneficial effect aQ skiiis--fte matte bo lithre ihey may be! OI xOOSbeets 79c each "LoBglrear", braad. Bleached white, hand tons, aetraga ; sides. Long wear- Ufcbnoy Soap StedMfe Omtm wW Wost . - .fj bars for 29c Nationally known as the soap that ends all offensive body odors! " Here it is specially priced tar ' Ward Week Oolyl v ; Pillow Cases WWstMw' X0C ea. "Xongwear" qtal hty. Sana . 42x36. w-bit bleacbed. Police Shoes WwrfWrwnT Print 2 SO.69 i pair Centsiae can" am. ' ssorni wek. Area All Motudr! Priced 30 lew than taxiaj rauirfcet! With mohair prices as high as they arc, we cannot repeat this Ward Week value. Both pieces have comfortable high backs and roll arms. And the cushions, backs, and seats are epring fiHed. Carved f!i I TWTTWfT. i ,,M. . A Ward Wk Smptr Vmlm In Amtrtemm Wmtmut Vmmwrt 4 DP5E(K(3?S $5 down, ViSO monthly, plus carrying charge. Prices are up 50fo since we bought this suite for Ward Week. We cant repeat this aluc Four big pieces In American Walnut veneerrubbed to a rich, satiny finish. Genuine plate glass mirrors, and elaborate wood carvings are other costly details! Speciai Price For Ward Week Onigt Waurffl Matt Walin IPanimtf Dries Overnights. Lasts For Years I Oct 29 -Li gal. Apply this wall paint at night and it's dry by morn-' tn. You can wash it with mild soap and water and it will lasi for Tears. ' In IS attractivp colors. NU-COTE VARNISH. Dries in 4 hrs. g- .00 Inside use 'J. ,,' . X gaL BRUSH SPECIAL. A 4T Wall Brush and a 2" Varnish Brush, pure Chinese bristles 50c IV 1 - ' .. V: rM ir- Save $6.00 during Ward Weefe 24-GALLON Washing for Family of 4 Don h 30 Minutes - 140ow,S4AWV plrs small carrying charg Think of itWard Week price sayes yon $6. And 30 minutes after you . start this Washer a whole week's wash for a family of 4 is done. Ward's gentle washboard action gets clothes fax whiter. Lasts longer, too, - r --"-. shades and Uacfc. ' ' 38 aneW Flnnncl aWnf4aast WstfSLf yd. Fancy etriped ton flannel. 36 bxlies wide.. For Wart Week eaiyt lingerie www aftiitis- 25C ea. Tailored raynat iea also lac trisn- pantiea. Work Sox prs.TC Coaabed cotton with reinforced heels sad tees. Dark eolors only. Ward Week Sacinost Bug "Golden Crest99' 59c pair The beer, even weave! Bat m new fast nriei Jmr Word WmU FuB. bed aad toes. Boy now to save. MWWosIMm 19c niabie. earn saakes tads stardy. Ami see wWtyonaal Qaady Oust Mop 39c Felly rcrersibla. Of spoeUOy spna twa-ply dnst absae yarn. Oval. It Ward Bay Woiih Doiler Oenai Ui valne! Copper with tanned Interior Stardy hook handle. Cushion Dote ftswfCWf ro4aslf 70n tW At fi tk ? cartains would b f alrgaia! bc weara. fllBIIUJl HI. m iffffi 0.43 Window Shades - ' $4 Ymimmt 1 39c mv mce gees ay after Tatd Week. Llrht tested far pinbelea. Heavily eselei" it3 n 7 n n i .' ' ; :-.n I . - U' I - mm SmvakWrnrtlWatU Work Shoes $S.29 mU pair Super work hoe, black dk, plain toe, double oak leather eater. Men! Save on Dress Shirts A Word Wee Valve I Tbet thirts are worth twice this price 1 CoIqt fatt. New whites, plains and fancies I Word Wool Wesson's Full Hi(n)iE pair $1.79 ''A If VOn'm tLimM. . a . Ha iitzz: ,wm.r.rpr w. ea nWortVVWJtOnfy , 30 less Than Last Year! We've lowered oar already low price. Bern ia year chance to ewa the gm 150,000 banters kava feand 'safest, tastest, ; smoothest. Osraaae vanadiaaa steel parts, black walaat stock. Sboots f sfss ia five seeeeds! Easy takedown, it Has New Air Cishhn tollocitst WarJW-kOtJr .-vi'd down, S3 monthly Sunateas steal snndgaarda and chrossinni plated f. ring, Snper stnrdy aastsr. bik trass lock and ebjease plated steal ar fraanTfc laTfV Jb mtJ lfL IT ftt mm m sat Yard Week enjyt Spsdal Ward. Week Price on Words Fbmous Riverside 'o 27S N; Uberty; Ml OD IT dD r r r-i Pennsyl vania (lgal. . In yowr own contofiter Ward Week is another Break for motorists. Bring your own con tainer" is all we ask to pv you the benefit of this tremendous value oloney can't buy better oil It it expertly refined tprx Wards from the finest, most expensive Penn aylranla crude out of the top price Bradford District. 13-Plate Batteiy, 12 1 Months. Guarantee Riverside Spark' PIuss,: 4 or more, each 25c r