i I . .... 1 PARADE OF PETS ; Old Sol la hart ! 1 l : r-"fart M :a.7 J j THE, WEATHER ( Statesman announces with ; PR i & 1 - pleasure us annual pet par. arte. Saturday, October i 7, v:30 un, Generous prizes; treat fun for kiddles. - ttr Fair today nl Satmrdar, 0 ' i Uu4 chance Ik tempmttare, i Max, Temp.' Thundar 75, . Mia.' 43, r 1 1 r M feet, ' north wted. ' ' FCUNDCD 1C51 EIGHTV-TUIRD YEAR Salem, Oregon, Fri Morning, October 6,, 1933 no. m ..... .. .. ... h , , , T; ... .,..-, . -, t .,1."... ' : ' - " i . : - ",-, . f . , -'VT-T . "7 I I nW i ----- Mi J I I I I til IB I I -1 - : It ROAD TO GDAST FIlOiEDUPDtl IIIIIIUUIUU Federal Funds " for Oregon r: Umited, Would Result v In Loss Elsewhere v Contracts About $75,0CX) in l'-Various; Partsqf State , . : Awarcled by Board t r PORTLAKD.- Oct. 5. (AP) A wamiasT that the-,moant of moaer arailable to' Ofeson from the federal public works adminia- ' tratlon m&j not exceed 125,000, 000 was roiced at the meeting of : the state highway commission " kero.todayt i M&- - , ;. To the request f a Kroup rf9- . reseating northwest conntlea that Oregon apply to the public works , admlnl?tratiou for $9,500,00 for ' the construction of two short-cut routes irom- Portland tt the sea, C h a 1 r m a n ScotC replied that should such an . amount be grant ted for those roads it would prob fably mean that some other pto ject in .Oregon, such as the Port land jsewage disposal project or the Eugene hydro-electric project, would suffer accordingly ' . " The two routes sought by the northwest eountioaare theWllson RiTer and Wolf Creelt.fcfaas, Th indlcaUon at today's meeting was that the highway commission would not" recommend that the atate apply for the J9.5OO.O0O fund, which would be - given on the basis ofl 30 per cent grant and 70 per cent loan. ir r ' Scott'a- remarks :r were made shortly after he and the other commissioners had emerged from a closed conference with Marshall N. Dana, northwest regional ad viser for the PWA and Bert E Haney, chairman of the state ad visory board. --':; , " The commissi on at todays meeting :- awarded contracts for highway and bridge projects in Grant, Jackson. Klamath, Mal heur, Multnomah, Umatilla and Washington counties. Th amount involved, about f TSO.OOO, win be from federal fnatssss Meyers & Gohlterua,the!r hid of M3.I85, won the contract for the middle-fork bridge on the John Day rirer and tour frame trestles on Granite creek. Northwest Roads company, on Us bid of 143.585, go a Crater "Lake highway surfacing Job.- Dunn & Baker, On its bid of S9 4.454, receited-the contract to surface the Klamath Falls-forest boundary section of, the Klamath Falls-Lakevlew highway. J. C. Compton on his bid of $23,377 took the Merill - Malin section of The Dalles - California highway surfacing Job. R. F. Nichols, who bid 120, 871.50, was given the contract for three bridges and six culverts on the Drink-Water pass - Chimney Creek section of the Central Ore gon highway. . , (Turn to PageJkGel. ) lUUYOiS SEE HEED OF UIII1B EFfORT PORTLAND. Oct. 8. (AP) A unity of action on we pan i community, state and national leaders is" necessary If Immediate effecUveness of measures enacted i . relieve the country trom econ omic stress is to be realised, may . .f 11 rireron and Washington cities agreed here today at a meet ing -which! was preiuae w f krA celebration.'. s The mayors also urged that ev- ery man and woman must u the purpose of national recotery. orv already accomplished by the NRA, they said, was ""tcf reason to DeUeTO that, with the " right cooperation and support, it 1 will eventually solve in Urge part . ho . at Inn 'a oroblemS. ' Mayors in attendance included TAm v. Dore of Seattle, C. .J. Whiteside (acting mayor) or Cor- '111 Hill - vallls Garfield voget oi nnw nVuir Mnnvan of Lebanon. , T Mayor Dore warned that the , public works projects are going to va to be speeded up. The trou ble has been that the state organ isation did not hare enough u- . " thorny o p ui m ..,,. Steam Engine to Be Extinct Soon Sargent Claims - CHICAGO, Oct l--(AP)--vi-a W. SargentT! prestdent of " the Chicago and .Northwestern railway today said the-steam lo comotive was doomed and would be replaced by. t, new type of wtHc enirine within a decade. Sargent's statement was . made in connection "with: ft survey by his Tailroad on the eost4 of elec trification of some of its lines. ": He said the new engine would ' he a. unit gas or. oil electric en- ' gin rather than a locomotive powerea j ' iwuwiuu v. I power systems. The cost of the j latter, he said, wonld be prohl- hltiTe. ' . j; , .1 ; PARADE PASSES? BY FOR TEN HOURS 5Jlfl'S CORPS .V S i , 2-;f ' J- V 1 1 1 1 1 H. I I III lllll llllli v-rt - V'. ' :'"- it& " ; J - -f It . - Something? like 160,000 American Xegion members marched down historic Michigan bonlevard in Chi cago Tuesday in the annoal parade la connection with the veterans' convention. The procession started at lO aw m. and was still under way as a lght felL" A crowd of approximately a million persons looked on at this, "possibly the longest parade ever staged ha the United States; certainly the greatest " in Legion history or in Chicago's experience. t FOREIGN BANKS MED lot to Bomb one Canadian Institution Reported; Capital Quiet HAVANA, Oct. 5. (AP) United States Ambassador Sum ner Welles conferred tonight with two powerful Cuban leaders, it was learned on reliable authority, thus presumably reopening efforts to bring opposition factions and the Gran San Martin administra tion together. The meeting of the American with General Carlos Mendleta. na tionalist chieftain, and Dr. Cosme de la Torriente, who Before has tried to effect a political recon ciliation, was held at the latter 's home. ! HAVANA. Oct. 5. (AP) Heavy police guards were placed tonight around all foreign banks in Havana after the manager of the local branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia informed police he had been advised of a plot to bomb his institution. Except for a reported revolt in Camaguey province advices trick ling - into the capital tonight through .storm crippled communi cations . indicated an otherwise (Turn to Page 2, Col. 3) AND HAS HIS PROOF FOREST GROVE. Oct. 5. (AP) Incredulity was' apparent on the faces of hie-friends when Irl L. Babcock, city electrician, told them today of catching a bob white quail in flight with his hare hands. He had been reading me ters, ho related, when a covey of quails was flushed. He saw one of the birds sipping toward his head, and being an old-time base ball player, he reached up his "mitt" for a one-banded catch. His listeners smiled knowingly at each other. . "All right, said Babcock, "If yon want proof.' He reached his hand into nis pocjcet ana puuea out the fluttering fowl. , , CTTT DADS CROSS KM NEWPORT, 0e.i Oct. 8. (AP- The fire station siren used these' many years to call the city's volunteer firemen to duty, start led the still of the night with a screaming wall. From all parts of the city the volunteers came on the run, " many of them dressing as they went. Citizens darted up one street ana oown anotner. try ins to find the blaze. The volun teers knocked at the fire station, hat there was no response. They found the night man down on the beach; gazing at the Pacific : . "Where's the flreT' ho was asked. , . VWhat fire?' he wanted to know. "The siren T" he looked at them disgustedly. "That was the t curfew. the city council had tot- in n iM-"!i -jjr -v 'I 1 1 k II h i ii Kin li ii- First Death Reported in Strike Area AMBRIDGE, Pa., Oct."5 (AP) Behind a barrage of ballets, tear gas and swinging riot sticks, 200 deputy sheriffs charged a dis orderly picket line at the Spang Chalfant Seamless Tube com pany's plant late today, killing one man and wounding at least 15 others. It was the first fatality since labor unrest flared Into Tlolence In the rich Pittsburgh Industrial district. The attack occurred after strik ers balked at orders to cult the picket line and go home.: Adam Petesuski," 42, of Am bridge, was shot in the neck and died while being taken to a hoB oitaL - The deputies , moving in pha lanx formation with Sheriff Char les J. O'Loughlln at their head, ordered the pickets to drop clubs and other weapons and disperse. Some pickets complied and fell baek, but others held their ground. . - t - A sharp order was given. A tear gas attack was unleashed ana guns began to blaze. -. Through elouds of tea gas, men could he seen on the ground. Above them stood women shriek ing epithets at the deputies. Sheriff O'Laughlln said: "There was no other way of handling the situation. ' Catches Quail by Hand Firemen Qtdte; Peeved fyJ Arrest Hunter-Slayer Car Dives; One Killed ed in a curfew ordinance the night before. FRIEND IS VICTIM ASTORIA. Ore., Oct B.--(AP) Elno Huld, 26, of Brownsmead near here was eharged with in voluntary manslaughter In Justice court today in connection with the death of Henry Laurila, his friend and - neighbor, who was shot through the head, police said, when .Huld mistook him for a deer. The two had gone hunting Is a densely wooded canyon on Aid rich point, 25 miles east of here,' but iu they were in separate par ties, neither knew the other was hunting. '."-..', Hult entered a plea : of not guilty and - was bound over : to the circuit eourt grand jury. ; U Huld told police, they said, that he saw a deer run down the side of the canyon, then he saw a movement in the brush, and fired. The shot entered Laurila's head. - 1 LIGHTS GET BLAME . V MARSHFIELD, Ore Oct. 5. (AP) Mrs. Sara Abbott of Ban don was killed last night when an automobUe .driven by- Jim Smith went over an embankment on the Elk river - road .near Port OrfordV Failure of the light on the car was blamed for the ac cident. Smith', who was returning Mrs Abbott to her home after a visit 'with' relatives In-the Elk river country, escaped seriousln- jury.- L LEGIOrJ ASKS HELP DBILY FOB DISABLED Former Demands Modified In new Program; Hayes Of Illinois Leader CHICAGO. Oct. 5 (AP) Ed ward Hayes, 42-year old attorney of Decatur, 111., tonight was vest ed with leadership in carrying out the American Legion's inten sive program combatting com munism, . supporting the NRA, strengthening national defense and "otherwise watching out for the republic Hayes was elected national commander by acclamation today at the close of the Legion's 15th annual convention. The first duty assigned him was to work for fulfillment of the Legion's four point program for veterans' re lief. An about face from the bonus demands of other years, the pro gram seeks to guard the inter ests of only those veterans who were Injured or contracted dls ease in military service, and the dependents of those who uied. A request that they be given free federal hospitalization if on able to pay was the only clause dealing with veterans beset by ailments or economic troubles since the end of the war. The bonus, although favored In six state conventions recently, was not mentioned. : Perhaps the strongest language used by the convention, attended by a quarter million veterans, was that embodied in an American ization committee report dealing with communism. The report ' declared against di plomatic recognition of soviet (Turn to Page 2, CoL 4) Ml Alllllf CHOOSES OFFICERS CHICAGO. Oct. 5. (AP) The unanimous election of Mrs. Wil liam :W. Beister, Jr.." of Philadel phla, as president and ratification of a report urging Increases in the strength of tho army and navy elosed . the annual convention of the, American Legion auxiliary to day., .-v,-'? -: ;y,.v: r - The national defense committee report which was adopted urged a regular army strength of 14,000 officers and 155,000 enlisted men, in addition to 210,000 national guardsmen, and 120.000 reserve officers. The report Teeommended establishment of a reserve offi cers' training corps In every school which will ' Install one. Bunding of naval ships to treaty strength and an Increase In navy personnel from 1 9,1 00. to 11,000 Other officers Installed Included Mrs. Pat Allen of Portland. Ore, American vice-president of Fidac. - Gloria Risolia, of Upper Darby, N. and Gordon Jones, of Port land, Ore., were winners In the poppy poster contest and Wyom ing won first prize In the Fidac aou contest.- - - . -f Tom Hill" Says Case to be Appealed to Delegates; . Held too Severe Plans to Greet Musicians On Return go Ahead; - Time Uncertain . . CHICAGO, Oct. B, (AP) Dis- QUalified In the American Legion drum corps contest because the Judges found its marching time too long, the Salem, Ore., corps today protested the decision and indicated It -would seek a new ruling from the national conven tion delegates. Tom Hill, manager of the corps, which won the contest last . year, said . the Salem outfit had been stricken from the competition be cause of a five-second lapse be tween its ten minutes of drill and ts 15 minutes of playing. Hill appealed to the legion's national Judge advocate, Remster A. Bingham, who ruled the corps contest was entirely within the urlsdictlon of the convention's contest committee. Miami, Fla., and Seattle, Wash., corps were disquaunea oy tne same rule. At contest headquar ters, Frank Galllvan, chairman, explained that the losing corps 'stood too long." The Sa.em corps, one of the smallest In competition, was given second ranking in the contest until It was ruled out. "If the Judges had cut down our score because of the timing mistake, we wouldn't have object ed," Hill said. "Their ruling threw us out of the contest en tirely." Plans, to greet the Salem drum corps were being delayed, last night pending receipt of word as to the time of its arrival here from California via the Southern Pacific-. It was expected the main party would return here some time between Monday and Thurs day next week. At least a dozen of the 41 men who went to Chi cago aboard the American Legion special train will make stops with friends and relatives enroute home. Suggestions were being made that the corps at least parade downtown from the depot to give Salem folk a view of the new cadet uniforms worn in thecompe tltion Wednesday night. It Is un derstood these uniforms may be (Turn to Page 2, Col. 3) EX-! IS KILLED IT SCIO ALBANY, Ore., Oct. 5. (AP) -Edward D. Cuslck, St, of Port land, former state senator, was fa tally Injured today when he fell from the roof of a barn near Gil- key station In the Scio district. With his. brother, Charles, of Forest Grove, ho was shingling the roof of a barn owned by the Cuslck family. The brother brought Cuslck to a hospital here where he died a few minutes after his arrival. .Attendants said his skull had been fractured in the fall. Cuslck was born at Aumsville. Ore., November 8, 1867, The Cu- slcks moved to Albany 50 years ago where the father founded the J. W. Cuslck and Sons bank. The sons continued In charge of the bank after their father's death until It was bought In 1S23 by the First National bank of Albany. Then Edward Cusick moved to Portland. He served as state sen ator for one term, from Linn county. Men's Fondness For Watermelon Held Life Saver MEDFORD. Oct. 5. (AP)- Their fondness for watermelon was credited with saving five men from losing their lives today when a boiler in a sawmill at Sterling, near here, blew np. E. p. Dutton, owner of the mill, said a hoy came to the plant with a load of watermelons, and the men were given a few mpromtu minutes off the job to eat them, No sooner had they left than the boiler exploded. Dutton said If the men had been at their accustomed places, they would undoubtedly hare been killed. - TACOMA, Oct, 5. (AP) Fred Lenh art, 181, Tacoma, knocked out Frank van Hee, 203 Seattle, in the fifth round of i scheduled 10 round bout here tonight.. - Lenhart, floored Van Hee three times in tho fourth - xor long counts and -early .in the fifth sent him to the canvas with a left and right to the jaw tor the full toll. SENATOR K Late Sports; Aero Chief. v 1 r Z" x . Y :-V I ' u ' H " ' v - X SI Known to Oregon football fans as a former assistant coach under Captain J. J. HcEwan at Uni versity of Oregon, Eugene Ti dal, ex-West Point grid - star, show above, is now head of the reorganized aeronautics branch of the department of commerce . at Washington. - Foreman Started Blaze to Halt Major one and it Got Away, Testified LOS ANGELES, Oct. 5. (AP) An order to withdraw all county welfare workers from ; Griffith park - until adequate fire safe guards are provided were issued tonight by the park commission and Fire Chief Ralph Scott as. an aftermath of the disastrous fire Tuesday which claimed the lives of at least 27 men and injured scores. The order, coming soon after an investigation disclosed an ap parent lack of protection against sudden emergency, will become ef fective tomorrow. It affects sev eral thousand men who were giv en employment by the county wel fare organizations at 40 cents an hour. Testimony today before the park commission revealed that a few seconds before the wave of flame swept up the blind canyon in the park, backfires were set near the course of the sudden out burst. But whether it was these fires or the main blaze that a shifting wind caught and sent whirling along the hillside was still disputed as men told what they had seen in those frenzied minutes. F. F. George, a county worker, frankly and voluntarily admitted that he had set one backfire but declared with equal emphasis that to the best of his knowledge It was the main blaze farther up the hill that was caught by the wind and sent Into the canyon. A crew boss. Charles Chandler. testified he saw Frank Thompson, a ' foreman whom be knew and recognized, setting a backfire which was caught by the wind af ter he left it. Thompson previ ously denied he had set any fires. (Turn to Page 2, CoL 4) D.Cameron Gets 15 Days in Jail on Bad Check Count SEATTLE, Oct E. (AP) D. Cameron, an unfrocked Cottage Grove, Ore.; minister, was sen tenced to 15 days in the county jail today on his pleading guilty to a petty larceny charge for pass ing an "n. s. f." check tor $28.55 on a hotel here three weeks ago. He was given credit for. time served, and will be released to Canadian authorities, who are seeking him on an embezzlement charge. BACK FIDE BUED FOR PARK TRAGEDY Barnes County Manager In Reemplounent Otti ce ..... Basis for organization of a ted- era! reemployment office, for Marion county was laid Thursday with tne selection or E. T. Barnes, former Salem merchant, s man ager of the local office, and the choice of D. D. Dotson, who has been in charge of the employment office .here tho last two years, as assistant to Barnes. Confirmation of ' both appointments -must be made by E.- L. Mersereau, chair man of reemployment offices tor Oregon. - : - - '-. A large portion of tho manag er's time will be devoted to work in the field, contacting employers while : Dotson will confine ; his services to the office. Salary for Barnes was fixed at 8100 a month and for Dotson at 876. v Tho eommitteo which selected tho local leaders, tentatively agreed upon the nse of the pres ent employment office building On Court street between Front-, and C o m m e r claL Considerable im provements In the property j will bo sought to make tho office more efficient - Under tho tentative budget ap- proved by the local reemployment nick Owners! emsd G6vetii(6riEnd Until" in in OF RENO BAILEY Dallas Politician is Found , To Have Aided Notorious Kidnaper's Escape DALLAS, Tex., Oct. 5. (AP) Thomas L. Manion, former Dal las jailer and a figure In Dallas politics for several years, was con victed late today, along with Gro ver C. Bevill, Dallas butcher, by a federal court jury which decided they had aided Harvey Bailey to escape from the Dallas county JaiL The Jury, deliberated 30 minutes. Bevill had pleaded guilty and was the principal government wit ness against Manion, who did not testify. -Only three, defense wit nesses for Manion were heard. The government called more than a score of witnesses to sup port its ' charge that Bevill ob tained the hacksaw blades and pis tol Bailey used in his break for freedom, gave them to Manion and Manion in turn gave them to the prisoner. Bailey sawed the bars of his cell, held jail attendants at bay with the pistol and forced Nick Tresp, turnkey, to accompany him to Ardmore, Okla., In Tresp's car Labor day. Bailey was captured there. Bailey, who had been captured about August 12 near Paradise, Tex., and brought to the Dallas jail for safekeeping, was taken to Oklahoma City from Ardmore and was one of seven defendants con victed Saturday of kidnaping Charles F. Urschel, wealthy Okla homan, and holding him for $200,- uuu ransom. GENEVA, Switzerland, Oct 5. (AP) There can be no last ing improvement In the world's economic situation, the economic and financial commission of the League of Nations assembly re ported today, unless the countries are prepared to abandon "the sys tem of closed national econ omies." The report, which held the view that conditions are improved in a number of ways over the last year, urged a solution of the cur rency stabilization question so tne world economic conference might reconvene with hopes of success. These elosed systems of nation al economy were described in the report as tending to become more general and threatening' to stifle international trade. The report added that ft was most Important to attempt . to promote better international col- laboralon in the economic and flu ancial spheres. Archerd Appeals To Higher Court Through a writ of error granted yesterday by the state supreme courts Charles R. Archerd, former Salem warehouseman convicted in lower court of Illegal conversion of warehouse goods, will carry his case to the federal supreme court If, within CO days, his case has no been accepted by the court in Washington. D. C. Archerd will be dressed in at the state peniten tiary to serve three years. Q. II I mi. committee, 350 will be contrlbut- lent as a city, $200 by the federal government. Both Barnes and Dotson,. when notified of their selection, said they would be willing to serve. Employment will date from Oc tober 1, the official date the new reemployment - committee took charge of the employment service for this county. i Mr. Barnes will bo In Portland today meeting Mr. Mersereaa and tho 1atters assistants, and secur ing general Information on the conduct of a reemployment oinee. This week end detailed plans for tho local office will be worked out with tho view of getting the bureau into full, operation next Rerexistratlon of all unemploy ed men in the county Is expected hut no one will ho reregistered until ample public notice has been given. When reregistratlon starts. men will be notified in sections, that Is names running from "A to "C Inclusive will bo called for, and on down' tho alphabet Regis- (Turn to Pago is CoL 3) NATIONALISM HELD BAR TO RECOVERY Arrests aifested'te Alleged Promise Made Last June Quoted At Meet Here Transportation Group Firm f on Stlcldtig To its Policy The battle against P. VJ t. tags was taken to Governor Merer yesterday afternoon when Oregon Truck Owners and. the Truck Owners and Farmers tre- tectire associations meeting joint ly hero-' voted unanimously jo . send the governor a telegram de manding that he "order the state police to cease making arretas . under the P. U. C. law until con stitutionality Is determined ,ly the supreme court next wefek." ; The telegram, which asked an immediate reply, was unanswer ed when the meeting adjourned at 11 o'clock last night. The remainder of the telegram read: "We represent thousands of H- tizens vitally interested in the or eration of the hundreds of trndti now stranded by the roadside throughout the state by the state; police and' are also vitally Uter es ted in the welfare of the track drivers now facing the possibil ity or jau sentences. This ir ah extreme situation and demakds extreme measures either by you or by the citizens themselves.'' Last night A. C. Andersttn, president of the truck owners and Farmers Protective associa tion, of which the Oregon Track Owners is a unit, voiced a plea that "drastic reprisal efforts di rected at Oregon state officials held responsible for the present premature enforcement of (the law be withheld until Governor Meier is given a chance to keen his promise made to the truck men in June." Governor Promised To Protect, Claim -j For the first time. It was re vealed, according to Anderson, that the governor at a confer ence last June with the state cxe- ' cutive committee of the truck as- soclation had promised he would Protect truck owners from en forcement of the Jaw until it was clarified in the courts. Among the truck owners' representatives at the conference were Mayor Douglas McKay, Percy A. Cup per and E. B. Gabriel of Salem and IL G. Bunker of Corvallis. As an alternative to no action by the governor, the nearly toe truckmen assembled and repre senting about 18,000 truck oper ators, voted to make a statewi8 appeal to continue to roll their trucks to serve the public 1 bat lying districts. To this end. He members voted to face arrest It necessary. The association also went th record that it would hold th state and its police officers felly responsible for condition M equipment, condition of cargo and loss of time to members the association in instances where trucks were held up and mem bers placed under arrest petidli outcome of the supremo- court action. : T Sentiment all through" tho meeting was to hold, tight to . tho, course of action already started, rather than to put up ball as trust fund in connection with the many arrests beisg made over the state for violation . of theP. U. C. law. Efforts of attorneys and two other speak ers to -hold to a cautionary course rtather than making demands up on . the governor were resdi-y talked away. Will Go to Jail on Principle, asserts Typical of the hardships the (Turn to Page 2, CoL ft) WASHINGTON, Oct 3. (AP) The possibility that the count - now being plotted by tho NRA may show reemployment of a mil lion or more persons 1n excess of present estimates is being held out by statisticians to Hugh S. Johnson,, the administrator. : .They have calculated that the -actual count of noses by direct solicitation will reach teas ct thousands of employers who do not report regularly through erdS nary channels and may show that between ,000,000 and 6,0 00,90 9 persons have found work since tte low mark of last winter. The pres ent accepted figures, based large ly upon reports to the labor d$ -partment by : Industry and uftbn trade union estimates, run to stH proximately 2,300,000, H - i v These calculations became known today as Johnson retorted to his desk for the first time since an Infection sent him to Walter Reed hospital tor an operation actly two weeks ago. -.'"f REEiPjjr