Local News Brief: Trial Docket Set The trial docket for department one of Mar ion county circuit court was set as follows: October a, Jenkins vs. Engeman; . October 1 0, Reynolds Ts.HaJn: October 11, Gabriel ts. Loose; October 1. Hawley ra De LPP; October 1, Dawes ra. Al len ; October r 17, Turner . State bank ts. Parrish; October . IS, Schramm ' Vs. Rich: October if. Kerns ts. Luts; October tS, Trem bath rs. ? Callan , October 2 f Schramm ' vs. Rich - (separate esse); October 25, Henker ts. Flsherj October 27,' State ts. War ren r October, 30, Hower ts. CII ; moreOll company; Noyember 1, Carr Ts.' Director ;.NoTember. 2, Bureh ts. Pickens: November , SUte ts. Crawford, 10. o'clock: November 7. State t. Herrold an "utbbibm Bcnramm ts. Na iionai burety company. ' banscribe now. Renew now. The Oregon statesman, one full year ny man ror ; Jess than le a day SS.8I: per year by, mail only, to any uregon, address. 0 j ttepwr Brick SCrartare B. a Miles was graoted a permit at tie city building Inspector's office yes- leruay to repair the brick, building state street at cost of 2500 Fire ther permits were issued: F. J. Lafky. alter brick building at 521 Court street, $45; D. Rusk, erect, garage at 1930 North Church, SS0; James Imlah, reroof aweuwg at 1722 North Summer, 225 ; ;K1 wood- & Imlih, alter brick building at 291 Chemeketa, $21; Mrs. Alice. Bryan, reroof dwelling at 1110 Tile, $25. Vernon Traits Fined Ver non Trultt, arrested followinr collision on the river road north eight miles yesterday morning, pleaded guilty In justice court and was fined $25. and costs. Committment was issued, but the una paia later at' the sheriffs nice. Eck Dutoit, route eight. dox is SB. sustained injuries to his shoulder and ribs and his wife and daughter-in-law. Mrs- Ralph Dutoit, were bruised. Tra it was charged with failure to stop at a highway sign. seer on draught ' at the Salem Malt shod. Diamonds Ownership of dia- - monds attached last December by ine credit service company was . credited to Sam Green and not Ed Reiner, In affidavits filed with the county clerk yesterday. Acting Deputy Sheriff S. O. Burkhart . filed affidavit stating that Reiner claimed sole ownership of the nine jewels when attachment was . filed on them as security. Tnia Reiner denied in his affidavit. Anneal Bargain Period. " For a limited time The Oregon States man by mail to any address In - Oregon Only $2.09 per year. v Peterson Estate- Administrator of the. estate of Ida B, Peterson .filed a report of distribution In . circuit court yesterday asking that the estate be declared settled and closed. The report: stated receipts were received frpm all parties .ex- , cept JA; I. Peterson,; who under terms of the will was mailed a $1 check,, ; Asks Foreclosure Foreclosure to satisfy delinquent tax payments was asked in circnit court yester day by attorney for plaintiff in the ease of Frank company vs. 11a M. Gaber, administratrix of the estate of Lelah Lynch, deceased. Amendment Asked Motion asking plaintiff to ma&e complaint more ' definite and specific was . filed in circuit court yesterday by defendant in the case of Walker vs. Union Engineering and U. S. Fidelity. . , Dine and ' Dance tonight Jennie Lind Tavern, 7 5e: per plate. Old time orchestra.'; mile N. Pacific Hwy. Tel. 2061. Cancellation Claim The Stan dard Accident Insurance company filed answer to suit yesterday, stating that an insurance policy .held by -the Willamttte Grocery company was cancelled before al leged loss occurred. Oliver fo Speaker Professor E. S. Oliver of the Willamette University' English department spoke to the Battleground, Wash., Parent -Teachers associa tion meeting ; Tuesday night on "How May Oner'Get a College Education?" Gets Car A Buicjc sedan has been turned over to Alice K. Eck erlen and En gene Eckerlen - by Ladd & Bush Trust company, exe- cator of the state of. Eugene Eck- erlen, deceased. Answer Filed , Dismissal of ' suit was asked in circuit court yes , terday Jy defendants In the case , of Irving Siiemore vs. c. e, Scri ber and Mrs. C. EL Scribec Dr. Mark S. Skiff, dentist, back from racatlon at Breltenbush Hot ' Springs; at office daily, 306 Ma sonic bldg. " Heariax Today -Arthur Bur nett Is slated to appear In jus tice eonrt at 11 o'clock this morn ing for preliminary hearing on a non-support charge. , - Draakeueaa Charged Frank Krockenr asul Mark Roberta plead ed guilty before Judge Harden to I being drunk in a- public ptaee ana were given 10 days apiece In the county Jail. Cczaag Events : October 6- Federated Rural dab iaitltcte at lUckreaUL ; , October tf -Brush College grange Booster might. - . . October 7 ? Statema Pet- psrsUc, 0:SO a, (Weather pernrfttln.) October I David Haaen, Oregoaian e b r r espondent, speaks on .European condl-. iions, chamber of commerce, nooa. -, - - October 1-14 Ccmmtf Christian Endeavor . conren tion. South Salem Friends chorctu . . " MansfeuKbter Cm ttwt manslaughter cases resulting om automobile accident will be v idge McMahan during ihe October term of circuit court. One ease-InvolTee N; T. Warren of Portland, who is charged with causing the death of Donald Suce- Tica- or Oregon City. The- other ease InTolves Aubrey Crawford, accused of being responsible for inev aeath ; of - Ray Gilbert, for many years night watchman at a locai garage. . .. . -. , - ; wates Rhythm Artists Salem's utrwesi ana Tinest dance band. opening Saturday night. Mellow aooo. Disease Cases . Reported Mar ias county gained two while Polk county decreased one la the num ber of communicable flteraao eases resorted last week, according to ine state department of health bulletin. In Marion cenntv one case of typhoid fever, one of ma laria, two of measles, one of in- woense, two of tuberculosis and one of mumps were mortal- in Polk, one ot chlckeapox. and- one ot erysipelas, ? - - ; . -j Mishaps Mine Automobile ac cidents reported to city police yea- M?roay were oi minor nature. Mo torists involved were: Thomas A. Roberts,. 494 North Winter street, and Alice Riggs, Salem, at 14th and Mill streets; Mrs. : William Fisher. 746 Ferryi and Harry Hut ton. $40 Ferry, at 12th and Ferrr; J. Lane, 15 Center, and an un- iaeatmea woman drlTer, on State uciweeu tiign and Commercial. T- " BS ana utnee tonight Jennie tana lavern. 75e ner niat nu time orchestra. A mile N. Paciff. Hwy. Tel. 2001. A Aixnera jxandate Down The siaie supreme court Wednesday ""uun uown a mandate in the case involving Charles A Archerd, who Is under three vein' nanl. tentlary sentence in connection with the issuance of fraudulant warehouse receipts. Archerd was engaged in the imnlement wrehouse business In Salem for is years. Sfartin to Jurv n vr. tin, attendant at thn nnrnn if hospital who was recently cliarg ed with assaulting a patient, was held for grand Jury investigation following a preliminary hearing In thte Justice court. The com plaint wag filed bv Dr. R V. T an Stelner, superintendent of the state hospital. Jobs Chanzin Ntnr nf obtained through the city-county employment bureau was changed markedly yesterdav from days. No fruit pickers were hired; uBLcaa common labor took the lead, providing most ?ot th si Jobs available. Hay baling, ensil- b cuiung and timber falling 6 wen won. Eulalla Sartr Better Condition of Eulalia Sarty of SUyton was reported better at Salem General hospital last night. She was more quiet than she had ben: tha before, It was stated. Miss Sarty suffered a fractured skull as a result of the accident on Pen road esriy Sunday. Rummage sale Fri. and Sat.. v, 477 Court St. 1 HaU Fined S3 P. R . Han in. dependence, pleaded guilty in mu nicipal court yesterday to a charge of speeding and paid the imo imposed by .'udge Mark Poulsen, according to court rec ords. Hear SpaukUng The Holly wood community club, meeting Tuesday night at the Jennie Lind Tavern, enjoyed an address by senator unanes K. Spaulfling. Twenty-one members were pres ent. - :? -Freshman lojared Belt ft Z mm. w-k - m swiii, x-oruana iresnman, was the victim of the first camona casualty this week when she sus tained a fractured wrist ; while playing soccer. Miss Swift; is be ing attended by the university physician. Carnival Dance, Frolic, Hazel Green Sat. Lots of noisemakers and fun. Wheelright Roof IUaie Small damage was done the roof of the F. N. Wheelright residence, 1935 Chemeketa street, early yesterday afternoon by fire. The blaze was extinguished by city firemen. O. M. S. Club Banquets The Sa lem O. M. S. club will hold its annual banquet Friday during the county institute sessions, i A gen eral invitation to attend has been issued. ! Campbell to Jury Jack Camp bell, charged with larceny of a slot machine from a local beer garden, was held for grand jury investigation following a hearing In tne Justice court Wednesday. bit uary Lfndqulat ' In this city, October 2, Al fred Undauist, at the ago of 58 years, late resident of lilt Lee street, Survived by widow, Ida Llndqulst of Salem; five sisters, Mrs, Ella Rock. Mrs. Minnie Red path and Mrs. Bertha Olsson, ail of Salem, Mrs. M. Furestnow of Peerless, Mont, and Mrs. Lydia Housego of Lancer, Sat k., Can ada; fire brothers. Osear of North' Dakota, Richard ot Swff t- eurrent, Sask., Lloyd of Canada, and Roy and Fred of Seattle; lira children, Gladys, Clifford, Hector. Vernon and Vivian, all of Salem. Funeral services Thursday, Octo ber 5, J p. m. front the chapel of Clough-Barrtck eompany, Rer.'i P. W. Eriksen officiating Inter- ment I.O.O.F. cemetery. - CROQUTXOLE -; PUSH WAVE Ringlet En At ' Complete $1.00 Castle Permanent Wavers Co, SOT Est Kan Bank Bid., S663 ' a. savs m not DIED Ex-Warehouseman Faces 3 Year Penitentiary Term; Other Opinions Given - The state supreme' court Tues day denied an application to stay the mandate In the case of Charles R. Archerd of Salem, who is un der .three years penitentiary sen teuee in connection with the lssu ance and sale of , warehouse re ceipts. Archerd was engaged in' the implement and warehouse busi ness here for 18 years. Other opinions handed down by the supreme court Tuesday were : Herbert F. Phillips and Edwin S. 'Phillips ts. B. N. Elliott, ad' mlnistrator of the estate of L. B. Hague, deceased. Appeal from Klamath county. Salt ta recover on four promissory notes. Opinion by Justice Campbell. Judge Dun can, affirmed.-, -, sanay tioitting company ts. Mike Ferro, appellant. Appeal from Clackamas county. -Suit to eaioia., defendant from: removing; cordwood from certain lands. De cree of Judge Latourette modified In opinion by Justice Bailer. jsugene iu Smith vs. state In- austnal accident commission, ap pellant. Appeal from Clackamas county. Action to recover award nnaer workmen's compensation nci. former opinion adhn-ed tn ana judgment reversed in opinion oy unier justice Rand. Emma Arndt ts. Max Arndt ap pellant. Motion for suit mni mi, a other costs in dirorce acUon de- niea in opinion of court. uiDraltar PInanca rnmnntu. vs. Carrie Rouse, appellant, and George H. Rouse and others, de- uuu. Appeal from Multnomah wuul'- 8" to foreclose mort- se. upinion br - JnHw -uuse uewiu reversed. T..J ... ... woun versteer. iniio.t SnSSf J" AppVrom ramhill county. Suit to hm o.iand?' ?plni?a by Cflief Justice -Buge walker affirmed. r q 1 ?,V T 0Iind Bank nrn?brn Wl" be d,T,ded " per cent to commercial deposits :":; Virnw eTn "v,n8 d- 11 ' , CU Judgd K - Lewel" "-b vuea yesieraay, based on ,, : L f t-ui.mi atpo- uepariment. i v mo oasis Of assets In thai itM m nta 81 per cent o' yuaes win De levied against commercial deposits and ",?er ent aalnst eavings de- ,TaT".,VHm,-aI aeD0Slts to- Vu. VV'V . naaTOs de- uommerciai as- ncio iuil.ea aE ,X438.74 9. 4A I ac viMtous SETM'CESTAV FOR I0DDUICV f Bf K PROCEEDS ?2c8o JlDgs department Maets at statements followed ' an oral re ef;!, port by Dr. McNary in which he Mock assessments amounted to declared that the time had ar- jiuu on each of 100 shares hav- rived when the board nf Mnti mg a par value of 100. t . 16 par 1000 Federal """ u uonas, ine proceeds I iu aupiy on tne denoalt nt thai Board of Trustees of the Postal ""uss spiem, as also ordered Dy Lewelling. A balance of 319 00 o ; . w a Btul 66 OW6d to th x wmai oarings Trustees would bo paid in cash. Redemntion of Mult nomah county school district No. 1 and the Multnomah county St. Johns bridge bonds was also or dered. . .. The court directed Schramm eu to ari A pun for 270, cfty residence on terms of 115 cash ana iu a month. TO 8E VOTED TODAY Bids for bridge and rbad con Btruction projects estimated to cost approximately $1,000,000 wui De opened at a meeting of tne state nignway commission to 00 neia m Portland today. A number or delegations from var ious sections of the state also will appear neiore the commission. R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer, announced veittorria that he already had written feder al omciais offering, to cooperate wnn tnem m the construction of the Bonneville power dam. He said mis cooperation would Include realignment of parts of the Col ombia River highway which will nave to be raised above the dam level. Baldock estimated that an- juvuiuaieiy eignt miles Of road wuuia nave to be rebuilt, A delegation from.' north-moat frn Oregon, counties- will appear before the- commission and urge 70. per cent loan and 30 per ,wo,oou from the nubile works fund for eon- n oz tne Wilson River and Wolt Creek roads from Portland w me coast. PEESCURED Wltbeat Operant er Use ef Tin DR. filARSIIAIX 129 Oregon Bids, - paeae ffSCI ! InvalirJ Chairs . To Rent 'i Call C910; Caed rarnltare Department . lil North High MILLION FOB IDS oiaiMAiM, saicm, Uregon, Tharsday Morning, October t a at mm m ii araw.e Principals in Here are the fieurea in a S10.00O police work. At top. Mrs. John K. former Helen Hatcheller. who was ' ' - ' narmcnt tlAOM R.1. vi:.!. -1- r-1 i - S . I t1 iZl . u(uiw a rum ana iunei sseaiey wno feu into police trap when they attempted to collect dummy package of nrm. wugneixy is a mecu naancier ana McNary, Steiner Resent Dillehunt Slams at Way Insane Patients Treated Statements credited to Dr. R. EL Dillehunt of the Oreron medical school In Portland that the state of Colorado has been successful In correcting 5 per cent of its insane cases while in Oregon the insane hospitals merely are cus todial institutions, were resented by Dr. W. D. McNary, superin tendent or the eastern Oreron state hospital, at a meeting of ine state board of control Tuea hunt's statements apparently had fostered discontent a m o n g the reiaures or many insane patients ,n Oregon with the result that the snperintendents of the insane In- sUtuUons had been charged with aaopung ineiiicient treatment me- thods. Tir T v ta SfAn intendent of the western Oregon sute hospIUl, said he agreed with the remarks of Dr. McNary which were in line with the thought of many other physicians engaged in insane hospital work More Honsin Needed Ttfannaalnn nt Tr rtlllhn.f. should consider additional hous- ing conditions for Oregon's in- sane, RnvarnA t-. alcNary's remarks with the state- ment that he did not consider it fair to attack Dr. Dillehunt when h was not present to defend him self. The board voted not to classl- fy the state flax plant at the Ore- . ' L: J:tHt - No. 2 I Jangled nerves bring words H T : I ; that hurt C-C: i f J SepposoahWdearJwrjOfrtpowere mg down your words all during the day How often would 700 be embarrassed and shocked at the things you may hava . said under the stress of jangled narrest A sharp word, 1 fit of temper, an un fair accusation---these hurt your friends COSTLIER TOBACCOS CJamels are made frora'finef, MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than any other popular brand o cigarettes! . . . Kidnap Plot ktHnt nin h Ma nA v- ..-t Dougherty, of Yonkers, N. Y- the threatened with kidnanin f.Jlin. ox Kusseu u wmngwell. New York morgan partner. gon state penitentiary as an in dustry under the federal prison cone.. Officials said they consid ered the flax operations agricul tural rather than industrial. A proposal to construct a com-1 omea state, county and municipal building in Portland at a cost of 1.3,000,000 was passed over light ly by the board. Governor Meier said this was a legislative mat ter. 1 Important purchases authorised by the board included a high aycou press ior me state printing 1 department at a cost of 24000 and 20 light trucks for the state high way commission at a' cost of $11, S88, after deducting the trade-in allowances. The board also voted to dis pense with a caretaker at Cham- poeg park during the winter months. Heads Within Budaeta Superintendents of all the insti- tutions reported that they were wimin ineir Dienmai annronria-1 iions ana wouia not nave to go I before the state emergency board. The population at all Institu tions, with the exception of the state penitentiary, showed an in crease when compared with the figures presented to the board a year ago. No action was taken br the board in connection with eight bids received for automobile lia bility Insurance. Governor Meier. Secretary of State Hoss and State Treasurer Holman were all at the meeting, the first board of control session to bo attended by all three in sev- eral months and your lorei Too. too. . : -' Watch your nerres. Get tout full amount of steep every night. Eat regu larly and sensibly. Find tima for recrea tion. And tmola Caaels-forCtmd'a costlier tobaccos newftfonyowrnarvea. S. 1933 - ?"w,'Ml"-,'IMIl'M'MMMlMMaMii ii i! itmnrA imiiiiaiMn ti 1 '. 'I H BIB MJ W I i wHaBBBi I VOTES. SALEM Women's Trio Jubilant, fs! Word Yesterday by Mail From Chicago , -. ' First letters from ,x Saiom auxiliary trio and quartet, which Monday repeated for national championship honors In Chicago, were received la Salem yesterday and. give some idea ot the stiff competition against which the lo cal singers appeared.- Mrs. Walter Zosel, one of the singers, writing to her husband here, says in Part: - J'We were the only contestant from then west. One group had a director who fcas directed a na tionally - anown chorus for 25 years. There were marvelous in diridnal Toices, but think we won on Mena and our work tocethar. Were especially complimented on oat naturalness and ease oa the stage. ; 1 .- "The man -who announced ' the decisions was Daniel Frotberoe. a nauonsuy lamoua composer. . He said one thing that made ns very baDDT. and that v that th Judgea were unanimous absolute- ly in giving us the decision. Lena Belle (the director) h so happy sbe eaa hardly realize what has Happened. She took us all to Fred Harvey's restaurant for dinner tonight (Monday). Dorothy Eak in has our rooms loaded with red roses. 'The state officers, drum corps boys and everyone to so happy aDout it. No doubt it will be somewhat of an incentive to them. They are certainly on the water wagon and mean business." Mrs. Zosel comments on the neavy traffic In Chicago, which claims 300,000 in town for the convention. The Salem singers and drum corps will leave Chicago . Friday night returning to Salem Wed- urouBy morning. JL. TO HE FOB ALU Witnessing the sun rise and set In scarcely more than ten min utes time was just one of the thrills W. G. Allen, district man ager of Hunt Brothers cannery, enjoyed en a Zl-hour air trip from New York City to Portland. The return was three hours under the flight to the east. He had been in new iork a week on cannery business. ino aun peculiarity was seen over the Sawtooth mountains in Idaho. Taking the plane to 14.- 500 feet, the pilot called atten tion to the artificial sunrise in evidence; as the plane dropped back to the 8000 feet it was soar ing at, a morning sunset behind the mountain was beautiful. The entire country was bathed in in a blood red light, the time being lust as the sun was cominc nn and tne moon was setting. Allen had the good fortune to be in the plane on one of the ten or 12 perfect flying days each year produces.i New York enjoyed active busi ness during July and August, but during early September things slowed np a bit, but are now brightening up again, Allen says. - Warrant Call Out; $33,000 to Be Paid Call for redemntion of SOS Sa lem school district warrants ag- FLIER CAUSES SUH tmno the, hurt li? j I V - . . mm naaBk a m m m saBk m ; m r m mm mm a a I r " 1 Bow lonr eaa HTZ 1 I " ----- .- I I fcaowndoefair. jTT il by inanr wll J To Egypt y s1 United States Minister to the Lane ox rrramids - in th WV fer.ris?! LeBd FUl, under the New DeaL H ua. eeeds William Jardine. former See. retary of Agricultare, as U. S. en- oy r agyvt, and will sail next month to take up his new duties. gregafing S33.687.63 was issued U Clerk Borghardt's office yes- leraay. warrant numbers called were 4106 to 4407 drawnig 11, 30S.C4 interest. Most of them were held by individuals rather than br banks. It was said. It was estimated approximately 11(2,000 school warrants marked not paid for lack of funds,' re- mained oufjitAndin How to Advertise For Farmer Topic Friday at Ad Club A message of interest to farm ers as well as to business men will be delivered Friday noon by Ursel C. Narver, advertising man ager ot the Oregon Grange Bulle tin, in a talk to the Salem Ad club in the Gray Belle silver grille. The subject of Narver's ad drees w i 1 1 be "Advertising the Farmer." Carl Ramseyer, president of the local Ad club, is extending invi tations to all members ot the Ma rion county grange. Although of ficers of the Grange are being in vited by letter, Ramseyer urges all members of the organization, whether personally invited or not, to attend. Narver was president of the stu dent body at Oregon State col lege In 1929, He also served as editor ot the Barometer, the school newspaper. IT S ECONOMY TO DINE AT THE GRAY BELLE 440 State 5c Beer 10 oz. Stein 35c Lunches 50c -75c Dinners In the Silver Grille Today Lions Club .... 12 noon Fratrrnis Club, 0:30 p. m. THEY NEVER GET ON YOUR NERVES! PAGE FIVE GELM HI IF EfUS IS General physical condition, ot - v students e a t e r i n a Salem hh-k . school this year appears to bei much better than noted In naatt STI years, physicians employed by th Marlon county health unit to; con. duct physical examinations found. Dr Vernon A. Douglaa, eonntr- :.' health officer announced Wedhee day. The better showinr. Dr Den. glas believes, is in part due to the.. : work of the health department. since a majority o the pupils ex amined have; been . subject to thev" : health program since they were ra the fourth grade, i Girls made a slightly better- 1 showing than boys. Of 235 girls v examined, 86 were found free, ot physical defects while hut SS hova out ot 176 examined were gives ' a ctear si ate. - Defects of posture and feet f were lower among the Rirls. with, 39 ot the former and 11 of th utter found. Fifty-nine boys wero discovered with posture defects . and 38 with flat feet. Teeth led the list of defects. 8 . in girls and 69 tn bora, with tn. ails coming after posture, or 3C and 29 respectively. " Corrections of tooth defecta br- girla numbered 155. by boys SO; ' eyes, IS by girls and. 12 by boys.' One hundred serenty-two glrlai and lift boys had been imm unices against smallpox. 1S3 glrla anA 198 boys against diphtheria, Physieians employed part time to conduct the examinations were- -Dr. Cart Emmons and Dr. Burtoa Myers. Ostlind Takes Over Nash Service Here Herbert J.' Ostlind. aaraaemaik in business at 352 North ITtxh- street, has taken over authorised service on Nash motor ears and International trucks in addition, to his authorized service os Franklin cars. The change cornea with the removal of the James H. Maden Company, Inc. front 385 North Commercial to 3SO High street, next door south from Ostlind'a garage. No matter with what you ara afflicted, our wonderful 1 herb treatment will positively relieve, influenza, diseases of the throat, heart, kidneys, liver, stomach, piles, asthma, chronic cough, weakness, constipation, dizziness, neuralgia, headache, appendicitis, rheumatism., arthritis, neuritis, blood poison, catarrh, diphtheria, eczema, 'swollen glands, tonsllitis. ear trouble, lumbago, tumor, dropsy, female complaints, ner vousness; all disorders disappear without operation. COXSCLTATIO FREE - THE SING HERB CO. .BV S. LOW, Directing Herbalist 473 8. Commercial St. I Salem, Oregon Phone 57&S Lady Attendant Hours 9 to 6 fjn. Week Days; 9 to 12 Sunday. Main Office, Oakland. Calif. 21 rears of Service When OthersPO Fail M 1