1 CORPS IS OUT DY FLUKE 5 Seconds : Overtime "Play Puts Salem in Discard; 2d - Place won on Points fCont!ng4 frost tar 1) icereof 93.96. Marlboro. Mass., took first with a score of $6. 15. Attired In white and sold cadet - nnlfftrma thA Cfllam inrni rrva A a a daxxllng spectacle ; against the ? newly laid football turf In Sdi- aiers xieia. wniie overneaa a.iuu moon cast a silvery light on the BCene.' .ftf , Contest Four Roars Lob; 1 Wlad Bitter at Kigfct The contest reenired more than ' four boon and when it was over (i tne crowd . hustled from the sta ' diem to escape the chilly north wind that had been i blowing an evening. v-s ;- Miami. Flew with score ot 9 3. 55 -headed the list of 11 quali fiers to compete in the finals against the national-Americas. Le gion champion drum and bugle corps from Salem, , at Soldiers . field. - - . - - Geraantown, Pa.; was seeond hlgh In the eliminations with a score vt 92.715, and was one of the ton? Pennsylvania - outfits , to m.-reach the finals: 11 -;. i " Others to quality were: La ' Porte, ImL, 9JS.53;, Marlboro, Mass.. , $2,471 Greensbmrgv Pa.j r5; ' Danville, IlLv 12.19; tTniontown. Pa 92.21; Tarentnm, Pa.. 92.21; Knoxville. Ia 92.045; -Elyrla. O., 91.815; Seattle. Wash., ; '91.585. i r, i - ; Department : Commander Har- yoia J. Warner, ranking' officer of .Oregon legionnaires, will present 'a blanket woven by Indians of his state- to the American Legion's retiring chief. National Comman 'der Louis Johnson, at the order's ocon rent ion tomorrow. The blanket carries the legion's Insignia, . . Today Commander Warren ac cepted for Mayor Joseph K. Car son, Jr., a plaque commemorating the legion's visit to Portland in 1932. Johnson, making: the pres entation, expressed: appreciation of the hospitality accorded the or der by the Oregon city. . 8 National Honors Corner Salem The Oregon contingent counted 'three convention honors tonight.' Its women's auxiliary had won the ; national championship In trio and quartet competition, and the na ' tional poppjr poster contest, ' Both the trio and Quartet are from Salem. Mrs. Grace Zoael, Mrs. Bernlece Bowe and Mrs. Mil dred Wyatt compose the trio, and they with Mrs. Arlene Brown, .make up the quartet. The musi cal groups are directed by Miss Lena Bell Tarter, with Miss Edith Flndley as accompanist. - Oregon's 11 votes in the eon- uoa election win so to Edward TODAY, and FRIDAY THE 8TH WONDER OP THE WORLD! . w 1 t h ItOBT ABMSTROXG FAY WHAT ; BRUCE CABOT v At' 6:30 Jim latter Urtam tf UwmH j Jotme.enrrw6iS mm mm - w p jn. Oy U 4 FIRST i J 8ALEM j RUN! BBSSSSSSSnBSSSBBMBSSBM Tremblors -m. km i Hi. If Oae person died ef fright and eleven persons were treated for "injuries as .the result of sv sharp earth confined te the older structures the brunt ef the shock at Hayes.- Illinois candidate, for na- uonai commander, ft was decided in a caucus tonight. Adjutant Carl MoseT said the denartment would pot enter candidates for any of the other oinces. The' Blatz Post hand from Mil waukee, Wlac. took first prize in toe oana contest with uonaban Post Of Slotrr Cirv. Iowa, rnnimr. up among the 15 eontestanta, Jiil- waucee scored 95.9 out of a pos sible 100 points. Fort Wayne, Ind., placed third, and St. Lou i s. Mo., Musicians' PostNo. 294, fourth. In drill team contests, East Lynn, Mass.. Post No. 291, won first place; troop 1, Post No. 665, Buffalo, N. T., was second; the Milwaukee, Electric Post, third; the" R. E. Bently Post, Cincinnati, fourth, and the Warren. O.. Post finished last among the teams. When- the Salem drum corns will return home was not known to legion officials here last night. Manager Tom. Hill before leaving last week said the. main, par ty probably would not depart from Chicago before Satnrdav. arrivinr in Salem toward the end at sect week. Legion men here, however, believed the rronn mizht rtnrn sooner since the-sponaors will not pay expenses, incurred during a longer stay in Chicago. Drum majors, were not Indraf In the American. Legion drum and bugle corns contest at Chicaro last night. The Statesman ascer- uunea y wire. Through Its Asso ciated. Prasii eonsMtiniK ft- . - Informed the only drum major con test of the legion convention vu one held In I connection with the 49 et $ parade and that was won I r:v:i:v:w:!:-x.:x- immmmm fx.::i'.ixvx.:::;::V::::: mmmmm I 1. 'y ' n-': ' ':':'vy:'''cXi I M.I I I M I PWWF.-BBtfBBJBBBSpaawaBB ' , v ' Jasaassarj' v ' v Hvo k m. ....r - - - f sw : V. rwtirncr rr 1 1 C0NTIKU0USSH0VDAILY-MP.M.tfi1tP.M- Renew A ttack on ot the city. Abo ve photo shows one of the bwIkXtngs which received Fifty-fogrth and Central avenue ia the southeastern section of die city i CI60ISHOTTO GET LEGION'S OKEI (Coathid tnm Mt 1) In lured or xdiaeased In nilitarv service, tne pian wouia restore in benetits removed or reduced un der the ee.onomT act of laat March, which trimmed 1300,000,- 009 a year from such payments. Wldowa and ornhana lilrewiaa wolud be provided as they were prior to tne economy act. The ledonnaires at a business seslson ot their 15th annual con vention today adopted a child wel fare Drorram. selected Miami. Fla . for the 1934 convention and took action that would make more rigid the regulations forbidding legion officials to take part In politics. Thi American LaB-fnn sliall luk- absolutely non-political and shall not be nsed for the dissemination; of partisan DrindDles nor for the promotion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office or preferment." declared th a inmit. ment adopted for addition to the legion constitution. . National Commander Loula A Johnson, called noon tha irlnn. nalres to line up behind the le gion's program ot "country before by Frank Bozeman of Aberdeen, s. v. iiunareaa or inquiries were racelred br The Statesman regard ing iCbarles Whittemore. who won the! national drum major Contest at remand last rear and led the .T ... ofluepi corps sain img year. LOVERS... ...AND ONE MAD r10l1ENT! Nothing him . dad nted . until he V found that her love belonged to his best friend! -v sbb m.: victor jony L0HETTI YQiniB datid umm C. EEDY CCaSCI KEEOT Ittm A FOX PICTURE Tim hot. fed Los Angeles - "i self." He declared there was no thing to he -gained and much to be lost In fighting the national economy act The lerion haa gained great public favor, he said, because It refused to make attacks on the new administration when the act was passed. The bonus was disposed of wti aDDaxent flnalftv tndair whon - legislative committee turned down resolutions from six states Illi nois, Missouri, Sonth Dakota, Tex as. MichlSSn and Pnnnr1nt. urging; immediate payment. E SLATED TO IT JERSEY C.TTT. V. JT A. ft (Thnrsdav) 'API PthMot Roosevelt left on a special train tor Washington shortly after mid night today after calling for a re- uouDiing ot efforts until recovery Is comolete in the first arvxxAh hm has mdae In New Tork city since he entered the White House. The President's nartr vu 1n!n. ed, shortly before the train left, br Henrr Bruere. New Tnrir hanV. er who la exnectad tn WnmA thm, coordinator of Mr. Roosevelt's rapidly formulating credit expan sion program. As on his atraearanc fa a PavV avenue hotel, where he delivered bla speech, the president wa greeted vita cneers and sfannta at acclaim as he motored from New rork to Jersey City, where his train waited. With Mr. Roosevelt on thn mo. tor trip to Jersey City was Mon alxnor Edward JC. KMnn wml dent of the national confM-Anoa f charities, whose concluding ses sion he addressed. Erickson Ace Man On Air Line Route Frank M. Erickson: Jr.. Acto. ber 1. Was nromoted to nnatttnn of number one pilot on United Airlines' Chicago-New Tork run, It was learned from his parents. Dean and Mrs. Frank M. Erlck i son, here yesterday. Previously he had flown tho RalHlallVUml an later the Oakland -San Diego routes or united Airlines. His i change to the eastern run is con i sidered a promotion of hizh im- I portance. Last Times Today ZASU PITTS GINGER ROGERS V1'" in"; Tomorrow and. Saturday VA brand - new twist . in movie stories '. : it's a howl!r. . , LEE rriAClT ; SXJS. - WARXEIt BAXTER jbi BBIIEH a CriEDJ Ml f 1 si I KPIl'SOUT ion ehvk (CmUiiiI In. mm 1) , nanclation of the-handling' of the 12,209,000,000 public works pro gram with its potential millions ot Jobs. The resolution which they ask ed the convention to approve said that "through the laxity or . the Inefficiency of those entrusted j with the . expenditure of the money." thousands of industrial workers "are in suffering and want. Thm, rMnlnflnfl nrnnnl1 an in. peal to President Roosevelt . "for tne removal ot tnose punuc oui- eial whn thar thrnnrh tkntr laxity or, the ineffideney are re- sponsioie lor mucn ot tne present unemployment unless those now In vhirra M thh their wnilnr- ness to carry out the intent of congress. Reeretarv TelreaJ hA Is admin Istratax of the pabllo works fund, reeenuy said the blame lay in tne slowness of state and .local au thorities and not In federal red tape. Labors' Organizations xo Be lueealng. She Says . Asserting "the voluntary organ ization Of labor for mutual heln. strenrtft and eroerlene -BrllI nrnra under able leaderahtp to be e. blessing," Miss Perkins disclosed for the first time that a division of labor earrfca ad labor atati. dards was to be established in the department of labor with the full approval of President Roosevelt. "The department of labor stands ready to carry its respon sibilities in enlarging the oppor tunities ior laoor to enjoy a lair share ot the hoped for national well being," she said. "Not only must it make emnlovera aware of the necessity for providing fully and equitably tor the wage earn ers, but it must be ready to pro vide information, service and help to labor In its own program of solving problems and Improving conditions for workers. "These thnn ran he aetttoved ' she added, "If industry recognizes that workers must receive increas ed wages and shorter hours of work in fair proportion as profits increase." S53SHARE RECEIVED FOB 20-CEHT COST I Continued from page 1) told the banking firm's partners got 36.843,000 in 1929 tor stock that cost them $24,090 or 20 cents a share. In 1924 when the company organised the United euuea ana jroreign securities In vestment trast. Couzens, discussing the testi mony of Robert E. Christie, Jr., youthful partner and secretary treasurer ot the company, assert ed It was "hardly ethical" for those acting as trustees for money invested by the public to engage In speculating and selling the stock short. Christie, under questioning by Pecora. disclosed that eleren of the partners in the firm sold to the brokerage house of Domlnick and Domlnick many thousand shares at less than the market price. Approximately 74,000 shares of unitea oiaies and Foreign com mon were handled through the brokerage firm and 50,000 shares were sold In the open market sub sequently, Pecora developed in his conduct of the Inquiry. Christie followed hmum mi. Ion, the senior partner and presi dent of the private banking ljpuse to the witness stand. Dillon told the committee he favored greater publicity on the operations of cor porationa and banks. His sugges tions on this point adhered closely to the. views the administration experts , now studying- formation of a committee to consider meth ods of regulating the stock ex- Pecora, pushing his Questions determinedly at Christie, brought before the committM uh.. that 11 of the partners sold corn most stodr in the United States and Foreign, Securities corpora tion at an aversge oT 153 for hares which- eost company part ner, erictmalljr 20 cent each. Christie said approximately 74, 000 share were disposed of. - McKAY TO BAIT WALXATHOXS Mayor Douglas McKay will sign iw viiuiiuei torpiaaing conduct Of walkathons in Salem -i Bounced laat night Bearing the !via.uBo, me measure will go Into effect as soon as it receives the mayoral signature. Tonight la Dime Nlte ad Seats I Except Loges U '' ' ALSO ' .'f" Fattr Arbnekle Coraedy "HOW HAVE TOTJj BEAN K ewe and Cartoom (Comedy mOAX AXD i RATCBD4T Asks 500 Planes (tear Admiral Ernest 3. Sing, chief of Naval Aeronautics, who says oar Navy needs 500 new planes in order to keep pace with the shipbuilding: progTam ef the Navy Department. Congress' wij be asked to provide them, .. Tabulated Score's Oi 1st Ten Pairs In Tournament The following are the tabulated scores for the first ten pairs north and sputh, and the first ten pairs east and west, in The Oregon Statesman contract bridge tourna ment, the first night of which was played here Tuesday: North and south, sections one and two. In order of high scores: Mr. and Mrs. Ereel Kay . . . .3730 Mrs. Jack Callaghan 3650 Mrs. Roy Simmons Mrs. P. T. Munger 1690 Miss Dorothea Steusloff .... Mrs. C. W. Paulus .1620 Mrs. Wayne Loder W.; R. Newmeyer 1380 Dr. P. L. Newmeyer Dr. and Mrs. Prince Byrd ..1219 Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Bsum . . 1110 Dr. J. E. Albrich 799 Dr. R. D. Blatehford ...... Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry .... 490 Mrs. Gus Hixson Mrs..M. C. Hemenway -20 East and west, sections, one and two, in order of high scores: Mr and Mrs. Don Madison . .2720 Graham Sharkey 3620 William Einzig ., . - Mrs. Clayton V. Bernhard ..2890 Mr. Clayton V. Bernhard , . Mrs. Max Rogers ....2069 Mrs. Rnskin Blatehford .... Mrs. Oliver Huston 1529 Mr. Oliver Huston Mrs. W. R. Newmeyer .....1460 Mrs. P. L. Newmeyer ...... Miss Jeanne Wilson ....... 800 Miss Rnthita Hoffnell Mrs. T. A. LiTesley 710 Mrs. William S. Walton .... Mrs. Earl a. Thompson .... 690 Mr. Earl 0. Thompson ..... Judge Harry Belt , 500 Dr. Roy Byrd PORTLAND, Ore., Oct, 4 I-.' Robert Fechner, director 01 civilian conservation corps work, today Informed C. J. regional forester that 89 winter L. camps have been author ised for Oregon, The new order will reduce Oreeon'a a not. of camps from 64 to 39 and number! 01 recruits irom about 12,800 to about 7800. f One Of the Winter nmm will be located in Marlon county, 6 in Lne county and one in Linn county. Douglas ? county will hare iae most, seven; WASHINGTON, Oct. 4 (AP) Thirty-seven thousand mem bers of the civilian conservation corps nave gone back home to taae. jobs. s This exodus of young men nM worav camps in the forests to industrial life has led conser vation Officlala to hoi lava nDr. al employment conditions are im proving. Robert Fechner director ot emergency conservation work, i km wuy a.m campa naa lost an average of 800 men a- day since President Roosevelt faanad Ma call to. the men to find Jobs and make room for applicants with- wub eupioymeni. ua aary I, there were uy,voq in the conservation corps. Roman, Attorney Of Madrid, Will Replace Lerroux MADRID. Oct. a riPtc.il. chea Roman, one of the wealthiest lawyers in opsin, tonight acceded to the reaneat of Pr entrant mi. Alcala Zamora that he form a gov ernment to replace the cabinet of Premier Alelandro Lerrnnv wtiti i resigned rest) r lay. PoUUcal cir cles interpreted the aecepUnce as meaning the president had decid ed congress naa unisned its mis-: sion and that diaaointtnti body will he forthcoming after urgent matters have been cleaned up. :. mm- SSar Chjum Tou chSdB life If one or more of your ehlU oren f aCs ta aa examination or doesn't eoyde tra to yciir expectatiors h tcbooi, tt'inay bejrotrr fwlt. Aa tisjniiiatlon: wra lselu the need fo err rsctsd vision if that : to t4s reason, gad aay tare Tear tog glanne conttrmously lalsa. ORESOH TO HAVE 39 wracccciFs lUKEflffl FOiTSTff OFFIHS fCoatlaM treat sat t); .. : was i discriminatory -and if - en forced v would '; prevent between 1S.00O ."andf 20,000 ; small tracks i from operating on, the highways. Special . Kobiectlon ' A was voiced ! afainst those provisions of the act requiring truck ownera to post a good faith, bond and pay certain fees not prescribed in the previous trock-law.r.'.-i'--' - -T-r ;a: motion filed In the supreme court recently asking that the of ficers be - restrained from enforc- ing-the law was denied; State" police have arrested : large nomber of persons ' on charges of violating the act but in most cases the defendants were al lowed to post ball pending a final decision by the supreme court. The supreme court gave Cupper 19 days in which to file an answer t the defendant s, erief. . : 20 Tag Cases Com . ' ,- Up In Justice court Hearing of the first of the near ly 29 P. U. C. tag eases that are ! now before Judge Hayden'a court I was. held- yesterday ; afternoon, with Elmer Lander the defendant, After considerable argnment be tween attorneys, stipulation was made that Lander-was a contract carrier- as defined by chapter 429 Jttthe motor transportation act, ' Justice ot the Peace Hayden has the - case Vender advisement and will pass on the acts, shortly. Lander was represented by Attor neys Cupper. Kneeland and Pope, who are handling the Truck Own ers and . Farmers Protective as sociation interests in the appeal now before the supreme court, Don Trlndle appeared for the dis trict attorney's office. PORTLAND, Oct. 4. (AP) The marketing agreement design ed to assist in the exporting of 40,000 bushels of Pacific north west surplus wheat was received here, today from Washington, D. C, and steps, were taken at once to start the movement of the grain to foreign markets. Douglas Melntyre, assistant di rector of the agricultural adjust ment administration, called- a PLA BACK OKEHEO A Quicker Way To Ease Headaches 4 HERE I AM. K tlS OWNER trrV ON HANO... AMD ANOTHER: OFMVAO HCAOACMES. WHAT I CAN 100? OAVtR ASPIRIN ? TAKE 2. TABLETS AND YOUR HEADACHE WILL BC GONti IN A JIFFY t faVfRTBY A Discovery that's Bringing Fas Relief to MllUons Now comes, amnrinaht mnrh r)if from headaches, rheumatism, neuri tis, neuralgia . . . Mit fastest safe rtlief, it ts taMLyct discovered. Those results, are due to a scien tific discovery by which a Bayer Aspirin Tablet begins to dissolve, or disintegrate, in the empng space of two seconds after touching moisture. And hence to start "taking hold" of pain a lew minutes after taxing. The illustration of the glass, here, tells the stoyy. A Bayer Tablet starts to disintegrate almost instantly you swallow iWAad thus is reada to goto work almost instantly . When you buv, though, see that Ftra get the Genuine BAYER Aspirin, or Bayer Aspirin's quick relief always say BAYER Aspirin." I've tept track of money it this month9' Eta ttrx. "Here it is-, all put down. Wfaencver my tdcplione rdiercd toe of a trip downtown,' I rnade note of the nickel' dime or quarter fared. They soon amounted to more than the price of telephone semce, and I also haye K the telephone for calling friende.ind makirigap. . mtmenta, Ittrne,andrTeproYedit-thetele. -S-? :ll11,?Iiecosf98.Meandd6e3 i so much . thatueimply doesn't pay tr he without one.- - " ' !. ' -' ' t2"c Te axd TixEQRAPn Company TKeCall Board e SL81XORE . Today ' Ginger Rogers in "Professional Sweetheart. Friday Lee Tracy In "Turn ' Back ho Clock." v N CAPITOL Saturday and I Snaday "Gold Diggers ot 1933." " GRAXD Today LOretta Young and David Manners in - "The Devil's In Love." HOLLYWOOD n FridayTom Mix in "The nnstlera' Ronndnn" nlus . children's violin : program at 8:45, on stage. STATE M'"" Today--,,Klhr Kong." Saturday Matinee Reginald Denny in "The Iron Mas- ter." Saturday sight - Claudette Colbert in "I Cover the r Waterfront" Jptns TechnI- color Biny Symphony .. "Flowers and Trees." meeting of grain exporters, flour exporters, representatives of the farmers' national "grain corpora tion and the North Paciflo Grain Grower. cooperative to present the plan to them. ; N f "'The plan Melntyre said, "Is substantially the same as - was sent east after the recent hearings In Portland. I do not believe there is anything in it to which the ex porters and expert millers will object. I see no reason why they can not start selling this week. Of course, they must find the market. but with wheat on an export bas is, thfcshpttld not be difficult!" - Virginia Vote is Almost 2-1 "Wef RICHMOND. Va.. Oct. 4 (AP) Virginia reoealists main tained a majority ot nearly two to one tenisrht a. returns from yesterday's dual referendum on national and atate prohibition came fa from remote precincts. Unofficial returns from 1499 of the state's 1990 precincts gave OK 1. ...... ... 1 a v f vote xor vi tu 18 th amendment and 63,410 against repeal. Z 6EFOrl& THE DINNER. THAT BAY Eft. ASPIRIN VOU SU66ESTEO 19 StftapLY WONOEttrUL KY HEADACHE WAS ENTIRELY , GONE IN A FEW MINUTES-' WHY BAYER ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST Drop a Bayer Tablet in a glass of water. Net that BEFORE it touches bottom, it has started to dis bitegrat. What it doas fai this siass it does in your ftoniach. Hence its fast action. Does Not Harm the Heart saved us j I KNEW IT WOULD BE... 1 eAYER ASPIRIN WORKS Vj SO FAST j xf.: j -FKXTHOUSK" i i . tw oiaie Tel. 3101 ; x