TRUCK IN II I PLEA FOR STAY . nr. uuume woru rruni iiiuiiuts ; ; un neuaie nequesi.nupeu , Fcr This Afternoon -.r HighXourt Hears: Argumcht t Oh tew And Grants 10 f V ; Days to Cupper : ; V: As the dispute' over the truck " and bus law - seethed .throughout . the- state ryesterday, courts were. ' - - 9 'lit. l.d t..l navftrnn t -hie n . niijaiB iisr - ikuikiict 1 -to private and contract L": .carriers, t auv flvaww w na 'w w - J ins ettorheysV arguments Jn 'tie appeal: attacking -validity, Jbf the ? measure,- and members T bt ' the " Track Owners and Farmers -Pro ' tectlve association la this vicinity - were preparing to mass here today - (or afternoon and sight meetings. 4 c A. - C Anderson, - association president, ; stated last night he ' hoped to have definite word from ; Pnbll e-Utilities ' Commissioner w n or arara si n Trwe vwi an v uri w h m nvar : Thomas by this afternoon concern ' ing collection of P, UVr C, fees : pending decision of the supreme " court. - Percy Cupper, , Carl Pope and MUlea F,- Kneeland, the as' sociatlon's attorneys, conferred in - Portland last night with Thomas In-regard to report that the com missioner would agree to refund fees posted at this time in case the truck and bus law is held invalld.. . " r . ' - Meet of Truckmen "Called This Afternoon T. " - The afternoon - meeting,: for truck men and others interested, will be held at the chamber of commerce at 1:30 p. mrtodajTand -' probably will be continued into the night session, open; jptJroi&socI , atloa members Plana will be dis ; cussed for carrying the fight to ' the Jeglslaturvwvs:;:. x. -" : Before the supreme court yes ' terday attorneys for Anderson al '. if.rtta that the truck and bus law (. Turn to Page 2, CoL 7) MUS8EM1S PORTLAND, Oct. 4. (AP) '.An urgent ;warning that mussels found along the Oregon coast are highly polsonou and .that.. Imme dlate steps should be taken to guard people against 'consuming1 them was wired to the, Oregon state board of health today by Dr.' " Karl F. Meyer, . director of , the Hooper foundation of the Unlvers- ity of California. . Samples of the seafood, which tlart "week caused the death of De - los Gardner, 58, of : Bandon, were sent to Dr. Meyer, by Dr. Freder--. Ick . D. Strieker, - Oregon state ' In c his telegram today. Dr. . nn w p- uiii i iim iiii ill ft. in iinL - if it . Ing mussels ODtainea zrom - any 'part of the Oregon coast If fur- .-.iner. ueauia. iu.t uo stuiucu. j-A-heatttt officers Sin-' coast - C towns were at once notified by the "sttte.bdard to protect citizens in iv . . v. ...ij.j -.-..- '. lheit-com win&tU&Tt5ri7 w '-.- Xr B.J l...Benso6i- member of ' '.the- board of health and officiating - in .Dry Btricier s aosence rrom ms . city, said onlone death, had been reported hut that three" men" who had" eaten mussels with ..Gardner were seriously ill. Dr. Strieker i$ r in Washington DC attending a child welfare conference, r i.'W C' i' " f ' No Snoopers tor Hitler;: Newsmen TnR'Rfi visiter ed ' '.' - "' " . . - BERLIN, "I Oct,. 4 (AP) The ? eahinet today approved a new law submitted by the propaganda min istry regulating the rights and du- ties f ot professional journalists, ' 1 1 a V 9 iL ' wfllx'KA considered that of public office. ' Ail must Become memDers. oi . we Keicns ureroana uer xwuwcuer spresse; which Is to be made an in? rcnvr(pri vietv." Na other de- tails were announced for the. time blng except, that , special ;courts will be' -created to "protect and snrierTlse4ournaJIsli5 AtiXjiefUK j . ". ?-"l " J' TckTklnby i EjglaMEqund i',.Tfhe P. ABernard garage and -Heiry Ernsthardare storratSt. Pail wsre .burglarized" sometime Tuesday night. Sheriff AJ C. Burk waa Informed yesterday.) A small amount pf money iras, taken. A truck owned by Bernard . was . found several miles from the scene f the burglaries. 1 4 ' IS OFFICIAL REPORT Oath olic sLaufl ( AV in Chummy Pose Mrs. Roosevelt .Enters; on arm of Cardinal ;,Hayes;.!We Shall en hire IirAerarwri ,y. vl; Shall- win . Agairi,;VSays President - : i: ence Of Catholic charities. praised theatioV-forits city,: chureh and private institutions to redouble the efforts lor the -"harder. part ahead. r The, president, -who ' received a cheering reception was " . v,: . oPP1nde4 heartily, by the crowd Pecora Digs Deep Into Af fairs of DHlon, Read; Glass Objects WASHINGTON, Oct, 4. (AP) How Dillon, Read and company partners made millions in profits from sales of private stock in a company investment trust was de scribed to the senate banking eom4 mittee today and brought sharp criticisms of their ethics from Senator Couzens, Michigan repub lican. , . , In a day's session marked hy clashes between Carter Glass (D, Va.;) and Ferdinand Pecora, counsel, committee members were ' (Turn to Page 2, CoL 6) 80U PROMISE nil .Bondsmen for Charles Archerd, former Salem implement ' dealer and ' warehouseman,- yesterday promised the district attorney office that he would be delivered here 'today. Upon arrival, Areherd will be' taken to the state peni tentiary, It was said last night, where he will start servlrg a three year's sentence. Formal "mandate of the su preme court closing his case to appeal, was handed down to the court here Wednesday. ' Archerd was indicted for con version of warehoused goods and was convicted. Judge Arlle Q. Walker sentenced him. :' Bondsmen for Archerd who has been free on a $3000 guarantee are Oscar Bower, W. I. Staley, W. F. Pohle, Frank Derby. For nearly two years Archerd has been on a, mine near Grants Pass where he went . when - his business ; collapsed here. , Brownsmead Man Is Mistaken for Deer and Killed i r AST O R-1 A, Oct 4. (AP) Harry Laurella 21, of Browns mead near here was killed today whence'? WM accidentally' shot, police said by Eino Huld, 21, also aLBcownsmeaa wno jttistooK.nim 2oa'-:deer'.yfAl; f'f Although--the two ;were g e 6 d friends, neither, knew the othey was Jiuatiag.fHmd.toia officers, they said, that .he saw two deer ro into. a. canyon, in the Laurel Point district; Then he saw some thing move and shot. The bullet pierced Laurella's head. - . County Coroner Hollis Ransom said an inquest .will be held to morrow or Friday. , 25,000 Case Haiti ; Of Liquor Made in : River Raid, N. Y : Xb;w YORK. Oct. 4. (AP)' A ?s 1.000.000 cargo of r. fine li quors 25.000'eases In a desert ed f retghter floated aimlessly In the Hudson rlreri today waiting for' anybody to take it. The,eoast guard did. The crew 17 bronzed veterans of : the tea from i Nova ScoUa was found in Haverstraw, U: Xi lonvtn fnr th main highway: They" were arrested and ftharged j witk-vagrancy::--?- 4 ;jt-avther.1agetliqPf-iia In several years, customs puicera said. - MECHAJflO BURXED : KAN3 AS 'CITTi Xasw OcU 1 1 p WFrank W. ' Mathy, 20, a mechanle In- the Wserye tficers training, eorps, was bnrned -- to death in an army trtlntoi plane which fall from a low altitude to day. The plane's pilot, William B. Long, 44. ol KiMU City, also member of tit R- O. T, C, iuf fered akull fracture and. a broken leg. . " , - " rami ERD Notables F. R;; 'Frank', President Roosevelt tornVht relief efforts and called, state. in tne vast. square auditoriuja of the .Waldorf Astoria hotel as h asserted:.. V ; "We . hare ventured and we have won: we shall venture' fur ther and we shall win again.! . Mr. Roosevelt was surrounded on- the platform by high church dignitaries and prominent 1 men of New York City including Al fred E. Smith and Mayor John P. O'Brien. . Mr. Smith slapped the presi-. dent on hla shoulder as the latter passed him walking to his seat. Smiling, Mr. Roosevelt whispered In Smith's sear as he passed. Again Mr. Roosevelt .was ' in terrupted with' lusty applause as he remarked: Response of Americas Praised by President "Leadership I have tried to give, but the great and most im portant phase has been the re sponse the wholehearted ' re sponse of America." Cardinal Hayes, who sat be side the president on the speak er's platform extending across one end of ' the hall, followed. the chief executive with a brief ad dress, to which Mr. Roosevelt listened before departing for ; a special train to carry him back to Washington. j The president appeared the pic ture of health; his face still re tained " the bronte burnt on his countenance on fishing and vaca tion' cruises. The president and his party en tered the hall nearly ! two hours before he delirered his address. ' Mr. Roosevelt was escorted by his military aide, Colonel Edwin Watson. On the arm of Cardinal Hayes was Mrs. Roosevelt. The cardinal, in robes of rich red, sat between them at the banquet. Smith, Portly Figure With Big Cigar As the party neared the dais, Mr. Smith a portly figure with a large cigar stepped forward. "How'r'ye. Frank?'', "Fine, AL" The president re turned a slap on the shoulder. The banquet provided a study In New York democratic politics. In the center was the presi dent, who has declared, a White House announcement recently ' (Turn to Page 8, CoL S) , m hhmm -si jitth nir r r'rr iv; Scores Buriieti and Thirty-Five Ito AllIO DEWIOLISIED' VHmainm iafona which mvemt. thmnirh firi frith tie hm Iat TaeadaT. ander control. Tne victims were lured for road work under tne local unemployment relief program, aa tr.trAr : ihrr wcm (nriwl fa a Mind ravine hn the win d anddenlr shifted and carried the carelesaly thrown match the aid treatmc&t in tne park. IntcrnauoBal IUuitrate Kewa photo MISS PERKINS vi IS! Federation of Labor Cheers ZAsCabinet Mejftber Says v She Favdrsf rogram ; Shorter Hoars to Accompany PayBobsts; llabor 'JLas Lash on Ickes 1 : : WASHINGTON. Oct. .4.(AP)r The demands of William Green, president of the American Federa tion of Labor, for shorter working hours and higher, minimum wages than are now being incorporated in NRA codes was given today the direct support of Secretary Fran ces Perkins. The cabinet member whose ap pointment as secretary of labor the federation's high command had opposed only a tew months ago, went before the annual conven tion of the organization with a stalwart demand for strengthen ing the voice of organized labor. "We cannot stop with the pres ent minimum wages and maxi mum hours of labor," Miss Per kins said, as the 500 delegates and their guests cheered. "We must go on with a unified purpose to an erer-improving standard of living and assurance of economic security for all our people and sufficient leisure to enable us to enjoy the blessings which our resources and our equipment can make available to all of us." . A few hours before Miss Per kins spoke eight national and In ternational unions Joined In a de (Turn to Page 2, CoL 5) Florida Boardsup As Hurricane From Cuba is Imminent MIAMI, Fla- Oct. 4. (AP) life of the Florida keys was at a standstill tonight as business was suspended and homes board ed up in preparation for a tropi cal hurricane moving across the sea from Cuba. The disturbance was southwest of Key West and its path uncer tain. . The hurricane headed north by west after raking Cuba with a 78-mlle-an-hour wind, halting politi cal strike In Havana. " An ' unidentified airplane Pilot was reported forced down at sea 10 S miles east of Jupiter and the coast guard said there was no chance for him to survive the high seas kicked up by the storm. "T r fire burned over several hundred is iiMHHMSUinBH iiiiiaswnsiawiwirsiiiii nr - n ' ' n ' ' ' I - . - SP W 1 mwm SF . sa m bsshsj pspa PROBE STARTS . Two Questions "Gist of u A. j h f e r n 6:, Investlflatidn Death List Uncertain .-3 Whether: Workers WerKOr 'cfered Into Blaze Vital To Full Facts TJ03 ANGELES, Oct, . 4. (AP.) -Answers ;to two. outstanding questions which emerged from the first formal inquiry Into the Grif fith .Park fire .. tragedy were sought tonight by city and eounty authorities from survivors of the disastrous eonflagraf ion w hi e h brought death to at least 27 men and injuries .to scores more. These two questions: whether or not county welfare workers were ordered or forced Into the blind canyon to tight the tire and whether or not a section foreman or someone else started a backfire which ran beyond control, crop ped up as survivors testified at a park commission hearing. While the Inquiry was under way. Coroner Frank A. Nance an nounced that a recheck of the death list showed 27 bodies ac counted for, with the possiblity a few more might be found. He announced an inquest would be conducted next Wednesday morn ing. The coroner's Jury, he said, will be composed of forestry men, engineers and fire experts. Men Frantic as Fire Rushes Onward . While 'the questions of the back-fire and . orders given the Workers were disputed in testi mony before the park commission ers there was no dispute about the fact that most of the men who died .or were injured In the flame swept canyon , were inexperienced in fire fighting and lacking suffi cient trained leadership, did not know what to do when the tire rushed upon them. Testifying before the commis sioners, four welfare workers de clared they heard direct orders given for the men to go into the canyon and fight the fire. "Some fellow at the top of the hill told us to go down," said A. G. Green. "He said 'If you don't go you need not show up for any more work.' I went down ' and when I got scared and tried to get out, some man, I think he was a foreman, stopped me." "I heard a fellow say 'Get down there and put out that tire or there'll be no more work for I you,' " testified Gilbert Stover. (Turn to Page 8, CoL S) claimed r Uvea and eeorea were acre before it waa controlled. Photo shows tbe victim receiving first Snilste on sWliMioWtH Dazzling; Spectacle Presented hy Local Grbiip '. In -White and Gold "". Green Turf of CHICAGO.' Oct. 4. (AP) A wave of disappointment swept over the crowd of Legionnaires In Sol diers field tonight when the cham pionship drum and bugle corps of Salem, Ore., post of the American Legion was disqualified on a tech nicality in the finals against 11 other corps. . f Rules of the contest required that each unit devote 10 of the 15 minutes allotted to it in man euvering with the remaining five for a musical presentation.. The seven Judges, nationally famous musicians and army experts, ruled that Salem had played five seconds overtime. Also eliminated on the same basis were the contestants of Miami, Fla., and Seattle. . I The 33-piece Salem outfit, win ners of the 1932 contest, prored favorites with the crowd of 40.000 from the first, bnt even had they not been eliminated they would have won but second place on their (Turn to Page 2, CoL 1) Who Said Fall is Here? California Has 101 Degrees SAN - FRANCISCO, Oct. 4 (AP) Shirt sleeves became pop ular in California today as San Franclseo experienced its hottest day of the year and Los Angeles the hottest in four years. Sacramento , central valley point which had Just begun to recover ' from an unusually hot summer, reported a maximum temperature of 101 degrees, the highest October reading in the history of the weather bureau there. At Los Angeles, the high mark of 100 ' degrees, was reached at 11 a.m. as a dry, blistering wind swept over the city. San Francisco . became warm est at 2 p.m. with the mercury standing at 88. ,, tamed before tne fire waa Droagns a naa neem pre-wxa uw blaze) ta their direction. Canoed by fake 2nd on Gadet .Uniforms on Soldiers Field o- Armament Makers Help to Bring on Wars, Reed Head Claims Peace and security must come, but Intelligence and sacrifices on the part of nations and individ uals will be required, Dr. Nor man F. Coleman, president of Reed college, told a large audi ence here last night. The meeting was. held at the First Methodist church under auspices of local, workers of the National Council for the Preven tion of War. Disarmament problems are complex, and new complexities continuously arise, Dr. .Coleman said. Howerer we must count the gains and as IndlTlduaJs do our part in urging officials and poli ticians to seek disarmament. He spoke , of the new "eight year plan" ito be offered by France, which country he said was trending strongly , toward the "left" and internationalism, yet which felt-the need of secur ity. - France proposes four years of present armament maintenance during which time an interna tional commission to enforce re gulations wOnld be established. If the first half worked, then systematic reductions could be undertaken. ; , Reduction of offensive weapons and realization of the ehdlessness of armament competition he scor ed as gains.. - "During the war French sol diers were shot With guns manu factured jn France, sold to the Bulgarians and not yet paid for," Dr. Coleman said. ', W. -H.":-Noble,' Independence' route jescaped serious Injury ln' automobile'- collUlouat the .west end of, the 'Marion-Polk county brldgeearly ' last .night . Though pinned, over the remains of hia de-' moUshedTbug"by light! eedajC he suffered only minor scratches. Police Chief Jack ' Goaser," sot West Salem 'resorted ithe sedan: driven by Orlando W. Beau,' t& uenier street, saiem, came oui or Wallace road and struck rNobera car,- hurtling ; it over the ten-foot embankment on the' river sld9 of the highway and piling on top of it. Bean was unhurt.'' No arrests were made. " : - ' - i.-i Scores - of motorists, attracted hy . the crash, blocked the high way for upwards of half -an hour. Wallace to Turn Down Sugar Pact - WASHINGTON Oct. 4. (AP) Rejection of the proposed sugar stabilization agreement in 1U pres ent form will be recettmended to President; Roosevelt by Secretary Wallace. -This was indicated defi nitely today as the secretary con tinued an Intensive study of tne pact which would fix quotas to be supplied to the- American market from - each of the principal pro- ducing areas. These include do-v mestle beet, and cane, the Philip pines, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, - Cuba and the Virgin islands. . , TAX CREDIT GRANTED , -. . a- . .- WASHINGTON, rOet.'- 4. (AP) An over assessment of .income profits taxer for the year 1117, totaling $3 74 SI, In favor of the Oregon Short Une rauroaa. was announced todar hy the treasury, which credited the company with that amount, - COLMTJ IMS BARRIERS TO PEACE tiHivtH wmm Music is First; Points ss., Restoration of Fufl pay for , Disabled Vets is Sought; NRA Support Asked Right of ail men to Hospital Service Restated; Miami Gets '34 Conclave CHICAGO, Oct. 4. (AP) The American Legion had before it tonight a plan of a veterans relief that concentrated on "full benefits" for the disabled and die regarded demanda for Immediate payment of the bonus. Passed unanimously by the le gion's rehabilitation committee, a four-point program for aiding ex service men a plan drafted by a national committee and already approved by 43 state departments was ready to be placed before the convention tomorrow. Except for declaring every ex service man entitled to . federal hospitalization at any time and for any cause, the program deals only with those veterans whose"' ail-' ments date back to Injuries suf fered or diseases contracted dur ing actual military service, ' No provision la made for com pensation payments to veterans beset by illness, ; Injuries, or ec onomic troubles since the end of the war. Under the plan, free hos pitalization would be the only government grant to them. However, for those wounded, (Turn to Page 2, Col. t) PUTSTIll ID Student volunteers from Wil lamette university will be ordered to report for night duty at Sa- , Iem fire stations 'either today or, .-' . tomorrow, Alderman O. A. Olson. - chairman of the city council's fire committee, announced last night. He said: he anticipated no diffi cltfty now in gaining admittance - Tor ; the students as Fire - Chief ; Harry Hutton had notified Cap TTnnt at Rnnth kt& - tlon: of the council's order. Sunday Hunt denied admission, te four itadents sent to his station -by Dr."" Olson. . . ' - "I It city firemen further object to'.the student volunteer plan; the Tire committee "might have other . wana." Dr. ; Olson declared. . It - waa JnUmated that; if the demand ' to re-employ the eight men elin Isated from the force this yeaij Werb renewed, ivmlght be met bat at no extra cost to the city.- In such event,' salaries of all fire . meu would be reduced ' to keep this item within the budget. ' At least . 12 studenU wlU be used In the volunteer plan. ' N, T." Papers Have . Hard liquor Ait; .Prices Are: High , NEW YORK, Oct. . One of the first liquor ad-i' vertiseaacnts to appear hesa ia IS years, .will be puMlab ed by two New . York new papers ' tomorrow mornlog. 'i Carrylag full - page , aa ; nounccments. Park and Til ford,, large liquor , dlstribs tors : of the pre-prohlbltien , days, listed price . of their stock and solicited ; ordera. vdtb ; delivery . to be made . when repeal Js voted. I' , .., In their qnotatioaa ; tbe firm ; listed "gta at flSJSO for 12-quart lease, chaza pagne'at 944 a case, brandy 3oV sherry at S24, rye at f68.50,: Canadian' whisky $240,' ' and t Borgundy mt r Lkraors such aa aprloot brandy,-- i creme - do - cacao, creme de , men the, , anisette and : rum - were 'priced ; aft from 23 to fSO eaaa. These prices do ma teclwaa federal taxes and lmyert - dntiea. ' " -4 " - ' . iTToTffli tDFLEEffl OLSON U I