J' The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursflay Morning. September Z8, 1933 PAGE THREE criMMirr m i EES OFFER PUN DATA Grower Advised to Contact ; Local Representatives On Allotment Scheme There ceems to be some confu sion la the minds of .the -wheat growers In Marion county relative to those who are eligible to re ceive A.A.A. benefits. Individual growers are requested to get in touch with members, of the com mittees la : the various , districts jwho are able to give assistance by supplying information concerning he workings of, the plan, The committees are:: -' Sllverton Dr. A. W. Simmons, -tbafrman, 411 N. Water, Silver ton; ty. G. Gunderson, Route 2, Sllverton; Henry Jaquet, Route 3, Sllverton. St. Paul Henry Zorn, chair man. Route 3, Aurora; Ross Cole man, Route 2, Gervais; F, L. Mat thieu, Route 1, Aurora. , Woodburn t-? Frank Saalfeld. chairman, Route 2, Gervais; Irven Magee. Route 3, Woodburn; C. T. Brixey, Route 2. Gervais. Mt. Angel Ted .Hobart, chair man, Route 1, Sllverton; Fred Klein, Route I, SiTverton; Joe Fitts, Route 1. Brooks. Stayton --.tJoyd Keene, chair man, Shaw; P. T.. Etzel, Sublim ity; 0, W. Humphreys, Sublimity. Salem - F. B. Simpson, chair man, Jefferson; Ed Du.nigan. Jr., - Salem; A- E. Zimmerman-,' Salem. IL A; L,indgrenIn pharge in this county, says i-V-j "It Is veil tfliiremfeMber-that any wheat grower who'" has pro duced wheat during any. or ail of the three-base years, namely 1930 to 1932, is eligible. If he has in addition produced wheat during 1933, he may receive the bene fits for the entire period of the contract. It he has not produced wheat during 1933, be may take part and receive benefits for the years 1934 and 1935. Growers should remember that the allot ments are established for each "farm regardless of who produced the wheat on that land. It is not possible to transfer an allotment from one farm to another. "In determining an allotment for a farm, the total bushels pro duced during the three years are added together and divided by three to establish the average pro duction. The allotment then is 54 per cent ot this figure on which the benefit payment is made-. In return for this benefit payment the grower agrees to reduce his acreage planted . during the fail of 1933, and the spring of 1934. by 15 per cet, and whatever the government asks up to 20 per cent during 1934 and 1935. "In determining the average acreage for a farm, the acres pro ducing wheat during the years 1930 to 1932 are added together and divided by three. Fifteen per cent is then taken from this fig ure ia determining the acres to be planted next year. "Where several farms under tone ownership are operated by the same person as one farm or one enterprise, it is possible to establish one allotment, for the entire holding. Where there are several owners involved in such an enterprise, it is necessary to file a separate application under each ownership." made out in duplicate. Few or no notaries are available In the gold producing mountain and river sec tions near here, while rarely does a prospector have two ounces be fore he must sell bis dust for food and supplies. : EFFECT OF OLD-AGE PENSIONS PONDERED Members -of the county court are considering both the general effect of the old-age pension law on this county after, January 1 as well as the specific procedure the county will follow in determin ing what applicants for the pen sion are entitled to it. The pen sion board will consist of the county court and the district aU torney. According to preliminary plans, not formally agreed upon, each applicant will be required to fill out, with the help of the board, an extensive blank, ' which will show detailed information on all the points about which the board seeks knowledge.; Probably the board will ask for; the services of an investigator to check up the hundreds of applications which are expected. C1MG RECEIVES HEROISM CITATION -. Ah Ming Toy, route seven, box 5, has received a citation -for heroism, but there is little dan ger of the honor going to her, head. For Ah Ming Toy is a Chow dog. She saved her owner's home September 19 by barking out the alarm of a fire. Elpise Smith, Ah Ming Toy's mistress, yesterday reported re ceipt of the citation, a handsomely engraved International certificate, reading as follows: "For- barking frantically until she had awakened a member of her mistress' family who investi gated and discovered the back porch a flaming blaze. The floor of the porch ani the wall of the house were burn ing. The fire was finally put out, but if it had not been for Min; Toy's insistent barking, the house would have been entirely desaroyed." DEFENDANT QUIZZES IS MUZZLED LEIPZIG, Germany, Sept. 27 (AP) ' Supreme court justices hearing the trial of five men charged with burning the riech stag threatened today to expel one of the accused, Georgl Dim .troff, from the room "if you say another word." The threat was made after po lice had been called to restrain the prisoner, who bluntly accused an examining Judge of false state ments and Dreiudlce. The examining magistrate, Jnrtrrfl Voet. was on the witness stand when Dimitroff, former leader of the Bulgarian commun ists, irose from his seat and said: "Did you cause the publication that the three Bulgarians arrested in the relchstag fire were identical with those participating in the Sofia bombing In 1924?" The gpectattors laughed as he I flatly asked: an answerpf "yes" or "no." - Vogt hesitatingly replied: "Yes, there were certain inac curacies, but they were not mine, and It may be the future evidence will i prove the Bulgarians, had some connection." Sweet Tooth is Bear's Nemesis GRANTS PASS, Sept. 27.- (AP) A black bear's insatiable desire for honey proved his undo ing. The bruin raided the J. F. Cox farm near here and started an epicurean inventory of the bee hives. The swarming bees attract ed neighbors, who discovered the raider, chased him into a tall tree and shot him down. RESKKVJv OFFICERS MEET Thirty -one members of the Marion-Polk Reserve Officers as sociation met at the Gray Belle restaurant last night to talk over plans for the winter months with Major James Tierney of area headquarters, Eugene. Formation of a rifle club will be one of the year's projects. ARTISANS DINE Artisans will meet tonight at 6:30 o'clock-for their regular pot luck dinner at Fraternal temple, MORTGAGEES URGED TO ACCEPT DOB Securities of Home Owners Loan Corporation are Held to be Sound Mortgagees who have delayed signing provisions of the Home Owners Loan corporation blanks which permit mortgagors to trade the corporation's bonds for the re lease of their obligation, should not fear the government's obliga tions but should accept them as good security, it was urged here yesterday by oliiclais of the cor poration, following the visit oj. H. E. Walter, assistant state man ager to Salem. , . I Walter pointed out while here that interest on the bonds .was guaranteed at the rate of four per cent annually jfor 18 years. He said a large portion of the bonds would undoubtedy be called for payment long before that time. Walter said federal reserve banks would accept the bords I as col lateral up to 80 per cent of their face value while the loan corpora tion Itself would accept the bonds, dollar-for dollar, in payment of mortgage obligations to the cor poration. Announcement was made yes terday that J. F. Ulrich, Salem realtor, and A. N. Dalrymple, dep uty in the sheriff's office, will handle 'the corporation's appraisals-in this county. Dalrymple at first said he would not serve Dut subsequently, when he found he could do considerable- appraising while on his vacation," he accept ed Dart-time work as an apprai ser. In evaluating property for a Home Owners' loan corporation advance, appraisers ' are -instructed to consider the replacement value of the property, thQ'origlnal price paid-and the average value for rental purposes OTer a 10 year, period. -.' . Savings and loan, associations are not authorized to Invest any part of their assets in the pur chase of bonds of the Home Own ers Loan corporation; Attorney General Van Winkle held in an opinion handed down Wednesday. The opinion was 'requested by Charles H. Carey, state corpora tion commissioner. Van Winkle held that bonds is sued by the federal Home Owners Loan corporation are not bonds of the United States in the sense In which that term Is used ' for the reason that the United . States is not under any obligation tq-jay the principal thereof. n. i Of vil Allen and Gladys Miller of Suver Are Wedded SUVER. Sept. 27, Miss Gladys Miller and Orvil AUen were mar ried Safrday at Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zehr, who have occuDied the Earl Smith place near here, moved to Albany last week. Mr.' and Mrs. Ray Rich- ter took their place. Elmer Fredrickson Is reported to be not very -welL Ralph Kester Is building a milk, cooler near his 4alrj barn. ; - CROQUIXOLE PUSH WAVE Ringlet Ends Complete $1,00 Castle Permanent Wavers Co. S07 Est Nat l Bank Bid.. 3063 PROSPECTORS SEEK BENEFIT OF PRICES GRANTS PASS, Sept. 27 (AP) -To make the increased world price for gold available to thous ands of miners and prospectors In - southern Oregon Senator Charles L. McNary and the southern Ore gon bankers association-today joined in a'drive to request (modi fication of the U. S. treasury's gold decree. ' '; ' r. "' '' The bankers' association, meet ing Tuesday night at Ashland, d- - opted a resolution; asking L.tjhat shipments of go!d!may be made to the mint accompanied only by affidavits of the purchasers: C. H. .Demaray, presiaent oi the local chamber ot) commerce, todav received a telegram from Senator McNary that he had called . the attention of tha treasury , ae nartment to the reauests. '."'! ; Under the present Tilling, ship ments must be two ounces or more - ami fnn sworn affidavits that, the metal Is -newly; mined must bo Too Late to Glassily v . - tr- e 4 - " " " istiiiMw immm mmm In any direction READY i Nothing docs so much, so diligently, for so little. Takes messages. - Brings back answers. Relieves anxiety. Gathers information. Makes appointments. Searches out business. ' - Nothing in office of home can do so much more It is ready. 1 , ... . The Pacific Teuphone and Telegraph Company. ;. Business Office, 740 State SU Tel. 3101 , ; LOU PLEADS FOR CORPS' TRIP Joe Lonergan, past national chaplain of the American Legion, last night added his plea to oth ers that the Salem drum corps be sent to Chicago, In a telegram ad dressed to Commander Allan G. Carson of Capital post here. Lon ergan is a brother ot Frank Loner gan, state representative from Portland. . "It would be unthinkable that the Salem drum corps, the na tional champion, should he un able to attend the national con vention at Chicago," Lonergan's message read. "Now that the Bon neville dam has been settled, there is nothing as important as that Oregon, last year's host and last year's champion, should go to Chi cago upon the occasion of the na tional convention of the American Legion and a, gathering of mil lions of Americans at the world's fair, to defend Oregon's cham pionship, to return Oregon's re spects to the American Legion and Chicago at the biggest convention in American Legion history Keep Young with Ydur Children Don't give them a cross nagging mother to remember. A happy home depends upon you. If your work is a burden if the chil dren annoy you do something about It 1 today. Start taking Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Compound. It wQl steady your I nerves five you that extra strength and energy yon need. By actual record, 98 out of 100 women say, "It helps me. Give it a fair chance to hebp you too. Sold by aU druggists. IE FIRST DAY IS 64 PUPILS HAYESVILLE, Sept. 27, The Hayes vllle school opened Monday with S3 pupils In the advanced room and SI In the primary, bnt It Is expected the total will reach about 75 before the week is past. Some ot the children are still In the prune orchards. There are a number of, new children In the school. Howard Smith, whose! parents moved into the Zimmerman place- Monday, will enter the fourth grade and his two brothers will enter the sev enth and eighth grades. Mr. and Mrs. Verhagen, who haTO recently moved Into their new home on the highway have two children in school. Daniel is in the fifth grade and Dienle Is in the third. Charles Love has come from South Dakota to spend the winter with his grandmother, Mrs. Barbam, and will attend the school. Other new members are Betty Ann Wil lis, Clarianna Harpst, Armand and Varrian Carrow and Jackie Long. First grades are: Ruth Yoshida, Betty Ann Willis, Ann- Elizabeth Schroder, Varrian Carrow, Marvin Ritchey, Lloyd Cooley, Bobbie West. Clarianna Harpst, Irma Martin and Jackie Long.' Mr. and Mrs. Archie McCorkle left Monday by motor to attend the world's fair at Chleago. They expect to be gone about a month. Mr. and Mrs R. Hartley were agreeably surprised Sunday ""when Mr. and Mrs. K. Carver of Myrtle Point paid them a Tlslt and an nounced that they had been mar ried quietly In Salem a short time before. Mrs. Hartley also hat her mother, Mrs. Kathryn Arnold, of Myrtle Point with her for a visit. Arms Agreement Needed to Help World Recovery GENVEA, Sept. 27. (AP) A prompt disarmament agreement. Sir. John Simon, British foreign secretary plainly told the league of nations assembly today. Is a vital necessity for worll political and economic recovery. . Chancellor Englebert Dolfuss of Austria staunchly proclaimed Aus tria's right and "duty" to main tain her independence. This state ment, accepted by his hearers as a hint to Germany, brought a wave of applause in the assembly meeting. BROTHER DIES . Mrs. C. N. Needham was called to Seattle Tuesday night follow ing the death there of her brother. Bert Hasbrouck, former S a 1 e m resident. For Extra-Fast Relief 9 Demand And Get GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN Because of a unique process in manufacture. Genuine Bayer Aspir in Tablets are made to disintegrate or dissolve INSTANTLY you take them. Thus they start to work instantly. Start "taking hold" of even a severe headache; neuralgia, neuritis or rheumatic pain a few minutes after taking. And they provide SAFE relief for Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN does not harm the heart. So if yon want QUICK and SAFE relief see that you get the real Bayer article. Always look for the Bayer cross on every tablet as illustrated, above, and for the words MR A. GENUINE BAYERV ASPIRIN on every bottle ?Jg or package. . . S.L GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN DOES NOT HARM THE HEART Autumn Is IN the Air . Bishop's Is ON the t . - . .-.. . ... . . an Authentic Style Message to Men Young Men Who Want to Look BUY QUALITY . . BUY NOW We gained a great advantage by our early buying: Many months ago anticipating the rise in prices, we purchased vast 'quantities of merchandise and now we pass on to you these great savings. Nowhere can you find such extensive assortments and such fine values. . . . Buy your every need for fall at Bishop's and be assured of finer quality and lower prices. 'yxrr A tee iur indows VISIT OUR STORE ANY DAY I . . . You'll find every thing, here for Men, Young Men and Boys . . . truly "The STORE FOR MEN IN SALEM." MEN i irs "Topcoat Time" And These Are the Best Values in Saleml Polo coats win this fall . . . greys, browns, tans and the eVer-popu-lar blue. They're longer than usual and with belt all-around or half -belts. Michaels Stern and Hart" Schaff ner .& Marx -fashioned them, too. . $20 $35 NOTICEABLY NEW I FALL SUITS Styled Right Tailored Right . . . Priced Right 3 ymjrws '! J Hart Schaffner & Marx and Michaels Stern have produced weaves and patterns of such new and distinctive notes that they are immedi ately recognized as the prod ucts of a totally new style trend. There are single and dou ble breasteds snappy styles for tie youngsters and con servative styles for older men. in all the new and wanted colors. $ TO 8& KV n re i mjtt J- w Trench COATS Exact replicas of "Uncle Sam's trench coats. Double breasted, full belt, leather buttons, full cut. and extra fine fitting. All sizes, 34 to 46. 3H - . .. . V Arrow. SHIRTS For many years - an out standing value. New col ors and smart patterns . ; all sizes, too. $1.95 :p' Other Makes .. $1.00-$1.35 Smart v- Fall OXFORDS : . "Friendly'! Oxfords . ; . friendly to your feet and pocketbook. Blacks, browns and wanted combinations . :. finest leathers in all sizes . . . a pair . . . ' $5 n Can't Bust 'Em Cords Some slightly Imperfect, food weight, o or good colors. Here's a real buy Osl OTHERS $3.50 and $5J50 HERE'S MORE GOOD NEWS from O US BOY'S SHOP Fine all wool suits,two pants browns, tans, 1' greys and blues: All newest styles and weaves. Made. to stand real wear, at a real value . .. 6.95 up Boys' Oxfords, real shoes for . school wear -r Tans ' and black, med. -Qf heavy weight; v'Viip Boys' Sweaters, All styles pull orers. New colors, .fine quality. Every boy needs one for scbool d 4Q ' wear 410J BP Bdys" Cords and Tweed Psnta, Can't Bast. 'Em and others. Extra well, made. New 4l QC - shades ...... vlti7u up Boys Caps, new fall shades. A)l new styles. All boys are wearing caps TO now np v80 New Fall HATS Snap brims, roll brims, wide brims, narow brims there's a new Fall Hat, by Stetson, Hardeman or Lee, here to suit every, face and purse ... W0K 150 to , ISO N. Crmiaaercial St Salem Suede LeatKer Jacketsr! Extra fine quality; light and dark shades,, every new etyler f Qp More, popular than ever 0 D tip Lost; P N. (1 iRcbek&b Tl4. Reward. , . . i i