The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 27, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem,' Oregon, Wednesday Morning, September 27, 1933
1 1
1 1
Local News Briefs
Steiwer. JMay Speak - United
States Senator Steiwer -will dellv
er the patriotic '. address j at the
Armistice day program !ln the
armory here November 11 II he
can-possibly arrange to be "here,
he yesterday notified Dr. Laban
A;. Steeves, chairman in charge ot
the American Legion celebration
plans. Dr. Steeves and Ciande- Me
, Kenney, vice-chairman, will meet
witn the general commiuee: at i TjeW8 0f
Eckerlen's beer garden. Portland value.
road, at :30 o'clock ..tonight to
make plans foe the two-day ; af
fair. It a non-conflicting date can
be set, a wrestling match will be
a part of the celebration, along
with a Willamette university
Oregon Normal . school . and pos
sibly a Parrish-Le&lle Junior high
school football game; according to
Dr. Steeves.
Lions Benefit dance Featuring
Haywire orchestra. Old. time and
modern dancing. Crystal Gardens.
(VMi, nfrht: ----- "
Amend Answers Theodore C
Amend yesterday filed a vigorous
affidavit ot denial to a statement
made in circuit court here Mon
day by his former wife, .Marie
Amend. He denied Jthat he bad
transferred a 10-acre prune ana
walnut farm to his sister, Elia-
beth Kelly, without consideration.
stating that she loaned him 12500
and later secured the ranch tor
payment. Amend said he used this
money for, lawsuit costs and to
help defray a 169 monthly pay
ment he has been making to his
'wife. ; " -f
. Carolinians, to Meet Former
residents of North, and South Car-
, ollna are urged to meet for a ba-
I ket lunch at 1 clock! and pro-
1 gram Sunday at the Salem woni-
- eipal auto park, announces P. L.
Fraftier, who is taking the lead In
bringing Carolinans together. A
permanent - organisation: will t be-
formed. jWhile many'otier states
have formed local and county, or
Sanitations, the Carolina groups
have never organized
You'll have a fine time and im
prove your contract bridge game
by playing In as m a n y of the
bridge tournaments as possible-
First tournament starts next
Tuesday, (8 p. m. Marion hotel
joint auspices Mrs. Quinn and
Bette Harrild, associates, and The
Oregon Statesman. Make reserva
tions now at Marion hotel or Ore
gon Statesman. Liberal prizes.
Twelfth Baa Added To take
care of pupils coming into Salem
from east of town an additional
bus has been put into running by
the McLean Transportation com
pany, bringing the total up to 12
Last year under the general trans
portation system McLean oper
ated 13 busses. Most of the drivers
are Willamette university stu
Tallinan Jailed When A. M
Tallman, 525 North 21st street, ,
pleaded guilty in municipal court j
yesterday to a charge of being
drunk, Judge Mark Poulsen sen
tenced him to serve five dars in
. city Jail. A man giving the name
of Bill Brown paid a 17 fine for
a similar offense.
Red Crons Meeting A special
Red Cross committee named by
Judge George Rossman, Willam
ette chapter chairman, will meet
at the chamber of commerce to
night to discuss plans for the win
ter months. It is expected details
of the annual Red Cross roll call
will be discussed at this time.
Says Not Drunk Willfam E.
Weaver, 340 Union street, notifi
ed The Statesman that he was not
the William Weaver booked at
eity police headquarters Monday
night on a charge of being drunk.
The Weaver arrested was released
from Jail yesterday by order of
Municipal Judge Poulsen.
Subscribe now, Renew now. The
Oregon Statesman one full year
by mail for leas than lc a day.
$2.00 per year by mail only, to
any Oregon address. "
Picker Demand Slackens De
mand for prune pickers slumped
off sharply yesterday at the city
county employment bureau. Only
13 pickers, were placed, 10 for
Stranger, two fofiC. A. Tucker
and one for D. S, Pearson. A mis
cellany ot of common labor Jobs
provided work for 10 men.
Xo Oregon License A. W.
Behr, arrested because he was op
erating bis car with a California
X Men to Portland - .C. A.
Kells, secretary of the city T. M-
C. A.; and Gus Moore, boysV sec
retary; drove t Portland yester
day to attend the luncheon riven
Story Estate Appraised The U thft rrtlxnA .Hatt tOT
estate o: the late Edward F. Story -j Harmon, secretary )ot the
um ocl3 vi ovo Ktutuiuj iv . M. C. A. international com
an appraisal filed in probate court mttee. They reported & good
Tuesday. Included In the property erowd and an exCellent speech
is a tzsift equity in reai estate in by Mr; Harmon, who gave a re-
this county, $400 in Portland real BUme of the work of the Y, In
estate, . some miscellaneous ac- Europe and discussed conditions
counts receivable owed to the reneraUv abroad. Harmon snaka
Story Mercantile .company of Wolf I here la Salem when he came
Creek and 12 groups of stocks in J through the northwest two years
minings, none ot which in the ago and was well received.
he appraisers, has any
Cost FaHs as Acre Signups
Increase; October 5 is
New Deadline
Extension Classes Commence
Some questions have been ask
ed concerning the cost of admin
istering; the wheat reduction pro
gram in Marion county, me pro
motion ot the campaign is taken
i j ., n.i i . . . . , . , . i ernmeni. ana ia i aui u m & w
jVvuiuS uui;b .ut-j juuiBus7 i extension c i a s s e s at tne niga r-".;: n.wiMiti aW.
nite. Plenty ot horns and whoopee. ,Chool building Monday and Tues- f J -k r t7 ountv
Adm. 25C.L r - day evenings.-W. G. Beattie in t"ed L?.' WW'S
' : charre of the work here exnress- fu" " " "frrTirir
Camps Approved The federal fed hi mm l f a, d-iddl w,n 8 et , Br".V"""
rnvernmAtit haa unnrnvsd til, . . 7 . fcelveB. tney iae over W e
rr - i nieiiea wiio ins inrprpm arm en. t . . . . &
Tf!' thMl,.m ,hown in-tthe night Xt'acl
. V6i ciSTl wuu school work offered here from nTJr tV xf fj-jfrtn emer
?? ;L tte college and luniversity. iJr. e ner bushel
miner, lorener. i wsai.jr- Tonight's class, educational psy
inree winter camps nao oeen re- chology, taught by i Dr. H.
qnestea. camps approTea are Matthew, U. of O., will
wnarx ana Mist in voiumDia mence at 7:15 and is expected
county, waiaer rancn m iougias i to draw well.
county. Kilchls in Tillamook. Co-
auille In Coos. Wendling in Lane! Etel Heads Sophs Hillary
and Cape Sebastian in Curry. I Etzel was elected president of the
sopnomore class at Salem high
Solons Are Praised Governor school in its first class meeting
Meier Tuesday issued a statement I yesterday. Marjorie Tryon vrak
Comaiz Events
September 29 lion club'
benefit dance at Crystal
Garden, for Cbrlstma
fund. : !-';. ' i..,"-'.1--;;;
September SO Willam
ette vs. Oregon Normal,
night football game.
.October 8 Statesman
sponsored bridge classes and
tournament beginning fall
season at Marion hotel.,.
I Octobe r ft 'Federated
Rural club institute at
Rickreall. , .-!
October O Brush College
grange Booster night
October 13-14 County
Christian Endeavor conven
tion. South Salem Friends
church. . : '
Afraid They'll be Deprived
Of Revenue; Disposal
" Policies Talked- : .
enev agent. The cost per bushel
will naturally vary witn me num
ber of bushels signed np. It is
COm.I Undent that if 200,000 bushels
are signed np, the cost per bu
shel Vlll be much smaller than
if 100.000
E AT 19
A record of 19 consecutive
bushels trere signed Tears of showing purebred swine
rot tKa nioBAH irsta faf '
n n f , l v vi vavu va9 aeeaa w mm
' ... Hta. .f...t.K it.
ThsMcA tnd otner noinu are or i mucu whu cuucmsiua ux me rv-
interest to erery wheat grower cent fair. So admitted A. N. Doer
the county and if they lire ner, wu-inom uaroc oreeaer ot
congratulating Senator M c N a r y I elected vice - president; Barbara feot d.iv" ill "f" VJJSSLSJSA
and Reoresentative Martin on the Pierce, secretarv: Cecil Onesseth: gesteu ibi
progress they have made In per- treasurer; Robert Hill, forensic
suading President Roosevelt to j manager; Jean Doege, song lead
agree upon a dam in the Columbia I er; Bruce Williams, athletic man-
river that will provide two power lager; Herbert Glaisyer, yell lead-
units. The governor said the con- j er, and Phil Salstrom, sergeant-at-struction
of such a power dam 1 arms. Nominees .for council mem-
would relieve unemployment In i bers from whe two -will later be
Oregon to a wonderful extent. ' I elected are: Max Hansen, John
. i Van Orsdol and Dorothy Williams
. v r fw.. - I HHirr zom. nreaiaent: s' r a n k
iT.ii rr, -..t rw.. . n v.u I SaaifAld. Tim - H. A. I or mat lime,
a t i f nai. .ttnn .1 A. r I I .inn rrpn umDonrv BeereiarT.
u ye i a ib s cgmiuua carrier senica """' ucciiug l utiua - . - i t v... ,iiv. v
between Portland and Salem via Pass, October 2 and . The asso- d Ted Hobart, treasurer. The gon boar ribbon at elast state
nrornn pv m-iii Iia )pM tiai- ni. I elation will consider th codA tn i members or me allotment com- "
!r o"'" a- assess, inrfi2: rs!as?ssa3,ss
utility commissioner, announced -uuiirsuon at v asn- h7"" l Vef-"tneT by fair last week, taking all but
Ti)MitT T? TO T)-.nv mn.r llDKton. D. C. All ufn Mmn nwn. t' Ot tne COUntT OeiOTe tnej ' ..... .
of the company, recently filed a r. whether members of the as
schedule of rates with the com- 1 8ociatIon or not. hare been in-
Salem on business yesterday. No
terested may secure accurate in- J other Duroc breeder has estab-
formation from the central of- 1 "snea sucn a recora. , .
fio. in th eonrt house. Salem. I During, the 19 years Doerfler
ThA tlm limit for slsnlna ofl'toca: naa oeen exnioitea,. in tne
nnitratiAiiti vu extended from I neighborhood of 240 ribbons have
" 1 fc.-. a.-. AL. m .s mi
Sentember 25 to octooer a . tor I -a-eu iue.taie ir, -x nese
Marlon county. at the request of include many grand champion
the directors ot the wheat pro- awards. Doerfler stock was first
ductlon control association. The exhibited 19 years ago by P. A.
officer of thla orranization are Doerfler, brother ot A. N.. who
nas earned tne ousiness ior most
Doerfler won the grand cham-
mission and later withdrew them.
Leaves f 10,488 Estate The
late Christina Goetz left an estate
valued at 110,488 according to an
appraisal filed in probate court
Tuesday. John Qoets is adminis
trator of the property, most ot
niea hy G. N. Battey and C. A.
Ambrose, president and secretary,
respectively, of Portland, to at-
tend the convention.
lor. mnkmu t ut tn Waahtnfftnn ir I one of the blues and purples, in
Henry Zorn, Dr. A. W. Simmons .DOin. srano . cuampions
and F. B. Simpson.
both senior champions and junior
campion sow,
Pleads Guilty,
Cadets Called to Dutv Director
W. H. "Togo" McLaughlin is urg
ing au members of the American
which consists of first mortgages eg,0,n cad and j report at
ron anA o T,mw .),,.. I Sweetland field by 7:15 o'clock
rst o.. i v ii tonight The band will narticiDate domy. waived indictment yester-
v. ,K I ... I J I. t 1
..M I fiugiaui iu CULUecilun Witn uaj iu urtuii, wan urns uuii
; Gilbert L. LIndley, e h a r g e d
with an attempt to commit so-
Slot Machine Case
Starts Tomorrow
First of the series of local trial
over maintaining slot machines
will be held in justice court
the final appearance of the na- Judge L. H. McMahan and plead- Thursdav morning, beginning at
Derby Appointed A. J. Derby "onai champion Salem drum corps ed guilty. The case was contm- g:30 o'clock. W. C. Kahle and
of Hood River was appointed Dn0r lo us departure Thursday ued wltnout a sentence oemg im- Carl Kahle are defendants. Other
Tuesday by Governor Meier a mem
ber of the state hydro-electric
commission to succeed B. L. Eddy
of Roseburg. Eddy recently was
appointed circuit judge of the
second "judicial district. Mr. Derby
will serve out Judge Eddy's un
expired term. .
Plan to attend contract bridge
classes each Tuesday, Marlon
hotel, beginning October 3; .be
ginners 2 p. m.; advanced Stu
dents 3:30 p. m. Mrs. William H.
convention at
for the national
Book Exchange Busy An un
usually brisk trade in second hand
textbooks by the exchange oper
ated at the high school is reported
Dy Mabel Robertson, dean of girls,
who is in charge of the work bf
the exchange. Money received at
the' exchange had passed the $250
mark yesterday. Ten cents is re
tained by the exchange out of each
posed and LIndley was confined cages on the same alleged viola-
in the county Jail. A 13-year-old tlon will come up after October
boy was Involved. In the county 2, when Guy Smith, attorney for
court yesterday Bessie Swegle other defendants, will return from
was named guardian of LIndley a California trip.
wno was cnaractenzea as pny
slcally and mentally incompetent.
Saturday, the parade will be held
then, beginning at : SO a. m. at
the office ot The Oregon States
man. ;
Judging will be at the Marion
eounty courthouse - lawn. The
Statesman . later thla week will
carry the news of a final deter
mination on the date.
Protection o f municipalities'
rights in controlling and taxing
the sale of liquor will be sought
at the impending session ot. the
state legislature in a bill spon
sored by the League of Oregon
Cities, it was decided at a week
end meeting at Eugene ot mem
bers of the league. City Attorney
Chris J. Kowits reported on his
return here. Kowits accompanied
Mayor Douglas , McKay, who. Is
vice-president, of the league.",
Apprehension la. being felt that
the state might grab the bulk of
the liquor revenue, from beer at
present and from . other drinks
when the 18th amendment Is re
pealed, Kowits stated. The muni
cipal representatives at the meet
ing favored, over some protest, a
local option law, local liquor, con
trol and taxing, and heard sug
gestions that there be a state law
permitting cities to deal in liquor,
as is being done at ML Angel at
Methods of charging for sewage
disposal, looking to the construc
tion ot sewage plants by Willam
ette' valley cities, also received
consideration. Kowits said. Charg
ing on the basis of the amount of
water consumed by each establish?
ment and residence, by meter,, on
a flat rate, and by number of
plumbing fixtures were suggested.
Herman KehrlL ot University ot
Oregon municipal research bu
reau, who was named executive
secretary of the league at this
meeting, was directed to find how
the situation Is handled in cities
now having sewage disposal
Municipal cooperation . with the
Home Owners Loan corporation
will be provided for in a bill the
legislative committee,- ot which
Kowits is a member, was instruct
ed to draw up. The bill will pro
vide that cities may accept bonds
of the corporation in payment of
TJ3. Hospital to
-Seek More Funds
Overcrowded conditions" and a
Waiting list ot more than 50 per
sons, may compel Dr. G. C. Bell
inger, superintendent of the West- government operated
efn Oregon State' -Tuberculosis
hospital to go : before the state
emergency board and seek - an
emergency appropriation, he told
the state board ot control Tues
day. Bellinger said that accomoda .
tions for 15 additional patients :
could be provided by remodeling,
the southwest wing ot the admin- .
istration building. Other quarters
would have to be provided for
employes ot the-hospital. He said
this ' work could be done for a
maximum' of S5000. ' T
AH steam railways In New Zea
land except one small . line are
Pet Parade Will
Be Held Saturday
If Weather Fair
Announcement of a date for the
postponed pet parade planned for
last Saturday, awaits a definite
clearup of the weather. If Old
Jape seems certain to have fin
ished his prolonged visit by next
Style - QocEfy - Comfort
ECONOMICAL, TOO! It pays to buy
Tread-Straight. They're long-wearing, ... .
yet cost no more than any ordinary
shoe, without its outstanding fea
tures. "You Owe it to Your Feet to Wear
Buster Brown Shoe Store
Z.'lillL"S: "" lor ctaritir.
Return From Hunting Justice
H. H. Belt of the state supreme
court, his son, George Belt, and
C. N. Crider of Dallas have re-
transaction and placed in a fund turned from a hunting trip into
used to provide "textbooks for Lake county. Each brought back
pices of The Oregon Statesman.
Muffler Lack Charged X- City
police yesterday stopped Bernard
K. Wodzewoda and cited him to
appear in municipal court on a
charge of operating a motor ve
hicle without a muffler, police
records show.
Estate Probated The estate of
the late Emma W. Rodgors was
admitted to probate here Tuesday
and Hattie Washburn was named
administratrix. Personal property
to be administered has an esti
mated value of $200.
Obit uary
In Albany, Albin N. Becker.
Husband of Emma Belle Becker
of Albany, mother of Mary Beck
er of baiem. Funeral services
will be held Thursday, Septem
ber 28, at 3 p. m. from the
chapel of W. T. Rigdon and Son.
Interment City View cemetery.
Births I
Uphoff To Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Henry Uphoff, Gervais
route two, a boy, Richard Cordell,
born September 20 at Salem Gen
eral hospital.
Itewley To Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Omer Bewley, 935 Spruce street,
1 m lfet1 OVi n .nn T nil lutFil C.ntATrt.
license wane g.miuny iuV,v,m 0 at galem General hospital,
in Oregon, pleaded guilty in Jula U t Xo Mr and Mrg A1.
tice couri yesieruay ana Raymond Hall, 1280 North
Pledges Announced Word has
been received from Oregon State
college of the pledging to frater
nities of a number of Salem men.
Among them are Franklin Van
Pelt, Delta Tau Delta Phillip
Gille and Lvnn Heise Sirma
Alpha Epsilon; Fred Farley,
Sigma Pi.
Favorable Response Respon
ses from more than 50 holders
of memberships during the past
year have been received at the
locar Y. M. C. A. following let
ters delivered Monday morning.
ur tnese 95 per cent were said
by Secretary c. A. Kells to be
renewals. This h the annual en
rollment week a' .he Y.
Truck Arrest Ray C. Miller
was haled into justice court yes-
iterday for virintion of the truck
transportation act. He pleaded not
guilty and th case will be set
later. Meantime, he is out on his
own recognjzhnce.
Make CE5promise Hearing on
an n. s. f. check charge against
E. L. Glaisyer was dismissed from
Justice ctnirt yesterday on motion
iOf the district attorney after the
defendant settled the $1.81 check
a deer. George Belt has returned
I to his classes at the University of
Oregon, where he Is a student.
Lions Session Closed Thurs
day noon's meeting of the Lions
club at the Gray Belle restaurant
will be a closed session for mem
bers only, according to O. D. Ol
son, president.
Reports on Estate : Final re
port of Maude A. Hand, adminis
tratrix of the estate of the late
Paul M. Hand, was tiled in pro
bate court yesterday. Income was
$1999 and outgo was 1969
it got what YOU
miles per
1 tx-OTXiSftSS-JW:-:-:::...:-:.:.
Wr A' . 1.
Sparkling health for You
was continued for sentence until
October C. He was released on his
own recognisance. ,
Fuel Dealers Meet Another
meeting of the local fuel dealers,
organized under the NRA, will be
held at the chamber of commerce
tonight. Thursday night at 8
o'clock, paperhangers, decorators
and sign painters will meet at the
same place.
Bazaar Planned r The women
of Immaculate Conception parish
The big 'chicken dinner served-
noon will be in charge of 3 vf
Mamie Amort. 1 V"
Annual Bargain Period. ! For a
limited time The Oregon States
man by mall to any address ; in
Oregon Only f 3.00 per year.
Tiburcio Pined 95 Christobal
Tiburclo, Brooks motorist arrest
ed Monday by Salem pr,V plead
ed guilty In nvar.Mr'Kl co;?rt. yps
terday to a civarA'e of fr-.'ig i
paid a $5 jfinfc. vs jr I'-t-i to c---rt
records, i
TeL 9613
We Deliver
''--"7 ' , ' j
TtSfW street, a boy, Donald
f. .ne, born September 20 at Sa
lem General, hospital.
Chinese Medidae
Arches' Made Strong
Ankles Straightened
. Strong; well-set arches give
your child steady - ankles,
- correct poise and body bal-'
ance a bgnt-iootetj wala
a confident, graceful carriage.
Support the arches, strength
en the ankles, protect and
develop the arches, prevent
and correct weak or fiat foou
Let our children's foot speci
alist examine yc-cr child's feet
and advise you in regard te
,the Correct Shoes. No charge
foi this service. j
8. iJ.
- v
Over Saieo . .
Dairy to 6. -..
Consultation JTre
4 - . t . ..
1- i
v w trt r. -m aL -
hMak that EMtwa Tr1 Swi
i . m tha LawaM Far efface la
X. many yaara 2.4ay ttaslt
Kouaa i rt ran
We're clearing them
oat of the store in or
der to make room for
new arrivals! Rather
than store them we
are offering this spe
cial group of upright
pianos at practically
a give-away price. All
finishes and all cabinets.
0 VKToaiA, a c
Portland to Chicago
CaaS naa)
Coach sod tvrtr, aaS
GaoMl m n.Qdu-s9 now t )
: $49 -$59 -$89
$120 - $125 - $14&
S85 - 805 South 12th
A Mile from High Prices
Near S. P. Depot
There is Only One Tallman
Store In Salem - Remember
tha Location
f '-ft
and ho more W cent pr
ami Om tmm m bi.n oxa I
waaM aOa. l-m SaiUMia. IS. I
y.v.v.-.- I O" am 0lM C4
I I I .y.v.v.;.;. Ti " - WtH4 O J
w. h. Deacon. Gun. tomtltm Cert
. Invalid Chairs
i " - . -
SMS ' . ayt'
mm m
Call 00 IO. feed! VaraJtai
- Department
151 North Bfgb -
Tank trucks rushing ; extra orders to Shell sta
tions. Motorists everywhere telling each other
about Super Shell's performance.
, Almost instantly, this new-day gasoline swept
to the front and won the praise of millions!
Why? In the first place the former 3 premium
was dropped. Now you can get a real premium
gasoline at no more than you'd pay for, an orcfi-
U Contains EKA-BENZOL. ,
' a pura patrolaum prod-;
' udk high 1i anil -knock
.'and milaaaa qualities1'
nary, everyday fueL Also, because this new Super,
Shell is higher in anti-knock than any non-premium
gasoline. Better than ever in mileage, better
in balance, in power, in speed, in all the qualities
a perfect gasoline should have. I f
Try it. See what it itieans to dirive a fuel with
out the waste parts; the sluggish and gassy ends
are all eliminated.
INC. i.
v & a. R S
a -