The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 27, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    I PAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orejron. Wednesday Morain?. September 27-ISM ' "
. , ..... zu: . -
Daring Plot Carried out at
J Indiana Penitentiary
By Long-Termers
(CattanaS iron para 1)
pUtol butts. Burklow' was forced
to open tne ouier gaie.
Looking for money, and wea
pons, ; the convicts , entered the
prison clerk's office outside the
walls. One of a half doien
1rka In -the office. ' Finlev P.
Parana. ketm confused and
failed to observe s chorus of or
cers snouted: at nun.- .
. RnTtat utrnra- ntm alniont aim
ultaneously la the leg and la the
. m. . ai tT.
anomaer. me aesperaaoes unisn
ed ransacking the office, and fled
when, they heard an alarm
mnnnAA tnaMa th nrison.
As they fled, they encounter
ed Sheriff cnariea hiu 01 uory-
ooe, lad., wno naa orougnt sev
; eral prisoners to the penitentiary.
Ther over Dowered him. took his
weapons, and forced him to carry
' four - of them away. In his auto
mobile. No further word was re-
A short distance d own the
high way, the other forced the
driver of an automobile carry
ing two women to head his car
into a ditch. They rode away
with the driver, leaving the wo
men behind. 'The driver was
freed later at nearby Gary.
' Warden Louis H. Kujkel and
Chief Clerk H. C. Crosby gave
the names of the escaped prison
ers and offenses: for which they
were sentenced as: Joseph Jen
kins, life for murder;! Edward
ho use, 25 years, auto robbery;
Russell Clark, 20 years, bank
robbery; Joseph Fox, life for
bank! robbery; Walter pietericb,
life for . bank robbery! John
Bums, life for murder; Harry
Pierpont, 10 to 21 years for
robbery; Ray Badgley, life for
bank robbery; John Hamilton, 25
years for auto banditry, and
James Clark, life for auto ban
t Continued from peg 1)
the men claimed to be working
longer hour than specified In
the URA code, but that a mis
understanding apparently had
risen due to an exception made
for tool and die makers in the
Tool and Die Manufacturer's as-
oclatioQ re - employment agree
ment. Because of conditions peculiar
to the- industry, he said, tool or
die designers or makers are per
mitted to work a maximum of
48 hours a week, while the maxi
: mum for other employers la 40
hours. He said the exception was
authorized by J. G. Cowling, chief
of the exceptions : committee of
the national recovery administra
tion. Oregon ? Have
Large Slice oi
Pork tor Relief
The state of Oregon will re
ceive approximately 1.000,000
pouads of pork for relief pur
poses, Governor Meier was advis
ed In a letter received from Harry
A L. Hopkins, federal emergency re
lief administrator. The first car
load shipment will be received
October 7. ,
. Oregoa's allotment was based
on the npmber of families on the
relief rollg during April, May and
June. Officials here also will re
ceive $29,910 from the governT
ment to cover the cost of dis
tributing the meat. The total pork
allotment for the entire United
States was 100,000,000 pounds.
500 Mark Reached
. In Enrollment at
i I Local Umversitv
Willamette university's official
enrollment reached 500 yesterday,
K. is. Savage, treasurer, announc
ed, r rom 10 to 25 more students
are expected to matrlmlato thi.
fall. The fall enrollment last year
waa aeout &Z5.
University officials say the lo
cal school's enrollment Is highly
gratifying and compares favorably
. percentage ox attendance
to tho 1912 marks made at other
SChOOlfl fnltlft atBta TX7I11..
nnual tulUon in the liberal arts
cnooi is sue to which the stu
dent fees and other .; costs are
Too Late to CiassUv
,,..; I'm i
i " fti"ci con
dition. Trade for wood or what Call
. Last Times Today
I Fith
Walter Huston
i Pat OUrien
Constance Camming!
Thursday Only
GOONA" Always A Good Show
. " I - M . . ft " W IHMH
Trio in Mystery Slaying
' ? fir r -
'-,.:-:-.::::-: : -;-:.: ' i k .s :
t y . . 'v ... I
-. : "
' - .
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' f
Rer. J. P. Eddy, 60-year-old pastor of the Church of God, at Grace Pork,
pear Ripley, W. Vs-, and his wife,, whose battered and bullet-riddled
bodies provided a mystery for poKce to solve. In Insert is Ralp Eddy, 15-year-eld
son of the pastor by his first wife, who is sought in hopes he may
be able to throw some light upon the mystery.
The Call
Today Norman Foster in
Friday Buck Jones in
Today Laurel and
Hardy in "The Devil's Bro-
Friday Constance Bennett
in "Bed of Roses."
Saturday a n d Sunday
Double bill. "Ann Carver's
Profession" and "Eagle and
The Hawk."
Today Walter Huston
in "American Madness."
Thursday only "Goona
Goona." the Love Powder
Friday Hoot Gibson In
"A Man s Land."
Today Ralph Bella-
my in "Destination Unknown"
Friday Walter Huston in
"Gabriel Over the White
"The Devil's Brother." which
opens today at the Elsinore'ls a
picturlzation of Auber's famous
comic opera, "Fra Diavolo," with
Dennis King, thf noted singer
and stage star, portraying the
Marquis de San Marco, who in
gratiate! himself into the good
graces of all the lovely ladies
while stealing their Jewelry.
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy
have the leading comic roles and
appear at their best. Thtim.
Todd is attractive as Lady Pa-
ui eia.
Hoyser Estate
Left to Family
Miss i Henrietta Hnvner. Port
land school teacher who took her
own life near here Sunday, left
an estate oi personal property
valued at $500. according tn an
appraisal filed here Tuesday in
probate court. Sole heirs are her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Genre TTn.
ser, route 8, Salem. Appraisers of
tne estate are E. o. Stadtor. ir
James T. Heltzel and E. V. Ander
AKRON. O.. Sent SB nm.
Charles Landon Knight. 68. taw.
paperman and former innr..
man, died tonight. He was editor I
ana punusner of-the Akron Beacon-Journal
and publisher of the
iuassuion inaependent.
Yon Owe It to Yourself to See
Continaoas Show Daily,
a jr. 11 l. M.
MAHoroOvnai Theater Pv
Tonite & Thursday
Are Dime Nites
With PlkS O'Rrim. RjtlnK TL.t
Umy, Alan Halo, Betty Comp-
nnsseu . llopton, Tom
Also Comedy, News and
Cartoon Comedy
5V J
Seats (j
PLAN cnoit
of eie dim em
(Continued from para 1)
cities have signified their inten
tions of joining the celebration.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 26.
(AP) Picturing a 72-foot bar
rier across the Columbia, river tn
develop 90,000 kilowatts of elec-
incaienergy and to aid navigation
Senator McNary (R. Ore.) to
night predicted that "th Rnnn-
Tille dam will be built."
The senator who mad mo.
clal trip to Washington to urge a
aam ror power as well as naviga
tion development kfter runnrtu
were current that a 30-foot bar
rlerfor flood control and naviga
tion purposes only was being con-
siaerea by tne administration.
said he expected nresidentiat an-
proval of the higher dam, to cost
?31,000,t00 with but "two units
of power generating machinery.
The dam will have sufficient head
to operate ten nnita when mm-
pleted. The final cost is estimated
at $43,000,000.
Pair Freed From
Charge of Fraud
The Marion count- e-ranrt nn
yesterdav returned a nnr tmo. hfii
In tht case of William C. Rogers
ana Mary A. Rogers. They had
been charged with burning a
house with intent to d errand th
insurer. Seven witnesses were ex
amined by the grand jury before
a A. a . . . .
it arnvea ac its aecision.
Alienation Suit
Is on File Here
Dollr Painter filed anft In tl
circuit court Tuesday asking
damages of $10,000 from Mary
Kurtz, for alienation of her hus
band's affections. Mrs. Painter
Charges that tha defendant Mill
ed her husband to leave his
noma ana that he has since re
fused to return to her.
A Full-Length Screamie Set to Music,
Uay With
Here's that different pic
ture you've been looking
for! It's riotously funny,
it's crammed with grand
songs, heart, warm in ir m-
N mancft it has everything I
Unusual Precautions Taken
Against Delivery of
Kidnap Suspect
(Coatiaaad from ptc 1) -
of others accused in thelTJrschel
: Federal agents had been ' trail
ing Kelly for weeks. They . said
they almost trapped him 'two
weeks ago in San Antonio, Texas,
but he fled a few minutes be
fore they arrived at the house
in which, he was staying,
f Kelly had less than $10 In his
pockets when he was searched.
His wife had about $7 in. her
purse. " " "
i "Tell tha VArM I'll nnt
this jail before long." Kelly
boasted shortly after he had
been arrested.
In addition to the Urschel kid
naping, Kelly may face trial in
Chicago for his alleged partici
pation "in the alavinr of Police
man Miles Cunningham dnrlng
tne roDDery or two federal re
serve messengers last Friday.
i s. coniri
An entirely rewritten rnnatttn.
tion featuring "no radical chanrea
will be discussed and Toted upon
next week by the Salem high
school student body. Notable
among the few innovations is the
provision for ex-offlclo member-
snip on tne student council of stu
dent athletic, forensic and publi
cations managers. A clause pro
viding for the recall of unsatis
factory officers is also a new
Minute Men. active, renrenentA.
tives of the council sellinsr student
body tickets, tags and other stu
dent activitv tickets, have heen a.
part of high school life for eight
or nine years. The new constitu
tion makes them a leer&l realtrv
and Provides for their nrranlia.
tion into a society. Student body
auea remain at the old $2 price
out may be nam In semester In.
stallments nnder the new constitu
The constitution was drawn on
last year by a committee of stn.
North Santiam
Route Decision
Expected Soon
Completion of preliminary sur
veys on two lines for the nroDosed
North Santiam hizhwav rnntea Be
tween Mill City and Mehama by
Engineer J. F. McGee and hi
county crew yesterday made pos
sible the completion within two
or three weeks of final surveys
and tpoagraphical maps by a
state highway crew. The highway
department will choose either the
approximate route of the road
from Taylor's camp or one fur
ther down hill along the river.
' As one of the main objects of
this road lob is 'to furnish em- i
pioyment, it is expected work on
this route will be berun aa soon
aa me route is seiectea.
Help Kidneys
OPaina, gtiffaaaa. Boning; Bmitlif,
Vntnarai la i ml 1 1 - a
7&', y i
. I Cbleago World's I
Seeks Crown
" 0 - v
? 4 - - "
v v X' , V
......T.v.".v.',, '.v.v.v.
From the cherus to stardom In
Broadway operettas rose Diana
Chase (above), beautiful Boston
society girL Later aha Attained
success aa radio performer, and
now ah is in line for fresh laurels
as the candidate of Station WINS
in the contest to select a Radio
Queen, at the Electric and Badio
Show at Madison Sonars Garden,
ew xorc
Over Million in
State Bonds to
Be Retired Soon
The .state treasurer Tuesday
was completing arrangements to
pay off approximately 11.437.500
outstanding bonds Issued by the
world war veterans state aM
mlasion and the state highway de-
ytuiuieui. me nonas are due Oc
tober 1 and are payable through
the state's fiscal BPent In Maw
York city.
Of the Alltatanrfln
$500,000 are those of the world
war veteran afar .nt.
slon and $957,500 of the state
highway commission. Interest on
ponas aggrerates $1,19 2,3 80
A M F.
seSwagger Moc$
Sasswsw' BaaVaB"
ii -x mfi r vn .
IB' i.u,i m kar e
ninPATnn in iipni
-mm la -Htut
. """" " ' - ' : - . - :
(Coatlantd from par 1) ,
able. Tickets will be printed, num
bered by pairs and sold in con
secutive order.
Can we ue any system we like
U bidding? .
Tes. The different systems add
test to the bidding and play. . '
How large will sections be?
Nine tables in each section. The
sections are kept small to avoid
confusion and delay,
i What laws will govern the tour,
anient? -
It is only recently that a code
of laws has been promulgated for
duplicate play. This code was pre
sented by a joint committee rep
resenting (1) American; Bridge
league, (2) United States Bridge
association- and (3) American
Whist league. No effort was
spared to formulate laws which
would be adequate in every situa
tion, and yet would impose no un
necessary restrictions to interfere
with the enjoyment of the game.
The code of laws will be published
in full in The Oregon Statesman.
The following general rules con
cerning the tonrnament hare been
drawn up by The Statesman in co
operation with Mrs. Qulnn and
Miss Harrild:
1. Play will begin each Tuesday
evening promptly at 8 p. m. at
the Marlon hotel, and will con
tinue each. Tuesday night from
October 3 to November 21, In
clusive. 2. No experience In tournament
play whatever is required but
players are limited to residence in
Marlon, Polk and Linn counties'.
3. Entries must be made in
pairs and the same pair will play
together throughout the evening.
Aa the tournament awards will go
to Individual scores, pairs may
change from one evening to an
other. 4. Play will be In sections of
not to exceed nine tables each
with prises for high players and
rnnners-np In each section as well
as for high scores for entire eve
ning. 5. In submitting scores for
grand prise, any six evenings'
scores out of eight may be en
tered, so failure to play one or
two nights will not disqualify a
player or a pair.
8. High scores will be an
nounced from week to week in
The Statesman.
7. Play will be on duplicate
PAIR of: THOSE -swagger
boards nnder nationally accepted
tournament rules; each player af
ter he has bid and played a hand,
will have opportunity to see what
the preceding player bid on the
same hand and what was made.
v- S. Each player must secure a
ticket before the . play from the
Marion hotel. Tick eta cost 50 cents
a player and from this sum prises
and all tournament costs are de
frayed. -T '
Sv Mixed pairs - a man and
woman, a man and man or a wom
an and a woman are all welcome
to enter.
10. The ticket you secure will
give your assignment to your table
and your position, i. e. north and
south or east and west. - Groups
who wish to play in the same sec
tion 'can buy tickets simultan
eously; otherwise your position
will entirely depend on your ticket
which is sold in numerical order.
Investors Show
Little Interest
In Sewer Bonds
Investors to date have evinced
no Interest in the $25,000 issue
of Salem sewer-bonds for which
bids have been called. City Re
corder Poulsen said yesterday.
Neither bids nor inquiries rela
tive to the issue hare been re
ceived at hia office. The bids must
be submitted by 7:30 p. m. Octo
ber for eonsideralion by the
city council that night. - .
. The .-bonds-are 4 per cent
serials,, the last of a $500,000
issue approved by the people sev
eral years ago.
Amateur Players
Assemble Tonight
Reorganisation of Chemeketa
Players, Salem's own play produc
ers, will be the order of business
at the opening of the second sea
son's activities at Nelson auditor
ium, Chemeketa and Liberty
streets, at 7:30 o'clock tonight.
To this meeting all old members
of the group are invited and
others who are seriously interest
ed in play production. Plans for
the reorganization have been for
mulated, and it is expected the
group will emerge on a broader
and more popular basis. Wide
spread Interest has been mani
fested concerning renewed activ
ity of the players and an espe
cially successful season is forecast.
v - (CMtlnna from par 1)
mission probably will be asked to
exact a promise from N. and R.
Selig that no intoxicating liquor
would ever be sold in their pro
posed store at 14 th and D. streets,
near dinger field, if the tone is ,
changed to permit erection of the
store, directors indicated. The
board decided to adhere to its old
rule of refusing to sign any peti
tion in soning cases. .
Action taken by the1 board in
cluded appropriation of $200 for
a retaining wall on the Leslie
junior high school a t h I e t i c"
grounds and $75 for another bi-
cycle shed at Parrish junior high.
Purchase of $324 worth of books
from the Junior Literary guild
was referred to the supplies com
mittee, of which Mrs. David
Wright is chairman.
Wekt is Speaker ,
At Rotary Today
"The Blessings of Bad Luck"
will be discussed before the Ro
tary club at its noon luncheon
meeting at the Marlon hotel today
by Dr. James S. West, pastor of
the First Baptist church of San
Francisco. Dr. West, spending a
portion of his two months' vaca
tion in Salem, is busy here work
ing in the Interests of his hobby,
prevention of narcotics. He heads
a coast organization specializing
in that work.
Total in Schools
Tallied at 4746
An enrollment in Salem public
schools of 4748 was tallied at the
office of Superintendent George
W. Hug yesterday. School leaders
contended yesterday that little if
any Increase would be noted
throughout the remainder of the
Ingredients of Vidcs
VapoRub in Convenient Candy Form
m.iamtwrmiuim MVWMmamm.mum''mmWWr3Zllm.- M
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