- r- The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Tnejufar Morning. StptemW 2. 1933 h ij ! w .!! h -a- 1 : - 1 PAGE NINE Overcome Breaks 1 . : II IhM Statesman j Classified Ads Call 9101; : CTa-slfled AdTtvtiatag Single insertion per Uce.lOe Three Insertion pw ." s Six lBMrtlona par Uae..S0 i Ou month pr line.-$1.01 Minimum charge ..M.jit Copy tor this page a, eepted nntil :S to even las befora publication tori etaeaifleatlon. Copy rt eeived after thU Una will1 M ran under the leading Too Lata to aasalty. Th Statesman assumea ao financial responsibility : for arrora whleb may ap-. paar la advertisement pub lished la Ita col anna, and la taaaa where this paper la at fault will raprlnt that part ot aa advertisement In, which the tpographlcal mistake oceurs. The Sutesman raaarraa the right to reject objee tloaal advartlslusv 5 It tar taer reaarrea tha fright to classify all adrertlaiaf un der th proper elaaaltlca tlon. HELP WANTED Man or woman, with sales experl- "" " evruings irom t to 7. a. H. uur, iv union. HELP WANTEDMALE Wanted: two solicitors, also amateur entertainers. Call 155 a Liberty. HELP WANTED FE51ALB Women who want to earn extra money. Part or full time. Permanent Com- basis. 235 a 14th. afternoons. . ...... ,r -.. Wanted: 10 girls to sell tickets for Lions Benefit Dance. See Kletxing at Statesman office, 9 a. m. today. SALESMEN WANTED NATIONAL INSTITUTION Opening branches in middle and northwest. Can place, 3 salesmen be tween ages 21 and 25. Must be neat appearing and free to. travel. Travel In expenses piid. Apply 1104 First National Bank building, between 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. Ask for Mr. William SITUATIONS WANTED m ....... - ,-.-,-rarLnjuu' Expert stenographer. 18 years expe rience general and patent law and other Ihiea. Gertrude Ady, care Mrs. aiurpny, ttouie 3, Albany, Oregon, FOR SALE Miscellaneous .......... hn rLru u Open Every Evening CLINE'S Unloading Sale Factory Sample PIANOS vvnoiesaie samnies - Th nMn fa.. tory stock of small uprights, grands and baby grand pianos from the great Starr Piano Co. factories at half price and less, all latest models, new and double guaranteed, come early for beet selec tion. Immediate or Christmas delivery Buy NowSave Half Tiny Uprights latest $2?5 values models ..$!$ Latest model Baby Grand, $585 model, new guaranteed , 84f Beautiful Baby Grand Piano. value Closeout price $287 HNXJ?THER UNUSUAL VALUES THE BIO FACTORY SAMPLE VlilgAEP0 SALE IF TOU ACT Shii-1' KJCES ARB GOINO UP. t 1 1ULR PIANO NOW AND SAVE SS DELIVERS Easy Terms on Balance TRADE IN THE OLD PIANO At Full Present Cash Value START PAYMENT LN 20 DAYS Out-of-Town Folks Call, write Free Delivery Within 250 Miles CLiriiE PIANO CO. LARGEST COAST DISTRIBUTORS 512 State St. .l M MXO.W .... Peaches, few days only. Hales, El bertas, lata Crawfords. At Waconda, Brltt AspinwalL . . . . mm - ...... V-,,-IA, . .Old papers 10o a bundle. Statesman office. Saw gumming and sharpening M aiijo E. Four Cornera TeL 4280. ru-u-u-y-u-Lnj-ui MIL High Grade pasteurized, all produced on our own place. ,.Hj.ent Horns Dairy. Dial lit. Call 4ZF21. -i-i-ii-i---iniLw. Oats anil 1.1 w,H ... 1 . . , v- duiiui, urooKS tit 1,, TeL 5848. laMw .... 1 - 1-11-i-ii-in.njui Commercial drvlnr. Wainuta 11 k r t ' ' er ton. Kouto TeL I4F4. mm ........ . . -,. -ii-irn-wv-Mujj Beautiful Pekingese pupplea One miniature maie. une-nan mile north on x-mciiic nignway ..... .. .. .M. .iriltu Dirt delivered cheap. TeL 8920. Toim wire-bafretj fox terrier. Dt pW I lei. yts. ------ L-L-u-jnj-ul-u- rvn trlfciH saata famela a nU4t. .1 m Unexcelled blood line. Very reasonable. 1......... iii-nmfvm)uMu T . r. v. . . , A . . i-anre atava no. is na mm w field. Cheap for cash, a J. Watt R. . Box 18SB, SaleTn-Sllverton road. WANTED aiisceHaneooa Hair mt S Tn.'. T.v.. cfv. NRA. 1 34 R Oiiit h R " ""v Wanted ! Veal anil h w Iim ttik sfsai se 1 iAri 'r.f"berta. See Mr. Stod oilMl"1 Nut Growers Co- ' 1Ta 'iWiaai.Mte MISCELLANEOUS R1" balrcutttaBi 28c and 15a. 202 We pick up dead, worthless horses. """- UTC. ifl. ISO J. Hair cut 20c. 1014 N. Commercial. mincers notice : Taxidermist. 25 years experience. New location, E. K. I utsuia, nun jraciilc north. t?f IT DPKTTI DAntlO v" ""Vw"J Nicely forn. rooms with sleeping LtW..k 4S ? A. l . . . porches. T25 Court, TeL 2725. AAr warm f r. cor. room, private vemer cor. trammer. Bleeping room. 488 N. Liberty. ROOM AND BOARD Board, room, Near P. Q. 5483. Attractive weU fuminhni Trmt bp44S board. Preferably to teachers or office in let s;ic or call (30 N. Sum mer any trme before 1 p, n. or U cween I and 5 p. m. Board and room. 444 N. Whiter. Call """in arter o clock. rUti APARTalENTs I " - trtct. COOL n rZ, ." Zl bath. Very reasonable. Call Patton's dw otoro. Lovely 3-rm. ast.. h w ..t .i. saras-e, saa. rnone 6154 2 rooms, close in. 26 S. Cottage. ..... ,- -, n LIU, BiraiEOn ADta 570 N. Winter- A . irmcuveiy turn. S-rm. front ant mil. uio UCl. 181. n m m -ii-im-in ri n - 2-rm. apt, forn. $10. 1178 Chemeketa. FOR RENT HOUSES Modern home. inquire 115 D St 'urn. unrurn. hmii Tnrron. a urani, iirst noor Masonic building. 'urn. and unMrn. hon t a I Forkner, 1S19 N. Cottage, Tel. 3031. Partly furn. house. 481 S. Cottage. mce Mod. house. 1733 N. CapitoL 5 rooms, modeirn. furniahMl. wil In. cated. Want reliable couple who will furnish owner one or two meals per j-iai evenings or Sunday murninK. FOR RENT Rear of 1135 Rural Ave., 2 rras. ..$6 nruour St.. 4 rms sin 328 Bush St., 3 rms.: $10 2360 W. Nob Hill St., 5 rms. $12.50 . ism at., rms. til I1 -"I oaiem neigrtts, 6 rms. 1460 Broadway St., S rms. $20 zuiv maple Ave., 6 rms. 1885 Spruce- St. rms. ,$20 $25 Two of the very best modern homes in aaiem located Cor. Market & N. summer Sts., C rms. and 130 S. 24th aireet, s rms. CHILDS ac MILLER. Realtors 344 State St TeL 6708 " - - i-rrivnwyini . - 5-rm. bungalow. Inquire 1198 S. 14th St Mod. furn. 3-room house. Adnlts. Tel. 5010. Close In. FOR RENT ,oassas m m sus-is. - -,-,,-,nnn r- - - 40-acre dairy farm for rent Cash. Uiiceuent soil, running water, good buildings. 8 ml from Salem. TeL 8538. For rent: 14 a. near Salem s.o a jt Mathis, at Wenatchee Auto Camp, R. 8, 12a acres. 80 acres cultivated. Good I mmnirTB. wv Thomason. 341 State St. WANTED TO RENT Experienced farmer wants farm n 50-50 basis. Prefer hay farm. A. Den ham, Route 2. Box 149. we nave cash renters for farma vfttoti ind Co.. woodtairn. Ore. FOR SALE Real Estate '"'"' ' --1 -ii-inriruu lii A StxhtlV f-room umljniulimi km. basemywit fireplace, beautiful grounds rai, largo iruit nut trees, grapo arbor, garden, garage. Near Jun ior high and two grammar schools. . X. ' vvn street Uniy $3Z50. '"- Owner. 765 Rural Avenue. TeL --- - 1.111-wrwJ.. . FOR SALE OR EXnHAVnm 174 acre farm In Yamhill county, fair set buildings, about 20 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and tim ber, creek, spring water piped to house. iuwi rraa una mue to schooL Price $3000. Will exchange for Salem nome or small acreage acres lew miles ant nn uou, 1 uum uonss, smaii Tiarn, creek. auoui acres cleared. tianr tinh niiu pa.iure, wen lencea. Prlco $2000. " " onit-m nome in exchange; CHILDS & MIT.r.irR state St TeL I7SI HOMR RARniTVO. 12758 will buy good five-room modern iwme wiui large attic, good location. In east Salem. Basement furnace, fireplace, double garage, shade trees, 500 down, baL easy terms on soldier loan. 2800. Good modern five-room home lo- caiem, all large rooms, double raraee. attin t Leslie schooL $500 down.' BaL $25.60 wuiB 10 lnciuae mt at , See us for BARGAINS W. H. GRA BENHORST CO. . Realtors 118 a. Liberty St rhone 8488 . BUY YOUR . HOME NOW Dandy 5-r. modern hniml r. u ment furnaoe, trays,- fireplace. Corner lot Street paved. For quick sale $2850 Dandy 5-r. house, 10 blocks north. Basement, furnace, fireplace, every thing modern. Only $3300. $500 down. 13 A SNAP 5-room. almost new. h trays, and a real buy f-r $1800. $600 down. For a home buv. ka. J AS. D. SEARS. Realtor 132 S. High St UrtfMRE VOli U NO GOtMGr TO "SHES Y0W CMl TOrXJ SHE THE U?KEE??i . I - ! I II I Interesting Pacts A man by the name of Umber rns the Umber Funeral Home In I WW mmmnm a Vancouver, wash. A; name like Stiff ought to be a good on for mat business. . we hare heard ' considerable criticism of the county taking orer me roaa leadine to the Salem Golf club recently. We find that tne county did take over this one-eeventh of a mile road but everything about it was done la regular form and it was sponsored irom property ewner petitioners in that district. The battle of Champagne took Place 18 rears am tndav. I Dattie of champagne la be- siaies now. Someone was askine where bnenrf Burk got the S80 he lost last week. "It's my life sayings,' was uurK s reply. is the new alk in front f Pomeroy and Keene's Jewelry store moaernistici It's different, any way. We went over to the cold stor age plant today and rented us a locker. Thought maybe some of our deer hunters might remember us. FOR SALE -Real Estate wi ....... , . 108 acres extra rood soil. .tuit acres cultivation; baL timbered pas ture. Will sell on easy terms or wnuM consider renUng. Immediate possession. Let me show you the kind "of houses I build. I can finance It so you can not afford to dbt rent AiN.a - city. w. H. C. SHIELDS 228 Oregon Bldg. TeL 8901 5 -room bunralow. oak finnrm i u. www m m - - - lug and dinlnr rooms, hiiwm.nf fun. nace, fireplace, $1800. 5 -room home fn f tr MtnAitim. k.11. I 11... . . . . """ , men oie ana lots 01 fruit $1050. Will ell furnUhed. ttSA ... m n. . . ... $950 neat English stria horn. K.tH garage, lawn and shrubbery, paving, etc. $100 down. o-room home, nlaatenwi. Kafh r tinA ulwn ana Shrubbery. $1050, . - 1 r . "rf't MEL.VIN JOHNSON 275 State Street .... i-i -ii-ii-ifi rLnjnrt FOR FEW DAYS ONLT JLrasuc reduction In uu nri nr beautiful colonial home off State street Worth $15,000. Owner win accept sagos with $1000 down. Discount for all cash. Unit k. u.. to be appreciated. Call MRS. ELLIS ior appointment with . tiiLDS MILLER, Realtors 3f f Ktate st TeL 8708 EXCHANGE Real Estate " " mrmwm-mrw'nnnj 108-acre farm. Sell or trade. A sacrifice City property. Now is the time tn s-t awu III. H. C SHIELDS "regon Building TeL $909 S acres, clear. In So nitr able equity In country home' here, In- iuir ius r. summer St w . 11 . . , . .nfif,,-, .. Model electrified ranch This farm not mortgaged. Adapted to most any outdoor enterprise. 100 acres. Semi lakes, river, close in. Want clear hniliai BAfMa mm W a, -r wioii, terms, uox ill. mj La .cat ItaXUa WANTED REAL ESTATE vw ..... ,. . -,-,-,-,.,1-11,1 uo WANTED Furnished or unfurnished houses for rem. 11 your property is for sale, rent " tAuutiiKc, usi witn us. CHILDS 4k MILLER, Realtors sii atato st Phone C708 ' ' ...... i-l-,-.-d-.-)r)r,ruuc.J Wanted: Small houaa tnr Mh roii Bosiness Opportunities For sale: An attraclvo community grocery store In Salem, for particulars "' am. rara ma teaman. MONEY TO LOAN Borrow on twrannal ffnaba-4rW MKatat 1" "monthly lastallments. WILLAM ETTH LOAN CO, tato 11a S-119. 5. Qnardlan Bldg. TL I8TT. HWll.1..,.. 1 I,, ,,.. ..w on rurnlrure, ears, salaries or other (rood security. Reparable monthly. When ta financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION First National Bank Bids. Pboae 8551 UIAHGD J AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arrange to reduce youi payments Ton keep the ear P. A, EIKKR Cor. Ubest, 8t and Ferry rhon T9 SaJmi. rtrm LOANS WANTED MONEY No safer Investment than a first MORTfiA a m T-ivr times value above terest 7X semlannuaJlv. nh.. ... curity yourself. Sm m t.i.t.i. cured first mortgage real state loans. 844 State Street ; tTS THE Vlre)I SUCH AH -J CfM4 HEVER VMKHVfKf SHEVIAMTS TOjO - NOT EVEN ON VftNF -wivv 4 STREETS 3k LIVESTOCK and POULTRY HORSES Arrive WeL. Sept 27. carload good young eastern Oregon rarm norses. izot to 2000 lbs. At Sam Yodels barn In Wood burn. Satisfaction guaranteed. M. IX Baumer. ! FOR SALE WOOD " irrvwTrssajsij fbce Tracy's. 2988 for dry wood. .V,uf5fJTJEi:D DRT wood ooai Azr."v" oani mo CO. Trade t i1. amus wood. Tef 4418. Dry nr. oak. TeL878. Earhart Bros. Ash. fir and oak, Tel 6648. - ,-,--11 mil, , DmM a. ...."" i-n-T wood, an kinds fall ASmj . , II-1 UUL 1 A few cords of rirr wiwwt Aeu. second fir. 84.28. 1 f.lny. 1 1 1. i. rnpng LOST AND FOUND x uuuu: Dcarx. S1Z rt. Ubertv. Lost: Patent hatW t. FOR SALE USED CARS CHEVROLET GIVES MORE McKAY-S USED CARS RPHtii a cuae tsedan 17i Oakland Sedan - iii 31 Stude. Coups ill :r poan uxe new 375 83 Cher. Cn. P.w. ji.. Til 31 Chev. Cn. uun i uuicK sedan - 31 Chev. Truck " Tif TERMS , TRADES Open Sundays and Evenings 333 Center 410 m rn J Phone 3189 CHEVROLET GIVES MORE For Sale : Fordunn tnntn. 1- , izi'honr,, W 10 t. J. CHEVROLET CO. 833 Center St 430 N. 1930 Chev. fnn-v ti . This week. Wlifrakrk part pTy ment Trussell, Rt 1, Box 266. TeL i.ifi. WANTED USED CARS - " -1 tnimn . 4- Wanted : About n.tnn i, n . Tr.- " iso need some light ti ,1 . rrcier ... BORREGO'S CAR MARKET ze is. uirty LPhone 2688 Radio Program KOW P0STIJWrr 20 Xe. r,JU?.3DAT' 8EPTZMBEB 28. 7:00 Organ concert. HBO. 7:45 Ronald Enck. 8:00 Marion and Jim Jordan, KBO. 0:45 Tom Mitchell. NBC. 10:00 Cookie achn.1 K1tl0ri8Wom"n' M;"5n the Air. 11:80 Pood eonierratioa talk. 11:45 Meredith WUlaen. KBO. 1 1 :55 Hishland Tul. 12:85 Western Farm, KBO. 1:45 Little Colleen, KBO. 8:20 Friendly chut. 4:45 Rolllekers. KBO. 5 :00 Ballsdettes, KBC. Orphan Annie, KBO. 7:00 Lives at Stake, KBC. 8:00 Amos 'a' Andy, KBC. 8:15 Memory Lane. KBC. ii nLJ?j,,f. WeekV orcneitrt KBO. .J, Lippmsn's orchestra, KBO. 11:80-12:00 Bal Tabarla orchettra. ABU. KODT POETLOin 840 Ac. 7:45 Cetil and Sally. 8:00 Captirators, CBg. 8:80 Tony Wont, CBS. 8:45 Carlile sad London. CBS. 9:15 Do Re Mi trio. CBS. :80 Concert Miniatures, CES. 10:00 Little French Princeis. Louis . PhiHippe, CBS. 10:20 Harold Knight's erekeitrs, CBS. 1 1 :00 CB& nnmm. 11:30 Woolda't Yon Like to Know, 11:85 Madison entemble, CBS. 12:00 Columbia Artiat recital. CB8. 12:80 Jack Brooks and orchestra, CES. I :5 Edna Walliee Hopper, CBS. -uu oogi or 1,110. 1:45 Knock Lieht's orchestra, CBS. 2:00 Happy Go Lucky, DLBS. 00 Feminine Fancies. DLBS. 4:80 Mills Brothers. CBS 5:00 Children's Radio theatre. DLES. 5:15 Thone MeCarty ?irls. CBS. :85 In the Gloaminr. CBS. 5:45 Kate Smith. CBS. CALL FOR BIDS ON BONDS Sealed bids will be received hr the undersigned until the hour of 30 o clock d. m.. on Mondar. the 2nd day ot October. 19SS. and Immediately thereafter opened by the Common Council of the Cltv of Salem. Oregon, at the city hall In said city, for bonda of the City In the amount of TwentT-riT thousand (S25.000.00) dollars. described as follows: City of Salem SanlUfT Sewer Bonds In the amount of f 25, 000.00 in denominations of $1000 each, being dated - September 1, i33, maturing serially In numeri cal order at the rate of $1000.00 on. tne xirst day of Sebtember. 1934, and $2000.00 on the first day of September of each Tear thereafter beginning with the year 1935 and ending with the year 1946, said bonds to bear In terest at the rate of four and one- nair (4) per cent per annum. payaoie semi-annually. Each bid must be accompan ied iy a certified check for two per cent (2) of the par ralue or tne bonds, made payable to the city as a guarantee of rood iaun. . The approrlng opinion of Messrs. Teal, winfree, McCulloch and Shuler will be furnished the successful bidder. The right Is reserved by the Common Council to accept any bid. or to reject all bids in the Interest of the City. MARK POULSEN, City Recorder -Salem, Oregon,' 8. 13-2 4-2 -27-2$. MOVDfQ TO IDAHO ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Sept. SS The J. W. 8imxnons family were delightfully surprised Friday night by the antral ot Rer. Rose Burleigh - who cam here from Idaho to supervise the shipping of her household good to the town ot Tuttle In that state, where she expects to make her home. Mrs. Burleigh is a licensed preach er of the M. B. church and has many friends hero. ! The "frozen fish" baa I n e g s dropned abent It per cent from If SI to 1131, V Business ctoiry Cterds tn this director? Iron m monthly basis only. Hate SI. 00 per line per uontb. AUTO BRAKES uao t-aneK. the brake and shlnmrr!. -I. " . -r oottor. 175 South Commercial Rtrae BICYCLES New and used. Tires, Repairing. HARRY W. SCOTT. 14T S. ConTl St CATERING Burt Crary, the caterer. Ph. 1753. Hulda Helps Hostesses. Tel 8943 CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Norrhneoa CHINESE MEDICINE When Others Fall Nature's herbs far aver ftl T Low. noted Chinese herbaliat. 471 R Commercial Street. Salons. Oregon. Established since 1918 la OakiajuL Calif. Consultation free. Telephone nauri LO a, sua. it to IS M. Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. nuura luesaay ana STiaay. 19 'IT a, a. to 4:30 p. m. 148 N. Comrnwrrtal. CHIROPRACTORS P- O- L SCOTT, PSC, Chiropractor. 258 N. High. TeL Rea 8572. FLORISTS CUT flowers, wedding bouquets fun eral wreaths, decorations. C F. Brelt- naupt, norlst. 77 Court. TeL 8804. ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Flor- iht. nin MarKet. Tel. 9552 GLASS Auto and window glass mlrrora TeL Pipe, waiter j. Downs, go Breya INSURANCE BECKS A HENDRICKS 188 N. High TeL 484T COFFKY-SM1TH, gen. 1ns. Tel. 8C83. LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE WELDER LAUNDRY 281 a High TeL 9118 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY First in Quality and Service Telephone 3185 1284 Broadway MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory no homo. Cot ton mattress, 60 lb. $8.00. Renovators and rumtgatora. Rugs cleaned. Capitol Bedding Co. Tel 40C8. 8028 N. CapitoL New mattress made to order, old re made ; carpet cleaning, sizing; fluff rug weaving. Salem Fluff Rug dt Mat- tress Factory, a 13th a Wilbur. TeL 8441. Otto F. Zwlcker. Est 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL Pianos, radios, sewing niuuia noeei rnuua ana Diana aen. dlea Repairing radios, phonographs and sowing machines. 438 State Street. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint y Roofing. 474 Ferry. piUnting ruH STATIONER x nrili n.n.nK- I lets. - programs, books or any kind of I prtntlng. call The Stafeamaa Printing Department. 218 a CommerclaL Tele-1 pnone oioi. REAL ESTATE BECKE HENDRICKS. TeL 4847 W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 a Liberty St. TeL 8488. SOCOLoraKT A SON 804-8 First Naft Bk. Bldg. Tel. T807 STOVES STOVES and store repairing. Stores ior aaio, reouut ana repaired. All kinds of woven wire fence, fanew and puun, nop Das-eta. nooKS, logan Hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 283 Sneroeiteta. TeL 47T4. R. n. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR 1nra1 Af lit.nt m m .... call 3131, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks 10 reruana aauy. CAPITAL CITY Transfer Co. -828 eiato Bl TH T77S. DUtiibUtlng. for warding and storage oar specialty. pur rates. TYPEWRITERS T I r"E WRITERS Adding itch, sold, rented, repaired. Underwood Agents, v-. mc orKTT, u-oort. Tel. SS4. WELL DRILLING -a- west. 88 yoars oxperloaco. RTD t. dw ii ri. Tel. llOKa. Bodeker Among First At Lyons to Bag Deer LY 6ntS, Sept. 25. Several lo cal men hare been taking adran taga of the open hunting; season. Bill Bodeker bronsht in a tine 195-poand : deer nd was among; the first here to bo successful. frank Lyons received word of the death of hit father In Iowa Thursday. INCREASE FOX HOLDINGS LXBERTT, Sept. 25. Mr. and Mrs, William Hofnell,-recently ol Rosedale.wm make their home this winter with tha C. W. firacowa and assist In tha work tha place. Tha Btaeeys recently ob tained ant additional number . of fox pens, and hare purchased lum ber and win soon erect a now pelt house. ' . '-: STARTDfQ PRATEB, MEET HAYESVILLE. Sent. IK HayeeyUle Sunday school workers are sponsoring nrayer and Rihl study meetings, first of which will ba held.Tnesdgy night, September mt. uniion -toss or the Salem rirst Baptist church will read the study. All are welcoma. I CLOSES Fll CHICAGO. Sent. ilfii Brisk expansion of ' iimmIiHt. uuTisg rauiea mm nHM a .. last todar. more than onrMmhi nearly I cenU a busael break ear lier in heat.- :.: ' . Rallies were associafed wtthVal porta the t Cniied ?tat- ment of rlrrZZV.' Jir..l rA ym I catena me time lor nriH , ' "no other ,....uuiuUuu measures areirTv" w" - es Utors, were credited with 1st. caasinr c wheat lutures. . 1 . . " Wheat Closed tirm"t the' aama abet -. J - mt a o-iuxuay e imisn to higher. a air Tn i. n r. wMweou iu iwoer. Today's closing qaoutions wneai sestember 8H- ro- cemoer May 96-H. orn September 48 U; Da cemoer May 58. Oats September 37; December 48-; May 43-44. General TMets rKODTrOat CTCnivna PORTLAND, Ore, Sept. 25. (AP) I Jc eachsare, net prion:' Batter ""0SJ eVL. UBBiMrBll 1 U a. m - extras 2 be, fretk mediumi 28c - I 1 PorUand Grain ar ifl. . re, Sept. 2J.(AP) u.Z pe" uija lrfw close ' 'o VS 77 ,11 epumoer 70 To aa Ieeembee 74 74 th 69 Ch wheat No. 1 n;, r..a vi 78 ? ?: hard winter 12 per cent 70c, 11 per cent 70c; soft white, west hrd.w,iBtr. northern spring , vsiwaa CU VUC) Oati No. 2 white 825.50. Corn No. 2E yellow 824.50. Millroa Standard 816.50. PortlEind Produce PORTLAND, Ore, Sept. 25. (AP) Batter Print, axtr.. 29, 2m e. ' Butterfat Portland deliyery: A grade lve; farmer door dK.vw it. a 8weet eream 5c higher. Eggs Pacific poultry producer's eeli lag prices: Orersixe 28e. extra. 2 Sc. standard 28e. miulinm. 9a. n.n... doien. Baring price by wholesalers: ' extras 25e dozen, lints 20c, ma diumsl7e dosen; undergrade lie. pul lets lSe. Potatoes -- Local white sad red 81.35 1.50 cental; Yskims 81.B5-l.85. Cheese 02 score Oregon triplet lie; loaf 12e pound. Brokers will pay V,i below quotaUona. . - Vontrc Price, 4 per cent, Piirtl,,,?ellT 1-70 ewt-: 8"ai cream 37 He pound. Country meats Salliar . . Uilers: Country killed hogs, best hutch- iMr iw pounos Be. y eaters 80 to 120 poaads H-10e. Ksht end thin 4- ! 'T calres 4-5c. Spring lambs 10- 1 poauo; yesruar 4 5 pound; heaTy ewes 2 3e pound. Medium cows 8-5e pound; canner cows l-2e pound. pound. duiis ra-oe pound. Mohair Buying price: 1933 clip 15s I oouad. I Cascars hsrk Buying pries. 1983 Peel. He. Hope Nominal 1933. Lire poultry Portland deUrery: Buy ing prices: Colored fowls, 4 to S pounds 13c, orer pounds 12a, spring pallets 2 to SVb pounds 12 e; roasters, orer 3H pounds 12e; Leghorn fowU, orer ts pounos oc. under IH pounds 7e; broilers. 14 te 2 pounds 13c; S pounds , . 'if.-, siaga ee; roosters 5e. Pekin uaeas ioc; colored ducks 8c; geese 8e pouna. Onions -Walla Wslla 8 1.25-1.40 eeataL . .7. " l"iard, standard gl '"i laaima scsuaaras 6O-8O0 erste; The Dalles 6O-8O0 crate. 0rl"8 cU' o-iel. Wniaamette Taney io ioc poena; esstern Oregon 18 21e pound; southern Idaho 16 20o pound. Hsy BuTini" nriea from nrndiwr Alt. no. 1, aew crop S16-18.S0 Tntrh . ; 1 tl: WiUametU Talley timothy uran vregoa amotny fl7.o0; oats 1 Portland Livestock PORTI.Ah'D, Ore Sept. 25. (AP) a.nciptm auwv, c aires 300; slew. iraa ana cows generally Z5q lower. Steers, eemmon and Hln. a .i Heifers, good, common and mini si sol 4. Bulls; food sad choice 83-8.50. Tell ers, rooa sua enoice 86-7.50; cull, com mon end medium, 83-S. Cslres. good sad came ea-a.su; eomnsoa aad medium 8 2 ..,?8 ISeeerpts 4500; 25c higher for Lightweight, good and ehoiee. 84.85- '.85;.'"4ium " good and choice Z.-:' r . ."esryweigat, rood and ehoiee s.sa-.ia. A'aesnng sows, medium sad good $3.85-4.2. Slaughter pigs, good and Choice $8-80-4, reader aad atecker pig", gooa sua eooiee, S 4-4.75. bkeep Becelpu 1800; qooUbly B4BM-7) Lambs, good and ehoiee $5.50-8.78 ; eonunoa aad medium S3.TS-S.2S. T-ar. ling wethers 32.50-4.50. wes. medium to enoice oe-f. Stocks and Bonds " STOCK ATEBAOE8 (Coeyrlg-t 1838, Standard 8taUsUes Co.) - September 25 ; Today . 80.4 45.1 75.1 80.T rrerioos Say S2.S 46.8 78.S 83.1 wees age 08.2 50.8 7T.0 87.8 xearage , 65.5 87.0 103.3 87.7 years sgo High 1938 Lew 1988 High 1888 Lew 1833 High 1881 Low 1931 152.5 118.9 208.2 158.7 102.1 68.0 113.7 98.9 43.S 28.5 81.5 48.9 72.3 39.8 111.0 78.9 85.1 13.2 61.8 85.0 140.3 106.2 203.9 J 4 4.8 OO.O BU.I 92.B 01.8 Tedsy T3.4 74.S 80.3. 78.0 75.0 S0.8 TS.8 PraTious day T3.8 waeaage Tear ago 8 years age . High 1933 Low 1933 High 1932 Lew 1932 High 1931 Lew 1931 74.9 77 81.7 77.9 67.3 71.4 85.8 .74.8 94J 109.8 101.1 101.7 77.1 84.9 88.S 88.5 68.S 57.0 74.1 71.S 78.0 88.S 68.2 47.4 70.9 90.4 105,7 10 L8 62.a 62.3 80.8 63.6 78.1 67.S 8.7 68.8 More Driers Open Runs as Damages To Prunes Mount LIBERTY. Sept. 25 Continued rain has heightened damage to prunes, some orchards haying SO per cent cracked fruit darner. The- riper prunes crack and what Is now too green may be undam aced If tha rains stop. Several or chards ceased picking Friday to allow fruit to ripen. " Mora fruit la coins to tha driers tham a few day ago. Tory little to canneries, who likely will find their requirements short, due to cracked fruit being refused. '- The O. Descer drier is running. ag la the Hrubets drier. Olden's. Zosera, Laaea aad other smaller Planta, ,.;w,,w-, ;-,,,. Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 soJLkJ fop pod price, 1.43 per bauidred. Sarplna f i. tkly Batterfat Top 17-18C, PataZlHc, cube lJc 1 1 . . opieswer 84 1 1, '"' Pnees oeiaw. soypaed y a local rim ajr tzaniaJ 1 . - iv - Vr HaeWeberries. la J5 I BWJ- V - , .. I ;.T i. - . .os I ereeanM 7 i ,v- .15 to LOO 'I 4ff a . pTE ."th.?"'" JS i . X00 U 1.25 -M-usee, local Paget Sonad . .63 U .05 LOO to 1.2 5 1-35 Osieaa. Walls WsUa. rwt Celery, dost 1J5 Annlca. G 5 - 1 0rt!!K v''"eU. 7 8Jo u s'.so T.rr,- 1.35 I Jp. il gr.t. - Carrots, local . . .15 50 te .75 r- .05 , .05tt .75 -4)3 .04 - .60 11 .8.00 , .1.00 - ,. 125 tspiaaeh, local, ersto ". oa stock Oseaabers. kataease, bos naaoa C-IOKUBg, IB. ieai. aos. Caautoapes, Grsad Idaad . Luaes, freak I Avseadoa, crata Sqiiask. Danish. Tomatoes. The Dalles Local, bushel -BJackbarriea .75 . .75 -L7S . JOS . .08 .1.00 .1.50 - -04 H - .25 . .40 . .38 Peaches, local, bo. I gSS Cera, local, dot. . Seedless rranei In. Tokay grapes Sweet Potatoei lb. Prunes, lag. Burbaaks 103 J fnKles. Ih. ..0' 1833 clusters, lb. naoa Baying Prices Extras Standards Mediums .23 .21 .20 .04 .10 J09 .07 .11 as rOOXTBT Old roosters . Colored hem Kedium hens , Lieut hena Lerhora fryers uoiorea xryers MSa Spring lambs,- top , , .5.00 5.25 non, top Pint cuts -.5.00 Seeoadienta 4.75 4. CO Pig. Steers .03 .01 .02 te .04 te .02 4 ta .03 .08 .07 Cows Bulls Dressed real, top Tse nor OBAIB A) HAT" Whest, western red . White No. 1 .... .R9 ... .61 J 5.00 -17.00 .19.00 .12.00 .14.00 .12.00 Barley, top, toa - Oatt, feed,, ton Oats, millinc ton nar. yia art Oats sad retch, toa Alfalfa, Talley. first eut- vioTer nay wool Medium Course .25 . 0 .01 .03 Mohair , CASCAXA BASK Oreen, Th, Dry. Ih. TOP Hilly EXTRA EGGS IN KEEN CALL Butter Trading is Quiet; Chicken Demand Slow; Local Onions Scarce PORTLAND. Sept. 25. (AP) There was a generally steady tone suggested In the market for eggs during the week's opening session. Top quality stuff was in keen call for extras but there was some slight easiness In the pullet class. Market for butter continued to reiieci a quiet trading tone with everyone realising the big surplus of both fresh and storage goods mere was no cnange In prices on the open market. Demand for chickens appeared a iruie siow as a result ot late price aeciines which hare made ouyers, aside from the big killer, rather wary. There was call for broilers but few in sight. Demand for country killed meat remained good with late orices well sustained. Beef continued the oniy exception. Best call was for top quality Teal and hogs. Generally steadier tone was su gested In the market for peaches with most J. H. Hale ud to 11 a oox ior , tne day. Eibertas and clings were around 75-8 5e box. inow crop aunona nuts were scheduled to appear In the trade within a week. . Opening prices were announced locally at 16 c ior ia and 15 He for newplus. mere was acuta shortage of god cantaloupes. Table grapes were lower. Oregon onions were scarce but Yakima stock was a trifle off. Tomatoes were In active call at late prices. Ground cherries were slow around 8 0-8 5 c box. taunnower was weaker with price off in spots. Only Few Driers To Open on Prune Picks at Heights ORCHARD HEIGHTS. Sent 25 The copious rains are interfer ing seriously with the1 prune har vest nere which like the yield Is somewhat spotted this season. Picking has been going on a week in soma orchards while others are only beginning. -Tha quality of the fruit is generally good. A con siderable percentage ot tha yield la being' sold' green to the can nerlea. Thus, the harrassed grow er has only tha picking fee to wor ry about. . Tha 1 area-drier oa tha Dr. Starbuck farm, will not 1e warmed op this season. Neither will the R. W. Clarke or the Andrew Vercler driers. Tha L. Grier plant will be functioning this week as. well as the newly erected on on, the Ad rian Withers farm. Owners of these plants lrtll be able to take care-of th output of orehardlsts not having drying facilities of their espm Local markeU showed little open, the week. Bushel offerings of home-grown tomatoes are coming In, with the Crfwer getting around 71 cents. Dressed real slumped to ft per hundred, a drop of $1. Dealers report few offerinra of prunes since late last week. opening deal In If SS crop hops was reported from Eugene, an English; buyer paying 40 cents per pound. KETTLE GB Week's Trading Affected by Gold Advance; Argentine Crop is Improved Grain markets were unsettled during the week ended Septem ber 23, according to the weekly grain market review ot the TJ. S. bureau of agricultural econom ics. Following the advance early in the period, wheat turned sharply downward and lost most of the previous week's gain. Corn and oats also declined with corn prices at the lowest point since May. Barley was independently firm under a good demand, while rye and flax were lower with wheat. Wheat markets were Influ4 enced largely by fluctuations In the mnnptlrT vain as vilK nnV on added significance as gold Ih the free markets of the world advanced to a new high and ex change, values reacted according ly. Gold was quoted by the U. S. treasury September 20, at $32.28 per fine ounce. On this basis, the present value of the U. S. dollar is only about 64 c In terms of gold. The English pound sterl ing rose to $4.81, or near its par value. Currencies In commercially im portant countries still on the gold standard averaged around above par. This abnormal situation reflects the stringent fi nancial situation prevailing throughout most of the world and the wide disparity in ex change values is a restricting Influence in international trade. Marked improvement In 1 1 h e Argentine crop as a result of recent good general rains, rela tively large wheat exports from Russia and a slow demand in foreign markets, were additional weakening influences in the wheat situation. Canadian mar ketings were near the seasonal peak, with receipts at Winnipeg totaling 5058 cars. Prices in that market declined to 6514c for No. 1 Northern on September 22, equivalent In TJ. S. money to 64c per bushel. Prices of native wheats In Eu rope, while advancing sharply in terms of U. S. money, as a re sult of the drop in exchange, held practically unchanged In lo cal currencies. Native wheat at Hamburg was quoted September 22, at the fixed price of 81.87. which would be - equivalent tn only about 1.22 if exchange were at par. French wheat at Paris was quoted at the Mtsh. lished price of 1.91 ln TJ. S. money at present exchange val ues, or about $1.24 at nar. whfl Italian wheat was quoted at Ge noa at $1.95. which wonirt h equivalent to $1.27 if exchange were at par. Action was taken by Germany during the week to carry out Its part of the international wheat agreement by prohibiting increa ses ln acreage of wheat and rye, and by requiring some reduction in wheat acreage. In addition, it is planned that . prices will be guaranteed next season only on that part of Germany's 1934 wheat crop: which Is consumed in that country. . Offerings of foreign wheat at Liverpool were liberal during the week, with German wheat quoted on-sample at 53 c per bushel. The fixing of a minimum price for German wheat however. In dicates a reduction or discon tinuance of foreign trade. Argen tine Rosafe wheat said at 60 c and Russian wheat at 65 c Russian Black Sea shipments to taled 1,616.000 bushels for the week. No. 1 Canadian Manitoba was offered for October shipment t 78e per busheL Southern hemisphere shipments (or the week totaled 4.047,00 $ bushels. Volume Contracts In Day's Trading On Wall Street NEW YORK, Sept. 25 (AP)--Stocks drifted lower fn quiet trading today and prices wera near the lows, net losses ranging from fractions to a couple ot points for the most active favor ites. Volume contracted to 1,304, 150 shares. TJ. S. Smelting lost f points and Homestake flopped 20". TJ. S. In dustrial Alcohol, National Distill ers. American Commercial Alco hol, American Smelting, Cerro da Pasco and Alaska Juneau, were down about 2 to New York central and Santa Fe lost about 2 points. TJ. 8. Steel. American Can. Westlngheuae. Allied Chemical. Da Pont. General Motors. , Chrys ler, Case, American Tobacco fBY Western Union and American f Telephone finished 1 to 2 lower. ' VISIT MRS. lAYTOJt ORCHARD HEIGHTS. Sent. 2E Mr. and Mrs.-Ben Whorley and i amity and her brother. Mr. Randolph, arrived Thursday from Gooding Idaho, for a.rigit with Mrs. Emma Layton. Tha visitors vera in a alight accident at Harv risburg en route here, but no ana ram Bunpp MODfVAlUES I '" jra seriously, hurt, ?