The OREGON STATESMAN T1 .V- PUHE, Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 AdVwrtlatm Slag ! laatrttoa tar tlsw.lte TBWt iBMruoa faff UMrpoaa per Una. One month w Ua..41.f9 Klmlonia charge rir '. Copy r tor UU pat ae wanted utU t:10 the irn tag teforw patlicxtiom Jar claaatOcatlom. . C r r eearea alter tbt tins will be na ander the aeadlag Too Lata to Classify. - -'' The ' fsfafcsWsn" assumes M financial responsibility tor error which tcay ap pear hi advertisements peo Ueaed .la Its columns aad la cum where this fiper la at taalt will reprint that part ot aa advancement ta which tha typographical e-stake oceara. Tie EUtwman' raservas th fright to reject objee tlonal advertising, it tmx taer' reeervea the right to classify an advertls-ag ce de; tne prapar claaiiQea-. tlOBv ":. -. HELP WANTED- FEMALE Mir : woman lor light houae-j V. mT,,"w nd average vaJ . in oiupputa; ov SALESMEN WANTED Rooeetrelt'a favorite portrait arlth hla ererlaatlna; sralle, life . alse lXUxl beauUful cold frame border facllmUe 011 painting-. 1.0c aeller. aample doaea tl.OS. DeacrlptlYa matter free. 17 tllixer. Mirwaukee. 1 Good propoaltion to men with sunn. eJii oroak, a cnemeceta. 2 waekly for neat hard woridna aaleaman. Dapper. Arro Hotel, 4 to I . . . (-,n n n ,-, 1 2 eanvaaaera Take ordera. Purity . estraeta. liberal commUaloa. - Call I 1041 S. Uth. Marlon, Polk. Una and Beifai coua- r 1 kmwwwxio . .,.. I aiecman wanted PosslbUltiea 8251 Per week and better. See Mr. TtenrnV. in puct oja. a to 13 a. m. - viu iintnui; 1 wwimwwwmwwi M.,iy,.l.miw J Wanted: Houaekeuliur .itw i OtAUAlJUXMS WANTED I or ramtry. Experienced Good refer- encea No Invalids or aauUl children to care for, aira 1 Brown. Kt . I box l. Tel. 4F15. FOR SALE Miscellaneous - iiTLrLnnJiri n as '- " - Old papers lOo a bundlaS, SUUsznan VI 1 ICO. For Bale: 40 Reaiatared Hamruh!rll M5hM W' """" , .- -.-I, . ,mni)iu - nn.njin-jij New prune trayer, 1448 Brladway. BARTLETT PEARS. 25c-50c Wm. Ecoddard, 1 mile on Wallace road. "' I a at Trar aa, m annnr r-xrLaTjrLi iiiiri- Saw guraraln; . an3 aharpentns k mile EL Four Corner. TeL 4280. fc i' ii ij-Lnni-i ii ii.aiiiim u ,rij-uii iiirtjTsrir FOB 8 ALE Pears, 30c box. Roy E. Smith, lit 8. Bx. 1S8. ...... -i--,-,-l,-,i-il-irM1WMLWw.,,J, A pplea Beat Bartletta 3 Sc. Mrs. Wright. 4 mile on Wallace road. MILK High Grade pasteurised, all produced vu uur own ptace. Pleaaant Hum. rialrv Tiui tie o.r. I 4IF22. ' I him... ......... 1 -ri-L 'I T FOR SALE Registered white collie pupplea Fred Fisher, Roeeburg, Ore "aaiasaaMSaaaaaaasaiei a sr-aa-aaauaM-LOJUSr Fischer piano Just Ilka new, about .one-third of selling price. Terms. Cline Piano Co., 612 State. "" - - -i-ir-u-i-irmn 111111. . Golden Bantam Corn 60c sack. To- tnatoes SOc and 80o buaheL Garrison's btayton road. j. -nil """"L Tmm'imr " " For Sale: Rose velvet' dress and Eaton Jacket, alse about 84. Cheap. parley Cleaners, over Pay 'a' Taklt wortn CommerclaL I about 49 per cent leas than regular Price. Terma almost Ilka rent Cllne Piano Co 618 Bute. . ...... -ii-u-uiorumj . Cucumbers for sale. 67-F-2. mm m ii i . ! E-li-l,-.,.lnr.f. . , Must sen my grand piano. Leaving! luwu ana win sen my baby grand at a, big sacrifice. Will take auto aa part payment Home evenings after z west iturai Ave. ' - , ".uii"u".rii Y r wc per oox.1 Bring boxea s5 E. Washington. f 1 Will sacrifice used Wegman piano 84; 85 down, 35 per month. Cline Pino Co.. 518 State. '" 1 i .... -i-i-mcinr n in -u-Lrtar Baled oat hay for sale. Rt 4, box T ic. M. K. Rica. ' .... ii'i-n-ii-innnn -For sale DU1 pickles lo lb., 80S Marion, corner of Hlah. M w... I.,.,,-,, nirinnniT Wood ranare-'wlth mt k. I hi with springs, mattress;; chair a Cheap a tL. a a . m. r t awn, vui at sat center. i Ciiiitjlirr- -1 . ' 1 ' TRAnP MtaMtla-itwvna' I " -mvv..-.w , I OT I have ei..- 1, V ' I : . ..- rJl w va vn,i atxaow -.t-i mg. 9-ej xji, H. C SHIELDS Oregon RolMlntr. , Tel. -8991 WANTED MlsceUaneons - i-ii-n-irmi qjiLSii-si-i nni v4,f,r.,?,t, 'i? J0'" Barber Shop. " - o. viurcn ot . jeiMii.... ... . . . ,-,,-,,11-1,, -,, Will buy walnuts or filberts, a W. Tucker. 1465 N. CapitoL - ""'" --i - ---! n n jin.n nni Wanted : Veal and haae tut. vrt-h I " Z a a O U i MISCELLANEOUS -- 'iigruu ijini-sjiii - - -- Expert halrcutting, 20c and 15a 808 3aasaaaaa-a-i-i as . . . . ?vfLn.?f..Whless horses. FOR RENT ROOMS fcrai innnni i - - LUrS:.rom; a rrt'li school Tel. 6544 i0 "B" street, ROOM AND BOARD v- . .w. .r x-. S46X.. 1 t Hahr cut tOo. isia r --."-'rr. a. , " n. Cflmmmii i 1 For buaineaa Mont. " tJL " ."""1 Lot: Contract for deed for real Mt anrrdtagaTfoo . CfK, -"T to B. C his. ?w,1IMUnj Clsarch., TeLl Mesklmona Leave at Percy hjppere wawaavtaa ROOM AND BOARD aEeard. -rooms, 492 N. Bummer. FOB RJ5NT APABTMENTS 1 Pattvn a i init- m.ii. I cl-aa. comfortable. prlvaaeJ I v r. e-wnaoie. iui rattan a v". sun . - v Furn. t r. apt. .261 Basal. TaL 7464, 2-ranaL. eloaa m. 2C & Cottage. '''MaawaaBawaaaaaaB(aaw Small heated apt 1335 State. . " Nice turn, apt. t0- Union. FOR RENTUOUSES " ii.iuuui - Furnished house, liranlaee. iImhIu porch, garage, lare-e creak lo. . eaaaMe to-permanent. 855 N 18th St wriawunruiji -run unn n n - - - .r uk kjt I Tn"P Misiwirrk 1530 Bellevue St rma 18. 1665 8. Church St. S rma. 318. 323 Buah St 3 rms. 1. 1025 Wilbur St 4 rma 110. 214 Berry St I rma. til H!! W" Nob H1U s- 5 rma. $12.50. 143 Fir 8t 4 rma tI5. I3l'Xf. Cottage Kt 7 rma 111 ' South Suburban home ( rma 820. 876 N. 20th St I im-s! Two of the very beat modem homes I " eaiem located cor. Market and N. Summer Sta. ( rma and 11 a h iKlKead the rrocerr ads In thla m. St--S rma - - . chiijos a MTT.T.1TR Bmm : Sil Rt.t. Bf I -. . , T "... juooera noma- rornlabed or unfur - nlahed. Also apt 4 75 N. CoaunerciaL 6 r. furn. . 404 8. lth. FOR RENT , . , (store business In R,in, 7. i , Fw.wiUJe, rTO'Hyears DUSineM 1X1 Salem 7 I OmK Oreaon. FOR SALE Real Estata I K.Piu.T'?0,n nl-naaderm home, I 7?!E7??Si!rep,1?5 bfanUful artmnda m nl.VJ " lrull t treea. f.' f "r4"1 Ner J"- jSL "Jf ?uniL. chools. f.aVi - w yenua. xaU - --B-M-M-armn wai wSTL i?FU S S Rt Box 4tl Zimmerman. alectrte rn. Lot lOoTl ?rbie rf uy. n in aeu unturnlahed. rum TiTTrrTiar Phone 1S Rm s irii B v, n ,I83 Km- 8' MUler-a Store bldg. 4 -room k,.. oi " " ..ww 'xi oaraui. y?ol a or iruit, lot 84x120. -room Engllah atyle horn in N nsuin atyie noma In N I Slem. Oak floors, modern In everv wav I 82600. - oaern m Terjr - Enallah tylo In Kay Addition, Ifi1." njodera. ; A, bacgatn at 82750 tvaewn. .miulj iiM JOHNSON ' 275 State St - SmaU house and lot In North Sa KeaaonabJavr Inquire at 430 N. EXCHANGE Real Estate exchange uomrortable 6-room house ta Salem's iinesc reaiaentiai district for bouse or I vacant tot .wen located ta Eugene. child! ; a TMnZER. Rekn S44 mate st IStm FOR "SALE FARMS aasaaassaaJyaaaaaasasl fuoo 21-acre farm siToe worth double 1 8 miles out on good road, buildlnaal K!2. "Si 2 wel1' eatiful lx.d orchard, balance la ulUvTtlon., "-.""VL T0V or...Uaib-.l jror a real but in a smaU farm . CUilDS t MILLER, ltealtnra I ' StAteSt Fhie 47BI I MMMM MMMiMM I ACREAGE - M- L, ijn; RANCH BARGAINS . ? 35 acres, . fair Improvementa, 18 A. t,Jd tool one horse, only. 82509. Tour terms. Price 86690. Take good hoaaeas nart Real Estate .and Insurance "" - - iniui. mini LAND BARGAIN r 110 actca part in cultivation, some fine timber. rln7 i J? odarn. Imp. balldlnga, located nine mflea w t PHoe See W.H.GRABENHGRST A CO." MONEY TO LOAN "Zwill a Loan Help You? y. Ton can borrow m eA. . wr tees, and take from to 29 months to repay. wuuia in r i i writs f SOCIETT OF 8ALEM Room 119, New Bllgh Building Second Floor LICENSED No. S-128 by STATE M state St. - Tel 3-4-7-0 monthly Isitilim.m. personal property ; repay H71!?. LOAN Ca SUta ila 8-169. 6a rXaaaa aaMSltM. Mk W1 M . a aaaa. WILLAM "'. ici. ssii. rrir ii i uuijtjvltli PERSONAL LOANa atADB en furniture, cara. aalariaa other mm) -..-,. r 77fn-1B Bead eoe vHtprs cioaina a loan. r G ENER A t, f N V ESTMENT first National Bank Bids, Phone 8S51 M.-MIM . II I . -. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS. . Contracts Refinanced -S . Arrange to reduce roui payments , i keep the car ' P. A. EIKEB a. Owf-.f-"rty SC aad Ferry "heme 47tt Kekem. Ore LIVESTOCK and POULTRY wonres ages C and S.I Biui iiwv ana iiuv respectively. Also fresh young cows and a Guernsey bull 33 . tnonthe old. i Joe Schneider, Route 2, box 147, Woodburn, Ore-, at XVXIJXVVag. . v FOR SALE WOOD . """"irsrir 'ari rti Liui i i - n- Phone Tracy's. 8986 for dry wood, YUA"AJTBe DRT 1 1 post ! aura rati ca. Trad a cottage, - ..... ' .t isxjyij ' All kinds wood. TeL 4418. - --- .iJMMI II Dry fir, oak. Tel.9749. Earhart Broa. LOST AND FOUND ..ifat: Rim and tire, 7.00-21, stxel "' awaro. YeL st7. Reward,, . .... . i - r : -' -1 Interesting Facts 00 A,.. ."?. Tho Sareath Day Adreatlsts countriea In 455 Ianfaasea. They hare 1,447 eyaaeUsts. phyal- cltM. nursea and teachers. O ihfcif- bnk WM 5Ub" llahed In 18J8. 0 r in 9 Oreron Statesman founded In 1851, 11 weeks after the Oregonlan. r . Cyn Cronlse. local ohotorranh. er, haa a Terr lntereatinar rrmm a of old-time pictures of Salem on 1 or appllcaUon not so made, rerl dlsplay at the foot of the stairs fled and filed shall not be consld- leadlng to hm studio. G . This la Best Fooda aal4 ..v lner. ' ' I " i I ' ' V U" National Food adrartfaar. M 1 sne Statesman more and "iuns. iNote the large ad of Kel- ; , . F Hal Patton has w m fh. t w - It la niaTrTr:.. - .vJ!1 C.ourt lxed Tuesday, the walkf 81 rv . , . .rOR SALE U$ED CARS M)t BONESTEELES dependable tt '3t Ford V-8 roadater. bT& New hwl Ure. A real buy I$450 3 1 Ford coup . nice abape i9i 2! S.WKsa73 IMlfaw '27 Buick aedfln Kro...wnT .,r . o . .8148 IT om" iaan heel 828 : Jtf. coe' overhauled ... 5w rubber and paint 8485 88 Ovarhuid Whippet coach 27 OvprUn WV.I . . ' cylinder t95 Terms Phone 4444 BOXESTEELB SALES SERVICE. INC. Podge-Plymouth Dealera - ia Vn . 1 1 1 k . f 7, . . 4an- Good condition. IHS : U28 Buick coach 812S. Ci- Mir, Vr-" correro s ; NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF Notice- la hereby given that the undersigned has-been duly ap- Pointed by the County Court of the .State of Oregon, for the Conn- ty ot Marlon, aa Rtbotim v last wIH and testament and estate! ?L? J1. deceasTnd "ul7 quauiiea as such w"x; ail persona having cUlmg against the estate of said! eai are Hereby noUfled to IreMnt me. duly verified to I mk . tha .a v. . . I - vmto ot Monaia c. I v v,oi,ww pounas, com Glover, my attorney. 205 Oregon Pared 6.054.T78 pounds at Building Salem, Marlon . County. the Bam Ine a year ago. Hold- aTa MjajaL aaeMh . 1 4. a 5 5 at ilrVT w. .,n ,,x ontua from UBlB ot inu notice. Dated at Salem. Oreeroa. thla 18th day of Angust. 1983. AUCE B. Cannon VAow. - 1 . "i4 WI lQB wm and tes- uuieni ana estate or Enoa Pres- Ball dacaanad ROTC A T.r n nimn V. j XV. Attorney for Executrix. J fcaiem. Oregon. A-18-25-S-1- ,,9-15. Radio Program . J4ay. aeptaaiber 15 rODI Peitlaad as jfa. a. as. -hjulx'm JUoek. sisCTak uitoTtra. cbs. m ma I v:o uattv Crocker. Tit.RS l 10:00 Fred Bitmi'i imk..(. -nrraa I 11:L5-Alex eoneer.- tiU cbs. ' - J 1A.AJL . MM. - f . . . . I a . ,uu a hb una has. ( : k h . . u. i . .a 2r y vua. - iX elwea we oookaada, CBS. ; f :5?r .x M Wgats. cbs. 2?Xky?gl 5:45 la tae leaatiag. CBS. n.w uoiaasoia raatare. a:45 Cotaabia Syatpheay arekastra, CBS, . 7:45 Hoaaynaa's rUhlnr BalUO. 8:00 Leoa Blaseo's orchestra. CBS. 8:15 Horace Heidt's CsUforaians, DLBS. , 5 :52 Sjntnphemr Group, DLBS. J?:22U,d" "". orgaaist, DLBS. ?arl Dancer' a ercbsstra, DLBS. 13:00 Jack aad JiU's Tavera orches tra. . r KOAO Corrallia 650 Xa. 6:45 Farm Market Be port a. 7:00 Morning Meditations. 9:00 Morarng Concert. -9:00 Hom. JLetmtomlrm Ot. ... 11:00 Eetter Health aad Laager Life. 11:80 Moraine? Matin.. . 12:00 Koon Farm Hoor. ,:0r..w uu u-uh S:30 The Hossfemak-rs' Half Hoar. 8:00O. T. MeWlwrteiCovee &oa . for Oreh-rds." " ' I raiiesepaar er e Creasroadt. HA ADVERTlSrl& FOR AMQTHErV COOK- YOU SEEM:T0 HwE UHUSUrVL UCSCESS 1T?i XV- . NOTICE OP REVIEW AND EQUALIZATION . OF ASSESSMENT ROLL . The State Tax Commission will attend aa a hoard ot eqaallsatloa at the Capitol la Salem, Oreron. ea the third Monday in -Septem- oer, uas, and publicly examine the assessment roll by It tnadsv. no renew me same, and correct all errors la ralnation. daaerin. rJon. anantltles orro4itles of T""1'"" awsrvaaaaawrw w mm, a. a a daty ot the peraona and companies to appear at the time and place appolntodr P PatUInn A. . I doctlon or,, change ot apportion- meat Jot a arUcular aaseasment I shall be snade In wrltins;. Tertfled hv thn natii hA ...u...t ... president, secretary, mana'glnc agent or attorner in fa nt hi tiled With tha ranmlulnn lil. 1 the flrat week It fa h ! nnir.i I to b In inuinn m ni- ered or acted upon. STATE TAX COMMISSION, jjy jsui I Funerr f CommtesloBer 4b Secretary. ' A 25 5 1-8-15 NOTICE OF FTNAIr SETTXESfEBTT Notice Is hereby glren that the r Court of the State ot Oregon. i?";? .of Marlon, his , , uiea imai account, as the administrator of the estate of Tina btfavaaraaM-jaTMB . . . M . " or Bepiemoer, l33. at 1 inn nnnv .r am a'.il a . - w VIVCk A. m. Ol said day. aa the time, and the County Court Room In the County Court Hon t Salem. In Marlon county, Oregon, as the place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. at Salem. Oregon, this I 18tn da August. 1933 ARTHUR EDWAF Xw"s- Attorney for Administrator. Salem. Oregon. A-1S-25-S-1-8-15. BUTTER PIES IE EE CENTS PORTLAND. Sept, 14. (AP) ia una wnn the general weak 11668 of the bntter market, prices cUned locally. Butterfat PP 8 cents, effective today, to 19 cnta PortUnd delivery and 17 cents at countrv dalivarv nn(t. The Prodc exchange lowered f?rI" standard, lc r 7" ' tirais ie IO 19 C ua "rsls 6 IO 180. The coast market has a genera unenone r weakness. Coast t -rage holding, stand at the huxe 11 1 to 1 in Oi AAA - . ,ua er aecunea but little from eea ago wnen they totaled 10, 889,537 rounds. The lower prices and o1f weather alonr th- .;7 r"1'.1011? t w www .uvum stimulating effect on the rei" movement and give the prl uiary marxec a oetter tone.. xg Taiuea wars nnhan The market here looked about "eadjr. 24c on extras and 21 on sUndards. Large aad medium ann pliea were reported In rood de mand. Local and ontslde buying "w reponea to maintain a consistent volume. Eugene cants arrived on the marxet m quantity and were of fered fully steady at 90c to 81 the crate, i t Th trade had some supplies of ay grapes zorofferlng at 81.25 Other kinds were nnctanged. prospects were for aiMiUnt quality celery from the Troutdale ! 8traIna and aould be a martel " --"" sua snoma oe a market urorni. Tlis . . ' l",""" arxei was steady ca again .nncnanred An V. . . . v w. uu uuriT rnniM .infr Market for all nn. ... icauj. AeceiDta Wera mnAwt m a . m "'w tv aaa an? rfttU demand moderate. Pric rurally anchanged. . Tra4e in Wools Is More Active BOSTON. Sent- 14 t kX (U. S. Dept. Agr.) Trade, in do mestic wool U more active and practically all grades are harlng some call. Medium qualities ara rery strong while the ttner grades show a strengthening; ten dency. Fine Ohio Delaine woll has been sold" at a fraction above S3 cents In the grease; French comb- bus rd rat wetsces onng 23-29 Cents In s 4 " SCOUred basis tor average lines and 79-80 cents tor KOoa Staple. 0H.WE KM0VJ OUR 1 a . t - . 1 N1I Vat KEEP, IT.' ill - .H 7 : QUICK T ElEOIUILTO AUTO BRAKES Hlka Panek. tha traka and ahtmay ortnr, 175 South Coimiwrlat Pfrct BICYCLES Mew and caed; Tim, UDalrios; HARRT W. SCOTT. Cora'l St BRUSHES Fuller Broah Man. 143 D atreet CATERING Burt Crwrr, tho -ayrr. Ph. S75S. T CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4450. R. E. Northneaa- CHIROPRACTORS PR. O. JU SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor. nun, let, ilea. FLORISTS CUT nowera, weddlnc bouquets fun eral wreatna aecorauona. d B". Rreit. iiaupt. florist. 577 Court TeL 8904. ALL kinds of floral work. Lutx Flor twt. Hth a Market. Tel 0502 GLASS Auto and window claaa mtrrora, TeL 5106. Walter J. Downs, 480 Breya INSURANCE BECKS 4k HENDRICKS 189 N; Hl;h TeL 4847 COFFET-SMITH, Ken. Ina TeL 8432. LAUNDRIES : THE NEW SALEM LAUKDRT THE WEIDER LAUNDRT 283 & High TeL 9i25J CAPITAL. CITY LAUNDRT Flrat In Quality and Sarvln. Telephone 2145 1264 Broadway MATTRESSES MattrsaUBawsi frnm frxisfir V.Aen. a ton mattreSs, 69 lb. 5100. Renovatora na xuiaisaiora. nun cleaned. capital txuumg leu u9. S03U W. CapitOL New mat treea made to order, old rw. iiiaue. carpet cleaning, ailing ; nun rug weaving, salem KlufT Rti. a af at. tresa Factory, a 13th Wilbur. TeL B-1. iwio f. a-ytpner. Eet 1911. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL Pianos, radios, sewing mac tunes, aheet music and piano stu dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and sewing machines. 432 Stat Street. wm iwni. , MEDICINE When Others Fail Nature's herbs for every tIL H. & Low, noted Chinese herbalist 473 & Commercial Street. Salem. Oregon. Established atnee 1912 ta Oakland. Calif. Consultation free. Telephone 8758. Hours 9 to . Sua. 19 to 13 24. Dr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday, 10 :30 a. m. tg4230p, m. 148 N. Commercial. PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint Roofing. 474 Ferry. PRINTING FOR STATIONER T, cards, pamph lets, program a, booka or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing Department. 216 a ConunerclaX Tale- pnone niui REAL ESTATE BECKB 4s HENDRICKS, TeL 4947. W. H. GRABENHORST A rTl 134 & IJberty.St TeL 6468. SOCOLOFSKT A KrtV 304-5 First Nafl. Bk. Bldg. Tel. 7807. STOVES STOVES and stove " repairing: - Stoves for ' sale, rebuilt and rnair a ii kinds of woven wire fence, fane and vwin. aop oaaaeia, nooaa, logaa nooka feaiem Fence and Stove Works, 863 v.iirmrfi. 1 el. 4 K. B. HemlnBL TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer -).. can 8131, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks io reru a a any. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 228 State St TeL 7773. Distributing, for warding aad atoraara onr ailit -. . f t .9. TYPEWRITERS iirswiuTEB. Adding Mch. sold, rented, repaired. Underwood Agenta. ciinn, in courx. Tel. 6S4. WELL DRILLING k. a. west, 89 years experience, RFD am ft. Tel. 1I0K6. Leaders To Have Troop, Latest Scheme i ScOTtera, Uoop Is "the latest taing in cna way w Boy scout organizations h a r a ; .. tan tat tva rplaaa tor thla organization of scent leaders were laid when the saiem, r ircontmasters met last night at the First .Christian church. The new troop -will meet once a month and will empha sise training for Scoutmasters. ' The meeting last night also dis cussed plans for the Scout court of honor and board of review to be held at the Marlon county court nouse, ; Wednesday . n.lght, September 20. A large number of Salem boys will receive awards at the conclare. v Through sale of muskrat skins. sportsmen of Utah nronosa to make "self-liquidating" a project to establish a-7500-acrt game ref- age in box Eider county. - Business Directory Carda "la this dtrertory run o moutbiy haata waJy. Hate: tl.wO per llae par an ih. ms PEEMGIC. avraay BEBSLDED CHICAGO, Sept, 14. (AP). DespJta aarere t downtnnta la prices at Wlaalaef. the Chica grain market showed exceptional strength at times today, ; and wheat finished wtth earns. . ' FTesa apturna la CMcaca mln ataee, 2 cents maxim am tor wheat, were- roupled with asser tloaa la some Quarters that agri cultural products had definitely turned the corner oa the way to permanently hgfaer prices, it was alsa coat ended wheat selling hare oocuoo 01 removal ot an artificial fixed minimum On wheat nrleM at AVinnln. was tii..i 9 esaeclallT in view f Ttr..M--tt: la ralnes of arrlcaltaral eommndu m -wm m vja gur al d 1393 r rpnr nT.riiffVai ues to nnng hack the 191b level. Wheat closed nervona. u.u. .v. a j .. ." " ' wievateraiyi iinisn, corn un changed to Vl lower, oat. n. changed to ap. dosing aaotatlons: Wheat : : Sept. ggU-u rw. "4 ; May, fK-U. vorn: sept.. : 48i. Dec., tt K .a-A mt r. . .... " " Otts: Sept., 87; Dec, 41 H Ul Mar. 44; - General Markets POBTLAKD. Or. a... Frednee exehaace. net prices: Batter, ax. waa, 20e; suaeards 19tte: Drix first. 1H: firsts lSe. Ken .k ... Portland Grain PORTLAVn. firm . Ant 11 MB JJaeat Opea High Lew Close May 79 79 T9 79 Dee. pa 70 89 , 711 .74 74 14 74 74 Cask viui! K, 1 sti. u.. C 79e; dark hard winter la v.t an. 11 pet, 71e; soft waite. western white, bard " " v"Mg, oc ; wastera Tea Oats: No. t white. 822.50. STJl s- .E T"ir. 828.00. Mitlraa stsndsrd, 9X7J00. Portland Produce POHTLAXD, Ore, Sept 14. (AP) Bottar Prints, extraa. 2 let .t..H.,j. 20e. ' ' 1 Batterfat P-rll.nd d-i;.-.. a ..ji. 19e lb.: farmar'a da. -.11... i. ik . r . T . i cm aigner. Efgs PaeUie Poultry Prodaeers' sell ing prices: oversize itte; extras, 24e; staadarda. 21 e: modinm. u..." KLV""- Buyiag price by wholesalers: -Ti" 77 Ve ao, i Uru- 180 "lE-dos? d"-; nad'rlT,d8' V1' i Sh?Ia scare Oregon triplets, lie; :"-,r r uroa.ra wiu pay Hi wave- avaai kiuns. Milk Coatract price. 4 pet Portland 37V4eFfb eW" 3 rr'd Ceaatry aieatt setliag price to retail ers: Ceaatry killed hogs, best batchers. 150 lb- 7-8e; vealera, 70 to 100 lb, 10-10e; sprfaig la-aba. 10 lie Iba.; yeariiaga 4-5o lb.; heavy ewe S-Se lb.; saednna eewa, 5-6 e lb: eaaaer cow, . -St M.; balU. 4-5e Ib. Mohair BnyUg price: 1933 elln. 15e Ib. Caseara Bark Bayiag price, : 1918 peel te. nopa aaasiaai. 1P5S. 40-45e lb. Buying prices: Colored fowls. 4 to 6 lbs.! ausata -'otutrr aAa-riaa -s ail aaa. - 13c; OTey 6 Iba., 12e; spring pallets aa- dor 8 lbs 14e; roasters, over. 8 lbs, 14e; leghorn fowls, over 8 lbs- Se- fu,d,'.J,.,b 5 hroilers. 1 to 2 lbs- 15c; 3 lbs. asd op, 14e; ataga. 8c: roosters, Se; Pekin docks, 10c; colored darks. 6e; geese Be Ib. Onions Walla Walla, 81.25-1.50 eea- M Potato.- T..f ..J -.j 1.50 eeaul; T.kii SLSO-S. - cu,??w"A---' f i--2; 75-90e -rat.. ' ' i.Ku ataaaaroa. 7&.oa ,nt- n.ii. JZVttP'- lb": swai- iZs Hav Barlnr ari-e. m AlfsUa. h0. 1. new rms S17- 1. 314: Willaatatte vallav tlawtth-. 815; eastern Oracoa tiatotar. til- aad grain, 915 ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. Sept. 14. (AP) Cattle t receipts, 150, calves 80; farily acta around steady. Steers, com asoa aad medium, S.00 5.5a; heifers, good, eoaaoa aad aaedjom. 2.75-4.25; eewa. good, common aad aie diass. 2.50-8.25; tar evtter and cotter, 1 .00-250 ; balls, go! aad dioiea. 2.75--50; totter, esanmea aad BMdiam. 1.7S. 2.75; vealera, good aad ckaiee, S.00' 7:00; ealL eeauaea and ss.dinm. S.oo-1 egs: secetpta, VOO; aroond steady. m .ysfc'.s". mod and eheiee, 4.75-1 iii-s Ts. 'SJ !f5? .60-5.oi Peking aSwVe.ia ul I goad, s.85-8.75; alaeghter pigs, good aad .-Jdn-dnioroa t0Ckr aw .n cboicv, .va-t., ehsep: fieceipts, looo; asetably ady. Steady. Lambs, good aad . -5 -t!! i aa. v' sr-IooT- XZ.' 'o I eommaa wataaia.! .w. ekaice, 2.25-2.25; can aad eommoa. .74-1 TrrvTcnr r-vi. e.e tr Mill MPi vr.-.tiw .i.hil sources asserted today the Jap- anese are preparing to annex the I strategic town of Shanhalkwan. situated where China's great wall meets the sea, and attach It to Manchukuo. - : A delegation was seat to Hsfn- ehlng, Manchuknoan. capital (for merly Changchun). to -s petition Governor : Pn-TI to incorporate Shanhalxwan Into Manchukuo. r It was said er".thar2a nan m a' orderod. Chinese residents of Shan- aaiawaa to noj3iiags or the Mao - ehkucv;governmen "te welcome th retarn of tha-deleratlonr- - 7.;1 The petition preumlaarx to formal decJaraUon - of T the aanaxatlon. The Chinese post office admlnlstraUon haa been desirous of Uklnr ova, til Shanhalkwan office, w h 1 c h has been Isolated from the .ervlcaTor many months, - w- r V SipUi WLL BETUBrJWl Ne'dh9sHomltln6k nad '-tolea- the broker'a ,vr V s A4 tiiiC lore. Mr, fah.l TT.-r ..u ... At 12:41 thl-ornln; departn answered a call to a fire at 2708 Brooks avenue, real. I dence of Frank Newton. Tho blaze S??! lr" vw--?! vwka-ucu, Exhibit Salem :JJarkets Urada u raw 4 atlik. -et pool price, fl49 per oHnarea. Sarplaa -flO. , ' (Milk saaeW ea seaU snatabj WatribwtoT- price L.T0 ' Batte-r f at ToplSc," ptinU 21 He, cabea 23Hc Prices paU t seer y galea hsrers (Tka prfcer aow. aapyfled by a loeal Bl -AMI! mm utaaata&a Ceaat paaa. Xh. ; nm Liaia baaaa. lb. Baekleberriee, 1k. .18 US toeal. lb. gf 9VPtk loeaL lb. 74 ta 1-00 .04 JS fMsnsaaal .IamI I Lettuce. !! 1X0 ta LIS JBS ta .95 Onioaa. wTnrTwJ i ll I cSJrT ZJt K wt- I , VT . . 1 Applea. Oraraaateiae - 75 v1?". alaeiaa. faaey S.OO te S.SO M ,75 ta 1.25 Eaeta, leeaL aaa. ' Tnxaipa. leeaL mt 19 bartoto, loeal. aoz. .10 Spinaca. ieaL ante A5 ta M .05 "a,.. la. ea Itock Coeaabera. betkoaaa. box oiaai f-ieaiias. UK ieal. aos. Caataleapes- raa4 lab Limes, freak aveeeaea, erate - Saaasa. Daniak. Sox. SJ5 .15 .85 Jis-eo .75 1.T5 L2S Teauteea, The Dalles , Leei. a at a : Black berries I IT .C., I Com. hwaL doa. . I Caaabas. lb. . .08 i SeadlM. mu. h.- J.45 . JDS Sveat Potatoes. Ib. SOPS 4 op. xsz. IX 0 aooa SaytaarttBes Extras . .21 . .19 . as5 4 , JIO .JDS . .07 , .11 ,13 Btsadaras afediams POOLTBTt Old Colored beaa Mediaaa haaa I Tut Leghorn fryers I veiersa Iryers aneaw Rprinf lambs, top Hoes, tea .5.00 .5.10 .5.25 -4.75 First eete Second cats Steers f Cowa ,, 4J0 -te .04 .03 .03 to jDT. Drotaed Ve.L t. iZ, M JOS JD9 .08 I vmwm wp oisia a -m w.v Wheat, western rJ White. Ko. 1 Bariey, top. toa - .l ... .63 .15.90 .17.00 .19.00 uata. feed, ton Oats, BtillinC, ton Cats" aadchTtot nay. aa yw arte .12.00 .14.00 .12.00 i.5 - . - J01 J Allalfa. valley, jtirst cut Ctavakay Utdlna Oearse Mohair CA8CABA BA-K Preen. Ib. Dry. Ib. Stocks and Bonds I Seatember 11 I (Copyright. 1983, Suadard Statistics Co.) I STOCK AVERAGES " I Joar 98.1 . sa.ft 83.T 88.4 rrev. aa w . ami ax Ka n a a k a a at I w fo 97i!a 6o! 85.8 8d!a "r to 58.8 29.3 89.7 58.8 s Tr. aco lsv.a 121 a a i-n High 1931 , 102.1 ssio H3 ssa hV. 23-5 61 5 43.9 High 1932 72.3 85.1 13!2 il l Low 1933 BOND ATBXAOEg . 79.1 79.0 78.8 -k w ZZZ ll 2a!? Hi i. v . 73.7 10 Lew i ZZZ 58.S It:? ?ti SII f,rh if III 780 78,1 , ... oo.l !. 07.S (Cepyright .1933. the Associated HAVANA Sent id apt TlZtJltJIr7Z m on Gran San Marti. I p - - "Mwa iw vans waica con - talaed promise ot a virtual al- though benevolent dictatorship Simultaneously it threw the heaviest guard yet placed around Ha7aa Hotel National, where Iran rv. . . 500 Cuban army officers ousted I In last week's enlisted men's conn were danT demaadlngr restora- on of ex-President de Cespedes. Machma guns were trained on four sides of the huge, high-set hotel. The government told Cuba flat ly It wlu. make Individual rights secondary to what It eonslder's the nation's good.-phrasing the fifth - point' of the government plan: "Since the provisional govern ment truly would be at fault If it abandoned the guarantees that (possession of J the Dower carrlaa wnn it to dangeroua asnlratlona. .f0,?117 " T111 make nndB- " i. l? " rf.Vme i-wunuon. f t apt a a t-JZT- J7 - UiStmSS J i?IT,'7l V1 J"': Mario-, Read. - .MM - i aoclalite,. 75. Kdawla1 - . - 1 T-0.1'1.!11?1 etress. aiTanat 1 Itf ..XM 1 .nl -t-06 ian some Alfred C. Read Jr. W1 . a . ' . 1 ;Qiz0 f? binder, .said they had declined to vote a cent for Mrs. Read, be- leans th. aa a v.h I -wis tun ll1 The Jury- of seren men and n - w -.. . required three iwurs t"each ori ktad fctnrned heVe fiiTs, Kead had asked 1100.001). OICTATflOfinlP Ffln nnni in rnnpftiftT bULIA IS I-UHtUAbl WIUDSOR IS 1GKED . FOR S7S.O0O BU Strength 1 win NEW , YORK,. Sept. 14 (AP) After extracting farther soar Ishment from Inflation gossip and credit expansion po&sibllites. stock and. commodty markets : backed down from their early highs today and dosing prices- represented generally small set changes. - Chrysler. General Motors, Kelr J Tltttor, Canada Dry and MotO ' apveasa aa- a. a 1 1 mil American Tele- fhoae, ea-drrldendv lost two- thirds of a three point advance. Homes take- mlninr iunrBad- sear- ' ly 19 and TJ. 8. Smelting- hopped up more loan 7 to a new high for the year. American Smeltinr'a gain was 3 points. . Kennecott, Cerro de Pasco, Howe. Sound, Phelps Dodge : and International Nickel werw active and higher. BD1T FILGEBT Members of the Brtxnnt flibArtl Pool, meeting at Newberg, set the followng as prices to the Jobber: Jumbo grade 21c laraa ix. m' dlum 1 8c, and baby 13c. This Is lc per pound above the associa tlon prices on barcelona tor large, medium and baby grades. Man. , agers Bentley of the X. P. asso cutlon and Trunk of the Oregon Walnut Growers' Inc., who were present at the meeting both a tat- i ed that the jumbo grade Is a au pergrada which their barcelonas uia not reach last year. Forty to-: 80 per cent of the Brlxsuta fall! Into this jumbo grade. ' Bentley reported that hla auw ciatton was sold- out oa probable tonnage and that he could easily : handle another hundred tons of fllbertg If he had tfcem. Both he- ana Trunk reported a fine de mand for filberts, itha EoroDMn : crop being a failure. ' The Brlxnut pool will be han dled at last year, through a mar-? ketlng committee working with H. T. Larsen, broker. In Portland. Part ef the Jumbo grade was set aside for sal by th N. P. ao elation and by the Oregon Nut Growers' association. This was for the purpose ot rlvlnr Brix- nuts distribution In more distant markets than was thought pos sible through, the local pool. urowers present reported- crops as a little light but with aiza large. PORTLAND. Ore.. Sent. 14. I lAf) a warning that stahiliza- tlon of lumber production, as the NRA Code orovlde.. mn.t comP-ished or lumbermen face the inability to pay coda wares and another unprofitable winter, was sounded as millwrights and manu facturers met la a session caUed. by the West Coast Lumbermen's i ... : .. association, in an attemnt to ni- tf Problems arising oat of the J -nmoer industry's fair competition I coue. Production of lumber has in creased 100 per cent from An-ti to August while sales during tha same period advanced but 20 per ceni, woionei .w. B. Greeley, secretary-maaarer of the wit Coast Lumbermen's association. said as he warned tha asaaai. hlage that stabilized production was necessary. v Despite the warning and flxv nres showing the stataus of pro- ductlola in the-, industry, mem- Utezneat that nev- ca..L"BM ".mu asxed for allotted prodactlon for Septem ber of 450.000,000 feet, POMHWIIL A meeting of: the Oregon i branch ot the International Baby ' Chick association, will be held iat the chamber of 'commerce- rooms, Salem, today at 9:30 a. dn. ! i The new NRA code will be pre- ; sen ted for consideration and a re port of the delegates to the reeent ' Grand Rapids national convention will be received Thero are sever ai other important matters affec ting the poultry , industry which will be discussed. All poultrymen v are iaTlted, A. E. Leary, secretary-treasurer of Woodburn. an nounces. ' - School Credits Forwarded for. Three Students . High: school credits far" John : DelzelL who waa graduated from f Salem high school in 1932. war ' yesterday forwarded' ta Eugene wnere young ueizeii will this tall , register as a freshman at the Unl- rerslty of Oregon. - , : The high school office also sent A ) credentials tor Wayne Fehler, an- I other- member of the-class of ! 1922, to Willamette nnlTersIty. "Gay Swingle, who waa rradaat. ed this Jane, will attend nmrnn t Normal school at Monmouth this yea r, aha indicated "Wednesday when aha askedjthe school here to forward her credits. Jimmy FoxxTAthlAtie.- ain. is one of only six Dlavera in ail major league history to hit the. . cycle, that is. get a single, dan. - hle, --trrbla-ranar-'homer in fnna r 1 nnm nninrn nrr r Tlllir rnll.rh hrl? : . 1 uuu I IIIULU ULIi 1 , ,, , . oo -1 . ; . 1 i.eo l.- - ' - - is 'II1ERH W MEET ED Eat times at hat la fae gamt, .