The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1933, Page 5, Image 5

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r .
Convicts Help put flut Only
: Blaze Which Threatens
. Grain Area
RICKEY, Ang. 31.Thre8hing
In this community wag practical
ly finished before the rain. Sat
urday the threshing outfit was
at work here. The-John Kimsey
machine of Macleay ' was thresh
ing on the ' Culrer farm,, which
is being fanned. by H. E. Martin,
the H. - Leiderber machine from
Bethel on the N. Fryslie and son
farm and the Welgerwoodle out
fit from Frultland on the Hager
1 farm. :'''': . -,
The first threshing was done
'here about a week earlier on the
J.- P. Lawrition farm by the
Creech-Marchand thresher. Grain
yield was fair with some oats
good. Some fields of wheat' that
were at first thought killed by
the winter freeze went over 20
bushels to the acre.
" Only one fire was reported
daring threshing and but for the
prompt action on the part of the
threshing crew, neighbors- and
about 50. "convicts working, the
whole "neighborhood might hare
been on fire. -
' While -threshing! wag In pro
gress on the Hager farm a spark
from the engine flew- into the
bundles on the . wagon of Michael
Fitipatrkk, which wag waiting to
'drive In to onload, and began to
blase.--This frightened the team
nd they . became unmanageable
and ran jaway . with the load of
burning bundles and before being
caught . the wagon and . wagon
rack were completely destroyed,
The strawstaek.was complete
ly destroyed and some grain was
burned. ; . ,. .t-
Hops too Heavy so
Trellis Breaks at
Independence Yard
S. J. Hoover's hop yard started
off the procession for late hops
Tuesday.. Hoover was compelled
to pick hig hops early .because
fifteen acres fell Monday. He had
not -intended to start before Fri
.day. Most of the .other yards will
'start before the week is over
except Pearl Hedges who . will
begin. Monday. , '
This aituatloa -makes It aulte
difficult for the early hop -grow
er because all of his pickers are
registered at other yards to pick
late hops. V. M. DeCaster is In
such a fix with a possible three
days' plc?-:n5 left. 1 .... ,
Bumper Yield of 4
, Blackberries for
Hazel Green Area
HAZEL GREEN. Aug. 31. C.
A. Kobow will finish the thresh
ing in this community this week,
then move to near Independence
where he has ICO acres of grain
on rented land. Herman Wacken
hag been, bailing straw here this
week. Mr. Richey of Chemawa ia
bailing straw in the neighborhood
for the state. -
A. T. Van Cleave and soi. Al
vin are harvesting a bumper crop
of cultivated Evergreen blackber
ries. They picked 35 tons from
the five acres last year and ex
pect to harvest a larger crop this
year of a better quality.
Trio Arrested at
Independence for
Attempted Forgery
Police arrests of the week In
cluded: ' Cecil Ashbaugh, 17, and
Fred .Brisner, 17, picked up Sun
day. foT petty larceny. ; .
Charles ' McDonald, Rex Bell
more and Harry Redmond were
picked up Friday for attempted
forgery. McDonald and Bellmore
waived preliminary examination
and Redmond was set loose. -They
are to appear for sentence later.
State and local police made the
arrest. . .
DAYTOII, Aug. 31. Six local
people are employed picking early
Crawford peaches in the George
Hessler orchard where nickine
began Wednesday morning. Other
varieties of peach will follow the
close of the -early Crawfords har
vest The prevailing . price for
first grade peaches is $1.50 per
oushel but in some orchards
there are seconds for less.
HUBBARD. -Aug. 31. Jean
Houghtaling of route one under
went a major operation at the
Oregon Citv hosnital S&tnrrtaT.
Her condition is favorable.' The
child is the daughter of Mr. and
Airs, waiter Houghtaling.
Water Works
Is Property of
MONMOUTH, Aug. 31. Final
payment has , been made on a
$25,000 bonded indebtedness in
curred 21 years ago, this being
the cost of Monmouth's 'original
water system. '
So slowly was " this debt li
quidated that it became neces
sary few years ago to levy a
special extra, charge of 50 cents
on each water patron, bringing
the cost of water to $3 per
month here, in order to create
an additional means of 1 paying
off the debt.
In this way $4000 for retire
ment purposes has entered the
treasury since the water rate was
raised. -
Another Vote is
Called on School
Bus Proposition
AUMSVILLE, Aug, 31. Be
cause of technical errors in the
last, special - election called - to
vote' on transportation,- another
election - will be held at the
school house Saturday,' Septem
ber 2, at 3. p.m. .to- rote on
transporting high , school . pupils
from outside the district and
those in the district . that' live a
mile or more out. A surrey In
dicates that very few students
will be able to furnish their own
transportation, and the four high
school teachers have been given
SILVERTON, Anr. 31. Miss
Helen Thompson, who has been
at Portland for the past year Is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. C. Thompson, until September
5 when she will return to enter
the Multnomah County hospital
training school. Miss Thompson
has been attending the University
Medical school at Portland and
will continue her university work
in connection with her hospital
training. At the completion of
her training she hopes to enter
the university as a junior.
Kenneth Burnett was able to
leave the hospital Wednesday. He
had an emergency operation for
Double .Holiday Sav-1
ings effective' Friday
and Saturday, ' Sept.'
1st & 2nd.
Hard wheat, 24 U lb. sack
5 oz. cans .... ,1..
No." 2H can
Small Cans
S for
The Matchless Blend, lb.
FfJ ' - JtJUy m rounu suaay
ev. Meat
Iibby's, can
j- -
Fresh and Fluffy
Mb. If
sw canon -a-w
14 Vlnafa
in ' j' -"7 6-box
. JBr-r i iVw canon
m va mm
4 Ca-pbeffs 19(,
timil Ka 9 ratio oii1i S W
A treat for breakfast or supper:
Ham Griddle Cakes
2. cups soft bread 2 eggs
crumbs 2 tbsps. melted
1 cup scalded milk shortening
1 cup cooked ham Salt and pepper
Mix bread crumbs with milk;
cut ham into fine pieces and mix
together. Combine with beaten
eggs, melted shortening end seas
on with salt and pepper. Drop by
spoonfuls onto greased hot griddle
and brown on both sides. Serve
with soft butter , and plenty of
: For. aid In household problems,
menu planning or special recipes,
-send In your request with a self
addressed, stamped envelope to
Julia Lee Wright, director. Home
makers' Bureau, Safeway Stores,
Inc., Box 60, Oakland, California.
-w . m m
r A . mm
Vacuum Packed lb. can
Shilling's SPICES
Ass't 2-os. cans, each . . . U
Shredd2d Whsat iV(0)c;
Large pkg. .... ...... . w'y ;
Mayonnaise i
Best Toota, pint .. . .
Ball Mason, quarts ... .
Morton's SALT
2-lb, shakers ......
Ass't In ceL pkg,
Bulk, lb.
; 4 Fair -
' Salem's Greatest Event
of the Year. Dont Miss
. It. Come and spend the
Day Sept. 4-9, inclusive. '
. Fruits and Vegetables
Golden Bantam, dox. .'. . . . . . .
No. Is
,ing .,."....-.;:..,;i2
luwu ;vn to
Jaicy, med. sixe, dox. . . i. . . . .
V. 8. No. 1 qvallty, 8 lbs. .
Our Store Will Be Closed Monday, Labor Day
Save at the Following Safeway Stores:
162 N. ConunercIaL Tel. 6169 1976 J. Capitol, TeL 8620 1927 State,' Tel. 9485 ;
? reserve me ngBK -so usus qiuutuuca, f iww , sui w bu.. .
Lily- of ; VaDey- Peas ; ' 5? :10c
tTea - y 35c i 65c
NBEloaiStea Dainttes S 13c
Hiife;BrpG 31c ?s 61c
Stuarts Bluing
regular .
- Lake
Wesson Oil
35 c
Here are 3 popular items
that" must .go on your
Labor Day weekend trip.
Plus le City Tax
Camels, Lucky Strikes, Chesterfields, Old Golds
Cigarettes, 99c carton; 10c pkg.
$1.15 Prince Albert or Velvet, 16-oz. tin 77c
15c tins 10c
$1.50 Edgeworth, 16-oz. tin 99c
Ready Rub or Plug Slice
Geo. Washington, Union
Jll E3V, Leader or Granger
V7 (Humidors) 65c
V $1 box oiF 10 Cigars 69c
. ..- ir. . i. n i T-i l
van ivycK oanKers, ci oiaeio
or Robt. Burns Perf., or Pant.
Crown Brand Imported Sardines 4 cf0" 25 C
Schlitz or Budweiser Malt; :"55c ;
Clearwater Tuna Rakes wrl9c
Gold Medal Cake Flow Tf 25c
Del Monte or Libby -Sliced Pineapple Ige. cans 15c -Fancy
Dried Apricots l ib. cellophane package 15c
Monogram Dates 2-lb. cellophane package 22c
Child's Play Set (ShoYel-Rake-Hoe) 15c set
Fancy White Figs 2-lb. cellophane pkg. 15c
Asparagus Cut for Salads buffet tins 6c -Stuffed
Manzanilla Olives 3 tall bots. 25c
Rosed ale Assorted Pickles, small jars 9c
Pure Fruit Preserves 2 H -pound jars 29c .
Para wax lb. pkg. 7c; Grapenuts 15c pkg.
Guest iTory Soap, carton of 12 bars 39c .
Red Double-Lipped Jar Rubbers 3c pkg.
Leather-Faced Canvas Gloves 15c pair ,
Golden Anchor Salmon (Ms cans) 11c
Post's Bran Flakes 2 packages 15c
Heinz Cider Vinegar pint bottle 9c
Maraschino Cherries 2 bottles 15c
Tea Garden Syrup pint jugs 15c
French's Bird Seed 11c pkg.
Prices for Friday and Saturday
In willing compliance with the NRA we rT"ln open Satnrday
erenings as nsual until I y. a.
: ' Medlnm. Size. .
15c doz.
Pickling Cucumbers
Now is the Time to Can
No. Is 49c No. 2s 39c
No. 3s 35c
Fresh from Southern Oregon
6 for 9c
No. Is
3 lbs. 8c
18-lb. lag 43c
Green Peppers
Fresh Stock
4c lb.
50c Size Thompson's Malted Milk 39c
25c Ambrosia Deep-Pore Cleanser 10c
My-Te-Fine Golf Balls 23c; 5 for $1,
10c Jergens Bath Soap, pkg. 6s, 27c
25c Pond's Cleansing Tissues 10c
25c Bon Ton Sanitary Napkins 9c
Waldorf Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 10c
16-oz. Cliquot Ginger Ale 2 for 25c
Rock Island Sheepswool Sponges 15c
Vacuum Bottles pints 59c; quarts 98c
$1 Gem Micromatie Razor and 5 Double-Edge Blades 49c
75e Pt. Wildroot Toilet Water for After Shaving 29c
1 pt. Rubbing Alcohol Ic
1 pt. Russian Oil 29c
4 oz. Witch Hazel 9c
1 pt. Pure Olive Oil 39c
Vi Pt Peroxide 9c
' 3 oz. Spts Camphor 19c
4 oz. Tr. Green Soap 19c
6 oz. Aromatic Cascara 29c
6 oz. Glycerin Rose Wtr 9c
10 lbs. Bathing Epsom 33c
Advertised Remedies
65c Harvin Salts 49c
60c Sal Hepatica 39c
60c Bromo Seltzer 39c
$1 Miles Remedies 63c
1.25 Bisodol 69c
Health Foods
SI Horlicks 63c
50c Duffys Choc M M 29c
50c Super Malt 29c
$1 Lacto Dextrin 89c
75c Dextri Maltose 59c
Rubber Goods
50c Rubber Aprons 19c
50c Card Table Covers 39c
2 Qt. Hot Water Bottle 39c
2 Qt Fountain Syringe 39c
5 Foot Syringe Lengths 9c
Toilet Soaps -
10c Lux Cakes 2 for 11c
10c Life Buoy 2 for 11c
10c Palm Oliye 5c
10c Big Bath 3 for 10c
25a Henri Rocheau 11c
10c Package of Tulip Drinking Cups 5c
5c Package Paper Coffee Cups (7s) 5c
. Waterproof Suede Zipper Bags $1.49
3 5Pc Assorted New Bathing Caps 29c
$o.50 Rubber Swimming Suits $1.69
35c Avon Bridge Playing Cards 17c
15-in. Wicker Fish Basket only 59c
50c Sun Tan Oil only 29c
Large Wicker Picnic Baskets 69c
25c Flit Mosquito Repellant 17c
Face Powder
50c Luxor 39c
75c Melba Lor Me 49c
60c Djer Kiss 39c
1.10 Coty & Perf a. 98c
50c Lablanche 33c
Face Creams
$1 Ponds 69c . '
Oc Sempray Jorn. 49c
BOe Hinds Crem 33c
60c Dona Rosa 49c
50c Junis 45c
50c Zip 29c
50c X Bazin 39c
60c Odorono Crem. 39c
$1 Delatone 69c
50c Santiseptic 39c
35c Frostffia 15c
50c Jergens 25c
60c Italian Barm 33
1 C oi Almond Hon. 2 9o
Also regular Gil
lette, Probak. ; or
Anto - Strop Raxor
Blades, package of
5 for 25c. Stock p!
Pill and Tablets
.25c Fjeenamint Gum 11c
fc20q Bayers Aspirin 9c
25c Boals Rolls ,10c -75c
Doans Pills 49c
- 25c Anacin 13c
Hospital Supplies
1 lb. Hospital Cotton 17c
1x5 Adhesive Tape 19c
25c Mercurochrome 9c
2-in. Bandages 10c .
10c Cotton Pickers 5c
11 'Seyenteen Face
Powder with com
plimentary rial of
perfnmo and cleans
ing cream, all for
Cod Liver Oils Norwegian 29c
1 pt Meads 89c
12 oz. Squibbs 79c '
10 Keplers 98c
12 oz. Parke-Davis 79c
Bright, .new shades
for kitchen, a a n
room, etc. Assorted
colors and patterns.
M Rollers not includ
ed.) 10c
25c Modess Sanitary Napkins 15c
50c Assorted Sun Goggles 39c
$1 Mavis Dusting Powder 59c
25c Celluloid Soap Boies 19c
50c Ambrosia Skin Cream 19c
25c Assorted Pocket Combs 9c
3-in. Velour Powder-Puffs 5c
50c Rubber. Gloves only 19c
10c Assorted Face Cloths 5e
50c Tek Tooth Brushes 39c
. $1 Leather Wallets only 69c
25c. Handy Key Cases. 19c -$1
Enders Razors i 69c
8-exposure Eastman Film No. 120, 17c; No. 116 19c
Sponge Rubber Cushions for Outings, Driving etc 59c
$1 Reliance Guaranteed Pocket Watches only 69c
50c Pullman Style Stiff-Bristle Hair Brush 25c -$1.75
Focusing Flashlight with - Batteries 69c
Close Out of Large Tri-olor Beach Balls 10c '
All Metal Utility Kits only 69c
r. Tooth. Paste
50c Ipana 25c -50c
Kolynos 25c.
50c'S T 37 37c i
40c' Dr. West's 19c
2c Squibbs 19c -
Shaving Cream. ,
35c Ingrams 15c
35c Palm Olive 25c
35c Colgates 25c .
25c Listerine 19c
"35c Mennens 15c
. Remedies
H Bonkora 89c
75c Laceys Gum 59
10 Agarol 89c
L50 Petrolagar 89c
Sl-Marmola 63c' .
Cleaners y. -
45c Oronite 27c
50c SheU Dry 27c
60c Energine 39c ,
25c Paris 15c -1
gal. Fred Meyer, 23c'
5c Candy Bars 8 for 25c (few exceptions)
Bunte Mixe Candy, 19c lb;; 2 lbs 35c y -50-50
all fillecl and hard mixed ideal for ,
.1 j : " . the bridge party v " r i -
Large Slabs Peanut Brittle 10c, made from
r Spanish Peanuts and Fresh Honey-
Shampoos-1 -60c
Henna Foam 39
60c Wildroot 23c l
: 50c Pahn Olive 25c
50e: Woodbury s 25c
SOc Geo O George 49c
" " Antiseptics ' '
10c Vicks5c ;
50c Lavoris 39c
60c Pepsodent 37c
1 pt Alder 19c .
$1 S. T. 37 69c ;
I Talcum
25c J.&J. Baby 17c
S5 Djer Kiss 13c
25c. Mennens 14e v
50cRiveris 19c
25c Colgates 19c '
Deodorants ?
60c Odorono 43c : :
35c Mum 27c V 4
. 50c Ney 29c
50c Dew 29c
50eNon Spi 39c V
At ToUetry Dept. (Ko.SIail Orders," No CO-D.', ' We' meet' competltlro adrertised prices for well-knowa and nation- At Tofleiry Dep. (Xo Mail Orders, XoJ.OJ),'s,
Xo Beserratioms, Jfo DeliTeties) f . ally adrertised goods yon are sure to sto oa CTery parchase
Awnbont botaenag; to snop aronaa.
No Reserjations, Ndr Deliveries)
Oregon Made -for Oregon Climate. :
- - - .
. ... Fred Meyer
Paint r.Vfel nal.
Specifications printed on erery eaa gsaranteo -.the
snperior quality of Fred Meyer. Paint,
Save In the first cost, sare in. the long runi .
White gloss, cream green, and gray colors, v
At , Fred Meyer Toiletry Dept. ; '
mm ijiv) mm
" " ; 170 North Liberty St.
l (Between State and Court Streets)
;W reserre the right to reasonably Unit Quantities.
.1 ;.mi!e 200 Last ,
Kath.S;?;-5i; yrw.v
Picnics JC
. AtTred Meyer Grocery Dept. :