r I- . 1 l f PAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN. Calca, Orejrca. Friday Ilamlsr. Srstgs&gr 1. 1S33 . If f 1 ft ft" 1 1 1 W W J4 U-JU C - 1 .... - : Importuned ; in ' Case of Negro Mera than 609 postal card hav been received at the offlcea of the state supreme eosrt; de manding, tnat tne. conviction pi Tlieoiore Jordan,' under death, sentence for murder, be reversed. The tarda were signed byBJfenr bers 61 the Oregon section of ; the Buy Your Furniture NOW at ; ft Is safe to. say that in SO days farnlture prices will hare advanced 60 to 15 per cent. Altnovra oar present stocks r hare advanced some, yon can still save here. ;r -NEW ;7-pc Walnut Dinette j Set, table and ?Q75 6 chairs 0 y : ... .... .... ..!' - - 4-pc Walnut Bedroom saite,'; combination! of . ; walnut and- - M Q.95 curly maple ZZ tc ', . i CIRCULATOR -l ; HEATERS 5:f ' See the mew 'Autowood ,' circulator with .the extra large feed door. . ; - " v Buy Now Before Prices' ; - . Aovance V USED Good need f AA and . Heaters ... .v wU op "used'4 'I.: CIO Cfl 11114 Basses .;. V 1 used Circulator .. 1 used Washington Clrcnla-; tor, all cast Iron, 2 6-la. tire- box, large- enough to heat a 545.00 $22.50 schoolroom or lodge hall SPECIAL . We have one extra large an tiqoe oak buffet, hand carv ed, targe mirror. This piece would make a excellent ' ! back-bar.- - . t . Also, one 10-ft. extension stable and chairs to match, WE PAY CASH FOR USED FURNITURE FEdlcrc Fc3i?QSttai?c Gtorc NEW AND USED 255 N. Commercial St. TeL 8425 International Labor Dsfaaia league.. ': ' - Jordan v'waa convicted of -first degree murder In' Klamath coun ty in connection with the slaying of a Southern Pacific Pullman conductor. He is now in the state penitentiary pending disposal of his appeal.. - ''.. k-;vv: , The cards charge that jorean was "framed - because . ne is negro and was unemployed at the time the alleged murder was com. mitted. - State Troopers Checking Driver I Licenses, Word State police yesterday started checking automobile operators to determine- the identity , of those who hare not yet obtained new drivers' licenses under the 1 3 3 law. The act provides that all au tomobile drivers shall have new permits by September 1. -' " Officials said that approximate ly 809,000 drivers, had obtained their new license cards up until tonight. There are approximately 100,0,00 drivers yet to apply for their cards. Approximately 16,000 drivers licenses were issued yes--terday at the Salem and Portland offices. v . LOCATE AT MKTTAMA, MEHAMA, Aug. lv Mr." and Mrs. C. B. Wilson of Minnesota and brother, Mr. Smallwood and fantlly, of Illinois, are recent ar rivals in this vicinity. They were formerly heavy, property owners in the east but are now looking for work and plan to try Ore- gon. New! 69 Wbmeivs and Girls Oxfords,1 Moccasin Ef fects in Plain or with Kiltie Tongues! Just arrived though we bought them months ago! Women's and ! ; girls sturdy oxfords for school or hop picking. Made of soft chrome v leathers with flexible soles.. , require no breaking-in. Fall shades V or new brown. Moccasin tips with or without kiltie tongue. A wonder i f ul bargain at this low price. Stock up now before these are all sold ! " (Miller's Basement) . f ' v . New ! Boys' and Girls v School Oxfords $125 1 - I Hundreds of pairs of oxfords for children arrived and ready for your inspection. Leathermpers and soles. Brown, elk, black and com bination browns, , etc. J&vitty tips or moccasin effects. Sizes for ths small child or up to 2. Alf sixes in this Inew stock. Miller's Base st ment . : -. i-. - - ' - Brogues for; Boys e $1.69 Brogues for the big boy are here and the price is very low right now. Black and brown grained leathers in solid wear oxfords that will go places and do things. Miller's Basement. MILLER'S BASEMENT 1 WIS UttlsH 9JMBjgTe - MMMsfs aast jMftwf ffsjCy n JTfjS) "issiMf stin ta I; WIIN. , J A. mcml mum to Hit . S ; S. M. 8 5 N. M. 2 Extra Salem Oregon July 26 PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT .-WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DC WE ARE ONE HUNDRED PER CENT FOR NEW DEAL , : r - hannakalke beauty operator ' : i f - THE SENATOR beauty shop 3 inch Permanent French Curl gOJnvy j SUBJECT TO CHANGE WmiOUT NOTICE tcr Hotel Eldg. . Teleoheno 5818 FHISIEEEls Iran Jim UcCleave, Colorful as Ever In Checkered Vest, ' Brings Noted Ponies Rolling bis rs with more Scotch twist than erer,; Jim UeCleare, colorful horseman extraordinary, of Stockton, - CaL, was greeting oltf-Ume frlendi at the falrgroands yesterday. UeCleare arrlred from the south Thursday. Bis string of 25 famous horsea and .ponies pre- eeaea him by one day ana are now stabled In the stadlnm; , ; . , - It's : been; 10 years sfnee Jim McCleare exhibited any of his famous performers at a state fair and he Is happy to be back, i . ; "It Is Just lyke - comln' back one agin." he explained In his best Scotch, At the sanm time he fondled the heary gold -watch chain which." stretched across his chest, corered: by a heary plaid rest. Tea, Jim McCleaTe and his checkered rest are, back! v. Munching oats in their stables In the stadium Is McCleare's string, under the erer-watchtnl eye of Jim UeCleare,. Jry a tall Scot himself. And In thetr stalls were those two champions; Dla- high Jumper with a leap of 8 feet 4 inches, and "Income Tax." The latter animal proved a surprise to all visitors yesterday afternoon, for he is Just a pony but has a record leap of better than six feet. Both performers are black as mid night. A few stalls further down was "Buttermilk.- McCleare's trained driving horse, just a white as the other two stars are black. ' . . - . - .. All of UcCleare's troupe are scheduled to take part in the two hour Gymkhana in front of the grandstand each evening. Inter spersed with his high school edu cated horses will be competitive rodeo events, so horse lovers will get to see both types of an'"! In action.- Throughout fair week. Ue Cleare, his horses and saddlery will be on exhibition In the sta- diim building. . CREDIT CALLS TELL OFBETTER BUSINESS Calls for credit Information have increased tremendonslr In the last three weeks, indicating that people are putting .the old dollar Into circulation in greater Quantities than In months. This fa information from one of the best local' business- barometers, the credit reporting department of the Salem Retail Credit bureau. Roy H. Wassam. tnanarer af the bureau, says also that the col lections end of the business Is showing marked Improvement. Be acm Dates tne pickup largely to NRA activities, nattlnr more mo. plo to work ami more money Into circulation. : Calls : for credit - Information mean that merchants are asking the bureaa Cor rati a r of tadirlda. sis who are desirous of purchas ing articles from the merchants, usually large items or Installment purchases.: - Silver Shipped Back to China; Cause Unknown LONOVHTW, Wash4 Aug. It (AP) Forty tons of silver, valued at approximately IMS t t SO, was en route back to the Orient today and no one seems to know: why. The silver arrived Wednesday from China but was not landed. It was transferred to tho steam ship Golden Peak which cleared shortly afterward for the Orient. Steamship of fleers said they could not explain the about-face of tho metal shipment. . . MONMOUTH, in. 11. A number of Monmouth people are piecing nops m tho independence yards. - Tho wages for picking are f 1 per hundred, but picking reg ulations are Tery rigid, no stems being allowed and leavea must bo Infinitesimal so the cash intake Is small. WEST SALEM - Aug. SLA golden wedding was observed this week in Marian Square when Mr. and Mrs, Nathan J. Bowers were complimented by a family, gather ing and- reunion on the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. On August 20, SO years ero, near Woodson, Kansas, Nathan J. Bowers and Miss - Emma - Ball were married. "7 , s This year on Aug. 17, two daughters and their -families, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wood and daugh ter, Miss Ruth, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Bollng with their children, Elsie, Eleanor, Clar ence, Jr. and Betty with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. : Petteway, grandchil dren, gathered for a picnln affair honoring them. Two other daugh ters were wnable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Bowers hare resided In Oregon 42 . years, and . most of those near Salem and In West Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Petteway are guests of tho, Bowers home yet, and Mrs. Petteway will be remembered here as .Miss Ray mond, formerly residing here. k Visitors at Baker Borne Recent house . guests of the Warren B. Bakers included Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Donahue and son. Wheat Meeting For Silverton , To be Tonight v -. ': . ' ' An educational meeting for ex planation of tho wheat control campaign will be held at Silver ton tonight at 8 o'clock in the senior high school auditorium. Tho Silverton district comprises tho territory east of tho Shannon church, Stayton road, , and south of tho SUrertonrMarauam road. B. A. Llndgren, who is la eharge of tho Marion county wheat control campaign, will speak, as will also F. L. Ballard, county agent leader of the state college at Corvallis. ; ' : i , j All wheat growers In this area are invited to attend. James and Miss Edna Mao Seuf- fert of Tho Dalles.- relatives of Mr. Baker. Mrs. Rex Swigart is entertaining her sister, Mrs; Jad son. Evans of near Olympla, Wn.1 She . accompanied friends . who were going on the Grants Pass for the week ami will return with them the last of this week. County School -Superintendent Joslah Wills of Dallas attended tho special called-meeting of the taxpayers of the West "Salem school district, held in. the 'school home Monday night when : tho taxpayers were urged to try to pay their school tax as soon as posslblo. In order that - tho school might ' open and: continue as In former years. , Mrs. Elmer Klelnko and little son returned Wednesday froar a fortnight's visit at the parental home In Portland where they were guests of Mr. - and Mrs. J- B. Price. ' . Johnson-Lamb Nuptials The nuptials of Miss R. Enid Lamb, daughter of Mrs. Sarah E. Lamb of West Salem and Frank L. Johnson of Portland were sol emnised at a quiet . impressive ceremony at the bride home Wednesday night, August SO, with Rer. Hugh MeAUen officiat ing; Only tho Immediate relatives were present. The bride was at tractively attired In appropriate white silk, and tho couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Laurel R. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson win make their homo with the mother at 1120 Rugo street for tho present. Mrs. Minnie E. Wales ' of Marshfleld, who has been spend ing tho past two years nsiung in Iowa and Wyoming. Is making her-homo for. tho present at the home of Mrs. Anna Wilmot. An additional guest at, the Wilmot homo was X. W. Ward of Marsh fields . , ...-:..A.,; No Jail; Chains 1 And Post Serve i MOUNTAIN CITY, Ner., Aug. 21 (AP) -For lack of a Jail, tho first man arrested In this bud ding mining community had to be chained to a post until ho could be taken to tho county seat at Elko. Appeals haro been sent to county officials for the necessary Cells In which to confine those who In tho future violate tho law. OPTOMETBIC SERVICE ' Telephone) 5858 Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted All Uoderm Frames aai lmBmm at Prices Everyone Can Afford Bartsfactlesi Goaranteed Dr. Ruth II Daerty . Ol'M First Ksflonsl - , Bank Bide. Fail rw. . No matter with what you are afflicted, our wonderful herb treatment will positively relieve influenxa. diseases of tho throat, heart, kidneys. . liver, . stomach. piles, asthma, chronic cough, weakness, consUpation, dlniness, neuralgia, headache, appendicitis, rheumatism. - arthritis, - neuritis. blood poison, catarrhi diphtheria. eczema, swollen elands. tonsUitis, ear trouble-- lumbago, tumor. dropsy, female complaints, ner-' Tousness; all disorders disappear without operation. -. : mv; ' CX)XSTLTATIOX FREE ; B. S. LOW, Directlag BcrbaUt 4T2? S. CXnnnaerclal St, - Salens, Oregoai ' 5TSS Lady Attendant Hours 9 to pJn. Week Days; i to 12 Smwdays. Main OSlee, Oakland, Calif. M Years ef Service ,- ' -I - - - . - . . s-.- . :C3(!Dlijil e) Market 1 opmn ad nrjirre ; - Jina ftbsujuru a avavjo . yn. YW ; QUMJTY MEATS y? 150 N. Conunerdal St. . , TeL 5563 BEEF ROAST ib. : 8c Sirloin or Rib STEAK Teeaz Tender IO Beef, ft. laC WIENERS. BOLOGNA FTJRTERi, 12 VC pure o oer LABD.dlb8.aVUC SlutrtenlnsjS rbsu23C 5V2C BOILING BEEF. ft. BACON BACKS Sujar Cured, lb. mcioi iRciroiriRwi 150 N. Commercial St. Phone 5563 i Day Yczr FrdU cd Vesdsllts d Oer tlcim Veetcllc IdcrJ in tcttst tar Lttz cv : : K,; - OXYDOli larce, 2 plgt 37c PEETS MACHSJSOl pk 21c 4Mb, bisru 'L :.:5l8 MACARONI, SPAGHETTI, Hard Wheat ; 3 lbs. .;..19c BEANS, Red or White, 5 lb. ......;..23c TOILET TISSUE, 1000-sheet rolls, high grade, 4 rolls , 19c DILLARD CANTALOUPES 5for IOC A v TOMATOES Crate LJSSt to 43e .. Sweet Potatoes ... Smooth' . ;, 5 lbs. 16c j.1 smsssssssmjBSBl .Canning Peaches POTATOES - Local Burbank' 10 a. i13c 50 lbs. 63e iRujjuaaU-i- I.;..;l.:..:r.5c SALT, MortcaV, 8 lbs. ; 18c POST TOASTIES, 2 p!gs. ...15c LIAYONNAISE, xn Bulk, pint15c VmEGAl 40-Grafa, gaL .............1....13C ,0, k . : -. 1, . .. - : " , : . ,: . -- . v--. i . - . ..... . ; . Since 1852. . ; yrj rs . 263 N. Liberty ' PHONE CJlLZJZ) You Can Enjoy Good Quality Fall Fruits and Vegetables at Very Reas- . , V T enable Prices ! Grocery Dept. Meat Dept. v Special " Pfflsbtiry " : ' ' Mcaty Cake Flour Spare Ribs . " " QJQ '3 lbs. for 25G - :- ' - v ' From Youno; TJ. & . . ; Inspected Pork Quart Jars Sweet . . - . 1 . , - Shoulders of Spring PicMes Lanib S2G ESQ lb. IBBBSSSMSSSSSSSSMSHSSSSSaSVHSHSSSSSSNMBSMSSSSSSSSaSSSSHSSSOeBe BSSSMSaHSMMBSeMSSHSSSSMM ' Best Foods Fancy . v v Bread and Butter : -HCIlS PibMeS ld Large Fry. FRESH HALIBUT, fi V ' Jr s SALMON AND DEEP Z jars SJG SEA CRABS. FRESH . . . . FROM THE COAST Borderts Fine CHEEOE I Aged, Tasty, All-Wisconsin Vlb.pKg. aforSSs Swiss, Chateau. American Brick, Limburger, i. ri Pimento ?" - . "-- . ; DEMONSTRATION ALL DAT SATURDAY SOMETHING for NOTHING! . $0.56 Gardea Coort Face Powder. - . 0 Niniqae Perfume BOTH : " FOR V1.CA 'vnfna ... . 50c M Scbaef era Tooth Paste 10 Colgate Fancy Soap 60 ralue r BOTH FOR 39c L00 Jean Nolan Face Powder .50 Lip Suck BOTH - ; F03 L50 iraltto $1.00 140 DeYiSblss Nasal Atomizer Nasai-Eze for Colds and Hayferer - . : BOTH LSO ralue FOR $1.00 S3 Kote ' .50 Kotex Sanitary Belt .80 Talue BOTH FOR 30 c 10 Marnifylnjr ShaTins Mirror ; ? ' BOTH 1.70 talue FOR $1.20 JZO Penslar Dental Cream .50 TraBrisUe Tooth Brush U00 ralae , BOTH FOR 50c 0 Schaefcrn Face Cream 5 Nail Polishall shades .85 value BOTH FOR 50c Schaefer's Com Remedy will safely remove any cord or callous. Just ap ply a few drops and the pal n : instantly ' disap pear. No .cure Hood's Oak Lotion A quick relief for poison oak and hop poisoning. Apply : liberally fat the first Indication. 50c $1 DRUG GSnE V The Original Yellow Front Drng aad Oandy Store of Salem . 135 N. Commercial St. - Phone 519? : " -r . .' Penslar Agency r ': When Yea ThirJi Drags, : Thhk Schsefefs x wseoounMST