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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1933)
.h - . -.-"V t .... i-. . I .v Salem, Oregon, Friday, Morning, September 1," 1933 pnoiD bb i its Si ll Presentation of Awards on Final Program; Special . 1 Recognition Given , dinger . playground will close today irlth appropriate exercises after being opea daily since June IS. Bob Boardman, ; Esther Ar nold and Mildred Miller bare been the cuperrlsors in .charge of the actiTities this c sumaaer. Swim ming has been the most. popular actiTity with baseball running a close second. Today emblems will be presented. to : more than. 100 children for the splendid" work they hare done In the various ae UvUles. t.'fv .Ci-. A featnre of the afternoon trill be the special, recognition giren to : Virian -Asptn wall for the .highest A 9M Ac Originators of Low Prices 351 State St. And watch lagging summer appetites disappear..; Too will like the rich flaror and tenderness of our beef. It ; Ii cut from prime young stock All sizes and plenty of - rtuts to choose from. -- ' w t . , Ypunjf Beef;!.";:r.;-vt v: & Choke- Pot Roast BoHingBeef -0(3 Lb.- Lb. T Sirloin Steak T-Bone Steak HSG Lb. IS1 Lb. , Young Pig ;f A w W t V. Dainty Lean Pork Roast Lom Chops 9 lb- Eg ib.; Fresh . ; ' Ham Roast Sausage flJ lb. iisveib. I Small Sizes Country Style Fresh 3 lbs. 25c Vegetable Ty T J Shortening In cjir'ons r& Q(S lb. 3 Lbs- Sg(2 Ducor Cured Picnics lb. Qc ;3vi ; ' Fine to boil or.bake ' ,J t f . done at 6 P. II. On Saturdays at 7 P. M. t number of points for the summer; ! to Eleanor Seders trom for heln in recording winners in events and for the desirable playground atti tude; to Herman Domqgolla for the most Improvement in swim ming, diring, attitude and man ners; to Floyd Welch for being the most helpful and. likable; and to Pete Hoffert for his. work with the boys baseball team. Member ships in the T If. C. A fro one year wUl be presented to each of tr.ese - Honorable- mention goes to Norman Br eedlove and ' Ken neth Ruecker for their outstand ing work in swimming and diving. - Other awards will be given for learning to swim this summer at the playgrounds; Jane Saunders, Annabelle Confar, 'Sylvia Wolfe, Caroline Snyder. Doris Hostler, Nola Cunningham, Bethel.. Mc Millan,'. Jlmmie Fortune, Dan Schmaltz, Herbert Dalke, Jean Hoffert. Orville Nuhl, John Hof fert, Harold Dalke," Leanard Odom, Bob Schmaltz, Lucy Bar ham, Betty Gallaher, Erma Moored, .Mary Nabbefeld, Mary Alice Shlnkle, Pollyann Shinkle, Dorothy Wheelan, Doris Shepherd, Gordon Merriott and : Kay Mc- G4iire. , . . . . - ' . : Donna . Marrs, Eilee? Osburne, Betty. Osburne Eldon. Breedleve. Norman Breedlove Barbara Saun ders, Helen; Jean Neuman," Phyllis Ryan. Lola Rao. Doris ' .Chapel, Doris Morley, Phyllis Fisher, Mil dred Meaner, Charles Domogolla, Edith Bynon, Patsy: Ryan, Craig Randall,. Albert.; Broun, - Gilbert Ward, Harold -'Godkifl,1: Peter SwelggeTt, Billie Causey, Ralph Smith,. Virginia Watson, Shirley Watson. Roy Butler, Vivian Wil liams, -Kenneth Elwood. William Paulus, Leland Dancer, Hirl Hol land, Harold Holland. Dorothy Mson, George Holland, Wayne Booek, Robert Boock, Jimmie Mennls and Leah Rae Smith. For learning to dive this sum jnertv; Walter Koliwer, Joyce Grady, Mary Lou Harden, Roy Case and Arthur Case. - For playing on aN regular base ball team each week: -Mack Ser- dotx. Pete Hoffert. Mike MUler, Nick Serdots, Leland Curry, Ber nard . Gentxkow, Cecil Qcesseth, Norman Bell, Joe Heman, Hillary Etzel, Bob Causey, Bill Blackley, Kenneth Elwood, Gordon Brad' ford, Lewis Osburne, Dale Breed- love, Gamble, Sebern. Wilkeson. Jack Causey, Frank AUbright, Ed Rollins, Don Zander, Harry Mason, Otto Skopil, Don Keidats and Ivan Lowe. - For playing on the girls base ball team: Lorraine Bell, Marian Bell, Eleanor Sederstrom, Vivian Aspinwall, Eleanor Aspinwall, Dorothy Hoffert and Maxine Dancer. . " - For . appearing on t !ie micro phone .entertainment Barbara Causey, Betty Causey, Dorothy White, Louise Broyles, Eloise Broyles, Muriel Holn and Joan Holm. : ' For being pleasant and helpful at all times: Iran Breedlore, Bob Wetxel, Herman Domogolla, Anne Hoffert, Quentin Ruecker, Doris Marston, Floyd Welch and Fred die Olson. Tax Delinquency Increase Shown . Tax dellhaueneies in the state of Oregon now aggregate $40, S02.7S7.S2, the state tax commis sion announced Thursday. ' This was a material Increase when compared with the delin quencies four years ago. mm Phone 3444 FREE DELIVERY Complete Prescription Service Drugs EZrugsalt Bow Prices s sa?uJd? 17c RAZOR BLADES 50c Gillette, Probac OQ Antostrop : OC . SOAP 10e Q Lifebuoy u- O cakes J X-7 SOe Meniholiced Sharing - t K Cream 1 iL I Y 25c Palm Olive Af - J ler Share 1 Q Powder ...... XOC rv : A -vy v Bif Fly ' L Spray, pint V TALC POWDER : Rose or Sweet large 13-ounce can 60c Rose or Sweet Pea, 1 o ...... 1JC Bif Spray Gun r V, 50c Pomona - nA Tooth Paste X I K h 50c Nyal Y cuality K Alco. ; hoi Hospital ubbing 39c A TOOTH PASTE Ipana x 7 1 COUPON 25c jar of cocoa nut oil shampoo "h - fi coupon Uv t im i, n - 60c Mulsified Oil Sham. . AQ doo " - tUt A 1JZ5 New Square J Clocks 79c rv a .Tfce value of yovr pfetcription at an old to leointalthaepen&ontheaxcwocyand care takes la Its compounding. Patron he ow prescription service and be sere. 4 I mma i d fl ? (iSKfi why W corns to cum? HcrtbAegrcsi rcmcoV.Nyal Com JSV . A --VA KnaovcrwiJIatarova ; . both your foff ttpi Year temper A few trpfttitions and tcorncocwr!tclCcisqat.' . 50c Hinds Honey & Almond Ofl J Cream O jC A Cold Cream AUt A 1.25 Fountain Pens, ideal for school. 14 . . . , rv carat ' .. point 25c Bayer, -j QA Aspirin TabsXOi 79c;d Priyate Truss Fittinsr Department ' Expert r Fitter In Attendance uesday Morn to see Some Pupils :on way; Others; t Following Monday' Fint schools in Marion county will open in a few rural districts Tuesday,? September ,; 5,: at ' 9 o'clock in the morning. General school reopening will follow on September 11 and September 18 with a few schools opening later because-of harvest conditions. Mrs. Mary I. Fulkerson, county superintendent, said yesterday that to her -knowledge all school boards in the county had finished maklnsr contracts with teachers. No schools will fail to reopen be cause of financial stress. Mrs. Fulkerson said that a pre liminary survey of the annual re port for 192S-33 of all schools in the county,'- showed V that the amount of outstanding warrant indebtedness, was not- alarming. Only a lew districts are. having trouble circulating their warrants and having them absorbed oy Marion county; banks. -. . . . 'Districts whose; warrants are questioned : are . . largely V - those whose : clerks have applied tax funds to pay current expenses and salaries rather than ;- applying moneys, as state, law provides, t redeem ' the oldest outstanding warrants. , Where moneys are applied to warrants as they are Issued, most banks in the county will accept the warrants and hold them' at six per cent interest until funds come in. 'i:,-:-'i-,l.-,.,Vi'-...,, , r Mrs. Fulkerson yesterday urged taxpayers, who could, to pay, np hack, assessments. "Of course. there are some people who want to pay and can't.' They are do ing the best they can..- But there are also some people who are win- fully evading or avoiding tax pay ments. - They should pay np the past due taxes to enable the schools to operate better," she commented. r - Interesting; Facts . ...... 3 : ,The distribution of The States man . today Including' the ' extra green 'copies' is .-. - - '--' m 0 The Edisoin , Electric institute reports that sales of .'household electric 'refrigerators, in . July broke all previous records for that month, totaling 128,217 " unite compared 28.785 in July; 19S2, and 101,974 in the like month of 1931,,. . -.... -'.-',.'....- -O . t ' ' - According to figures compiled by the U. S. Department of com merce . Oregon - ranks ' .eleventh among coffee importing" centers. Of the 1.501.128,417 pounds of coffee Imported into the United States ? during t. 1942. v Orion's shs,re or that mcrun was 8.S21H nip pounds, t xpe- annual average consumption -of coffee per family Is reported to- be approximately 14" pounds; :" ,, ;" "r, The Tokio quake was 10 years ago today, September has five Fridays and five Saturdays." Five paydays for those working by the week. - - O - F. J. Rogers, meat cutter at the Walker market tells us that they are supplying meat for 10,090 people in 28 bop yards, in New berg, I Mission Bottom and ' Inde pendence district. The 72nd Oregon state fair opens in Salem Monday.. Quarter Coin Again Known To Children i Here's the newest "good times report: ' . . For several years' kiddies five years of age , who want to attend school have taken an aptitude test from Mrs. Mary Fulkerson, county school superintendent, r One of the tests-was Identifica tion of money. - Out of SO kiddies tested In? the former : two years, only two could identify .sv quarter. ; This month, two out of the six children tested could - denomi nate a quarter. Mrs. Fulkerson the figures' the ratio of Improvement 500 per cent and a proof that napv pier days are here again. . Village Decline f Lamented by Former Premier - ? ; CHURT, England (AP) A an old villager . himself, David Lloyd George, war-time premier,; laments the decay ot village life. - ri think this decay is -one of the worst- features of what baa occurred " In - Britain tin the past 10" years," he said: here, s ' I fefThis t country: : win never b pnt on a firm, secure footing un less r. great effort is made, with-.; out party distinction, to restore village lire or Engiana. Pillory is Ready or timer : ; WERNlGERODE," Germany " (AP) In the v: shadow of this Hars j town's 1 0 0-year-old '. thus,! local nazls erected a pil lory -and announced, it was for persons "found guilty jot spread ing Ilea about the-chancellor or about tho nasi policy. J civi 1 Brokea Celluloid .Mended Good i-aa'jfew Goaranteed Watches Cleaned II to 1 1.50 2 JEWELER v - 470 NJ Com! Busleks Market -V- n fcsSBSSSBBBWSSBBWtaiSBBBB?arSBBMrSBBM Don 't Be Disappointed A : Order Your Benson's Angel Food Catie Early Three Kinds We Bake Them Fresh Fosi : : Fined $100, Jailed tor Drunken Driving Driving while intoxicated proved costly fun for Earl ' Foster, ar rested Wednesday "nfghf on the Salem-Shaw highway near Mae leay.' Be admitted; guilt Jo. Justice court yesterday and was fined 8100 and sentenced to 40 'days in Jail. . George Wooden, arrested with Foster," pleaded "guilty to being drunk in a public place and was fined 825 and .costs. In lieu of payment, he is in the" county Jail. Foster' operates an auto repair establishment at Stayton. Pattern By ANNT ADAMS "Back-to-school" togs for the youngsters-demand all onr atten tion now! Plan around these fac tors 4 . . simplicity, smartness ami sturdlness ; . This pretty frock covers all three. It's one of our "easily made" patterns; the perky U ounce applied so- clever ly, and pleats for animation are smart as can be; and gay cotton prints are inexpensive, tub beau tifully and wear forever I Pattern -1501 is available, in sixes 8, 8, 10, 12 and 14. Sixe 8 takes 2 1-4 yards 36-lnch fabric and. 1 1-8 .yards edging. Illus trated step-by-sten sewing In structions Included with this pat tern, - . Y smd rirrrxv ctsm U) im eolae staaips (oolaj prof mod) for this ABM Adams - pottorm.- Writ pUialT mibo, address aad ttTfo aua Ur. BB BOM TO STATS 6IZX. , Tnx hrn abucs - riTTERn SOOK faataros a eharalnr tolloetioa , of sftoraooo, sports, -golf. Uaaia drttiea, Jvmpora. kou frocks, spsaial b(1aart' patteraa, styles - for Jaa- -lota, sad ' lorsly - clothta- fat yoaaf tors, sad Ustmetiets for mkinr a chio sweater. BEND VOB TOUK COPT. PRICX Of CATALOO WIT TEEH - CESTS. CATALOO AND PATTERN TOGETHa TWESTI- ma ciana-. -. - Addrsta orders to Tfco ' Orro Statesman Pattvrm Departnest, 243 vWest lUk St, Kw Tork City. to the individual, It may seem a small mater, spending money, with the Chain Stores. No doubt many do not realize how many menjs kept oat of imployment by people patronizing: serve your self stores. Not only; are we competing: in price, but every ten cent piece' of prof fit yon pay the independent dealer goes forth imployment of Salem men and .for the snport of the city through taxes and improvements benefiting your city in many ways. This is not an appeal for sympathy on the part of Bnsick's stores because hundreds of people of this comunity are patronizing these stores, makeing it possible to employ more men and sell at prices as low as the lowest.: ! 1 MARION STREET SUPER MARKET NOT A CHAIN STORE' . - Open Every Evening Until Nine P. M. Tasty Pack ' Qualcer Quick " - -Post's - - GRAPE FRUIT OATS BRAN FLAKES No. 2 cans - 2 for large package, 2 for 4 packages FLOUR Pfflsburys Old Mffl 24 Ib.; sfcft Broken Slice ' Armour's ? GATSDP s PINEAPPLE DEVILED MEAT '' bottles, good quality. A arge tins-. ' smaU size" ' 7 2 For 2gO r S Cans flfle EJ2J medium tins $ Cans SgG Pet . or Golden Key MOIc ' ' tall cans . g Cans SG saaaaaaasoaaBBBBBBaaaaBaaaasBBBaBSOBBBaBBaBBaBaBBaaBBaaBBBaaaaaB TEA Schilhngs Orange Pekoe Half - Pound BBBBaajSaBSSaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ;Red:Arrbw Soda Wafers ' 2 Pound Boxes, fresh crisp '" S Boxes-i(JgG Amaizo Golden Amber Syrup . S Pound Pail 29c Crimson Rambler S Pound Pafl 29c Busick's Oven Fresh While or Graham. Full pound loaf. , - Fresh from the Ovena GOFFEE l BOSE DALE MEDITJ1I RED SALMON .Very rich , and tasty, 2 tall Cans : 22)'G : Front Line4rFreshly Roasted 3 lbs Standard Tomatoes I.Fresli ;PeV)nnt- Riitw , Nou 2JJ she cms vvv. ECo" 2 Pounds, H7o .?lden&m C0!rn American Sardines .3. Cans 23c : , S Cans 'flo v