V .. i - The OREGON STATESIAN, Saleav Oregon. Friday '-Morning, ' SeptemWr Is 1933 - vr.T ,:rsr-: , ' u - . PAGL7 ELITVrr?' LSI A--...V- . . .- , ' . - . .- - Mi.', X J T ' .. I n 4 4, r-. ft 4r 'i v. i b sr. I i ft 1 Business Directory , Cards la tW. directory ran em fk monthly basis only. Rate: $1.00 per ltee per month." AUTO BRAKES . Mike Pnek. the orake and shlntm y , J f dnctnr, 175 Pmilh Cnmin erclal Street. . Fuller Bnigh Man, 1483 P wtrest. CATERING PInrt Crnrv, the mterer. Ph. 4T53. CHIMNEY SWEEP T eler-hone 44 SO. R. R. Northnesa. i ! CHIROPRACTORS T m ; . DR. a I SCOTT, PSC. CMropractor. . 254 N. High. Tel. W. 57t. FLORISTS CUT flowers, adding bouqua--Cun-I cral w reatha. decoratiana C. F. Breit ttaupt, florist. 677 Court. TeL S0. . y All kinds f floral work. Iwts Flor-- tt. tth Markgt. T1. 9& GLASS Auto and window class irrfrrora Tst Rl. Walter J. Downw. 8S Breya 'k .. v insurance t ; BECKB? A HENDRICKS ItS N. Hlh - TsL 4J47 COrFBT-SMITH. ffn. inn. Tfl M8. LAUNDRIES THK NEW SALEM LATJNDRT THIS WHJUJirt l-unun' .... sis a umh . Tei T T. ; WPT T.At7NDRT ' . ' . " First In Quality and Serrloa -w TftTh e 11 ti H4 Broadway LAWN MOWERS Sharpened, repaired and traded. HAR- i RY W. BCTT. "The Cycle Mn". MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to home. Cot ton mattress, 6d lb. . Renovators and fumUrators. Ruct cleaned. Capitol Beddtnc Co. TeU . 0 X. CapitoL New mattrssa mada to order, 1 re made; carpet cleaning slln: fluff ru weavbic Balam r Fluff Rug 4k Mat tri Facto. 8. ISth A Wilbur TeU tii. Otto F. Zwiclcer.- Est 1911. MUIC STORES. GEO. C WILL Pianos, radios, sewinf machines, sheet musio and ptano sta diea Repairing radios. - phonoaraphs Snd aewlnc machines. Ail Stats Street. Patem " . MEDICINE Charlie Chan Chinees Medietas Co .122 N. Comt gt over Salem Hardware. Wo have all kinds of barbs for mate and fe male disorders, kidney, bladder, stom ach, ovary sickness. Satisfied Salem Eitients will testify. Consultation free, oars Sun. 2-11, ; When Others Fall Nature barb tor every BL R Low. noted Chinese herbalist 472 a Commercial Street. Sai,m. Established since 1912 to Oakland, Calif. Consultation tree. Telephone 0768. Hours 9 to 4. Sua. la, to 13 M. rr. Chan Lam Chinese Medicine Co. Hours Tuesday and Friday, 10 :20 a. m. to 4;14 r. m. 148 N. CommefyIaL BIUSIC INSTRUCTION SteeL Spaa. Guitar. Madoita. A be ginner's club every Sat 2:3ft. Eoy able, educational, results, P. Ifclsmgec, 649 Statesman St Tel. T184- PAINT AND ROOFING Salem Paint 4V Boeflne 474 Ferry. PRINTING- FOB STATTONEBT, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or ear kind ot printing. cail"The Stateamaa Printing Xepartmenw l 'none Fm. . . REAL ESTATE BECKS ft HENDRICKS, TaU 4947. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 124 a Liberty St TeL 4441. 244-6 First Nat'L Bk. BMy. Tet. 7807. STOVES STOVE3 and stove repatrtng. Steves for sale, rebuilt and repaired All kinds ot woven wire fence. JncT and plain, bop baskets, books, logas books. Salem Fence sodStovo Works.248 Qhewkta. Tel. 4774. R. B. FVt1-;. TRANSFER - -v-s m jii-4 4 tf4sp atorsiara Jali T21llirme7Transfar Co, Trucks to ortiana aauy. -- .. .- CAPITA C1TX iranncr i.--V" Bute StTTeL 7772. DUtrlbuUag.. for . . . a. a warding ana storage ivu f onr rate". - ' " LJL1 , TYPEWRITERS TTPEWRITERS Adding Men. sold. rentea, repairea. wt--- Vi i CooVVA Short. 619 Cirt. Tel. 6484. WELL DRILLING s R. A, West, 10 years experience, BXD ... Aire . Hills Grangers Plan For CdiTimijiity Fair ' S1LVERTON HILLS, Aug. 11. - The Silverton Hills grange is making preparations for Its a- - nual community fair to be -held nctnbey T. The fair will be mad up largely ot . agricultural idis-t tlays. canned ' goods -and hand' work. Last year this fain was one of the biggest attractions of the season and was attended by hundreds of visitors both from this community and elsewhere In Marion county, i Statesman , Classified Ads Call 9101 aaactttod Adrcrtlstat ;-; Siajti taMTtiom pet Uct.l8e TbrM ioMrtloaa pr Urn ...... . . St Six Luartiona pr Itnv. . O&a numtB pw Un..l. Uiolmam charge ..tit Copy for ' taU 1 pat . ae aeptad aalU 4: SO tha . tax . salorw -pablleattoa lot clauwmcathn. Com ra , celred trftor this Uata ni b rott ander taa fteadlng Too Lata to Clasaifyr Taa T SUtaatnaa aaaamaa ao " nnaacur raspannblUty tor errors which may ap pear fa adyerttsaiaaata pna liahsd - la tta eatonna. and ,ta cases wbera this paper la at faalt will reprtat that part ot art adrertlaemcat In waleb J the - typof raphlcsl mitt ke oeeara. ' Taa Stateimas raaerrea " ihe rlxbt to reject objee- tleaal adTertlsln. It fur tber . reserrea Iha rlcbt to claasiry all adrertlalax aa der : the proper elaaalfJea tioa. r.r ." HELP WANTED FEMALE Nurse or women with nursing ex perience, if you have sales ability and want permaaeat position with good In come, address Box 279, cars States man. !. . - . ' . ' : -" .".;'. t WW alve excellent noma to middle axed tcandlnavlaa or German .wom an. Waxes. Must be food cook. Box 187, care Statesman. - Girt waated for ' housekeeplnx (or good home and small waxes, exper ienced tn cooklnx and caring for chil dren. , Box 25, Statesman. . . . FOR SALE ftnsceCaneous Old vapors lo a bundle. Statesman office. 1 Saw gumming and sharpening - mill E. Four Corners." TeL 4280.' Gravenstela apples 2494 N. Front. Canning Peaches Now ready ' at Waeonda Corners and Mission Bottom Orchards. Britt AspinwalL - RESTAURANT MEN t ATTENTION! All futures and equipment of the newly -equipped Galem Bohemian will be for sale. .Everything is to bo- sold to the walls at SOc on the dollar, piece by piece, job lot, or as a whole. In cluded in the sale: York Ice Machine; 22 foot Counter and Back Bar with Stools; Booths and Tables; Dishes; Olassware ; -Silverware. All sorts sf Kitchen - and Electrical equipment Call at The Spa, or Marlon Hotel. For sale, team, 4 and 6 years, gen tle, well broke. IT, C. Hammer, R. 1, Box 140. Salem; Ore. Cash registers for rent, typewriters, adding machines, rented, repaired, ex changed., 227 N. High. Good Crawford canning . peachea Elmer Roth's Service Station, 21st and Market St- Bring boxes. '- Buff Cocban bantams, 2142 N. Com'L For sate pears at Ewlngs. Drive in at dryer on Wallace Road. Bartlett Peara 2616 N. Front Peaches t Early Craw fords now. X Hale. Improved Eabertaa and other varieties, about 8ept 6 th, at A, Ia Lamb's, suasion Bottom. Zenith Radio for Sato 9 tuba $22t 00 Zenith. BaL doe $39.40. Terms, $6 down and $5 monthly.' See Mr. Jans, WUls Music Store. Bartlett Pears 1st and 2nd grade. Win. Stoddard, 1 mL on Wallace. Road. FRYERS. TeL 32F11. TRADE Miscellaneous Lot or first "mortgage to trade for light used car. H. C SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. ; TeL 8901 WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED To buy walnuts and t U- berta 1456 K. CapltoL MISCELLANEOUS Hair cut 25a. Joe's Barber Shop. 154 South Church street W pick op dead, worthless horses. oowa, sheep. TeL 449. Eicpert halrcuttlng, 20o and 15a. 202 S. Winter. FOR RENT ROOMS Booms, Tab 6476. 695 Court St Reoma TeL 2722. T2S Court. ROOM AND BOARD Room, board, for men, TeL 6769. ' Board, room. Near P. O. 6482. New management "Tata House.1 1144 Center, by Mrs. E. OV Laats. Room and board. " Booms, board in comfortable home. arso "table board. 493 N. summer.- FOR RENT APARTMENTS Pat ton apartmeata,' downtown dis trict cooL clean, comfortable, private bath. Very reasonable. Call Patton's Book-Btors, , --.a . 2 rm. furs, apt TeL 6226. Fura. 2 r. apt 2261 HaseL TeL 7444. 6-tm. 1st floor apt. 1411 Court, o Nice small apt. 658 Center. Nice rum. Apt, . 680, Union. nm, 3-rm ., bo, dtefc, 351 Center; FOR RENTHOUSES rXouaasL. Damon. 897 N. ConVL Furnlahed house. Inquire 1588 Court Saodern bouao, 20. 1446 Broadway. Purs, and - onfurn. bonsea R A. rorkaer, 1611 N. Cottage. TeL 6621. FOB RENT Good T room bonao. All newly kalao tlned. Largo walnot tree. On bus line. Sea Airs. Cadwell, Statesman office.. - . - . - Modern home close to. Furnished or aa furnished. 4-7 North Omnserci . For Rent 880 Electrio $100; 2946 South High 518.09; 1845 south Capi tol 810.00: 1980 West Nob H1IL P. H. Bell, 226 Oregon Bids. Phone 8903, FOR RENT HOUSES Furnished, unfurnished bouses. ' If. P. Orant. Tel. S2S0. Ill N. 18th 8t WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE family want year lease, with right to buy, small, close in Salem farm with good boms. Ad dr 411 Stock finch. Bid. Portland. FOR SALE Real Estate A sightly 7 -room semi-modern home, basement, fireplace, beautiful grounds 129x122 feet, large fruit., nut. trees, grspe arbor, garden, garage. Near Jun ior high and two grammar schools, nice view, paved street. Only $2259, terms. Owner. 741 Rural Avenue. TeL For sals or rsnt, 2 good 4-R. bouses. Terms to suit. 574 Locust St. assass-as, a-sa ' BUT TODAY -S acres on main road, 2 miles from city, 1 room bouse, well, 1 acre cher ries, 2 acres walnuts 5 yrs. old, best of soiL Priced for tew days at only CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 244 State St Phone 470S SACRIFICE SALE Beautiful Fail-mount Hill homo tn exclusive location, 7 large- airy rooms. 2 lots with lovely shade trees, shrubs, etc Owner has over 27009 Invested. For quick salo will . accept , f 2750. 250O down, baL termav CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 244 Ststs St Phone 4708 -mnivwrriwuvWi ivuuuu ' 4 -room bouse, 215 Myrtle. Sea own er. Rt 7, Box 227. r , 297S. S A. rnn n Rw.rl. uhnnl smalt farm bldga, excellent so(L - . 35 A. About 18 mL from Salem, ( room plastered bouse, other bldga. fine soil, stock and equipment 13500. MELVIN JOHNSON, 276 State St Have party with 28000 cash, wants to buy hardware store In Salem. If suburban, general merchandise. Have party with 3:000 cash and some trade, wants grocery or general merchandise. Have party, wants nicely furnished house, will pay 225.00 or more. Have party, will furnish work, grounds and material to build nice home. No cash required. ' s Have party with 299 first mort xage, 4 on fine residence property, discount $140. . Have many calls for bouses, furnish ed and unfurnished. List your prop erty with us for quick results. , E. E. BALLINQER 621 Court Street Phone 017 FOR SALE FARMS w" n-ii-injijvu-i-n i RANCH BARGAINS 151 A. 40 Cult 29 A. timber, good pasture, spring. Price $3000.00. 100 ACRES $49 PER A A good buy. 40 A. Cult Fair bouse. B Grade) Dairy barn and milkhouse. Large Poultry House and ten good cows, all for $1000.90. u down. Bet ter look this over before you buy. 64 A N. PACIFIC HIWAT Good Improvements, fine sou and uuu.r iwauun, a mb a smaller place mm pari, race setoe.oo or giro terms. ; Aa . u i uu, Realtor 132 a High St s WANTED REAL ESTATE . I . liWMVtAAnjUl ..WANTED Good hana fn PohLiuI - , y . m ... j On East side. In. axohanv. tnm ft.. homo in Salem. - CHILDS ft MILLER; Realtors 244 State St - Phone S70S Business O-Dorttmities ... i ......... rn Restaurant far aat In . ,n town In Ore m. All- it., OK It! . 00 equipment and plenty of business. ut u Bom s m naiera and some eaah. Write owner New Kwallty Cafe, Oree-n City. MONEY TO LOAN - - - 1 m0tmj0t0t - .ww mm rwa i tnvyni; I repay to monthly. Install en ta. WIXXAM f. ETTB LOAN CO, SUte U& 8-149. 6i ' ru SB USUI A I LA7AN) kadi m cnrnirnro. earn. aalarUa as other sraod aeonrjty. Repayable sa ouuy . rasa n nnancni need see as Before closing loan. BKNKKAL. INVESTMENT ' CORPORATION First National Bank Bids. Phone 6652. - - - -i mtir iryyyi latfi n hjm . SSONB LOANED ON AUTOS Can tracts Rafmaaood -" Arrang to reduce yout paymenta . Tou keep the car P. A. EIKER . Cor. Liberty St and Perry Phono 4783 t 8atom,Ora -BELLS OFHARMONT Heard ever KOIN ring out n loan service that is v really really different TOO GET THE FULL AMOUNT OF LOAN Jj CASH ' , ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST :ri H RI xra TV Amr i QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE - vWPI fl to 1100 :. ? . B NSFICIAJU LOAN , " " - SOCIETT -n? mtv Room 119 New Bllgh Bldg., 2nd Floor iun-sjur na a-iu py c tatiii 618 State Street TeL S-T-4-f LOANS WANTED Wanted Small loan, far short Una Albert Kreas, R. 1. Bos 227, Salem. LIVESTOCK and POULTRY Yorkshire pigs, both sexes, for sate or trade for grain of any kindk Sea them at the Bute Fair. H. K. Stock- welt. ss State St, Balem, Ore. . FOR SALE WOOD ? All kinds or wood. TeL 4418. - GUARAMTEKXt DMV TeL 6009 Salea Fuel Ca Trad ft Cottage, . ------- - - rnnnr "ifxruwuxs Ash, fir end oak. TeL 1648. .Phono Tracy, 2926 for dry wood. Old fir, fir knots, sea. growth ash, oak. Tet 147. ; " . POLLY AND HER PALS twin z:x-ir::-: -'- ;-.';v-'r PloM v: rr AIVJT FOX VNOTS HLCWrTi CO? FOWLS. fe ITS A ; SKUNK: i i i rwi t w rtmm si .. m m. i if . a t ft . i - irf-x k a m i w.ii.i s-a. n . t 1 1 ii . i- t n t i . r .v.. . . WwTt.-j?- . 1 1 i i PERSONAL Madam Romine, spiritualist palm ist, tells all In love, marriage, bus iness. If you want facta, not promises, call on her for advice. Cottage S, Riv erside Auto Park. West Salem.- FOR SALE USED CARS 27 Star touring car tn good condi tion for sals cheap. TeL 7204. : v ! - FOR SALE r DODGE SCREEN DEXJYERT iWUl tabs wood or Uvestock as part f-:.-'-' -' payment - BORREGO S CAR MARKET 24 N. Liberty -:- t . - Phono 2422 Ford Roadster, $8,00. 652 K, Winter. For Immediate sals 193ft Ford coach. Good condition, new tlrea 227 N. High. FOR SALE USED CARS MM""" - i-ifinririi-ii-iixn-ru-LTLf Bring your used cars to Wenatcbee Auto Camp for quick sale. i FELT Oil SfflEO NEW YORK. ne. I: f AP -Stock closed out August with indecisive fluctuations t o d a y. Tradlnx assumed the characteris tics tnat usually go with the mar ket lust before a holiday-decline. volume and i. narrow, irregular cnanres. sales dwindled to 1,141,- tzo snares. . . .The even distribution of buying and soiling on tbe stock, exchange waa indicated by the Standard Statistics-Associated Press mm. posita -which shoved no Tarlaflon irom yesterday. At the finish U. S. Steel, Gen eral Electric, American Tele phone, Chrysler, Montgomery Ward. Harvester. Wonlwnrtn North American, New York Cen tral ana cnesapeake & Ohio were . , m siginuy orr; Westlngbouse, Sears Roebuck, General Motors. Case, PennsylTauia, Santa Fe, Standard jsranaa, u. . industrial Alcohol, Celanese and National Distillers were steady. to firm, in nils. Am erada and California Standard rose a point; several others im proved fractionally. CIHE1I FROLIC i ne unemexetan . lodge near Breltenbush will be the scene this year for the local hiking club's Labor day frolic, it waa announced yesterday. Interesting bikes are being arranged, to include prob ably to the top of Mansfield mountain, Lake Leon or up the jerterson park trail. ; ' Meals will be prepared by Burt Crary, Chemeketan chef, at a cost of $1.50 for six meals. Transpor tation will be $1.50 for the round trip and the lodge fee 25 cents to members and 15 cents to guests. Each biker will take hi own bed ding aad meal service. Cars will leave the Senator ho tel at t o'clock Saturday after noon. Registration for .the froue will close- at noon Friday. executor's notice: Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned was duly appointed executor of the last will and Late of Charles P. Kllby, deceased, by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun ty of Marion, on the ttb day of August, 1I$S, and that all per sons having claims - against - said estate are hereby requested to present their respective claims, with proper vouchers, duly, veri fied, to the undersigned executor at SIT North Front Street, Sa lem, " Marlon County, Oregon, within sir months from the date of this notice. ' r-" ' Dated August 11th, 1931. r HOWARD NOLL, Executor of the Leaf- WH1 and Es tate ot cnartee r, Kllby, do- ceasedV v John Bayne V: Attorney- for Executor. A-11-1 1- NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ' Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has tiled in the Coun ty Court of the Stat of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, his duly verified final account, as the administrator ot - the "estate ot Tina Edwards, deceased, and that aid Court hat fixed Tuesday, tbe ltth day of September, 19S3, at the hour xf ten o'clock A. M.ot said day, as the time, and the County Court Room In the County Court House at Salem, in Marlon County; Oregon, as the' place tor hearing said final account and all objection thereto, v ' -JIT-A Dated .at Salem, Oregon, this 18th day of August, 1133. ., ARTHUR EDWARDS, ' : .Administrator of the Estate lot . Tina Edwards, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, v ? Attorney for Administrator, Salem, Oregon. A-11-25-S-1 T. 8-15. v - . y&tirih? KE LOCATION OF iv h&jigm im-'Wis.H svmL. . r r m Sf aBk S SB, I . - sr P i t SI ----- af K . ft. m Mr SK V a L M a S) r U II X. M ... BL. -. ami 111 ..JTWmrt n ' Sw . St IBS mn S . a , at amji ' j v . r a i w i j i it'i t i r a i rv - - . , m " tf.r. . i a;. x i i . . --.- i , i i f ' - v w v . i i mas Initial PriccsBehirvd reamed In Limited way; German r - Duty not Depressing Sfr.i - frMh . in(i " hare reached the $10 per ton mark lo- .II "nma nnna mwlri renort. Canners are non-committal as to price," merely indicating mat mi,. Af flrnrH axlst. -A large quantity f prune have been purcnasea ri iower.mB $20 figure. c. PORTLAND. Aug. 811 (AP)- The Journal said today that Initial prices are being named on Oregon 1S3S prunes, "but only in a few instances and in a limited way." "Values are somewhat higher than general sales a year ago, the article said. -No business can be confirmed although some is re ported. California reports a steady business In sight witn a rawer fair Tolume to England. .Price there are perhaps a shade firmer but generally unchanged. Oregon ItSS prune' price are Quoted at S0-40s, ttc; 3 5-4 5s, Uc; 40-508, c: 50-608. oc "One ot the features ot the trade is the optimism expressed by the distributors, the Journal said, "in the face of the German duty boost which practically pro hibits exports ot American prunes. As Germany re-exports consider able ot the prunes it usually buys from America, most of them going to Holland, Denmark, Poland, the Scandinavian countries and some to Belgium and Prance, tbe trade Is going after this business direct. Prune drying at the Rambler prune dryer at Keizer will start September 11, with a capacity run anticipated. . - Charles Weathers, manager of the barn for Gideon Stolx, states that a bumper crop ot prunes In that section Is expected and that since heavy sale have been made to the canneries, there will be plenty ot dryer space. This dryer will also handle walnuts this year. The drying price will be $25 per ton dried. Scale ' for dryer workers has been tentatively set with eight hour shifts, at: head dryer, $2.50; helpers. $2; tray- ers, $2. Field workers shakers, 25 cents per hour,, eight hours; picking, five cent with no bonus. On the walnut drying the price will be a cent per pound, dried. Swegje School to S t a r t in Another 2 Weeks ; Boy Hurt 8WEGLB. Aug. 81. Avadee Thomas, age 7. who fell off the root of a rabbit hutch and broke his arm, is much improved. Mary Whitehead who has been lit with scarlet fever 1 well again. School will start September 18 at Swegle. Threshing IsNfn full awing fn this district a wall a hon nick ing. Ralph DeSart will start picking the 5th and S warts about th anAS the 10th, J SOW 426 XOs. rxnxsT, azrTXMBxn 1 T:0a c. & Merlae baaa, XBa Tl46 -Boaeld Back, , r m Seteist, XBQ. ' S: IS Old Memory Bex, VBQ. J -8:89 Food eeaservatiea talk, atOw. 9:89 Oeeklag SeaeeL . . l:0e Arioa Trio, NB(L ; i 10:30 We-eaV lUgaslaa ei Us Air. KBO. - - 11:45 Five Cards, KBO. 11:65 Highland Lassie, 1 - 12:16 Western Pais a aad Horn Hear, KBO. 12:85 Westers Tana aad Horns Hoar. KBO. - , 18:45 O. 1C Piaswer. 6:00 The Sollickers, KBO. 8:20 Prieadly Chst. - , 4rt0 Wiastea Petty, KBO. , t 4:46 Seetaera Haiony your, KBO. S :O0 Fhil Harris. NBC 6:85 Oat of the East, KBO. ' ' .5:45 Bass Gerdoa. the Kibitier. :SO-rThe Arkansas Trsvsleri, XOlfO. 7:00 Amos 'a Aady, NBC. T.te-Clah XaleMeseope P . - :I0 Tarr see Oardeaa oreaestrs KBC. H9:30 Aasea Weeks arehsstra. KBO. , . ... n . . ... ... ' -rwjm ijv ota xiippamea a ereaesv a, sou, 11:80 Bal Tabaria orehestra, KBO. - XOAO OorvaUla 660. X. . 6:45 Vs a .Market Beperta, 7:00 Meratag MedUstleaa, - S:0 Maraiaf: Oeacart. S :00 Hssae Xeeaoaiiee Observer. 10 :SO The Parade of Melodies. . . 11:80 Moraiag Matinee. 13:00-rKee Pari a Hear. ' 2 :00 As Ten Like I with Aatkaay - . . - Jtai ran,.? -:. y.- - H:V j : WtO. Paw Not m piu en n PRUrf E DRYING WILL OPEN 1 SEPT. 11 , ... .... , . .,'.. Program GRAIN EXCHANGE GOES ERRATIC BUTTER UP Losses . Moderate; two ? Cents UsVariation Of Days Wheat : vv;-:-; - - - CHICAGO. Aug.1 I1- (AP). Grain hopped arOnd nervously today but finished with moderate tosses. ; 'f. 'f -'y i i The market 'was decidedly er ratic.:: and studded with -sharp bulges and breaks over a range of a little more than 2 cents a bushel in wheat. The course of wheat was closely , followed - by other ! grains. Prices worked irregularly higher after " the . opening down turn, only to ease again at the fin ish. . Wheat closed unsettled U to 1 cent below yesterday's close, corn easy and 5-8-1 l-8c off. oats U 4c down, rye -c higher. Closing quotations: Wheat Sept., 6-86c, Dec, SO-JOUc; May, 4-Hc. Corn Sept- 4Tsci Dec., 54 ci May. 60-c. Oats -Sept.. ZTM'lle; Dec, 40c; May, 43-c PORTLAND. Ore.. An. 81 (AP) Predaee eseksage. Set prices: Batter, extras 20e; staaaards 21s; piim firsts 19 e: firsts 17e; errt, fresh extras 28e; fresh medioms 80s. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore- Aag. 81 (AP) Wheat Opca High Low Close Sept. -. -714 71 TH4 714 Dee. 70 74 '74 7H Cask wheat Ke. 1: Big Bead blnestesi 81; dark hard aiater 12 pet 82, 11 pet 78; soft white, westers white, hard win ter. Berth era sprlag. 70; wcitera red, 63. Oatsi Ke. 2 white 923.50. Cora: No. 2 E yellow $23.26. Xlllraa ttaadari f 170. - Portland Produce POBTLAKD, Ore, Aor. 81 (AP) fatter mats,, extras, 23c; (tandares, 22e. Batterfst Pertlsad delivery: A trade 20e lb.; farmer's door delivery, 18e per lb.: sweet eream, 6e hl(her. Eire Pacific Poultry Producers' selV- inf price: Oversize-Sic ; extras 22e; sua- asms zoe; meainms zue; pnuets toe dosea. Baying price by wkolesslerst Fresh extras, 20ej medians le; aa4er gmde 10c ; - pallets lOe dosea. Cheese 92 seore Ores-on triolets, lie: loaf lie lb.: brokers will pay He Ve la w enntatioaa. Milk Contract prices. 4'pct.. Portlaad delivery. 1.70 cwt.; B fTada crsasx. 37 He lb. Oeeatry aseats selling Price to retail- erst Coeatry kiUed host, beat batchers. ssdsr 150 lbs, 7-Sc: veslers, 70 te 100 lbs, SH-lOe; spring lamkf 10H lle Tb.: yearllan 4-6e lb.r heavy ewes. S-Se lb.; mediant eews, - lb; csaaer cows. 3-is aaus. o. Mohair Buyist pries: 1938 dip, 15e ft. - Csscsrs bark boyise price. 1983 peeL se in. Hope noatmal. ivss, o-43s is. Live oosltrv Portland deliver : buy- las- nrieesi Pawl salleta. 6 te tba 13c: ever lba. 12e; sprlag pallets, aader la M, ise; roasters, ever s ins, 14e; leghera few-, over SH lbs. Sc. aad nader SH Us, Sej br tiers, li te S Ibe, So. S lb, aad ap, ISc: stags, ! reottersv e; PaxJa aacka, set color ducks, 61 geese, So la. Onions Walla Walla, IL25-1.85 cca UL Kw saloar Wans Wens. 8 1- 0-1. 60 eentaL ' Petatees Looal whiu aad red. L60 eeatai; Xaktiaa, Si.ao. Caataleaaee BiUerd staadart 61.10 : Takima otaadarda, 65-85 crate; Dalles, S5e81 crate. . Weal 198S clip, aomlaal; Willamette vauey. zs-13 is; eauera uregea, io- Sie setaera ia to, is-soe to. Hay B-yiac nrice from oredaeer: At fslfa Ke. 1, aew crop $17; clever. Ke. L . . . . - . . A 1 V . . S eastera 4regea timothy, f 18; oats and grata, f is tea. Portland Livestock POBTLAKD. Ore, Aag. 81 (AP Cattle, roeoipu so. calves bs; steaay. Steera, ceauaoa aad ssedlam , 8.00-6.50; haifers, eemmoa aad madiam. S.5O-4.O0) eewa, eemmoa aad Ssedias. 2.00-20; lew eatter as4 eatter. ,75-2.00; eemmoa aad medium. 8.00-4.00. j . .. . Hers, reeefpta, 26 ; 10 Ugher, active, Lightweight, good aad caeice, 6.00- 8.85: asedia- welrht. rood aad eheiee. 6.35-5.75; aeavyweigkt, good aad choice. 4.S3-S.40; psckiag sows, sassiest 4.00-4.50: slsarhter pin. 6.65- ajxs. . 8hep, receipts, TOO; lambs 23 to 35 SiraetL! steady. - . Lambs. eed aad eheiee. 6.50-8.25; saa ateaiam. 4.00-0.50. . r ' AarastSl g OCX AV-XAOZS Taaay Pro v. day Week ago 95.6.. 63.6 9J.t 68.1 66.1 95.8 ' 68.T 90.4 94.0 6L9 8T.T 64.8 85.0 19 Ld 86.4 44.6 Tsar age a its. S-120.6 222.6 169.T 94.9 48.9 78.9 High lass Lew 193S High 1932 Low 1932 02.1 68.0 113.7 42.8 23.6 61.5 72.8 89.6 1110 65.1 18.6 6L6 AVrXAOBS 75.5 80.S 63.6 75.5 80.7 SAO 75.8 80.9 84.6 66. 7 1.4 SA9 94.8 108.5 100.7 77.1 4.t ' S8.S 68.8 67.0 74.1 7LS 78.0 . 84.6 63J 47.4 Vt3 85.0 soxn Today se.o Prev. day Week age Tear age 66.0 80.6 76.0 s Trs. 101.1 High 1989 83.5 Lew 191 High 1682 Law 1982 t 68.6 T8.1 87.8 6 :80 The' Homemakers Halt -Hear, 7 :00 Saanaer meaie. frfO Ps s Hear. :16 Philosopher at the Crossroads. to U Caunt General Tilarkets Stociis and Bonds P 1- lc, EGG R I Salem Markets Grade B raw -4. . milk, co-op pool price, f 1.49 per hundred. - ."'.'" Surplas91- ' ' - J ' (link based a aead meathly aa turtat average.) lHstribator pric $1.70 ' 'I, B aitt.er f t - Top 10c, print 22c, cubes 24. Prices paid te areeere bf Salem bayer : AnguM Si - - . - . fThe arfees eeaohe as a' toaei KKer. are iad'.cative f -the daJlf starhet t are set guars ats 8 by Tea States aa I PBTJIT aSTO VCBTAaVa Striag beans, local, nlH Cabbage, cwt. to i.oo Oreea peppers, local, lb. . -' , .04 Oaioaa. dux. buacee .15 Potatoes, local .1.00 te 1.2 Lettaee. local. .S5te .S5 - Pncet Bound .1.00 to 1.35 OBion Wall Walla, cwt. -.1.35 , Celery, ana. . . . -. Apples, GrsveastslB .75 Oranges, Vsteaeisa, fancy S.OOte S.50 Place oara - i.T ta s.z Beets, local, tea. ---- .10 Tsraiaa. locsL erate . .10 Carrots, leeal, do. ,. . . ... . ,19 Spinach. leesL era t Bensnes, lb. ea stock Hands Caeambers, hothoase, box Pickling, ID. Local, dot, Cantaloupes Grand I viand ia imoas .,, , Limes, fresh Avscadoa. erate Squaau. lanih. dos. 8.85 as .45 .28-80 .75 1.00 .70 L2S Tomato, i. The Dalles. Local. No. S Blackberries Peaches, local, bu. rsac&es. CaiiL. crate. Egg piast, crate Cera, local, des. .08 .03 Casabas. lb. Seedless grapes, lug .1.45 . .06 . .40 Sarcet Potatoes, lb. HOP Tep, 1932, lb. ooa Buying PrJccs Extras Standards Mediums , J9 .18 J7 .04 .10 .09 .07 .11 rOOLTXT Old reostefS . Colored hens , Medium hens LUht hens Leghorn fryers , - Colored fryers Boring lambs, top 5.f0 5.50 5.25 4,75 4.50 te .04 oga, top First cats Second eats Pigs Steers j .. Jit Cows Bull .01 t .02 te .024 J03 Dressed vesl, top. . .08 H .07 H .48 .16.00 .18.00 .20.00 Dressed aor GOATS SJTD HAT Wheat, western red White, ho. 1 ", Barley, top, ton . ', . Oats, feed, tea , Oats, milling, ton ,. nay. OSTtac prti Oats sad vetch, tea . Alfalfa, valley 1st cat .18.00 .15.00 .18.00 Oievsr aay WOOL Medium .25 .88 S. JDl Coarse . Mohair , CA60ABA BABX 6 re a, lb. Dry. Ia. WASHINGTON, Aug. 81. CAP) Secretary Wallace has called upon a. Chicago dairy to show why its license to operate should not be revoked for sell ing milk below the prices fixed in the- milk trade agreement for that area, His order, the first such is sued under the licensing power given the farm administration un der the act authorising the for mulation of each agreements, c 1 1 d th Meadowmoor Dairies, Inc.. ai having sold milk since the : agreement went Into effect August 1 at . prices below the fixed schedule. The dairy was ordered to show cause why its permit should not be revoked on or before Septem ber li.T ' . - - If he revokes its permit and th dairy contlnuea-to operate. it is subject to a tine ot 81,000 tbr -each, day's operation without a license. Tho fine may b con tinued definitely.' . 7 - i AdCIubMeetmgi ' Today.Ramseyer Outlines Plans Th '. Salem Advertising ' club will open its tall work today, with President Cart A. Ramseyer but- lining his plana- for the year and naming standing committees. Plans for the tall style show will also be made at tho meeting. this noon, to be held at tho Gray Bell. Committees for the style show-will bo appointed. - Ad club otCloers were elected prior to adjournment during the summer. ' S. M. Law ia vlce-presl- t dent and C B. Thomas, secretary. X5 to .60 ' J5 - . . oH ir - .75 02 A .04 . .10 .75 e.ee 1.00 dv is mm FOR PRICE Girmr6 SE, TOD AY Cent Increase in Eggs ? .Announced; Country MeatSlV ; r v v PORTLAND, Aug. 81. -(AP) Butter market was advanced lc pound daring the late session of :' the produce exchange. - Butterfat , values were advanced . lc along ; with butter.; .; -. :- . Advance, of lc doten wa an', nounced in tbe selling" price . on extra eggs by the Pacific co-ops, effective ; PTlday morning.' . The market on strictly top grado has T been firm for some time with oth-t ers.raUer'draggy.-'::J:; .,? .- . Receipts ot livo chickens here were very light with demand steady except for small broilers ? which, are firm. There was no further change la the pricsr for the day. . .A - Market on country " meat - has L been .welt held along the whole- , sale way with tbe continued weak- , nesa In beeL . Best quality calves ; were firmer. !: f : f This year's crop ot potatoes in the Parkdale section was reported ' good by J. Mclsaac of .the up per Hood River valley, v v ! Practically no . changes were 4 noted In tbe market for tomatoes, v Bulk of the- supply was arriving from central . Washington, . jrlth -Oregon offerings scant. INSTALLATION IS 17TH . " HAZEL" GREEX, Aug. 81. The Installation of officers and : teachers: of Sundsy school will be on September 17 Instead of the 3rd as announced. The pas-; tor will be at the Hopewell ap pointment on tbe 3rd and at The Dalles cn the 10th. NOTICE OF APTOKTMEXT OF EXECUTRIX Notice is hereby given that th . undersigned . h3 been duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State ot Oregon, for the Coun ty of Marion, as Executrix of th last will and testament and estate of Enos Presnall, deceased., and that she has duly qualified as such executrix; all persons - having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at me nice ot Ronald c Glover, my attorney,-205 Oregon. Building. Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, within six months. from the date of this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 18th day of August, 1933. ALICE B. CANNON. Executrix of the last will and tes- tament and estate of Enos Pres nall, deceased. . RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregon. A-l 8-2 5-S-l-8-15. ......... NOTICE OF REVIEW AND EQUALIZATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL Th State Tax Commission will attend as a board of equalization" at the Capitol In Salem, Oregon, on the third Monday In Septem ber, 1183, and publicly examine the assessment roll by It made, and review tho same, and correct all errors in valuation, descrip tion, quantities or qualities ot property by It assessable and In apportionment ot assessment made by it: and It shall be tho duty ot the persons and companies to appear at the tjme and' plae appointed. ' ..--:-.-, ;-.. . Petition or applications for re duction or change ot apportion ment of a particular assessment shall bo made In writing, verified by the oath ot the applicant, its president, secretary, managing agent or attorney In fact, and bo filed with tho Commission during tho first week It Is by law required to bein session. And any petition or application net so made, veri fied and filed shall not bo consid ered or acted upon, STATE TAX COMMISSION, "v r By Ear! Ea Fisher, H Commissioner it Secretary. : f . a si--i NOTICE TO CREDITORS i . Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned, by an order- of tho County. Court of Marion County, Stat of Oregon, duly mad and entered on the Ith day of- Aug ust, 1933, was appointed a3m in istratrtx of tho estate of WIL LIAM 8. LEVEN3, and that sho has duly qualified aa such, '-All persons having claims against said estate are hereby totified to pre sent the same, duly verified as re quired by law, at tho office of Reyes cs Page, 308 U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg- Salem, Oregon, U Live City . ot : Salem, Marlon County, Oregon.- within six months free the date of this notice, to-wit Au8 ust 10th, 1933. - " LEODA M. LEVENS, . Administratrix of tho - estate of William S. Levens, Deceased. , Keyea V Pag, -i --'": v.- Attorneys tor ' Administratrix Salem, Oregon. A-ll-18-25-S-l-t. By CLIFF STERRETT ? i i ' i 1 i l i. I- ' I ? - t"