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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1933)
i . Li PAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, August 31,' 1933 V 1" IS MOD Sacramento Divorcee Often '; , Visited . b Defendant Vltnesses Assert - CContlatwd from pass 1) : shortly- after discovery' bt ' Mr; imson's death; when, he sat on a swing In the patio of their Txnne wepls while his sister. Dr. Mar garet Lamaon, knelt beside him: ,"My Gofl! why did I marry her? ' Hader - Sheriff Earte Hamilton ' and Deputy. Sheriff Howard Buf- fins-ton added' testimony -tended ! to bolster the state's contention that nnder the apparent ealm and Txappy surface there actnally boil ed storm of dissension. He tes tilled that Lamson told him Mem- orlal Day while he was lnvestigat ing Mrs. XAmson's death that she had keen ill the night before and for that reason, he had slept in the hack bedroom, generally, oc cupied by their 2-montbs-oId . daughter. , II BEE Continued from page X) . ; to meet relief needs or would be" ; blocked off as security for tax an ticipation warrants or for bonds, the latter to be met from a beer tax. within ten years. Administra tion ot the beer tax would be left .to each county and present tax collection officials would handle It. Snell said that counties which did not wish to handle relief work through county funds, could do as they pleased with revenues from the tax on beer. Statehouse observes quickly pointed out yesterday-thst the so called Gill plan would not be feas ible legally inasmuch as all de linquent taxes can only go, when collected, to the source for which they were levied. Furthermore the back taxes are now collateral se curity in most instances for war rants issued in anticipation' ot the taxes being collected. Three Permits Issued Three permits tor building operations were issued here -yesterday as fol lows: To B. E. Hollingsworth to reroof dwelling at 1815 North Capitol street at cost ot $105; A. S. Campbell, reroot dwelling at 1591 Center, $75, and Tall man Piano store, repair woodshed at 395 South 12th, $40. FIND RELIEF NowTbey Are shaking LytJla E. Plnkham' Vegetable) - - - Compound S. Hainan! Vegetal Casapenmd helps me ' wonderfully. 1 ' took it for nerves and it qmetsd and ' atrengthened me. I have good nafairat color new and a better appetite." ' Mae. Lextr Cnomor, 2839 lilst Point llace, Toledo, Onto. "I am fortyeeven years old. I have ; been scfferisg from terrible headaches and nervowneas. All the time I felt weak and tired. Lydia E. Pinkham'e - Vegetable Compound anrarv k helping me. My nerves are better.! sleep well end feel weO and strong.M Mas. C. -. Rnaume, 870 Coney Island Ave ( Brooklyn, New York,- - A rhn()rad Beater OLUYUOO TON1TE IS DIME NITE Glenda. Farrel, : Be': Lyon Mary Briasi A The Vanished Bride la i iBank COMING FRIDAY SATURDAY - Scno'Crcy-": . U5 TlVD SCMES FOB mm All 1 fl Except Seats' ; J , Loges .... r . it c At I k "Baby Market' is Disclosed : - - -, . . . -. . --. ' MISS HELEN SHAEFFER. JHsclossres that sv "market" wherein babies are sold for adoption foi suras Tanging from 470 to 310ft in Tulsa, Okla were recently made by Commissioner of Charities and Corrections Mabel Basse tt, to whose notice the traffic wax brought by Bliss Helen Schaeffer, director of the local Children's Service Bureau. Fire eases of "bought adoptions were un co re red in the ensuing' Investigation and at least a dozen others are expected to be brought to light. Three physicians are implicated, it being charged that thejr"soldM the babies of unwed mothers, too poor to pay - their fees, to defray hospitalization costs. .. Keizet Votes by Wide Margin tor Pupil Transport KEI2TER, Aug. 30. (Special) After more than two hrfurs of heated argument at the called meeting of the Kelzer school pa trons here- tonight the two-mill school transportation tax-measure was accepted by an overwhelming majority of 5$ to 35. Grade-echool children living outside the three mile limits in the district will be furnished transportation to and from school at a cost to the dis trict of $10 per child per term; 15 children will thus be trans ported, it was said at tonight's meeting. Offers Seliior Experiments to Fight Epidemic BATON ROUGE. La., Aug. $0 (AP) Herbert Brown, 27, tall and blue-eyed, tonight of fered himself, with no heroics, as an experimental subject in the fight against sleeping sick ness. He is an ex-eoldier. Describing himself a victim of tuberculosis and expressing a wish to "do something before he died," Brown said he was ready to submit to experiments that might aid science' in its endeavor to discover the cause of encepha litis that has claimed many Uvea in the mid-weet. J Report Filed Final report was filed yesterday in the estate of August Schnuelle, deceased. There was $6297 in- assets in the estate of which $4797 was real proper ty. Sophie Schnuelle was executrix of the will. orts LOS .ANGELES, Aug. 30. (AP) The New York Hebrew, Maxle Resenbloem. who holds the light heavyweight championship of the world, boxed his way easily tonight to a 10 round decision over the Olympia stadium's Idea of competition, L e R o y Haynes, Pasadena negro. NEW YORK. Aug. 30. (AP) w-The -Herald Tribune of tomor row quotes Babe Ruth, ar admit ting he Is "til through" as a ball player. . : r: v... e.";. s "I guess I may- as well hang up thfr spikes," the' paper quotes the Yankee outfielder. "I can't sign np as a player next year.. The legs won t stand it. I might get by at first base, but not in the outfield. I'm through." BERKELEY, Calif., Aug. 30. (AP) William A. ("Nary B1U") Ingram tonight was offered a one year contract to continue as foot ball coach after March 1, 1934, et the University of California. Too Late to Claasity . Girt wanted (or hoiuekeeplna for sooa novae ana man wae exper- eaoea m eowmng' maa earing tor chll 4rn. Box 2U, suteman. --j-; m OiLtUWVciOfM The Season's Comedy Sensation r-. "Mama'e Boy" Becomesr ; - a Cave Hani Lat Sp The Call Board, KLSIXOBE Today Loretta Young in -Midnight Mary." Friday Phil Harris and Charlie Buggies In "Mel ody Cruise." CAPITOIj Saturday and Sunday Helen Hayes in "A Farewell to Arms." THE GRAND Today Only Will Rogers in "Down to Earth." Friday Tim McCoy in "The Whirlwind." - THE HOLLYWOOD Today Ben Lyon in "Girl Missing." Friday George O'Brien in . "Robbers Roost." THE STATE Today.- Charlie Murray -and Moran and Mack (Two Black Crows) in "Hypnotized." Saturday Alice White in "Murder at Midnite." Robber Slugged With Own Pistol PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 30 (AP) An alleged holdup man went to 1aU here late tonight af ter a reluctant victim had dis armed Him and slugged: him Into unconsciousness with his own pis- toL Roy McCarthy, 28. admitted, police said, - holding up a drug store, and taking $2r then at tempting another holdup a few blocks away, where he met his nemesis. In the person of Ralph Stone, a . confectionery store em ploye who resented 'his criminal tactics; Lights Canse Arrest Nathan Taylor pleaded guilty in justice court yesterday to driving with out a tail light, and was fined $5 and costs. The fine was remitted. Guardian Named L. J. Spro- gls has been named guardian of the : estate . ot Glenn Sprogls, a minor, 'who owns a one-third In terest in 127 'acres of 4and. His holdings Tire appraised at $500 in value.' : -:: ' -': ; , i A -l BIG LAUGH PACKED. ALL NS : . PLAYING TODAY AND FRIDAY - . . THE 8 -REEL COMEDY SMASH " I v I "w i " t h ; vAVVJy ( TtfCH AS. MURRAY , I ZS MARJOK1E BEEBE V ?:: 3 ERNEST V ( I . . I 1 TORRENCE - V I v " 2 WALLACE FORD k. J Z Bf ARI A AL B A COMEDY SHOW! - - : - v . : l - -.- - ' SCRAPPY CARTOON "THE BIRD MYSTERY COMING SUNDAY "EXPLORERS OF- THE WORLD' gv i SLEEPING SICE ESS PUZZLESSIMISTS r - CContlaaad from' page ll ,-, ' spreading in St. Lonli ln cVuntries inhabited, "by- Caacaslaaw. f Xhla epidemic la similar In ev ery detail to those la Japan which has suffered ; from-11 -outbreaks since 1871, the: last one. in 1924. The mortallty: rate in Japan was higher, however.' , ' ' The typ of sleeping sickness now-raging around SU-IArals is the same at has occurred spor adically in" Marlon county daring recent years but need giro rise to no fear locally. Dr.' Vernon " A. Dooglas, county health officer, stated yesterday upon receipt ot a description: of the eastern ases from the United iSUtes public health service. The cases that have been reported here' have not been of epidemic nature, he pointed out. ' : v.- No cases of the disease, known to medical men as encephalitis lethargica.'Dr. Douglas said, have been noted in the county this year but two and. as many deaths were recorded last year, two in 19 $1 and five in 1920. The disease in St. Louis has proved fatal In IS per cent of the cases and has occurred in the pro portion of eight male to 10 female victims. It consists of an inflam mation of the brain and spinal cord and ' appears ' to follow out breaks of Jnflnenza, according to Dr. Douglas. ' NEW YORK, Aug. 30 (AP) -With a wide grin, cmer oi po lice Steve Webber of Port Wash ington denied published reports today that he was the guest who smacked Senator Huey P. Long over the eye t a Long Island club charity affair Saturday night. To inquirers, the police chief a husky - 220-pound amateur boxer, six feet and more- tall displayed his hard fist, tree from any bruises. - All week. New York has pon dered the identity of the man who knocked the senator down during a function at the Sand Point Bath club, near Port Wash ington. For a time the belief pre vailed that a prominent architect was the man. Asked by friends if he would object to publication of the re ports that he was the assailant. Chief Webber said: Not at all, as long as you print with it my flat denial of the report." Asked if he had any inkling of the reaction if be said he was the senator's assailant, the police official, chuckling, declared: "Id be popular and I'd lose my Job." : Stribling Plans To Fight Again ATLANTA, Aug. $0. ( AP) Pa" Stribling, father-manager ot W. L. "Young" Stribling, said here today his son had accepted. a fight against Maxle Rosenbloom, light heavyweight ehamplon, In Houston, Tex., September 18 Stribling is a heavyweight. TODAY E3 BARGAIN MATINEE iro kYcftv CAMTCJ PAL TICKET ' ADMIT ONE when pre sented with one 25c ' paid admission.' Good Tonight Only, ' r Anjr. SI - GRAND THEATRE ' CHIEF DECLARES HE DIBIIT SWIITE HIM die C M m I Tonight 5 Vn 'Tj-di la I, W Pal A f,,fP Nite I i j Brin , 1 - tt the r Cnpog I ft Charllt . J Chaplin k, 5 -Cure? f "SJssewsssMawaSMawssssw BARTERING In Goats, Shoals. Automobiles and Whatnot m m Ml JCXB OFEIE Trade Cow for auto tires. For sale shoats, motor tracks, stumpage, wagons,, used lumber. For rent Dollar a month ca bin with oil stove. - - -' - Notices such as the above ap pearing, on the, bulletin, board at the U.S.-Y.M.C.A. Employment of fice here; reveal' a lively, activity that has sprung np while Jobs have been scarce. The office staff has served daily as a go-between on numerous- such deals, giving the service free to the many per sons who in busier, times would be obtaining Jobs there. ' v: v i ; The barter, it appears. from no tices posted yesterday and' on other days, appears unlimited as micraca HI ill ieif aimaMIa m Aittt mmtm t O fa uwisvauv iHQVunjuve ve Sk7ss.s;au held their second: successful or ganisation meeting in Union hall Wednesday night under the sus pires or the special committee on organization under , the NBA ot the Salem Trades and . Labor council. ; ',;. '"-V '-- -r, - Roy R. Hewitt, Salem attorney. urged' the mechanics to make a success of their organisation and to do theirpart in- helping the NRA restore the nation. The automobile mechanics pro vided tor the appointment of an organization committee and three men were appointed. The next meeting will be held in Union hall on Monday, September 11, at 8 p.m. F. J. A. Boehrlnger, Theodore C. Amend, H. E. Barker, and John Humphries, from the Salem Trades and- Labor Council., ad dressed the meeting on the ad vantages of union organization. 14 Attend Clinic Fourteen children and adults attended the combination school and chest clin ic conducted at the Marion county health department offices yester day. A preschool and baby clinic will be held there this morning under direction of Dr. J. R. Back-. strand. ' " 1 KlflMffiEl ENDS TONIGHT She was so - . no allnring . ' FRIDAY:- SATURDAY CHAKUC HUG6LCS PHIU HARRIS v SSTA HtSSEN-HSUH MACK CHICK CHAMOUm-JUMI SRKWSTU SHMUrOUMBSBS' MMUOktS eATCSOJ Xa SATURDAY SUNDAY TWO FEATURES HELEN HAYES - GARY COOPER tarivell; . TO ARMS" And OTARta MURRAY : . : . " ' sad ; . ' GEORGE ' SIDNEY . "COHENS AND KELLYS CAUGHT CHEATING ran 2 JjC Madd ealnf S, t. mnsic I . , . Wonderful Clrls ! , ' Oceans of lovet . . HU- eom- ' , edyl Hear the I ,: hit sonjg ".Iv. VIsn't This : the Night for Lovers m u IS LIVELY f-'rV:.: evil ; " to 18 of articles' W be traded and. variety of articles wanted. ' "Two milch goats and one hilly to trade for girl's bicycle or gas stove," reads one notice. A "Wagon for sale, or trade ' for chickens," read another. j - j, , . Livestock was 1 wanted by one man who had a motor truck and another sought someone to share expenses on trip to Calif oraia, V : The employment' staff members give , inquirers the- names- of the persons with ; articles , to seir or trade and. receive few kickbacks. Yesterday,' however, it was learn ed at the office, that one man who was directed to a man who had an old automobile-for sale had looked over the car and returned that night to strip the machine of all parts of any value. - f TocaIlc3 IToa Par I7oi? A(5IIIiDISOT INGlirElW5IS TEadtt HNGIUEIES dc FD)ILIL7S: IN CASH IN CASH IN CASH Liberal tbo CASH WEEKLY OEo CASH WEEKLY $o CASH WEEKLY YOU and erery member of your family between the ages of 15 and 69 years are entitled to make application for this insurance, providing yoa are a regular subscriber f THE OREGON STATESMAN. If you are ot now a wbscriber, yon may make application by entering yonr subscrip tion now. Send in your application with a remittance of $1.00. You may pay for your paper In the regular way. I ATJCE firota the After all, the kind of protection yoa get depends for the most part, on the Integrity of the company behind your insurance policy. When yon take out Insurance over the sig nature of the NORTH AMERICAN ACCIDENT LNSUR . ANCE Company yon are receiving your insurance from the oldest and most reliable Accident Insurance Company la America. - Who is Cao Sirom Accidents ? Accidents art no respectora of the time, place or person, and with the erer mcreasing -nnmber of autos, TRAVEL . 'ACCIDENTS are continually on the increase. It behooves as mil t secure some sort of FINANCIAL PROTECTION for . . our. dependents and loved ones. . No Enac . .; ; u Yo inAJ lost if you do. Send in your application with a re . tMe of $l.Q0 You may pay for your paper by the year or monthly. PiU in Application. .. . . - . -. e .if,- ; , X j. i- . . ,-..v-- , , oao,obOf E?oBuc3J7 8 . r m.ibod::ed zdays. J tlDSOE RESCUED -. ...jHCoattauc&'from pace. t , They had passed 24 hours with out food or-water; and hd hua dled together through, a freexlng night clad onryin light hiking .1 . ,V MB - .-V' ' "V " ciotnes.. ... . .-- - - -..i.r f -r, Trapped,tir-yeeterday 5o- Ittg when Jhey lounatnemBejTes unable td proceed" higher orUa re trace ; their tepat $a their effert fo eUmb'-tfte perpendicular; jrall of ; the" clltf, i they were without food until, noon today when yes ewers' succeeded in lowering oranges.J an d 7 water over the shelf high Above, - -t t -:; The ledge on which they were marooned is 400 .feet high and veteran, mountain climbers in this section: had thought it Inaccess ible. : . ' . . The boys were lifted from their perilous position by live men, who .had made their way to a ledge above. .They, were George Rey For loss ot life or both hands, both feet, one hand and one toot or other injuries, as speci fied, wrecking or disablement of a railroad car or street car. er passenger steamship in which: insured is traveling as passenger. For loss ot life or both hands, both feet, or ether injuries as specified by the wrecking or disablement of a taxlcab, or automobile stage operated by a II censed driver in which Insured is traveling as tare-paying passenger or when in an elevator provided tor passen ger service. . j ; For toss ot lite, both hands, both feet, etc., fey the wrecking of a private automobile of the exclusively pleasure type in which the tn sered la riding er driving, providing snch an tomoble is not carrying passengers for hire: (B) By being struck down or run over while walking er standing on a public highway. Ad diUoaal protection specffled In- policy. ccIilyS Payments Ease Period of-DisabiUty ' For 38 weeks, if the insured sustains injur-, ies by the wrecking ot a taxlcab or antomo-' bile stage In which the insured is riding as a tare-paying passenger. ; For IS weeA. U the insured sustains injuries by the wrecking et a private automobile by being struck, knocked down or run ever while walking or standing on a public highway by the eollapse ef the outer walls et n building by the burning of a church, theater, library or school. Hospital benefits, as specified in the policy. Additional protection specified in the policy. i ' - i I Application .1181 THE OREGON STATESMAN, , ' Salem, Oregon. .Ton are hereby authorised to eater my subscription to The Oregon Statesman for one year from date. It Is ' understood that The Oregon Statesman is to be delivered te my address regularly each day by your authorised carrier and X shall pay htm tor the same at the regular established rate. . -i.'. V - :- ? 1 am not now a subscriber to The Oregon Statesman I am now n subscriber to The Oregon Statesman ) '( ) Renew Policy NAME ... ADDRESS CTTT .. C e i OCCUPATION BXNXTICIART ,.x RELATIONSHIP I am enclosing a payment et Policy tee. I in t receive a fll.4IA.00 Travel Accident Insurance Pol icy issued by the North American Accident Insurance Company at Chicago, IlUnoia,v . - . vV ,' . ; . ; iM Subscriptions nolds of Lake Placid, former Col gate halfback; Paul'Steer, a Har vard student; Robert Downs, an experienced climber from Saranac Lake,; -Trooper Robert Ward and Trooper Robert Upton! ' i " Hop Harvest Opens In Yards at Suver WiikPicIdng Good L; SUVER,. Aug.: 89. Dane Pur- vtne -started harvesting his hops Monday. A. Crocer started Tuesday. The hops are good this year j ;.;:t , The A.' F. Richter threshing crew threshed jrraln ' Monday for IL F. Covey and Louis Kutch. O. A. Rice, who had a parly tic stroke August 21, is reported to r be much better. Report Filed ifem Pearce fil ed his final account as executor bf the estate of the late George Patterson Marshall yesterday, in come to the estate was $1318 and outgo 1501 in expenses. There re mains 8S10 for disbursement to the heiraf For Iruuranc . New Policy ......... ACE.....,, .... STATE,.. PHONE. . . ...; 1 Most Be Paid In Adraneel 4 t -4 7 V 4 'f i 4 ( H i A A