V- - r- -: -i : The OUEGQN STATESMAN, Salea Orejron. Wednesday Slomlns. Aunst 30; 1933 "! PAGE SEtE-I "-H.. -.-. i - 1 if.- Ft v. r S'l V..,' l Business Cards in this directory run on a monthly basja only. Kate: $1.00 per Una per month. . AUTO BRAKES Mike Pane-, the brake and shimmy rtwtor. 376 South Commercial Street. BRUSHES Wnller Brush Man. 1483 T strt. CATERING Ptrt Crary. the rwtiT.. Ph. t7S. CHIMNEY SWEEP TlTbKe 44S. R- R ywthn ' : CHIROPRACTORS r DR. O. U SCDTT.PSC, Chiropractor. tT, K. Htgh. Tgt Ro. 8S7. FLORISTS -t r nwM vaMbir booouKa futt- t eral wreath, decoiaUoaa - F. Breit- Iiaupt. florist. 77 uoun. aei.- , ' " ALL. kinds of floral work. Uits riar- GLASS Auto and window glass ntfirora, TaL INSURANCE BECKB HENDRICKS 11 N. Hiali Tel. 4947 "V; rrirFy:T-FatfITH. Km. In. Tel. LAUNDRIES f THB NEW SALEM LA17NDRT THE WE1DER LAUNDRY IS3 a Hiah. TeL 12 capital crrr lacndrt Virmt in Oualltv and Service TdTton Itl!) 12fr4 Broad wit LAWN MOWERS Khirtvnnl 'reosired and traded. HAB- 1 VRY W. SCOTT. -The Cycle Man". MATTRESSES lnttrt.ntm from factory to boms. Cot ton mattress. 60 lb. $.M. Renovators and fumigators. Bugs clesned. Capitol Bedding Co. Tel. b. -ih.. New msitress made to order, old re made : carpet cleaning, slam ; iron " rug weaving. Salem r itni tinfi BHtr, I tress Factory. 8. 13th vubur. Aei. 4 41. Ottrt F. Zwiokr. Eat 111. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL Pianos, radios, sewing machines, sheet music ana piano sio dies. Repairing radios, phonographs and; sewing machines. 422 State Street MEDICINE Charlie Chan Chinese Medicine Ok. 122 N. ComT I .ow &Uera T Ilardware. Ws havs .i irin nf harba for male and fe-1 s male disorders, kidney, bladder, stom- -, ach, every sickness, tiausuea eaiwm i y patients wm testify. uonsuiiuoD Hours Sun, 9-12. When Others Fail Nature's barbs for every llL H. & , Low, noted Chinese herbalist 478 S. Commercial Streatv Salem, Oregon. TtMihed since 1912 in Oakland. Calif. Consultation free. Telephone H58. Poors 9 to 6. Sua. 10 te 12 M Tr ' Cban Lam Chiness Medlclns Co. Hours Tuesday an Friday, 10:20 a. m. to 4 :3S l m. 14s w. uwnmnniTL ) BIUSIC INSTRUCTION SteeU Spaa. Guitar. Mandolin. A bs- y Sinner's dob every tu s: . able, educational, results. P. aieisinger, ass Statesman St Tel. 7186. ' PAINT AND ROOFING PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, cards, pamph lets, pregrams, books or any kind prtn t m. call The Statesman Printing Kpartmenv 31 Commerctal. Tele- ' .REAL ESTATE BECKB HENDRICKS, Tel. 4947. - no a nuwwffllST A CO. - 'V fthsr TeL 6468. ' BOCOLOFSKY SON ' ,,.if SOi-S rirrt Nat'l. Bk. Bldr. Tel. 7807. " stoves y: ja mtnm venairiaaT: Stoves Kinds ?fVove wire fence, fancy and . uWssllo and Mrssjrea. slain, hop Dasaeus. ww-o, . feSein Fenco snd Stove Works. 363 y SHOE REPAIRING lxw --flees. Q1 work8jSComT. v:yrTOANSFER'-: " ' ; : FOR local or distant transfer storage, .n llll.Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland dally. ' . . t nnr Transfer Co. 326 Zt RtTTeL 7773. Distributing, for-1 warding and storage , our speciajty. ; net our rate). ..: . TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS Adding Mch .sold. Mated, .irepaireo. ununw "r. : fnftka A Short. 61S court. i-. aaaawaw- WELL DRILLING -M-a-mw-P-waaa rt a wst, SO- rears exMrlcmce, a&if-- rw 7. Bo 303 E. Tel. HOP "9 TJTAfORR FAMILY LEAVES . .nnnBTTDU A UM V 1 ! .t:" - wt' , --and Elizabeth Ann of Alhambra, Califs who have been visiting at tj ths nome or irs. iiiuuios I entS. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Settle - .. m-ier. hava -left After their re - turn to Callofrnia, Jnr. ana sars. k r.lmoro will leave lor Ames, S' T - v . .411 mmntata ' , AOWa. SUMS uw - i . j a v Tim stsra -4jBOCior s ucsico mw - : Statesman d&ssliicd Ads 7 y CaU9101 " Classified Advertlstas , Stasia lamttow par Haa.la Tbtm insartloaa par Six taswitlon -per Uoa..ar One moata par Maa. .i.a "ftnntmasr ctarta H Copy for UU pat . . erpted until C:S0 tat van Ins before pvbUealtoa tot cbtaaincallon. . Copy rs eelved attar ,01 Una tffl be ran nnder the aeadtei Too Lata to CJasslty. Tka Statasmaa assame no QaaacUl respgmwtJllftj for errors vhlea may ap pear ta adrartteamaBta ptro ashed te lt eolanasr an te cases srbara UUa paper i at fault will re&rfcJt that part ot an adrertlaeineat ta watch tba typecrapkleal t&lstaka ocsara. The 8tatttaaa reaanraa the rtrbt to reject ohjee Uooal adrartUlnc. It far ther raaerrea the right . to eSasstfy an adTertlslat un der the proper classnVa tioa. HELP WANTED MALE "Wood cuUts, for old Or, Silver Falls.' John Mack. SubUmity, Ore. HELP WANTED FEMALE Experienced working- housekeeper without Incumbrance. Write refer ences, are. sxuerlence. Box 281, Statesman. Watnan for housework and cars of baby. Tel. 1MF12. Norse or women with nurslna ex nertrace. If Tou hare sales ability and want permanent position with good in come, address liox zo. care Bisies man. SITUATIONS WAN7TED WANTED Brick, tile or fireplace work. Tel. 44. 144 N. Front St. wwwwwiwnwawMM Refined girl needs work, clerking. some typing. TeL 4288. FOR SALE Miscellaneous oi ninan tin luindlA. StAteaman office. Saw gummicg and sharpening K wxwowwwwwwwxwwmw Gravensteln apples 2494 N. Front Canning peaches. Slappies now on. Orchard prices. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. , . ' Canning Peaches Now ready at Waconda Corners and Mission Bottom Orchards. ' Brttt AspinwalL RESTAURANT MEN? ATTENTION! TA1I" fixtures and equipment of the newlv-eanlBoed ' Salem Bohemian - will be for sale. Everything is to be sold to the walls at tOe on the dollar, piece by piece, Job lot, or as a whole, In, eluded in the sale: York Ice Machine; 33 foot Counter and Back Bar with J Stools; Booties and Tables; Dishes ; Glassware : Silverware. - AU sorts ot Kitchen and Electrical equipment can at -j.ne spa, or uwu For sale. team. 4 and 6 years, gen tle, well broke. H. C. Hammer, R. 1.I Box 160, Salem, Ore. Cash registers for rent typewriters, adding machines, rented, repaired, ex changed. 227 N. High. WANTED MisceBaneona WANTED To buy walnuts and fil berts. 1855 N. CapitoL MISCELLANEOUS Hair cut 25c Joe's Barber Shop. 154 1 South Church street t m w s ptcar up asaa, woruuess norsea. sows, so sep. Tew 4569. Expert haircut ting, 30o and 15c 303 3. Winter. $105--$250 MONTH. Government post-depression Jobs. Men-women, 18- 60. steady, unaniy now. tsampie coaching and list jobs FREE. Apply today sure. Box 1372T, care States man. FOR RENT ROOMS Rooms. TeL 6678. 698 Court St Rooms TeL 3723. 725 Court ROOM AND BOARD Room, board, for men. TeL 6769. Board, room. Near P. O. 8483. New management "Tate House," 1141 Center, by Mrs. E. G. Lanta. Room and boat;. Rooms, board In comfortable home, also table board. 492 N. Summer. FOR RENT APARTMENTS Patton apartment, downtown dis - trlct cool, clean, comfortable, private bath. Very reasonable. Call Pattoa's Book Store. 8 rm. turn, apt TeL 6825. . Furn. 2 r. apt 2261 HaseL TeL 7664. 5-rm. 1st floor apt 1411 Court Nice small apt. 688 Center. FOR RENT HOUSES j. w3s9wAssl1sSkn Houaeo. Imoiiw td? N. Com'L i.nuim hrniu il SS afvrfl. SMlwm. i Rti7, BOX 227.--. . I I 1980 West Nob HM, 315.60; 380 Electric, 88.00 ; 1940 Boutb Blgb, A A -a a 4jg O-hSw. n.ts. SA A A . AV.VVa AV-V C7UUl.ia a2lU flV.V 1 1330 i7tn. fzo.ooi tea w. isuv fzv. ; P. H, B-XL, 335 Oregon Bldg. XSL SS03 a MMWw)MWMMM W VMM .. Furnished house. Inquire 1398 Court I Mem hou-e, $20, 1446 Broadway. i-ntvaad onfura. hoosea. R. A. l-nenri6ll N. Cottaga, TeL 863L wrt Tjrrr ns v. 1 AH newlr kalsomlned. Large wahnrt 1 " "B-- CadweU, i .w. . -..-.-.-wm - uoaern nouse iso ri. 16th st hla I '''wVMww wwwiiimmmwi . I WantA - ar-aitv Mtiu m -. I . . . . . .-, - .w.. j nouse, garage. Close in. Adults only. - WANTED TO RENT - asajsassjssassjhse ssjsssssjsissaTsaBiassssssvssi HESPQNS5CLE family . want Tear lease, with risht to -buy, small, dose- ln Salem larm witb Kaoa noma, Ad dress 41Z stock. Kxcfc. Bids. Portland. FOR SALE Real Estatt A sightly T-roora semi-modem home. basememV fireplace, beautiful grounds 120x182 feet, large fruit, nut trees, grape arbor, garden, aaraga. Near Jun ior hinrh and- two grammar schools, nice view, paved street Only $2251, terms, vwner, Kurai Avaane. Tai. 884, . 29 a. on paved road, good soil, fair xarm Mdsa, good-family orchard, - m cleared, stocked and equipped, 8300. 1700 dowa. lit a.. 14 miles from Salem, dark rich sou, good farm blare., fenced, tine gram ana clover uad. SCO per s. 340 a.. 30 ml. from Salem. . fenced with woven wire.- family orchard, fair xarm bJdss.. 5000 cords of wood. B0 a. in cultivation. 225 ner a. a. Z mi. east of Salem, small house. otner siogs.. truiL good sofl. well. $1575. MKL.VIN JOHNSON, 276 SUte St $2500 cash and some trade fee stock groceries or general merchandise. Dandy is acres. I room house, a-ood Duiiaiofta. living stream water, worth sisee, lor quick sals 81700. . Have ranay calls for houses, fur- nished and unfurnished. Also cash buysrs. E. E. BAT.T.TNQER K27 Court TeL soiTI Have sold others for cash. . Ulehtl eycis viuo. a-uvillXBS lKJlUJ2t.ni. " 1MsaesesseaiBvsssj 21 ACRES, five miles from Salem. A-l land, running water, ttmber lor own use, electric lights. A fine all around place. A real bargain at $3000.00. Terms, ft ROOM bungalow, near Canltol St. $1000.00. Very easy terms. lot ACRES ot choice Willamette silt loam, in very good location. 7 room house, large barn, water system. Let us show you this place. The crop I .T llieu ice 8TKICTI.X modern rive room bun-1 galow, fine location, . paved street! pa d. Can be bought at $3000 00. Tou m. t.i. k if,,i tw. J. F. ulrich CO. I 22S State Street TeL4 8S73 1 Completely furnished Devil's Lake cottage accommodating 8. Showen, fireplace, garage, 2 lota Inspection Labor Iay week end. Cash or terms. I A SUBURBAN SNAP S-A. 4 -A. cult, 1-A. timber. Fam ily orchard, some berries, good well, B-R. bouse, electric lights, good road, 8 miles out Price reduced to $1692.00; $550 down. RANCH TRADES 12-acres, fruit berries, grapes, all earare and noultrv house. Wants a I clear house In Sslem, or sell on terms. I a. uouu V" iaijm luv-acres. u-a. cut, nau tunoer and pasture. Running water, 7-R. I house, dairy barn and milk house,) price reduced to $60 per A, give terms. J 10 good cows go with place if sold this week. A dasdy buy. SEE J AS. W. SEARS, REALTOR t33 South High For sale or rent. 2 good 4 -R. houses Terms te suit 576 Locust St BUY TODAT 8 acres on main road, 2 miles from city, 1 room house,,, well, 1 acre cher-l ries, S acres wamuts yrs. old, best of soQ. Priced for few days st only $950. ' CHTLDS sV MILLER. Realtors 244 State St. Phone S708 SACRIFICE SALE Beautiful Falrmount Hill home in exclusive location, 7 large airy rooms, 2 lots with lovely shade trees, shrubs, etc. Owner has over $7000 lifted, For quick sale will accept $3750. $500 down, baL terma CHILDS & MILLER, Realtors 344 SUte St Phone $708 EXCHANGE Real Estate Clear property to trade for modern 8 rm. house in Salem, to $3,000. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon, BIdg. Tel 8903. WANTED REAL ESTATE M!????wwww' v an East side, ta exchange for fine home In Salem. CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 3(4 State St Phone 6708 Basin ess Opportunities j Restaurant for sale In best payroll I town In Oregon. AU modern with $10,- 000 equipment and plenty of business. Will take home in Salem and some cash, -Write owner New Kwallty Cafe, Oregon City. MONEY TO LOAN Borrow on personal piopeity ; repay Im monthly Installments. WILLAM ETTE LOAN CO Bute 11a 8-169. Sws Guardian Bldg. TeL 387T. PERSONAL LOANS MADB sn furniture, cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly. When n financial need see as before closing a loan. CORPORATION First National Bank Bids- Phone 8883. MONET LOANED ON AUTOS -Contracts Refinanced ' Arrange to reduce youi payments Ton keep the ear P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 4733 Salem. Ore. FOR SALE WOOD All kinds of wood. TeL 4413. l I I GUARANTEED DRY TeL 8008 Salem Fusl Co. Trad Cottsgs. - - Ash, fir and sale TsjL I64S. Phone Tracy's. 3986 for dry wood. giwthsah. Old flr. fir knots. oak. TsL 3678. I POLLY AND HER PALS Ashnr's Toxy- Idea r SBS. t-W-tw -jl as, - i , . -. . . - - ? - V- I W. i , " " .-.m--...Tul, , 1 I . M.VJil I - aw .iip-'l'' - -' tr toM : Fred Sroert Jloim'dt thaWfllamelta' Grocery Company that Jhls;face flrl Vaa; the llrst om vb ever, gaw.weazlar a rubber apron. ShV ptobablr the first one yon evet, saw" norklnt, waft Fred'g answer. The office (if Is at The Statesi man -would take the . prue . for hum mint. . . , .. . . 0' . ; -We were surprised , to., see the three clocks, .the , courthouse, Fomeroy & Keene's apd-. the one of the United $UUes bank all to-1 Kether yesterday. 4 Generally they all give us different time. ; '.- , O . Max Gehihar states that aU Sa lem stores are going to close next Wednesday Salem, day at the state ; fair, - Several i merchants n.A iiti ti4i fav fittVA -nnt been informed about, the closing. The rain this . week will help the chances for better weather for the fair next week. We saw our first fame of kit- ball Monday night. - Interesting. exciting, in fact very good. Q a few years ago we were seven "UUI B S"-""s uuui iiiuuuwft iu Forest Grove over the Wilson riTer road. A rough country and la Door toad but some of the finest timber we ever saw. Q Received a card from Judge ueorge Kossman yesteraay irom Sea Island, Ga. Says It Is a won derful place. ' 1 1 j A newsboy stopped us on the street last night and told us that he missed our column yesterday. Guess we had better keep on the job. These newsboys are our best friends and we must please them. Fell opening date will be Set Friday at the first fall meeting of the Salem Ad club, PERSONAL Madam Romine. spiritualist, palm 1st, tells all in love, marriage, bus iness. If you want facts; not promises. call on her for sdvice. Cottage 3, Riv. ernlde Auto Park, West Salem. FOR SALE USED CARS '27 Star touring car in good condi tion for sale cheap. TeL 7206. FOR SALE DOTX1E SCREEN DELIVERY Will take wood or livestock as part payment BORREGOS CAR MARKET 240 N. Liberty Phone 2688 For Immediate sale 1930 Ford coach. Oood condition, new tires. 22T N. Hljth NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that by order of the County Court I of the State of Oregon, for Ma- I rion County. James Ben Green I hii hnan annn1ntd (Tceninr nf ff, lttof wl11 mriA 4k...a c-. suv Ma w sa w aaA ws w mm ford Green, deceased. All per sona Itawlne- claims awalnat ! estate are hereby notified .to pre- I sent the same to said executor I at the office of Geo. A. Bhoten, Ml United States National Bank Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date ot this notice. Dated, at Salem, Oregon. Aug ust 23, 1933. JAMES BEN GREEN Executor of the Estate of Sanford Green, Deceased. GEO. A. BHOTEN 511 TJ. S. Nat'L Bank Bldg.. Salem, Oregon. Attorney for the Estate.' A.-2 3-30; S.-6-13-20. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OP MARION IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-) TATE OF OLIVER ELAM) BOND, Deceased. ) No. 8139 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administratrix of the estate ot Oliver Elam Bond, deceased, has filed- her final ac count In the Connor Court ef the State of Oregon for Marion- Coun ty, and that Tuesday, the 5th day of September, 1933, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the court room ot said court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for - the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement there of. . . - Dated and first published. August . i,.1933. HATTIE MAT BOND, Administratrix. MILTON R. KLEPPER and . ROBERT W. GILLEY, Attorneys A-Z-S-10-S-U. mSl)'. (gsCy! (wS&SSl -r-f WbSv lTM, lTrl 'M - g - r" Good Attendance and Many Displays . Mark 1 4thrti Event: at: MolallaS MOIiALLA, : Aug. Sa-MoUHa'S fourth annual flower show Satur day 'afternoon.' and evening- was well' attended,; and although the receat' hot winds had : destroyed manr' flowers in this locality, there was still left a profusion of blooms for the show. Jess Em mert, judge, awarded blue-rib bons for first place to the follow ing: r.: - For asters, Mrs.-Miles Wsde, Mrs. Orla Buxton, Mrs. Healey and Mrs. Oliver Bobbins; balsam. Mrs. Oliver . Bobbins; blaek-eyed susans, Mrs. George, Blatchford; chlnenals and ceemos. Mrs. Blatch ford: delphiniums, Mrs. Kate Ad ams; dahlias, Mrs. Buxton; phlox; Mrs. Bobbins; golden glow, Mrs. C. L.. Ireland; geraniums., Mrs. Jack Ftary. . - Gladiolt, Mrs. Blatchford, Mrs. J. Peterkin, Mrs. Buxton - and Mrs. Alfred Olson; galarula, Mrs. Blatchford: hollyhock, "Mrs. F. Sehsfer; helenium, Mrs. .Blatch ford; lilies, Mrs. Bobbins; marl golds. Mrs. J. C. Warrick and Mrs. Blatchford; nasturtiums, Mrs. J. O. Staats; pansies, Mrs. Buxtqn; netunias. Mrs. John Comer: prin cess feather,; Mrs. Ofafcn; white rose. Mrs. Staats; sweet peas, Mrs Otis Foglesong; salpeglossis, Francis Emmert: scabiosa, Mrs Buxton; snapdragons, Mrs.. F. M. Henriksen: trumpet vine, Mrs Olson ; verldium and fever fWi Mrs. Comer; verbenia, Mrs. o glesong. Zinnias. Mrs. Kate Adams, Mrs. Buxton, Mrs. Healey, Mrs. Rob- bins, Mrs. Olson and Mrs. Comer; porch box, Mrs. E. Davidson; peerless pig weed, Ralph Kolman Jr.; luncheon table, Mrs. F. M. Henriksen; library table, Mrs. Blatchford; mixed bouquet, Mrs. Buxton; fern, Mrs. Balph Sawteil; potted plant, Mrs. Staats; and in dividual floor display, Mrs. Oli ver Bobbins. Special group displays were en tered by the Molalla grange, the civic club and the Brookslde uar den club. BREAKS ARM IN MISHAP SILVERTON, Aug. 29 Pauline Johnson is carrying her arm in a sling as the result of an automo bile accident in which she figured at Canby a week ago. Miss John son's arm was broken. " NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the County Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, as Executor ot the last will and testament and estate of Mary J. Reust, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as such executor; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at my office, 203 Oregon Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon within six months from the date ot this notice. Dated at Salem, Oregom this 23rd day of August, 1983. RONALD C. GLOVER. Executor of the last will and tes tament and estate ot Mary J. Reust, deceased. A23-30 S 6-1 3-29 Radio Program Wednesday, August 30 ROW. Portland 620 Ks. T-.00 Orgaa soaeert KBO. T:20 Organ concert, NBC. 7:45 Ronald Back. 8:05 Soloist NEC. 8 :15 Old Memory Box, NBC. 8:30 Merrie Man, KBO. S :80 Cooking school. 10:00 Barak Kreiadler. KBO. lOflS Ranka fop Children. HBO. 10:30 Woman's Msgaxins ot the Air, NBC 1 -is Taai no orchestra. NBC 8:00 Jack sod Loretts Clemens, KBO. 8:20 Friendly Chat 4 :80 Life aad Soa.s ef Stepkea roster, 5:00 Highland Lassie. 0:80 The Arkansas Travelers, KOMCv 7:00 Amos 'a' Aady, NBC 8:30 Cottoa dob orchestra, KBO. SlSO Clun SCalaidoseone. 8:35 Edgewater Beach hotel orchestra. 9:00 One Man's ramuy, atsu. 9:80 Frsnees Inrram. 0:45 WsIU Time, NBC. 10:15 Anson Weeks' orchestra, KBO. 10:30 Oid Portland Landmarks. 10:35 Aasea Weeks orchestra, NBC. 11 :00 Sid LIppmaa's orchestra. NBC. KOAOorvallis 550 Ko. 7:00- Moraiag xneditsHcms. 7:30--8eannlog the HeVdliaes. 81OO Morsing Concert 9:00 noma Economies Observer. U:00--Eetter Health snd Longer life. 11:80 Morning Msttnae. UrOO A-Non iVrm Hoar. p:00 As Ton LUs It with Astsony Eswer. 2 :80 The Hem -makers' Half Honr. 0:45 Oessvievs Bassi-Osskias, erTsa 1st T:15 Stories that Seleses Tells. V; SO Farm Boar. 8:15 Philosopher ef the Crossroads.v lRGERFRESHGGS ARE Buliish r Deeiopnients Ignofeci Wheit"; .DeduitiLinut A CHICAGO, lac.' 1.-ABTZZ Grains Ignored general! ballisb," devetfiuTmesta today and lliiulda-f tion forced all cereals, sharply lower in Price.- ,.v-. -: -. ' Led by' wheat- with a decline of fire cents a bushel, the maxi mum, allowed In oae. day's trad-, ing. the grain market ' displayed a. weak and uncertain tone. An nouncement that Secretary of Ag riculture Wallace bad tentatively ordered , a '15 per cent redaction In the United States 1134 wheat acreage imparted- some, strength to wheat at the outset, but -per slstenf liquidation ' of September contracts finally led to ' a sharp break near, the close. ; Wheat -closed weak and "14 to Sfi" cents below yesterday's finish, corn also . weak and 1 to 2 down, oats 1 to 1 off, rye Z to Z lower. - Closing' quotations: Wheat September 84; -De cember 8T -8 8; May 92. Corn September 48-48; De cember 6$-; May 59-. Oats September 87; Decem ber S-; May 42-42. General Markets PORTLAND. Ore. Aag. 29 (AP). Frodae exehaace. net prices: Batter. extras 20c; standards 19c; prime tints is; tints it; egf, xresa extras z-e; tress aiedioas ZOc Portland Grain POBTLAKD. Ore, Sept 72 lec. 77 Ang. 29 (AP). 73 70 70 77 75 75 Casa wkeat Ko. I: Big Bend Shiestem, 70: dark hard winter 12 pet. 80, 11 pet, 71; soft white, western wait, sard win ter, northern spring, 68; western red bo, Oats: o. a white, fZ4.oo. Cora: Ko. 3 E yellow, 824.50. Millron standard, $18.50. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 29 (AP). Butter Prints, extras, 22e; standard. 21e, . Bnttertat Portland delivery: A grade 19c lb.; fsrmer's door delivery, 17e per lb.: sweet cream, 5c higher. Et Pacific Poultry ProdBcers sell ins wriee: Oversiie 24c; extras 22c; tn darda 20c; medinms 20c; pallets 16c doxsn. - Baying price by wholesaler: Fresh extras, 20e; mediums 10c; sader crsda 10c: wallets 10s dozen. Cheese Vi score Uregon triplets, lie; lost 12c lb.; brokers Will pay e be- m q notations. Milk t onrrsct prices, 4 pet., Portland dehvery. . $1.70 cwt. ; B grade cream, S7e Is. . Country meats selling price te retail ers: Cenatrv miles hors, nest satcaers, nnder 150 lbs.. 7 -8c; veslers, 70 to 100 lbs. 9i -10c; spring lambs 10H lle Ib.a yesrliors 4-5e lb.: heavy ewea. 2-30 lb.: medium eows, 5-6e lb; csnner cows. 3-Se lb.; bans. 4i-5e lb. Uobair Buying priest 193S eiis, im lb. Casesra bark baying price, 193S peel, 2e lb. Hops nominal, 1 933. 40- 5e 10. LiTe ponkry Portland delivery J Vsy ing prices: Towl pnUets. 5 to 0 lbs. 18c; ever S IDS., lie ; spring paueta, an aer 34 lbs., 18e; roasters, evwr Stf Ibe, 14e: lexsora fowls, ever lbs., sc. and under 3 lbs- 8e; broilers, 1 te 2 lbs., 8a. 2'lbs. and up. I3e: stags, sc: roosters. Sc: Paris docks, 8c; colored docks. 8c; geese. Be lb. Unions Waua walls, l.zo-i.s eea- UL New salens Walla Walls, si.40-z.oo eeartaL. . - Potatoes Local white sad red. si.ov cental ; Takiasa, $1.50. CsataKnraes Dillard stsnuarL si. 10: Tahima staadards, S5-85e crate; Ballet, SSe-Sl erats. Wool 193S rllo. nominal: Willamette Taller. 2S-25e lb: eastern Oregon, 16- 1 IK aanturn Idaba. lS-20e Ikv Hav Baying pries front producer: Al falfa Ke. 1. sew crop 917; clever. He. X, $14; Willamette valley trmetsy, is easts ra Oretoa ttstoUiy, 918; ssts sai grain, $1S tea. ' ; 1 Portland Livestock POKTLAND. Ore, Anr. 29 (AP), Cattle, neei-ia. 25. calves 10. steady. Steers, common and mediaaa. 3.00-5.50 ; kaifers. coaunoa snd medium. 2.50-4.00; em. eoausea snd medfum. 2.00-2.50: low eastar sad eatter. .75-2.00; common sad mediam. 2.00-4.00. Hors. receipts; 450; aroand 25e lower. Licktweirkt good and choice, 6.00 S.75; snedinm waicht rood and ebeics. 5.25-5.65 r heavyweight gsod aad choice, 4.75-5J5. Sbaen. reeelots. S00: steady. Lambs, good sad choice. 5.50-6.15; common and medium, 4.00-5.50. Stoclcs and Bonds August 29 STOCK AVEBAOES Today 9S.S 54.8 80.S 89.0 Previous day 97.T 84.4 88.9 S9.4 Week sco 94.2 51.9 88.9 SO.T Tear ass 66.8 84.0 105.8 68.8 8 years ago 167.8 120.9 222.S 100.7 Hiah 1933 102.1 68.0 118.7 9S.9 Low "1933 42.8 23.5 61.5 43.9 Hhrb 1982 72.3 S9.S 111.0 T3.9 Low 1932 85.1 18.8 51.S 85.0 BOND AVERAGES Today 75.6 80.S 84.1 80 Previous day 75.8 81.0 84.S 80.4 75.0 81.3 85.1 80.7 69.4 73.0 .84. T5.7 94.3 10S.5 100.7 101.3 77.1 S4.t S8.5 83.5 65.5 67.0 74.1 SS.S Tl.8 78.0 86.3 T8.1 53.2 47.4 10J 87.5 Week aco Tear ago 8 yrs. sse. High 1938 Lew 198S RiC. 1933 Low 1933 SalenlLIarfei -V Grade H "tawf: 4 "fnnk; co-op pool price, $340 per . jfHflk taseA es sesU esfaly SatUrfst -evaraga,) : ' ltstribator price f I.70 B 1 1 er f a t Top 18c, prists 21c, cabea 25c rilees satd w erawevs t Sstrsi bsyers Asasst 3V , fTse rtsas aaw. ars& a saesi aer. ara fSHttcatWe ef the 8sfly Bxavkrt TVavtrjx asm vtotTUUs String Was. local. lb. JOWL VaSaaga. w4. ..... .to. l.wo Oraea Seppei'S. -loesi." lb. . . , .... ... .OS reas. eeast, in. M Oaiosa.. Soa. asaeass . , -15 Petataas, leeal 1 w ta ISS bettsca. local . .so to Jz Pscsl Saaad J .00 to 1.15 , IL , -. as Oaiaas, Oalix, cwt- Cetery. Soa. ABplea. Gravessteias .,, .15 On seas, Vsteseias, finey 8.00 te 8.50 rises sacs 1.7 S ts U Beats, local, dos. ta TBrsips,JocaV erats , ... .. - UO Carrata, loeaL sax. J Spinaaa, lacsl. erats , A5 U .60 Baaaaaa taw aw stack , .SO Haass , .. JO Cucamhers, sathoase, box .75 LseaL dos. ... .. .. 2 Caassleases Grand Ialssd .. .TS lafssas " Llsves, frask 1.00 Avaeades, crate ,, a ii 1.00 1.00 .4$ 25-30 .75 t no ,, .70 2.25 Sqnass, Italian, crate Bnmer, crate Tomatoes, The Dalles Local. No. 2 Blackberries Peaches, local, an. - Faacnes. Cslii erate Kff plant erats Gnpet, seedles , Cora, leeal. dot. . jOS . .os .1.40 . AO Dssabss. Is. Seedless grspes, lor Hors Top. 1932. lb. EOG8 Baying Prices Extras Standards Ksdisms . .19 as J7 .04 .10 JU8 .07 .11 .13 POULTXT Old ssnsters . Colored hens Mediant hens Light bens , Lefhorn fryers Colored tryars . StZAT Spring lambs, top...-., ..5.00 5.50 -toes, top First eats 5.25 4.7S Second eats Pigs Rteers Cows 4.50 to .04 te .0214 to .03 .08H .07 H .OS .01 .02 Balls Dressed vesL top. Dressed hors OSATJI AST HAT Wheat western red , , White. So. 1 .63 .63 16.00 20.00 22.00 Barlep, top, toa Oats, ton Oats, milling, ton Hay. bayms snees Oats and vetch, toa .18.00 .13.00 .13.00 Alfalfa valley 1st cot Clover hsy -WOOL -Tedium .25 .28 .20 .01 .03 Coarse . Mohair . CA8CABA BABK Green, lb. Dry. lb. MARSH IS VISITOR MACLEAY, Aug. 29. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. C. Tekinburg have had as their guests, Mrs. T. F. Marsh and son James, of Port land, and F. M. Wade of Ta- coma. Mr. Wade owned what is known as the "Early place" in the early day. The Earlys pur chased the farm from Mr. Wade. Mr. Wade is passed 89 years of age. Uncovers III rK 'Wft-j rv l,t-l Mill t . -. II , , I 4 t" III' Yt'K" 'A - f LS r - Miss Helen Schaeffer, director of the Children 's Service Bureau of Tulsa. Okla who recently revealed that a "baby market" exist ia Tulsa, wherein babies born out of wedlock were sold for adoption at prices ranging from $70 to 1100. Inset, Mrs. Mabel Basset, State Commissioner of Charities and Corrections who caused an Investigation of the matter. It is alleged physicians took money as "cost of hospitalixation.1 Heavy Poultry Storage Reflected ; Sweet Potatoes Down ; ; PORTLAND, Aug. 29.-r-AP) There was a shortage of larger -fresh' eggs. In the fresh pallet : stock the market Indicated weak- . ness. - . , J - Trading In the nutter market was generally without . quotable change for the day either on the open market or on the exchange. Make was slightly decreased here but . storage- totals were greater along the coast. Heavy storage stocks of poultry along the- coast were reflected but das pit this a late advance has been noted in. California prices. This has somewhat stiffened the local trade. Storage stocks throughout the country were greater. " Early onions a were crowding the eastern trade. Walla Walla stock was lower here again. Fractional reduction - in the price on Dillard cantaloupes was made during the day, a nickel be ing cat off former values at 31-10 a crate. This was 2 5-3 5c-higher than other cantaloupes. Steadiness continued In the market for potatoes. Local stock was in abundance and was moving out well at quotations. Very little Yakima stock was offered but prices are steady. Old crop was also steady. Sweet potatoes were down te Sc pound. Small pickling cucumbers were sharply higher. Country killed meats were un changed with only beef dalL Pear market was Uov at $1.15 1.25 for pack Yakimas. t A Tomatoes appeared a trifte easier with heavy Yakima sup plies. NEW YORK, Aug. 29. (AP) Leading speculative markets came under pressure today, al though late rallies caught u Bome of the slack. The break in corn and whea was the cue for rather lively of ferings of shares which caught a thinly supported market foi many favorites and at one time losses of 1 to 6 points were gen eraL However, grains firmed moderately from their lows and stocks staged a late recovery when President Roosevelt's gold order became public; closing changes averaged into a smsi' net loss. Turnover reached 3, 117,950 shares. Homestake led the processlo wlth a rise of 16 points to a record high above 300. Alaska Juneau, Dome, Mclntyre and U S. Smelting also perked up, the last named more than cancelling an early break ot some half dozen points. Baby Market By CLIFF STERRET ' ii"" .-uVa i SPECULATIVE MAnTS PRESSED Bill M 4 ' 4 i ... Jt 4 y ----- M i 1 t r t i 7 college. au n. i-oeny &b fr .. . . . . . .