i Th 07f!no:? rrrATTIAN. Saha. Ortren. Wcgagp.y ETorala Acres! 53; 1933 m. .vtM:Vt;y r4 , page nvn i: r 1 v Li pcie Beta Chi Alumnae Honored Salem and alumnae' members of. Beta Chi were entertained Monday ' night ; at the chapter house br MIm : Margaret Sarage X and Mia v Josephine . ' Cornoyer, - 1 Joint . hostesses.- r1- Tt i-.- . rail flower -and BOtt MthU ' made the rooms attractlTe. -Miss Dorthr Dels: assisted -be hos teases da serrlnt. ;' "y -vsk-;''. Alnnniae aiembejs'present were Miss Rosalind .Van Wlntte;;MIss Eloise White. 'Mlse ila- Cation. ? Miss Franeee Hodge, Miss Efta Roberts, tMisg Loretta Ffa her, Y Mrs. Russell Metford,' Miss' Fare Cornntt. Miss Miriam Ar ml tare. V Miss Florence Power, and Miss -Gaynelle Beckett. . Actire. members Included -Miss Dorthr Datlr. . Miss Louise ' Flet cher. Miss Helen Boardmao, Miss A J e r 7 m TJpstoir, Miss Virginia Wassam. Miss - Esther rsihhorrf ,5 Miss Margaret Purrine. Miss Ro berta Mills, and hostesses. Miss 4 Margaret . Sarage and Miss Jo sephine Cornoyer. LLKLEIM; Club Frolics at Springs The L.I.K.E.M. club motored to , Breitenbush springs over the week end for a picnic and birth day celebration honoring Mrs. Minerra Holcomb. A potluck luncheon was served at 1 o'clock after which swimming and sightseeing were enjoyed. Special guests of the club were Mrs. Elizabeth. Pound, Sam Ber t kte. Roy Fuson, Paul Johns and v Ralph Sturgls. Club members V making the trip were Mrs. Mln- erra Holcomb. Jxonor guest, Mrs. Luta Fuson, Mrs. Iry Johns, Mrs. . Katie Stnrgls and Mrs. Etta Burns. . ' a a a . v Royal Neighbors Club 5 To Meet Today The Royal Neighbors sewing club, meets today -at the country home of Mrs. La Verne Siala on the Wallace road. Members are asked to bring a covered dish for luncheon and table service. It will be an all-day meeting. Those without transportation will meet at the fraternal temple at 11, where cars will be provided. - Reunion Dinner Happy Event of Monday A happy reunion dinner for three brothers who had not Been etch other for three years was en joyed Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry King. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kin? of Yakima, Mr. and Mrs. George King and daaghter 'Gwen dolyn of Portland, - Dr. George Ritteman and Miss Margaret King. Pattern Rv ANNE ADAMS : ''of the moment.. In sleek bltck or nnM At th lustrous fall sn.taee. ihis model would make np smartly for the jaatron. Its lines and de- ytaiis flutter ana sienaerue . . . note oar tlcularlr the eotitted aeamlna: and semi-belted waist line. A chla rever of contrast, yiovet sleeves and a front skirt I canel claim distinction, too. ; 1 qcjJZr A S3f - 1 Pattern 153 1 is available ln- sizes 3638,i 40, 42, 44 and 46. , ci.s tl Vm fnnr varila S9.lTUn h77 Wv. " " - m . a ll 1 - ' xsoric ana ts jrr cuu t V lustrated step-by-etep sewing in structlons Included with this pat- tern. ; : - sod rimis. cexts iiM i eaiwt mr slaapi (eotot prtfrr4) for .1.:. A .m Aini '- MHtM. VwttM- plaialr u, addrM n4 ttrfe W. . BE SUBK TO STATE 8IZB. ADAX3 rATTTRJI OOK fMtara S chsrmiat oile(iB A rAla.l (iMIurL klHU Inckft. AMflill. v I ir- eieine w ynir j Jitr. ad tkttraetinns fr makinf a chia awaater. BHSD FOB XUUK rCOPT. PRICE Or CATALOa fir TEEN CEXT8. - CATALOG AND DlTTftS T(V5ITHEK TWEKTT. FIVE CEXT8. AaJret ardert to The Oraroa Statetataa Pattara Dapartaent, S4t Watt lltk fit, Xav Tork City. Mews ancl Club Jessie Steele,' : S'.'t SOCIAL CALENDAR - ' 1 ' Wednesday, August SO , 'i-- Berean bible class of First Presbyterian church . homecoming at home of Mrs. C. P. Bishop, 785 Court street, i:30 p. m. . ... ; : r'vri.---: : August cirele of Jason Lee Ladies Aid lee cream , social at parsonage, 860 Jefferson street; 5 to 1 p. m. : . ' Leslie Can Do's, potluck dinner at home of Mr. and : - Mrs. It E" Bosell on Crolsan Creek, S: IS p. ra. Briag. . sandwiches, table service, and covered dish. In ease of rain will be held tn basement of church. ; . i" , Royal Neighbors sewing club all. day meeting at country home ot Mrs. LaVerne Slala n Wallace road. Members asked to bring covered dish and .table service. Cars leave fraternal temple at 11 a. m. y Cadena dob meeting at Y. W, C. A., 8 p. m. -.A. A. TJ. W. board meeting at home of Miss Leila ..Johnson.: ' - ; . . r Thursday, August SI ; Aid society of Women's Relief Corps meets at home of Mrs. Cordelia LaBare. .- " Missionary society of First Christian church meets in church parlors, 2 p. m. Group under Mrs. E. C. Case in charge of program. F. L. club meeting at home of Misses Lulu and Myr tle McClay. ' Marlon auxiliary of Veterans ot Foreign Wars, Post C61. meeting at home ot Mrs. Henry Fin, 3S4 South 24th street, 2 p. m. W. C. T. U. basket dinner at 12 o'clock, home of E. J. Prescott, 1064 Oak street. . If weather unfavorable at W. C. T. U. hall. Friday, September 1 Free lecture on home economics at Nelson Hall, 381 Chemeketa street. 2 p. m., by Mrs. Jerome W. Crays. Card club of B. P. W. club Friday night at home ot ;Mrs. Lillian Cadwell, 1196 S. 14th street Englewood club meeting at home ot Miss Bertha Schreiber, 1110 N. 2lst street. Speaker, Mrs. C. C. Bunch. Women's Alliance of the Unitarian church business meeting and social tea hour at home of Mrs. Everett Eggleston, 1076 South Liberty. 2:30 p. m. Neighbors of Woodcraft meeting, Fraternal temple. 8 o'clock. Hal Hibbard auxiliary of United Spanish War Vet erans meeting, 2 . m. in armory. Saturday, September t D. A. R. covered dish luncheon, 1 p. m., home of Mrs. Herbert J. Ostlind. Each member bring table service and covered dish. Phone 7151, Mrs. Carey Mar tin, for transportation. Rain Moves Guests at Potluck Indoors Inclement weather persuaded guests bidden to a lawn potluck dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Wright to eat Indoors Tuesday night. Bridge was enjoy ed following dinner. Present were Mr. and Mrs. H. O. White.. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Glea son Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Delano, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daue, Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Olson, Mrs. Eloise Rod erick, Miss Eloise Wright and hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Darld Wright. a ' a Mrs. Beatty Hostess For F. L. Club Mrs. Joe Beatty entertained the F. L. club last week end at the Kirkwood farm near Hopewell. . Swimming and dancing were the diversions. Guests of the club were Miss Edna Stortz, Miss Gwendolyn . Hubbard, Miss Bar bara Davis and Miss Lucile Kirk wood. Members present were Mrs. Glen Harbaugh and son. Miss Lulu McClay, Miss Myrtle McClay, Miss Helen McElroy, Miss Jeanne Cladek, Miss Hazel McElroy and the hostess, Mrs. Joe Beatty. a D.A.R. Plans First Fall Meeting Friday Daughters ot 'the American Revolution will hold their first meeting of the fall Friday, Sep tember 2, at the home ot Mrs. Herbert J. Ostlind. The ladies will gather tor a covered, dish lunch eon at 1 o clock, to wntcn eacn member is asked to bring a cov ered dish and table service. Mrs. C. C. Clark will give a report of the state meeting at Champoeg held last May. Mrs. Claude T. Ellison with the social committee is in charge of arrange ments. Those desiring transporta tion are asked to call Mrs. Carey Martin at 7150. a a a The Loyal Women bible class ot the First Christian church met in the church parlor last week tor a business and social . meeting. Mrs. R. L. Hart led the devotions and Mrs. Flora Clark. Mrs. Arthur Welch and Mrs. Ryan had charge ot refreshments. Present were Mrs. Cora Hunt, Mrs. T. C. Crabtree, Mrs. Flora. Clark. Mrs. E;W. Cooley, Mrs. D. B. Simpson, Mrs. R. L. Hart, Mrs; Eugene Wood, Mrs. Martha Hash, Mrs. D. . D. Olmsted, Mrs. E. C. Cas& Mrs. Altha Smith, Mrs. Stel la Gabbut. Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Arthur Welch and Miss Martensen. Talbot Mrs. Eva Wlnterman tel entertained v Saturday after noon at luncheon in honor ot her mother, Mrs: Sarah Blckle, en. her 86th birthday, and Mrs. C. C. Marlatt on 1ier 87th 'birth day. Bidden were Mrs. Charles Meier Sr., Mrs. William Scott, Mrs. Ray-. Reeves. - Mrs. Nellie Simpson, Mrs. Nye, Mrs. George Marlatt, Mrs. E. J. Freeman. Mrs. Eva Dumas, Mrs. Ethel Bllnston, Mrs. W. L. Wash and Miss Uene Bllnston. . .... Miss Florence Power and Miss Jean White of Portland hare re turned from a month's trip into California. They visited In San Francisco, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Long Beach and as far south as San Diego. ..Misses Margaret and Dorothy Stevenson have returned to their home in Portland following a stay of two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McKlnley. Ten days of the time were spent at Neskowln. Mr. and Mrs.' Donald Faber were in Salem for a day this week on business. Mrs. Faber was Leola Johnson before her marriage. Mr. Faber is athletic coach at Ash Society Editor Cadena Club to Meet At Y. W. Tonight The Cadena club will hold Its first meeting of the fall tonight at 8 o'clock at the Y. W. C. A Mrs. M. B. Wagstaft will give a talk on her visit to the World's Fair. Miss Mar7 Maley, president of the group, and Mrs. E. Gallaher, secretary of the Y.W. will be joint hostesses. Any girl employed In house hold service is Invited to at tend. The Women's Alliance ot the Unitarian church will meet for a business and social tea hour at the home of Mrs. Everett Eg gleston Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. This will be the open ing meeting of the fall season. a Mrs. Fred Alban Weil has as a house guest for a few days her son, T. Eliot Weil. of Wash ington, D. C. with era IT The descendants of John F. and Nancy Galbreath held a re union at the home of Dr. W. Claire Brown in Corvallls last Sunday, 29 members being pres ent. A feast was enjoyed in the spacious yard at noon, and the afternoon was spent with music. furnished by members of the group, and enjoying . the "old swimmin' hole" nearby. John F. and Nancy Crist-Gal- breath crossed the plains in '65 and . settled . in Benton county. where they reared their four chil dren, Tom W., Daniel M., Jean nette, and John F. All are de ceased except the latter, Dr. John F. Galbreath of Portland. Those attending the reunion: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph O. Brown and Miss Louise of Oregon City; Dr. and Mrs. W. Claire Brown, Miss Lois and Dan, Corvallls; Dr. and Mrs. Arthur MacDonald and Kay., and Dr. Angus MacDon ald. Oregon City; 'Mrs. Adeline Galbreath. Monmouth; Mr. and Mrs. . Tom W. Galbreath and sons, Eldon, Lester. Paul. Joe and Jimmle, - and Miss Lucille Received at HELD S fi I ft H iiaj.ulrf iMiSb aat,i afcl tn.l, mu4m S. M. 8 5 Hi M. 2 Extra Sale m Oregon July 26 PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT ' : WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON D C WE ARE' ONE HUNDRED PER CENT FOR NEW DEAL! -. - 1: . . CPECHAH ; 3 inch Permanent French. Curl Senator Hotel Bldg. ; . ... Affairs a ; fc ... . Negro Quartette To Sing Sunday I At Church The Cotton Blossom Sin r era. four jo u n g men representing their . school. in ; JHnv WaaiIi. Miss., will appear Sunday night at 8 .o'clock at the . First Meth odist - church to : present a -pro-cram t at nerro snirltn&lft. Titan. tation melodies a a 4 '-. southern songs. ? - - - -. M wx ; .v, -".t r An invitation is eordlallT ex tended to .the ' pnbTle ; by., the Younr PeoDle's . Forum of the church, "-who are . sponsoring the singers, to attend . this exeep tionally .fine program.. "A ;sjlver offering will be received. - - Ubrary Bridge Benefit is Success Silrerton Ten tables, of auc tion and contract bridge were in play Tuesday' afternoon at the Charles Reynolds: home on West Hill, when the library board and wives of board members were hostesses at a ' benefit ' bridge. Large ' bouquets - of flowers were used .about the rooms and light refreshments were served during play, .Hostesses were Mrs. Rey nolds, Mrs. C. R. Wilson, Mrs. H. B. Latham and MrS. G. B. Bentson. Assisting the hostesses in serving were Miss Louise La tham and Miss Inez Reynolds. Mrs. Lowell Hoblitt won first prize at contract bridge and Mrs. Eroll Ross won first at auction. Other guests included Mrs. C. W. Keene, Mrs. William Ferrin. Mrs. J. C. Currie, Mrs. William Ser vice, Miss May Service, Mrs. E. Banks, Miss Olive Banks. Mrs. D. C. McCleary, Mrs. Elgin Mc Cleary, Mrs. J. Jordan, Mrs. . R. A. Fish, Mrs. Herman Cramer, Mrs. F. Syring, Mrs. Robert Goetz, Mrs. Otto Aim, Mrs. F. M. Powell, Mrs. L. S. Campbell. Mrs. J. Stranix, Mrs. D. La Marr, Mrs. George Hubbs, Mrs. Alfred Adams, Mrs.' Lee Alfred, Mrs. P. Ryan. Mrs. F. Roubal, Mrs. H. E. Johnson, Mrs. W. A. Block, Miss Lillian Block, Miss Esther Towe, Miss Muriell Bent sen, Miss Stellah Dybevfk, Miss Elaine Clower, Miss Blanche Hubbs, Miss Lillie Madsen. Miss Althea Meyer, Miss Minnie Wash er, Mrs. Lillian Burnham. Mrs. J. Ballantyne, Mrs. ' R. A. Mc- Clanathan, Mrs. M. C. Woodaid, Mrs. C. EL Ross, Mrs. W. E. SatehwelL Mrs. H. R. Irish and Mrs. P. L. Brown. a a a Miss Olive M. Dahl, dean of women at Willamette university, has returned from Epworth, Wash., where for two weeks she attended a seminar. Previously she had been enrolled in classes ot the summer session at Berkeley, a a a The Hal Hrbbard auxiliary of United SDanish War veterans will meet Friday afternoon, Septem ber l, at Z o'clock. Reports will be given on the national conven tion recently held in Los An geles. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Perry are spending the week at Rock away. They plan to return Fri day. Prough, Aumsville; Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Galbreath and Jean, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gal breath and Betty, Start on; Miss Marcelle Fox, McMinnville, and Mr. and Mrs. Dwignt Hoag, Mon mouth. OUT TERM. IS VIEW Democratle leaders here yester day said they felt certain there would be no change in the Salem postmastershlp until July 1, 1034. Postmaster John Farrar'a . com mission expires then. Farrar, un der civil service for 40. years, will be eligible for a postal 'Job. His retirement time is net far away. Democrats most talked for the post are W. A. Deliell and Henry Crawford. Both have been active in their work tor the party. Del zell recently wen a good position under Collector ot Internal Reve nue Moloney in Portland. Whether Delzell still wants the local post is not known. He served several years as , secretary when Walter 'Pierce was governor sad Is very friendly with the congressman. - H 1 SERVE .WESTERN union; ; - - ......... - - HANNA KALKE BEAUTY OPERATOR , THE SENATOR-BEAUTY SHOP - SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT . isoini PHHWEtO With 300 Crates Daily of Cants Moving;' Club : ' Meets Saturday y GRAND ISLAND, Aug. 29. Large trucks have been employed the past week, taking the early C r a w f o r d peaches from the Schlndler 4 5-acre orchard of five year old. trees to market. Track gardeners who have large acre ages ot muskmelons are picking between 200 and 3 00 crates daily for. the market,". " r ; The regular monthly1 business meeting of the Grand Island Im provement club will , be held t the schoolhouse "Saturday .night, September 2. Plans . are under way xfor as program to be pre sented br; a group of represen tatives from the Doolittle Ser vice Station In Salem. Starts Cora Harvest C. A. Rockhlll began picking Monday morning' In his 3 5-acre field ot improved Golden Ban tam sweet corn, which will be delivered toHhe cannery at Hllls boro. Vv- The Rer Chester Ditmer of Cincinnati O., spoke at the Unionrale Evangelical church Sunday morning. He was accom panied by Will Branson Ot Sa lem. In the afternoon they held a service at the Wheatland com munity hall and in the evening at Unlonvale. I LABISH CENTER, Aug. 29. Robert De Gross sustained a frac ture of the large bone ot his right limb Monday morning when he was thrown from a horse. He was taken to Salem tor. medical treatment, and is confined in bed at the temporary home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. De Gross, who are at a Salem auto camp. Robert has been visiting at the home of his aunt and uncle, the Clyde Leedy family, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boehm left Monday morning for DeForest, Wis., near which place their home is located. They have been visit ing at the H. E. Boehm home. The steps in front of the schoolhouse were torn out and re placed last week. The Christian Endeavorers will hold a business and social meet ing Friday night at the W. R. Daugherty home. ICE CH SOCIAL TALBOT, Aug. 29 The SidU ney-Talbot Farmers' Union met Friday in the Talbot schoolhouse. Plans were made to give an ice cream social September 15 at the schoolhouse. The program consisted ot trom bone solo, Raymond Johnston; harp solo, C. F. Johnston; read ing, Eldon Turnidge; comic skit, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cochran and Virginia Belknap. Hoppicking started Thursday morning In the David Jacobson 1 5-acre early yard. It win be a week before the other yards start Six girls ot the Good Cheer Sunday school class presented the play "Janey" at the Talbot school- house Sunday night before a tun house. The girls: Marjorie Cole, Phyllis Cole. Virginia Belknap, Kreta Calavan, Lolsel Mathews and Hine Bllnston. September 15 is Date of Douglas Harvest ot Prune . The Douglas eonnty prune crop, a bumper one this year, is quite late and - will not see harvest until September 15, re ports Earl Pearcy. Pearcy and H.. R. Jones returned recently from British Columbia where they handled the dried blackcap and loganberry deals, respective ly. . The blackcap harvest there was large and many were dried, but Logans ' were short due to winter kill. Only a small amount of loganswent for wine purposes this year,as the 113 S crop Is still being Aged for wine uses. IMA df gross Tiinnwrj FROM LOT H . . 1 i4MC mu . " , S r ia gi i mi i i .a NOTICE . 1, . Telephone 5818 V j ; & i If . VI. ' 1 f 7 s -ar MBaBMaaajamajasSHMBBaSI R ' jTIM v. S A "w GLEANING IN WHEW FIELDS , Despite official denials of a threatened food shortage, Soviet authorities muu w conserve xno current -wneac crop in Knssuu A array ox 100,000 children has been mobilized to aid the harvesting and to protect the crop against thieves. Stories are current of children causing the arrest of. their own parents in line with their duty to the state. For this the children are rewarded with books and clothing. They are housed and fed on the Soviet collective farms, where their principle duty is to garner the kernels of wheat left behind by the reapers. It is significant that in the face of official denials of food short " ' " . age, the price of bread recently increased 100 oer cent in Ramim. on VIEWED Oil TRIP TO P Bright patches of flowers blos soming within eight feet of a snowbank, blue heather, scarlet Indian paintbrush beside a stream these are pictures stamped on the minds of Ed Daugherty, su perintendent of mails at the Sa lem postoff Ice, and- his son, James, age 15, after their recent visit to Jefferson park. Over the 12 mile pathway, "well-cleared and good, for a mountain trail," Daugherty says, they hiked from Skiff's camp at Breitenbush where the Daugher ty family was spending Its vaca tion. After three hours In the federal preserve at the foot of Mt. Jefferson, the two returned by way of the same trail: a 24 mile trip by foot in the moan tains and three hours in the park all in one day. This was the sixth trip into the park for the elder Daugherty, who found it no less beautiful and interesting than his son who viewed it this year for the first time. The Daugherty family return ed Monday from Breitenbush, where they reported both camps to be doing a splendid vacation business. PERMANENT WAVE 2.00 Croqulnole Ringlet End Push Wave. This price only until national code becomes effec tive. MILLER'S BEAUTY SHOP Phone 7953 K M Child Army Aids Soviet War i. i , . i DIMMER INTERLUDE County Plant To Handle Big Pack Tomatoes A huge quantity of tomatoes will be pnt up by the county's portable cannery following a shut down over Labor day, it was an Helena Robiostria wit i 'A of sending her personal representative, who will be delighted to meet you in our toiletries depart ment and talk with you on these all-important matters of feminine beauty Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week. How to take care of your skin with pure, safe beauty preparations; how to make-up to that the highlights of your loveliness will be accentuated, the less attractive points subordinated; how to give yourself quick, refresh ing beauty treatments that wil rest you and pick you up between social engagements. In these things and any others that have to do with youth and beauty, she wifl instruct you, gladly. Do come in and meet her. Ask her beauty questions, get the benefit of her personal advice, let her create espe cially for you without obligation a flattering Per sonality Make-Up. Capital Drug Store J. H. State Liberty Street ANNOUNCING the Opening of the 7 y ir gmi a SHOE STORE , - - t ) . ? i Thursday .August 31 129 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. DISTINCTIVE STYLES , at POPULAR PRICES that you can afford f 5 to pay! WE SPECIALIZE IN X - . SHOE FITTING on Famine - lis J . . SOVIET SCHOOL CHlLDJitN have taken extraordinary precaa- nounced at relief headquarters yesterday. Quotas fir individual families will be raised above the bean quotas when the tomatoes are preserved and the heavy can ning schedule may call for night operation. The string bean pack probably will be finished Thursday or Fri day at Stayton where the cannery, is now operating, - . WORLD-FAMOUS BEAUTY AUTHORITY IS DOING . US THE HONOR WILLETT rhene Silt RAY iLee land high" school. :